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A Study Presented to the Faculty of Sta. Elena High School

Senior High School Division

Marikina City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the course Inquiries,

Investigations and Immersion


Westin John C. Santos

Emmanuel P. Traqueña

Gabriel Luis M. Ymasa

Juliana Maureen A. Serrano

Jenica Iris G. Tamayo

May 2022




fulfillment of the requirements for Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion for Senior

High School is hereby recommended for oral examination.



Approved by the Thesis Committee on Oral Examination with a grade

of ______ on May 2022





















The completion of this study would not be complete without the participation and assistance of

the teacher and respondents. All the contributions are deeply appreciated and acknowledged.

Nonetheless, the researchers would like to express their appreciation, particularly for the


To Ms. Dalia C. Canteros, for the endless support and understanding throughout the research.

To all the respondents that wholeheartedly contributed to the study by answering the given


Above all, to the God Almighty, for his countless love and guidance through this journey.


This work is the result of numerous and arduous sacrifices. Through the researchers’

effort, This work is sincerely and proudly dedicated to those people who serve as an inspiration.

From parents and guardians, to classmates and circle of friends who extended their assistance in

the midst of difficulties while doing this work.

We dedicate this study to our 3Is adviser, Maam Dalia C. Canteros, for being an

organized and supportive coordinator of the research, her guidance and supervision of all those

involved in the research is truly unparalleled. With all her advice and motivation amidst all the

pressure and stress, the accomplishments of this study were in a lighter feel, giving the

researchers encouragement as they completed it.

Above all, to our Almighty God, who has showered us with His blessings in our daily

lives, — especially for the strength, courage, compassion, wisdom, time, and guidance in

carrying out this work.



Social Media platforms are considered as a great source of information, especially to

students because of its accessibility and wide variety of data. However, due to the fact that social

media is open to the public invites the thought of facts being altered, thus, unreliable. This study

was conducted to investigate the awareness and vulnerability of students on the reliability of

social media in providing factual information. The study employed the descriptive survey

method using questionnaires with open ended questions involving the Grade 12 students of Sta.

Elena High school, Metro Manila, Philippines. Respondents (n = 58) were selected from the

undergraduate student population, and were stratified by their chosen tracks. Based on the data

gathered, the majority of the students consider themselves as reliant on social media platforms

like facebook and tiktok, and most of them observe information that are focused on societal

issues. However, students have discerned social media as unreliable because of claims that are

untrue, misleading, or biased. The students perceived that the main reason for misinformation

and disinformation online is because of factors like varying sources, beliefs, culture, and trends.

In spite of the unreliance, they practice viable measures like checking various and credible

sources to come up with valid and genuine information. Overall, the study reveals that social

media is unreliable in giving consistent truthful information. However, the students prove that

they possess a high level of awareness through easily distinguishing false information and

utilizing measures to find the truth.

Keywords: Social media, unreliable, descriptive survey method, reliant, misinformation,

disinformation, credible sources, awareness, factual, internet.


Chapter 1


Background of the Study

As the years go by. Technology innovation becomes prominent in addressing common

societal problems and making day-to-day tasks more manageable. An example of this is

communication. Through innovation, the creation of Social Media transpired. Social Media is a

service or platform that allows users to communicate either from one-to-one, one-to-many, or

many-to-many through the internet. Social Media is known for interactivity and connectedness.

It has now become an integral part of people's daily lives. Social Media is widely used for social

interactions and reading news and information. Therefore, with the invention of social media, the

information generating and sharing process has been dramatically improved among different sets

of people from all lifestyles (Kwahk and Park, 2016). In January 2022, 58.4 % of the global

population, or 4.62 billion individuals, were using social media all over the world (Kemp, 2022).

Social media has become the dynamic worldwide medium and is used as an innovative tool in

getting information across the globe.


However, social media does not always spread truthful information. As individuals gather

information about a specific topic or issue, there is a high chance that they will stumble upon

false claims and biased articles. According to Professor Clarissa David of the College of Mass

Communication of the University of the Philippines, fake news on social media can be classified

as misinformation and disinformation, where misinformation refers to false information which is

unintentionally disseminated on online platforms. In contrast, disinformation refers to incorrect

information used to convince online users to favor a group or individual political perspective.

According to We Are Social and Hootsuite, digital 2019, 63% of social media users in

the country are between the ages of 17 and 34, females make up slightly more than half of the

total percentage. Around 13% are between the ages of 35 and 44, while about 11% are between

13 and 17. Only about 12.3% of users are over the age of 45. Approximately 76 million Filipinos

out of a total population of 107.3 million have access to the Internet. Roughly 97% of these

netizens use Facebook, while only 54% use Twitter. Through this data, we could see that

Facebook and Twitter are the most used social media platforms in the Philippines to collect


Social media platforms that focus mainly on videos like TikTok and Youtube also have

millions of consumers. According to Youtube, Filipino consumers aged 18 and above have

reached 45 million by September of 2021. They also claim an increase of 25% in the watch time

of Filipinos from April 2020 to April 2021. While TikTok, a social media platform that got

famous in the first quarter of 2020, has 36 million Filipino users and 226.8 million users in

Southeastern Asia aged 18 and above as of January 2022.

The general intent of this study is to determine how reliable enough is the information we

are getting from Social Media. This study will mainly identify and assess the credibility and the

reliability of the Internet from giving factual information to fake news. This research will focus

on grade 12 students who use and get information from the web daily. The researchers will use

online survey questionnaires to get the students’ responses. The researchers will not conduct a

face-to-face examination to prevent physical contact to act in accordance with the community

quarantine guidelines during the pandemic. The researchers aim to finish the study by the end of

the school year 2021 - 2022.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1

The moderators are the home sites in which facts and information are stored. It shows the

current news outlets and social media apps in which people are constantly tuned in whilst

gathering information and current situational knowledge. The moderator controls two factors; the

antecedent and the outcome. Antecedents is one of the variables that exist before the other

variables in which the research is based on, the result of it could be generalized on the outcome.

The two are related and could be an outlier between the moderators, but in the case of the

following situation mediators are involved to compensate for the change in which they could be

dealt to. Mediators that are used could help describe the ability of the user and the researchers in

identifying and analyzing certain uncompensated results during the input process.

Several aspects of the framework could be categorized into two; First, the dependency of

each element to the mediator is emphasized as it is the groundwork that could be used to identify

possible outcomes changes due to different manifestations of social media in consuming daily

information. Assumptions and hypotheses are also generalized to contribute in creating a better

flow of the overall framework.

Second, most information gathered is part of the integral work in which the research is

relying on. Information such as; social media sites and pages are used to be part of the

framework in order to simplify the values and stray away from conflicting ideas and elements

that are discussed and cited.

Statement of the Problem

According to We Are Social and Hootsuite, digital 2019, more than 73.91 million people

use and obtain information from the web daily. However, questions have been raised about the

credibility of Social Media as a source of factual information. The focus of the study is to assess

the reliability of Social Media platforms when it comes to Providing Factual Information to

Grade 12 Students of Sta. Elena High School. Specifically, it aims to answer the following


1. How reliable are social media platforms when it comes to providing factual information?

2. What are the factors that affect the reliability of Social Media in providing truthful

information to students?

3. How do the students distinguish factual information from fake news on social media?

Research Hypothesis

H0 = The information from social media is not reliable and useful to the Grade 12

students of Sta. Elena High School.


Significance of the Study

This research is of great significance in the field of social media platforms as it may help

students determine if the information from the internet is legit or not.

Students would mainly benefit the students, since it will provide information regarding the

reliability of social media in giving factual information to Grade 12 students. The research

intends to benefit the Grade 12 students by determining how reliable social media is when

sourcing information for their academic studies.

Parents use this as a guide when it comes to using social media and help cultivate their

children when getting information from the internet. The information would help them formulate

some preventive measures to help their children from getting false information from the web.

Sta. Elena High School - The study will help the Sta. Elena High School students distinguish

between legit and false information from the internet for their academic studies.

Internet Users may use this study as the basis of fact-checking if the information is from the

internet. As a result, the community will be encouraged to promote proper citations and lessen

the spread of false information.

Future Researchers can make this study as a reference who aspire to expand their knowledge

about The Reliability of Social Media in Providing Factual Information to Grade 12 Students.

The data gathered from this study can provide helpful information that can be used as a future

reference. They can improve the presented study or conduct further research about it.

Scope and Delimitations

To centralize the study's respondents, Grade 12 students enrolled in the academic year

2021-2022 will be the main subject of the data gathering process. The research is designed to be

qualitative as this focuses on understanding the opinions and experiences of students and

analyzing the non-numerical results that the researchers have gathered. The study subjects are

Grade 12 students who use social media to gather information and struggle due to

misinformation and disinformation when collecting their preferred information. The respondents

will come from Sta. Elena High School in Marikina City will be asked to participate in an

interview, where researchers will ask questions. The researchers will create and conduct a survey

questionnaire and use Google forms as a medium for data collection. In administering the survey,

the researchers will ask the students about their social media experiences to gather information.

The respondents will answer in open-ended discussions and questionnaires truthfully. The

researchers will analyze their responses to conduct a conclusion for the research.

The study will not cover other Grade levels in Sta Elena High School. The main reason

for choosing Grade 12 students is that the researchers believe that Grade 12 students are at the

right age to have any knowledge regarding Social media information and in the same grade level

as the researchers. The respondents will consist of thirty (30) Grade 12 students from ABM,

HUMMS, and STEM. Due to time constraints in conducting the research amidst the pandemic,

the number of respondents is chosen. The data gathered from the respondents are only based on

their current knowledge, opinions, and beliefs.


Definition of Terms

Biased articles - contain partiality, preference, or bias in favor of or against a person,

thing, or idea.

Disinformation - is false information that is purposefully and often discreetly transmitted

(via rumors) to alter public opinion or obfuscate the truth.

Facebook - a social networking website that allows users to communicate with friends,

work colleagues, and strangers online by creating free profiles.

False claims - occur when a person willfully makes a false statement or claim to obtain

an advantage or reward.

Information - knowledge gained by exploration, study, or education.

Misinformation - incorrect or misleading information.

Social media - interactive technologies and digital channels that enable the creation and

sharing of information, ideas, hobbies, and other kinds of expression through virtual

communities and networks.

Tiktok - a social media platform for short video creation, sharing, and discovery. Young

people use the app to express themselves through singing, dancing, comedy, and lip-syncing, and

it allows them to make videos and share them with others.

Twitter - is an American microblogging and social networking website in which users

post and interact with messages known as "tweets."


Youtube - is a social media platform made by Google that allows a user to share, watch,

and upload videos.


Chapter 2


Technology has changed how people obtain information on a daily basis especially to

students, who are the consumers of Social Media. It has helped the society as it has now become

an integral part of people's daily lives. It has been widely used for social interactions and reading

news and information which makes people’s lives easier. However, not all information we get

from the net is truthful and reliable. This chapter aims to discuss the existing literature in the

field that relates to the research aims and research question of this study. It exhibits the

significant literature and studies of the following search executed by the researchers to have

substantial definition and comprehension of the Reliability of Social Media in Providing Factual

Information to Grade 12 Students.

Usage of Social Media

The rise of social media has had a wide range of satisfaction for its users' daily lives. For

instance, it has changed how people stay connected and acquire information. As we transitioned

to the early 2000s, more and more individuals engaged in using social media platforms. Social

media has been the most increased usage as a source of information (Westerman, Spence, and

Van Der Heide, 2018) and has become one of the most common ways of interaction. Social

media platforms have emerged as the utmost instrument in communication and sourcing

information that allows users to connect and share information in an easily accessible manner

(Keshavarz, 2020). The Internet plays an essential role in the exchange of information online. It

is used to convey a range of various types of information, including Sensitive Information,

Sensational Information, Political Information, and Casual Information.

One of the most significant qualities of social media is the ability to instantly share

information among a broad group of users. Social media is used to gather information on serious

issues, such as disseminating up-to-date information about cholera outbreaks in Haiti and

locating clean water sources during this outbreak (Westerman, Spence, and Van Der Heide,

2018). In a general manner, social media is defined as a new movement of technologies and

networking that enables a revolution of a global community (Ariff et al., 2018).

Sharing information was once done through manual means like writing letters and

sending them through couriers. However, this changed through the advancement of technology.

Social media is different from traditional media in the past, such as newspapers, radio, and

television. Its unique characteristics of massive information, rapid transmission and openness,

and communication and interaction have quickly become the main platform for information

release (Sun, 2021). Social media, when used correctly, is an extremely useful tool. It has the

potential to offer exciting opportunities for its users. The new logic of social media runs around

different concepts such as self-production, user-generated content, social connectivity, virality,

incidental consumption, affective audiences, and datafication (Casero-Ripollés, 2018).


Reliance on Social Media

The evolution of social media has been fueled by the human impulse to communicate,

which brought growth in digital technology. People are using more socially based information as

a result of advancements in social media technology. By influencing the decisions of both

consumers and managers, social media is moving opinions and influencing choices (Keshavarz,


Social media has grown in popularity in recent years and made people dependent on the

information they find from social media platforms. People have become more reliant on online

technology advancement, which has become a mandatory practice in their daily lives (Ariff et

al., 2018).

Pew Research Center suggested that "people use online social tools to gather information,

share stories, and discuss concerns" (Westerman, Spence, and Van Der Heide, 2018). Those

people who use social media generally are not the only individuals’ considered social media

users. Users are not only the browsers of social media information but also the producers and

publicists of information (Sun, 2021). In other words, Social Media is accessible to all people

who get and share information from the Internet.

Information Filtering

According to Sun (2021), the massive increase of social media information, the diversity

of communication platforms, and the quick change of communication channels in the new social

media environment draw more peoples' attention to the authenticity and reliability of the

information. The development of social media opened up unrestrained space for anyone to

expound their opinions, and this trend might weaken their credibility in sourcing information.

Social Media has enabled almost free access for all regarding information contribution. Anyone

has the potential to contribute to the information online on the web. This factor impacts the

quality of the information gained from the Internet. Therefore, the growth of social media has

accelerated levels of misinformation to a whole new level.

Casero-Ripollés (2018) stated that greater quantity does not necessarily imply higher

quality. Fake news on social media became extremely prominent and spoken about. Some have

pointed to the unreliability of information in social networks and complain that the quality of the

information is being undermined and that rumors and falsehoods can be instantly spread around

the world. Information filtering is one of the strategies for managing vast amounts of data that is

continually evolving. The goal of information filtering is to expose users to pertinent information

(Ariff et al., 2018). This presents several issues like filtering, attribution of relevance, and

contextualization. The efficiency of information reliability evaluation is improved, and new ideas

for the successful management of social media information are presented according to the users'

perception theory (Sun, 2021).


A study about the credibility of information on social media was conducted by

Westermen, Spence, and Van Der Heide (2018). The findings imply that people pay attention to

heuristic cues when making credibility judgments regarding material delivered via social media.

Still, with social media usage, individuals face a barrier in filtering information from the

overabundance of knowledge generated by the activities (Ariff et al., 2018). The spread of

misinformation in getting news from different sources is inevitable. New pieces of information

are published gradually, often starting as unverified information in the form of a rumor. Despite

being unverified, these rumors spread to a large number of users, influencing one’s perception

and one’s understanding of events. According to Ariff et al. (2018), there was a favorable

opinion of the benefits of using social media. However, aside from that, the results show that

most students agree on the impact of not filtering information from social media, which leads to

a lot of inappropriate values and attitudes.

As social media becomes more popular as an information resource, it is critical to

determine which platform is used to address various information needs concurrently with

activities (Keshavarz, 2020). Moreover, as people worldwide become social media users,

politicians are now spreading their influence on the platform. This objective oriented a large part

of the content production of politicians. The purpose is self-promotion, and the use of Instagram

is revealing in this sense (Casero-Ripollés, 2018). In other words, politicians can use social

media to spread disinformation to the population.



This research review aims to give perspective on how social media provides reliable

information to grade 12 students. This review is significant as everyone goes to the internet and

browse data, which is essential and changes how we view things. The fact that social media is

openly accessible to the mass makes information possibly altered for personal gain and leads to

misinformation and disinformation. It is clear from the research review that social media is

crucial in gaining and spreading pieces of information worldwide and has already been the new

way of interaction between individuals. It is also apparent that the individuals who rely on the

given information without proper analysis are prone to believing in fake news; therefore, filtering

of information should be done to manage all data and increase the probability of acquiring

pertinent information. This field of inquiry is all-important as its central concern is helping grade

12 students become aware of whether the information they get online is helpful and sincere.

Getting reliable information would help present rational arguments and boost everyone's

confidence, which proves essential to a student.


Chapter 3


Research Design

The researchers used a qualitative research design, specifically a phenomenological

study. According to Bhandari (2020), Qualitative research involves collecting and analyzing

non-numerical data (e.g., text, video, or audio) to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences.

It can be used to gather in-depth insights into a problem or generate new ideas for research,

where respondents answer based on their own experiences and observations. She also added that

phenomenological research is a method in which researchers investigate a phenomenon or event

by describing and interpreting participants' lived experiences. The researchers think that the

following approach and design explores and aims to understand the experiences of students and

focuses on certain phenomena or circumstances they are in, which proves to be suitable for the


Participants of the Study

The participants will come from the Grade 12 students of Sta. Elena High School, the

school year 2021 to 2022. In this study, the researchers used a technique called purposive

sampling. According to Statistics Solutions (n.d.), Purposive sampling is a sampling technique

used to find participants who can provide in-depth and detailed information about the

phenomenon under investigation. This technique is narrow to a specific topic of interest,

allowing respondents to answer the research questions appropriately. The process of selecting

participants is non-probability sampling, in which participants are selected based on convenience

or criteria.

In getting the respondents, they must qualify the following criteria:

- They must be Grade 12 students in Sta. Elena High School.

- They acquire and share information from different social media platforms.

- They are capable of answering the questions given in the survey.

- They are willing to cooperate with the researchers.

Sample Size

To know the number of respondents needed, the researchers multiplied the Total

Population by the percentage of needed respondents.


n = N( P )


n = sample size

N = total population size

P = The ideal percentage of respondents

n = 575 (10%)

n = 575 (0.10)

n = 58

The total population size of sections from Senior High School is five hundred seventy

five (575), but the researchers will only choose 10% of the total population who will be

participating in the study. In conclusion, the result will be the number of samples needed in the


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers used survey questionnaires to gather data to get more information about

the study. This tool is primarily utilized in research incorporating a person's various viewpoints

or personal data (Canals, 2017). The data will be gathered and examined by the researchers

digitally using Google Forms as a medium that consists of the following:

● Personal Information (Age, Gender, Section, and Strand)

● How reliable are these social media platforms in giving factual information to Grade 12

students for their academic needs

● The factors that influence respondents' decision to use social media platforms as an

academic tool

The respondents will have a maximum of two (2) days as it is enough time to answer the

questions in the survey. After that, the researchers can proceed in analyzing the data collected

from the students. The researchers will use tables, to sum up, and transcribe the data from the

google forms.

Data Analysis Tools

The researchers will gather data using one survey that consists of eleven (11) questions

through google forms for the respondents to answer. The data from the respondents' will be

interpreted and explained thoroughly in this research. The researchers will gather more data in

order to gain a better understanding on the topic “ The Reliability of Social Media” . The

researchers aim to identify the participant's feelings, thoughts, and opinions regarding the

information they get from the Internet.




This section is a summary of the results of the gathered data through the survey of the

chosen Grade 12 students in Sta. Elena High School. This chapter also shows the discussion of

the data gathered from the answers of the participants.

Figure 1

Figure 1 shows that the respondents belong to varying sections with STEM having the

highest number of respondents at 36.2 % followed by ABM at 29.3%, HUMMS at 25.9% , Arts

and Design at 6.9%, and Sports at 1.7%.


Figure 2

Figure 2 shows that all of the respondents are currently using social media.

Figure 3

Figure 3 shows that all the respondents use social media on a day to day basis.

Figure 4

Figure 4 shows that Facebook (94.8%) with a total of 55 respondents, Tiktok with a total

of 48 respondents (82.8%), and Twitter and Instagram having 46 respondents with a percentage

of 79.3 are the most used social media applications that the participants commonly use. Other

respondents also answered that they use other social media platforms such as Youtube,

Messenger, Discord and other social media platforms.

Table I

Question: What do you use social media for?


Christian Cedric Y. Josef Mostly for communication, Mostly for communication,

entertainment, and education. entertainment, and education.

Mark Simon Bonaobra For Entertainment For entertainment.

Myles Batumbakal To communicate and keep me To communicate and keep me

updated. updated.

Shedrick T. Mapaye For communication and fun For communication, fun

video or school activities video, or school activities.

Hajile As a source of information As a source of information

and a way to connect with and a way of communicating
people I care about. with people I care.

John Lloyd To get information and be To get information and be

updated. updated.

Jeidee Cuizon Entertainment, and a I use social media for

communication too. entertainment and as a
communication tool.

Allisson Tagle For entertainment and school For entertainment and school
purposes. purposes.

Juliana Bonus For entertainment purposes. For entertainment purposes.

Mikaela Cortez For learning and For learning and

entertainment purposes. entertainment purposes.

Jerick Nervar For entertainment purposes. For entertainment purposes.

Diana For updates/ lipas oras For updates or just a pastime.

Lindsay Ricci David Entertainment For entertainment.

Stephanie Mae R. Ramos To keep the boredom away, to I use social media to avoid
communicate with other boredom, communicate with
people, and to obtain different others, and obtain various
information. information.

Bianca Jade Datay To communicate with other To communicate with other

people. people.

Aira Communication and for For communication and for

research purposes haha. research purposes.

Carlenette Entertainment, Academics, For entertainment, academics,

Cooking, etc. cooking, etc.

Jhanelle Acob For entertainment and For entertainment and

sometimes for getting sometimes for getting
information about stuff. information about stuff.

Joel Micus D. Lolong Entertainment, For entertainment,

communication, learning communication, learning,
purposes, awareness, news. awareness, and news


Mark Adrian R. Cantuba Keeping up to date on the Keeping up to date on the

latest news, browsing latest news, browsing
information about something, information about something,
and for entertainment and for entertainment
purposes. purposes.

Trishia Bernardo For communication and For communication and

entertainment. entertainment purposes.

Weloi Info gathering, entertainment, For information gathering,

passing time. entertainment, or as a

Aeriale C. Dela Cruz For checking on recent news, For checking on recent news,
communication, and communication, and
researching information. researching information.

Chrystine Santileces News update, for For news updates, for

communication and communication and
informations. information.

Gello Entertainment For entertainment.

Bryan Estabillo To communicate and to catch To communicate and to catch

up latest information. up with the latest information.

Rafaella Fortit Communication, to gain For communication, to gain

information & entertainment. information & entertainment

Mark Joel N. For entertainment. For entertainment purposes.

Rhyza Marguerette Lapid Chatting, checking updates For chatting, checking

from different artists, updates from different artists,
watching videos, tweet ng watching videos, tweeting
kung ano-ano minsan random stuff, such as
problems or kapag trip ko problems or anything I like to
lang : D tweet.

Apolinar, Alvin To be updated on what's To be updated on what's

happening around me and happening around me, and for
pang-aliw. entertainment purposes.

Steven Sabado Entertainment, time killer For entertainment, and

sometimes, as my time killer.

Aron Jeric Cao For communication and For communication and also,
acquiring news and for acquiring news and
information. information.

Annika For entertainment and news. For entertainment and news


Wenesday Mendoza To lessen my boredom. To lessen my boredom.

Justinecarl Servito For online class and For online classes and
communicate my family and communicating with my
friends family and friends.

Gwen It is mostly for entertainment It is mostly for entertainment

and to gain knowledge about and to gain knowledge about
relevant issues presently. relevant issues presently.

Estrada, Denmark Andrei Communication with friends, To communicate with friends,

entertainment. and for entertainment

Maica Communication For communication purposes.

Trixie To keep up with the latest To be updated with the latest

news, for school purposes, news, for school purposes,
and to communicate with my and to communicate with my
friends and relatives. friends and relatives.

Jay Nicole For sharing information and For sharing of information,

make connections. and to make connections.

Voz, Patrick Luis F. It allows me to keep in touch It allows me to keep in touch

with friends and other with friends and other
relatives. relatives.

Nicole Balderama To communicate with others To communicate with others

and to learn something and to learn something.

Belle for past time and for the local For past time and the local
news or updates news or updates.

Juzmine To communicate To communicate.

John Jericho Naz To communicate with my To communicate with my

friends friends.

Roniel Del Valle Medrano Entertainment, For entertainment,

communication & school communication and school


Christine Navarette Entertainment For entertainment purpose.

Jaycie Franco It enables me to communicate It enables me to communicate

and stay connected with my and stay connected with my
close friends and family. I can close friends and family. I can
also acquire information on also acquire information on
current events so that I am current events so that I am
informed of what is going on informed of what is going on
in society, such as politics, in society, such as politics,
which is important to which is important to
understand nowadays in order understand nowadays in order
to choose the right president. to choose the right president.

Abigail Adaro Entertainment For entertainment purposes.

Apari, Aaron Rance C. To stay up to date with news To stay up to date with news.

Nicole Stodomingo Communication and Source For communication and

of information. source of information.

Khile Bueno Acads, Entertainment For academics and

entertainment purposes.

Imong pag ibig entertainment For entertainment purposes.

Angelie Baybayon for new info and other news For new information and
other news.

Marie Angeline Ajas for me to keep in touch with To keep me in touch with my
my friends and other family friends and other family
members and to be updated members and be updated on
on the news and informations the news and information
everyday. every day.

Marc Gonzales entertainment For entertainment purposes.

Rovy Cruz Communication, For communication,

Entertainment and School entertainment and school
Purposes purposes.

Mich Entertainment For entertainment purposes.

Most Grade 12 students of SEHS use social media for entertainment purposes. Table 1

shows the purpose of using social media by the respondents. People are now turning their back

on television toward entertainment gadgets, and social media is now home for content creators to

showcase their talents to a broad audience. According to the respondents, they also use social

media for communication, social media apps like Twitter and Instagram.

As Keshavarz (2020) stated social media platforms have emerged as the utmost

instrument in communication and sourcing information that allows users to connect and share

information in an easily accessible manner. Thus, the use of social media apps speeds up the

exchange of information and enables an interactive experience between individuals.

Figure 5

Figure 5 shows that 96.6% of the respondents have encountered getting or sharing

information on social media before and 3.4% answered that they didn’t encounter getting or

sharing information from the web.


Figure 6

Figure 6 shows that News/Societal Issues having 52 respondents (89.7%), 49 of the

respondents answered Political as the information they often see on social media with a

percentage of 84.5, Scientific information with 28 respondents (48.3) and Religion with 19

respondents (32.8%) are the kinds of information that participants often see on social media.

The respondents have also added other options of the information they often see on the internet.

Table II

Question: Do you trust the information available on social media? Why yes or why no?


Christian Cedric Y. Josef Sometimes yes, sometimes Sometimes yes, sometimes

no. It depends on where the no. It depends on where the
information came from. information came from.

Mark Simon Bonaobra No, because hindi lahat ng No, because not all
information that we will see information that we see on
on social media are worth to social media is worth trusting.

Myles Batumbakal No, some of the informations No, because some of the
are bluff and often no proof if information is bluff and often
it's certified. no proof if it's certified.

Shedrick T. Mapaye No, because sometimes it's No, because sometimes it's
fake information. just a piece of fake

Hajile Not entirely, because anyone Not entirely, because anyone

can use social media to share can use social media to share
information and even use it information and even use it
for their own selfish gains. for their selfish gains.

John Lloyd When it's I know that it's When I know it's reliable and
reliable and accountable on accountable for what they
what their post I trust it but post, I trust it; when it's false
when it's fake information no. information, I don't.

Jeidee Cuizon Yes and no, because there are Yes and no, because there are
times that those informations times that that information is
are fake and sometimes they fake, and sometimes they are
are true because they are from true because they are from
reliable sources. reliable sources.

Allison Tagle No because I know that not No, because I know that not
all of the information you see all of the information you see
on social media can be trusted on social media can be trusted
or a reliable source. or come from a reliable

Juliana Bonus Hindi masyado, kasi No, because there is a lot of

maraming fake news ang fake news online, especially
kumakalat lalo na sa panahon these days. We shouldn't

ngayon kaya kailangan na believe everything we see on

wag basta maniwala sa mga social media.
posts sa social media.

Mikaela Cortez No, because not all the No, because not all the
information given on social information given on social
media are credible and media is credible and reliable.
reliable. Moreover, the Moreover, the sources and
sources and domains tend to domains tend to be biased
be biased most of the time. most of the time.

Jerick Nervar No, we need to have a reliable No, we need to have reliable
sources of informations and sources of information and
think wisely on site we are think wisely about the site we
trusting. are trusting.

Diana Yes, but pag alam ko lang na Yes, but only if I know that
galing credible source. the information is from a
credible source.

Lindsay Ricci David No, not everything on social No, not everything on social
media is true media is true.

Stephanie Mae R. Ramos It depends if the information It usually depends on whether

is realistic, factual, based on a the information is realistic,
legit source, and is relayed by factual, based on a reliable
a trustable person. Not all source, and relayed by a
information on social media is reliable person. Because not
reliable so I find it hard to all information on social
trust it 100%. media is valid, I find it
difficult to trust it completely.

Bianca Jade Datay Yes if it has evidence and no Yes, if it has evidence, and no
if its just an opinion if it is just an opinion.

Aira No, because most of the No, because most of the

informations are secondary information is just a piece of
information. secondary information.

Carlenette Hindi, dahil hindi lahat ng ito No, because not all social
ay credible. Madalas hindi media information is reliable.
detalyado, kulang kulang ang They are not always detailed,
context, iba ang pokus ng lack information, and have a
impormasyong nakalimbag. different focus.

Jhanelle Acob Sometimes, but mostly no, Sometimes, but mostly no,
because nowadays there are because nowadays, there are

so many clout chaser people so many clout chaser people

on social media. on social media.

Joel Micus D. Lolong Depends on the sources It usually depends on the


Mark Adrian R. Cantuba No, since not all information No, since not all information
that came from social media from social media is factual.
is factual.

Trishia Bernardo Yes, if the owner of the post Yes, if the owner of the post
is credible and legit. is credible and legit.

Weloi Yes, as long as there's Yes, as long as there are

credible and updated sources credible and updated sources
attached to the said piece of attached to the said piece of
information so that it can information so that it can
personally be verified. personally be verified.

Aeriale C. Dela Cruz Sometimes yes, sometimes Sometimes yes, sometimes

no. Whenever I see an no. Whenever I see specific
specific information in social information on social media, I
media, I always try to do a always try to do a fact-check
fact-check to ensure the to ensure the reliability and
reliability and factful of the truthfulness of the
information because fake information because fake
news is prominent nowadays. news is prominent nowadays.

Chrystine Santileces Yes and No, sometimes some Yes and no, some of the
informations that are information that spread on
spreading on social media social media platforms is true,
platform are facts but there but there is also information
are also informations on social media that intends
spreading on social media just to defame others to gain
to defame other person just to sympathy from others.
gain sympathy from other

Gello Yes Yes

Bryan Estabillo No, because sometimes the No, because sometimes the
source of information is not source of information is not
credible. credible.

Rafaella Fortit Sometimes when they are Sometimes when they are
supported with reliable and supported with reliable and
credible source. credible sources.

Mark Joel N. Yes, but it depends if it was Yes, but it depends if it was
posted by a legitimate posted by a legitimate
account. account.

Rhyza Marguerette Lapid No, kasi minsan fake news na No, because sometimes, the
and gawa gawa na lang information from the internet
ganon. I always check naman is fake. I always check if the
if reliable yung source and source is reliable and also, do
also do some research. some research.

Apolinar, Alvin Yes, especially if I know that Yes, especially if I know that
its source is trustworthy. the source is trustworthy.

Steven Sabado No, because there are mostly No, because there are mostly
misinformation. misinformation.

Aron Jeric Cao Yes, dahil may mga sources Yes, because still, there are
din naman sa social media na reliable and trustworthy
reliable and trustworthy. sources. Furthermore, some
Atsaka, yung mga malalaking of the biggest networks
news network kagaya ng including GMA and ABS-
GMA at ABS-CBN ay CBN have their own social
present din sa Social Media. media accounts. In addition to
Dagdag pa rito, I only trust that, I only trust and share
and share information from information from verified
verified pages. pages.

Annika I only trust information from I only trust information from

social media that are from social media that comes from
reliable sources like news reliable sources like news
channels. channels.

Wenesday Mendoza Yes. Because whenever I saw Yes. Because whenever I see
infos, I would literally look information, I would literally
for it's sources to know if it is look for its sources to know if
legit. it is legit.

Justinecarl Servito Yes, because not everything Yes, because not everything
is fake news on the internet is fake news.

Gwen It usually depends. I trust It usually depends. I trust

sources who are credible and sources who are credible and
base on facts are based on facts
(scientific/research studies). (scientific/research studies).

Estrada, Denmark Andrei Yes, but not completely. Yes, but not completely.
Some information are not Some information is not

trustworthy, especially the trustworthy, especially those

ones that are unofficial. that are unofficial.

Maica Sometimes Yes, sometimes Sometimes yes, sometimes

No. There's information that no. There's information that
has a biased statement. As a has a biased statement. As a
student i must know the fact student, I must know the facts
and false information; by and false information; by
doing my own research. doing my research.

Trixie Yes, but not always because it Yes, but not always because it
is entirely dependent on the entirely depends on the author
author of the post to to determine whether or not a
determine whether or not credible source of
he/she is a credible source of information.

Jay Nicole No, because not all written No, because not all written
sources are reliable and be sources are reliable, and be
mindful of what they share in mindful of what they share in
terms of personal information terms of personal information.

Voz, Patrick Luis F. Yes, if the page is verified. Yes, if the page is verified.

Nicole Balderama Yes, if it has a proof to back Yes, if it has proof to back up
up the information that is the information stated.

Belle not every information in Not every piece of

socmed are true. somehow, information on social media is
some of this is not a false legit. Somehow, some of this
infos especially when the info is not false info, especially
came from a credible or when the information came
reliable sources. from credible or reliable

Juzmine Sometimes no sometimes yes, Sometimes no, sometimes

because there is a lot of fake yes, because there is a lot of
news on social media, fake news on social media,
depending on who posted it or depending on who posted it or
how true it is and if there is how true it is and if there is
proof of it. proof of it.

John Jericho Naz No, because not all in social No, because not all
media is legit information in social media is

Roniel Del Valle Medrano My answer depends on where My answer depends on where
the sources came from wether the sources came from and
its reliable or not whether it's reliable or not.

Christine Navarette No, I gather reliable No, I gather reliable

informations first before information first before
believing to it. believing it.

Jaycie Franco No, because the information I No, because the information I
see on social media isn't see on social media isn't
always reliable. I will trust the always reliable. I will trust the
information I see on social information I see on social
media if the article or website media if the article or website
is credible and reliable. is credible and reliable.

Abigail Adaro Yes Yes

Apari, Aaron Rance C. No. Because there are some No. Because there is some
information that cannot be information that cannot be
trusted and thos infos are not trusted, and that information
reliable on social media. is not reliable on social

Nicole Stodomingo Yes, but only on selected Yes, but only on selected
platforms. After all, some of platforms. After all, some of
these social media outlets these social media outlets
have gained credibility over have gained credibility over
time but, of course, we still time but, of course, we still
need to be cautious about need to be cautious about
some of the info we're some of the info we're
encountering. encountering.

Khile Bueno No, because sometimes No, because sometimes

people shares a fake news people share fake news.

Imong pag ibig no, because fake news and No, because fake news and
misinformation was common misinformation were common
on social media on social media.

Angelie Baybayon i only trust the information, if I only trust the information if
the page or site that post that the page or site posts are legit
is legit and not fake and not fake.

Marie Angeline Ajas for me, i would say no it’s I would say no because not all
because not all we can see we can see and read on social
and read on our social medias media are factual and reliable,
are factual and reliable, so we so we must be careful about

must be careful on what we what we see.


Marc Gonzales No because some of No, because some of the

information in social media information on social media is
are not true or not real illegitimate or not real.

Rovy Cruz No, there is no quality No, there's no quality

insurance when it comes to insurance for information
information found on the found on the internet.

Mich sometimes yes Sometimes, yes.

Table 2 shows the mixed response of Grade 12 students on the reliability of social media. The

majority of respondents said No, for they do not trust social media entirely because fake news is

rampant these days, and not all news outlets are trustworthy. While some respondents answered

Yes, because they only trust a specific news outlet for getting information, which they deem


For instance, Marchi (2012) investigated news consumption habits among teenagers to

find that social media was one of their main news sources. According to this study, teenagers

would also consume news through traditional media channels, but in a non-traditional way.

Specifically, they were more likely to stumble upon news on TV or radio than to tune into them

at a specific time. Furthermore, the way they consume news online is specific and more complex,

as they can go beyond the original story by clicking on hyperlinks to find additional information

or read comments other users post. Marchi (2012) also noted that the teenagers perceived

opinions and humor in explaining facts as an important component of news.

Table III

Question: When you use social media, are you able to distinguish which information is
real or fake?


Christian Cedric Y. Josef Yezzir Yes

Mark Simon Bonaobra Yes Yes

Myles Batumbakal Yes Yes

Shedrick T. Mapaye Yes Yes

Hajile Yes Yes

John Lloyd Yes, I first check the source Yes, I first check the source
of the post if the author is of the post whether the author
legit or not. is legit or not.

Jeidee Cuizon Sometimes Sometimes

Allisson Tagle Sometimes Sometimes

Juliana Bonus Sometimes not Sometimes not

Mikaela Cortez Yes Yes

Jerick Nervar Yes Yes

Diana Yes Yes

Lindsay Ricci David Yes Yes

Stephanie Mae R. Ramos Yes Yes

Bianca Jade Datay Yes Yes

Aira Sometimes Sometimes

Carlenette Yes Yes

Jhanelle Acob Yes Yes

Joel Micus D. Lolong Yes, cause I studied research Yes, because I studied
for about 6 years and will still research for approximately 6
count. years and will continue to

Mark Adrian R. Cantuba Yes Yes


Trishia Bernardo Yes Yes

Weloi Yes, as long as i research Yes, as long as I research that

about that piece of piece of information when I
information if i feel like feel like there's something
there's something wrong wrong about it through
about it through investigating investigating several articles
several articles with the same with the same topic if they all
topic if they all state the same state the same thing.

Aeriale C. Dela Cruz Yes Yes

Chrystine Santileces Yes Yes

Gello N/A N/A

Bryan Estabillo Yes Yes

Rafaella Fortit Yes, when they are cited or is Yes, when they are cited or
supported with credible are supported with credible
source. sources.

Mark Joel N. Yes Yes

Rhyza Marguerette Lapid Yes Yes

Apolinar, Alvin Yes Yes

Steven Sabado Yes Yes

Aron Jeric Cao Yes Yes

Annika Yes Yes

Wenesday Mendoza Yes Yes

Justinecarl Servito Yeah Yeah

Gwen It is easy in my part since I It is easy on my part since I

have knowledge to discern have knowledge to discern
which is true or not. which is true or not.

Estrada, Denmark Andrei Yes Yes

Maica Yes Yes

Trixie Yes, since I like to get more Yes, since I like to get more
information about situations information about situations

before believing what I read before believing what I read

on social media. That way, I on social media. In that way, I
can easily identify if the can identify if the person is
person is telling the truth or a telling the truth or a lie.

Jay Nicole Yes Yes

Voz, Patrick Luis F. Yes Yes

Nicole Balderama Sometimes no, but most of Sometimes no, but most of
the time yes because I base it the time, yes, because I base it
on the proofs that can back it on the proofs that can back it
up up.

Belle yes, i am able to distinguish Yes, I can distinguish that.


Juzmine Always, yes Always, yes.

John Jericho Naz Yes Yes

Roniel Del Valle Medrano Often I do research Often I research information

information to find wether its to find whether it's true. I tend
true and I tend not to trust not to trust the information I
information i just saw without just saw without verifying it.
verifying it

Christine Navarette Most of the time Most of the time.

Jaycie Franco Yes, I believe I am capable of Yes, I believe I'm capable of

determining if information is determining if the information
legitimate or not. When I find is legitimate or not. When I
information on social media, I find information on social
first check the source to see if media, I first check the source
it's true, so that when I share to see if it's legit so that when
it with others, it doesn't I share it with others, it
become fake news. doesn't become fake news.

Abigail Adaro Yes Yes

Apari, Aaron Rance C. I rather go to the other pages I rather go to the other pages
or news to have a comparison or news to have a comparison
between them. Because some between them. Because some
of them are real or fake. That of them are real or fake. That
is why we need to look more is why we need to look for
information. more information.

Nicole Stodomingo Yes Yes

Khile Bueno sometimes Sometimes

Imong pag ibig do your own research, dont be Do your research, don't be a
a villar Villar.

Angelie Baybayon yes, sometimes based of name Yes, sometimes based on

and others based in their info name and others based on
their information.

Marie Angeline Ajas yes Yes

Marc Gonzales yes Yes

Rovy Cruz Yes Yes

Mich yes Yes

Table 3 shows that most respondents believe they can distinguish real news from fake

news. Most of the respondents researched information themself and compared the news to others

to distinguish the real one from the fake one. According to a research conducted by Pew

Research Center shows that 57% of people expect the news they see on social media to be

“largely inaccurate” (Matsa & Shearer, 2018).

Figure 7

Figure 7 shows the factors that are most likely to affect the reliability of information

from social media. Starting at sources with 87.9%, followed by Trends at 62.1%, Beliefs at

60.3%, and lastly, Culture at 39.7%.

Figure 8

Figure 8 shows that only 74.1% of the Grade 12 students from Sta. Elena High School

relies on Social Media to gather information.

Table IV

Question: Yes or no. Would you rely on the information available from social media
platforms? Explain.


Christian Cedric Y. Josef No. Simply because they can No. Simply because they can
be easily manipulated or be easily manipulated or
altered. altered.

Mark Simon Bonaobra No. Because as I've said No. Because as I’ve said
before, hindi lahat ng before, not all information on
information sa social media is social media is valid, and we
tama and kailangan natin need to find a more credible
maghanap ng mas credible source for that information.

Myles Batumbakal No reliable source. No reliable source.

Shedrick T. Mapaye I would rather do my research I would preferably do my

so that I won't get research so that I won't get
misinformation on social misinformed on social media.

Hajile I do rely but not entirely I do rely upon but not entirely
because everyone can share because everyone can share
information and make their information and make their
own social media platforms but social media platforms, but
not everyone is a reliable not everyone is a reliable
source of information source of information.

John Lloyd Well I watch in the television Well, I always watch the
news always because that is news from television because
more legit and you know it is that is more legit, and you
reliable because before they know it is reliable because
show it to us they make sure before they show it, they
it's legit and true. make sure it's truthful and

Jeidee Cuizon Yes. Because sometimes one Yes. Because sometimes, one

can share a helpful information can share helpful information

that may change someone's life that may change someone's
or perspective. life or perspective.

Allisson Tagle No. Not all information on No. Not all information on
social media is true. social media is legit.

Juliana Bonus Kasi hindi lahat ng information No. Because not all
sa social media ay totoo. information on social media
Maraming nabibiktima ng fake is trustworthy. Many people
news kaya mas lalong have been a victim of fake
kumakalat at nakaapekto sa news, and social media users
mga social media users. are also affected.

Mikaela Cortez No. I believe that we shouldn't No. I believe that we

be lenient on social media shouldn't be too lenient on
platforms too much because social media platforms
some of the information because some of the
circulating here aren't information that circulates
considered to be reliable and here isn't always considered
accurate most of the time. reliable and accurate.
Since everyone is involved and Because everyone is involved
has the power to engage in and can participate in public
public discourse, the discourse, information can be
information can be easily manipulated. It is
manipulated easily. With this, critical to put forth effort in
exerting efforts in researching research in this regard. Don't
is important. Don't just accept just take what's on the table.
what is on the table. Keep on Continue looking for more
searching for more until you until you're satisfied.
get satisfied.

Jerick Nervar No. Because the majority of No. Because the majority of
the information is incorrect the information is incorrect.

Diana No. Because kadalasan sa No. Because it is usually

socmed mahirap na talaga difficult to identify if the
identify kung legit or fake, information from social
besides di lang naman sa media is legit or fake, social
socmed pwede makakuha ng media is not the only source
info of information.

Lindsay Ricci David No. I can’t always rely on No. I can’t always rely on
social media when it comes to social media when it comes
information, there will always to information, there will
be fake news. It also Depends always be fake news. It also
on what kind of information i depends on what kind of

want to know information I want to know.

Stephanie Mae R. Ramos No. We can get a lot of No. We can get a lot of
information from social media information from social
but I still prefer to use a search media, but I still prefer to use
engine to back up the a search engine to back up
information. the information.

Bianca Jade Datay No. because sometimes the No. Because sometimes, the
information that we see in information that we see on
social medias are fake social media is fake.

Aira N/A N/A

Carlenette No. Dahil hindi lahat ng No. Because not all

nakikita sa social media ay information seen on social
tama at wasto. media is truthful and proper.

Jhanelle Acob No. Because I have trust No. Because I have trust
issues. issues.

Joel Micus D. Lolong Yes, but dependent on the Yes, but dependent on the
sources and it's credibility. sources and their credibility.

Mark Adrian R. Cantuba Yes, there are web pages that Yes, there are web pages that
contain factual information contain factual information,
such as articles from news such as articles from news
websites. websites.

Trishia Bernardo No, I wouldn't fully rely on No, I wouldn't rely easily on
social media when it comes to social media when it comes
this. i would rather watch news to this. I would rather watch
broadcasts and read online news broadcasts and read
newspapers / articles. online newspapers/articles.

Weloi No, Because some information No, because some

on those said platforms could information on those said
contain disinformation and platforms could contain
misinformation regarding a disinformation and
certain topic so simply relying misinformation regarding a
on them like a fool could definite topic, so simply
potentially put your mindset, relying on them like a fool
belief, physical and mental could potentially put your
attributions at risk. mindset, belief, and physical
and mental attributions at

Aeriale C. Dela Cruz Yes. Some information on Yes. Some information on

Social Media is actually useful Social Media is convenient in
in most aspects, especially in most aspects, especially in
education and researching. education and research.

Chrystine Santileces No. It's just better if we No. We should research facts
research for facts on other on other platforms, not just
platforms not just on social on social media.

Gello N/A N/A

Bryan Estabillo No, Because most of the social No, because most social
media platforms spread false media platforms spread false
information and there are many information, and there are
other sources of information many other sources of
such as television news. information, such as
television news.

Rafaella Fortit No. Because most of the No. Because most of the
information posted in these information posted in these
platforms are fake that platforms are fake that
develops trust issues. develops trust issues.

Mark Joel N. No, because most of the post is No, because most of the posts
posted by a fake account or are posted by a fake account
illegitimate account. or illegitimate account.

Rhyza Marguerette Lapid Yes, kahit marami namang Yes, even though fake news
fake news, mas marami pa rin is everywhere, there are still
yung facts and nakakakita rin more facts that I can see from
ako na naglalapag sila ng reliable sources. And I think
reliable sources. saka tambay being a social media addict is
rin ako sa socmeds talaga kaya also a big help when I'm
big help din yun para citing truthful information on
makakuha ng mga tamang the internet.

Apolinar, Alvin No, not everything on social No, not everything we see on
media is reliable and most of it social media is reliable and
is fake. most of it is fake.

Steven Sabado No, because there are other No, because there are other
sources I can look up for like sources I can look up for like
google sites that are credible. google sites that are credible.

Aron Jeric Cao No. Because in social media, No. Because in social media,

everyone can share information everyone can share

easily and without fact information easily without
checking. fact checking.

Annika Yes. Because it is easier to Yes. Because it is easier to

access. access.

Wenesday Mendoza Yes Yes

Justinecarl Servito Yes, because this is the only Yes, because this is the
way we can get information easiest way we can get
right now. information right now.

Gwen No, the existence of books is No, the existence of books is

the primary reason. the primary reason.

Estrada, Denmark Andrei No. Information on the No. Information on the

broadcast news and broadcast news and
newspapers are more reliable. newspapers is more reliable.

Maica No. As i said earlier, I, student No. As I said earlier, a

must know or distinguish student must know or
who's stating facts and false distinguish who's stating facts
information. Why i wouldn't and false information. Why
rely on the information that wouldn't I rely on the
available in social media? For information available on
example when it comes to social media? For example,
politics, every people has their when it comes to politics,
own stand. If you stand in that every person has their stand.
candidate that has his/her bad If you believe that a
background, as a supporter are candidate has a bad
you going to post some bad background, as a supporter,
statements about your are you going to post some
candidate? of course not. That's substandard statements about
why i/we must not rely on the your candidate? Of course
information that shown in not. That's why we must not
social media. (except if it is rely on the information
verified websites) shown on social media
(except if it is verified

Trixie With our current situation, I Yes. In our situation, I

think that social media is the believe social media is the
most accessible platform for most accessible platform for
gathering and disseminating gathering and disseminating
information. There are also information. There are also
numerous articles and posts numerous articles and posts

that are useful in social media. that are useful in social

People simply need to learn media. People need to learn
how to identify true how to identify legit facts
information because not all because not all material on
material on social media is social media is legit.

Jay Nicole Yes, because social media is Yes, because social media is
used to share information and used to share information, it
it used in presidential race had was used in the presidential
a substantial social media race and had a substantial
presence. social media presence.

Voz, Patrick Luis F. Yes. It would be easier for me Yes. It would be easier for
to get some information since I me to get some information
always use social media. since I always use social

Nicole Balderama No. Because the informations No. Because the information
we can get from social media we can get from social media
platforms have a high platforms has a high
percentage of it being fake and percentage of it being fake,
a lot of people most of the time and lots of people most of the
don't re read what is stated on a time don't re-read what is
post that's why sometimes fake stated on a post, that's why
news spread faster sometimes false news spreads

Belle Yes. because we have no Yes. Because we have no

television in our house, that's television in our house, I use
why i use socmed for keeping social media to keep me up to
me up to date of what is date with what is happening
happening around me. around me.

Juzmine No, because much of it is fake No, because much of it is

news fake news.

John Jericho Naz No. Because some of No. Because some of the
information is fake information is fake.

Roniel Del Valle Medrano No. I wouldn't entirely rely

No. I wouldnt say I wouldnt on every information there is
exactly not rely on every on social media but, of
course, be vigilant when it
information there is in social
comes to gathering and
media but, I will of course be trusting information on social
vigilant when it comes to media especially nowadays

when fake information is

gathering and trusting widespread.
information in social media
especially nowadays where
fake informations are

Christine Navarette No. Credible sources are No, because credible sources
important in seeking for right are important in seeking legit
information. information.

Jaycie Franco No. As I previously stated, No. As I previously stated,

information found on social information found on social
media is not necessarily media is not necessarily
accurate. If you rely only on accurate. If you rely only on
social media, there is a social media, there is a
tendency for fake news to tendency for fake news to
continue to spread. And that is continue to spread. And that
something I do not want to is something I do not want to
happen since I want to educate happen since I want to
myself with trustworthy factual educate myself with
information rather than relying trustworthy factual
on trends or beliefs. information rather than
relying on trends or beliefs.

Abigail Adaro No. Sometimes I rely on social No. Sometimes I rely on

media but not only on social social media but not only on
media social media

Apari, Aaron Rance C. No. There are some No. There are some
information that cannot be information that cannot be
trusted, so we need to come up trusted, so we need to come
with an idea to have a fulltrust up with an idea to have a full-
on that information trust in that information

Nicole Stodomingo No. I'd depend on social media, No. I'd depend on social
but if i felt that it's inaccurate, media, but if I felt that it's
I'd double-check with other inaccurate, I'd double-check
sources. So, no. I will not with other sources. So, no. I
JUST rely on social media. will not JUST rely on social

Khile Bueno No No

Imong pag ibig No. Most of it was unreliable No. Most of it was unreliable
and trolls was everywhere and trolls were everywhere
spreading their crab mentality spreading their crab

Angelie Baybayon Yes. cause everything in the Yes. Because everything in

world is revolving in a internet, the world revolves around the
i can research so i can know if internet, I can research so I
it’s fake or truth can know if it’s fake or the

Marie Angeline Ajas some of the informations No, some of the information
available on our social media available on our social media
are not enough to say it is a is not enough to say it is
factual, but more like most of factual, but more like most of
all are in social media are all are in social media are
opinion of people according to opinions of people according
different informations they get. to different pieces of
information they get.

Marc Gonzales No. because some of No. because some of the

information in social media are information in social media is
base on their opinions so we based on their opinions, so
can say if this information are we can say if this information
useful to us or not is useful to us or not.

Rovy Cruz Not everything we see on Not everything we see on

social media is true or should social media is true or should
be trusted. be trusted.

Mich Yes. If you've done a fact If you've done a fact check

check about it and found out about it and found out that
that this informations are this information is reliable
reliable and legit, i mean why and legit, I mean, why
woundn't i right duhh! wouldn't I be right?

Table 4 shows that most Grade 12 students do not trust the information on social media.

Majority of the respondents said that the information that is available from social media is not

reliable. However, some believe that information on social media can be trusted if they can

distinguish between real or fake information. Meanwhile, some respondents believe that the

information from social media is the only source of information. Today's 15- to 24-year-olds

count on social media and other digital sources to stay informed, but this doesn't mean they trust

the information they get from them, a new UNICEF-Gallup study suggests.

A median of 17% of young adults say they trust social media platforms this much, which

means that young people are twice as likely to place a lot of trust in the accuracy of national

(37%) and international media (36%) as they are social media platforms. While, a median of

45% of 15- to 24-year-olds say they most often use social media, and another 14% rely most on

online news sites.

Figure 9

Figure 9 reveals that 93.1% of the Grade 12 students from Sta. Elena High School has

encountered misinformation or disinformation from the Internet and 6.9% of the respondents

have answered that they did not encounter misinformation and disinformation from the Internet.

Table V

Question: If yes, can you cite your experience with us?


Christian Cedric Y. Josef As the election comes closer, As the election comes closer,
a lot of misinformation and a lot of misinformation and
disinformation are spreading disinformation are spreading
about the presidential about the presidential
candidates. It is mainly candidates. It is mainly
associated with Bobong associated with Bongbong
Marcos Jr., as his party uses Marcos Jr., as his party uses
social media as a weapon to social media as a weapon to
deceive others. deceive others.

Mark Simon Bonaobra Most of the time is when Most of the time it is about
about political some politics. Some of the
supporters of other candidate supporters of other candidates
are spreader of fake news and spread fake news and they
kapag sila ay fi-nact check is turn a blind-eye when some
magbubulag bulagan lang. people are fact-checking

Myles Batumbakal Like this election day, many Like this election day, more
informations are not confirm information are false, and
and no reliable source if the there is no reliable source to
statement is true, many of confirm whether a statement
them create stories of is true or not. Many of them
something for their own create stories of something for
benefits. their benefit.

Shedrick T. Mapaye Katulad ng team payaman na Just like what happened with
kasama sa pag candidate team payaman, they were
campaign pero confirmed ni rumored to be promoting a
cong na fake news yung pag certain campaign. But, Cong
sama nila sa campaign. confirmed that the news
circulating online is fake.

Hajile I have encountered I have encountered

misinformation so many misinformation so many
times that I don't even know times that I don't even know
which one to state for this which one to state for this

question, but I do know that question, but I do know that

since the election is about to since the election is about to
occur in the Philippines, occur in the Philippines,
many people are sharing many people are sharing
information irresponsibly just information irresponsibly just
to accomplish their selfish to accomplish their selfish
goals. goals.

John Lloyd Well they say that there is a Well, they say there is a
leak video about the daughter leaked video about the
of VP Leni but it's just a black daughter of VP Leni, but it's
propaganda from other's to just black propaganda from
hate more the VP and her others to hate the VP and her
daughter. daughter more.

Jeidee Cuizon I think the information on I think the information on

multiple celebrities being multiple celebrities being
dead in social media and dead on social media and
other political issues. other political issues.

Allisson Tagle I usually report posts that are I usually report misleading
misleading or I avoid sharing posts, or I avoid sharing them.

Juliana Bonus Most of the misinformation or Most of the misinformation or

disinformation I witness are disinformation I witness is
from influencers and showbiz from influencers and showbiz
personalities. It is usually personalities. It is usually
about their relationship and about their relationship and
lifestyle. Also, there are false lifestyle. Also, there is false
information circulating in information circulating on
different social media different social media
platform that tackles about platforms that tackles possible
possible invasions and invasions and terrorist attacks
terrorist attacks in the in the country.

Mikaela Cortez I have encountered one, I have encountered one,

specifically in politics. Since I specifically in politics.
am very well aware of that Because I, myself, was well
particular issue, I defended aware of the situation, I
the candidate and I gave defended the candidate and
proofs to suffice everyone provided evidence to satisfy
who were tampering her everyone who was tampering
reputation. It was the difficult with her reputation. It was a
war I've been through online, tough war I've been through
but it was all worth it. online, but it was all worth it.

Everything is worth it when Everything is worth it when

you are stating the truth. you are stating the truth.

Jerick Nervar Fake news on the president- Fake news on the president-
qualifications elect's and qualifications elect and
characteristics. characteristics.

Diana N/A N/A

Lindsay Ricci David Some actor died but really Some actors died but in
didn’t. reality they didn’t.

Stephanie Mae R. Ramos Not recently but there was an Not long ago, an anonymous
anonymous user in twitter Twitter user claimed to have
who claims to be sexually been sexually assaulted by a
assaulted by a popular KPOP popular KPOP male idol
male idol whom I adore as a whom I admire as a celebrity.
celebrity. As the anonymous As the anonymous user was
user, being the victim, a lot of the victim, many people sided
people took her side and with her and slammed the
bashed the male idol. I felt male artist. I was dissatisfied
disappointed towards the idol. with the idol. The anonymous
Turns out, the anonymous user turned out to be an anti-
user was an anti-fan and just fan who only wanted to
wants to spread fake stories spread false information
about the idol. I was fooled about the artist. I was easily
easily because minutes before fooled because just minutes
that anonymous user talked, before that anonymous user
there was this first spoke, another anonymous
anonymous user who claims user claimed the same thing
the same thing and it was and it was proven true. Many
proven true. A lot of people people assumed that the
thought that the second second anonymous user was
anonymous user was also telling the truth, because of
telling the truth because of the the "victim first," but it was a
"victim first" but it was a lie. I lie. I remember talking with a
remember talking with my friend about how bad and sad
friend how bad and sad we we felt when the problem
felt when the issue popped arose, but it wasn't true, and
but yeah, inde pala totoo hay my tears were wasted.
nako sayang luha.

Bianca Jade Datay About the ongoing war About the ongoing war
between Ukraine and Russia. between Ukraine and Russia

Aira Facts about political Facts about political

candidates. candidates.

Carlenette Nakaraan lamang ay There are a lot of issues that

maraming isyung kumakalat are fake circulating online
ngayon sa media at karamihan recently. They are just made
nito ah fake news o mali ang up by people or fans of that
nakapaloob na detalye. Gawa individual that has an issue.
gawa lamang ng ibang tao o
mga fans ng nasabing
indibidwal na may isyu.

Jhanelle Acob Too many to mention. Too many to mention,

Joel Micus D. Lolong Just spliced video for Just spliced a video for Leni,
Leni ,and some videos of as well as some videos of
scientific genetic scientific genetic
modifications but isn't real modifications, but it isn't real
because that specie that has because the specie mentioned
been mentioned is its natural is its natural trait.

Mark Adrian R. Cantuba People are advertising their People are advertising their
politicians about their politicians about their
achievements that are not achievements that are not
true. true.

Trishia Bernardo I've came across a lot of fake I've come across a lot of fake
news lately, mostly about my news lately, mostly about my
presidential bet, Leni presidential bet, Leni
Robredo. i believe that people Robredo. I believe that people
against her intentionally against her intentionally
spread them to ruin her spread them to ruin her
reputation and take her down. reputation and take her down.
e.g.: a guy published a post e.g.: a guy published a post
saying na he attended the saying that he attended the
pasiglaban rally for the sake pasig-laban rally for the sake
of 'money' because according of 'money' because according
to him, there was someone na to him, there was someone
"nagaabot" in the venue. there "nagaabot" in the venue.
was also a photo attached in There was also a photo
the post just to prove his attached to the post just to
story. sadly, many naive prove his story. Sadly, many
people believed him. naive people believed him.

Weloi Back then, I used to think the Back then, I thought the
content of 5 minutes hacks content of 5-minute hacks
are really cool and sometimes was cool, and I considered
I thought of trying those trying them myself until I
myself until I came across a came across a video stating

video stating with actual with actual evidence that

evidence that those hacks those hacks could potentially
could potentially either harm harm yourself or will not
yourself or won't work like work as shown in the videos.
what those videos show.

Aeriale C. Dela Cruz Since it is election time, there Since it is election time, there
are a lot of false information is a lot of false information
circling around social media circling social media apps to
apps just to disgrace the disgrace the reputation of
reputation of some some presidential aspirants.
presidential aspirant.

Chrystine Santileces Politics nowadays are often Politics nowadays often

consists of misleading consists of misleading pieces
informations and fake news in of information and fake news
order to gain some supporters to gain some supporters or to
or to discredit other discredit other candidates.

Gello N/A N/A

Bryan Estabillo In political agenda, many fake In the political agenda, much
news are spread just to fake news is spread just to
discredit the candidates. discredit the candidates.

Rafaella Fortit Last week, Ihave encountered Last week, I have

a news online about making encountered news online
the vaccination to children about making the vaccination
aged 5 to 12 will be to children aged 5 to 12 will
mandatory. be mandatory.

Mark Joel N. It was from a senator itself I It was from a senator himself
think because he stated that I think because he stated that
the latest constructed bridge the latest constructed bridge
was on the administration of was on the administration of
Duterte but it turns out to be Duterte but it turns out to be
not. not.

Rhyza Marguerette Lapid Minsan nakakainis na talaga Sometimes, it's becoming

kasi ang dami nilang irritating, because innocent
nabibiktima na inosenteng people are often victims of
tao. Muntik na rin ako fake news. I'm almost a
mabiktima pero thankful ako victim too, but I'm thankful to
sa mga friends ko kasi my friends because they
nililinaw nila sa akin ganon. clarified to me that the
information I saw was fake


Apolinar, Alvin Kasi ako mismo muntik na rin I can’t believe that I was
ako mapaniwala sa mga almost a victim of fake news
nababasa kong fake news at and false information that I
false information na yan sa saw from the social media
mga social media platforms platforms that I use. But,
na ginagamit ko, pero nung when I’ve read reliable and
nabasa ko yung mga truthful articles, I avoided
maasahan at makatotohanang getting fooled.
articles naiwasan kong

Steven Sabado About politics. Usually about politics.

Aron Jeric Cao There's a page claiming that There's a page claiming that
one politician said something one politician said something
about a very controversial about a very controversial
issue but it turns out that it is issue, but it turns out that it
just an edited picture. was just an edited picture.

Annika Some of my facebook friends, Some of my facebook friends

often share contents that can’t often share contents that can’t
be backed up with accurate be backed up with accurate
information. information.

Wenesday Mendoza When some trolls on twitter When some trolls on twitter
are tweeting about Tricia's are tweeting about Tricia's
scandal even though they do scandal even though they do
not have any evidences to not have any evidences to
prove that was her. prove that it was her.

Justinecarl Servito Similar to false news Some information that is

similar to false news.

Gwen The Divisoria Mall being sold The Divisoria Mall being sold
to rich business women/men. to rich business women/men.
It actually makes me laugh It actually makes me laugh
since you cannot sell a since you cannot sell a
public/government property public/government property
that easily. However, if they easily. However, if they do
do so, they'd have to face so, they'd have to face huge
huge repercussions (lawsuit). repercussions (lawsuit).

Estrada, Denmark Andrei Didn't encounter I haven't encountered

misinformation lately misinformation lately.

Maica N/A N/A

Trixie It is highly common now, as It is common now as the

the election approaches. election approaches. Many
Many people are attempting people are attempting to
to persuade everyone to vote persuade everyone to vote for
for their preferred candidate their preferred candidate by
by defaming or spreading defaming or spreading false
false information about the information about the other
other candidates in order to candidates to boost the
boost the number of votes number of votes cast for their
cast for their preferred preferred candidate.

Jay Nicole This issue is about Moira and This issue is about Moira and
her husband because many her husband because many
people said that Jason is people said that Jason is
cheating on Moira and they cheating on Moira and they
broke up, but there is no broke up, but there is no
confirmation about this issue. confirmation about this issue.

Voz, Patrick Luis F. Some pages in Facebook that Some pages on Facebook
shares fake news about NBA share fake news about NBA
news. news.

Nicole Balderama It is about baby moon It is about babymoon Zeinab's

Zeinab's second baby they second baby. They said DJ
said DJ isn't the father isn't the father.

Belle in this time of election, there At this time of the election,

were many false claims. but i there are many false claims.
continue to educated them as But I continue to educate
much as i can with credible them as much as I can with
sources that can be found credible sources that can be
when u research. found when you research.

Juzmine because I used to believe in it When I used to believe in

even without proof information even without

John Jericho Naz Not accurate to news in t.v Inaccurate news on TV.

Roniel Del Valle Medrano Since it’s the election time Since it's election time now,
now here, Ive encountered I've encountered plenty of
plenty of posts spreading lies posts spreading lies and
and malicious information to malicious information to
degrade a candidate and hurt degrade a candidate and hurt

their reputation. their reputation.

Christine Navarette I was fooled but when I share I was fooled but when I
those informations, one of my shared that information, one
closest friend corrected me of my closest friends
and that made me realize that corrected me and that made
searching for reliable sources me realize that searching for
are important in order to gain reliable sources are important
factual informations. in order to gain factual

Jaycie Franco My experience indicates that My experience indicates that

now that there are presidential now that there are presidential
candidates, others intend to candidates, others intend to
promote and share false promote and share false
information on social media information on social media
in order to cast judgement on to cast judgment on that
that president. As a student president. As a student with
with the power to vote, it is the power to vote, it is my
my responsibility to elect a responsibility to elect a
president who has a good president who has a good
record and is qualified to lead record and is qualified to lead
the country. It is preferable to the country. It is preferable to
just educate others rather than educate others rather than
harming others' reputations by harm others' reputations by
disseminating false disseminating false
information. information.

Abigail Adaro none None

Apari, Aaron Rance C. While we may believe, even While we may believe, or
demand, that social media even demand, that social
networks combat media networks combat
disinformation, there is little disinformation, there is little
chance that Facebook, chance that Facebook,
Twitter, or YouTube will ever Twitter, or YouTube will ever
achieve this goal. One achieve this goal. One
argument is that monitoring argument is that monitoring
practically all content would practically all content would
need full-time attention, but need full-time attention, but
there's also the fact that these there's also the fact that these
networks rely on continuing networks rely on continuing
use. use.

Nicole Stodomingo Recently, people have been Recently, people have been
quickly to believe Aika quickly to believe Aika
Robredo's escalating fake sex Robredo's escalating fake sex

scandal. scandal.

Khile Bueno No No

Imong pag ibig It was funny and it's just It was funny, and it's just
simply pitiful simply pitiful.

Angelie Baybayon about bbm and his About BBMand his

achievements achievements.

Marie Angeline Ajas since election is near a lot of Since the election is near,
people posting informations people post information on
on the internet, some of it the internet. Some of it isn’t
aren’t that true and they that true, and they create fake
create fake news about those news about those candidates
candidates running for this running for this upcoming
upcoming election just for election just for them to raise
then to raise the ego of their the ego of their chosen
chosen candidate to vote. candidate to vote.

Marc Gonzales i encountered this many times I encountered this many times
because some of us are using because some of us are using
this flatform to give this platform to give
information, but this information, but this
information are fake or some information is fake.
times this are based in their Sometimes this is based on
opinions only. their opinions only.

Rovy Cruz N/A N/A

Mich a politician's fake credentials A politician's fake credentials

Table 5 shows that the respondents have varying experiences with misinformation and

disinformation. Majority of the respondents experienced disinformation focusing on politics,

where posts they saw were meant to persuade people to believe in false information like fake

credentials for personal gain. A number of respondents also found false information regarding

government focused topics like vaccination and some also stated that they saw posts that are

supposed to slander people and use false information to ruin reputation, defame and degrade

certain individuals. A few respondents also stated that they experienced misinformation that

focuses mainly on celebrities, regarding their lifestyle and daily lives. As rumors and deceitful

information circulate, some respondents decided to take action and report the said post that they

perceive as incorrect or inappropriate.

As per the survey conducted by Pew Research Center, 72 percent of high school and 78

percent of college students spend time on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. These numbers

indicate how much the student community is involved in this virtual world of social networking.

Thus, all of the respondents are prone to encounter misinformation and disinformation through

social media platforms.


Question: How do you distinguish factual information on social media?


Christian Cedric Y. Josef By researching on the internet By conducting internet

to see if a certain claim is research to determine whether
matching with various a specific claim corresponds
sources from other websites. to various sources from other

Mark Simon Bonaobra Develop critical thinking and Develop critical thinking and
always make sure that the always make sure that the
source is credible. source is credible.

Myles Batumbakal Can be distinguish by It can be distinguished by

researching more about the researching more about the
information given on the information given on the
internet to check whether it is internet to check whether it is
factual or not. factual or not.

Shedrick T. Mapaye Examining the evidence or Examining the evidence or

just visiting a fact-checking just visiting a fact-checking
website like Snopes. website like Snopes.

Hajile I don't put much effort into it I don't put much effort into it,
but I consider the source if it but I consider the source if it
is reliable or not. I also try to is reliable or not. I also try to

consider what the source can review what the source can
gain from sharing the gain from sharing the
information if possible information if possible
because it may also be a fake because it may also be fake
information and is used as a information and used as a
stepping stone to achieve stepping stone to achieve
selfish goals. selfish goals.

John Lloyd I'll check the picture or the I'll check the picture or the
author's profile if I can trust author's profile if I can trust
his/her post or it's just for his/her post or if it's just for
clout chasing. Check the clout chasing. Check the
sources to on where they get sources on where they get the
the picture or the information picture or the information
about it. about it.

Jeidee Cuizon Sometimes I ask people if Sometimes I ask people if

they are true or I will search it they are legit, or I will search
on the internet if there are on the internet if there is
connected evidences that evidence that shows that the
shows that the information is information is a fact.
a fact.

Allisson Tagle I check the source of the I check the source of the
information. information.

Juliana Bonus Nagreresearch muna sa I research on google or any

google or sa mga reliable reliable sources online to
sources para mapatunayan na prove that the information is
factual yung information. factual.

Mikaela Cortez I follow the format I've I follow the format I've
learned from our subject, learned from our subject,
Media and Information Media and Information
Literacy. It is known as R-A- Literacy. It is known as R-A-
V-A-T, and it stands for V-A-T, and it stands for
Reliability, Accuracy, Value, Reliability, Accuracy, Value,
Authority, and Timeliness Authority, and Timeliness
(relevance). (relevance).

Jerick Nervar Always checking the sources. Always checking the sources.

Diana Based sa nagpost. I usually rely upon the author

of specific content.

Lindsay Ricci David Check the source Check the source


Stephanie Mae R. Ramos This time, I check the This time, I checked the
evidences, the whole evidence, the information, the
information, the dates, the dates, the source, and the
source, and citations. I also citations. I also check the
check the search engine if it search engine if it would say
would say the same thing or the same thing or not.

Bianca Jade Datay When there's a source that is When there's a source that is
reliable. reliable.

Aira Only when it is stated (on Only when it is stated (on

live), which can't be edited tru live), which can't be edited
online platforms through online platforms.

Carlenette Sa mga sources nito. In their sources.

Jhanelle Acob If there's an evidence that it If there's evidence that it

actually came from reliable actually came from reliable
sources. sources.

Joel Micus D. Lolong Sources, credibility, important Sources, credibility, important

details and researching details and researching
regarding to the same matter regarding the same matter
mentioned. mentioned.

Mark Adrian R. Cantuba By relying on sources that are By relying on legitimate

legit such as web pages that sources, such as web pages
are known to spread factual that are known to spread
information and disregarding accurate information and
fake information. ignoring false information.

Trishia Bernardo As a reader, you must ensure As a reader, you must ensure
that the owner of the post is that the owner of a post is
trustworthy for posting such trustworthy for posting such
information. You can also information. You can also
double check it yourself if double-check it if you feel
you somewhat feel that the that the detail is sketchy.
information is sketchy.

Weloi Through thorough research Through thorough research

from credible sources like from credible sources like
NCBI, actual websites with NCBI, actual websites with
physical or shared proof, or physical or shared proof, or
articles since i learned that articles since I learned that
wikipedia can change their Wikipedia could change their
information by people who information by people who

could use that to spread could use that to spread

falsified information. falsified information.

Aeriale C. Dela Cruz I always do a fact-check to I always do a fact-check to

check the sources of the check the sources of the
information, and if the source information, and if the source
is reliable, then it is most is reliable, then it is most
likely factual information. likely factual information.

Chrystine Santileces It comes from reliable sources It comes from reliable sources
and links. and links.

Gello N/A N/A

Bryan Estabillo I always check the source if it I always check the source if it
is reliable. is reliable.

Rafaella Fortit They are not supported with They are not supported by
credible source. credible sources.

Mark Joel N. If it has legitimate sources If it has legitimate sources

and the account is verified. and the account is verified.

Rhyza Marguerette Lapid Depende kung sino nagpost It depends on who posted it
saka if nabasa ko na siya sa and If I already read it from
iba pang platform. Pwede rin other platforms. It is also
yung kapag naishare na sakin acceptable if some of the
yung iba pang info. informations were also shared
to me

Apolinar, Alvin Fact checking beh, dapat alam By fact-checking, you should
mo na reliable yung source know that the information is
nito. from a reliable and credible

Steven Sabado Searching it in google sites By searching it on different

that are trusted google sites that are trusted.

Aron Jeric Cao Look if the source or the one See if the source or the one
who posted it is reliable, not who posted it is reliable, not a
trolls, and verified. troll account, and verified.

Annika I check different media I check different media

outlets if they’ve reported this outlets if they’ve reported this
particular news or particular news or
information. I also find the information. I also find the
source of the information source of the information
being shared to know if it is a being shared to know if it is a

trusted and reliable source. trusted and reliable source.

Wenesday Mendoza When it has it own credentials When it has its own
and reliable sources credentials and reliable

Justinecarl Servito Ask friends if the information You can ask some of your
is correct. friends if the information is

Gwen If it is not biased and it comes If it is not biased and it comes

from scientific from scientific
studies/existing facts in studies/existing facts in
books. books.

Estrada, Denmark Andrei Check if the story or Check if the story or

information is believable. information is believable.
Check where the information Check where the information
came from. Compare it to was derived. Compare it to
sources that are more reliable, sources that are more reliable
from sources that are official. and official.

Maica By checking the sources By checking the sources.

Trixie I do fact-check. I do fact checking.

Jay Nicole We need to examine the We need to examine the

information and check the information and check the
source if it is correct. source if it is correct.

Voz, Patrick Luis F. If the info had a reliable If the info had a reliable
source or if the page is source or if the page is
verified verified.

Nicole Balderama Check the source first and Check the source first and
check if it has proofs. check if it has proofs.

Belle im searching for the I'm searching for a

journal/network. see who's journal/network. See who's
the author of the said claim. the author of the said claim.
find the history of the author Find the history of the author
together with its network. together with its network.

Juzmine when there are sources and When there are sources and
proof proof.

John Jericho Naz If the source is legit If the source is legit.


Roniel Del Valle Aside from social media I use Aside from social media, I
google to verify it, check the use google to verify it and
source wether it’s a verified check the source whether it’s
publisher/author. a verified publisher/author.

Christine Navarette It is hard to identify factual It is hard to identify factual

information as of now as fake information as of now as fake
news are spreading worlwide. news is spreading worldwide.

Jaycie Franco By determining whether or By determining whether or

not the material is from a not the material is from a
credible source, and you will credible source, you will also
also determine if the determine if the information
information and evidence and evidence presented are
presented are accurate. accurate.

Abigail Adaro by the source of it By the source of it.

Apari, Aaron Rance C. We must check the source We must check the source
from the other information from the other information
that we see frome the social that we see from social media.
media. It's clear why false It's clear why false news is an
news is an issue, but issue, but identifying it and
identifying it and preventing preventing it from spreading
it from spreading is more is more difficult. Many social
difficult. Many social media media users, including
users, including journalists journalists and politicians, are
and politicians, are aware of aware of the issue of fake
the issue of fake news, yet news, yet they unwittingly
they unwittingly contribute to contribute to it by posting
it by posting misleading, misleading, erroneous, or
erroneous, or outright outright falsified "news" on
falsified "news" on Facebook, Facebook, Twitter, and other
Twitter, and other platforms. platforms.

Nicole Stodomingo I do some research about the I did some research about the
topic. topic.

Khile Bueno idk I don’t know.

Imong pag ibig do your own research before Do your research before
believing in such information believing in such information.

Angelie Baybayon if it’s from a legit network If it’s from a legit network,
and it’s not bias it’s not biased.

Marie Angeline Ajas always check the sources Always check the sources.

Marc Gonzales by looking and reading this By looking and reading it

well so we can assure that well, we can assure that the
information are true or not. information is legit or not.

Rovy Cruz Verify and determine the Verify and determine the
accuracy of the information accuracy of the information
on social media. on social media.

Mich Always check the source, Always check the source,

examine the evidence examine the evidence
provided and lastly check or provided and lastly check or
cite other post that post the cite other posts that post the
same information. same information.

Table 6 shows how the respondent distinguishes factual information on social media. The

majority of the respondents said that they could distinguish factual information on social media

through fact-checking. The respondents carefully check the sources of information and verify if

it’s from a credible source. They also persuade others not to quickly believe in information that

they see online and do some research independently.


Through a wide variety of strands that are able to answer in the survey that the

researchers prepared, they gathered evidence and personal experiences about the topic that

concerns this paper. One of which is the use of social media in daily lives of students as all of

them answered that they use social media every day. Also reflected in the questionnaire are the

wide variety in which they could garner information. The usage of social media was also

answered as a form of entertainment to students and a form of communication to others.


Political and social news are the most viewed form of information online. As shown on

table II above, the participants suggest a split between those that trust the information available

and those that have doubts on it. Although many of them use different key points to distinguish

news that can be trusted and those that could not. Regarding the use of social media as a primary

source of information few have nodded to the idea, as some are still able to see and read false

news in the current era of social media

Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter summarizes the information obtained from the study, draws conclusions

from the findings, and suggests programs to aid Grade 12 students of Sta. Elena High School to

differentiate factual and helpful information from biased or misleading information.

Summary of Findings

This study aims to identify particularly how Grade 12 students of Sta. Elena High School

responds when they encounter different information on social media platforms. This study seeks

to answer the following questions:

1. How reliable are social media platforms when it comes to providing factual information?

- Based on the data gathered, 41 out of 58 respondents rely on different social

media platforms to gather information. But, the majority of the respondents deem

social media as unreliable in providing factual information.

- Social media platforms are said to be reliable when people do not use non-

credible sources as a source of information.

2. What are the factors that affect the reliability of Social Media in providing truthful

information to students?

- According to the data, the factors that affect the reliability of Social Media in

providing truthful information to students are the Sources, followed Trends,

Beliefs, and Culture.

3. How do the students distinguish factual information from fake news on social media?

- Students distinguish factual information from fake news on social media by

checking where the details originate and comparing them to different pieces of

data from various sources.


Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Majority of the respondents of the study belong to the STEM strand and the least belongs

to the strand Arts and Design.

2. All of the respondents use social media

3. All of the respondents use social media on a day to day basis.

4. Based on the gathered data, Facebook is the most used social media platform followed by


5. Majority of the respondents encountered or experienced seeing and sharing information

on social media platforms.

6. The most prominent news on social media is about societal issues and the least seen is

about religious issues.

7. The factor that is most likely to affect the reliability of information from social media is

source, and the least being culture.

8. Majority of the Grade 12 students from Sta. Elena High School relies on Social Media to

gather information.

9. Almost all of the Grade 12 students from Sta. Elena High School has encountered

misinformation or disinformation from the Internet.



● Students must choose more relevant and legitimate sources of information before

believing it.

● They must know how to differentiate truthful information from misinformation

and disinformation.

● They have to be careful about sharing and believing different information found

on different social media platforms and look for more credible sources.


Despite the fact that this study has been conducted, parents should still teach their

children how to recognize incorrect information so that they do not become victims of fake news


Sta. Elena High School

They can provide or conduct seminars on how to distinguish misinformation and

disinformation from the Internet.

Internet Users

Be cautious when sharing news on social media because the information they know

might be incorrect and are meant to mislead and deceive individuals.

Future Researchers

● It is recommended to increase the sample size for future studies to gather more

information about the reliability of social media in giving factual information.

● They can try different methods to know the perception of their future respondents.

● Take the study seriously, help fight disinformation on social media, and educate

individuals on dealing with fake news and misleading information from the



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