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 The Archer Queen is essentially a more powerful version of the Archer. She is

the second Hero, being unlocked at Town Hall 9. In addition to possessing much
higher damage and hitpoints, the Archer Queen also shoots 1.5 tiles farther than
a normal Archer (5 tiles instead of 3.5 tiles).
 The Archer Queen shoots 3 rapid arrows per shot. However, these arrows deal
damage to a single target.
 She is automatically summoned once the Archer Queen Altar is constructed,
which costs 10,000 Dark Elixir.
 The Archer Queen is an immortal unit, so she only has to be summoned once.
However, if she is injured or gets defeated in an attack, she must regenerate her
health by sleeping for a period of time before she can be used again.
 The Archer Queen will defend the village whenever she's not regenerating health
from a previous attack. The Archer Queen only defends her territory around her
altar and will retreat if lured too far out. If the village is attacked while she is
regenerating health or being upgraded, her altar will be empty.
 Hero regeneration in the Home Village uses an "extra life" system: when fully
regenerated, the Archer Queen has two "life bars", each with health equal to her
maximum hitpoints. The first life bar is represented by the bar visible next to the
Queen's level, with the second (the "extra life") represented by a heart placed at
the end of the first life bar, with a "+1" when it is full.
 Any damage taken by the Archer Queen when attacking is first
subtracted from the extra life bar, with the regular life bar only
being reduced when the extra life bar is fully depleted. If the Archer
Queen is defeated, a full life bar will be depleted; in particular, if
the extra life bar is full when this occurs, it will be completely
depleted without affecting the regular life bar. If the Archer Queen
is damaged or defeated when defending, the life bars will be
completely unaffected.
 Both the regular life bar and the extra life regenerate at the same
rate, with the regular life bar regenerating fully before the extra life
bar regenerates. The regeneration time listed in-game is the time
taken for one of the two life bars to regenerate, meaning the time
taken to regenerate both life bars after both have been emptied is
twice the regeneration time.
 For the Queen to participate in battle, the regular life bar must be
full. If the regular life bar is not full after a battle, the Archer Queen
will have to sleep for a period to regenerate the regular life bar
before she can be used for battle, proportional to the amount of
missing health on the regular life bar.
 Hero regeneration after a Multiplayer Battle starts as soon as the
player begins to search for a Multiplayer opponent. So, if the player
spent some time searching for an opponent to attack before
completing an attack, part of the regeneration will be completed by
the time the player returns to their village. However, if the player
cancels the attack by pressing "End Battle" before completing an
attack, the regeneration will be reset. This effect is more noticeable
in the highest leagues below legend where a significant amount of
time can be spent searching for such opponents.
 You can temporarily quadruple the Queen's healing rate for 1 hour by spending
5 Gems.
 In the January 29th, 2014 update, the Archer Queen gained a new special ability:
Royal Cloak. This ability allows her to become invisible to enemy defenses for a
short period of time in addition to greatly increasing her damage, restoring some
of her health, and summoning up to 20 Archers to aid her in battle. The Archer
Queen gains this ability at Level 5 and it becomes more powerful every five
subsequent levels.
 The Archer Queen's Royal Cloak ability summons Archers of the
same level that the player has researched in their Laboratory. For
instance, if the player has researched level 5 Archers, the Archer
Queen will summon level 5 Archers. If Archers have not been
unlocked in the Barracks, they will spawn at level 1.
 If the ability has not been used before the Archer Queen is about to
be defeated, it will by default automatically activate. However, this
feature can be toggled off in the settings (by turning off
"Automatically use Hero Abilities on KO"). It is not a fail safe
however, as several defenses, such as X-Bows, single-target Inferno
Towers and Scattershots can possibly kill her under her ability due
to the low health regeneration.
 Unlike the Barbarian King, the Archer Queen can attack air units
like Balloons, Dragons, or Minions, making her effective in guarding a village
against players who conduct air raids.
Offensive Strategy
 The four Home Village heroes serve different roles in raids. The Archer Queen is
the damage specialist hero, while the Barbarian King is the tank specialist,
the Grand Warden is the support specialist and the Royal Champion is the
defense specialist. Deploy her behind the Barbarian King as he tanks the damage
while the Archer Queen does the damage.
 She has a better range than an Archer (5 tiles instead of 3.5), so a good strategy
is to place a group of Giants, P.E.K.K.As, Golems, or the Barbarian King as a
meat shield, then a group of Archers, and finally the Archer Queen. That
minimizes the chance of her being defeated or even hit and may allow you to use
her many times in a row without waiting for her to regenerate.
 You can use an Archer Queen with a Royal Cloak Ability in raids to help you
clean up buildings for 50%. As damage approaches 50%, simply deploy your
Archer Queen and use the ability immediately so that she can destroy a few extra
buildings, not taking damage at all.
 The Archer Queen and Healer combination, better known as Queen Walk, is a
very viable strategy when you're targeting for loot. She can clear large areas of
the base, creating an effective funnel. This, however, requires a high-level Queen
due to the fact that the Queen alone cannot deal enough damage and will
eventually run out of time. Air Defenses bombing the Healers can easily destroy
this, but this does not happen very often since the Archer Queen's range and the
Healer's range allow the Healers to stay out of most Air Defenses' range.
 A related version of the Queen Walk is the Queen Charge, where
instead of being used for funneling, the Queen and Healers target
the core of the base, destroying key defenses. This usually involves
the use of Wall Breakers, their super form, or Jump Spells in
addition to other funneling troops (such as Baby Dragons) to ensure
she enters the base.
 For a Queen Walk, Rage Spells can be used to boost both the
Archer Queen and the Healers if needed. When boosted by Rage
Spells, the Healers will heal faster, allowing them to heal the Queen
quickly if she should take lots of damage. Freeze Spells are also
handy to have to stop high-damage defenses like the single-
target Inferno Tower.
 Seeking Air Mines can also destroy this. Periodically place
some Balloons near the healers to try and soak them up. These
Balloons are often called "coco loons". Try to bring about 3 or 4.
Any extra ones may also be used like normal Balloons.
 The Unicorn can be used in place of a Healer.
 The Royal Cloak Ability prevents defenses from targeting the Archer Queen, but
she can be affected by splash damage; for instance, if the nearby Archers
summoned by the Archer Queen via her Royal Cloak are targeted by a Mortar or
a Scattershot, the splash projectile of the Mortar and the Scattershot will damage
the Archer Queen if she is in range, regardless of whether her ability is active or
not. Royal Cloak does not prevent the Archer Queen from
triggering Bombs and Giant Bombs and she will still be damaged by them if she
is in range when they explode.
 The Royal Cloak is excellent against single-target Inferno Towers.
When used, the Inferno Tower's damage will not only reset, but is
often redirected onto a summoned Archer. The queen can quickly
finish off the Inferno with her damage under the cloak, while the
Archers can provide great cover and overwhelm the Inferno if it is
not defended well by splash defenses (or other multi-targeting
 The Royal Cloak ability will also not prevent any projectiles (such
as Cannon shots) that are targeting the Archer Queen at the time of
the ability's activation from hitting her. If the Eagle Artillery has
already locked on and fired on the Queen, activating the Royal
Cloak will not prevent the shots from hitting, which will result in
great damage against your Queen. Activating the Cloak just before
it fires will stop the Eagle Artillery from firing on your Archer
Queen, however, and render the Queen temporarily untargetable by
the Eagle Artillery as normal.
 The Archer Queen is not affected by the Spring Trap, like all other heroes.
 A good idea is to put the Archer Queen with the other heroes. The Barbarian
King soaks up hits, the Archer Queen attacks from behind, the Grand Warden
supports them with his Life Aura, and the Royal Champion destroys defenses. If
there are troops in the Clan Castle, they also get benefits from the Grand Warden
and they can assist the other heroes in terms of defending and stalling. This is
also called a hero dive, where you push a certain amount of your heroes into the
base a little. This can help with funneling, take out major defense or just
percentage in general.
 Sending the Archer Queen and any other heroes like this with little
support (up to about 25 housing space of troops) is known as a Sui
Queen. This is best used to destroy outer portions of the base and a
few key targets farther in.
 Beware of the Barbarian King, as he can kill the Archer Queen in a 1v1 if they
are at the same level or if the Archer Queen is only 5 levels or lower than the
King. If you are going to 1v1 the Barbarian King, place healers to support the
Queen or place Wizards or any other high-damaging troop to quickly defeat the
 The Royal Cloak ability's mechanism will cause her to be considered as a new
target different from the original Archer Queen. Against a defending Electro
Dragon, this ability may backfire, as it may cause her to take two hits from the
Electro Dragon's Chain Lightning ability.
 If you do not need to use her ability during battle, you do not always need to. If
the battle ends and she does not use her ability, after battle she will recover
health equal to the ability recovery.
Defensive Strategy
 The Archer Queen is more suitable for defense than the Barbarian King because
of her faster attacks and harder hits, and she is able to attack from a longer range
(as well as being able to strike air units), but she has dramatically lower health
than the Barbarian King. The Queen's altar must be placed 3-4 spaces from the
nearest wall to prevent the Queen from jumping out and getting targeted by
melee troops.
 Protect your key defenses by keeping them more than 5 tiles away from the
nearest open space, so the queen cannot snipe them.
 Keep your Eagle Artillery away from the Queen's altar so that the opponent
cannot destroy both with Electrone or Blizzard.
Against an Archer Queen
 The best strategy against an Archer Queen is often another Archer Queen. A
Queen Walk or an Archer Queen behind a tank troop can take down an enemy
Queen quickly, especially if her Royal Cloak ability is activated.
 Tanking troops can be of some use, but they will not last long against an Archer
Queen. For example, a maxed Golem will last only 10-11 seconds against a max-
level Archer Queen, not accounting for any other defenses that may be targeting
 If you are using a similar level, using the Barbarian King as a tank
and the enemy Archer Queen is not hiding behind a wall, then the
Barbarian King himself will be sufficient to defeat the Queen unless
nearby defenses or the defending Clan Castle troops or Barbarian
King are also attacking him. Activating the King's ability will allow
him to defeat the Queen quicker.
 If the Archer Queen is near the edge of the base, you can use a Barbarian King to
take it out. You might need to use the King's Ability if your king is low leveled.
 Consider bringing a spell or spells to make the takedown process easier, such as
a Poison Spell to slow the Queen's attacks, a Skeleton Spell to distract her, or
a Freeze Spell to keep her from killing your troops too quickly.
 The Grand Warden's Eternal Tome ability can keep troops alive while they
destroy an Archer Queen. Because the Queen's health is so low, the short
duration of the Eternal Tome ability is rarely a problem.
 You can kill the defending Archer Queen with high leveled Lightning Spells if
she is low leveled. However, this isn't a recommended strategy because you
cannot easily guarantee that she will die if you bring too little.
 Even against higher-level Archer Queens, the strategy can still be
useful if you're bringing enough Lightning Spells to destroy other
key buildings alongside taking her out (such as the Eagle Artillery).
 Like with the Barbarian King or the Royal Champion, Headhunters are effective
at targeting and attacking the Archer Queen, and they are used in small numbers
in most high-level strategies such as Lavaloon where the other troops cannot
target or damage her effectively. However, if Headhunters are sent in alone,
they'll likely be picked off and killed easily by the Queen or nearby defenses. As
such, they are best sneaked in, covered by other attacking troops or by the Grand
Warden's ability.
 If the Archer Queen attacks while her Royal Cloak ability is active, her arrows
change from their normal Elixir-like color to bright orange.
 When she is injured or falls in battle, a small explosion occurs, she yells in pain,
and a red beam shoots to the sky. After that, like all other heroes, the Archer
Queen stands still and a "dizzy" animation is engaged.
 Sometimes the Archer Queen attacks a wall but then may seemingly retarget and
attack another wall; this is most often caused by her retargeting to a different
target (usually because her previous target was destroyed).
 While attacking, if your opponent's Archer Queen Altar is empty and the Archer
Queen wakes up during the battle, the Altar will have a short sparkling animation
but the Archer Queen will not appear to defend the base.
 If your Archer Queen wakes up while you are in Village Edit Mode, a sparkle
will appear wherever in the Altar's original location (even if you moved it
 A maximum level Electro Dragon under a maximum-level Rage Spell can one-
shot a level 1-78 Archer Queen, but a level 79 or 80 Archer Queen survives.
 A level 79 Archer Queen survives with exactly 2 hitpoints left.
 Each successive upgrade of the Archer Queen adds approximately 2.1% health
and 2.5% damage, but every five levels add a constant two minutes to her total
regeneration time. As a consequence, the Archer Queen's regeneration rate
changes as she levels up.

Regeneration rate for each level; click to enlarge
The Archer Queen's regeneration rate fluctuates each level, with drops in the
regeneration rate every fifth level and small increases for every other level. From
an initial regeneration rate of 72.5 HP per minute at level 1, it reaches a
maximum of 77.1 HP per minute at level 4 and shows a downward trend up to
level 25, where there is a minimum of 59.65 HP per minute. Beyond level 25,
the drops at every fifth level are outweighed by the increases from the other
levels, eventually reaching 88.25 HP per minute at level 79 before dropping once
more to 84.88 HP per minute at level 80.
 Prior to the January 29th 2014 update that introduced hero abilities, and prior to
the October 12th 2020 update that removed sleep button for heroes, the original
description for the Archer Queen, as well as the Barbarian King, were "Heroes
can attack enemy villages or guard your village. Heroes can be injured, but
are immortal. Heal them by letting them sleep or using the Heal button.
Heroes won't defend the village while sleeping."
 The Archer Queen's regeneration time has been reduced multiple times. The
most recent reduction occurred on June 22nd, 2020.
 The total upgrade time for the Archer Queen to get from level 1 to level 75 is
396 days.
 When initially released, the Archer Queen cost 40,000 Dark Elixir to summon.
This was later reduced to 20,000 in the March 2020 update, and further reduced
to 10,000 in the April 2021 update.
 The first person to max out Archer Queen and Barbarian King was the player
named jessiebrar. (during the initial release of heroes, the max level for both
heroes was 30.)
 The Archer Queen appears with long wristbands in her artwork, but doesn't
appear with them in battle.
 She used to appear with long wristbands in her 2D sprite before
being converted into 3D.
 The Archer Queen's crossbow fires out three arrows, despite that it is designed to
only be loaded with a single arrow.
 The Archer Queen is the only hero to appear in Clash Royale.
 The Archer Queen's Royal Cloak ability in Clash of Clans functions
similarly to the Cloaking Cape in Clash Royale. In addition to its
Clash Royale effects, it partially heals the Archer Queen and
summons Archers when used in Clash of Clans.
 The Archer Queen in Clash Royale isn't enormous.
 With the Champion Queen skin, the Archer Queen holds a bow instead of a
 If you tap on the Archer Queen, she will yell a high pitched battle cry and stand
still for a moment, similar to the Barbarian King. Her default skin will wave a
hand towards the player.
 If she is wearing her Gladiator skin, she will instead bow down
towards the player.
 If she is in her Valkyrie Queen skin, she will raise her modified X-
Bow and stand tall.
 The Autumn Queen skin will spin counter-clockwise, with a bow in
 If she is wearing the Ice Queen skin, she will pull her hand up to
her face.
 If she is wearing the Warrior Queen skin, she will bow down to the
 If she is wearing the Primal Queen skin, she will put her hand on
her costume and look up.
 If she is wearing the Clockwork Queen skin, she will load and fire
her crossbow.
 If she is wearing the Pirate Queen skin, she will be waving at the
 If she is wearing the Rogue Queen skin, she will wave toward the
player in a very similar way to the original skin.
 If she is wearing the Jungle Queen skin, she will bow down to the
left side.
 If she is wearing the Party Queen skin, she will clench her right fist
and lift it to the player.
 All Archer Queen skins are left handed.
 Some of the Archer Queen skins have some unique features that other skins from
the Archer Queen don't have.
 The Warrior Queen skin has unique pink colored particles after she
is deployed.
 The Ice Queen skin has unique ice-like particles when you activate
her ability.
 When you tap the Archer Queen while she is wearing her
Clockwork skin, she fires a single arrow. However, while attacking
in battles she fires three.
 Before Skins and 3D models were added, the Archer Queen used to
have recoil when she attacks. A clip of this can be seen here.
 The Archer Queen has a bow in the skin Champion Queen.
 Before Archer Queen's texture was converted into a 3D model, she had visual
changes at levels 10, 20, and 41.
 Initially, the Archer Queen is similar to a giant Archer, but with a
modified X-Bow, a silver crown, purple hair, and a green dress.
 At level 10, her crown became golden.
 At level 20, the stock of her modified X-Bow became golden as
well. Her shots used to change from Elixir-colored to gold.
 At level 41, her cloak received a golden rim, and her golden
modified X-Bow stock became a darker gold color or gained a
purple glow outline.

Levels 1-9 (Old Levels 10-19 (Old Levels 20-40 (Old Levels 41-60 (Old
Sprite) Sprite) Sprite) Sprite)
 The Archer Queen is one of the only units that can attack an Air Defense while
being healed by a Healer without the Healer being in range of the
aforementioned Air Defense. The other units capable of doing this are the Grand
Warden and the Super Archer.
 The Archer Queen is the only hero to appear barefoot in her default skin.
 She is the only hero to appear in Clash Royale.
 The Archer Queen is one of the three troops associated with Archers, the others
being the Sneaky Archer and Super Archer.
 The Archer Queen is one of the 13 units to appear in a Scenery, the others being
the Barbarian, Goblin, Balloon, Hog Rider, Barbarian King, P.E.K.K.A, Baby
Dragon, Skeleton, Grand Warden, Dragon Rider, Cannon Cart, and the Party
Wizard. In her case, she appears in the Clashy Constructs (as Clockwork Queen),
and the 9th Clashiversary Scenery (as Party Queen).
 The Archer Queen and the Barbarian King were the first heroes added to the
 The Archer Queen has the highest damage out of all the heroes, including troops.
 The Archer Queen and Barbarian King have the highest levels out of all heroes.

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