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BOUYGUES-UK Editing: 02/03/2008

Tecnical Department / Methods Use for: All site

1- COTYMS (Company Typical Methods Statement) for the company

=> The Typcal Methods Statement can be use by every BYUK site
=> Document approved by the company (to be difine)

Link = \\Efessrv145\head office\Technical Department\Site Planning (DTR)\1-Docs OFFICIAL\110-MS\Z-CHARTE & LISTE\LIST COTY

List =

AutoCAD management:
=> Refer to the charte MTH-042-MOSE Charte AutoCAD-FR to know how to manage a file.
\\Efessrv145\head office\Technical Department\Site Planning (DTR)\1-Docs OFFICIAL\101-DOCUMENTS
=> Use the template MTH-TPCAD-004-COTYMS to create a new COTYMS.
\\Efessrv145\head office\Technical Department\Site Planning (DTR)\1-Docs OFFICIAL\104-TEMPLATES AutoCAD

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BOUYGUES-UK Editing: 02/03/2008
Tecnical Department / Methods Use for: All site

2- COTYMS for a site

2.1- If the COTYMS is use on site WITHOUT modification:
Just adding the site reference to the COTYMS
=> With the site reference for each page
=> With the site titleblock for the coverpage

The site reference titleblock is on a specific layer = COTYMS-SITE REFERENCE

Document management:
=> The document need to be approved by the site (Minimum by the Structural manager)

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BOUYGUES-UK Editing: 02/03/2008
Tecnical Department / Methods Use for: All site

2.2- If the COTYMS is use on site WITH modifications:

We need to change the COTYMS titleblock by the Methods Statement title block.
=> with the Methods Statement titleblock for each page
=> with the site titleblock for the cover page

AutoCAD management:
=> Refer to the charte MTH-042-MOSE Charte AutoCAD-FR to know how to manage a file.
\\Efessrv145\head office\Technical Department\Site Planning (DTR)\1-Docs OFFICIAL\101-DOCUMENTS
=> Use the template MTH-TPCAD-022-MS-BYUK to create a new Methods Statement.
\\Efessrv145\head office\Technical Department\Site Planning (DTR)\1-Docs OFFICIAL\104-TEMPLATES AutoCAD

Document management:
=> The document need to be approved by the site (Minimum by the Structural manager)

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