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The above extract implies that brothers, some were against him.

attestation of Mirza Qadiani’s false also had two blood sisters. He was a
Prophethood is a pre-requisite for
the truthfulness of God. weak man who fainted when two
nails were struck on his hands on
OTHER CLAIMS the cross”. (Tazkiratus Shahaadatain, PROPHETHOOD
“It is my claim that I am a Khazain, pg.25, vol.20)
Messenger and Prophet”. (Akhbaar
“He used to drink wine, perhaps The Prophet of Islam, Hazrat
Badr Qadiyaan, 5th March 1908)
because of a disease or an old Muhammad (s.a.w) is the last
Claim to be Rasoolullah (s.a.w) habit”. (Khastiye Nuh, Khazain, Messenger and Prophet of Allah
himself: “Any person who pg.71, vol.19) Ta’ala. To affirm that Muhammad
differentiates between me and (s.a.w) is the last of Allah’s
(Mohammad) Mustafa, did not Prophets, is just as necessary as
understand me or accept me”. the declaration and belief in the
(Roohani Khazain 209/16) Oneness and Omnipotence of
Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. Just as
“The promised Messiah is in fact there is no partner in the Unity
Mohammad (s.a.w)’s own self and and Supreme Omnipotence of
there is no difference in name, deed Almighty Allah, no one shares the
or position between the two”. unique advent of the finality of the
(Akhbaar-ul-Fazl, Qadiyaan. 1st Prophethood of Muhammad
January 1916). (s.a.w).
These misguided beliefs of the You can judge the importance of
Shariah Board New York
Qadiyani sect are a deadly poison the belief in the Finality of
57-16, 37th Avenue
for Muslims. Therefore to educate Woodside, NY 11377 Prophethood by the fact that our
the masses of Muslims in order to Phone: (718) 426-3454 religion and Imaan (belief) depend
curb this fitnah, is an important on it. If any person (or group)
need of the hour. THE MENACE OF QADIYANIYAT denies this tenant, undoubtedly he
EXTREME DISRESPECT is a non-believer and out of Islam.
“He was just an ordinary person and
THE PROPHETHOOD or Muslims. Unity of the Ummah
had a full share of human is also connected to this. As
weaknesses. He had four blood Allama Iqbal said: "Religious unity
of Muslims and Islamic 3) Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) accursed Mirza Qadiani that he not
Brotherhood are strengthened by said: “There is no prophet only claim Prophethood but also
the Finality of Prophethood". The after me” (Bukhari, No. committed the worst form of
Importance of Belief in the finality 3196, Muslim, Ibne Majah disrespect to the honorable and true
of Prophethood and awareness of & Musnad Ahmad) Messengers of Allah (s.w.t). He even
this belief must be awakened in disrespected Allah (s.w.t) Himself.
Muslims so that they do not THE MENACE This is the reason that all of the
become victims of ‘Ulama (scholars) of Islam say that in
misunderstandings, fraud & OF addition to the false claim to
misguidance. Prophethood, these insulting and
QADIYANIYAT degrading remarks are an important
Proofs: proof of his disbelief and leaving the
The founder and leader of the
fold of Islam.
1) Allah (s.w.t) says in the Qadiyani fitnah (menace) was a man
Quran: “Muhammad is the named Mirza Ghulam Ahmad In order to show the falsehood
not the father of any of Qadiyani. This person was born in and mislaid philosophy of
your men, but is the Rasool Gurdaspur, Punjab, India in 1839 or Qadianiyat, the following are
of Allah and the Seal of the 1840. He died in 1908 with the some excerpts of Mirza Qadiani’s
Prophets. Allah has the disease of Cholera while still in the writings:
knowledge of all things”. toilet to relieve himself.
(Surah Ahzaab, ayah 40) HIS CLAIM TO GODHOOD
2) Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed to
said: “Indeed there will be be the “Promised Messiah” in “I saw in a dream that i am god, so I
1891. believe that indeed I am him”
in my Ummah (in the near (Roohani Khazain 564/5)
future) thirty liars. Each one
He claimed prophethood in 1901.
of them will claim that he is
Although many false claimants to
a Prophet. And I am the the CLAIM TO PROPHETHOOD
prophethood have passed in this
Seal of the Prophets”.
world, those people only had claim
(Tirmidhi, Hadith 3145, “The only true God is one who
to being a prophet. They did not sent his prophet in Qadiyaan”
Abu Dawood, Hadith
insult or demean those who were (Roohani Khazain 231/18)
3710, Ibne Majah, Hadith
opposed to them. They also did not
3942, Sahih Bukhari, Hadith
make anyone a target of their
3340, Saheeh Muslim,
spiteful and vicious remarks.
Hadith 1671 & 376)
However, it was an earmark of the

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