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Development Regulation
& Guidelines Manual
Government of Dubai ‫ﺣﻜﻮﻣـــــة دبــــــــﻲ‬

1. GENERAL PROVISIONS .................................................... 4

1.1 TITLE ........................................................................................................... 4
1.2 APPLICABILITY .......................................................................................... 4
1.3 AUTHORITY ................................................................................................ 4
1.4 LANGUAGE .............................................................................................. 4
1.5 DEFINITIONS .............................................................................................. 4
1.6 INTERPRETATION....................................................................................... 7
1.6.1 Minimum Requirements ....................... 7
1.6.2 Overlapping or Contradictory
Regulations 7
1.6.3 Cumulative Provisions .......................... 7
2 REVIEW PROCEDURES ..................................................... 8
2.1 PURPOSE ................................................................................................... 8
2.2 PRELIMINARY DESIGN REVIEW................................................................ 8
2.2.1 Preliminary Design Approval............... 8
2.2.2 Design Standards – General Parking
Facilities 15
3 Establishment of the Zoning Regulations ................... 18
3.1.1 Title........................................................ 18
3.1.2 Authority .............................................. 18
3.1.3 Purpose ................................................ 18
3.1.4 18
3.1.5 Exclusions for Building Heights:.......... 18
3.1.6 Utility Structures ................................... 18
3.1.7 Interpretation and Conflict ............... 18
3.1.8 Purpose ................................................ 20
3.1.9 Permitted Uses: ................................... 20
3.1.10 Plot Development Standards ........... 20
3.1.11 Parking and Loading Design ............ 20
3.1.12 Requirements ...................................... 21
3.1.13 Table 1.................................................. 21
3.1.14 Exterior Building Signing ..................... 21
3.1.15 Purpose ................................................ 21
3.1.16 General Requirements ...................... 22
3.1.17 Single Tenant Building Wall Signs ...... 22
3.1.18 Freestanding Single Tenant
Identification Signs 22
3.1.19 Multi Tenant Building Signs ................ 22
3.1.20 22
3.1.21 22
3.1.22 Miscellaneous Signs- Temporary
Identification Signs 22
3.1.23 Prohibited Signs................................... 22
3.1.24 Site Lighting ......................................... 23
3.1.25 General Requirements ...................... 23
3.1.26 Landscaping, Walls and Fences ...... 23
3.1.27 Purpose ................................................ 23
3.1.28 Landscaping ....................................... 23
3.1.29 General Requirements ...................... 23

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3.1.30 Walls and Fences ............................... 24

3.1.31 Purpose ................................................ 25
3.1.32 Permitted Uses: ................................... 25
3.1.33 Prohibited Uses:................................... 26
3.1.34 Nuisances ............................................ 26
3.1.35 * Also development standards shall
be as per Dubai Municipality Building Regulations. .................................................. 27
3.1.36 Parking and Loading Standards ...... 27
3.1.37 Purpose ................................................ 27
3.1.38 Parking and Loading Design ............ 27
3.1.39 Requirements ...................................... 27
3.1.40 Table 1.................................................. 28
3.1.41 Exterior Building Signing ..................... 28
3.1.42 Purpose ................................................ 28
3.1.43 28
3.1.44 General Requirements ...................... 28
3.1.45 Single Tenant Building Wall Signs ...... 28
3.1.46 Freestanding Single Tenant
Identification Signs 28
3.1.47 Multi Tenant Building Signs ................ 29
3.1.48 Miscellaneous Signs- Temporary
Identification Signs 29
3.2 Prohibited Signs ..................................................................................... 29
4 Site Lighting .................................................................... 29
4.1.1 General Requirements ...................... 29
4.1.2 Landscaping, Walls and Fences ...... 30
4.1.3 Purpose ................................................ 30
4.1.4 Landscaping ....................................... 30
4.1.5 General Requirements ...................... 30
4.1.6 30
4.1.7 Walls and Fences ............................... 30
4.2 Single Family Residential Development Regulations ....................... 31
4.2.1 Purpose ................................................ 31
4.2.2 Permitted Uses .................................... 31
4.2.3 Accessory uses.................................... 31
4.2.4 Plot Development Standards ........... 31
4.2.5 Single Family detached and Single
Family attached: 31
4.2.6 31
4.2.7 Townhouse .......................................... 31
4.3 Multiple Family Development Regulations ........................................ 32
4.3.1 Purpose ................................................ 32
4.3.2 Permitted Uses .................................... 32
4.3.3 Plot Development Standards ........... 32
4.3.4 Residential Commercial (RC) ........... 32
4.3.5 Purpose ................................................ 32
4.3.6 Permitted Uses .................................... 33
Street Frontage Line 33
4.3.7 Buildings shall have a street edge wall
built along at one un-built portion of the frontage line with a maximum depth of

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5 meters and to a level of the first floor line. The wall shall be no more than 75%
opaque. Openings shall be allowed for pedestrian and vehicular entrances. ... 33
4.3.8 Common Open Space ..................... 33
4.3.9 Off- Street Parking and Loading
Standards 33
4.3.10 Parking and Loading Design ............ 33
4.3.11 Off- Street Parking Requirements ..... 33
4.3.12 Purpose ................................................ 35
4.3.13 Permitted Uses .................................... 35
4.3.14 Accessory Uses ................................... 35
4.3.15 Plot Development Standards ........... 35
Accessory Uses 35
Off Street Parking 35
Apartment – 35
4.4 Commercial Development Regulations ............................................ 35
4.4.1 Purpose ................................................ 35
4.4.2 Permitted Uses .................................... 36
4.4.3 Plot Development Standards ........... 36
4.4.4 Off- Street Parking and Loading
Standards 36
4.4.5 Parking and Loading Design ............ 36
4.4.6 Off- Street Parking Requirements ..... 37
38 .... Educational Facilities Development Regulations 5
5.1 Regulations ............................................................................................ 38
5.1.1 Permitted Uses .................................... 38
5.1.2 Plot Development Standards ........... 38
5.1.3 Off- Street Parking and Loading
Standards 38
5.1.4 Parking and Loading Design ............ 38
5.1.5 Off- Street Parking Requirements ..... 39
5.2 Medical Facilities Development Regulations.................................... 40
5.2.1 Purpose ................................................ 40
5.2.2 40
5.2.3 Permitted Uses .................................... 40
5.2.4 Plot Development Standards ........... 40
5.2.5 General Design Standards ................ 40
5.2.6 41
5.2.7 Off- Street Parking and Loading
Standards 41
5.2.8 Parking and Loading Design ............ 41
5.2.9 Off- Street Parking Requirements ..... 41
5.3 Community Facilities Development Regulations ............................. 41
5.3.1 Purpose ................................................ 41
5.3.2 Permitted Uses .................................... 42
5.3.3 Plot Development Standards ........... 42
5.3.4 Off- Street Parking and Loading
Standards 42
5.3.5 Parking and Loading Design ............ 42
5.3.6 Off- Street Parking Requirements ..... 42
5.4 Development Regulations ................................................................... 43

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The Dubai silicon oasis Authority Development Regulations (DR) is meant to serve as
instructions, mandatory requirements, and guidelines for developers of parcels within the
Dubai silicon oasis Authority.


The requirements and regulations of these DR shall apply to any and all projects or
developments located within the area known Dubai silicon oasis Authority ( DSOA ).

Dubai silicon oasis Authority, hereinafter referred to as DSOA, is Engineering Management -
Planning & Design Department, EM – P&D.

The Dubai silicon oasis Authority – EM - P&D, hereinafter referred has an inherent interest
in controlling the type and quality of development in Dubai silicon oasis Authority Area.
In order to facilitate this end, the DSOA – EM - P&D has the authority to approve or
disapprove all applications for development within Dubai silicon oasis Authority area.
DSOA – EM - P&D has the authority to require compliance with the DR by all DSOA
leaseholders, and to make amendments and interpret requirements of the DR to DSOA
leaseholders and developers.


Language used throughout this document shall be taken to have the following

a) Words used in the present tense shall be taken to include the future.
b) Words in the singular number include the plural number, and words in the plural
number include the singular.
c) The phrase “USED FOR” shall include the phrases “ARRANGED FOR”, “DESIGNED
d) “SHALL” is mandatory.
e) “MAY” is permissible.
f) “DM”, the office of the Dubai Municipality.
g) “DSOA” the area called Dubai silicon oasis Authority.
h) “DSOA – EM - P&D”, the administration and governing – Planning & Construction
Management Department of Dubai silicon oasis Authority.
i) Unless otherwise specified, all distances shall be measured horizontally and shall be
to the nearest integral centimeter.
In case of any differences of meaning or implication between the text and the caption or the
title of any illustration or chart, the text shall control.


For the purpose of this document, the following words and phrases shall have the following
meanings ascribed to them.

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Accessory Use – any purpose for which a building, structure, or tract of land may be
designed which is customarily incidental and subordinate in area, extent or purpose to the
principal building which it serves.
Altered – a physically changed building or one to which an addition is made.
Block – multiple lots contained within the boundaries of a set of major public roads, major
water bodies, etc.
Buffer Zone – a strip of a land established to protect one type of land use from another with
which it is incompatible. Buffers are usually landscaped and may or may not have a wall or
Build- To-Lines – a type of building line used as means of enforcing the continuity of the
building facades on a series of adjacent sites, in order to emphasize a route or the definition
of a public open space.

The object is to achieve perceptual continuity; therefore, it is not intended that a façade must
be designed as a continuous smooth surface. In order to comply, 80% of the outer surface
of the building façade at ground, first and second floors must lie along the line where
Canopy – any structure, movable or stationary, attached to and deriving its support from a
structure for the purpose of sheltering a platform, sidewalk, or stoop from the elements, or a
roof-like structure of a permanent nature that projects from the wall of structure and
overhangs the public way.
Converted – a building which is changed from one use to another.
Education/Research – a building used for teaching, academic research or training.
Entertainment use – a building used for Entertainment activities such as nightclub, concert
hall, theatre, or other social activities, which may include the performance of life music,
theatre, or other performances.
Exception – means a use that would not be generally be appropriate or without restrictions
on a parcel within its zone, but which, if controlled as to number, area, location, or relation to
the neighborhood, could promote the public health, safety, appearance, prosperity or
general welfare.

Fence – a free-standing structure of metal, masonry, wood, or combination of the above,

resting on the ground and rising above ground level and used for confinement, screening or
partition purposes.
Financial Services – a building used for banking, investments, insurance, stock exchanges,
money transfers, currency exchange or any activities related to the finance.
Floor Area Ratio (FAR) – the floor area ratio of a building or other structure on any lot is
determined by dividing the gross floor area of such building by the area of the lot on which it
is located. When more than one building or structure is located on lot then the floor area
ratio is determined by dividing the total floor area ( the total built up area ) of all buildings or
structures by the lot area. The floor area ratio requirements, as set forth under each district
and on each parcel, shall determine the maximum floor area allowed for a building or other
structure in direct ratio to the gross lot area.
Gross Floor Area (GFA) – the sum of the gross floor areas of all the floors of a building
measured from the exterior faces of the exterior walls or from the centerlines of common
walls joining 2 buildings.

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For determining FAR the measurement of the GFA to be used shall include the floor area
devoted to:
a) Attic space with headroom of 2.15 meters (7 feet) or more.
b) Elevator on the ground floor .
c) Stairwells.
d) Space for mechanical equipment within the building.
Floor area excluded from GFA includes:
a) Basement if used only for parking, storage or mechanical services.
b) Elevator shafts.
c) Mechanical ducts or chases.
d) Floor area devoted to accessory uses.

Health Club – a building used for exercise, fitness, and sports training.
Height, Maximum – a horizontal plane above and parallel to the average finished grade of
the entire parcel at the height shown in the district regulations. No part of any structure shall
project through this plane with the exception of chimneys, flues, gasholders, elevator
enclosures, skylights, water towers, or similar roof structures needed to operate and
maintain the building.
Landscaping –the improvement of a lot with grass, shrubs, and/or trees (Soft Landscape).
Landscaping may include pedestrian walks, parking areas, flowerbeds, ornamental objects
such as fountains and statuary, designed and arranged to produce an aesthetically pleasing
effect (Hard Landscape).
Lot or Plot Limits – the area of a horizontal plane bounded from the front, side, and rear lot
Lot or Plot Corner – a lot that adjoins the point of an intersection or the meeting of two or
more streets.
Lot or Plot Coverage – that percentage of a lot which, when viewed directly from above,
would be covered by a structure. This excludes projecting roof eaves.
Maintained – to be kept in good working order or in a state of good condition. In the case of
landscaping, to be trimmed, mowed, watered and weeded. In the case of buildings to be
clean, in good repair, free from rust and other decay of materials..
Multi-family Residence – a building, or portion thereof, designed for residential occupancy
by three or more families living independently in independent units.
Commercial Use – This includes shops, offices, hotels ….etc.
Residential Use – all types of apartments.
Office Use – a building used for business purposes. This includes use as a flexible
workspace – a building in which combinations of office, workshop, and research activities
take place, and use as a small scale studio – a building used by photographers, printers,
artists, and other creative professionals, including post-production of media content,
provided the use of the building is compatible with other neighboring office and residential
uses in terms of noise, traffic generation, emissions and other environmental impacts.
Permitted Use – a use by right, which is specifically authorized in the Development
Regulations for the Development Parcel.
Remodeled – to make improvements to a building or facility without changing its use or

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Retail – the sale of goods, merchandise, commodities, and services for consumption or use
by the purchaser.
Restaurant – premises used for the sale and consumption of food and drink on or off the
Public Facilities - ( PF )
Open Spaces - ( OP )
Electrical Sub Station – ( ESS )
Pump Station - ( PS )
Police Station
Health - ( H )

ROW – Public right of way or areas designated as public property for the location of roads or

Setback Line – the minimum horizontal distance between the property line (Plot Limits) of
any development lot and the enclosed part of a building or a structure, the distance of which
is established by the zone in which the parcel is located and by the Development
Regulations ( DR ) for the parcel itself.

Signage – any device used to identify, describe, sell or display by letter, numbers and/or

Temporary Use – a use of land or building not intended to be of production, and for
temporary period.


Minimum Requirements
In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this ordinance shall be held to be
the minimum requirements for any development.

Overlapping or Contradictory Regulations

Where the conditions imposed by any provision of this ordinance upon the use of land,
buildings or structures are either more restrictive or less restrictive than comparable
conditions imposed in other areas of this DR, the regulations which are more restrictive
shall apply.

Cumulative Provisions

The provisions of this ordinance are cumulative and additional to any limitation upon other
laws and ordinances, hetero or hereafter passed governing any area covered in this

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This part of the DR establishes procedures for the review of any and all development
projects within DSOA. It includes but is not limited to:
a) Preliminary screening of development projects to ensure development content and land
use elements are consistent with the Master Plan for the site and DSOA-EM - P&D
intentions, before detailed design work is carried out.
b) Site plan review to ensure that designs reflect the planning and urban design
requirements of the Master Plan, and that the provisions of the DR are complied with.
c) Final design review and DSOA-EM - P&D permit issuance.
d) Review to ensure that projects are in compliance with the DR of the DSOA-EM - P&D
e) Review procedures for DR exceptions, variances and conditional uses.
It should be noted that any approval granted by DSOA-EM - P&D for development on the
Dubai silicon oasis Authority site does not imply approval of technical aspects relating to the
building – structural design, light and ventilation, health and safety, fire regulations, etc. Such
aspects are the full responsibility of the developer of the lot. Refer to Building Permit Flow
NOTE: Developer shall obtain NOC’s from all the Authorities including DEWA (E&W),
Etisalat, DM Drainage & Sewage Dept., Civil Defense, DM Health & Environmental Dept.


DSOA-EM - P&D review all preliminary plans for development within Dubai silicon oasis
Authority Area. This shall involve the submission of the following:
a) Building concept plan
b) Preliminary elevations, sections, and 3D sketches
c) Site layout plan.
d) Refer DSOA request on Form ( PUF – 02 ).
The submission shall be accompanied by a fully completed documents listed on Preliminary
Design Approval Request Form (PUF-02) especially authority NOC’s .
Preliminary designs shall be the work of an architect registered, classified and licensed to
perform work in Dubai. All drawings shall be drawn to scale, establishing building heights,
setback lines, property lines, general landscaping, and parking. Three copies shall be
submitted of each drawing, along with all other attachments as listed on the submission form.

2.2.1 Preliminary Design Approval

Following review of the plans in accordance with the DR and applicable international,
standers and within minimum 7 working days the developer and his consultants will be
invited to attend…………………………….

a review meeting to discuss the submission with DSOA-EM - P&D. Following this meeting
the plans may be rejected or approved or the developer will be requested to proceed to final
design with agreed modifications.
Approval of the Preliminary Design allows the developer to proceed with Final Design.
Following approval of the Preliminary Design, the applicant shall submit an application for Final
Design Review. This submission shall be accompanied by a fully completed Final Design
Approval Request Form ( PUF-03 ), and shall be include detailed drawings of the project as well
as all other attachments as listed on the submission form. The drawings shall be drawn to scale
and contain the following information:

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Site Plan to include:

 Property boundaries
 Location and dimensions of all building and structures
 Required setback lines
 Adjacent street right-of-way
 Driveways & parking spaces ( numbered and to scale )
 Topography
 North orientation symbol
 Landscaping & irrigation
 Size and location of any free-standing signs
Full Working Drawings including:
 Architectural drawing set
 Structural drawing & calculation and Soil test report
 MEP drawing & calculation design
 Other subject to project
NOTE: Developer should obtain final NOC’s from all Authorities.
Building Information to include:
 Building floor plans
 Building elevation dimensions
 Building sections
 Exterior material indications
 Fencing or wall elevations
General Requirements of DSOA Electric Drawings Approval
A- The Civil Defense Authority :
 Present to DSOA a copy of the approval of the Civil Defense Authority for
the Fire Alarm System.
B- Etisalat
 Apply obtain and present to DSOA a copy of the approval of Etisalat – NOC
Department (04-2022558) for the Land Line Telephone Services.
 Approach Etisalat – NOC Department (04-2022558) for possible requirement of
MOBILE Services System within the building.
C- DEWA Distribution Services:
 Provide a copy of DEWA initial NOC of Electric Loads.
 Apply , obtain and present to DSOA the original approvals of DEWA -
Distribution Services Department for :
a) Locations, dimensions and orientation of the Transformer Room ,
and RMU Room (if a separate RMU is required by DEWA) .
b) Details of trenches / ducts and cable trays' routes for DEWA incoming
HV cables to the RMU or the Transformer room for approval of DEWA – Distribution Services.
D- DEWA Consumer Services:
Apply , obtain and present to DSOA the original approvals of DEWA - Consumer Services
Department for the following:
1. Locations, dimensions and orientation of the Main LV Electric Room, and the Electrical
Rooms in upper floors, including KWh metering arrangement in all Electric Rooms.
2. Double slab (attic) for water proof protection of all electric rooms if wet areas exist
above them.
3. The Single Line Diagram (400/230 V),
4. Load Distribution Schedules of the Main, Sub-main and Final Electric Distribution
5. Chillers' load Approval (if Any).
6. Power Factor Improvement and details of Capacitor Bank Calculations.
E- DSOA- EM - P&D - Electric:

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1. Provide details of trenches, ducts , cable trays' LV cables from the Transformer Room(s)
to the main electric room [the LV Room(s)].
2. Provide details of trenches, ducts , cable trays' and bus bar risers (if any) for the LV
cables from the main electric room(s) to the electric rooms in upper floors.
3. Provide one Excel sheet table (A3) listing all electro-mechanical devices .
For each item in the list , specify its name location, purpose, connected load, cable size,
ratings of the Isolator or the automatic breaker, type and ratings of Earth Leakage Protection
and from which distribution board it is fed. The list should include all Lifts / Escalators / Chillers
/ Boilers / Heaters / Pumps/ AHU/ FCU/ Fresh Air, Exhaust, and Pressurization Fans /. A sample
sheet is available if needed.
4. In addition to the paper copies, provide above information in one CD containing
electronic (soft copy) of all documents in appropriate formats.
Further Comments and Notes particular to this project may follow in a separate letter after
receiving above submittals.
The consultant's electric engineer may call for appointment to discuss the above requirements
with DSOA Chief Engineer / Electrical between 8:am. to 2:30 pm at 04-5015270 / 050-2970792
or via e-mail:
General Requirements of DSOA Mechanical Drawings Approval
 Apply, obtain &submit DEWA-WD NOC.
 Apply, obtain & Submit DEWA- Consumer services Dep.(water-NOC) along with
stamped drawings.
 Apply, obtain &submit DM-Drainage Department NOC
 Apply, obtain & submit Civil Defense NOC for Fire Fighting works.
 Apply, obtain & submit DM Environmental Dep. NOC.
 Comments to be answered in table form.
 For any clarification please contact Engineer Sinan Rasheed./Eng. Ali Almazmi
 Submit original Under Taking letter Directed to Dubai Silicon Oasis.

DR – EM - P&D / DSOA 8
 HFC refrigerant to be used in HVAC equipments (where ever it’s
 A/c electrical load to be approved by DEWA-ED.
 Provide sufficient ventilation in line with the ASHRAE standards.
 To provide CO sensors to the basement and to be connected to the
extract fans.
 Submit heat load calculation (soft copy).
 Submit heat summery sheet
 Riser Diagram for FAHU, Extract and Chilled water
 Sample Heat load calculation to be done with DSOA engineer
 All works should be in line with DM regulations(DM Drainage General Notes & Details)
 Provide construction details for holding tank, manholes, FIC, GT, etc in line with DM
details & requirements
 FIC location should be as per infrastructure net work and coordination drawings to be
submitted for DSO approval.
 To show all the invert levels for the Manholes and GT, etc.
 To provide sand trap for the surface drain line before connecting to the sump pit.(Put as
Note in the drawings)
 Construction, connection and location of holding tank should be as per DM regulations
and details.

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 Waste t and soil pipes to be connected to the holding tank and to provide a provision for
connecting it to FIC for the future connection.
 To provide vent for all the required connections in line with DM regulations. (Put as Note
in the drawings)
 To submit holding tank capacity calculation.
Water Supply
 All the works should be as per DEWA standards
 All the materials should be as per DEWA standards.
 Submit calculation for the water demand approved by DEWA Consumer services
Dep.(water –NOC)
 Water tank (concrete) to be checked by the structural engineer.
 To provide a reserved water capacity for 24 Hr’s.
Fire Fighting
 All pumps to be UL, FM listed.
 Provide fire dampers with the correct specifications where ever it’s required along
with the necessary arrangement as per CD regulations and approval.
 Provide fire rated walls and doors where ever it’s required as per CD regulations.
 F/F contractor to be approved by CD.
 Provide stair case pressurization fans as per CD & NFPA regulations. Along with
diesel generator set.
 To check and ensure the coverage distance of (30m) fire hose real.
Swimming pools:
 All the works will be subjected to an Inspection by DM Environmental Dep.

Three copies of the drawings and Design Calculations shall be submitted for review.
Compliance to all aspects of this ordinance will be determined, including DSOA-EM - P&D
site, architectural and urban design standards. Designs found to be in compliance will be
issued a No objection to proceed from DSOA-EM - P&D.


Within 20 working days of receipt of an application the DSOA-EM - P&D shall invite the
applicant to attend a review meeting to discuss the submission. Following this meeting
the plans may be rejected or approved or approved with comments. Consultant shall
prepare minutes of meeting to indicate DSOA Comments and Recommendations.
One copy of all drawings will be returned to the applicant with either “No Objection” or
“rejected” stamped on them. One similarly marked copy will be kept by DSOA-EM -
A complete digital set of the approved drawings are to be submitted to the DSOA-EM -
P&D. These drawings are to be in Micro Station format or a similar format approved by
the DSOA-EM - P&D.

2.4 EXPIRATION of Building Permit

Building Permit will be valid for 6 month, An extension of 6 months time may be
granted by DSOA – EM - P&D with condition to renew all the NOC’s from the


Minor modification to approved preliminary design, site plan or building design may be
permitted by DSOA-EM - P&D if the modification does not result in:
a) a change in the use or character of the development ;
b) an increase in site coverage ;
c) an increase in the amount of parking generated ;

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d) an increase in parking or loading requirement ; or

e) a decrease in the amount of parking or loading provided.
Should any of the above occur, the applicant must resubmit the preliminary design to
DSOA-EM - P&D for review and approval.

Should an applicant find that due to dimensional variations on the site undue hardship
is presented for the completion of a project, the applicant may request a variance from
the literal enforcement of the DR requirements.
The applicant should submit proposals to DSOA-EM - P&D for approval.
Approval must be issued from DSOA-EM - P&D before the applicant is to proceed.
The tolerance for Demarcation Points will be as:
a) Development plots (owned areas of developers) will be (+ / - ) 0.02 m plus i.e
1:20,000 units in distances.
b) Public , Facilities and DSOA plots ( + and - ) is 0.08 plus 1:5000 units in distances

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The purpose of this section is to ensure that the quality and standards set forth by
DSOA-EM - P&D are carried out by all developers and contractors active on the site
and that any violation of these standards be immediately corrected.


It shall be the duty of DSOA-EM - P&D to monitor and ensure that all development,
businesses, and operations within Dubai silicon oasis Authority Area are in
compliance with all aspects of the DR.


All development within Dubai silicon oasis Authority Area shall be consistent with the
application and approved plans of said development. Any variation from the
application or approved plans in terms of use, arrangement, or construction shall be
construed to be in violation of the DR.
Any structure which has been constructed, altered, converted, remodeled, or
maintained contrary to the provisions of the Dubai silicon oasis Authority Area
Development Regulation Guidelines, or any use of land or structure maintained or
occupied contrary to the provisions of these Development Regulation is said to
contrary to the orderly development of Dubai silicon oasis Authority Area, and is
therefore deemed to be in violation of these Regulations.


Non-compliance with requirements of the DM Environmental Regulations shall be

deemed a violation of the Dubai silicon oasis Authority Area Development


It shall be the responsibility of all architects, engineers, contractors, applicants /

leaseholders, and other persons responsible for individual development projects,
their construction or alteration, to ensure that proper permits have been issued
before such work is begun. Any architect, engineer, contractor or other person
performing such work without the appropriate permits will be deemed to be in
violation of these Regulations and shall be held liable in the same manner as the
leaseholder of the property.
Responsibilities & Liabilities to cover the Design, Construction and Dubai Authorities


Any complaint concerning a violation of this ordinance shall first be filed with DSOA-
EM - P&D. Such complaints shall fully and clearly state the nature of the alleged
violation, the dates of the occurrence, and the alleged violating parties. DSOA-EM -
P&D will document all such complaints, investigate, notify DM when appropriate (if,
for example, the violation impacts on surrounding properties or public areas), and
take appropriate action.

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Any person or persons found to be in violation of these Regulations shall be given

notice in writing (Violation Notice Form PUF- 09 ). Such written notice shall be issued
by DSOA-EM - P&D and shall indicate the nature of the violation and whatever
course of action is necessary to rectify it. Such action may include discontinuance of
illegal uses or structures, removal of illegal structures, additions, and alterations, or
the discontinuance of illegal work as may be appropriate.
DSOA-EM - P&D will initiate enforcement proceedings for any failure to immediately
comply with a notice of violation.


Appropriate actions and proceedings shall be taken to prevent unlawful construction,

to recover damages, or to restrain, correct, or abate any violation of the DR.
The DSOA-EM - P&D shall assess the appropriate penalty within 15 days of issuing
a Violation Notice. DSOA-EM - P&D shall also calculate any penalties assessed
based upon the date of issuance of the Violation Notice.

3.9. PENALTIES ( Defect liabilities )

The DSOA-EM - P&D will assess penalties (in accordance with current DM practices
where appropriate) against any person or persons who violate the provisions of
these Development Regulations.

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To ensure that off-street parking and loading within Dubai silicon oasis Authority Area is
well designed and of sufficient size and quantity to accommodate the realistically
expected traffic load.
For purposes of this Regulation, certain terms and words are defined as follows:
a) Parking space, off-street - means an all-weather surfaced off- street storage
space, either outside or within a building, for the parking of motor vehicles.
Adequate room for parking a standard size automobile, with ample room for opening
of doors on both sides, must be provided, In addition, the parking space shall have
proper access to a public or approved Private Street, as well as ample on-site
maneuverability, so that access to the parking space does not require maneuvering
on a public street or approved private street.
b) Loading space, off-street – means all-weather surfaced area, other than a public
street or approved private street, logistically and conveniently located for loading,
unloading, pick-ups or deliveries by motor vehicles or trailers, and accessible to the
vehicles whenever all off-street parking spaces are filled. There shall be ample off-
street maneuverability on public streets or approved private streets.
c) Accessible – means the ability to be used by persons and with disabilities wherever
d) Floor area – means the gross floor area (GFA) measured outside the exterior walls,
where floor area is the basis for determining the amount of off-street parking or
loading required.
Design standards are established to set basic dimensions and requirements for parking
and loading facilities. DSOA-EM - P&D in determining parking and loading compliance
shall use such standards.

General Parking Facilities

This section contains requirements for dimensions of all parking facilities.
a) Stalls and aisles must be designed such that columns, walls or other obstructions do
not interfere with normal vehicular parking maneuvers. All required stall and aisle
widths must be designed to be clear of such obstructions.
b) The required stall width must be increased by 0.15 meters for any stall immediately
adjacent or a wall, whether on one or both sides.
c) Dead end aisles shall be avoided to the greatest extent possible.
d) All parking facilities shall be set back sufficiently from the street so that vehicles need
not back out onto or over a public street or alley.
e) Stall and circulation dimensions for various parking configurations are to be as
indicated in the following diagram. The required vertical clearance for all parking
areas is 2.30m.

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f) Each off-street loading space shall consist f a rectangular area of not less than
3.70m by 13.70m, and shall have a vertical clearance of not less than 4.3 meters.
g) Each parking and loading space shall have adequate drives, aisles, and turning and
maneuvering areas for access and usability, and shall at all times have access to
public street. Minimum aisle widths for parking areas are:
h) Tandem parking shall only be allowed in single-family residential districts.

Figure (1) Parking stall Standards

2.50 2.50


2 way flow
90 parking


Reversing area for cul-de-sac

5.50 2.50

1 way flow
45 parking

All Dimensions in

Figure (1)

Accessible Parking Standards

The requirements set forth in this section shall apply to common parking in
residential facilities for or more units. The requirements shall not apply to parking
that is restricted by design for the exclusive use of a single unit.

The following table ( based on international standards ) indicates the number of

accessible parking stalls required.

Table (1) Accessible Parking Standards


1 TO 50 1
51 TO 100 2
101 TO 200 3

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201 TO 300 4
301 TO 400 5
401 TO 500 6
501 TO 1,000 1.5 percent of the total
15 bays plus 1 for each 100
1,001 and over
over 1,000

Other Standards

a) Arrangement of parking stalls – A bumper or curb shall be provided and located in

each bay to prevent encroachment of cars over walkways.
b) Sight Distance – Sight lines at entrances shall be designed and maintained in
accordance with DM standards relating to traffic engineering and safety.
c) Paving and Drainage – Parking and loading facilities shall be surfaced and
maintained with a permanent, impervious surfacing material sufficient to prevent
mud, dust, loose material and other nuisances. Surfacing, curbing, and drainage
improvements shall be sufficient to preclude free flow of water onto adjacent
properties or public streets and to preclude standing pools of water within the parking

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5 Establishment of the Zoning Regulations

5.1. Title
The statement procedures, regulations and development standards set forth herein
shall be known as the Zoning Regulations for Dubai silicon oasis Authority and will
herein be referred to as the Development Regulations.

5.2. Authority
Dubai silicon oasis Authority EM - P&D has the authority to establish policies for and
to regulate and control the use and development of land and structures with Dubai
silicon oasis Authority. For this purpose they have the authority to adopt and
promulgate zoning regulations, to appoint a review committee to review and approve
or reject development plans and to ensure that development is in compliance with
the regulations and with the approved plans.

5.3. Purpose
The development regulations are adopted for the following purposes:
1. The divided Dubai silicon oasis Authority into districts and to classify, designate
and regulate the use of land and structures for residences, commerce, trade,
industrial, recreation, open space and other purposes in accordance with the
master Plan and sound planning practices.
2. To provide regulation and control over the use of land to ensure the public health,
safety and convenience and general welfare of residents and employees of
Dubai silicon oasis Authority.
3. To project the value of property and public/ private investments.
4. To achieve mutual compatibility between different land uses.
5. To regulate the limit of height and size of buildings and other structures.
6. To regulate the setback of structures, the size of plots and opens space.
7. To facilitate the adequate provision for community facilities and utilities such as
schools, parks, mosques, transportation, water, power, sewage and other
8. To regulate the amount, location and size of outdoor advertising and signing.
9. To establish performance standards to protect people and the environment.
5.4. Exclusions for Building Heights:

The height of limitations specified in these Regulations shall not apply to the
following uses:
1. Mosque minarets
2. GSM towers

5.5. Utility Structures

Power substations, ESS, GSM sites and pump stations shall be screened,
landscaped and properly maintained.

5.6. Interpretation and Conflict

The regulations shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the protection and
promotion of public health, safety, comfort convenience and general welfare. The
regulations shall be implied within the laws of Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Where
the regulations impose greater restriction upon the zoning of the land than may be
imposed or required elsewhere the Regulations shall prevail.

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If a question arises concerning discrepancies, inconsistencies or ambiguities within

the Regulations, the Dubai silicon oasis Authority / EM - P&D shall interpret these
regulations and provide a decision to clarify the question. Such a decision may be
appealed for further review.

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6 Headquarters & Office District Development Regulations

5.6.1. Purpose
The purpose of the Headquarters and Office District is to provide a zone which
allows the development of high grade administrative, professional and business
office facilities to support the Fab and industrial activities and further promote high
tech research and development image of Dubai silicon oasis Authority.

5.6.2. Permitted Uses:

 Company Headquarters
 Administrative and professional offices including dental and medical,
 Research and development laboratories
 Commercial Services Data Processing
 Finance, insurance and real estate
 Conference Center
 Computer and Telecommunications
 Business Training Centers
 Restaurants

5.6.3. Plot Development Standards

The following property development standards shall apply to plots zoned Office use:

Minimum building setback from the front

property line or any property line adjacent to a 10 meters
Minimum building setback from rear plots line. 10 meters
Minimum building setback from side plot lines. 10meters
Parking lot setback from front property line or
3 meters
any property line adjacent to a street.
Parking or service area setback from other
2 meters
property lines
Maximum Building Height Refer to the site plan of the plot
Floor Area Ratio Refer to the site plan of the plot
Setback areas plus a minimum
Landscape Areas
25 % of total plot area

Parking and Loading Standards

The regulation off street parking and loading is to ensure that all buildings and land
uses are provided with sufficient space for off-street parking and off-street loading to
meet the needs of Owner and employees without having a detrimental impact on the
adjacent properties in terms of health, safety, welfare, or property values.

5.6.4. Parking and Loading Design

1. Parking and loading areas shall be designed, maintained and regulated such that
no parking, loading or maneuvering shall be on the right of way or other plot.

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2. All off- street parking and loading areas shall be graded and surfaced with a
durable impervious paving material, properly drained and maintained. The
surface shall be graded to drain all surface water to the curb and away from
adjoining properties.
3. Surface parking areas shall be setback from the property line a minimum of 3
meters from the front property line and 1.5 meters from any side or rear plot line.
4. No loading area shall be permitted between the principal building and the front
plot line.
5. Parking areas shall not be used for storage, repair work and servicing of any
6. Adequate loading facilities shall be provided and designed in a manner a to not
constitute a nuisance or unreasonable impediment to site traffic

5.6.5. Requirements
Parking requirements shall be based on the building type or functions within. Where
several functions are provided within a building or site the parking requirement shall
be calculated on each use. If parking requirements increase due to a change in the
plot use, the owner shall provide additional off-street parking to conform to the
requirements. Table one provides the parking required per internal use.
5.6.6. Table 1

Uses Parking Requirement

Offices 2 spaces per 100 sqm of gross floor area.

Research, Manufacturing and Assembly 2 spaces per 100 sqm of gross floor area

Accessory Uses
 Services 1 space for every 30 sqm of net floor area
 Restaurant and eating facilities 1 space for every 10 sqm of gross floor area.

Visitors Parking for all uses Plus 10% of total required

DR – EM - P&D / DSOA 19

5.6.7. Exterior Building Signing

5.6.8. Purpose
Exterior signing for each facility shall support and contribute to the aesthetic image of
Dubai silicon oasis Authority and not reduce the value or amenity of the surroundings
or create a hazardous condition.

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5.6.9. General Requirements

5.6.10. Single Tenant Building Wall Signs

1. Exterior wall signs shall be restricted to tenant identification only
2. Signs on building walls shall be individual letters
3. A maximum of two signs are permitted. One wall sign will be permitted on the
primary frontage and one wall sign will be permitted on any other building side
that does not face a residential use or designated property.
4. Signs shall not exceed 5.5 sqm meters in area (60 square feet). Sign type and
corporate logos used together shall not exceed 60 centimeters in height (2 feet).
Corporate logos used separately can be increased to a maximum of 90
centimeters in height. Signs are to be measured by an imaginary rectangle
around the outside of the logo and or logotype.
5. The sign or parts shall not extend above the parapet or eave of the roof line
6. Signs may be illuminated in such a manner as not to create a halo or the light
source be directed upon a public right of way or adjacent property.
7. All proposed signs shall be submitted to DSOA-PDZA for approval.
8. Signs must be maintained in a secure and safe condition.

5.6.11. Freestanding Single Tenant Identification Signs

Freestanding ground signs are permitted subject to the following standards:
1. Plots are restricted to one freestanding sign.
2. The structure shall be located along the primary frontage of the plot setback a
minimum of 45 centimeter from the front property line and 3 meters from any side
property line.
3. Shall not exceed 2.8 meters in height above grade or more than 4.2 square
meters in area

5.6.12. Multi Tenant Building Signs

1. The primary tenant sign will be based upon single tenant sign standards.
2. A secondary tenant identification sign shall occupy one (1) position and be
adjacent to the individual tenant entrance.
3. Corporate logos can be used but in no case should the total sign area exceed
.47square meters (5 square feet). Signs are to be measured by an imaginary
rectangle around the outside of the logo and or logotype.

5.6.13. Miscellaneous Signs- Temporary Identification Signs

Temporary Identification signs are permitted only after relieving approval of
DSOA- PDZA. Permissible signs include:
1. Sale or Lease Sign: One sign is permitted and not to exceed 1.4 square
meters (15 square feet) in area advertising the sale, lease or hire of the site.
2. Construction Sign: One sign not to exceed 2.3 square meters (25 square
feet) in area denoting the owner architects, engineers, contractors and other
related subjects at the start of construction. This sign is to be removed at
the time the building is fit for occupation.
3. Temporary Future Tenant Sign: One sign allowing the identification of future
tenant(s). Signs will not exceed 1.8 square meters in area.

5.6.14. Prohibited Signs

The following signs shall not be permitted on any property:

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1. Roof mounted signs

2. Box panel signs with rear illumination
3. Signs that move, make sounds or make animated lighting
4. Signs that constituent a traffic hazard by reason of its size, location,
projection, content, color or illumination.
5. Signs that obstructs and entrance, window or building opening.
6. Signs that are not related to the premise on which the sign is erected or
advertise a business no longer operated on that site.
7. Signs that project over a public right of way or is closer than 1 meter of the
property line.

5.6.15. Site Lighting

Site lighting is to contribute to the aesthetic image of Dubai silicon oasis
Authority at night, complement and reinforce the architecture and site design
character while providing site security. Lighting shall be done in a manner to
prevent casting glare into adjacent plots and adjacent streets in such a manner
to decrease the safety of vehicular movement.

5.6.16. General Requirements

1. Lighting fixtures for parking areas and internal vehicular circulation areas
potentially visible from adjacent streets, except bollards less than 42 inches
high shall be indirect or shall incorporate a full cut of shield type fixture with
no light spillover.
2. Parking lot illumination shall achieve a uniformity ratio of 3.0 to 1 (average
to minimum) with a maintained average of 1 foot-candle and a minimum of
.03 foot-candles.
3. Building and architectural lighting that articulates and enhances the building
design is encouraged. This lighting shall be indirect in character with no
visible light source.
4. Primary pedestrian areas should achieve a uniformity of 3.5 to 1 (average to
minimum) with a maintained average of .60 foot-candle and a minimum of
.18 foot-candles.

5.6.17. Landscaping, Walls and Fences

5.6.18. Purpose
Landscape Development and walls is to contribute to the aesthetic image of
Dubai silicon oasis Authority providing a pleasant and attractive environment
and not reduce the value of adjacent properties and land uses.

5.6.19. Landscaping
Landscaping of the plot encompasses all site features from the building setback
line to the property line with emphasis on the landscaping of parking lots, rear
and side property lines and planting around the building(s) especially at main
building entrances.

5.6.20. General Requirements

1. Landscaping works shall be completed within ninety (90) days following
completion of construction and in accordance with the approved plans and

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specifications. After completion the landscaping shall be maintained in a

well maintained condition
2. Landscaped area shall be provided with a fixed and permanent irrigation
system for all planted areas.
3. No landscaping shall be permitted that in any way endangers health or
public safety or which is detrimental to the use of surrounding properties.
4. As part of the Site Plan submission a plan shall be submitted showing
proposed landscape development.

5.6.21. Walls and Fences

1. Boundary walls and fences located on the property line and enclosing the
site are not encouraged and optional unless specifically required by DSOA-
2. All outdoor refuse containers and collection areas shall be visually screened
so as not to be visible from adjacent plots or neighboring properties and
3. Wall and fence heights shall not exceed 1.8 meters. Walls along primary
frontage shall be no more than 55% opaque.

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Industrial District
Development Regulations
5.6.22. Purpose
The Industrial District is intended for development that is compatible and
supports the semi-conductor industry, which can be operated without adversely
impacting the character of Dubai silicon oasis Authority. The purpose of the
Industrial District Regulations is to provide sufficient space for light to medium
manufacturing industrial facilities research and development, associated
warehousing, storage, logistic and distribution and service related activities.

All Dubai Municipality environmental requirements must be meet. Uses that are
detrimental to the environment and/or health, safety and general welfare of the
public shall be permitted within DSOA.

5.6.23. Permitted Uses:

Permitted uses shall be performed within a building designed and constructed
so that the activities such as processing, fabricating, assembly or disassembly
do not cause or produce a nuisance to other properties such as but not limited
to vibration, sound, electromechanical disturbance, radiation, air or water
pollution, dust or emissions of odorous, toxic or non toxic matter nor create a
potential for explosion or other hazard.

The following is a list of permitted use that may be considered:

1. Company Headquarters and offices that do not attract nor are dependent upon
business customers visiting the office. The offices space not exceeding 25% of
the built up area
2. Uses primarily engaged in research activities including research and
development laboratories and compatible light manufacturing such as:
a. Biochemical and chemical product
b. Computer and electronics equipment
c. Film and photographic equipment and supplies
d. Medical and scientific equipment .
e. Metallurgy
f. Pharmaceuticals
3. Uses primarily engaged in Manufacturing Equipment/ Suppliers such as
a. Electronics and other electronic equipment
b. Photographic and optical equipment
c. Assembly and Test Facilities
d. Coils tubes and semiconductors
e. Communication and navigation equipment
f. Data processing equipment and computer software
g. Metering equipment
h. Radar, infrared and ultraviolet equipment
i. Optical devices and equipment
4. Uses primarily engaged in warehousing, shipping facilities and logistic
enterprises such as freight forwarding and distribution and equipment

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5. Uses primarily engaged in commercial service business such as equipment

repair, advertising agencies and commercial art services
6. Central Utility and Maintenance Facilities for DSOA operations
7. Accessory uses when related and incidental to permitted uses such as food
services, eating facilities restaurants and medical services.

5.6.24. Prohibited Uses:

The following operations and uses shall not be permitted on any property:
1. Residential uses including labor accommodations.
2. Prefabricated, portable or other temporary structure except for temporary
uses associated with construction activities.
3. Offices that attract and are dependent upon customers visiting the office
such as banks, medical and dental offices, employment agencies and travel
4. Refining of or storage petroleum products.
5. Concrete or cement manufacturing facilities.
6. Trash collection or bulk storage of scrap, waste materials, explosives,
fertilizers, paints, pesticides/ fungicides, or radioactive materials
7. Raising or breeding of animals.
8. Smelting of iron or other ores.
9. Truck or other vehicle parking and storage facilities.

5.6.25. Nuisances
No nuisance shall be permitted to operate on any plot that is offensive or
detrimental to any adjacent property or land use. A nuisance shall include but
not be limited to:
1. Any use excluding reasonable construction activity that emits dust and dirt
into the atmosphere that may adversely affect the health, safety, comfort of
persons within the area.
2. The discharge of fumes, odors and gases or other substances into the
atmosphere that may be offensive or detrimental to any adjacent property or
land use.
3. The discharge of intense heat, glare, electromagnetic ultrasonic laser or
other such radiation. Any operation producing such shall be performed
within an enclosed or screen area
4. Any vibration, noise, sound or disturbance that is objectionable due to
intermittence, beat, frequency, strength or volume.

Plot Development Standards

The following property development standards shall apply to plots zoned

Industrial use:

G+1 for Industrial Plots, G+2 for

Maximum Building Height
Fabs Plots
Minimum building setback from the front
property line or any property line adjacent to a 10 meters
Minimum building setback from rear plots line. 8 meters
Minimum building setback from side plot lines. 8 meters
Parking lot setback from front property line or
3 meters
any property line adjacent to a street.

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Parking or service area setback from other

property lines
1.00 for Industrial Plots.0.75 for
Floor Area Ratio
Fabs, Plots
Setback areas plus a minimum
Landscape Areas
10% of total plot area

Also development standards shall be as per Dubai Municipality

Building Regulations.

5.6.26. Parking and Loading Standards

5.6.27. Purpose
The purpose of regulating off street parking and loading is to ensure that all
buildings and land uses are provided with sufficient space for off-street parking
and off-street loading to meet the needs of Owner and employees without
having a detrimental impact on the adjacent properties in terms of health,
safety, welfare, or property values.

5.6.28. Parking and Loading Design

1. Parking and loading areas shall be designed, maintained and regulated
such that no parking, loading or maneuvering shall be on the right of way or
other plot.

2. All off- street parking and loading areas shall be graded and surfaced with a
durable impervious paving material, properly drained and maintained. The
surface shall be graded to drain all surface water to the curb and away from
adjoining properties.

3. Surface parking areas shall be setback from the property line a minimum
of 3 meters from the front property line and 1.5 meters from any side or
rear plot line.

4. No loading area shall be permitted between the principal building and the
front plot line.

5. Parking areas shall not be used for storage, repair work and servicing of
any kind.

6. Adequate loading facilities shall be provided and designed in a manner

not to constitute a nuisance or unreasonable impediment to site traffic

5.6.29. Requirements
Parking requirements shall be based on the building type or functions within.
Where several functions are provided within a building or site the parking
requirement shall be calculated on each use. If parking requirements increase
due to a change in the plot use, the owner shall provide additional off-street
parking to conform to the requirements. Table one provides the parking
required per internal use.

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5.6.30. Table 1

Uses Parking Requirement

2 spaces per 100 sqm of gross floor area but
no less than 3 spaces.
Research, Manufacturing and
2.0 spaces per 100 sqm of gross floor area
Warehousing 1 space per 100 sqm of gross floor area but
Accessory Uses
 Services 1 space for every 30 sqm of net floor area
 Restaurant and eating 1 space for every 10 sqm of gross floor area.
Visitors Parking for all uses Plus 10% of total required

5.6.31. Exterior Building Signing

5.6.32. Purpose
Exterior signing for each facility shall support and contribute to the aesthetic
image of Dubai silicon oasis Authority and not reduce the value or amenity of
the surroundings or create a hazardous condition.
5.6.33. General Requirements - Single Tenant Building Wall
1. Exterior wall signs shall be restricted to tenant identification only
2. Signs on building walls shall be individual letters
3. A maximum of two signs are permitted. One wall sign will be permitted on
the primary frontage and one wall sign will be permitted on any other
building side that does not face a residential use or designated property.
4. Signs shall not exceed 5.5 sqm meters in area (60 square feet). Sign type
and corporate logos used together shall not exceed 60 centimeters in height
(2 feet). Corporate logos used separately can be increased to a maximum
of 90 centimeters in height. Signs are to be measured by an imaginary
rectangle around the outside of the logo and or logotype.
5. The sign or parts shall not extend above the parapet or eave of the roof line
6. Signs may be illuminated in such a manner as not to create a halo or the
light source be directed upon a public right of way or adjacent property.
7. All proposed signs shall be submitted to DSOA-PCM D for approval.
8. Signs must be maintained in a secure and safe condition.

5.6.34. Freestanding Single Tenant Identification Signs

Freestanding ground signs are permitted subject to the following standards:
1. Plots are restricted to one freestanding sign.
2. The structure shall be located along the primary frontage of the plot setback
a minimum of 45 centimeter from the front property line and 3 meters from
any side property line.
3. Shall not exceed 2.8 meters in height above grade or more than 4.2 square
meters in area.

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5.6.35. Multi Tenant Building Signs

1. The primary tenant sign will be based upon single tenant sign standards.
2. A secondary tenant identification sign shall occupy one (1) position and be
adjacent to the individual tenant entrance.
3. Corporate logos can be used but in no case should the total sign area
exceed .47square meters (5 square feet). Signs are to be measured by an
imaginary rectangle around the outside of the logo and or logotype.

5.6.36. Miscellaneous Signs- Temporary Identification Signs

Temporary Identification signs are permitted only after relieving approval of
DSOA- EM - P&D. Permissible signs include:
1. Sale or Lease Sign: One sign is permitted and not to exceed 1.4 square
(15 square feet) in area advertising the sale, lease or hire of the site.
2. Construction Sign: One sign not to exceed 2.3 square meters (25 square
feet) in area denoting the owner architects, engineers, contractors and other
related subjects at the start of construction. This sign is to be removed at
the time the building is fit for occupation.
3. Temporary Future Tenant Sign: One sign allowing the identification of future
tenant(s). Signs will not exceed 1.8 square meters in area.

5.7. Prohibited Signs

The following signs shall not be permitted on any property:
1. Roof mounted signs
2. Box panel signs with rear illumination
3. Signs that move, make sounds or make animated lighting
4. Signs that constituent a traffic hazard by reason of its size, location,
projection, content, color or illumination.
5. Signs that obstructs and entrance, window or building opening.
6. Signs that are not related to the premise on which the sign is erected or
advertise a business no longer operated on that site.
7. Signs that project over a public right of way or is closer than 1 meter of the
property line.

6. Site Lighting
The purpose of site lighting is to contribute to the aesthetic image of Dubai
silicon oasis Authority at night, complement and reinforce the architecture and
site design character while providing site security. Lighting shall be done in a
manner to prevent casting glare into adjacent plots and adjacent streets in such
a manner to decrease the safety of vehicular movement.

6.1.1. General Requirements

1. Lighting fixtures for parking areas and internal vehicular circulation areas
potentially visible from adjacent streets, except bollards less than 42 inches
high shall be indirect or shall incorporate a full cut of shield type fixture with
no light spillover.

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2. Parking lot illumination shall achieve a uniformity ratio of 3.0 to 1 (average

to minimum) with a maintained average of 1 foot-candle and a minimum of
.03 foot-candles.
3. Building and architectural lighting that articulates and enhances the building
design is encouraged. This lighting shall be indirect in character with no
visible light source.
4. Primary pedestrian areas should achieve a uniformity of 3.5 to 1 (average to
minimum) with a maintained average of .60 foot-candle and a minimum of
.18 foot-candles.

6.1.2. Landscaping, Walls and Fences

6.1.3. Purpose
The purpose of landscaping and walls is to contribute to the aesthetic image of
Dubai silicon oasis Authority providing a pleasant and attractive environment
thereby not reducing the value of adjacent properties and land uses.

6.1.4. Landscaping
Landscaping of the plot encompasses all site features from the building setback
line to the property line with emphasis on the landscaping of parking lots, rear
and side property lines and planting around the building(s) especially at main
building entrances.

6.1.5. General Requirements

1. Landscaping works shall be completed within ninety (90) days following
completion of construction and in accordance with the approved plans and
specifications. After completion the landscaping shall be maintained in a
well maintained condition
2. Landscaped area shall be provided with a fixed and permanent irrigation
system for all planted areas.
3. No landscaping shall be permitted that in any way endangers health or
public safety or which is detrimental to the use of surrounding properties.
4. As part of the Site Plan submission a plan shall be submitted showing
proposed landscape development.

6.1.6. Walls and Fences

1. Boundary walls and fences located on the property line and enclosing
the site are optional unless specifically required by DSOA- EM - P&D
2. All outdoor refuse containers and collection areas shall be visually
screened so as not to be visible from adjacent plots or neighboring
properties and streets.
3. Wall and fence heights shall not exceed 1.8 meters. Walls along primary
frontage shall be no more than 55% opaque.

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6.2. Single Family Residential Development

6.2.1. Purpose
The purpose of the Single Family Residential Zoning District is to create low
density single family neighborhoods of 12.0 dwelling units per net hectare,
consisting of single family detached and attached homes within a residential
neighborhood. The neighborhood is to be provided with the necessary public
and community facilities and open space to provide a safe and pleasant living
environment in keeping with the image of Dubai silicon oasis Authority.

6.2.2. Permitted Uses

 Single Family detached dwelling
 Single Family attached - each unit on its own plot, with no more than two
attached units in a row
 Townhouses –each unit on its own plot with adjacent or attached side walls.
Units are to within building rows of not less than three and no more than ten
attached dwellings.

6.2.3. Accessory uses

 Mosques
 Grocery store/ shops
 Indoor and outdoor recreational facilities

6.2.4. Plot Development Standards

The following property development standards shall apply to plots zoned
residential use:

6.2.5. Single Family detached and Single Family attached:

 Minimum Plot Area 600 square meters
 Minimum Plot Width
 Interior 20 meters
 Corner 22 meters
 Front yard Setback- 4 meters
 Rear yard Setback 6 meters
 Side Yard Setback 3 meters
 Maximum Plot Coverage 60 percent
 Building Height G+1
 Minimum Parking Requirement (off street) 2 spaces per unit
 Landscaped areas Minimum of 20% of the total plot

6.2.6. Townhouse

 Minimum Plot Area 300 square meters

 Minimum Plot Width
 Interior 12 meters
 Corner/ End 15 meters

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 Front yard Setback- 4 meters

 Rear yard Setback 6 meters
 Side Yard Setback for end units 3 meters
 Maximum Plot Coverage 60 percent
 Building Height G+1
 Minimum Parking Requirement 2 spaces per unit
(off street)

 Landscaped areas Minimum of 20% of the total plot

6.3. Multiple Family Development Regulations

6.3.1. Purpose
The purpose of Multiple Family Residential Zoning is to provide medium to high
density dwellings units for families and single status persons averaging 150
dwelling units per net hectare with the necessary public and community support
facilities and open space to provide a safe and pleasant living environment in
keeping with the image of Dubai silicon oasis Authority.

6.3.2. Permitted Uses

 Residential Apartment Buildings
 Residential Commercial Apartment Buildings
 Hotels
 Furniture Apartment

6.3.3. Plot Development Standards

The following property development standards shall apply to plots zoned
residential use:

 Front yard Setback- No setback required

 Rear yard Setback ¼ building height from the plot line
 Side Yard Setback ¼ building height from the plot line
 Parking Setback No setback required
 Maximum Floor Area Ratio Refer to the site plan of the plot
 Building Height Refer to the site plan of the plot
 Minimum Landscape Area Minimum10% of total plot area

6.3.4. Residential Commercial (RC)

6.3.5. Purpose
The purpose of the plots designated Residential Commercial Area is to provide
specific plots where ground floor space is available for neighborhood
commercial retail, services and office use. Commercial use is permitted on the
ground and first floors with Residential units are above. For office use are

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permitted on upper floor and shall not exceed 25 percent ( 25 % ) of FAR area (
As a net lease able area )

6.3.6. Permitted Uses

 Residential Apartment Buildings
 Personal Services- laundry, beauty salon, dry cleaning and repair excluding
auto repair.
 Medical consulting and financial services
 Food and grocery
 Retail commerce
 Hotels and Service Apartments
 Health Club
 Offices

6.3.7. Street Frontage Line

Buildings shall have a street edge wall built along at one un-built portion
of the frontage line with a maximum depth of 5 meters and to a level of
the first floor line. The wall shall be no more than 75% opaque. Openings
shall be allowed for pedestrian and vehicular entrances.

6.3.8. Common Open Space

The common open space within the plot shall be improved for its intended use
as landscaped open space, walkways, plazas, fountains, recreation areas or
other similar activities and features.

6.3.9. Off- Street Parking and Loading Standards

Off street parking and loading requirements are to ensure that all buildings are
provided with sufficient space for off- street parking and off street loading to
meet the needs of residents and users without having a detrimental impact on
the adjacent properties in terms of health, safety, welfare, or property values.

6.3.10. Parking and Loading Design

1. Off -Street Parking and Loading shall be designed, maintained and
regulated such that no parking or maneuvering shall be on the right of way
or other plot.
2. All off- street parking and loading areas shall be graded and surfaced with a
durable impervious paving material, properly drained and maintained. The
surface shall be graded to drain all surface water to the curb and away from
adjoining properties.
3. Private surface parking areas visible from any roadway shall be screened
from the street with a wall with a minimum height of 1.8 meters and no less
than 50% opaque.

6.3.11. Off- Street Parking Requirements

The minimum off- street parking to be provided based on land use shall be:
Land Use Required Off Street Parking
 Residential Apartment Building

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 Studio apartment
 1 bedroom apartment 1 space
 2 bedroom apartment 1 space
 bedroom apartment 1.5 spaces
 4 bedroom apartment 2 spaces
2.5 spaces
 Hotel/ Service Apt
 Hotel rooms -
 Restaurants - 1 space per 5 hotel rooms
 Halls - 1 space per 500 sqft area
 Hotel suites - 1 space per 200 sqft area
 Hotel shops & offices - 1 space per 2 hotel suites
 Hotel apartment - 1 space per 500 sqft area
 Hotel rooms containing a pantry & a kitchen 1 space per one
1 space per room
 Residential Commercial
 Commercial Use 2 spaces per 1,000 sf of Gross
 Offices Commercial & offices Lease
able Area
 Visitor parking
Plus10% of total required from
the above.

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Staff Accommodation Development Regulation

6.3.12. Purpose
The purpose of the Staff Accommodation Area is to provide plots suitable
housing for junior staff working at Dubai silicon oasis Authority in a pleasant
living environment in keeping with the image of Dubai silicon oasis Authority.

6.3.13. Permitted Uses

 Apartments
 Staff Accommodations

6.3.14. Accessory Uses

 Administration office
 Canteen and Restaurants
 Grocery store / shops
 Laundry Facilities
 Indoor and Outdoor recreation Facilities

6.3.15. Plot Development Standards

The following property development standards shall apply to plots zoned
residential use:

Setback- all sides

 5m
Maximum Floor Area Ratio
 1.25
Building Height
 G+2
Minimum Landscape Area
 Minimum10% of total plot area
Accessory Uses
 Cafeteria
 Mosque
Off Street Parking
Apartment –
 1 space per studio apartment
 1 spaces per 1 bedroom apartment
 1 spaces per 2 bedroom apartment
 2 space per 3 bedroom apartment
 Visitor parking Plus 10% of total required

Note: All residential parking is to be accommodated on site

6.4. Commercial Development Regulations

6.4.1. Purpose
The purpose of the Commercial Area is to provide an area that permits the
development of community level retail commercial and service activities. The
scale and character of the development is to meet the shopping requirements

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for necessities and conveniences of residents and employees at Dubai silicon

oasis Authority and surrounding development.

6.4.2. Permitted Uses

 Food and grocery
 Food service and restaurants excluding drive- thru restaurants
 Retail commercial business
 Commercial service business- office equipment repair, advertising
agencies, commercial art services
 Personal services- laundries, beauty salon, dry cleaning, shoe repair and
printing and reproduction.
 Commercial banks and financial services
 Show rooms
 Health care services- offices and clinics for medical doctors and dentists
 Health and fitness facilities
 Indoor entertainment facilities
 Service station- petrol
 Public service offices

6.4.3. Plot Development Standards

The following property development standards shall apply to plots zoned
residential use:

 Building Setback Minimum 10 meters all sides

 Parking Setback 3 meters
 Maximum Floor Area Ratio .75
 Maximum Building Height G+1
 Minimum Landscape Area 15% of total plot area

6.4.4. Off- Street Parking and Loading Standards

off street parking and loading area shall be regulated to ensure that all land
uses are provided with sufficient space for off- street parking and off street
loading to meet the needs of users without having a detrimental impact on the
adjacent properties in terms of health, safety, welfare, or property values.

6.4.5. Parking and Loading Design

1. Off -Street Parking and Loading shall be designed, maintained and
regulated such that no parking or maneuvering shall be on the right of way
or other plot.

2. All off- street parking and loading areas shall be graded and surfaced with a
durable impervious paving material, properly drained and maintained. The
surface shall be graded to drain all surface water to the curb and away from
adjoining properties.

3. Private surface parking areas visible from any roadway shall be screened
from the street with a wall with a minimum height of 1.8 meters and no less
than 50% opaque.

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6.4.6. Off- Street Parking Requirements

The minimum off- street parking to be provided based on land use shall be two
(2) spaces per 100 square meters of Gross Lease able Area (GLA)
And Plus 10% of total required for visitors Parking

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7. Educational Facilities Development Regulations

The following development regulations are for land designated for Educational use.
They provide guidance to developers regarding the type and intensity of development
that can be constructed to provide a safe and pleasant environment in keeping with the
image of Dubai silicon oasis Authority.

7.1. Regulations
7.1.1. Permitted Uses
 Educational and related activities

7.1.2. Plot Development Standards

 Number of floors- Kindergarten/

 Number of Floors-Intermediate to
 Minimum Plot Area 40,000 square meters (sqm).
 Minimum Plot Width 150 meters
 Minimum Plot Depth 100 meters
 Front yard Building Setback 10 meters
 Rear yard Building Setback 10 meters
 Side Yard Building Setback 10 meters
 Maximum Floor Area Ratio 1.2
 Service Standard for calculating
Minimum 35 sqm per student
building area
Mimimum-15% of total plot area.
 Open Area Area to be calculated on providing 10
sqm per student

7.1.3. Off- Street Parking and Loading Standards

The purpose of regulating off street parking and loading is to ensure that all
educational facilities and land uses are provided with sufficient space for off-
street parking and off street loading to meet the needs of residents and users
without having a detrimental impact on the adjacent properties in terms of
health, safety, welfare, or property values.

7.1.4. Parking and Loading Design

1. Off -Street Parking and Loading shall be designed, maintained and
regulated such all parking and loading is within the plot and that no parking or
maneuvering shall be on the right of way or other plot.

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2. All off- street parking and loading areas shall be graded and surfaced with a
durable impervious paving material, properly drained and maintained. The
surface shall be graded to drain all surface water to the curb and away from
adjoining properties.

3. Open surface parking lots shall be setback a minimum of one and one half
(1.5) meters from the property line. The setback area shall be landscaped.

7.1.5. Off- Street Parking Requirements

The minimum off- street parking to be provided shall be:

Educational Facility Required Off Street Parking

 1 space per professional and
administration staff.
 0.75 spaces per Para- professional and
 Kindergarten and Primary
other support staff.
 Bus parking 1 space per 3 classrooms.
 Visitor Parking- 1 space per classroom
 1.5 spaces per 45 sqm of academic
area for professional and administrative
 Intermediate and Secondary staff.
 Bus parking 1 space per 3 classrooms.
 Visitor Parking- 1 space per classroom
 1 space per professional and
administration staff.
 0.75 spaces per Para- professional and
other support staff
 College/ University  Student Parking- 1 space per
90 sqm of academic classroom area
 Visitor Parking- +10.0% of staff and
student parking count.

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7.2. Medical Facilities Development Regulations

7.2.1. Purpose
The purpose of the Medical Facility uses are to provide for the social, cultural and health
care needs of the residents living within Dubai Silicon Oasis. These areas will also be used
to provide land for service authorities to locate their infrastructure such as electrical
substations and telecommunication towers.

The Developers should obtain the necessary approvals from concerned Local Authorities
such as the Department of Health and Health Services, as a prior condition for obtaining
building works license.

7.2.2. Permitted Uses

 Hospitals
 Medical Facilities
 Health care services
 Offices and clinics for medical doctors and dentists
 Health and fitness Facilities
 Mosques

7.2.3. Plot Development Standards

The following property development standards shall apply to plots zoned for medical facility
 Minimum Plot Area Not applicable
 Minimum Plot Width Not applicable
 Minimum Plot Depth Not applicable
 Front yard Setback 10 meters
 Rear yard Setback 5 meters
 Side Yard Setback 5meters
 Maximum Plot Coverage 65 %
 Maximum Floor Area Ratio 1.2
 Maximum Building Height G+2
 Minimum Landscape Area 10 % of total plot area

7.2.4. General Design Standards

1. The design and implementation of the hospital shall be according to the international
standard rules approved for hospitals.

2. The areas of the elements of the building and their interrelations, the width of the
corridors and doors, the electrical, sanitary and mechanical connections and the
used materials shall be considered in accordance with the types, specifications and
measurements of the medical equipment and instruments used in the same.

3. The interior design plans shall be prepared specifying all types and measurements of
the equipment and instruments used in the various sections.

4. Natural ventilation and enlightenment shall be provided for patient rooms, waiting
rooms, offices and halls.

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5. The degree of the light (whether natural or artificial) in all parts of the hospital shall be
according to the approved international standard specifications.

6. The patient rooms shall be as far as possible from streets and car parks. Walls shall
be insulated such as to avoid transfer of sounds from one room to another.

7. The hospital shall be provided by a stand-by electric generator.

7.2.5. Off- Street Parking and Loading Standards

Off street parking and loading requirements are to ensure that all buildings and land uses
are provided with sufficient space for off- street parking and off street loading to meet the
needs of the users without having a detrimental impact on the adjacent properties in terms of
health, safety, welfare, or property values.

7.2.6. Parking and Loading Design

1. Off -Street Parking and Loading shall be designed, maintained and regulated such
that no parking or maneuvering shall be on the right of way or other plot.

2. All off- street parking and loading areas shall be graded and surfaced with a durable
impervious paving material, properly drained and maintained. The surface shall be
graded to drain all surface water to the curb and away from adjoining properties.

3. Private surface parking areas visible from any roadway shall be screened from the
street with a wall with a minimum height of 1.8 meters and no less than 50% opaque.

7.2.7. Off- Street Parking Requirements

The minimum off- street parking to be provided based on land use shall

Land Use Required Off Street Parking

 Hospitals + Medical Facilities + - 1 Space per 750 sqft for total built up
Health care services and area
fitness Facilities
 Visitor parking - Plus 15% of total required

7.3. Community Facilities Development

7.3.1. Purpose
The purpose of the Community Facility uses are to provide for the social,
cultural and recreational needs of the residents living within Dubai silicon oasis
Authority. These areas will also be used to provide land for service authorities
to locate their infrastructure such as electrical substations and
telecommunication towers.

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7.3.2. Permitted Uses

 Mosques
 Parks
 Public Parking
 Government run daycare and kindergartens
 Medical Facilities
 Public Works
 Municipal or other public service facilities such as post office, civil defense
or police stations.

7.3.3. Plot Development Standards

The following property development standards shall apply to plots zoned for
public facility use:

 Minimum Plot Area Not applicable

 Minimum Plot Width Not applicable
 Minimum Plot Depth Not applicable
 Front yard Setback 5 meters
 Rear yard Setback 5 meters
 Side Yard Setback 3 meters
 Maximum Plot Coverage 30%
 Maximum Floor Area Ratio .25
 Maximum Building Height G
 Minimum Landscape Area 60% of total plot area

7.3.4. Off- Street Parking and Loading Standards

Off street parking and loading requirements are to ensure that all buildings and
land uses are provided with sufficient space for off- street parking and off street
loading to meet the needs of the users without having a detrimental impact on
the adjacent properties in terms of health, safety, welfare, or property values.

7.3.5. Parking and Loading Design

1. Off -Street Parking and Loading shall be designed, maintained and
regulated such that no parking or maneuvering shall be on the right of way
or other plot.

2. All off- street parking and loading areas shall be graded and surfaced with a
durable impervious paving material, properly drained and maintained. The
surface shall be graded to drain all surface water to the curb and away from
adjoining properties.

3. Private surface parking areas visible from any roadway shall be screened
from the street with a wall with a minimum height of 1.8 meters and no less
than 50% opaque.

7.3.6. Off- Street Parking Requirements

The minimum off- street parking to be provided based on land use shall be:

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Land Use Required Off Street Parking

Post Office 15 spaces
Mosque 15 spaces
Neighborhood Park 10 spaces
Day Care / Kindergarten 1 space per teacher plus 10 visitor spaces
Open Space Not applicable

7.4. Development Regulations
(a) On designing the mosque, the following utility elements shall, according to the
type and location of the mosque and the number of worshipers using the
same, be provided.

Washroom Sinks u’ Endowment
Quality Accommodation Utility Parks
s (Min.) (Min.) Area shops
a. Mosques for
individual Two bedrooms apartment
prayers for imam + one bedroom
6 4 12 15 2
(not less than 150 apartment for muezzin +
worshipers) 150- Studio for laborer
300 worshipers
Two bedrooms apartment
301 – 500 for imam + one bedroom
8 6 14 25 3
worshipers apartment for muezzin +
Studio for laborer
b. Mosque for
Two bedrooms apartment
for imam + one bedroom
(not less than 500 10 8 20 50 4
apartment for muezzin +
worshipers) 501-
Studio for laborer
700 worshipers
Two bedrooms apartment
701 – 1000 for imam + one bedroom
12 10 24 70 5
worshipers apartment for muezzin +
Studio for laborer

(b) The number of worshipers using the mosque shall be calculated on the basis
of (8) square feet per worshiper. This calculation shall exclude the number of
worshipers outside the space of the mosque.
(c) The following conditions shall be complied with on designing mosques:
1- The design, implementation and supervision shall be by Muslims having
good experience in Islamic architecture and construction works. The manager
of the consultant office performing the work and the engineers working on the
design and supervision of the mosque, shall be Muslim.
2- The mosque shall preferable take a rectangular shape with the longer side
facing Qibla. Preferably, no openings shall be made on the side in which the
consultant office performing the work and the engineers working on the
design and supervision of the mosque, shall be Muslim.

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3- A library, a prayer space for women, a store and rooms for teaching Quran
may be attached to the mosque, the number of which shall be defined
according to the number of worshipers using the mosque and the study
carried out by the Planning Section, provided that entrances for men are
separated from those for women.

4- Mosques in general shall have yards (an open yard as part of the mosque).
Water coolers and shoe cabinets for use by worshipers shall be placed in the

5- Washrooms shall preferably be separate from the building of mosque itself

provided that they have a separate entrance which is not facing the Qibla,
according to the Islamic Shari’a. Washrooms shall preferably be at the south
eastern corner and shall have an eastern design. One of the washroom may
have a western design.

6- Drawings or decorations contradicting with the Islamic Shari’a may not be


7- The external and internal finishing materials for the mosque shall be of
materials and types that complement the Architectural Style of the mosque

8- Directive signage shall be placed leading to all the entrances, directions of

movement and utilities available in the mosque.

(d) Women’s prayer room shall preferably be added to mosques. The

minimum utilities for the women’s prayer room shall be as follows:

- Washrooms (2)
- Sinks (2)
- Wudou’ Place (3)

(e) The maximum number of worshipers, the size and shape of the
mosque space shall be taken into consideration on designing the air-
conditioning system. The regularity and strength of the enlightenment
and sound within the mosque space shall be considered on designing
the lighting spots and acoustic system. The acoustic system and
distribution of the same shall be designed by specialists.
(f) Women’s prayer room shall preferably be added to mosques. The
minimum utilities for the women’s prayer room shall be as follows:

- Washrooms (2)
- Sinks (2)
- Wudou’ Place (3)

(g) The mosques Architectural Style shall be designed according to the

architectural pattern approved by DSOA planning section

(h) The approval of any other authorities required by the Competent Department
shall be obtained on constructing mosques or making any alteration or
addition to the same.

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Government of Dubai ‫ﺣﻜﻮﻣـــــة دبــــــــﻲ‬

(i) The entrances of the mosques and the movement of the worshipers, both
men and women, from and to the mosque shall be considered such that full
separation is realized in the entrances and movement, and convenience is
realized in the use of the wudou’ place for both without any contact between
men and women.

Green Building design Documentation:

1. Green building consultant firm.
2. 3 sets of drawings with highlighted Green Building design features
3. Green Building design features description
4. Required calculations
5. LEED registration form
6. LEED rating system check list
7. To submit a under taking letter agreeing for all DSOA guidelines and regulations.

The project will be eligible for DSOA GBIP if they are complying with the following:

1. Submitting Under taking letter that project will achieve the desired certification.
2. DSOA building completion certificate.
3. LEED certificate to be submitted with in one month from the date of issuing building
completion certificate by DSOA.
4. Failing in achieving the stated targets/certificate, DSOA will hold the right to take any
required legal action including but not limited to impose financial penalties and the
client has no right to dispute it.

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Government of Dubai ‫ﺣﻜﻮﻣـــــة دبــــــــﻲ‬


The following standard forms are available for use in the submission of Development
1 Site plan request
2 Preliminary design approval request
3 Final design approval request
4 Final design approval
5 Building permit request
6 Building permit
7 Land demarcation request
8 Land demarcation certificate
9 Request to conduct Soil Investigation
10 Temporary hoarding request
11 Violation Notice
12 Completion certificate request
13 Completion certificate
14 Conditional Completion Certificate
15 No Objection Certificate
16 Land Rental request @ DSOA
17 Revision on Approved Drawings Request
18 Change of Consultant Request
19 Change of Contractor Request
20 Shoring Works Approval Request
21 Piling Works Approval Request
22 Shoring and Piling Works Approval Request
23 Inspection Book Request
24 Directional Signage Approval Request
25 Post Tension Works Approval Request
26 Pre-Engineered Steel System Approval Request
27 Hot Rolls Steel System Approval Request
28 Pre-Cast Concrete System Approval Request
29 Request For Additional FAR
30 Raft Foundation Works Approval Request Form
31 Site Preparation works Approval Request Form
32 Model Analysis Modification
33 Temporary Lane Closer Request
34 Non Duty Inspection request
35 Rented Land Clearance Inspection
36 Construction Progress Inspection Request
37 Dewatering Permit request
38 Sewerage Connection Request

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Government of Dubai ‫ﺣﻜﻮﻣـــــة دبــــــــﻲ‬


Fees for Building Construction within DSO Project
Sr. Services Description Fees
Issuing final site plane upon
1 Site Plan AED 150
the authorized request
reviewing the proposed
preliminary design in AED 3.25 /sqm .of total
2 Preliminary Design
accordance with DSO build-up area
Issuing of building permit to 20 fils/sq.ft of total build-up
3 Building Permit *
the appointed contractor area
Setting out land demarcation
4 Land Demarcation AED 2400
points at site
Change of Consultant /
5 AED 1000
NOC to Conduct Soil
6 AED 250
Mobilization for the Plot
7 AED 1500
( Fencing + Sign Board )
To indicate the location of the AED 500
8 Directional Signage
site office ( removable ) per set +
Change on approved
 Minor changes AED 500
 Medium AED 1000
changes AED 2000
 Major changes
AED 500 for the inspection
Check slabs and columns book
10 Inspection reinforcements before casting (50 inspections)
concrete AED 500 per inspection for
non duty inspection
11 Shoring Works Approval AED 1500
12 Piling Works Approval AED 2000
Shoring and Piling
13 AED 3500
Works Approval
AED 20 per ton of total
weight of post tensioning
slab work. Minimum of 2000
14 Post Tension Works Issuing Post Tension Slab AED and Maximum of 6000
approval Design Approval AED for each type of slap.
Paid by the Post Tensioning
AED 20 per ton of total
weight of post tensioning
slab. Minimum of AED 2000
15 Pre Engineered Steel Workshop Drawings and and Maximum of AED 6000
System approval Erection Approval for each different building.
Paid by the Specialist Steel

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Government of Dubai ‫ﺣﻜﻮﻣـــــة دبــــــــﻲ‬

AED 20 per ton of total

weight of post tensioning
slab. Minimum of AED 2000
Hot Rolls Steel System Workshop Drawings and
and Maximum of AED 6000
16 approval Erection Approval
for each different building.
Paid by the Specialist Steel
15 Fils per each sq.ft of the
construction area. Minimum
Pre cast concrete Issuing Pre-Cast Concrete of AED 3000 and maximum
System approval Design Approval of AED 9000 for each
different building. Paid by
the Specialist pre-cast
For projects of construction area exceeding 538,000 Sq.ft third parties checking
specialist must be appointed. Or DSOA-PMCD will impose a fee of 50 fils per square
feet (Sq.ft) of the total area as extra charge for the number of extra working hours
dedicated for the project.
5% increase in the FAR, the additional allowable area shall be subjected to additional
fees calculated as below
Additional Fees = Additional Area per sq.ft X Current Land Rate
Raft Foundation Issuing Raft Foundation Raft Approval fees 0.50 AED / per
Approval Design Approval Sq.Ft. With minimum 10, 000 AED
Issuing approval to start
21 Excavation, Leveling, PCC Site Preparation fees 2500 Dhs.
Site Preparation
and Water Proofing Works
EM - P&D checks and
Model Analysis Modification 2500
22 Model Analysis modifies the structural
Modification model analysis
Description :
Roadwork’s are defined as any roadway or utility construction,
maintenance or repair works occurring within or near a road right
Traffic Control of way. The traffic control of these and any other situations that
Device Manual are short term and temporary in nature should follow the control
measures as described for Roadwork’s Traffic Control Device
EM - P&D checks and
approve Temporary Lane AED 500 per day with a maximum
Temporary lane
24 Closer against the Control amount of AED 5000 for Ten Days
Device Manual.
25 AED 1000 Per inspection
Dewatering Permit
26 AED 5000 Per 3 Moths
27 Certificate AED 1000
* ( One Time ) AED 50,000 payment as Bank Guarantee valid for the project period
to be returned with the Completion Certificate.
* + Back to Development Regulation Manual

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