ECAM Action PROC (R-03)

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#Random Malfunctions# #START# #Communications#

START Problem: ⬇⬇⬇

1 ECAM Event Fly
2 Advise GRND (we have start problem
plz standby) > i have control V/S 500
3 ATC > i have comm In suspected
> no OEB CARGO Door Open
4 MCC ( any History & any Suggestions ) & cabin press loss
Or call for OEB
5 CK MEL If " M " Go back to gate
6 Advise Disp. > ECAM ACTION
#If manual shutdown ENG (hung start)
we have to make ENG CRANK
(FCOM ABN PROC.) even in auto start -MayDay or PanPan
# if any nuisances faults came like XBLEED just disregard it .......</ -we lost ...(ENG,f/cntrl,nav capability ..ect)
Single HYD: Dual HYD: .......</ -RQST Safe HDG & Safe Alt
-IF OVRHT or lost slowly - Only difference is put *Always cosider to start APU
.......</ Or RQST Safe Alt
No need to DIVERT CONF 3 before L/G in G+Y For any fault like
- IF Sudden lost - B+Y make sure shocks in EMER. CONF. or any ELEC. related problem -sv.....
DIVERT place before ENG shutdown
STS -RQST VIS & Rwy in use
If any F/S problem
- Select SPD ck SPD -5or-10
- Do NOT select VFE -5 unless u -sv.....
want to go to the next F -RQST to Return Back to Apt
* Go for S/F jammed QRH <Engine failure>
> Stop ECAM & decend
Engine failure before V1 RTO
* RQST long VCTR Engine failure after V1 continue and make the aircraft centerline by using the
rudder then start
* VAPP SPD make us class D when PM announce rotate make sure you are on the centerline and pull up by
10° and make
(141kt and more be class D) the beta target center by the ruder
PM announce positive climb
- in Go around PF announce gear up
At 200 FT (on the radio altimeter) use the ruder trim for 10 to 15 second
do not call for F At 400ft PF announce A/P on and announce (I have control and communication
PM and PF will respond for the ECAM - Comp. Reset -RQST FIRE Equipment
After the major action of the ECAM
ENG FAIL:(RUD10°) > Engine failure with damage if N1 reading is zero it will be secured after one
SQUIP is used and, PM will announce engine secured
- Assistance on the Rwy
( APU Start - Fuel X Feed ) > Engine failure with no damage if N1 reading a number it will be secured after
master switch off, PM will announce engine secured
- in Go around or Eng out acc alt & Eng secured > Engine failure with fire if ECAM fire page displayed and it will be secured after
both SQUIP are used, PM will announce engine secured
stop ECAM After securing the engine PF announce stop ECAM
Acc. - clean up - at G dot ( open cl - MCT ) PF contact tower MYDAY MYDAY MYDAY SAUDI flight ### we have an engine
failure request >Cont. ECAM
safe altitude and RWY heading
# RQST Safe HDG Safe ALT from ATC Put the clearance altitude in the FCU and don’t pull or push the altitude selector -For SMOKE on flight
At the engine reduction altitude minus 50 push to level off and start clean the
aircraft CK with Purser if they can see or
At the green dot pull the altitude selector and select the thrust lever to MCT
PF contact the ATC and request radar vector and apply the clearance smell any smoke
Only time shutdown ENG no ECAM when PF announce continue ECAM
On status page PF request after takeoff climb C/L then PF announce no computer STS Or is it Controlable or not
need to be rest, no flow continue status
ENG STALL and go QRH ENG STALL When the PM announce ECAM action completed
.....</ # Prepare the cabin for landing
PF request the PM to refer to the QRH straight in landing approach with one
engine inoperative page (80.10)

Talk to FIRE Cheaf for any Smoke or Fire

PF contact ATC to request latest weather, type of the approach and RWY in used
Start your approach sequence and request the PM to contact
> Pass the emergency massages to ATC
> Notify the cabin crew you are going back for landing and let them prepare the
If fire cheaf want to chutdown the ENG to get cabin for landing
> Company massages
to the A/C we need to Start the APU In the landing briefing PF should request the PM to make the ruder trim to zero
at 100ft AGL
PF can remainder the PM to set the ruder trim to zero at 100ft
- Remove STS
When to block the RWY - ECAM ACTION COMPLETED Pending PROC.
-Any Fire-Any Smoke - GEAR Extintion.
-Sever Damage -N/W steering - S/F Jammed
# otherwise vacate - QRH PROC. - SUMMARY
* HYD(3)
When you see the traffic symbol on the ND ATC notify -* STRAIGHT IN APP
>TA in amber just announce TCAS I have control Before PM have control
EVACUATE >RA in red With One ENG Inop.
PM fill the DATA CARD
#If NOT 1. A/P off
2. Announce FDs off - CK for Rwy dist. & get
-CABEN CREW and PAX REMAIN SEATED ready for the Rwy in use
3. Green VS follow
>After traffic clear message PF PM
If the Smoke or Fire 2. PF Announce AP on
3. PF ALT pull - Update FMGC
Controlable or NOT Controlable 4. PF HDG pull -
If NOT Evac 5. Speed manage (PUSH)
6. PM ATC notify (we had an RA)
- Read APP Chart
-In FPA When AP off - APP BRFNG with flow
* Set V/S * SIGNS
* FCU + strategy
-When Rwy in site <Hydraulic failure>
> When PM announce the failure PF announce I have * Auto BRK
In NPA control and communication no OEB
stop ECAM (if you are climbing reduce the vertical
FDs off-Birds on-set Rwy TRK climb to 500ft/min) * REV use
> PF contact ATC request safe altitude and radar
- if in Eng fail ( Zero the RUD ) vector * CONF ,Rwy cond,length
> PF announce continue ECAM
In VCTR: > When PM announce ECAM action completed
> PF contact ATC request latest weather, type of
CK minimum approach and RWY in used
> If you lost the yellow hydraulic you should contact
vctr ALT the ATC for blocking the RWY bcoz of losing of the
nose wheel steering
> If you lost the green hydraulic you should refer to - APP C/L Order MayDay,PanPan
-For Reject: the QRH
-FLT# & Type
*REV NO ECAM -Emer Nature
*SIDESTICK if one NO ECAM -Intentions
<Go around >
CK the cross not falling down 1. PF select the thrust lever to TOGA + pitch 15° and announce go around flaps -Position
2. PM select Flap 3
3. PM announce positive climb
-Altitude # INIT Fuel PRED
Go Around: 4. PF announce gear up
5. PM announce gear up
-Fuel in minutes put Fuel On Board
1-after takeoff C/L 6. PF announce manage NAV (push heading)
7. PF read the FMA then announce AP on - CALL DISP.
2-activate APR 8. PM turn on AP and call tower for miss approach -SOB On FINAL/TIME
9. lever climb announce and move the thrust lever to climb position ATC EMER MSG
3-if any QRH
10. PF announce flaps 1
11. PM select flap1
-Any other usful Info
12. PF announce flaps zero
4-advise CAB, CO, PAX 13. PM select flap zero + spoilers + light
14. PF request takeoff and climb ck list
Made by
5-Landing Data Dist Rqst CAPT.
# for S/F jemmed ALENAZY
With regards to Capt. Khalid alharbi

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