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Written by Matthew Kelsey

Edited by Errol Lobo

Ryan Nock
Illustrations by Leonardo da Vinci
Marlon de Rivera
Anthony Monorchio
Susan Knowles
Juan Navarro
Nani Nami Nitesh
Tony Perna
and more from previous
EN Publishing releases
Layout by Eric Life-Putnam
Cover Artwork by Juan Navarro
Cover Design by Eric Life-Putnam
Playtesters Errol Lobo
Kara Meador
Patricia Alder
Richard Myer
Brittany Jones
Daniel Moore
Trevor Seeton
Matthew Savoy
Matthew Titsworth
Becca Iaroli

I would like to thank my gaming group, for
encouraging me to make it all cool and forcing me
to make it all balanced. My philosophy professor,
Dr. Roberts, for understanding when I decided to
work on fantasy instead of philosophy for a while.
And, finally, my family, who still haven’t quite figured
out what this book is all about, but keep trying
anyway. — Matt

Declaration of Open Game Content

Everything in this book other than the covers,
the title page, the contents page, the illustrations,
“EN Publishing” and the EN Publishing logo, proper
character names, and character histories and
biographical background information,
is designated Open Game Content.

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Mastering technology presents many challenges and benefits (artwork by Juan Navarro)
Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE : COMING ONLINE ........................................ 1 CHAPTER FOUR : PRODUCTS OF THE LABORATORY ............... 35
Introduction ................................................................................ 1 Alphabetical List of Devices ....................................................iii
Spellcasting Traditions – Designing the Technologist ....... 1 List of Devices by Order and Rank ....................................... 36
The Sage’s Question: Magic and Technology........................ 3 Device Descriptions.................................................................. 35
§ What Happens if I Magic Missile a Device? ..................................... 3 Sidebars:
§ Example – Magic as Planar Instabilities ........................................ 4 § Example – Relations with Merpeople ..........................................41
Introducing the Technologist .................................................. 5 § Example – Forsaker’s Mark ............................................................43
§ Example – The Imperium Mechanus ............................................. 6 § Aqua on the Open Market ...............................................................44
Real-World Science and the Technologist.............................. 8 § Example – Balancing False Identities ...........................................52
§ Campaign Integration Sidebars ...................................................... 8 § Example – An Insidious Introduction .........................................55
CHAPTER TWO :THE FANTASTIC SCIENTIST ........................... 9 § Example – The Lost Day..................................................................63
§ Example – The Unified Church .....................................................66
The Technologist ........................................................................ 9
§ Instant Death From 4th Level .......................................................67
§ The Imperial Calculus .....................................................................11
§ Example – The Night Weepers.......................................................69
§ Starting After First Level .................................................................13
§ Example – Actors and Prostitutes .................................................76
Technologist Skills ................................................................... 15 § Example – The Portable Laboratory.............................................81
Expanded Masterwork Rules.................................................. 16 § Example – The Ultimate Weapon .................................................82
Weapon Components ................................................................................16 § Example – Jabberwocky Slayers for the Non-Technologist .......85
§ Example – An Assassin’s Weapon .................................................16 § Example – Proliferating Masterwork Components..................91
Armor Components...................................................................................17 § Example – Rod of the Forsakers ................................................. 103
Skill-Related Components ......................................................................17 § Example – The Usual Suspects ................................................... 106
Technologist NPC Statistics ................................................... 18 § Example – The Mark of a True Craftsman .............................. 113
NPC Technologist ......................................................................................18 § Example – Where Did This Army Come From? ..................... 127
§ NPCs and Craft Points ....................................................................18 § Example – The Obelisk of Portents ........................................... 129
Prentice Cogitens at 5th Level ................................................................18 A PPENDIX A: ODDS AND ENDS ........................................ 130
Prentice Cogitens at 10th Level .............................................................20
Designing and Mastering New Devices .............................. 130
Prentice Cogitens at 15th Level..............................................................20
Adapting Existing Spells ...................................................................... 130
CHAPTER THREE : ACTIVATION MECHANICS ....................... 22 Inventing Devices from Whole Cloth................................................ 133
Activating Devices .................................................................... 22 Determining Device Viability and Assigning Order and Rank 133
Choosing a Device* ...................................................................................22 § Benchmark Devices ....................................................................... 133
Activation Level ..........................................................................................23 § Relative Special Effect Ability ..................................................... 134
Concentration* ...........................................................................................23 Researching, Constructing, and Mastering the Device .............. 135
Arcane Disruption* ...................................................................................23 The Savant ................................................................................ 136
Device Failure ..............................................................................................24 Using the Savant ...................................................................................... 140
The Device’s Result ....................................................................................24 § The Savant as a Game Mastering Aid ....................................... 140
Special Device Effects .............................................................. 24 Savant Devices ..........................................................................................141
Combining Magical and Device Effects ............................... 25 Devices as Equipment ............................................................ 145
Device Descriptions.................................................................. 26 Devices Like Magic Items ..................................................................... 145
Name ..............................................................................................................26 § Craft Points and Item Creation Feats ....................................... 145
Order (Rank)* .............................................................................................26 Devices as Treasure ................................................................................. 146
Gadgets* .......................................................................................................26 Device Batteries ....................................................................... 146
Technologies*..............................................................................................26 Devices in Modern D20 Games ............................................ 147
Artifacts* ......................................................................................................26 Shadow Technologist Advanced Class ............................... 148
[Descriptor]* ...............................................................................................26 Shadow Devices ....................................................................................... 151
Activation Time ..........................................................................................27
Range* ...........................................................................................................27 A PPENDIX B: TULLIUS CARENS ........................................ 153
Duration* .....................................................................................................29 Using Tullius Carens in Your Game.................................... 153
§ Base Durations and Hand-Waved Time ......................................29 Tullius, the Wandering Tinker ............................................ 153
Saving Throw ..............................................................................................30 Tullius, Master of the Clanking Emporium ..................... 155
Activation Cost* .........................................................................................31 Tullius, Technological Conspirator .................................... 158
Weight* .........................................................................................................31 LEGAL INFORMATION ...................................................... 162
Descriptive Text*........................................................................................31
Technologist Devices* ............................................................. 31
Device Aesthetics* .....................................................................................31
Daily Preparation*.....................................................................................32
Technologist Device Creation and Maintenance* ...........................32
Technologist Devices and Other Special Abilities* .........................33

Alphabetical List of Devices
Abnormality Sensitivity ............ 35 Dalyrimple’s Out-of-the-Way Kinetic Barrier-Layer .................. 87 Scramble Programming .......... 108
Absorptive Traversant ................ 40 Palace ......................................... 62 Knife Spider .................................. 88 Script Widget .............................. 109
Acidulous Miasma Generator . 40 Dark Matter Ecliptic .................. 63 Knot Train ..................................... 88 Scuttlebug Launcher ................ 109
Alchemical Assayer ..................... 41 Dark Matter Pall.......................... 63 Laboratory of Reawakening ..... 89 Seismic Flow Wand ................... 109
Alchemical Rebreather .............. 41 Dark Matter Reaver .................... 63 Lustrative Armor ......................... 89 Silt Wall ........................................ 110
Alchemical Resequencer............ 41 Defensive Kinetic Shield ........... 64 Magic Sensitivity ......................... 90 Slumberous Savant ................... 110
Alembic of Creation .................... 42 Determent Spring ....................... 64 Magnetosonic Waveform Pulse Smite Abnormality ................... 110
Amanuensis Engine .................... 42 Diadem of Psychic Mastery ...... 64 Generator ................................... 90 Smite Magic ................................ 111
Anathematize Abnormality ..... 43 Discourse Replicator .................. 65 Magnificent Pitch Hurler .......... 91 Smite Magic, Greater................ 111
Annealing Gel .............................. 43 Disseminative Cognimatrix .... 65 Master’s Tools............................... 91 Space-Warp Modulator ........... 111
Antimagic Vortex ........................ 44 Divine Transfusion ..................... 65 Menschausen Dolls .................... 91 Spark Manufactory................... 112
Aqua Celeritas Major.................. 44 Docschmidt Waxsprinkler ....... 66 Mercuric Blade ............................. 92 Sphere of Intractable Will....... 113
Aqua Celeritas Minor ................. 45 Dragoncaster ................................ 66 Metabolic Interdiction Field .... 93 Spikedriver .................................. 113
Aqua Intelligentiae Major......... 45 Duodimensional Lash ............... 66 Mimetic Key, Chronull .............. 93 Splendiferous Scientific
Aqua Intelligentiae Minor ........ 45 Egestive Gland Laboratory ....... 67 Mimetic Key, Fireburst .............. 93 Wonder .................................. 113
Aqua Sapientiae Major .............. 46 Electrolytic Airforge ................... 68 Mimetic Key, Fudoicite .............. 93 Spring-Heeled Jackboots ......... 114
Aqua Sapientiae Minor .............. 46 Electroveiglant Mercury............ 68 Mimetic Key, Netherstone ........ 94 Steamplunker ............................. 114
Aqua Venusitas Major ................ 47 Empyreal Net ................................ 69 Mimetic Key, Savanix ................. 94 Stickyfoam Neutralizer ........... 114
Aqua Venusitas Minor ............... 47 Engineered Panacea .................... 69 Mimetic Key, Smokebomb ........ 95 Stylus of Arcane
Aqua Virium Major ..................... 47 Erevor’s Soul Steel ....................... 69 Mimetic Key, Sunflare ................ 95 Mimeography ...................... 115
Aqua Virium Minor .................... 47 Excitatory Magnetoscythe........ 70 Mindfire Poison Injector ........... 95 Sublimation Chamber ............. 115
Aqua Vitae Major ......................... 48 Extirpate Abnormalities ........... 70 Monroe’s Proactive Suppress Spell ............................ 116
Aqua Vitae Minor ........................ 48 Extirpate Magic ........................... 70 Weathervane .......................... 96 Swift Striders .............................. 116
Arcane Counterdisruption ....... 48 Fabricacious Fabricator............. 71 Nanitic Reconfiguration Teacup’s Tiny Tinkerers .......... 116
Argent-Chain Widgets ............... 49 Feiran’s Animalizing Scepter... 71 Entity .......................................... 96 Teacup’s Tiny Traveling
Ascension Gear............................. 49 Feiran’s Feralizing Gage ............ 72 Neural Lancet ............................... 97 Terrors ................................... 117
Astral Perspective Vortex .......... 49 Feiran’s Sphere of Savagery ...... 73 Nocturnal Goggles ..................... 97 Technologist’s Familiar ........... 117
Atomic Discombobulator ......... 50 Field-Solderant Kit ..................... 73 Obliterate Abnormality ............. 97 Technologist’s Magnifying
Aura of Just Retribution ............ 50 Flash-Bang Widget ...................... 73 Occlude Abnormality ................ 98 Glass ....................................... 118
Aurelian’s Shadowforge............. 51 Flux Fork ........................................ 74 Offensive Kinetic Shield ............ 98 Terrain Attunement ................. 118
Auto-Otolarynx ........................... 52 Folly’s Cognate Architronix ..... 74 Orgavulsion Crystal ................... 98 Trinicoil........................................ 119
Aviatronic Wing ........................... 52 Folly’s Finagling Fingers ........... 75 Orgonic Field Perturbation Tullius’s Efficacious
Balance of Synchronicity .......... 53 Full-Body Corset.......................... 75 Inducer ....................................... 99 Nostrum................................... 119
Battlement Combat Gear .......... 53 Furnace Kindler ........................... 76 Orgonic Siphon ............................ 99 Tullius’s Miraculous Vitamin
Beholder From Beyond .............. 54 Gauntlets of the Iron Ogre ....... 76 Ornithopter................................... 99 Supplement ............................. 120
Bio-Genetic Scourge ................... 54 Gelph’s Globulous Hunter........ 76 Packmaster’s Throne ................ 100 Tullius’s Morphological
Bio-Reactive Theriac .................. 55 Gelph’s Instant Aggressor......... 77 Paradoxic Slip-Shield ............... 101 Diagnostician ......................... 120
Blind the Abnormal Eye ............ 55 Gigant Marauder ......................... 77 Peregrine’s Sun-Caller ............. 101 Tullius’s Potent Catholicon.... 120
Breakneck Thieves’ Tools.......... 56 Goggles of Acuity ........................ 79 Perigord Raptor ......................... 101 Tullius’s Swan Song .................. 121
Break Ensorcellment .................. 55 Goggles of X-Ray Vision ............ 79 Peril-Sensitive Lenses ............... 102 Umbral Heart Cloak ................. 121
Caesura Weapon .......................... 56 Headband of Mental Puissance 79 Philter Fermenter ...................... 102 Unctuous Bubbler ..................... 121
Caloric Control Mantle ............. 56 Helm of Cogitative Photon Scattering Shield ........ 102 Velocious Footgear.................... 122
Caloric Hammer .......................... 56 Stimulation ............................ 79 Pinprick Whirligig Spinner .... 103 Verbal Weirding Module ......... 122
Canny Descrier............................. 57 Hypermetabolic Transducer .... 80 Planar Control Wand ............... 103 Vibrowand ................................... 123
Cap of Memory Jogging............. 57 Icebound Barricade..................... 80 Pocket Ballista............................ 103 Viscid Barrier .............................. 123
Channeling Gauntlet ................. 57 Imperial Army Service Widget 81 Professional’s Satchel ............... 104 Vitriol Projector ......................... 124
Check Abnormality .................... 58 Imperial Null-Space Cannon .. 82 Professional Reformatamatic 104 Voice Sweetener .......................... 124
Chorn’s Antecedent Assailer .... 58 Instant Contrivance ................... 83 Protection from Voltaic Coil .................................. 124
Clairaudient Fly Fingers............ 58 Interphasic Terror ....................... 83 Abnormalities ........................ 104 Wand of Battery ......................... 125
Clockwidget Fabrication Inviolate Shield Against Magic 84 Rangefinder................................. 105 Ward Against Abnormalities . 125
Gantry ..................................... 59 Iron Grub ....................................... 84 Renechak’s Panoptic Eye ......... 105 Ward Against All Sorcery ........ 125
Coil of Possibilities ..................... 60 Iron Grub Pod .............................. 84 Renechak’s Portable Weaken Abnormality ............... 126
Collar of Bestial Capacity ......... 60 Jabberblaster ................................. 85 Zoogrammaphone ................ 105 Wheedling Stone ....................... 126
Core Lightning Charger ............ 60 Jabberwocky Slayer ..................... 85 Repulse the Tainted .................. 106 Worldwalker’s Baton ................ 127
Coronal Electroweapon ............. 60 Jonnetype Synaesthenic Resonance Absorption Staff .. 106 Worm Gauntlet .......................... 127
Cortical Fusegun ......................... 61 Projector.................................. 86 Rimala’s Fundamental Xult’s Primal Blossom ............. 128
Cross-Phasic Cloak ..................... 61 Jonnetype Synaesthesiagraph . 86 Anatomizer ............................. 107 Zephyr Hammer ........................ 128
Dalyrimple’s Lucent Lance ....... 61 Kelleris’s Chroneptic Repeater 87 Scathing Shardsprayer............. 107 Zorastrus’s Roll of Days .......... 129
Dalyrimple’s Obfuscating Eye . 62 Kelleris’s Time-Lost Crawler .... 87 Scattershot Helmet ................... 108 Zorastrus’s Roll of Eons .......... 129

Chapter One:
Coming Online
Periodically a sage, casting his mind’s eye over the long An Appendix designed to extend the concepts and devices
history of the world, will wonder why the arts and crafts have not presented here as far as they will go is also included, ensuring
substantially improved in hundreds of years or more. Even the that a wide variety of games can make use of the technologist
dwarven smiths, masters of their craft, have discovered no new as presented in this book. Finally, a second Appendix presents
metallurgical techniques; the elven mastery of plants relies on a fully-detailed NPC, Tullius Carens, who can be employed to
instinct more than on reason; and halfling cooking seems to have introduce fantastic technology into a fantasy setting.
held a steady level of delectableness for years untold. Pondering Conceptually, The Fantastic Science employs two ideas of
the question leads to further mysteries: why has some enterprising fundamental importance: the Fantasy d20 concept of a spell-
mage not used his spells to contact the deities themselves and casting tradition, and an answer to the sage’s question posed
divine the laws of nature from the very source? Why have no clerics, above. A spellcasting tradition is a select group of effects,
conduits for divine inspiration, discerned the secrets of the book divided into levels of power and with special rules for invoking
of nature? Why have no enterprising alchemists discovered a way these effects. These rules give a spellcasting class, in this case
to refine and elaborate on their difficult craft? Frustrated, the the technologist, a form and structure that allows it to
sage might turn away from his books for a time, and wonder coexist with the many other spellcasting traditions of
about the possibilities of a world with technology and a fantasy campaign setting. The answer to the sage’s
magic co-existing in some way. Why isn’t such a thing question is that technology and magic violently
possible, and why hasn’t it happened already in the disagree with each other, forcing would-be
long and storied history of the world? scientists and engineers to first master the difficult
Magic and technology have a complex art of cleansing magic from their devices before
relationship in Fantasy d20 games. In many they can expect them to work. The material in the
game settings, the presence of one precludes the rest of this chapter is meant for a game master trying
advancement — sometimes even the existence — of the to integrate the technologist into a campaign, and
other. Sometimes an explanation is provided, but more players reading this material might consider skipping
often this is not the case. Other campaign settings present magic to Chapter Two so they don’t ruin any surprises.
and technology intermingled, with magic’s esoteric mysteries
combined with the mass production of steam-powered devices or Spellcasting Traditions – Designing the
even higher-tech machinery. Still other games make magic into Technologist
a kind of science, mass-produced, available to anyone with the Wizards, as is well known, cannot heal, and must prepare
right knowledge, and for sale on the open market to anyone with their spells from a special tome ahead of time. Sorcerers, by
the right amount of funding. These are all potentially interesting contrast, simply know the spells they know and may cast them
approaches, but this book pursues another option — it presents as desired until they expend all of their arcane energies. Clerics
the wonders of science as every bit as difficult to master as the and other members of the divine tradition not only receive their
most complex spells. power from a different source than arcane casters do, but are
In these pages, you will find an entirely new spellcasting also quite capable of healing others. Their ability to do so helps
tradition that converts knowledge into power via advanced define the divine spellcasting tradition. Psionic characters draw
technology and the laws of fantasy science instead of strange on the power of the mind, and have their own strengths and
materials and arcane gestures. This book presents hundreds of weaknesses, and creatures of great magical power can often
devices of varying power levels, from clockwork-and-alchemy manifest spell-like effects through sheer force of will. These are
gadgets to reality-warping artifacts, as well as a 20-level base class, all examples of spellcasting traditions.
the technologist, which is designed to take advantage of these This book is predicated on the Fantasy d20 notion of a
technological wonders. Advice for integrating technological spellcasting tradition, as exemplified in the PHB. Many such
devices into your campaign alongside arcane and divine magic as traditions are possible, depending on the setting. All of the
the powerful and effective works of a select few is also included. various ways of approaching spellcasting have their own quirks,

their own talents and disabilities, but all rely on a set
of shared basic concepts — nine major levels of effects,
a high degree of power and difficulty (such that all
spellcasting traditions are the province of a small
number of trained specialists), and an escalating level
of power from meager household effects to world-
shaking doings. It is the premise of this book that
technology is nothing more or less than another way
of “casting spells,” with all that that entails.
What makes the technologist unique is that
it occupies a specific niche: technologists have a
number of strengths and weaknesses that allow them
to contribute to the game a little differently than
other full-time spellcasters. The idea of a spellcasting
tradition’s niche is part and parcel of their presentation
in the core rules. Clerics, for instance, are armored
casters with special talents in healing, spells that
enhance their combat abilities, and special talent for
dealing with the undead. Technologists likewise boast
a variegated set of strengths and weaknesses.
Technologists have some clear strengths. They
are every bit as good as wizards are at dealing damage,
whether to a group or an individual target, and can
efficiently manipulate the battlefield with a variety
of effective traps and barriers. When granting raw
numerical bonuses to tasks, from combat to skill use,
technologists typically have the advantage over arcane
and divine spellcasters, and they are equally adept at
granting creatures new abilities and new ways to use
their existing abilities. Non-instantaneous movement
is also a strength of the class, whether through flight or
A technologist ponders the possibilities of fascinating new devices (artwork by Juan Navarro)
simply an increased movement rate. Simple utilitarian
effects, such as protection from the elements, are also easy to created through magical means, elementals, outsiders, and the
achieve via high technology. undead. This is a special strength of the class, and technologists
The weaknesses of the technologist spellcasting tradition are arguably better at destroying and fending off constructs,
also help define the technologist’s place in a Fantasy d20 game. outsiders, and the like than any of the spellcasting traditions
For instance, technologists can heal, but their ability to do so is presented in the PHB.
slower and less efficient than clerical healing and generally requires Another major theme is skill-dependent devices. These
either a skill check or the expenditure of an expensive component devices either grant bonuses to use a particular skill or extend
as well. Likewise, technologists are no better at bringing someone that skill’s usefulness, such as the alchemical assayer (which allows
back from the dead than a wizard; these talents are naturally left Appraise checks for alchemical and magical items), or require a
to the servants of the gods. Wizards have the edge on summoning particular skill to function at full effectiveness, such as the verbal
monsters to aid them in battle and forcing outsiders to do their weirding module (which has a greater effect if the user knows many
bidding — technologists are somewhat better at simply driving languages).
such unnatural beings out of existence. Whereas both arcane With these questions of niche out of the way, one other
and divine spellcasters gain access to powerful death effects and particularity of the technologist as presented in this book is
mind-controlling abilities, technologists must generally defeat also worth looking at “behind the curtain” — the quasi-linear
their opponents in the old-fashioned way. Teleportation and spellcasting progression built into the class. Technologists, as
planar travel are also best handled by other spellcasters. you will see in the next Chapter, eventually master 18 gadgets
The technologist’s devices, and the effects of those machines, (the weakest order of devices), but only 6 artifacts (the strongest
provide further definition. These include the antimagic “devices,” order). The activation point progression, the pool technologists
abilities that are selected in lieu of an ordinary device and that draw from to activate their devices, works in a similar manner:
allow the technologist to fight back against magic and the the equivalent of a 1st-level spell could be used by a 20th-level
creatures that depend on magic for their very existence: constructs technologist at least 200 times, but a mere 7 or 8 uses of a 9th-level

“spell” will probably exhaust the same character’s activation point
reserve. This was done for two reasons. First, the technologist class What Happens if I Magic Missile a Device?
is intended to rely on its relatively simple devices most of the time; If magic interferes with technology, what happens when
truly powerful devices are difficult to use with wanton abandon. a spell is cast on a device? Or if you shove a device into a bag
This seemed to be the best way to model technology’s character. of holding? The short answer is “nothing in particular” — the
The more linear progression also emphasizes the difficulties of devices are protected by the technologist using them. Much
using technology in a magical setting. The tapering progression like an animated undead entering an antimagic field, the
also means that wizards and clerics are generally marginally more device has been properly prepared and therefore already
powerful than technologists at higher levels, but the technologist’s has the energy it needs to run; it continues to do so unless
edge in terms of better skills, hit points, and base attack bonus destroyed by damage or until its duration expires. However,
mean that they are somewhat more effective than other casters spellcasters do have the option of converting spell slots into
at lower levels. Both kinds of spellcaster remain reasonably close raw energy to counter or disrupt a technologist’s devices;
throughout, of course — or at least that is the intention — but this see Chapter Three.
characteristic of the technologist is worth noting.
These strengths and weaknesses and special themes are you want to introduce technology into the setting, and what it will
not intended to provide a full delineation of the technologist’s look like once it has arrived. This section presents three general
abilities; rather, they help you picture how the technologist might answers to the sage’s question of why high technology and magic
relate to other spellcasters in your campaign. Creating NPCs that don’t seem to cohabitate nicely. Many of these explanations
focus on the characteristic strengths and weaknesses of high for the interaction of magic and technology have implications
technology — such a master trapsmith who is not a rogue but for how magic works and what it does in your campaign, so
instead a well-equipped technologist, or a crusading technologist consider carefully before deciding how you want to approach the
who employs his power over magic to hunt down and destroy situation.
dangerous magical items — is an easy way to communicate to
your players what this new spellcasting tradition is all about GREMLINS IN THE AETHER
without simply telling them what’s up or making them read this This is the default option assumed by these rules. Magic (or
book and thereby breaking the sense of mystery that can be a its source) is a kind of “static” that interferes with the orderly
valuable part of introducing a new spellcasting tradition into the operation of physical laws. The upshot of this interference is
game. Reflect on how you want to present the purpose, internal that magic-users of all kinds can manipulate reality as they see
logic, and specialties of the technologist as you consider how you fit and as their skills allow. The downside — at least as far as the
want to introduce the class and its devices into your game. Before technologist is concerned — is that any piece of machinery or
considering the specifics of how to introduce the class, however, artificial alchemical compound above a certain level of complexity
you must decide what the relationship between magic and is rendered inoperable, even when it should work according to
technology actually is, and that is the topic of the next section. known scientific principles.
Even if sages and scholars learned centuries ago how the
The Sage’s Question: Magic and basic laws of reality work, this knowledge simply isn’t useful;
Technology science there may be, but technology is next to impossible. Gears
The system presented in this book assumes that technology inexplicably slip as the force of friction varies minutely from
and magic disagree with one another to one degree or another, second to second, carefully concocted alchemical compounds
and that magic is the dominant force in the game. These factors become inert as they spontaneously mutate into other materials,
make mastery of technology a difficult matter of learning esoteric and electrical generators can barely build up even a tiny charge
secrets and manipulating some of the basic facts of reality. Because because nearby air spirits gobble up the energy. Natural
the technologist functions in this way, it is similar in many ways creatures, such as animals and demihumans, have no problems
to the wizards and clerics who already populate fantasy settings; in this situation only because their life processes are magically
sophisticated devices can no more be simply picked up and used or physically adapted to it, and the fluctuations are too minor
than a spellbook can be read by the uninitiated. Mass production to affect day-to-day life. In this situation, the technologist must
of technology is impossible, and every technologist’s devices have be able to purge his devices of magical influence to coax them
their own unique style and idiosyncrasies. In effect, this book into working in addition to knowing how to design, build, and
aims to present an additional spellcasting tradition, one that fits operate them under optimal conditions.
in naturally alongside arcanism, divine magic, and innate psionics By default, the maximum level of technology that will remain
as one of the hermetic arts. active for more than a short period of time is the campaign world
Before introducing these rules into your campaign, however, standard of slightly pre-Renaissance science. You could also
you should consider the exact nature of the conflict between decide that the magical interference with technology is stronger
magic and technology and how this affects the relationship or weaker than this baseline; perhaps only Stone Age technology
between technologists and other spellcasters. Consider also how functions, and technologists have a really astounding edge over

the setting’s mundane technologies. Alternatively, perhaps the
world revels in steam power as well as sorcery, but technologists, Example – Magic as Planar Instabilities
driven to push the boundaries of science even when faced with In my campaign world, magic is the result of planes
resistance from reality itself, are simply not satisfied. shifting on a metaphysical level. Like tectonic action pushing
In this scenario, technologists are constantly reminded up mountains, this creates instabilities in natural law that
that magical potential is their nemesis; it is the intangible force are exploited by spellcasters. Technologists must calm
that ruins their devices and generally makes things much more local planar activity to some degree, or their devices will
difficult than they should be for the enterprising inventor. For inevitably, and sometimes catastrophically, fail to work.
this reason, technologists are likely to bear vaguely antagonistic
feelings toward all magic-using spellcasters, seeing them as generally ignore technologists completely. Adventures dealing
representatives of everything that’s “wrong” with the world. with the role of technology in the world would depend greatly
This is unlikely to lead to open hostility (magic is, after all, the on the exact set-up, and anything from an evangelical approach
dominant force), but technologist characters may feel driven to to spreading the wonders of technology to an epic quest to undo
demonstrate the superiority of their devices compared to the the wrongs done by ancient mages or jealous deities might be
spells and incantations of other spellcasters. Because it is unlikely appropriate goals for technologist characters. The advantage of
that mere mortals could eradicate something as pervasive as this approach is that you give some structure to the relationships
magic, however, technologists in this scenario are unlikely to between spellcasting traditions in your campaign and that you
pursue any grand plans for altering the balance of power between provide a role-playing hook for technologist characters. The
technology and magic. downside is that this approach is less generic than the default
This possibility requires no changes to the nature of magic model, and is thus much harder to integrate into an ongoing
in your game — the presence of magic in the universe simply has campaign.
an extra anti-technological side effect that does not directly affect
magic-users. These qualities make this an excellent option if you MAGIC AND TECHNOLOGY COHABITATING
want to introduce the technologist into your game without a lot This may be the hardest scenario to implement in terms of
of fuss or fundamental alterations to the campaign world. using these rules, as it requires you to make some alterations to the
technologist class itself and to carefully consider how you want to
SORCEROUS NEMESIS justify some aspects of the class’s abilities. It is best to only go this
Instead of the general “Gremlins in the Aether” model, you route if you are attracted by the notion of the technologist as a
might want to designate a particular spellcasting tradition as the spellcasting tradition, but repelled by the idea that it is necessarily
nemesis of technological progress. Perhaps the gods, by divine opposed to magic in some way, shape, or form.
edict, long ago prohibited the use of technology for fear of the The first change, and the most drastic, is that there is no
destructive potential of sentient races armed with mass-produced longer any obvious justification for why technologists can only
war machines. Or, in a world where nature magic has particular activate their devices a certain number of times per day, as they
strength, perhaps druidic powers prohibit devices as unnatural are no longer required to purify their devices of magical influence
as those wielded by a technologist from functioning normally. via their force of will or personal power. There are several ways to
Another possibility is that psionic powers, drawn from a primal deal with this issue. The simplest is to add in some other, possibly
energy source in the mind, might generate a mental static that unnamed, opposing force to take the role that magic takes in the
clouds the collective mind of the world and prevents the discovery default presentation of the technologist; technology may not
and use of technology by all but a devoted few. An ancient cult of work because it relies on the physical laws of an older universe, or
sorcerers or wizards, driven by fear, jealousy, or hate, could have because the time is not right for it, in some cosmic sense. If you
banished technology from the world via a mighty, globe-spanning are comfortable with simply decreeing that the strange principles
enchantment. In all of these cases, only one kind of magic is the of fantasy technology run on the technologist’s reserve of some
true antithesis of technology. This anti-technological nemesis personal pool of energy, this might be the best solution. You could
might be so powerful that technologists are a truly rare breed. also decide that the activation point limitations of technologists
In this case, technologists, while retaining some vague represent something more abstract than a reserve of antimagical
apprehensions about magic in general, might only truly dislike power — a number of charges per day they can manage, the amount
one sort of spellcaster. The relationship between technologists of wear their devices can take before becoming inoperative for the
and the opposed spellcasting tradition could be anything from day, or a measure of the creativity and genius of the technologist
general distaste to an outspoken loathing to outright warfare. in getting his cobbled-together devices to actually work right
For instance, in a world rid of most technology by divine edict, when he needs them to. If neither of these redefinitions of the
special orders of clerics might exist to destroy the heretical users activation point work, or if you have a strong aversion to point-
of technology. Alternatively, the nemesis spellcasters may now feel based spellcasting systems, consider using the Savant variant on
simple indifference towards technology; perhaps today’s mages the technologist presented in Appendix A. This optional 20-level
feel safe in light of the ancient spell worked by their ancestors, and class is much like the technologist, but uses a smaller number of

devices at will instead of relying on a uses per day mechanism. Introducing the Technologist
The second change requires you to remove the telltale With the foregoing in mind, it may seem difficult to
mechanical traces of the technologist’s opposition to magic. First, incorporate the technologist into a campaign, especially one that
take away the ability of opposing spellcasters to convert spell slots is already underway. However, the technologist is actually no
into disruptive static. This ability is described in full in Chapter quirkier than the existing spellcasting traditions and fits into the
Three. Second, tell your players that they may not master devices same variety of campaigns that the wizard, the cleric, or the psion
marked with the Antimagic descriptor; these devices are indicated fit into. This section offers several ways to introduce technologists
with a superscript “A” in the master device list in Chapter Four. and their devices into a campaign and discusses the strengths and
These two changes together isolate the technologist in a magic-rich weaknesses of each approach. Some of these options are better
world; they have no particular power over other spellcasters (other suited for campaigns in progress, while others could form the
than to blow them up) and other spellcasters have no particular germ of a campaign oriented around the technologist spellcasting
power over them (other than to blow them up). Technologists tradition. You can also blend one or more of these scenarios
also lose the ability to easily deal with magic-dependent creatures together to create interesting variants; consider this section to be
such as nontechnological constructs and the undead, and this a grab bag of ideas for how technology might show up in your
removes a strength of the class. Losing such critical abilities as campaigns.
smite magic (the technologist’s version of dispel magic) also weakens
the class somewhat. However, technologists also need no longer IT WAS ALWAYS THERE, YOU JUST NEVER NOTICED
fear the meddling of opposing spellcasters, and they retain their Sages and scholars have known the principles of science
ability to attack spell-resistant creatures with impunity. These and technology for many years, and the problem was always
two changes — disallowing antirmagic devices and removing implementation. After all, when these principles wouldn’t
the arcane disruption ability from magical spellcasters — should cooperate consistently, there was little to do but turn to other
roughly balance each other out, and no further adjustment to the options — sorcery, and the worship of divine powers. Every once
class should be necessary. in a while, though, someone with just the right mix of intelligence
The final consideration may not require any changes, or may and ambition comes along and finds that their attempts at
require many, depending on your approach. This book keeps the magecraft and the channeling of divine power just don’t work out.
relative dominance of magic in most Fantasy d20 settings in mind, These individuals are forced in the pursuit of their spellcasting
and much of the flavor of the class and a number of design decisions dreams to retrieve timeworn old tomes, assemble a few devices
relied on this assumption. For instance, there are no creation rules from dusty schematics, and improvise ways to make them work.
for permanent items based on technologist devices beyond the It usually isn’t pretty, but for someone who has great intelligence
optional expanded masterwork rules in Chapter Two. This lack and a strong will — but lacks the knack for wizardry or sorcery — it
helps maintain magic’s position as the supplier of permanent, may be the only option available. This scenario underscores the
powerful effects and equipment in the campaign world. If you dominance of magic, and only those without the gift for arcane
do not have a conflict between magic and technology in which power would generally be interested in finding a way to make
technology is somehow demonstrably weaker, your players might technology work.
wonder why they can’t build permanent trinicoil emplacements to A PC or NPC who followed this path is likely to be stubborn,
protect their home base or construct a disseminative cognimatrix brilliant, ambitious, and almost unique. These traits combine
for their weak-willed fighter friends. Without some additional to give the technologist class a great “mad scientist in a world
work on your part, it will be difficult to uproot and remove of fantasy” flavor, which makes for memorable NPCs and
the more subtle effects of the basic design assumption of these entertaining role-playing hooks for players. From the dungeon
materials. However, if you and your players are willing to live with master’s side, this method of introducing technology allows you
the idiosyncrasies of the class — and to include technologists in your game while strongly limiting
all spellcasting traditions their impact on the campaign world as a whole. It also leads to
are idiosyncratic to some an interesting situation wherein the facts of science are known,
degree anyway — these but the technological applications of those facts are restricted
factors will not cause to the truly dedicated. Dwarven smiths might be able to tell you
substantial problems the chemical equations for processing raw iron into high-carbon
for your game. The class steel, and elven historians might have a working knowledge of
will remain balanced and the principles of natural evolution, but this knowledge does not
interesting to players, help them in the same way that it helps modern-day scientists
and should continue to due to a magic-enforced disconnect between scientific discovery
fill a unique niche. and technological application. Use this approach if you want
to occasionally lend the unique flavor of the technologist to a
campaign, but don’t want it to be a major element.

EUREKA! way of research laboratories that seem to spring up overnight — for
Your setting does not need to have a static level of instance, you could introduce devices like the caloric hammer and
technological development to use these rules. It could be the case caloric control mantle only after someone (perhaps a PC) discovers
that technology has slowly but surely been developed, either by the key alchemical ingredient in the first place. Adventures in such
society as a whole or by a small, secretive cabal of tinkerers and a setting could revolve around the research and control of devices
inventors. Once made generally available, the fantastic science that have a potentially large impact on society as a whole, such
might spread quickly or slowly depending on surrounding as Tullius’s efficacious nostrum and the engineered panacea, which take
conditions. However, technological devices have proved trickier healing out of the hands of the clerics or the clockwidget fabrication
than anyone predicted, and can only be maintained and operated gantry, which could allow a powerful kingdom to field entire units
by characters trained to exert their will over the recalcitrant of tough clockwork soldiers. Presenting technology as a recent
mechanisms. This is one case where you might decide that breakthrough is an excellent way to enliven (or destabilize) an
technologists have no special need or ability to fight against the existing campaign setting, but you need to be willing to let your
influence of magic and that the activation points they expend players in on the action.
to activate their devices represent a pool of some other energy.
Perhaps the new science is antithetical to the physical laws of DUSTING OFF THE LASER CANNONS
the world and using it requires intense effort equal to that of Similar in many ways to the “Eureka!” option, this scenario
a sorcerer casting his spells, or perhaps the devices are strange would entail introducing powerful devices into your campaign
living organisms that can be managed only with an effort of will. as artifacts of a powerful civilization of long ago. Explorers may
Alternatively, machinery above a certain level of complexity could find intriguing artifacts that stubbornly refuse to work until their
house some kind of universal machine spirit or incipient deity secret is finally discovered. Then, suddenly, fully functioning
that needs to be appeased or controlled. versions of fabled technologies explode onto the scene for
If this is how you introduce high technology into your the first time in centuries. Perhaps some twisted explorer has
campaign, your players may be interested in pursuing further discovered the secrets of an ancient and terrible device such as the
developments in this new science. One way to communicate Imperial null-space cannon and now uses it for his own nefarious
the feel of technology as a developing discipline is to restrict purposes. The mystery of this new source of power could lead to
your players’ access to the device listings. Since the material is a number of exciting encounters as PCs discover the strengths
this book is probably completely unfamiliar to them, unlike the and weaknesses of this new spellcasting tradition. Research and
spells and items in the core rulebooks, you can give your players information gathering are critical and the relics of the past, stored
the excitement of discovering something completely new. Allow in dusty museums and great universities, suddenly have crucial
beginning characters to peruse only the list of gadgets, the weakest importance. In this case, devices are likely to start in the hands
order of technological devices, and use NPCs to slowly expand the of NPCs who, since they have no need to completely rediscover
lists to include all of the options presented in this book. You might long-lost scientific principles, have already mastered their use.
even use only a partial version of the gadget list, though this risks The players — and society as a whole — must sift through distorted
making the class unattractive unless options for further research legends and stories to discover the source of this new power,
are readily available. Also consider encouraging your players to which could be almost anything, even something truly sinister.
design their own devices using the guidelines presented in the Perhaps it is the advent of a powerful new god — benevolent
Appendix instead. Introduce new technological breakthroughs by or malign — that allows these devices to begin to work again,
or maybe Nature herself is dying and allowing the unnatural
creations of old to function again. How the rediscovery of the
Example – The Imperium Mechanus
lost secrets of technology plays out and whether or not the plots
My campaign setting uses a version of the “From Out
and plans of the men and women who originally kicked off the
of the Mysterious Cardinal Direction” scenario to explain
turmoil succeed could have sweeping effects on your campaign
the presence of high technology. In my world, a powerful
world’s attitude toward technology. This option allows you to
humanoid empire — the Imperium Mechanus — attempted a
introduce technology at your own pace and at the same time to
cross-planar invasion in the recent past, fielding a massive
have the excitement of watching it find its own place in a world
mechanized army through several recovered magical gates.
where it is a sudden and significant player.
Due to a slight miscalculation, all of their technology ceased
to function immediately upon arrival, and the invasion
force was quickly routed. The resulting battlefield, called
Perhaps the secrets of technology are well known, and
the Rusting Fields, provides a rich mine for the inquisitive
its practitioners common — just not around here. As with the
locals who eventually figured out how to use the mysterious
“Dusting Off the Laser Cannons” option, technology is at first
devices. This knowledge is in danger of falling into the hands
unknown to the players, who must discover its secrets. Unlike
of the Imperium, however, which might use it to attempt
that option, however, there is a place out there somewhere where
another invasion.
technology is common and well understood, indeed where it may

form the foundation of a while civilization. Sudden immersion in could easily lead to violent conflict. Characters could adventure to
these cultures, whether through trade, exploration, or conquest, stop, slow, or accelerate the change, depending on their allegiances
makes technology an unknown factor while providing ample and abilities and entire civilizations might descend into civil war
demonstrations of the possibilities of this foreign spellcasting or even total extinction as the dominance of magic waxes or
tradition. Players jaded by the workings of mages and priests may wanes. Adventures oriented around the technologist are easy to
be caught off-guard by the introduction of a new way of doing come by in this scenario. Also, remember that magic as a whole
things, especially if it arrives as part of an invading force from a far- might remain unaffected. Perhaps only clerics find their powers
off country, or even another plane. As with “Dusting Off the Laser weakening, or only wizards. This could intensify the conflict,
Cannons,” whether technology functions as a tool of wickedness or for example with all mages and all technologists opposing each
a force for progress depends on the evolution of your campaign. other while the rest of society looks on to see who will eventually
This scenario works best if you have in mind an explanation emerge on top and who gets hunted into extinction at the behest
for why magic and technology conflict that explains why of the changing realities of the world. This is not the gentlest way
technology has never been heard of before. Perhaps a far-off to introduce technology into your game, but you might decide
kingdom simply developed or rediscovered technology instead of that the most explosive option is the best option. This scenario
your home area, or perhaps a geographically distant area is free certainly offers a wild ride and a way to shake up an extant setting,
of the static-like interference of magic with technology. There, and this might be exactly what you are looking for.
technologists may not need to spend activation points to activate
devices, and magic may not work at all. The inhabitants may SPARKS OF GENIUS
have had the technology for centuries, but only recently figured Maybe technology has always existed, but it takes more than
out how to make it work outside their circumscribed area. Such knowledge and dedicated study to make it useful; you also have
a place would prove very challenging for characters used to the to be born one of the chosen few. Rediscovered technology from
magical way of doing things. This scenario presents another the ancient past might only be accessible to certain bloodlines,
way to bring the technologist into your game that allows you or perhaps a mental block on the minds of all the sentient races
to control the introduction of technology by having its source prevents all but the (literal or social) elite from successfully
be relatively inaccessible. If you decide that full introduction of operating devices. Those born with the ability to wield technological
technology is a bad idea, this option also allows you to cut off the devices could be the chosen ones of a deity of invention and
flow of foreign knowledge and return things to the way they were machines, members of a certain noble house or group of houses,
with relative ease. or simply lucky ones born under a certain star. Magic is still a
powerful force and technologists must still learn to control its
WELL, IT WORKED A WEEK AGO… influence, but technologist characters are men and women born
In a fantasy setting, there is no particular reason why the with special abilities and a special destiny. Alternatively, perhaps
physical laws that undergird scientific learning should remain a single technologist character, either a PC or an NPC, is nearly
stable. Perhaps these laws have naturally begun to change, or completely unique. Such a person would be an intriguing
the dominance of magic is waning, and a new generation of individual whose powers might never be fully explained.
technologists eager to change the status quo is coming to the
fore. This scenario could also play out in reverse, as a civilization
founded on technological progress finds that its devices no
longer work as they should and that magic is becoming a more
and more powerful force in the world. This change could be
gradual, in which case players need not worry about their
sorceries or their devices suddenly becoming unreliable, or it
could be rapid, eventually precluding one side or another from
practicing their arts at all. If this is the case, one way to handle
the increasing disparity is to require a Spellcraft check, increasing
or decreasing as appropriate, to cast a spell or activate a device.
A “spell resistance” or “activation resistance” roll could also be
required if the very nature of reality is no longer conducive to
magic use or high technology. Nor is the natural development of
the universe over time the only way to go. Perhaps some villain
is trying to eradicate magic entirely, and only practitioners of
technology now have the wherewithal to oppose him, even if it
means forfeiting their newfound power.
As with the “Sorcerous Nemesis” scenario, such a campaign In your campaign, technologists might build on the visionary work of
sets mages and technologists at odds with one another in a way that a single, insightful genius (artwork by Leonardo da Vinci)

Technologist characters in this sort of campaign may feel player characters could work to further the interests of the
entitled, better than others by virtue of their gifts, or they might controlling organization, or they could adventure to promote
view themselves as anachronisms, throwbacks to a possibly the spread of scientific knowledge and break the hegemony of
mythical time when magic was not the dominant force. These the controlling body (assuming doing so is even a possibility).
individuals might adventure to find more of their kind or to prove This option allows you to seamlessly blend technologists into
their worth, but they would always know that they had a unique your game while keeping tight control over who can make use of
destiny to accept or reject. This scenario is a good choice if you fantasy-technology devices.
want to limit the number of technologists in a campaign, perhaps
even to the point of making a PC technologist a completely MAKING IT UP AS YOU GO ALONG
unique phenomenon. Such a character is unlike any other, blessed You may not want to have a fully-functioning explanation
with the strange ideas, plans, and schematics that spontaneously at hand before introducing the technologist. You could simply
suggest themselves to him. You could also use this option to set create an NPC technologist or allow a PC technologist in your
technologists up as one of a chosen few, as anything from a small game and gradually adopt one of the other options for your
group of eccentrics all the way up to a country’s ruling class while campaign presented in this section. Then, when you know which
neatly explaining why the technological base of the surrounding direction you want to go in, simply reveal your lone technologist
culture has not advanced and why nobody else can handle the character to be a member (or former member) of a powerful
devices these gifted people produce. organization, or a lone genius with strange ideas and stranger
gadgets, or as an early harbinger of an increase in technology’s
CENTRALIZED REGULATION potency compared to that of magic. By going this way, you make
With this option, you create a single powerful organization it harder to work the technologist and his devices into your
that controls technology, either secretly or openly. The organization campaign in a thoroughgoing manner, but give yourself time to
could be a kingdom, a powerful church, or an artisan’s guild with experiment and to consider how and where to best integrate this
some extra-special expertise. This organization may only control material into your game. Additionally, a technologist character
the knowledge of how technology works — making the technologist with no immediate explanation for his powers offered provides
something like a prestige class in its effect on your game — or the a tantalizing enigma that might inspire your PCs to get involved
organization might actually control the source of power for all with this new spellcasting tradition. Ensuing adventures give you
technological devices. In extreme cases, the controllers of technology time to introduce the technologist as carefully as you wish while
could be the sole source of fantastic science, possessing absolute you shape the technological tradition to fit your needs.
power over whether a device works at any given time. In this case,
the organization probably doles out its power much like a god Real-World Science and the Technologist
grants spells to his followers: in small dollops, based on individual The technologist is not a real-world scientist, or even a real-
skill and overall rank in the organization. Indeed, perhaps the world scientist in a magic-rich world. The technology he employs
technologist is simply the very unusual cleric of a different kind of is very clearly fantasy technology, and a progression of magical
god, one divorced from the regular pantheon. construct–creation and the quasi-science of alchemy, neither
The role of technology in society is an odd one in this of which correspond to recognizable modern scientific fields.
scenario. Its place largely depends on the nature of the granting Device descriptions often use quasi-scientific terminology, but
organization — technology might be a neutral force working for any comments on the actual nature of the “science” being used
evil, for instance, if it is the tool of the powerful merchant’s guild draws mainly on these fantasy sciences and on discredited real-
dominating a corrupt city. On the other hand, technology as world pseudosciences. Depending on your inclination, you can
granted by a good deity may be itself holy and pure; you might even either ignore these pieces of pseudoscience, leave them as simple
go so far as to grant all devices the Good descriptor. Technologist flavor for individual devices, or expand them into a more detailed
system of fantasy science.
Campaign Integration Sidebars This book envisions the technologist in this way because it
Throughout this book, you will find sidebars giving makes the class the most fun to play and to run as a game master.
examples from my own campaign setting, where these rules This vision of fantasy technology frees players from having to
were playtested. These examples help illustrate some ways provide rigorous scientific explanations for their devices, and
to incorporate the concepts in this book into your own it frees the GM from any need to debate whether electricity can
game, both at the basic level, as with the examples in this “really” do what the cortical fusegun does or whether an ornithopter
chapter, and at the level of individual devices. You should could actually fly. It also allows high-level technologists to design
feel no need do the same things I did; these examples simply and use truly fantastic devices that defy the physics of the real
offer inspiration, and none of the rules in this book assume world in interesting — almost magical — ways. If you want to more
that you are playing in my setting. I hope you enjoy these closely align the technologist with real-world science, you can do
glimpses into my way of using these rules. so by simply changing the flavor of many of the technologist’s
devices, though doing so is not recommended.

Chapter Two:
The Fantastic Scientist
This chapter presents the Technologist base class, The Technologist
ready for inclusion in your campaign as the master of Technologists inquire into the underlying laws of nature, and
fantastic technology, and includes some pointers on put the fruits of their inquiries to use in the form of powerful devices
the background and role of technologist characters. capable of an almost limitless variety of effects. When a technologist has
This information is written for a player’s perspective, the right tool for the job at hand, no one can match the effectiveness
to help them imagine the basic role of the technologist of these men and women of science. Technologists embody the idea
in a campaign, and represents the default place for that all knowledge, no matter how obscure or academic, is a source of
the technologist in a Fantasy d20 game. Alongside power. Good technologists seek scientific knowledge for the benefit of
the technologist class are included some simple all, and have given the world healing elixirs and labor-saving devices of
rules for expanding the ability of skilled artisans to incomparable quality. Evil technologists twist knowledge to their own
create masterwork items; these rules compliment the ends with utter contempt for the needs of others, and have wrought
technologist by making well-crafted but mundane gear unnatural machines and brutal engines of destruction to plague the
more worthwhile. Additionally, game masters will find sentient races.
NPC statistics from 1st through 20th level in this chapter, Adventures: Technologists adventure for a number of reasons,
to help them quickly create technologist NPCs, as well as a depending on their place in the game world — see Chapter One for some
sample technologist, Prentice Cogitens, at three different specific ideas. More generally, technologists typically adventure in pursuit
levels of advancement. of their studies, seeking knowledge of far-off places, obscure scientific

Prentice Cogitens, technologist (artwork by Susan Knowles)

theories, and strange plants and animals. Other technologists study and education, and this requirement bars certain levels of
simply require funding for their research and hope to find such society, the impoverished lower classes in particular, from easily
in the lair of some slain foe. Of course, most technologists also becoming technologists. Despite these limited commonalities,
realize that field-testing is the best way to discover the limits of technologists can represent nearly any background depending on
a device, and employing their creations personally is the best way the role of technology in the campaign.
they can discover more about their capabilities. Races: Humans are the most likely candidates for studying
Characteristics: The technologist wields powerful technology, as that race produces an abundance of driven
devices that are the equal of the invocations and prayers of individuals who are unafraid to strike out from the entrenched
other spellcasters, and this is their defining characteristic. The spellcasting traditions. The best technologists, though, tend to
typical technologist is also a masterful crafter, and can keep an be half-elves, who bring a human’s ambition and an elf’s love of
adventuring party equipped with the best gear the Craft skill knowledge and dedication to artistry to their studies. Dwarves
can provide with her Craft Points and plentiful skill points. As are either too conservative to take up technology or delight in its
the technologist advances in level, she can also begin to make mechanical intricacies; the attitude of an individual dwarf varies
increased use of exotic upgrades and material components that wildly. Elves are generally too in tune with the ways of arcane
enhance her devices for a short time, allowing the character to magic to pursue a career that requires its extirpation, but the elven
occasionally field startlingly potent abilities that are difficult respect for knowledge and learning might counter their affinity
for other spellcasters to match. The experienced technologist for wizardry if elven culture ever comes to recognize technology
is also unmatched except by a bard or rogue in the number as a true branch of learning. Technologists of other races
and effectiveness of the skills to which she has are somewhat rare, but no particular racial culture is
access, and can take the role of anything from a completely antithetical to technological studies, with
knowledgeable sage to the party trapsmith. the exception of half-orcs, who are typically too dumb
Alignment: Technologists have no strong and weak-willed to make good technologists.
affinity for a particular alignment, and it is an Technologists are rare amongst the savage
individual’s personal history that determines humanoid races, because the level of learning
her general outlook on life, not the nature of and scientific curiosity necessary to give rise to
her training or abilities. Some technologists high technology is infrequently found there.
approach the study of natural law in a Goblins are the worst of this bad lot, and seem
disciplined, lawful manner, but a roughly almost to be able to destroy technological
equal number of inspiration-fueled “mad” devices just by standing near them for too
technologists balances these individuals long. The exceptions to this general rule are
out. The study of technology also attracts hobgoblins and kobolds. Hobgoblins pursue
Goblins tend to fare poorly when confronted
good and evil characters in equal numbers, any tactical advantage they can, and relish a
by technology
producing men and women who run the technologist’s ability to effectively oppose the
gamut from kindly sages to vile conquerors. Due to their often- often decisive arcane might of their hated foes, and the elves in
forceful personalities and the natural drive required to pursue particular. These goblinoids pursue technological weapons of
technological studies in the face of widespread magic use, war with focused determination, rarely taking levels in any other
technologists often favor extreme alignments — technologists class. In addition, kobolds sometimes follow up on their natural
who dedicate themselves to a moral or ethical principle typically ability affinity for cunning mechanical traps by exploring the
do so wholeheartedly. higher levels of technology. Kobold technologists generally have
Religion: Unless there is already a deity dedicated to the only a few levels of technologist, however, as the kobold lifestyle
pursuit of science and technology available in the campaign mitigates against the dedicated pursuit of scientific knowledge.
setting, technologists tend not to be particularly religious. Even Monstrous races are poor candidates for the technologist class,
when there is an appropriate deity available, some technologists endowed as they are with formidable physical gifts or potent innate
see the pure pursuit of knowledge itself as something akin to magic. Dragons in particular see the technologist as emblematic
a religion and focus on an ideal of learning rather than on an of the lesser races’ strivings against the natural order, and as an
individual god. In highly religious settings, technologists tend even worse affront to natural draconic superiority than the study
to be religious idealists, for the same reasons that they tend to of arcane magic. Fey also tend to dislike the unnatural implements
hold strong alignments, and they worship whichever god seems of technology, and elementals, outsiders, and the undead feel
to fit their general outlook on life best, regardless of the specifics directly threatened by the technologist’s arts, sometimes to the
of that god’s portfolio. Such individuals pursue their studies of point of active hatred. The only monstrous race frequently seen
technology as a means to the ends of their faith. using technological devices is a certain malign breed of tentacle-
Background: Technologists tend to come from urban areas, faced natural psionicists. This race’s technological creations are
where education, raw materials, and a large scholarly community based on terrible and inscrutable physics that most humanoids
are all readily available. The class also requires a great deal of find incomprehensible and deeply troubling.

Other Classes: A technologist Table 2-1: The Technologist
generally works well with members of Base Attack Fort Ref Will Craft Points
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Gained
other classes, since the technologist’s
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Expert 100
flexible skills and device selections allow 2 +1 +0 +0 +3 200
them to find a comfortable niche in 3 +2 +1 +1 +3 300
even the most variegated party. They are 4 +3 +1 +1 +4 400
particularly likely to enjoy working closely 5 +3 +1 +1 +4 500
with rogues, who often have a strong 6 +4 +2 +2 +5 750
7 +5 +2 +2 +5 Master of Gadgetry 1000
mechanical inclination and fighters,
8 +6/+1 +2 +2 +6 1250
who appreciate the value of having good 9 +6/+1 +3 +3 +6 1500
equipment and might even be willing to 10 +7/+2 +3 +3 +7 2000
carry excess gear or unused devices for a 11 +8/+3 +3 +3 +7 2500
beleaguered scientist. 12 +9/+4 +4 +4 +8 3500
In general, a technologist’s most 13 +9/+4 +4 +4 +8 Master of Technology 4500
14 +10/+5 +4 +4 +9 6000
difficult relationships are with other
15 +11/+6/+1 +5 +5 +9 7500
spellcasters, as magic-using characters 16 +12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 10000
are ever-present reminders of the 17 +12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 12500
technologist’s constant need to fight 18 +13/+8/+3 +6 +6 +11 15000
the insidious influence magic has on her 19 +14/+9/+4 +6 +6 +11 20000
20 +15/+10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Master of Artifice 25000
creations. The relationships between
technologists and spellcasters might be
more or less strained depending on the game master’s approach GAME RULE INFORMATION
to the interaction between technology and magic. Technologists have the following game statistics.
Other technologists take a different approach, burying Abilities: Intelligence is the most important attribute
themselves in their work and remaining generally indifferent to for a technologist because it determines the save DCs for her
the nature and abilities of their companions. These characters devices, grants her additional skill points, and governs many
tend to contribute when they can and otherwise abstain from important class abilities such as the Craft and Knowledge skills.
interaction. If forced to spend a great deal of time crafting items Dexterity and Charisma are also important — Dexterity helps the
and mastering devices for the benefit of other party members, technologist’s low Armor Class and helps her successfully aim the
these characters become irritated, as such distractions call them many devices that require attack rolls, and Charisma increases
away from single-minded devotion to their craft. the technologist’s control over magical interference, granting her
Role: A technologist fills much the same role in an more activation points. Strength can also be important since it
adventuring party as a wizard or a sorcerer, though her limited determines how many devices and how much gear the character
number of devices and slowed access to powerful effects make can easily carry.
her somewhat less effective in terms of raw power. However, a Alignment: Any.
technologist’s greater hit points, attack bonus, and AC mean Hit Die: d6.
that she is more independent and requires less protection than Starting Gold: 8d4×10 gp (200 gp average). A technologist
other primary spellcasters. A high number of skills and a good character can also start with additional gear by spending craft
skill selection also mean that the technologist can usually find a points (see below) before beginning play.
way to contribute outside of combat with either a custom-crafted
piece of equipment or a crucial tidbit of information.
Multiclassing: Multiclass technologists are fairly common, The Imperial Calculus
as the class benefits greatly from a larger mix of abilities. Because This weapon is a launcher designed to deliver
the technologist does not suffer from arcane spell failure, she grenade-like weapons at range. It could be a modified
can easily use her devices to augment her fighting power or crossbow, an odd-looking sling, or an atlatl-like weapon.
her facility with a wide range of class skills without sacrificing Regardless, its statistics are the same. The Imperial
too much in other areas. The class is still a spellcasting class, calculus is an exotic ranged weapon that has a range
however, and retains much of the nonlinear progression increment of 60 feet, weighs 3 pounds, and costs 60
common to spellcasters. Thus, most technologists spend only gold pieces. It deals no damage on its own, and is used
a few levels away from their studies, and characters of other to extend the range of grenade-like weapons such as
classes who become technologists tend to be dabblers focused alchemist’s fire and tanglefoot bags. These items have
on mastering a small handful of specific devices. Multiclass their normal effects, but they use the calculus’s range
technologists only rarely have equal levels in both technologist increment.
and another class.

CLASS SKILLS Table 2-2: Technologist Devices Mastered and Activation
A technologist’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) Points
Gadgets Technologies Artifacts Activation
are Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Decipher
Level (G) (T) (A) Points
Script (Int), Disable Device (Int), Forgery (Int), Handle Animal 1 3 — — 5
(Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), 2 6 — — 10
Open Lock (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive 3 9 — — 20
(Wis), Speak Language (n/a), and Spellcraft (Int). 4 10 1 — 40
5 13 1 — 50
Skill Points at First Level: (6 + Int modifier) × 4.
6 14 2 — 90
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier. 7 14 3 — 110
8 16 4 — 150
CLASS FEATURES 9 16 6 — 190
All of the following are class features of the technologist. 10 18 6 1 250
11 18 8 1 290
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Technologists are
12 18 9 2 360
proficient with all simple weapons and light armor, but with no 13 18 10 2 430
shields. In addition, they are proficient in the use of all crossbows 14 18 11 2 500
and the Imperial calculus. They also gain a +2 bonus on all 15 18 11 3 580
ability checks, attack rolls, and skill checks made to operate siege 16 18 12 3 670
17 18 12 4 750
18 18 12 5 830
Devices: A technologist creates, maintains, and uses devices, 19 18 12 6 930
powerful machines that create effects similar to spells. Devices 20 18 12 6 1010
come in three orders of sophistication and power: gadgets are
the weakest, technologies are the mid-level devices, and artifacts devices she has mastered, without having to spend time, gather
represent the height of a technologist’s abilities. Technologists raw materials, or make Craft checks; these free devices are part of
primarily draw from the list of devices presented in Chapter the technologist’s advancement, and she is constantly at work on
Four, but also have a penchant for creating new designs when the the next breakthrough. Replacing or repairing lost or damaged
inspiration strikes them. devices requires the use of the Craft (technology) skill, and is
Mastering a device requires no particular level of Intelligence covered in the next Chapter.
or Charisma, but Intelligence determines the save DCs for A technologist’s selection of devices is limited, as truly
technologist devices and Charisma grants a bonus or penalty mastering a new device requires complete understanding of a
to the character’s total number of activation points (see Table customized technological mechanism designed specifically for
2-3: Technologist Bonus Activation Points). Upon achieving the individual technologist’s use. A technologist begins play at
a new level, the technologist receives one free copy of any new first level having mastered three gadgets, and gains new devices at
Table 2-3: Technologist Bonus Activation Points* every level according to the
Charisma Technologist Class Level progression listed on Table
Score 1–2 3–4 5–6 7–8 9–10 11–12 13–14 15–16 17–18 19–20 2-2: Technologist Devices
2–3 –5 –15 –30 –45 –45 –45 –45 –45 –45 –45
Mastered and Activation
4–5 –5 –15 –30 –30 –30 –30 –30 –30 –30 –30
6–7 –5 –15 –15 –15 –15 –15 –15 –15 –15 –15 Points. The number of devices
8–9 –5 –5 –5 –5 –5 –5 –5 –5 –5 –5 a technologist can master is
10–11 — — — — — — — — — — unaffected by her Intelligence
12–13 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 or Charisma score; mastering
14–15 5 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
additional devices in excess of
16–17 5 15 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
18–19 5 15 30 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 those indicated on Table 2-2
20–21 10 20 35 50 80 80 80 80 80 80 is a complicated and difficult
22–23 10 30 45 60 90 135 135 135 135 135 process described in Chapter
24–25 10 30 60 75 105 150 195 195 195 195 Three. Unlike some types of
26–27 10 30 60 90 120 165 210 300 300 300
spellcasters, technologists
28–29 15 35 65 95 125 170 215 305 440 440
30–31 15 45 75 105 165 255 300 390 525 660 cannot choose to unmaster
32–33 15 45 90 120 180 270 360 450 585 720 previously chosen devices
34–35 15 45 90 135 195 285 375 555 690 825 in exchange for a different
36–37 20 50 95 140 230 320 410 590 860 995 selection; once a technologist
38–39 20 60 105 150 240 375 465 645 915 1185
chooses a device, it remains
40–41 20 60 120 165 255 390 525 705 975 1245
42–43 20 60 120 180 270 405 540 810 1080 1350 available to her indefinitely,
44–45 25 65 125 185 305 440 575 845 1250 1520 and counts against her
* The numbers on this chart are totals; do not add across to find the number of bonus points. maximum devices mastered.

A device’s power level is determined by its activation level,
which is equal to the technologist’s class level; technologist Starting After First Level
characters constantly tweak and modify their devices to bring Craft points pose a special problem in creating
them up to their new standards. The Difficulty Class for a saving characters above first level, since they are an ongoing pool
throw against a technologist’s device is 10 + ½ her technologist that can change in size significantly over time. Simply starting
level + her Intelligence modifier. a technologist with the craft points listed for her current
A technologist character must spend an hour out of every day level weakens the class somewhat, as doing so assumes that
in a calm environment to regain her expended activation points the character has never created any permanent items that
and remove traces of magic from her devices. During this time, have survived to the current level. If you want to avoid this,
the technologist must remain undisturbed and must touch each simply take 75% of the craft points for all levels prior to
of her devices in turn; this period of routine maintenance allows the current one, and add this total to the number of craft
for continuous minor upgrades as the technologist puts her latest points granted at the character’s most recently gained level.
discoveries into play. As long as she maintains her devices in this For instance, a technologist character starting at 3rd level
way, the technologist can use any device she has mastered, built, would begin with (100 + 200) × 0.75 + 300 craft points, a
and has on hand at any time simply by paying the cost in activation total of 525 points. A technologist character should start
points to activate the device. with about 13% more than the standard amount of gold
Expert (Ex): Technologists possess a high degree of learned pieces for her level, but all of the extra wealth must go
talent in the skills they choose to study. As a result, they are towards purchasing or creating nonmagical items.
allowed to use these skills in special ways normally only available
to members of other classes. To gain the benefit of the Expert items using their Craft skills. When the technologist gains a
ability in relation to a certain skill, the technologist must have at new level, she simply adds the number listed in Table 2-1 to her
least one rank in the appropriate skill. current pool of craft points; craft points gained at previous levels
Though not spellcasters in anything resembling the are not lost.
traditional sense, technologists with skill in alchemy are adept at Craft points are virtual gold pieces that may only be used to
using nonmagical techniques to create alchemical concoctions. produce items that can normally be created using the Craft skill.
Technologists of any level may use the Craft (alchemy) skill to To craft an item without spending the normal labor time in this
create alchemical items as though they were normal spellcasters. manner the technologist must pay at least half the market price
Technologists who have at least 1 rank in the Search skill of the item with craft points, using gold pieces as normal to cover
are deft investigators and can use the Search skill to locate traps any remaining costs. Expenditure of craft points is based on the
when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a market price, and not the raw materials cost.
nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well Once the technologist declares that she is spending
hidden. Finding a magical trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the craft points to make a certain item, the item is automatically
spell used to create it. completed one day later (typically the next morning), provided the
If the technologist is a trained trapsmith, she can use technologist can make the required Craft check. This check uses
the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magical trap the DC given in the description of the item, or the appropriate
generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. A DC from the Craft skill description in the core rules. Masterwork
technologist who beats a trap’s DC by 10 or more with a Disable items use the base DC of the item, or the DC of the last masterwork
Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass component the technologist wishes to add to the item, whichever
it (with her party) without disarming it. is higher. If the technologist’s Craft check succeeds, the item is
Craft Points (Ex): Developing and using sophisticated successfully completed. If it fails, the technologist may try again
technological devices is an expensive proposition and as a result the next day, with no penalty for failure and no loss of gold pieces
technologists learn to be very resourceful. This resourcefulness, or craft points. The game master may not allow you to create
represented by craft points, allows the technologist to quickly certain items with craft points, if he or she determines that you
craft nonmagical items, masterwork gear, expensive components would be unable to procure the raw materials required or unable
for her devices, and of course the devices themselves. By default, to work on the item over time.
the technologist is assumed to be working on these projects in A technologist can also add craft points to her pool by
her spare time, and is simply putting the finishing touches on the spending time working on various projects or pursuing the
item when she spends craft points and makes a Craft check to business venture that funds her research. To do so, she simply
complete that item. However, this class ability can also represent makes a Craft or Profession check, representing a week’s worth of
a talented engineer’s ability to cobble any given scraps into a work. If making a Craft check, the technologist makes the daily
working device, independent income and mercantile contacts the or weekly check against a base DC of 15; for every 10 silver pieces
technologist uses to fund her research, or the logistical backing of progress she would normally make (dropping all fractions), the
of a sizable organization or country. At every level, technologists technologist instead adds 1 craft point to her pool. If she fails
receive a number of craft points that they can use to create various this Craft check by 5 or more, she instead loses 20 craft points,

as she damages her ongoing projects in some way. Technologists costs 900 gold pieces per use and the goggles of acuity and
can voluntarily increase the base DC of this check in 10-point steamplunker augmentations normally cost 390 gold pieces per
increments to increase the number of craft points received with use. Adding these together brings her total upgrades up to 1,680
a successful Craft check. If the technologist chooses to make a gold pieces’ worth. Since Prentice has no upgrades available for
Profession check in place of a Craft check, she instead adds the any of her gadgets that normally cost 320 gold pieces or less, she
result of her weekly check directly into her reserve of craft points. loses the remainder. From this point on, any magnificent pitch hurler
This generally means that she gains fewer craft points than she Prentice builds will deal 50% more fire damage than normal, any
would have with a successful Craft check, but also does not risk steamplunkers she creates will have a range increment of 1,200 feet
losing any of her existing craft points. rather than 400, and her goggles of acuity will have a base duration
For example, Prentice, a third-level technologist, will be of 3 hours instead of 1.
heading into a cave system to battle kobold raiders tomorrow and Master of Technology (Ex): At 13th level, a technologist is
wishes to construct a sunrod to prepare herself. Prentice still has 300 reaching the limits of commonly understood scientific principles
craft points left in her pool (she has not spent any this level), and so even by a technologist’s standards and is beginning to make
she decides to spend craft points exclusively to pay for her sunrod. groundbreaking new discoveries. Before continuing on to more
After deducting 2 craft points from her craft point pool, Prentice powerful and sophisticated devices, she can use this knowledge
attempts the DC 25 Craft check to create a sunrod, and succeeds. to perfect favored technologies, increasing their effectiveness.
By the time her party is ready to set out tomorrow, Prentice has This ability is identical to the Master of Gadgetry ability, except
her sunrod and has 298 craft points remaining. After returning to that it may only be used to augment technologies and that it
town, she decides that she would like to increase this total since she
has plans to make an expensive masterwork sword for the party’s
fighter. Prentice makes a Craft check representing a week of work, HALF-ELF TECHNOLOGIST STARTING PACKAGE
and gets a result of 25. 25 times the craft point DC of 15 is 375; Armor: Studded leather (+3 AC, armor check penalty
this is the number of silver pieces of progress Prentice would have –1, speed 30 feet, 20 lbs.).
made had she been working on a specific project. Instead, she adds Weapons: Dagger (1d4, crit 19–20/×2, range inc. 10 ft.,
37 craft points to her craft point pool, dropping the remainder of 5 1 lb., light, piercing or slashing).
silver pieces entirely. Prentice now has a total of 335 craft points in Light crossbow [unactivated pocket ballista] (1d8, crit
her craft point pool. If she had instead elected to make a Profession 19–20/×2, range inc. 80 ft., 4 lbs., piercing).
check and had rolled the same result, she would have added only Imperial calculus (as alchemical item, ×2, range inc. 60
25 Craft points to her pool, but would not have risked losing craft ft., 3 lbs., special).
points on a failed check. Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 6 + Int
Master of Gadgetry (Ex): At 7th level, a technologist modifier.
has almost completed her studies of technological devices of
Armor Check
the gadget order and begins to move into new territories while Skill Ranks Ability Penalty
completing her final improvements to particularly favored Concentration 4 Con —
devices. This ability allows the technologist to select up to 2,000 Craft (alchemy) 4 Int —
gold pieces’ worth of expensive components and permanently Craft (technology) 4 Int —
Disable Device 4 Int —
apply the effect of those components to their respective devices.
Knowledge (arcana) 4 Int —
Only optional expensive components may be “purchased” in this Knowledge (engineering) 4 Int —
way; expensive ammunitions and anything else the device requires Profession (any) 4 Wis —
to function at all may not be permanently purchased with this Spellcraft 4 Int —
ability. Naturally, a technologist can upgrade only gadgets with Search 4 Int —
Gather Information (cc) 2 Wis —
the Master of Gadgetry ability. If the technologist is unable to
Diplomacy (cc) 2 Cha —
spend any of these special gold pieces, any that remain are simply
lost and provide no benefit. Feat: Skill Focus (any).
For example, upon attaining 7th level, Prentice has an Devices Mastered: Gadgets (lesser) – pocket ballista, swift
epiphany and upgrades her primary offensive weapon, a custom- striders, technologist’s familiar
built magnificent pitch hurler, with an alchemical resonance crystal, Craft Points: 60.
thereby gaining permanent access to its extra damage capabilities. Gear: Backpack with waterskin, one day’s trail rations,
At the same time, she redesigns her steamplunker to create a light, sack, flint and steel, artisan’s tools, ten sheets of parchment,
aerodynamic shell around any object it fires and gains permanent a pen, and a vial of ink. Belt pouches with three flasks of acid,
access to the increased range listed under that device’s Expensive two vials of alchemist’s fire, a tanglefoot bag, and a sunrod.
Components entry and infuses the lenses of her goggles of acuity Case with 10 crossbow bolts.
with a powerful antimagical alchemical formula increasing the Gold: 2d4 gp.
device’s base duration. The upgrade to the pitch hurler normally

permanently grants 3,750 gold pieces’ worth of upgrades. KNOWLEDGE (INT; TRAINED ONLY)
Master of Artifice (Ex): At 20th level, a technologist is Matters concerning technologists and technological theories
using the most advanced and technologically complex devices are covered by the Knowledge (architecture and engineering)
conceivable on a regular basis and has almost exhausted skill, in much the same way that magical affairs fall under
the possibilities for scientific advancement in her chosen the Knowledge (arcana) skill. Knowledge (architecture and
fields. Anything more would be a truly epic achievement. The engineering) allows you to recognize technological traditions,
technologist reaps the fruits of her career of research and out-of-date scientific theories, distinctive models of devices,
development in the form of 5,000 gold pieces’ worth of upgrades and technological constructs, as well as the usual uses of the
permanently applied to one or more of her artifacts (only). This Knowledge (architecture and engineering) skill.
ability is otherwise identical to the Master of Gadgetry and Synergy: If you have 5 or more ranks in Knowledge
Master of Technology abilities. (architecture and engineering), you get a +2 bonus on Knowledge
(history) checks made to recall something about historical events
Technologist Skills significantly involving high technology.
The following are expanded uses for two skills relating to
the technologist: Spellcraft and Knowledge (architecture and SPELLCRAFT (INT; TRAINED ONLY)
engineering). In addition to the normal uses of the Spellcraft skill, you
can use this skill to identify devices as they are
being activated, or when their effects are already
in place. Spellcraft is the skill used to identify
unusual effects of all kinds in the core D20
Fantasy rules, and diluting it by adding a class of
pseudo-magical effects to which it does not apply
is not recommended. If the game master feels
more comfortable separating the technological
applications of Spellcraft into their own skill (such
as a “Techcraft” skill), he can do so.

DC Task
17 Identify a gadget being activated or in your
possession. No action required. No retry.
20 Identify a technology being activated or in
your possession. No action required. No
23 Identify an artifact being activated or in
your possession. No action required. No
22 Identify a gadget by its effects alone, when
it is no longer present. No action required.
No retry.
25 Identify a technology by its effects alone,
when it is no longer present. No action
required. No retry.
28 Identify an artifact by its effects alone when
it is no longer present. No action required.
No retry.
27 After rolling a saving throw against a
gadget targeted on you, determine what
that device was. No action required. No
30 After rolling a saving throw against a
technology targeted on you, determine
what that device was. No action required.
No retry.
33 After rolling a saving throw against an
artifact targeted on you, determine what
that device was. No action required. No
Prentice Cogitens uses the Spellcraft skill to puzzle out a mysterious device. 30 or Identify a strange or unique technological
Optionally, the game master might decide to shift technological applications of higher effect, such as an airship. Time required
the Spellcraft skill to a new skill, Techcraft (artwork by Susan Knowles) varies. No retry.

Expanded Masterwork Rules
Craft points are an important class ability for technologists. Example – An Assassin’s Weapon
Unfortunately, the core rules do not offer many ways to spend Guilds of assassins and thieves favor venomous
this wealth effectively, since the use of craft points is restricted to masterwork weapons because they are more cost-effective
nonmagical items that the Craft skill can produce. Technologists than single poison doses in the hands of someone who
have access to expensive upgrade components that increase the plans to make frequent use of the weapon. They are also
effectiveness of their devices, but this might not be enough to keep easier to conceal than a separate dose of poison; it requires
master artisans happily creating. This section presents a simple a DC 25 Search check or a DC 20 Craft (weaponsmithing)
set of rules that expand upon the concept of the masterwork item check to note the weapon’s deadly nature, and detect magic
in the core rules and easily slot into the existing system. and similar spells do not reveal masterwork weapons.
In the standard rules, masterwork items get a standard A common example of such a weapon, a concealable
bonus for one of three types: weapons, armor, or skill-related. venomous dagger treated with giant wasp venom (damage
Technologists, pioneers in many fields of artisanship, have 1d6 Dex/1d6 Dex, save DC 16), costs 3,001 gold pieces.
introduced many alternate masterwork components beyond the
basic three. These components all have a base market value of 300 Style-Oriented: The weapon has some features only helpful
gold pieces and require DC 20 Craft checks of the appropriate to someone who intends to use it in a very specific way. Select
type to complete. one feat from the following list: Combat Expertise, Power Attack,
You can also create an item with multiple masterwork Dodge, Weapon Focus (this weapon), Improved Initiative, or Two-
components. The second masterwork component costs 600 gp Weapon Fighting. Whenever a character with the appropriate feat
and has a Craft DC of 25. The third costs 900 gp and has a Craft uses both the weapon and the feat in the same round, the weapon
DC of 30, the fourth costs 1,200 gp and has a Craft DC of 35, and grants a +1 enhancement bonus to both attack and damage.
so on. Multiple instances of the same masterwork component do Otherwise, this masterwork component provides no benefit.
not stack unless otherwise noted. Vicious-Looking: The weapon looks like it wants to kill
someone. The wielder gains a +2 circumstance bonus on all
Weapon Components Intimidate checks he makes while the weapon is drawn and held
Exceptional Balance: The weapon grants a +1 enhancement at the ready.
bonus to attack rolls made with it, as it is easier to use in Sturdy: The weapon is well made, and extraordinarily durable.
some significant way. This is the same as the standard weapon It gains a +2 bonus to hardness and +10 hit points.
masterwork component. Concealable: The weapon is slim and alchemically treated to
Wicked Edge: The weapon grants a +1 enhancement bonus to take on the color of whatever surface it rests upon. All Sleight of
damage rolls made with it, as it has a serrated edge, a proliferation Hand checks made to conceal the weapon gain a +2 circumstance
of spikes, or some other feature that makes it particularly deadly. bonus and you may attempt to conceal the weapon on your
Alchemical Compartment: The weapon is capable of dispensing person even if you have no ranks in the Sleigh of Hand skill.
an alchemical substance, such as a poison or alchemist’s fire when Venomous: The weapon has been alchemically infused with a
it strikes a target. This only happens once, when the wielder takes certain type of poison and is etched with grooves that better hold
a swift action to release the substance, and then the weapon must poisons of the appropriate type. When adding this component
be reloaded as a full-round action. to a weapon, you must choose a specific injury or contact poison
and provide 10 doses of that poison. Whenever the venomous
masterwork weapon strikes a creature, it delivers the selected
poison. The Fortitude save DC to resist the poison is reduced
by 2 due to the attenuated nature of the infused substance. The
weapon’s surface must be kept clean to deliver the poison, but not
too clean. If someone unfamiliar with its poisonous nature cleans
the weapon, he has a 50% chance of wiping the poison away. If
this happens, a single dose of the appropriate poison must be
applied to prime the weapon again.
Sacred/Profane: The weapon has been inlaid with holy
symbols and ritually blessed according to the rites of a particular
religion. The weapon acts as a holy symbol for followers of that
religion, and it deals +1 point of damage against creatures with
an opposing alignment subtype, chosen at the time of the item’s
A masterwork ballista, incorporating various improvements Tripping: The weapon is specially designed to trip opponents,
(artwork by Leonardo da Vinci) with hooks or other such devices and a specially made hilt. If the

weapon cannot normally be used to trip, it gains the ability to do circumstance bonus on all Diplomacy checks.
so. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you may drop Aquatic: The armor is made of naturally buoyant materials,
the weapon to avoid being pulled off your feet. If the weapon can has inflatable air sacks, or somehow allows the wearer to not
already can be used to trip the wielder gains a +2 circumstance sink like a stone. The wielder still suffers the masterwork armor’s
bonus on all trip attempts made with the masterwork weapon. armor check penalty to Swim checks, but this penalty is not
Disarming: The weapon has prongs at the hilt or some other doubled as it normally would be.
modification designed to make it better at relieving opponents of Sacred/Profane: The armor has been inlaid with holy symbols
their weapons. The wielder gains a +2 circumstance bonus on all or it incorporates materials from a particularly holy (or wicked)
rolls to make and resist disarm attempts with the weapon. sort of creature. The armor acts as a holy symbol for followers of
Sorcerous: The weapon has magic runes carved along its the religion to which it is dedicated and all attacks from creatures
length or has been impregnated with a magical material and with a given alignment subtype opposed to the religion’s own
bypasses damage reduction as though it were magical. It gains no suffer a –1 morale penalty to the attack roll (choose one opposing
other benefits from this ability. alignment subtype at time of creation).
Clean: The armor is designed to be easily cleaned by the owner
Armor Components and has alchemical pads that absorb toxins and disease-causing
Custom-Fit: The armor is made for the wearer, and has an agents before they can louse up the armor. The wearer gains a +2
armor check penalty 1 lower than normal and a maximum circumstance bonus on all saves versus poison and disease.
Dexterity bonus 1 greater.
Heavy: The armor is reinforced to be particularly strong. It Skill-Related Components
gains a +1 enhancement bonus to AC that does not stack with High-Quality: The item is particularly good at the purpose for
magical enhancement and a 10% increase in its weight. which it was intended. All skill checks made using the item gain a
Element Resistant: The armor has fur trim, a flame-retardant +2 circumstance bonus. For instance, you could apply this quality
polish, or is made of a substance that repels acids. The wearer to shoes made to Move Silently, or gloves made for Climbing.
gains energy resistance 2 against one energy type, selected when Durable: The item is of a sturdy construction. It gains a +2
the masterwork armor is created. bonus to its hardness, and +10 hit points.
Easily Assembled: The armor has special buckles or other Efficient: The item is good at conserving resources, and all
features designed to allow the wearer to don the armor quickly other items made using it require only 75% of the normal cost of
and efficiently. The wearer may “don hastily” without penalty. raw materials. This benefit does not apply to items made using
Reinforced: The armor employs adamantine reinforcement, craft points, nor does it increase the number of craft points you
or otherwise provides exceptional protection to the wearer’s vital can gain by making a Craft or Profession check.
areas. The armor has a +2 enhancement bonus to AC, but only for Fast: The item has multiply redundant parts, an easy to
resisting critical hit confirmations. navigate configuration, or is otherwise easy to use. The user gains
Impressive: The armor has gold inlay, is made of exotic a 25% reduction to the time it takes to make or analyze anything
materials, or otherwise looks good. Whenever the wearer can using the masterwork item.
display the masterwork armor for all to see, he gains a +2 Space-Saving: The item has miniaturized parts and is otherwise
easy to pack and carry. The masterwork item weighs
only half as much as a normal item of its type, with a
commensurate decrease in the space it takes up.
Dedicated to a Purpose: The item is meant for one
specific purpose; an alchemy lab for making tanglefoot
bags, a smithy used exclusively to forge swords, or a
magnifying glass meant to appraise jewels. The item
grants a +4 circumstance bonus on skill checks made
for that specific purpose, but for no others.
User-Friendly: The item is easily used by an
unskilled individual, with clear instructions and
other user-friendly traits. Any character may make
a skill check with the item as though she had half a
rank in that skill. For instance, a user-friendly book
of Knowledge (the planes) would allow untrained
individuals to make Knowledge (the Planes) checks,
while a user-friendly masterwork accountant’s ledger
This forging harness incorporates the Dedicated to a Purpose improvement allows the character to make Profession (accountant)
for Craft (armorsmithing) and Craft (weaponsmithing) checks untrained.

Sacred/Profane: The item is obviously evil (sacrificial
implements), or obviously good (alchemist’s lab used to purify NPCs and Craft Points
holy water) and makes characters of the opposite alignment The sample technologist progression in this section
uncomfortable. Such creatures must make a DC 16 Will save to uses the method suggested in an earlier sidebar for
touch the object; this save can be attempted once per minute. Once calculating craft points for characters above 1st level. If
a creature makes the save, anyone may handle the item normally you spend all of these craft points, you will end up with
regardless of their alignment until it is re-dedicated by the an NPC that could conceivably make your characters quite
character that created it or a cleric of the appropriate alignment. wealthy after the battle. Instead, try using these points to
The rededication ceremony takes 1 hour and consumes 5 gold adjust the difficulty of a technologist encounter by giving
pieces in the appropriate religious trappings. the character expensive components with which to boost
her devices before or even during the battle. As long as
Technologist NPC Statistics these components are expended, you need not worry about
This section presents a set of baseline statistics for the handing out too much treasure. You can also use these
technologist at every level from 1 to 20 along with a sample precalculated craft point totals for PCs starting above 1st
technologist, Prentice Cogitens, presented at 5th, 10th, and 15th level, instead of doing the math yourself.
levels to give you an idea of what the class looks like in play.
Additionally, Table 2-4 provides a demographic breakdown by PRENTICE COGITENS AT 5TH LEVEL CR 5
race and alignment that represents a typical D&D campaign’s Half-elf technologist 5
racial mix of technologists, allowing you to randomly roll up a CN Medium humanoid
quick NPC or simply see how likely a good-aligned svirfneblin Init +1; Senses Spot +0, Listen +0; low-light vision
gnome is to take up the mantle of the technologist. Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling
See pages 110–112 of the DMG for more detailed guidelines AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14; Dodge
on creating NPCs using these resources. If you use the community hp 25 (5 HD)
generation rules on pages 137–139 of the DMG, the highest-level Immune sleep
technologist in a given city or town should have a character level Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3 (+5 vs. enchantment)
of 1d3 + the community modifier. Speed 30 feet (6 squares)
Melee dagger +3 (1d4, 19–20/×2)
NPC Technologist Ranged mwk pocket ballista +5 (1d8, 19–20/×2, 80 feet) or
Starting Ability Scores: Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 15, Wis 8, ranged touch +4
Cha 14 Base Atk +3; Grp +3
Increased Ability Scores: 4th, Int 16; 8th, Int 17; 12th, Int 18 Combat Gear 5 adamantine bolts, 5 silver bolts, 5 cold iron
(20); 15th, Int 18 (22); 16th, Int 19 (23); 18th, Int 19 (25); bolts, potion of invisibility, potion of shield of faith +3, potion
20th, Int 20 (26). of protection from arrows (10/magic), potion of cure moderate

Table 2-4: Technologist Demographics

Good NPCs Neutral NPCs Evil NPCs
Race/Kind % Race/Kind % Race/Kind %
Aasimar (planetouched) 01 Dwarf, deep 01–02 Dwarf (any) 01
Dwarf, deep 02–03 Dwarf, hill 03–05 Elf (any) 02
Dwarf, hill 04–07 Dwarf, mountain 06–07 Half-elf 03–21
Dwarf, mountain 08–09 Elf, gray 08 Halfling (any) 22
Elf, gray 10–11 Elf, high 09 Half-orc —
Elf, high 12–13 Elf, wild — Human 23–60
Elf, wild — Elf, wood — Lizardfolk —
Elf, wood — Gnome, forest 10 Hobgoblin 61–73
Gnome, forest 14 Gnome, rock 11–19 Kobold 74–88
Gnome, rock 15–24 Half-elf 20–42 Tiefling (planetouched) 89
Half-elf 25–52 Halfling, lightfoot 43–44 Drow (elf) [lvl –1] 90–91
Halfling, lightfoot 53–54 Halfling, deep 45–48 Dwarf, duergar [lvl –1] 92–93
Halfling, deep 55–59 Halfling, tallfellow 49 Derro [lvl –1] 94–95
Halfling, tallfellow — Half-orc — Bugbear [lvl –2] —
Half-orc — Human 50–96 Tentacle-faced brain-eater [lvl –8] 96–97
Human 60–93 Lizardfolk — Ogre mage [lvl –8] 98
Gnome, svirfneblin [lvl –1] 94–98 Gnome, svirfneblin [lvl –1] 97–99 Wererat (lycan.) [lvl –1] 99
Half-celestial [lvl –1] 99 Doppelganger [lvl –3] 00 Werewolf (lycan.) [lvl –1] —
Half-dragon [lvl –2] 00 Wereboar (lycan.) [lvl –1] — Half-fiend [lvl –2] 00
Werebear (lycan.) [lvl –2] — Weretiger (lycan.) [lvl –1] — Half-dragon [lvl –2] —

wounds, 2 potions of cure light wounds, 3 flasks of alchemist’s fit), mwk pocket ballista (balanced) with 10 bolts, dagger,
fire, 3 flasks of acid, 2 tanglefoot bags backpack with waterskin, one day’s trail rations, sack, flint
Technologist Devices (AL 5th, 65 APs, DC 15): and steel, mwk technologist’s tools (high-quality), ten
T(l) – orgonic siphon sheets of paper, a pen, and a vial of ink, belt pouches with
G(g) – magnificent pitch hurler, smite magic, voltaic coil combat gear, mwk thieves’ tools (high-quality), three vials
G(s) – icebound barricade, steamplunker, technologist’s magnifying of antitoxin, and three sunrods, 17 gp
glass, Tullius’s efficacious nostrum, vitriol projector PC Gear As above, plus alchemist’s lab and cloak of resistance +1,
G(l) – fabricacious fabricator, goggles of acuity, pocket ballista, goggles of minute seeing, Huewar’s handy haversack
swift striders, technologist’s familiar
Abilities Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 14 KIIR CR —
SQ craft points (1,250), expert, half-elf racial traits Technologist’s familiar
Feats Dodge, Skill Focus (Craft [technology]) N Tiny construct
Skills Concentration +9, Craft (alchemy) +5, Craft (technology) Init +2; Senses Spot –5, Listen –5, darkvision 60 feet, low-light
+16, Diplomacy +8, Disable Device +13, Knowledge vision
(architecture and engineering) +11, Open Lock +11, Search Languages none; understands master
+12 (+14 secret compartments), Spellcraft +11 AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12; hardness 10
Possessions Combat gear plus +1 studded leather armor (custom- hp 7 (½ HD)

Table 2-5: NPC Technologist

Skills/ Act. Craft
Level hp AC Melee Ranged F/R/W Feats Pts. Pts. Gear
1 7 14 +0 +2 +1/+1/+1 32/1 10 100 Mwk studded leather, mundane melee,
mwk ranged, 400 gp
2 11 14 +1 +3 +1/+1/+2 40/1 15 275 As 1st level, except 1,500 gp
3 16 14 +2 +4 +2/+2/+2 48/2 35 525 As 1st level, except 2,000 gp
4 20 15 +3 +5 +2/+2/+3 57/2 55 850 +1 studded leather, mundane melee, mwk
ranged, 800 gp
5 25 15 +3 +5 +2/+2/+3 66/2 65 1,250 As 4th level, except 1,900 gp
6 29 15 +4 +6 +4/+4/+5 75/3 105 1,875 +1 studded leather, mundane melee, mwk
ranged, cloak of resistance +1, 3,200 gp
7 34 15 +6 +7 +4/+4/+5 84/3 125 2,687 Studded leather +1, +1 ranged, mwk melee,
cloak +1, 2,500 gp
8 38 15 +7/2 +8/3 +4/+4/+6 93/3 165 3,687 As 7th level, except 4,700 gp
9 43 16 +7/2 +8/3 +5/+5/+6 102/4 205 4,875 studded leather +2, +1 ranged, mwk melee,
cloak +1, 4,300 gp
10 47 16 +8/3 +9/4 +5/+5/+7 111/4 265 6,500 As 9th level, except 8,300 gp
11 52 17 +9/4 +10/5 +5/+5/+7 120/4 305 7,750 Ring of protection +1, studded leather +2, +1
ranged, mwk melee, cloak +1, 11,300 gp
12 56 19 +10/5 +11/6 +6/+6/+8 130/5 375 11,375 Ring +2, studded leather +2, +1 ranged, mwk
melee, amulet of natural armor +1, cloak +1,
headband of intellect +2, 6,300 gp
13 61 20 +10/5 +11/6 +6/+6/+8 140/5 445 15,000 Ring +2, studded leather +3, +1 ranged, mwk
melee, amulet +1, cloak +1, headband +2,
6,200 gp
14 65 20 +11/6 +12/7 +7/+7/+10 150/5 515 19,875 Ring +2, studded leather +3, +1 ranged, mwk
melee, amulet +1, cloak +2, headband +2,
13,000 gp
15 70 20 +12/7/2 +13/8/3 +8/+8/+10 160/6 595 25,875 As 14th level, except headband +4 and
17,000 gp
16 74 21 +13/8/3 +14/9/4 +8/+8/+11 170/6 685 34,000 As 15th level, except amulet +2 and
27,000 gp
17 79 22 +13/8/3 +15/10/5 +9/+9/+12 180/6 765 44,000 Ring +2, studded leather +4, +2 ranged, +1
melee, amulet +2, cloak +3, headband +4,
42,000 gp
18 83 23 +14/9/4 +16/11/6 +10/+10/+13 190/7 845 55,875 Ring +2, studded leather +5, +2 ranged, +1
melee, amulet +2, cloak +3, headband +6,
33,000 gp
19 88 24 +15/10/5 +17/12/7 +11/+11/+14 200/7 945 72,125 As 18th level, except ring +3, cloak +4 and
56,000 gp
20 92 25 +16/11/6 +18/13/8 +12/+12/+16 211/7 1025 92,125 As 18th level, except amulet +3, cloak +5,
and 87,000 gp
Devices Mastered Per Level: See Table 2-2 above.

Immune construct traits engineering) +16, Open Lock +16, Search +16 (+23 secret
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will –5 compartments and traps), Spellcraft +16
Speed 60 feet (12 squares) Possessions Combat gear plus +2 studded leather armor (custom-
Melee slam +1 (1d3–1, ×2) fit), +1 pocket ballista (balanced) with 10 bolts, mwk dagger
Space 2½ ft.; Reach 0 ft. (balanced), cloak of resistance +1, goggles of minute seeing,
Base Atk +0; Grp –9 alchemist’s lab, Huewar’s handy haversack with 10 doses of
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1 Tullius’s efficacious nostrum, waterskin, one day’s trail rations,
SQ construct traits sack, flint and steel, masterwork technologist’s tools, ten
sheets of paper, a pen, and a vial of ink, side pouches with
PRENTICE COGITENS AT 10TH LEVEL CR 10 combat gear, masterwork thieves’ tools, three vials of
Half-elf technologist 10 antitoxin, and three sunrods, 42 gp
CN Medium humanoid PC Gear As above, plus air elemental gem, brooch of shielding (101
Init +1; Senses Spot +0, Listen +0; low-light vision points remaining), chime of opening, headband of intellect
Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling +2, Nalzeur’s marvelous pigments, potion of endure elements, 2
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15; Dodge potions of protection from evil, 2 potions of shield of faith +2, ring
hp 47 (10 HD) of protection +1; upgrade studded leather to +3, upgrade mwk
Immune sleep dagger to adamantine, upgrade cloak to +3
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +7 (+9 vs. enchantment)
Speed 30 feet (6 squares) KIIR CR —
Melee mwk dagger +8/+3 (1d4, 19–20/×2) Technologist’s familiar
Ranged +1 pocket ballista +9 (1d8+1, 19–20/×2, 80 feet) or ranged N Tiny construct
touch +8 Init +2; Senses Spot –5, Listen –5, darkvision 60 feet, low-light
Base Atk +7; Grp +7 vision
Atk Options Point Blank Shot Languages none; understands master
Combat Gear 5 adamantine bolts, 5 silver bolts, 5 cold iron AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12; hardness 10
bolts, potion of haste, potion of invisibility, potion of shield of faith hp 12 (½ HD)
+5, potion of protection from arrows (10/magic), potion of resist Immune construct traits
cold (10), potion of resist electricity (10), potion of resist fire (10), 2 Fort +0, Ref +2, Will –5
potions of cure moderate wounds, 3 potions of cure light wounds, 3 Speed 60 feet (12 squares)
flasks of alchemist’s fire, 3 flasks of acid, 2 tanglefoot bags Melee slam +1 (1d3–1, ×2)
Technologist Devices (AL 10th, 265 APs, DC 18): Space 2½ ft.; Reach 0 ft.
A(l) – worm gauntlet Base Atk +0; Grp –9
T(g) – orgonic field perturbation inducer Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1
T(s) – goggles of X-ray vision, umbral heart cloak SQ construct traits
T(l) – dark matter pall, Folly’s finagling fingers, orgonic siphon
G(g) – Dalyrimple’s obfuscating eye, Imperial service widget, PRENTICE COGITENS AT 15TH LEVEL CR 15
magnificent pitch hurler (+50% normal fire damage), smite Half-elf technologist 15
magic, voltaic coil CN Medium humanoid
G(s) – icebound barricade, master’s tools (for Craft Init +6; Senses Spot +0, Listen +0; low-light vision
[technology]), steamplunker (range increment increased Languages Common, Dwarven, Elven, Halfling
to 1,200 feet), technologist’s magnifying glass, Tullius’s AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 19; Dodge
efficacious nostrum, vitriol projector, zephyr hammer hp 100 (15 HD)
G(l) – fabricacious fabricator, goggles of acuity (base duration Immune sleep
3 hours), magic sensitivity, pocket ballista, swift striders, Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +10 (+12 vs. enchantment)
technologist’s familiar Speed 30 feet (6 squares)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 8, Cha 14 Melee adamantine dagger +12/+7/+2 (1d4, 19–20/×2)
SQ craft points (6,500), expert, half-elf racial traits, master Ranged +1 pocket ballista +14 (1d8+1, 19–20/×2, 80 feet) or
of gadgetry (goggles of acuity, magnificent pitch hurler, and ranged touch +13
steamplunker) Base Atk +11; Grp +11
Feats Combat Casting, Dodge, Point Blank Shot, Skill Focus Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
(Craft [technology]) Combat Gear 5 adamantine bolts, 5 silver bolts, 5 cold iron
Skills Concentration +14 (+18 casting defensively), Craft bolts, potion of barkskin +5, potion of haste, potion of invisibility,
(alchemy) +13, Craft (technology) +21, Diplomacy potion of protection from arrows (10/magic), potion of resist
+10, Disable Device +18, Knowledge (architecture and cold (10), potion of resist electricity (10), potion of resist fire (10),

2 potions of cure moderate wounds, 3 potions of cure light wounds, PC Gear As above, plus air elemental gem, chime of opening,
3 flasks of alchemist’s fire, 3 flasks of acid, 2 tanglefoot bags figurine of wondrous power (silver raven), gem of brightness (30
Technologist Devices (AL 15th, 595 APs, DC 23): charges remaining), Nalzeur’s marvelous pigments, necklace
A(s) – caesura weapon of adaptation, potion of pass without trace, 2 potions of protection
A(l) – Gelph’s instant aggressor, worm gauntlet from evil, ring of invisibility, robe of useful items; upgrade studded
T(g) – aura of just retribution (effect is maximized), coronal leather to +4 and light fortification, upgrade cloak to+4, upgrade
electroweapon (deals force damage), greater smite magic, gloves to +4, upgrade headband to +6, upgrade ring to +4
orgonic field perturbation inducer
T(s) – aqua vitae major, goggles of X-ray vision, umbral heart cloak KIIR CR —
T(l) – aviatronic wing, dark matter pall, Folly’s finagling fingers, Technologist’s familiar
orgonic siphon N Tiny construct
G(g) – Dalyrimple’s obfuscating eye, Imperial service widget, Init +2; Senses Spot –5, Listen –5, darkvision 60 feet, low-light
magnificent pitch hurler (+50% normal fire damage), smite vision
magic, voltaic coil Languages none; understands master
G(s) – icebound barricade, master’s tools (for Craft AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12
[technology]), steamplunker (range increment increased hp 17 (½ HD); hardness 10
to 1,200 feet), technologist’s magnifying glass, Tullius’s Immune construct traits
efficacious nostrum, vitriol projector, zephyr hammer Fort +0, Ref +2, Will –5
G(l) – fabricacious fabricator, goggles of acuity (base duration Speed 60 feet (12 squares)
3 hours), magic sensitivity, pocket ballista, swift striders, Melee slam +1 (1d3–1, ×2)
technologist’s familiar Space 2½ ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Abilities Str 10, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 22, Wis 8, Cha 14 Base Atk +0; Grp –9
SQ aqua vitae major (permanent +4 enhancement to Con), Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1
craft points (25,875), expert, half-elf racial traits, master SQ construct traits
of gadgetry (goggles of acuity, magnificent pitch hurler and
steamplunker), master of technology (aura of just retribution SHUMP CR —
and coronal electroweapon) Gelph’s instant aggressor
Feats Combat Casting, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Point Blank N Large construct
Shot, Precise Shot, Skill Focus (Craft [technology]) Init –1; Senses Spot +0, Listen +0, darkvision 60 feet, low-light
Skills Concentration +21 (+25 casting defensively), Craft vision
(alchemy) +24, Craft (technology) +29, Diplomacy Languages none; understands master
+13, Disable Device +26, Knowledge (architecture and AC 18, touch 8, flat-footed 18
engineering) +24, Open Lock +22, Search +24 (+31 secret hp 129 (9 HD); DR 5/adamantine
compartments and traps), Spellcraft +24 Immune construct traits, magic
Possessions Combat gear plus +3 studded leather armor (custom- Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3
fit), +1 pocket ballista (balanced) with 10 bolts, adamantine Speed 55 feet (11 squares)
dagger (balanced), amulet of natural armor +1, brooch of Melee 2 slams +13 (2d8+8 plus 1d6 electricity, ×2)
shielding (94 points remaining), cloak of resistance +2, goggles of Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
minute seeing, gloves of Dexterity +2, headband of intellect +4, ring Base Atk +6; Grp +18
of protection +2, alchemist’s lab, Huewar’s handy haversack with Abilities Str 26, Dex 9, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1
10 doses of Tullius’s efficacious nostrum, waterskin, one day’s SQ berserk, construct traits
trail rations, sack, flint and steel, mwk technologist’s tools
(high-quality), ten sheets of paper, a pen, and a vial of ink,
side pouches with combat gear, mwk thieves’ tools (high-
quality), three vials of antitoxin, and three sunrods, 87 gp

Chapter Three:
Activation Mechanics
In the morning before the day’s adventuring begins, Prentice Activating Devices
sits hunched over a sturdy metallic spider, wrench at the ready. She Activating a device works the same way for all technologists.
pops open a concealed metal plate on the construct’s underside,
and reaches in, past tiny articulated cogs and translucent power Choosing a Device*
crystals. With a sharp twist, Prentice adjusts the clockwork The first step is choosing which device you wish to activate.
creature’s mainspring which had been forcibly decalibrated by a You can select any device you have mastered and have within easy
bandit’s crossbow bolt the day before. It only takes a moment, but reach. Easy reach for this purpose means in the same square for
as Prentice repairs her creation she feels a familiar bond forming, Medium or smaller creatures, or within their normal melee reach,
a bond that ensures that the carefully designed device laid out minus 5 feet, for larger creatures.
before her will work when she needs it to instead of slipping To activate a device, you must be able to manipulate it in
gears and breaking power transfer coils almost at random. some way with one hand. Some devices also require you to give
Satisfied with her work, Prentice flips the spider-like construct verbal commands or to wear the device on your person; the text
over and concentrates on it for a moment as she winds it up of the device description spells out any additional requirements
again, causing it to shudder to artificial life. When the call comes beyond simply having one hand free. It is assumed that you can
to leave the campsite, Prentice stands, her careful maintenance retrieve and then replace a device during the process of activating
giving her confidence that her devices will operate to devastating it, if desired. Holding the device in hand before deciding to
effectiveness. activate it does not noticeably decrease the activation time because
Devices are technological creations designed to produce a activating a device is as much a mental action as a physical one.
one-time effect similar to that of a spell. They come in three However, you do gain a small boon from having the device at the
orders, and each of those orders has three ranks of power. ready in the form of a +1 circumstance bonus to all attack rolls
Each kind of device represents a different level of scientific made with a device that you are already holding. (This bonus
achievement, from the merely sophisticated to the completely
reality-bending. This chapter describes the three orders of
devices, and explains how to activate devices like the ones
found in the next chapter. You will also find details on what
the device description format means, information about what
happens when devices combine with magical spell effects, and
information on the interactions of devices with the various
special abilities monsters and characters might possess in a
Fantasy d20 game.
This chapter’s layout will be familiar to anyone who owns the
Fantasy d20 core rulebooks. This format leads to some redundancy
in places where a device works just like a spell but will also help
you find and integrate the information in this chapter. However,
for those who just want to get on to the devices after extracting
the meat of this chapter, some sections have been marked with
an asterisk (*) in their section headings. These sections present
new or significantly changed information. For all the others, you
will generally be safe assuming that device activation works just
like spellcasting, but with slightly different jargon. Generally
speaking, activation level is analogous with caster level, activation
time is equivalent to casting time, a device is more or less like
a spell, and the procedure for activating a device is basically the Activating complex devices like this one requires a light touch
same as the procedure for casting a spell. (Artwork by Leonardo da Vinci)

represents the additional time you have to aim.) Additionally, Activating Devices on the Defensive: Activating a
you must be able to concentrate to activate a device, which is device provokes an attack of opportunity unless you activate it
generally just as difficult as concentrating to cast a spell or use defensively, which requires a Concentration check with a DC
a spell-like ability. of 15 + a number based on the device’s order — 2 for gadgets, 5
If a device has multiple settings or ways that it can be used, for technologies, and 8 for artifacts. Failure means you lose the
you make these decisions as you activate the device. For example, activation points required to activate the device and the device
a caloric control mantle can protect you against either cold or fire. has no effect.
When you activate the device, you choose which energy type it will
protect you against. Arcane Disruption*
When you decide to activate a device, you must immediately Simply casting a spell on a device does not typically prevent
pay the indicated cost in activation points. Even if you fail to it from working unless the spell specifically has that effect or
finish activating the device (for instance, if something breaks your manages to somehow counter the device’s effect or destroy it
concentration), you still spend these points. Devices with a base entirely. Instead, magical spellcasters use a technique called arcane
duration also require you to continue to pay the listed cost after disruption to neutralize the devices of their technologist foes.
each base duration elapses to maintain the device’s activation. Enemy spellcasters can drop spell slots (or uses per day
of spell-like abilities) and attempt to disrupt your devices by
Activation Level channeling the spell’s energy into raw magical static. Arcane
A device’s saving throw DC and its overall power depend on disruption works regardless of whether the spell used is arcane
its activation level, which for the technologist is equal to her class or divine.
level. For example, a magnificent pitch hurler deals 1d6 points of fire How Arcane Disruption Works: To attempt arcane
damage per activation level (to a maximum of 10d6). A higher- disruption, you must select a specific device used by an opponent.
level technologist’s magnificent pitch hurler is better designed, so it In order to counter a device with an instantaneous duration you
deals more damage and has a higher Reflex save DC. must ready an action (see page 160 of the PHB). In doing so, you
Unlike a spellcaster, a technologist cannot choose on the fly elect to wait to complete your action until your opponent tries to
to activate a device at a lower caster level; instead, she can adjust activate one of her devices.
the device’s activation level up or down during her daily one-hour If the target of your disruption attempt tries to activate a
preparation period; this adjustment lasts all day. All of a device’s device, make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + the opposing character’s
activation-level based parameters (usually, its saving throw and the activation level). This check is a free action. If you succeed, you
damage it deals) must use the same activation level at all times. can figure out enough about the opponent’s device to attempt
In the event that a class feature or other special ability provides to disrupt it. If the check fails, you can still attempt an arcane
a bonus or penalty to your activation level, that adjustment disruption but suffer a –5 penalty to your disruption check.
applies to the effects and saving throw DCs of your devices and To complete the action, you must then cast a magical spell
to any activation level checks you must make as well, such as the or use a spell-like ability (supernatural abilities cannot be used for
activation level check to dispel a spell with smite magic. arcane disruption). This provokes an attack of opportunity just
as casting a spell in the normal fashion would. You make a special
Concentration* disruption check, rolling 1d20 and adding twice the level of the
To activate a device, you must concentrate. If something spell you sacrificed. For example, sacrificing a fireball spell for
interrupts your concentration while you are activating a device, arcane disruption would grant you a +6 bonus to your disruption
you must make a Concentration check or your attempt to activate roll. The DC of the disruption check is 6 + the opponent’s
the device is ineffectual. The more disruptive the interruption is, activation level. If you fail, nothing happens, and your spell (or
the harder it is to retain your concentration. More powerful orders one use of your spell-like ability) is wasted. If you succeed, the
of devices also force you to roll higher Concentration checks, as arcane disruption counters the device’s activation, and nothing
they require more mental effort than simpler mechanisms. If you happens. The technologist must still pay the full cost in activation
fail this Concentration check, you lose activation points for the points for attempting to activate the device, however.
device as though you had activated it to no effect. You can also attempt to disrupt an ongoing device effect.
Concentration check DCs are listed under the Concentration To do so, you sacrifice a spell slot as a standard action (which
skill description on pages 69–70 of the PHB, and again on page provokes an attack of opportunity) and roll a Spellcraft check
170. The Concentration DCs to activate a device are identical to and a disruption check, as above. If you succeed, the device
those required to cast a spell successfully with the exception of the you targeted immediately ceases to function and the opposing
spell-level based increase to the DC. Instead of using the indicated technologist must activate it again to reclaim its effects.
level-based DC adjustment, increase the Concentration check DC In either case, the technologist may attempt to activate the
to activate a device while suffering damage or distractions by 2 device again as soon as she has enough time to do so, with no
if attempting to activate a gadget, 5 if attempting to activate a penalty — the disruptive static this technique creates lasts for only
technology, and 8 if attempting to activate an artifact. a moment.

Disrupting With Metamagic Spells: Metamagic feats are not effect as are magical spells, there are several special effects that
taken into account when determining the bonus a dropped spell appear here instead of in the later discussion of the orders of devices.
provides to the disruption check. For instance, if a wizard dropped Typically, a special subschool for arcane and divine spellcasters
a maximized fireball to disrupt an enemy technologist’s device, the is instead a descriptor applied to the appropriate technological
spell would grant only a +6 bonus to the disruption check. devices and the descriptor has the same meaning as the school
Psionic Disruption: Unlike magical spells, psionic powers or subschool when determining how specific devices and spells
are generally unable to disrupt other effects, due to the inward- interact. See pages 172–174 of the PHB for more information on
focused nature of their abilities. (This is why psionic characters the magical subschools. Technologists cannot duplicate the effects
have no “counterspell” option.) Thus, the DC for psionic of some subschools; these are also noted below.
disruption is 16 + the device’s activation level. Psionicists may not
attempt a Spellcraft or Psicraft check to reduce this, though they The following effects have no special descriptor, but work just
do receive a bonus on the check equal to one-half the number like a magical spell of the same type would:
of power points they expend in the disruption attempt, rounded Attacks, Bonus Types, and Bringing Back the Dead:
down. The metapsionic cap still applies to this special use of These special effects work in exactly the same way they do for
power points, and a psionic character may spend no more power other spellcasters — see page 171 of the PHB. Technological
points than his or her manifester level on a given attempt at devices typically grant the same types of bonuses as arcane spells
psionic disruption. do, and the stacking rule applies normally regardless of where
Specific Exceptions: Some spells are specifically noted as the bonus is coming from. Only very unusual devices are capable
canceling other spells. For instance, a daylight spell automatically of bringing the dead back to life, but such devices are subject to
cancels all darkness spells of 2nd level or lower. If applicable, the same restrictions as clerical raise dead and resurrection spells; in
you can use such spells to automatically disrupt a technologist’s particular, the inability to revive someone against their will.
devices. For this purpose, gadgets count as 2nd-level spells,
technologies as 5th-level spells, and artifacts as 8th-level spells. The following effect types generally work just like their magical
Thus, a daylight spell, which cancels out darkness spells of 2nd counterparts:
level or lower, could be used to automatically disrupt a gadget Teleportation: Instantaneous travel is not a particular
with the darkness descriptor. Likewise, a spell that automatically strength of the technologist, but devices that allow it work in a
negated a given fire effect would work against devices with the manner similar to magical teleportation. The transportation is
fire descriptor just as well as it would against a magical fire spell, one-way and cannot be negated by arcane disruption or other
provided the negating spell does not rely exclusively on countering means. Teleportation is instantaneous travel through the Astral
magical effects to function. Plane unless otherwise specified. Thus, anything that blocks
magical teleportation through the Astral works normally against
Device Failure technological teleportation effects. Devices with teleportation
If you ever try to activate a device when the conditions are less effects are marked with the teleportation descriptor.
than amenable and your concentration is broken, your attempted Healing: A number of technological devices can restore lost
activation has no effect. Additionally, if you ever try to activate a hit points or heal various ailments, but they generally do not use
device when any of the device’s characteristics cannot be made to positive energy to do so. Thus, these devices have no particular effect
apply, the activation fails and your activation points are wasted. on the undead unless their description specifically says so. “Healing”
For example, if you use a wheedling stone on a dog, the device fails is a descriptor for devices, and anything that affects healing spells
because wheedling stones can only target humanoids. will likewise affect devices with the healing descriptor.
Charm and Compulsion: Charms influence how the
The Device’s Result subject views you and compulsions allow you to force a subject
Once you know which creatures, areas, or objects a device to act in a certain way. These magical subschools are instead
affects and all of the relevant parties have made their saving device descriptors for the technologist. Spells and effects that
throws, simply apply the effect of the device to those targets, as mention these subschools work normally against devices with the
listed in the device’s description. Note that some devices affect appropriate descriptor.
only specific types of creatures. In particular, this applies to Divination: Only devices that actively glean information
targeted antimagic devices, which are primarily effective against on some subject have the divination descriptor, so a device like
magic-dependent constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead. the magnetosonic waveform pulse generator has the descriptor, but
These terms, and terms like them, refer to the specific creature the goggles of acuity do not. Because their effects are not magical
types defined in the core rules. in nature, only blanket protection against all divination effects
affects devices with the divination descriptor.
Special Device Effects *Illusion: A device that generates an illusion is marked with
The following are some special device effects that require the illusion descriptor. These false sensations are usually created
specific rules to adjudicate. Because devices are not organized by by complicated light and sound projectors, and just like magical

illusions they have no real substance. Depending on the device in Pattern and Phantasm: A device can sometimes create these
question, an illusion may function as either a glamer or a figment. effects, but there are no particular rules or special descriptors
The individual device description will describe its particular effects. associated with them. A spell or effect that targets patterns or
Unlike magical figments, technological illusions can change the phantasms is ineffective against a technologist’s devices.
appearance of an object by overlaying the unreal on the real. Scrying: Technological devices that gather information
Unless otherwise noted, illusions are not real and cannot remotely never create a magical scrying sensor. Oftentimes, these
produce real effects. They cannot cause damage to creatures or devices use some physical component to gather information, such
objects, support any weight, be used to feed something, or protect as a small flying construct, but if no such physical component
someone from damage. Illusion-creating devices are generally is mentioned in the device’s descriptive text, there is no way to
useless for attacking foes directly, although they are useful for realize that you are being spied on without some ability to detect
confusing or misdirecting an opponent. An illusion’s AC is 10 + the operation of a device in the area. No technological devices
its size modifier, unless otherwise noted. have the scrying descriptor.
Because there are no distinctions between varieties of Shadow: Technologists cannot generate shadow effects.
illusions except in their effects, only spells and effects that affect Even if a device creates something partially real, it does not draw
all illusion spells equally (such as true seeing) have any effect on on the Plane of Shadow to do so and the device is therefore
illusion-generating devices. unaffected by spells and abilities that target shadow illusions.
*Saving Throws and Illusions (Disbelief): Though
they are not magical and produce an actual image of light and Combining Magical and Device Effects
sound (even if it is insubstantial), technological illusions are still Devices and magical effects generally work as described
countered by a Will save to disbelieve. The deluded character must without interfering with each other, no matter how many spells
reconcile appearances and reality just as he would with a magical or device effects happen to be in place on the same recipient or in
illusion, and doing so requires a Will saving throw. Creatures the same area. Except in special cases, a spell does not affect the
encountering an illusion usually do not receive saving throws way a device operates, or vice versa. If a device does have a special
against the illusion until they study it carefully or interact with effect on certain spells, the device description delineates this
it in some fashion (which might require Spot, Listen, or Search effect. Several other general rules apply when spells or magical
checks). For example, the illusory image created by Dalyrimple’s effects operate in the same place:
obfuscating eye goes undetected unless a character reaches out and Stacking Effects: Devices that provide bonuses or penalties
touches it or spends some time carefully looking it over. on attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, or other attributes
A successful saving throw against an illusion reveals that usually do not stack with themselves. Only the most powerful
it is insubstantial but does not change how the illusion looks. effect applies in such a case. The same device can sometimes
(An illusion created by a spell changes into a translucent outline produce varying effects if applied to the same recipient more
when disbelieved, but a technological image remains as before). than once. Usually the last device in the series trumps the others,
Thus, if a technological illusion were used to cover a pit trap, even although the effects of the previous device activations are not
revealing the illusion as insubstantial would not allow a character actually removed or disrupted. More generally, the stacking
to see into the pit. rule is still in effect regardless of the mix of bonuses and their
A failed saving throw against an illusion means that the respective sources, and two bonuses of the same type do not stack
creature fails to note anything out of place. A character with even if they come from separate sources. Unnamed bonuses from
absolute proof that something he sees or hears is illusory need not any source stack with any other bonuses.
make a saving throw to disbelieve it. For this reason, characters Multiple Mental Control Effects: Sometimes device effects
who fall through a section of illusory floor, and their counterparts and spells that establish some kind of mental control render each
who spend a minute or two poking at the same illusion, need other irrelevant, such as a device that removes a creature’s ability
not make saving throws. Anyone who successfully disbelieves an to act. Mental controls that do not remove the subject’s ability
illusion and points it out to his allies grants them an immediate to act do not interfere with each other. If a creature is under
saving throw with a +4 bonus against the illusion. the mental control of multiple spellcasters, it tries to obey each
to the best of its ability and to the extent that each controlling
Technologists cannot duplicate the following magical sub- effect allows. If the controlled creature receives conflicting
schools, and therefore they do not apply as descriptors to any orders simultaneously, the competing controllers make opposed
technological devices: Charisma checks to determine which one the creature obeys.
Calling, Creation, and Summoning: Technologists cannot Devices and Spells with Opposite Effects: Abilities with
create matter from nothing (except possibly by means of an opposite effects apply normally, with all bonuses, penalties, or
artifact), and have no power over extraplanar creatures other than changes accruing in the order that they apply. Some devices or
to destroy them. A device that produces an effect similar to a spell spells negate or counter other devices or spells. This is a special
with one of these descriptors will fully spell out how it works in effect and the description of the spell or device in question notes
its descriptive text. it as such.

Instantaneous Effects: Two or more effects with advanced biological principles to thwart the technologist’s foes,
instantaneous durations work cumulatively when they affect the and the distortions of a space-warp modulator require an incredible
same target, regardless of their source. For example, if a fireball understanding of the physical laws of space and time.
and a magnificent pitch hurler struck a creature simultaneously, that Technologies can make use of sophisticated computing
creature must make a normal Reflex saving throw against each devices, powerful and compact energy sources, and high-tech
effect and takes fire damage from each according to the saving synthetic compounds and construction materials. As long as
throws’ results. the physical laws of fantasy reality allow something to happen,
a technology can probably be built to do it. Devices of this order
Device Descriptions represent the shared wisdom of the scientific community (or
Chapter Four lists and describes the standard devices at least a great deal of learning and inspiration on the part of a
available to characters. The description of each device is presented lone technologist) and are the typical experienced technologist’s
in a standard format that is similar to the way the core rules primary tools.
present magical spells. However, there are some differences, which
are covered below. Artifacts*
Technologies are capable of many awe-inspiring things,
Name but they must still obey the recognized laws of physical reality.
The first line of every device description gives the name by Artifacts are different. They make use of scientific principles
which the device is generally known. Technologist devices are only the technologist who created that particular device truly
somewhat more likely than magical spells to be attributed to a understands, and they do things that should be outright
specific creator. Individual creators may also have special names impossible for someone without access to magical spellcasting.
for their devices — one technologist’s pocket ballista might be No matter how well designed a space-warp modulator is, it cannot
another’s experimental bolt-flinging mechanism, model X-L42. encompass the reality-buckling power of an Imperial null-space
cannon, which can shatter the earth and cause the very substance
Order (Rank)* of solid matter to become insubstantial and fall into decay.
Beneath the device name is a line giving the order of the Artifacts are incomprehensible in their resources to anyone
device and its level of power and complexity within the given who lacks the knowledge of how to build one. These supremely
order. All devices belong to one of three orders, which are, from powerful devices can harness the power of entire planes, warp
weakest to strongest, gadgets, technologies, and artifacts. Each of the laws of reality as though they were mere suggestions, or
these orders has a set of identifying characteristics and is divided pack enough punch in a handheld control pad to level an entire
into lesser, standard, and greater ranks of effectiveness. castle. An artifact’s effects are always dramatic; nobody would
master the mind-bending science behind such a device to plow
Gadgets* a field or cook their dinner, especially since even the simplest
Gadgets are the lowest order of devices and represent a direct artifacts can rapidly drain the energies of even the most powerful
evolution from existing and naturally stable technology. For technologists.
example, crossbows already exist in abundance in most Fantasy
d20 worlds, and a device like the pocket ballista is simply a bigger and [Descriptor]*
better crossbow. Likewise, technologists are not required to make Descriptors appear on the same line as the order and level of
a set of masterwork artisan’s tools for a craftsman, but they are the device. As with spells, these descriptors further categorize the
required to produce the dramatically more effective master’s tools. device and govern how it relates to certain other effects.
Gadgets typically use some combination of clockwork Devices share the acid, air, cold, darkness, death, earth,
mechanics, sophisticated alchemy, and primitive electrical coils electricity, fear, fire, force, language-dependent, light, mind-
to generate their effects. Anything more requires a huge leap in affecting, sonic, and water descriptors with spells, and these
sophistication and complexity, and is thus reserved for higher descriptors govern the interactions of devices and spells in the
orders of devices. Effects that these limited tools cannot generate same ways. Devices only have the chaotic, evil, lawful, and good
are not available to gadgeteers, although the ingenuity of descriptors if using the device is inherently an act of the appropriate
technologists in finding a way to produce wondrous effects with alignment. The most frequent case is the evil descriptor, which
even the simplest machines should not be underestimated. is applied to devices that are deliberately and wantonly cruel in
their effects. In addition to the descriptors that apply to spells,
Technologies* technologists also add the charm, compulsion, healing, illusion,
If gadgets are a tinkerer’s playground, only true scientists and teleportation descriptors.
get to play with technologies. These devices often bear no The antimagic descriptor denotes devices that are not
resemblance to lower-order devices, and make use of scientific physical objects but techniques for turning activation points
knowledge that would normally be unheard of in a fantasy setting. into various effects that negatively affect the use and control of
For instance, the metabolic interdiction field makes use of highly magic. Antimagic devices always have a weight of 0 pounds, and

thus no weight entry, but otherwise work just like normal devices. are activating the device as a full-round action, just as noted above
These devices frequently have adverse effects on creatures of the for 1-round activation times. These actions must be consecutive
construct type; constructs created through entirely technological and uninterrupted or the device activation automatically fails.
means are immune to the effects of these antimagic devices unless A device with an activation time of 1 swift action does not
otherwise specified. count against your normal limit of one device activation per
A language-dependent device uses intelligible language as a round. However, you may only take a single swift action in round.
medium for communication. If the target cannot understand or Activating a device with an activation time of 1 swift action does
cannot hear what the activator of a language-dependent device not provoke attacks of opportunity.
says, the device fails. You may use a device that requires only an immediate action
A mind-affecting device works only against creatures with an to activate at any time, even if it is not your turn. You may not
Intelligence score of 1 or higher. activate immediate-action devices while you are flat-footed. These
Null-space devices store the actual bulk of the device in an devices are otherwise the same as swift-action activation devices,
artificial pocket dimension, and must manifest from this pocket and take up your swift action for the next round.
dimension to have their effects. Null-space devices cannot manifest
in an area where a spell or other effect blocks planar travel. Range*
A device’s range indicates how far from you it can reach, as
Activation Time defined in the Range entry of the device description. A device’s
Many devices have an activation time of 1 standard action. range is the maximum distance from you that the device’s effect
Others take 1 round or more, while still others can be activated as can occur, as well as the maximum distance at which you can
a swift or immediate action. designate the device effect’s point of origin. If any portion of the
A device that requires a full-round action to activate comes device’s area of effect would extend beyond this range, that area is
into effect on the turn you activate it, but you may take no other wasted. Standard ranges include the following:
actions during that round. Personal: The device affects only you.
A device that takes 1 round to activate is a full-round action. Touch: You must touch a creature or object to affect it. A
It comes into effect just before the beginning of your turn in the touch-range device that deals damage can score a critical hit just
round after you began activating the device. You then act normally as a normal weapon can. A touch device threatens a critical hit
after the device is fully activated. When you begin activating a on a natural roll of 20 and deals double damage on a successful
device that takes 1 round or longer to activate, you must continue critical. Some touch-range devices allow you to touch multiple
your concentration from the current round to just before your targets. You can touch as many willing targets as you can reach
turn in the next round (at least). If you lose concentration before as part of the activation, but all targets of the device must be
the activation is complete, you lose the activation points required touched in the same round that you finish activating the device.
to activate the device, and there is no effect. Unlimited: The device reaches anywhere on the same plane
A device that takes 1 minute to activate comes into effect just of existence.
before your turn 1 minute later. For each of those 10 rounds, you Range Expressed in Feet: Some devices have no standard
range category or increment, just a range expressed in feet.
*Range Increments: Many devices do not have an absolute
range, and instead have a Range Increment entry. A device’s range
increment works similarly to the range increment for a weapon.
All devices can affect targets out to a maximum of 5 range
increments, but for each range increment past the first that the
target creature or area is from the technologist, the technologist
suffers a –2 penalty to any attack rolls required by the device. If
the device does not require any attack rolls, the save DC of the
device is instead reduced by 2 points per range increment past
the first. Devices that require no attack rolls and do not allow
saving throws are fully effective out to the maximum of 5 range
increments. The standard range increments for devices are close,
medium, and long. Close-range devices have a range increment of
25 feet, medium-range devices have a range increment of 100 feet,
and long-range devices have a range increment of 400 feet.

A device’s complexity can be reflected in a long activation time, but especially You must make some choice about whom the device is to
powerful devices are always worth the wait (Artwork by Tony Perna) affect or where the effect is to originate, depending on the type of

device. The next entry in a device’s description defines the device’s
target (or targets), its effect, or its area, as appropriate.
Target or Targets: Some devices have a target or targets.
You activate these devices and target specific creatures or objects,
as defined by the device itself. You must be able to see or touch the
target, and you must specifically choose that target. You do not
have to select your target until you finish activating the device.
Certain devices restrict you to willing targets only. Declaring
yourself as a willing target is something that can be done at any
time (even if you’re flat-footed or it isn’t your turn). Unconscious
creatures are automatically considered willing, but a character
that is conscious but immobile or helpless (such as one who is
bound, cowering, grappling, paralyzed, pinned, or stunned) is
not automatically willing. If the target of a device is yourself (the
device description has a line that reads Target: You), you do not
receive a saving throw. The Saving Throw line is omitted from
such devices.
Some devices allow you to redirect the effect to new targets
or areas after you activate the device. Redirecting a device is a
move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
Effect: Some devices produce things rather than affecting
things that are already present. You must designate the location
where these things are to appear, either by seeing it or by
unambiguously defining it. Range determines how far away an
effect can appear, but if the effect is mobile, it can move regardless
of the device’s range. A technologist gunner breaks cover to aim his dangerous — but hopefully highly
Ray: Some effects are rays. You aim a ray as if using a ranged effective — atomic discombobulator at an attacker
weapon, although you typically make a ranged touch attack (Artwork by Anthony Monorchio)
rather than a normal ranged attack. As with a ranged weapon, the device affects. The point of origin of a device is always a grid
you can fire into the dark or at an invisible creature and hope you intersection. When determining whether a given creature is within
hit something. You don’t have to see the creature you’re trying the area of a device, count out the distance from the point of
to hit as you do with a targeted device. Intervening creatures and origin in squares just as you do when moving a character or when
obstacles, however, can block your line of sight or provide cover determining the range for a ranged attack. The only difference
for the creature you’re aiming at. is that instead of counting from the center of one square to the
If a ray device has a duration, it is the duration of the effect center of the next, you count from intersection to intersection.
that the ray causes, and not the length of time the ray itself persists. You can count diagonally across a square, but remember that
If a ray device deals damage, you can score a critical hit just as if it every second diagonal counts as 2 squares of distance. If the far
were a weapon. A ray device threatens a critical hit on a natural roll edge of a square is within the device’s area, anything within that
of 20 and deals double damage on a successful critical. square is within the device’s area. If the device’s area only touches
Spread: Some effects, notably clouds, fogs, and some energy the near edge of a square, however, anything within that square is
fields, spread out from a point of origin, which must be a grid unaffected by the device.
intersection. The effect can extend around corners and into Burst, Emanation, or Spread: Most devices that affect an area
areas that you can’t see. Figure distance by actual distance function as a burst, an emanation, or a spread. In each case, you
traveled, taking into account turns the device effect takes. When select the device’s point of origin and measure its effect from that
determining distance for spread effects, count around walls, not point.
through them. As with movement, do not trace diagonals across A burst-area device affects whatever it catches in its area, even
corners. You must designate the point of origin for such an effect, including creatures that you can’t see. It cannot affect creatures
but you need not have line of effect (see below) to all portions of with total cover from its point of origin (in other words, its effects
the effect. do not extend around corners). The default shape for a burst
Area: Some devices affect an area. Sometimes a device effect is a sphere, but some burst devices are specifically described
description specifies a specially defined area, but usually an area as cone-shaped. A burst’s area defines how far from the point of
falls into one of the categories defined below. Regardless of the origin the device’s effect extends.
shape of the area, you select the point where the device’s effect An emanation-area device functions like a burst device,
originates but otherwise do not control which creatures or objects except that the effect continues to radiate from the point of origin

for the duration of the device’s activation. Most emanations are or objects to which it has line of effect from its origin (a spherical
cones or spheres. burst’s center point, a cone-shaped burst’s starting point, a
The effect of a device with an area that is a spread spreads out cylinder’s circle, or an emanation’s point of origin).
like a burst but can turn corners. You select the point of origin, An otherwise solid barrier with a hole of at least 1 square foot
and the device spreads out a given distance in all directions. through it does not block a device’s line of effect. Such an opening
Figure the area the device effect fills by taking into account any means that the 5-foot length of wall containing the hole is no
turns the device effect takes. longer considered a barrier for purposes of a device’s line of effect.
Cone, Cylinder, Line, or Sphere: Most devices that affect an area
have a particular shape, such as a cone, cylinder, line, or sphere. Duration*
A cone-shaped device projects away from you in a quarter- A device’s Duration entry tells you how long the energy of a
circle in the direction you designate. It starts from any corner of single activation of the device lasts before the device shuts down
your square and widens out as it goes. Most cones are either bursts again and you must reactivate it or pay the indicated cost in
or emanations (see above), and thus will not go around corners. activation points to maintain the device’s activation.
When activating a device with a cylinder-shaped area of *Base Duration: Some duration entries are simply a
effect, you select the device effect’s point of origin. This point is unit of time, measured in rounds, minutes, hours, or some
the center of a horizontal circle, and the device’s effect projects other increment. These devices function for one of these time
down from the circle, filling a cylinder. A cylinder-shaped device increments, and then cease to function unless the technologist
ignores any obstructions within its area. pays the activation cost again to maintain the device’s activation.
A line-shaped area extends away from you in a line in the Spending activation points in this way is not an action, and the
direction you designate. It starts from any corner of your square technologist can maintain a device with a base duration as long as
and extends to the limit of its range or until it strikes a barrier she continues to pay their activation costs. Maintaining a device’s
that blocks line of effect. A line-area device affects all creatures in duration does not have a range restriction. A technologist cannot
squares that the line passes through. “pay ahead” in case she will be unconscious, sleeping, or otherwise
A sphere-shaped area expands from its point of origin to fill unable to maintain the device’s activation; activation points must
a spherical area. Spheres may be bursts, emanations, or spreads. be expended at the end of every base duration increment. Once
Creatures: A device with this kind of area affects creatures the technologist ceases to pay the device’s listed activation cost,
directly (like a targeted device), but it affects all creatures in an its duration immediately expires.
area of some kind rather than individual creatures you select. Timed Durations: A few durations are a fixed time limit.
The area might be a spherical burst, a cone-shaped burst, or some When the time is up, the device’s power fails and its effect ends. If
other shape. a device’s duration is variable, the duration is rolled secretly — the
Many devices affect “living creatures,” which means all technologist does not know how long the device will last.
creatures other than constructs and undead. Others affect Instantaneous: The device’s energy comes and goes the
“magic-dependent creatures,” which means only magically- instant the device is activated, although the consequences might
created constructs as well as elementals, outsiders, and undead. be long-lasting.
Creatures in the device’s area that are not of the appropriate type *Permanent: The energy of the device’s activation remains
do not count against the creatures affected. as long as the effect does. This sort of device effect is vulnerable
Objects: A device with this kind of area affects objects within to arcane disruption, but its permanent nature does make it
an area you select (as Creatures, but affecting objects instead). somewhat resistant to disruption. The base DC to use arcane
Other: A device can have a unique area, as defined in its disruption to counter a permanent effect is 16, instead of 6. A
description. permanent device effect disrupted in this way immediately ends.
(S) Shapeable: If an Area or Effect entry ends with “(S),” you Concentration: The device lasts as long as you concentrate.
can shape the device’s area of effect. A shaped effect or area can Concentrating to maintain a device activation is a standard
have no dimension smaller than 10 feet. Many shapeable effects or
areas are given as cubes to make it easy to model irregular shapes. Base Durations and Hand-Waved Time
Line of Effect: A line of effect is a straight, unblocked path The technologist’s ability to extend the duration of his
that indicates what a device can affect. A solid barrier cancels a devices for as long as he wants to pay for it allows for a lot
line of effect. Line of effect is like line of sight for ranged weapons, of flexibility, but can also present a problem in situations
except that it is not blocked by fog, darkness, and other factors where an indeterminate amount of time is going to pass.
that limit normal sight. Before declaring the length of time that passes in one block
You must have a clear line of effect to any target that you (say, two hours to search a large room), you might want to
activate a device to affect or to any space in which you wish to ask a technologist player how long he is willing to keep his
create an effect. You must have a clear line of effect to the point devices activated to ensure that that player does not try to
of origin of the area of any device you activate. A burst, cone, weasel out of fair activation point expenditures.
cylinder, or emanation-area device affects only an area, creatures,

action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Anything Partial: The device causes an effect on its subject. A successful
that could break your concentration when activating a device can saving throw means that some lesser effect occurs.
also break your concentration while you’re maintaining one, thus Half: The device deals damage, and a successful saving throw
causing the device’s duration to end. You cannot activate a device halves the damage taken (round down).
while concentrating on another one. Sometimes a device effect None: No saving throw is allowed.
lasts for a short time after you cease concentrating; if this is the Disbelief: A successful save means that the subject knows
case, it will be noted in the device’s description. the device’s effect is not real, but this recognition does not change
Subjects, Effects, and Areas: If the device affects creatures the effect’s appearance.
directly, the result travels with the subjects for the device’s (Object): The device can be activated to affect objects, which
duration. If the device creates an effect, the effect lasts for the receive saving throws only if they are magical or if they are attended
duration. The effect might move or remain still. Such an effect (held, worn, grasped, or the like) by a creature resisting the device,
can be destroyed prior to when its duration ends. If the device in which case the object uses the creature’s saving throw bonus
affects an area then the device stays with that area for its duration. unless its own bonus is greater. This notation does not mean that
Creatures become subject to the device when they enter the area a device only affects objects. Some devices of this sort can affect
and are no longer subject to it when they leave. either creatures or objects. A magic item’s saving throw bonuses
Touch-Range Devices and Holding the Charge: In most are each equal to 2 + one-half the item’s caster level.
cases, if you don’t discharge a touch device on the round you (Harmless): The device is usually beneficial, not harmful,
activate it, you can hold the charge indefinitely (postpone the but a targeted creature can attempt a saving throw if it desires.
discharge of the device). You can make touch attacks round after *Saving Throw Difficulty Class: A saving throw against
round. If you activate another device or put away the charged your device always has a DC of 10 + ½ your activation level + your
device, the touch-range device’s charge immediately dissipates. Intelligence modifier. The order of the device and its rank do not
Some touch-range devices allow you to touch multiple affect the device’s saving throw DC.
targets as part of the device’s activation. You cannot hold the Succeeding on a Saving Throw: A creature that successfully
charge of such a device; you must touch all targets of the device in saves against a device that has no obvious physical effects feels
the same round that you finish activating it. a hostile force or a tingle, but cannot deduce the exact nature
Discharge: Occasionally a device lasts for a set duration or of the attack. If a creature’s saving throw succeeds against a
until triggered or discharged. targeted device you are not necessarily aware that the device has
*(D) Dismissible: If the Duration line ends with “(D),” you failed unless you have some special means of ascertaining its
can dismiss the device’s effects at will. You must be within range effectiveness.
of the device’s effect and must fiddle with the device’s controls. Automatic Failures and Successes: A natural 1 on a saving
If the device has no control surface, you can dismiss its effects throw is always a failure, and the device may cause damage to
by means of a direct mental effort. Dismissing a device effect is exposed items (see “Items Surviving after a Saving Throw,” below).
a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A natural 20 is always a success.
A device that depends on concentration is dismissible by its very Voluntarily Giving Up a Saving Throw: A creature can
nature, and dismissing it does not take an action since all you voluntarily forego a saving throw and willingly accept a device’s
have to do to end the device is to stop concentrating on your turn effect. Even a character with a special resistance to technological
or have someone make you stop concentrating. devices can suppress this quality if it desires.
Device’s that can move under their own power (such as most
Table 3-1: Items Affected by Device Attacks
constructs) will take a single round when you dismiss them to Order* Item
attempt to move back to your position for easy retrieval. They 1st Shield
also do this if affected by arcane disruption (see above). 2nd Armor
3rd Magic helmet, hat, or headband
4th Item in hand (including a weapon or readied device)
Saving Throw
5th Magic cloak
Usually a harmful device allows a target to make a saving 6th Stowed or sheathed weapon or device
throw to avoid some or all of the effect. The Saving Throw entry in 7th Magic bracers and worn items
a device description defines which type of saving throw the device 8th Magic clothing
allows and describes how a saving throw against the device works. 9th Magic jewelry
10th Anything else
Negates: The device has no effect on a subject that makes a
* In order of most likely to least likely to be affected.
successful saving throw.
Table 3-2: Activation Point Cost by Order and Rank
Order Gadgets Technologies Artifacts
Rank Lesser Standard Greater Lesser Standard Greater Lesser Standard Greater
Cost 5 10 15 15 30 45 45 90 135
Cost (Base Duration) 1 2 3 3 6 9 9 18 27

Items Surviving After a Saving Throw: Unless the on another device, you might have to refer to a different device’s
descriptive text for the device specifies otherwise, all items carried description for some or all of the necessary information.
or worn by a creature are assumed to survive the technologist’s *Expensive Components: The final portion of the device
attack. If a creature rolls a natural 1 on its saving throw against entry lists any costly substances or items that can enhance a
the effect, however, an exposed item is harmed if the attack can device’s effects or which are required for the device to function
harm objects. Refer to Table 3-1: Items Affected by Device Attacks. at all. These items are called expensive components. The device’s
Determine which four objects carried or worn by the creature description notes the effects of these components as well as
are most likely affected and roll randomly amongst them. The their price. Unless otherwise noted, the weight of expensive
randomly determined item must make a saving throw against the components is negligible or has already been incorporated into
attack form and suffers whatever damage the attack deals. If an the weight of the device.
item is not carried or worn and is not magical, it does not get a Ammunition-style expensive components are pretty
saving throw. It is simply dealt the appropriate damage. straightforward; you need them on hand to activate the device
at all, and you expend them when you do so. Optional expensive
Activation Cost* components are more complicated, and allow technologists
All devices have an activation cost line, which indicates the to modify their devices in a multitude of ways for greater
cost in activation points of activating the device or of maintaining effects. Whenever you activate the device and have an optional
its activation for one unit of its base duration. Table 2-2 in expensive component on hand, you may choose to use it as part
Chapter Two shows how many activation points a technologist of the same action you use to activate the device. If you do so,
of a given level receives as a base, and Table 2-3 shows their bonus the expensive component is automatically expended and has the
activation points, which are based on the character’s Charisma effects described. These effects are similar to those gained using
score. (Characters that are more charismatic are better able to metamagic feats, and have effects like causing the device to deal
control magic and purge their devices of its influence.) maximum damage or allowing you to activate the device as a swift
As shown below, a device’s order and rank determine its action.
activation cost. Devices with a base duration have costs that For example, consider Prentice, who activates her steamplunker
accrue over time, and their activation costs are one-fifth of the to hurl a flask of acid at a target 900 feet away. Her target is the
full activation cost for instantaneous effects and those with a slippery sort, so she decides to use the steamplunker’s optional
nonvariable duration. Every device’s description also notes its expensive component, a special ceramic launching egg, to make her
activation cost for ease of reference. shot easier. Doing so is not an action, and increases the steamplunker’s
XP Cost: The same line that notes the device’s activation range increment from Long (400 feet) to 1,200 feet so Prentice can
point cost also notes any experience point cost for activating the make her attack roll without penalty. This augmentation expends
device. Only a rare few devices directly draw on the technologist’s the launch egg (which costs 390 gold pieces), and the device will
personal energies in this way, but some particularly powerful work normally the next time it is activated unless Prentice supplies
effects do entail such a cost. No spell, power, or device can restore another launch egg to increase the device’s range increment again.
XP lost in this manner. You cannot spend so much XP that you
lose a level, so you cannot activate a device with an XP cost unless Technologist Devices*
you have experience points to spare. However, you can, upon Technologists use devices, fantastic machines based on
gaining enough XP to attain the next level, use those XP to activate advanced scientific principles and carefully warded against magic’s
a device rather than using them to advance a level. The experience disruptive influence. Mastering these devices requires long hours
points are expended when you choose to activate the device and of study and design and a personality forceful enough to ward off
are lost even if you fail to successfully activate the device. the magic that surrounds everyone and everything in a fantasy
setting. Compared to divine spells, technologist devices are
Weight* more likely to produce splashy effects and dramatic results, and
All devices have a weight listed. This is the weight in pounds compared to arcane spells they are more likely to grant bonuses in
of the “business portion” of the device, the part you must carry combat and require or support the use of mundane skills.
around to successfully activate the device. Device weights usually
range from 1 to 10 pounds, although some weigh more and a few Device Aesthetics*
effectively weigh nothing at all. Antimagic devices are not physical The device descriptions generally provide some idea of
objects, and therefore do not have a weight entry listed. what the device in question looks like. Beyond these limited
commonalities, however, devices can look like almost anything.
Descriptive Text* The caloric hammer device, for instance, is described as a cold iron
This portion of a device description details what the device gauntlet that contains a temperature-controlling alchemical
does and how it works. If one of the previous entries in the substance and is designed to fit around your wrist like a bracer.
description included the phrase “see text,” this is where you can An individual technologist might use a sleek, deadly-looking
find the explanation. If the device you’re reading about is based design clearly intended for professional use, a cobbled-together

caloric hammer with protruding copper wires and unidentifiable prevents the necessary concentration, as does any injury or failed
knobs, or a cunningly-wrought version that’s built to look saving throw the character might experience while working.
like a piece of jewelry. In short, the appearance of a Technologists must also have access to a set of artisan’s tools and
device varies as much or more than the appearance of a enough light to use them by.
spellcaster’s spells. Preparation Time: After resting, a
Universities and other institutions technologist must work with her devices to recover
that train technologists might also her activation points for the day. If the technologist
have a distinctive style. For instance, has used all of her activation points, the process
technologists trained in a royal of recovering them takes 1 hour. Preparing some
academy might all create devices smaller portion of her daily capacity takes a
trimmed in purple and bearing the proportionally smaller amount of time, but always
symbol of the royal family. Military devices at least 15 minutes, the minimum time required to
are likely to be plain and utilitarian, while achieve the proper mental state. In addition, the full 1
technologists working alone often make do with hour preparation time is required to perform any of the
the first version they design that actually works. special adjustments that can be made during this time.
Elaborate filigrees and other decorations, on the *Tweaking and Repairing Devices: In addition to
other hand, are the mark of a well-funded scientist. recovering her lost activation points, a technologist can
If your game master has any such organizations in his take advantage of the hour a day she spends working with
campaign, consider using one of those. Otherwise, your her devices to tweak their function or to repair any damage they
devices can look like whatever you have taken. To do so, you simply roll a Craft
Characters might come to recognize the distinctive style of a
want them to look like. (technology) check during the hour you
technologist adversary
spend preparing your devices for use; this
Daily Preparation* check has a base DC of 15. You may make only one such check
Like a wizard preparing her spells, a technologist must per hour of work, and you may take 10 on this check because
spend an hour every day removing traces of magic from her there is no penalty for failure. No raw materials are necessary
devices and maintaining their machinery or they will fail to for a technologist to make this special Craft (technology) check
function. This daily preparation requirement also gives the and another character may use the Craft (technology) skill to aid
technologist time to tweak and upgrade her devices, making another if desired.
sure they operate at maximum capacity. At the conclusion of If you choose to tweak a device, you may alter its activation
the daily preparation period, all of the character’s lost activation level to a maximum of your character level and to a minimum of
points are restored. 1. The change lasts until you choose to tweak the device’s output
Rest: To complete her daily preparation, a technologist again. If you have gained a level recently, the next one-hour daily
must first rest for 8 hours. The technologist does not have to preparation period you undergo increases the activation level of
slumber for every minute of the time, but she must refrain from all of your devices to their maximum if you so desire.
movement, combat, spellcasting, skill use, conversation, or any If you choose to repair a device instead of tweaking it, you
other demanding physical or mental task during the rest period. restore 1 lost hit point to a single selected device, plus 1 lost hit
If her rest is interrupted, each interruption adds 1 hour to the point per 5 points by which your Craft check exceeded the DC.
total amount of time she has to rest in order to clear her mind.
She must have at least 1 hour of uninterrupted rest immediately Technologist Device Creation and
prior to her daily preparation period. If a character does not need Maintenance*
to sleep for some reason, she still must have 8 hours of restful Devices are physical objects created with the Craft skill. This
calm before readying her devices for the next day. section explains the nature and extent of a device’s durability.
Recent Activation Limit / Rest Interruptions: Activating Failing that, you will find rules for constructing a replacement. You
devices drains the technologist’s resources and reduces her can also create expensive components for your devices and master
capacity to recover her activation point reserve. When the new ones in excess of your normal allotment, all as noted below.
technologist prepares for the coming day, all activation points *Device Saving Throws, Hit Points, and Hardness:
expended within the last 8 hours count against her daily limit. Devices can be destroyed just like other objects. However, they are
Preparation Environment: To successfully complete the fairly durable, intended as they are for use in the field, and have a
daily preparation requirement, a technologist must have enough number of hit points equal to twice your activation level. Gadgets
peace, quiet, and comfort to allow for proper concentration. The also have a hardness of 5, technologies a hardness of 10, and
technologist’s surroundings need not be luxurious, but they must artifacts a hardness of 15. Devices make saving throws as though
be free from overt distractions. The usual sights and sounds of they were magical items due to your special link with them and
industrial areas such as forges and workshops do not prevent the have a saving throw bonus of 2 + ½ your activation level for all of
technologist from concentrating. Exposure to inclement weather their saving throws.

If a device description specifically notes different values so requires not only a complete understanding of every bolt and
for hardness, hp, and saving throws for the activated device, use wire of the prospective device but also an expenditure of personal
those instead. energy to attune the device to the technologist and allow her to
*Crafting Devices: Whenever a technologist masters a new use activation points to activate it. The process for mastering
device, she also gains a single free copy of that device. Thus, devices in excess of the number shown on Table 2-2 is as
there is generally no reason to specifically construct a device follows: first, the technologist must acquire a complete plan
unless the original copy has been lost or destroyed. If this or blueprint for the device or a working model purchased or
occurs, the technologist can recreate any device she has captured from another technologist. Then she painstakingly
mastered using the Craft (technology) skill by following assembles and reassembles the device to discover exactly how
the same procedure as crafting other nonmagical items. it works and to imprint the specifics of the device’s design
A technological device’s order determines its Craft on her mind. This is just as difficult as building the device
skill Difficulty Class: gadgets have a Craft DC of from scratch, and requires Craft checks as noted in the above
20, technologies have a Craft DC of 25, and section on crafting devices. However, the technologist may
artifacts have a Craft DC of 30. The not spend craft points to accelerate this process, as it
market price of a device is 500 requires single-minded attention that precludes working
gold pieces for a gadget, 2,500 on the device in the background or over a long period.
gold pieces for a technology, Once the technologist has built or rebuilt a working
and 6,000 gold pieces for an model of the device, she must then expend experience
artifact unless otherwise noted points based on the order of the device. Mastering
in the device’s description. a gadget in this way costs 2,000 XP, mastering a
Because creating a replacement technology requires 5,000 XP, and artifacts take 8,000
device from scratch can take a XP to master. Once a technologist masters a device
very long time (progress is still in this way, it does not count towards the maximum
based on the silver piece), most number of devices she can master per level.
technologists use craft points
to replace lost and destroyed Technologist Devices and Other Special
gadgets. Only technologists Abilities*
have the technical expertise to Generally, adjudicating the interactions of
design and construct a device, technological devices and other abilities and defenses
and even then only if they have only requires remembering that devices are not spells
mastered at least one device of A technologist revels in his accomplishments and thus that abilities that work only against spells
the appropriate order. (Artwork by J. L. Jones) do not affect them. With that in mind, here are some
*Crafting Expensive specific points to remember when dealing with the
Components: Most devices have an optional expensive effects of technologist devices:
component that is used to boost their effects. Other devices *Devices are Extraordinary: All of a technologist’s class
require some form of ammunition or fuel to function. Creating abilities, including devices, are extraordinary abilities. This even
these components requires a Craft (technology) skill check with a includes the antimagic devices, despite the fact that these abilities
DC based on the order of the device that the expensive component are intrinsic to the technologist and are not tied to any physical
is used with. Components for gadgets have a Craft DC of 15, those entity. Though devices are activated in a manner similar to a
meant for technologies have a DC of 20, and components for an spell being cast, only effects that negate or cancel extraordinary
artifact require a DC 25 Craft check to create. Unlike normal abilities can prevent a device from working (for instance, an anti-
uses of the Craft skill (including the construction of devices), magic field is ineffective against device activation). Any ability
progress in creating expensive components is measured in gold that specifically targets devices will also work, such as arcane
pieces. Thus, in a week of work you make progress equal to your disruption (described earlier in this chapter).
Craft check result times the Craft DC in gold pieces. A day’s work *Spell Resistance Never Works: Spell resistance is
results in progress equal to your check result times the Craft DC ineffective against a technologist’s devices and spell-resistant
in silver pieces. creatures are no better or worse off than any other creature in
*Mastering New Devices: A technologist masters new resisting their effects. However, many spell-resistant creatures
devices almost every time she attains a new level in the class (particularly outsiders) have access to a number of spell-like
and can only learn additional devices with great effort. When a abilities that the creature can use for arcane disruption if it is
technologist gains a new level, consult Table 2-2: Technologist familiar with that technique.
Devices Mastered and Activation Points to learn how many *Damage Reduction Sometimes Works: Most devices are
devices of the appropriate orders she has now mastered. unaffected by damage reduction, as they produce effects similar to
It is not easy to exceed this number, but it can be done. Doing those produced by a spell. However, any device that deals damage

of a physical damage type (slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning)
is subject to damage reduction unless the device can bypass the
target creature’s DR.
*Supernatural Abilities Do Not Disrupt Devices: Devices
function normally in the area of effect of supernatural abilities,
even if those abilities specifically target the device. Supernatural
abilities may not be used for arcane disruption as they are too
integral to the creature using them to become pure magical static.
*Devices Require Proficiency: Unless otherwise noted,
all devices that require attack rolls require proficiency to wield
properly. You are automatically proficient in all devices you have
mastered but other creatures need to spend a feat slot on the
Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat keyed to that specific device to
wield it without penalty.
*Devices Can Be Masterworks: Any device that requires an
attack roll is considered a weapon-like device and can have any
applicable masterwork component available to weapons applied
to it when you create the device. Likewise, any device that must
be worn to access its effects can be created with armor-based
masterwork components, and any device that grants a bonus to
skill checks can be made with skill-based masterwork components.
Unless otherwise noted in the Expensive Components section of
the device description, any masterwork components added to a
device must be added when the device is first crafted, and cannot
be added at a later date.
*Devices Can Be Enchanted: Some devices act like weapons,
and others are worn on the body. Any of these types of devices
can be enchanted just like any other item of their type — they are
even automatically of masterwork quality — but their magical
enhancements and their device effects cannot be accessed at the
same time. When a technologist activates a device, all permanent Adding a magical enhancement bonus to technologist weapons like these may
magical enchantments on the device are automatically suppressed seem like an attractive option, but the bonus would be suppressed the moment the
(no roll required) until the device is no longer active. At that time, weapons were activated
(Artwork by Leonardo da Vinci)
the device’s magics take effect again.

Chapter Four:
Products of the Laboratory
This chapter presents 102 gadgets, 70 technologies, and 46 ABNORMALITY SENSITIVITY
artifacts all ready for inclusion into your game. An A appearing at Gadget (greater) [Antimagic, Divination]
the end of a device’s name in the device lists (pages 36–39, below) Activation Time: 1 standard action
denotes an antimagic device, and an X denotes a device with an Range: 400 feet
XP component paid by the technologist. Almost all devices have Area: Cone-shaped emanation
expensive components (optional or not) and these are not marked Base Duration: 10 minutes (D)
on the master list. Saving Throw: None
Order of Presentation: In the device lists and the device Activation Cost: 3 points
descriptions that follow them, the devices are presented in This ability allows the technologist to sense creatures that
alphabetical order by name. In the device lists, they are further rely on magic to sustain their existence — “abnormalities” in
sorted by the order and level of the device. Devices generally do not technologist parlance, though these creatures might disagree.
use the “lesser,” “greater,” or “mass” nomenclature of spells (their You can detect all nontechnological constructs, elementals,
naming conventions are too idiosyncratic), but more powerful outsiders, and undead in range. You must focus on a particular
versions of weaker devices will usually mention the weakest form creature type when using this ability, and if you are not
of the device in their descriptions. concentrating you gain no information. You can change the
Hit Dice: The term “Hit Dice” is used synonymously with creature type you are detecting each round. The amount of
“character levels” for effects that affect a number of Hit Dice of information revealed depends on how long you focus on a specific
creatures. Creatures with Hit Dice only from their race, not from creature type and search a particular area:
classes, have character levels equal to their Hit Dice. 1st Round: Presence or absence of creatures of the selected
Activation Level: A device’s power often depends on its type in the area.
activation level, which is defined as the activator’s number of 2nd Round: Number of individuals of the specified kind in the
technologist levels. A creature with no classes has an activation area and the condition of the specimen with the most hit points.
level equal to its Hit Dice unless otherwise specified. The word 3rd Round: The condition (see below) and location of each
“level” in the device list that follows (pages 36–39, below) always individual present. If a sensed creature is outside your line of
refers to activation level. sight, then you discern its direction but not its exact location.
Creatures and Characters: The words “creature” and Conditions are as follows:
“character” are used synonymously in the device descriptions. Normal: At least 90% of full normal hit points, free of disease.
Expensive Components: Many devices include expensive Fair: 30% to 90% of full normal hit points.
components that can provide a one-time augmentation of a device’s Poor: Less than 30% of full normal hit points, afflicted with a
effect. All expensive components are optional unless otherwise disease, or suffering from debilitating injury.
specified. Ammunition or fuel type expensive components may Weak: 0 or fewer hit points, afflicted with a disease in the
also be expended when used; if this is not obvious, it will be noted terminal stage, or crippled.
in the device’s description. You can choose whether or not to use If a creature falls into more than one category the spell indicates
any optional expensive component you have on hand each time the weaker of the two. Each round you can turn to detect a kind of
you activate the device. magic-dependent creature in a new area. Your abnormality sensitivity
Expensive components typically have market prices, but can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal,
normally technologists will build any components they’re a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it.
interested in themselves. See Crafting Expensive Components Expensive Component: A special lens, made of a dirty crystalline
(page 33) for more information. substance, allows you to ferret out abnormalities more easily
when you affix it in place over one eye. This lens costs 390 gold
pieces and allows you to detect nontechnological constructs,
elementals, outsiders, and undead simultaneously. You can differ-
entiate between them easily and can tell which type of creature
you are detecting.

Technologist Devices
Gadget-Order Devices
Rank Device Name Brief Description
Lesser Alchemical Assayer Appraise identifies alchemical, technological, and magical items.
Alchemical Rebreather Mask provides oxygen so you can breathe.
Annealing Gel Changes treated armor’s AC bonus to +6.
Aqua Intelligentiae Minor Alchemy permanently grants minor Intelligence-based bonuses.
Aqua Vitae Minor Alchemy permanently grants bonuses to hp and Fortitude saves.
Ascension Gear Grants ability to move on walls and ceilings.
Breakneck Thieves’ Tools Masterwork tools decrease the time to use Disable Device.
Caloric Control Mantle Exist comfortably in hot/cold environments, reduce fire/cold damage.
Cap of Memory Jogging Electric jolt allows Knowledge or Intelligence check reroll.
Clairaudient Fly Fingers Sensitive gloves let you hear through walls and other obstacles.
Collar of Bestial Capacity You can teach a creature bonus tricks and push it as a move action.
Determent Spring Tiny construct chases away intruders.
Discourse Replicator Creates temporary masterwork documents.
Empyreal Net You fall slowly and with some control.
Fabricacious Fabricator Automatic loom quickly reweaves cloth into new forms.
Full-Body Corset Uncomfortable clockwork clothing grants +5 to Disguise checks.
Furnace Kindler Cone deals 1d6/level fire damage (max 5d6).
Goggles of Acuity Search grants synergy to Appraise, Disable Device, Sense Motive, and Spot.
Headband of Mental Puissance You generate and control a small amount of psionic force.
Helm of Cogitative Stimulation +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.
Instant Contrivance Creates temporary masterwork tools.
Iron Grub Construct deals 1 point Constitution damage for 1d6 rounds.
Knot Train Crawling construct manipulates ropes in a variety of ways.
Magic Sensitivity A Detects spells and magic items within 30 feet.
Mimetic Key, Sunflare Light-emitting stone blinds creatures when triggered.
Neural Lancet Living creature struck loses next action.
Nocturnal Goggles You gain 60-foot darkvision.
Peril-Sensitive Lenses You lose your peripheral vision, but can concentrate more easily.
Photon Scattering Shield Burst of light forces miss chance, dazzles attackers.
Pocket Ballista Powerful crossbow deals 2d8 points of damage, has 100-foot range.
Protection from Abnormalities A +2 to AC and saves vs. spells and constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead; hedge out
summoned creatures.
Rangefinder Targeting ray aids ranged attack rolls.
Renechak’s Portable Zoogrammaphone Index grants bonuses to identify some creatures.
Scattershot Helmet Spray of pellets grants deflection bonus versus ranged attacks.
Script Widget Device allows Decipher Script rerolls and reading of magic scrolls.
Silt Wall A dust cloud arises around you, providing concealment.
Spring-Heeled Jackboots Wearer gains a bonus on Jump checks.
Suppress Spell A You suppress a spell on your person for one round as a swift action.
Swift Striders Your speed increases by 30 feet.
Technologist’s Familiar Tiny construct obeys simple commands.
Tullius’s Miraculous Vitamin Supplement Injection grants 1d10 temporary hit points, +1/level (max +10).
Vibrowand Melee attack deals 1d6 damage, possibly 1 point of Con damage.
Voice Sweetener You gain +2 to Charisma-based checks in all languages you know.
Wand of Battery Prod strikes with great force, bull rushing or opening doors.
Standard Amanuensis Engine You can rapidly copy and indefinitely store a nonmagical text.
Aqua Venusitas Minor Alchemy permanently grants minor interaction bonuses.
Aqua Virium Minor Alchemy permanently grants minor combat bonuses.
Autootolarynx Alchemical sensor grants Scent special quality.
Caloric Hammer Ranged touch attack deals 2d6 fire or cold damage, +1 burst per 2 levels above 1st (max 6).
Check Abnormality A A construct, elemental, outsider or undead target is dazed 1d4 rounds, then –2 on attacks,
saves, and checks and +2 to Strength.
Cortical Fusegun Electrical device makes target more or less sensitive to stimuli.
Divine Transfusion Infuses aligned water into target’s blood, granting bonuses.
Electroveiglant Mercury Metal attracts electricity, granting resistance 10+ to all within 20 feet.
Field-Solderant Kit Emergency repair kit restores 3d6 hp + 2/level to construct or object.
Flux Fork Special tuning fork softens earth and stone, slows earth creatures.
Gauntlets of the Iron Ogre You gain a +6 enhancement bonus to arm Strength.
Icebound Barricade Fills 20-foot radius spread with sticky, freezing strands.

Gadget-Order Devices
Rank Device Name Brief Description
Standard Jabberblaster Loud noise deafens unprotected creatures.
Knife Spider Thrown weapon deals 1d6 + 1/level damage and attacks as Small animated object.
Master’s Tools Masterwork tools grant +10 to craft masterwork components.
Mimetic Key, Smokebomb Stone produces clouds of concealing smoke.
Perigord Raptor Booby trap deals 1d6/2 levels damage, may trap creatures.
Pinprick Whirligig Spinner Whirligig deals 1d6 piercing damage/round, causes nausea.
Planar Control Wand Knowledge check adds to activation level of antimagic devices.
Professional’s Satchel Tool kit doubles income from one Profession subskill.
Scramble Programming A Constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead are confused.
Smite Abnormality A Ray deals 1d6 damage/level to constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead.
Spikedriver Heated projectiles deal extra damage and ignore hardness.
Splendiferous Scientific Wonder Fancy device fascinates creatures with a lower Charisma.
Steamplunker Hurls small items far and with great force.
Stickyfoam Neutralizer Causes a tanglefoot bag to emit a fog cloud, launches it at opponent.
Technologist’s Magnifying Glass Reveals hidden doors and mechanical traps within 60 feet.
Tullius’s Efficacious Nostrum Converts 1d6 lethal damage +1/level (max +10) and then cures 2d6 nonlethal damage +1/level
(max +20).
Unctuous Bubbler Makes creatures and objects in a 10-foot radius slippery.
Vitriol Projector Ranged touch attack; 1d6 damage for 1 round + 1 round per three levels.
Wheedling Stone Hypnotic stone makes one person your friend.
Zephyr Hammer Wind blows away or knocks down smaller creatures.
Greater Abnormality SensitivityA You can detect creatures that rely on magic to survive.
Antimagic VortexA Glyph unravels magic and damages magical creatures when triggered.
Aqua Celeritas Minor Alchemy permanently grants minor movement bonuses.
Aqua Sapientiae Minor Alchemy permanently sharpens the subject’s senses.
Blind the Abnormal Eye A Hides the subject from divination and scrying.
Channeling Gauntlet You may use Spellcraft in place of the Use Magic Device skill.
Dalyrimple’s Obfuscating Eye Creates visual illusion, hides target, or creates burst of light.
Docschmidt Waxsprinkler Aetherial wax makes area completely frictionless.
Engineered Panacea Remove damage or various conditions based on your Heal check.
Excitatory Magnetoscythe Magnetic device sticks to weapons and increases their damage.
Feiran’s Sphere of Savagery Target communicates with animals, risking Intelligence damage.
Imperial Army Service Widget Helpful construct carries tools and aids the technologist.
Iron Grub Pod Burrowing constructs deal 1d4 Constitution damage every round.
Jonnetype Synaesthesiagraph Records everything in a 20-foot radius for later playback.
Magnificent Pitch Hurler Deals 1d6 fire damage/level in a 20-foot radius.
Menschausen Dolls Tiny constructs briefly lift and animate nearby objects.
Mimetic Key, Fireburst Explosive stone deals 2d6 fire damage +1d6/2 levels.
Mindfire Poison Injector Poison hinders or harms victim according to your activation level check.
Philter Fermenter You can use Craft (alchemy) to brew magical potions.
Smite Magic A You can cancel magical spells and effects.
Trinicoil Stationary device deals 1d6/2 levels of electricity damage every round.
Velocious Footgear Flings you a short distance in (partial) safety.
Viscid Barrier A Solid antimagic blocks constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead.
Voltaic Coil Deal 1d6 electricity damage/2 levels at range, or 1d10/2 levels as a melee touch attack.
Weaken Abnormality A Constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead are weakened.

Technology-Order Devices
Rank Device Name Brief Description
Lesser Anathematize Abnormality A You mark a construct, elemental, outsider, or undead, cursing it.
Arcane Counterdisruption A Attempts to disrupt your devices are met with a smite magic effect.
Aviatronic Wing You fly at speeds up to 200 feet.
Break Ensorcellment A Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification.
Clockwidget Fabrication Gantry Creates permanent clockwidget soldiers.
Core Lightning Charger Creature becomes a living battery, able to throw one bolt of lightning.
Dalyrimple’s Lucent Lance Sidearm deals 1d6/3 levels as a normal weapon.
Dark Matter Pall Cloud of opaque matter hampers vision and movement.
Defensive Kinetic Shield Energy forcefield absorbs attacks, adds to your AC.
Dragoncaster Weapon deals 1d6 fire damage/level in a variety of possible areas.
Electrolytic Airforge Device converts surrounding water into a bubbling, breathable substance.

Technology-Order Devices
Rank Device Name Brief Description
Lesser Flash-Bang Widget Widget blinds creatures and deals repeating fire damage.
Folly’s Finagling Fingers Grants +10 competence bonus to Disable Device, Open Lock, and Search; allow skill checks 10
feet away.
Kinetic Barrier-Layer Invisible wall of kinetic force is immune to damage.
Mercuric Blade You wield a morphic blade of silvery metal against your foes.
Metabolic Interdiction Field Field slows, weakens, and eventually kills living creatures.
Mimetic Key, Fudoicite Stone becomes immovable when triggered.
Occlude Abnormality A –8 to two ability scores; –8 on attack rolls, saves, and checks; or 75% chance of losing each
Offensive Kinetic Shield Creatures attacking you take force damage; you are protected against force damage.
Orgonic Siphon Spinning disk drains 1d6 hit points/2 levels.
Scathing Shardsprayer Powerful acid deals 2d6 continuing damage in a burst.
Slumberous Savant Computer allows reroll of Knowledge checks with Knowledge ranks as an insight bonus.
Teacup’s Tiny Tinkerers Transforms raw materials into another form.
Terrain Attunement Alchemical regimen aids in wilderness survival.
Tullius’s Morphological Diagnostician Eyepiece grants bonus to Heal checks and sneak attack dice.
Ward Against Abnormalities A +4 AC against constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead.
Standard Alchemical Resequencer Creates alchemical items, potions, and poisons.
Aqua Celeritas Major Transformative elixir grants subject a permanent +4 to Dexterity.
Aqua Intelligentiae Major Transformative elixir grants subject a permanent +4 to Intelligence.
Aqua Sapientiae Major Transformative elixir grants subject a permanent +4 to Wisdom.
Aqua Venusitas Major Transformative elixir grants subject a permanent +4 to Charisma.
Aqua Virium Major Transformative elixir grants subject a permanent +4 to Strength.
Aqua Vitae Major Transformative elixir grants subject a permanent +4 to Constitution.
Argent-Chain Widgets Drones deal 1d6 electricity damage/level in a line between them.
Bio-Reactive Theriac Immunizes against poison and detoxifies objects or creatures.
Dark Matter Reaver Projectile does 1d6/level slashing and cold damage and may blind.
Disseminative Cognimatrix Brain backup lets you use Sense Motive to avoid mental attacks.
Duodimensional Lash Glowing filament inflicts 1d6+1/level Constitution drain.
Feiran’s Animalizing Scepter Reduces creature’s Int to 2, allowing Handle Animal checks to control it.
Goggles of X-Ray Vision You can see through walls and in darkness.
Interphasic Terror Null-space machinery provides Intimidation bonuses.
Magnetosonic Waveform Pulse Generator Energy wave scans terrain around you out to 1 mile/level or 100 feet/level.
Ornithopter Swift-flying machine carries you and several others.
Professional Reformatamatic Helmet allows you to temporarily rewrite your skills.
Repulse the Tainted A Constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead can’t approach you.
Sublimation Chamber Appraise check increases worth of valuable nonmagical items.
Umbral Heart Cloak You are invisible, even in combat.
Verbal Weirding Module Spread deals 1d6 sonic damage/level; Speak Language adds to effect.
Greater Atomic Discombobulator Green ray disintegrates target.
Aura of Just RetributionA Aura shatters spells that target you and redirects them as damage.
Battlement Combat Gear Armor enhancements provide strong defense.
Coronal Electroweapon Ray deals 1d6/level electricity damage and protects you while firing.
Diadem of Psychic Mastery Generates psychic energy, granting access to psionic powers.
Egestive Gland Laboratory Implanted glands secrete an alchemical item or poison 3/day.
Feiran’s Feralizing Gage Ray reduces Intelligence and Charisma but provides feral improvements to senses and offensive
Gelph’s Globulous Hunter Device unfurls into an ooze that fights for you.
Inviolate Shield Against Magic A Negates magic and device use within 10 feet.
Mimetic Key, Netherstone Stone negates matter, dealing 5d6 + 1d6/level damage when triggered.
Monroe’s Proactive Weathervane Weather control device that affects a wide area.
Obliterate Abnormality A Black bolt vaporizes constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead.
Orgonic Field Perturbation Inducer Invisible change to aura causes healing or grants an attack when target creature is wounded.
Resonance Absorption Staff Staff absorbs and stores sonic energy for later use.
Scuttlebug Launcher Burrowing mines lie in wait to deal 1d6/level fire and slashing damage.
Seismic Flow Wand Sonic energy causes solid matter to flow gently, reshaping it.
Smite Magic, Greater A As smite magic, but up to +20 on checks.
Space-Warp Modulator Warped space increases distance to you and shortens it from you.
Sphere of Intractable Will Strange amulet lets you make Concentration checks to ignore dying.
Stylus of Arcane Mimeography Use Forgery to create quasi-real mystic sigils, duplicating spells.

Technology-Order Devices
Rank Device Name Brief Description
Greater Tullius’s Potent Catholicon Heals hit point damage, ability damage and drain, and the fatigued or exhausted conditions.
Zorastrus’s Roll of Days Computer calculates patterns in your life, granting insight bonuses.

Technology-Order Devices
Rank Device Name Brief Description
Lesser Acidulous Miasma Generator Obscuring cloud deals 1d6/level or 1d6/3 levels/round acid damage.
Bio-Genetic Scourge Horrible plague deals ability damage, creates ghouls from the slain.
Canny Descrier +40 Sense Motive, and gain Sense Motive ranks to interaction skills.
Chorn’s Antecedent Assailer Deal 1d6/level force damage as an immediate action.
Coil of Possibilities X Duplicates the effects of any gadget or technology.
Cross-Phasic Cloak Subject can become effectively incorporeal at will.
Dalyrimple’s Out-of-the-Way Palace You open a gateway that leads to a null-space mansion.
Erevor’s Soul Steel Cuts a creature’s connection to reality, killing them.
Extirpate Abnormalities A Destroys 1d4/level HD of constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead.
Gelph’s Instant Aggressor Instantly creates an improved flesh golem that fights for you.
Hypermetabolic Transducer Metabolic surge heals or causes rapid starvation and dehydration.
Jonnetype Synaesthenic Projector Makes terrain appear to have different structures or natural features.
Kelleris’s Chroneptic Repeater Ray repeats or negates last round’s damage and effects on one creature.
Mimetic Key, Savanix Charged stone grants bonuses to Int-based checks, causes confusion when triggered.
Orgavulsion Crystal Ray deals 1d4 negative levels/round to power negative energy attack.
Spark Manufactory X You can craft permanent golem-like constructs.
Ward Against All Sorcery A Spell resistance plus complete protection from spells 4th level and lower.
Worm Gauntlet Teleporter puts enemies through the wringer for 1d6/level damage.
Standard Absorptive Traversant Survive in any terrain, and gain exploration-related abilities by doing so.
Astral Perspective Vortex Move through your mind and the Astral Plane to other realities.
Beholder From Beyond Planar satellite spies on areas, deals electricity damage at range.
Caesura Weapon Spatial collapse in a 10-foot cube, trapping foes and bypassing barriers.
Dark Matter Ecliptic Creates darkness and suppresses light spells in a one-mile radius.
Folly’s Cognate Architronix Manipulate space to “move” objects and creatures in that space.
Gigant Marauder Mechanized armor increases your size to Huge, Gargantuan, or Colossal.
Jabberwocky Slayer Blade strikes in line of sight from other dimensions, may sever heads.
Kelleris’s Time-Lost Crawler Construct travels through time and leaves items for you to find.
Laboratory of Reawakening Cloning facility allows you to return from the dead.
Lustrative Armor A Forsaking ritual grants permanent defenses against magic.
Paradoxic Slip-Shield All damage dealt less than 2/level per attack is negated.
Peregrine’s Sun-Caller Solar flare deals 2d6/level damage after 1d2 rounds’ delay.
Teacup’s Tiny Traveling Terrors Floating crystalline beads can scout for you, deal force damage.
Tullius’s Swan Song Target is immune to hit point damage but is reduced to –9 hp when the device’s durations ends.
Xult’s Primal Blossom You corrupt a creature’s form and make it your slave.
Zorastrus’s Roll of Eons Gain knowledge of the past, the future, or legendary things.
Greater Alembic of Creation Languages grant you their power.
Aurelian’s Shadowforge Create a persuasive shadow identity based on a Forgery check.
Balance of Synchronicity Cause creature to obey you by controlling it via strange causations.
Extirpate Magic A Destroys spells and suppresses magical items in a 40-foot radius.
Imperial Null-Space Cannon Devastating null-space weapon deals 2d6 points of damage/level, plus other effects, in an 80-foot
Mimetic Key, Chronull Time-distorting stone hastes bearer and causes time hop when thrown.
Nanitic Reconfiguration Entity Cloud of machines transforms or destroys objects and defends you.
Packmaster’s Throne +10 Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal, and Intimidate, plus dominate animals with
your mere presence.
Rimala’s Fundamental Anatomizer Gain permanent bonuses from truly understanding an item.
Renechak’s Panoptic Eye Omniscient device grants perfect knowledge of one creature.
Worldwalker’s Baton Opens a circular gate to anywhere on same plane.

ABSORPTIVE TRAVERSANT Table 4-1: Absorptive Traversant Energy
Artifact (standard) [Null-Space] Environment Hostility Gained/Hour
Not Hostile (0 damage/hour) —
Activation Time: 1 full round
normal climate in plains or forests, altitudes less 1 level
Range: Touch than 5,000 feet, hospitable dungeons
Target: Creature touched Moderately Hostile (1–5 damage/hour) —
Duration: 24 hours temperatures greater than 90° F or below 40° F,
3 levels
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) altitudes between 5,000 and 15,000 feet, nasty
dungeons, dust storms and thunderstorms
Activation Cost: 90 points Severely Hostile (6–50 damage/hour) —
Weight: 3 lbs. temperatures above 110° F or below 0° F, altitudes
An absorptive traversant is a complicated control cube that you greater than 15,000 feet, arctic environments, 5 levels
use to attach a null-space traveler to a creature that you touch. A swimming in rushing water, inside a volcano’s
null-space traveler is a machine hidden in a parallel space that has
Extremely Hostile (51–350 damage/hour) —
the ability to attune a creature to any kind of hostile environmental temperatures above 140° F or below –20° F, arctic 7 levels
conditions. The creature you touch can thus automatically windstorms, hurricanes, swimming in a storm
adapt to underwater, extremely hot, extremely cold, or airless Unbelievably Hostile (351+ damage/hour) —
environments and can survive as if it were a creature native to that immersed in acid or boiling lava, caught inside a 9 levels
tornado or electrical storm, on the ocean floor
environment. A creature protected by the null-space traveler can
breathe and move normally and takes no damage simply from feedback loop within the null-space traveler that maximizes the
being in that environment (though penalties to movement and energy flow from even relatively benign environments. Setting up
attacks remain, if there are any for that particular environment). the feedback loop costs 2,340 gold pieces and increases the rate
You need not specify what environment you are adapting the of energy gain by 4 per hour (so nonhostile environments grant
target creature to when you activate the traversant; simply activate 5 energy level per hour and unbelievably hostile environments
the device, and the creature’s body will instantly adapt to any grant 13 levels per hour).
hostile environment as needed throughout the duration. The
creature’s equipment is likewise protected. ACIDULOUS MIASMA GENERATOR
Even truly extreme environmental conditions are no match Artifact (lesser) [Acid]
for the absorptive traversant; while protected by this device a creature Activation Time: 1 full round
can swim in lava or dive to the crushing depths of the ocean without Range Increment: Medium (100 feet)
harm. However, the creature is only protected from environmental Area: Two 10-foot cubes/level (S)
effects, and takes full normal damage from devices and spells. Duration: 10 minutes/level, or until discharged, then 1 round/
Not only is the protected character unharmed, but its trials level or instantaneous
provide energy that can be used to manipulate the environment Saving Throw: Reflex half
in a variety of ways. The wearer of the traversant gain energy levels Activation Cost: 45 points
based on the hostility of the environment (see table below), and Weight: 5 lbs.
may use these energy levels to activate spell-like abilities. These An acidulous miasma generator is a coil of machinery and
“spells” are actually generated by the attached null-space traversant, filters looking something like a demented conch shell. When you
which manifests various implements near the wearer when he activate the generator it emits rumbling and clanking sounds for
commands it to do so. The caster level for these abilities is your several seconds before firing out what appears to be a small blue
activation level. The absorptive traversant can store no more than pebble. This is no ordinary pebble, however: it contains enough
your activation level in energy levels at any given time. The spells vaporous material to create a dense cloud of fog in the target area.
it can duplicate (and their energy cost) are as follows: expeditious You must make a ranged touch attack roll to place the pebble in
retreat (1 level), jump (1 level), know direction (1 level), create food and the center of the desired area of effect, and roll scatter normally as
water (2 levels), locate object (2 levels), daylight (3 levels), protection if the pebble were a grenade-like weapon if you miss. By the end of
from energy (3 levels), water breathing (3 levels), locate creature (4 the activation time the pebble produces a thick mist.
levels), overland flight (5 levels). None of these spell-like abilities are The fog obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5
self-only — they work exactly like the spells they duplicate. feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have a 20%
The absorptive traversant can be used on multiple creatures at miss chance), and creatures farther away have total concealment
once. The device you carry is simply a control panel for the null- (50% miss chance, and the attacker can’t use sight to locate the
space travelers. target). Winds of 31 miles per hour or greater disperse the cloud
Expensive Component: The absorptive traversant provides an in 1d4 rounds.
array of capabilities that aid explorers and adventurers in going to When the fog first arises, it is harmless. However, with a flip
seemingly impossible locations to achieve their objectives. However, of a switch on the generator shell (a free action), an electric charge
its rate of energy absorption is somewhat slower than might be triggers the acidulous miasma and renders it highly corrosive. You can
desired. This flaw can be corrected for by creating a controlled choose to deal either instantaneous damage or continuing damage

when you activate the miasma. The instantaneous setting deals 1d6
points of acid damage per activation level (maximum 20d6) and Example – Relations with Merpeople
causes the cloud to disperse at the beginning of your next turn. The alchemical rebreather is one of several gadgets
The continuing setting deals 1d6 points of acid damage per three that can potentially have a significant effect on the game
activation levels per round to creatures trapped in the fog cloud world — any character with a single level of technologist and
(maximum 6d6), but the cloud persists for 1 round per activation 390 gold pieces can use an alchemical rebreather to explore
level before dispersing. Multiple overlapping areas of effect do not undersea areas and remain underwater for quite a while.
increase the acidulous miasma generator’s effectiveness — creatures in Because the rebreather is so much easier to use than water
the area suffer acid damage only from the most powerful miasma breathing and similar spells it offers the potential for strong
they are exposed to in any given round. relations between undersea races and land-dwellers. In my
You may also trigger the acidic qualities of the acidulous campaign, technologist divers use the device to trade with a
miasma as you activate the device, in which case it deals acid group of lake-dwelling tritons, who provide many otherwise-
damage immediately and disperses either at the beginning of your unavailable arcane and technological components and
next turn or after 1 round per activation level. It is also possible materials.
for the acidulous miasma to be triggered accidentally. If even 1
point of electricity damage is dealt within the fog cloud, it turns ALCHEMICAL REBREATHER
to acid immediately, with a 50% chance of either the continuing Gadget (lesser)
damage form or the instantaneous damage form. Activation Time: 1 standard action
Expensive Component: The miasma is a lethal trap that can be Range: Personal
made more lethal by compressing even more acid into the tiny Target: You
pebble. This upgrade requires expensive components costing Base Duration: 1 minute
2,340 gold pieces and increases the acid damage dealt by the Activation Cost: 1 point
acidulous miasma generator by 50%. Weight: 3 lbs.
This partial mask fits over your mouth and nose and produces
ALCHEMICAL ASSAYER oxygen via a complex series of alchemical reactions. While wearing
Gadget (lesser) it you do not need air from an outside source. Thus, you are at
Activation Time: 10 minutes no risk of drowning or suffocation or of suffering the effects of
Range: Touch inhaled poisons. You are also immune to attacks that rely on
Target: One touched object overpoweringly strong smells, such as a troglodyte’s stench.
Duration: Instantaneous Expensive Component: Every minute of use causes the alchemical
Saving Throw: None rebreather to expend alchemical reagents costing 1 silver piece. This is
Activation Cost: 5 points not an optional expensive component. You can also fill the reaction
Weight: 10 lbs. chamber with more powerful oxygen-producing substances to
An alchemical assayer is a portable laboratory that allows you increase the rebreather’s base duration to 1 hour for as long as it
to quickly and thoroughly analyze an alchemical compound, remains activated. This enhancement costs 390 gold pieces.
technological device, or magical item in your possession. You
make an Appraise check — the DC is 15 for an alchemical item ALCHEMICAL RESEQUENCER
(or 20 for a particularly unusual compound) and 15 + ½ the Technology (standard)
device’s activation level for devices. Magical items may also be Activation Time: 1 minute
identified through various negative tests but this is tricky due to Range: 0 feet
the interference of the enchanted item on the device. Identifying Target: A number of alchemical items, poisons, and magical
a magical item with an alchemical assayer has a DC of 20 + ½ the potions
item’s caster level. Duration: Instantaneous
If you succeed on the Appraise check, you determine every Saving Throw: None
property of the alchemical item (including market value and Activation Cost: 30 points
application method) or the technological device or magical item Weight: 8 lbs.
(including its exact effect, duration, and activation cost). Retries An alchemical resequencer converts one type of chemical
are allowed for this roll, but require multiple activations of the compound into another. You feed whatever alchemical
alchemical assayer. substances, poisons, and magical potions you have on hand into
Expensive Components: Each use of the alchemical assayer expends the device and it immediately begins clicking and beeping loudly,
rare alchemical reagents and disposable tools costing 5 gp. This occasionally emitting puffs of luridly-colored smoke. After one
is not an optional expensive component. You can also prepare an minute, the device produces whatever alchemical items, magical
automated battery of tests costing 390 gold pieces, which reduces potions, or poisons you desire, neatly wrapped or bottled in a
the alchemical assayer’s activation time to 1 standard action. suitable container. You can create any kind of chemical-based

item with this device, as long as the item’s Craft DC is no higher Table 4-2: Alembic of Creation
than 15 plus your activation level. You can create a magical potion Language Sp Ability (PHB p. #)
only as long as your activation level is at least 3 times the required Abyssal chaos hammer (one creature only; p. 208)
Aquan water breathing (p. 300)
caster level to brew that potion.
Auran fly (p. 232)
For the purpose of this device most poisons have a Craft Celestial magic circle against evil (p. 249)
(poison) DC of 20. Inhaled poisons have a Craft DC of 25. Common tongues (p. 294)
Expensive Components: An alchemical resequencer can only Draconic fear (one creature only; p. 229)
produce items with a total market value equal to or less than the Druidic dominate animal (p. 224)
total market value of the substances you feed into it. This is not Dwarven stone shape (p. 284)
Elven quickened prestidigitation (p. 264)
an optional expensive component.
Giant extended enlarge person (p. 226)
Gnoll locate creature (1 min./level only; p. 249)
ALEMBIC OF CREATION Gnome major image (p. 252)
Artifact (greater) Goblin contagion (p. 213)
Activation Time: 1 full round Halfling heroism (p. 240)
Range: Personal Ignan fireball (p. 231)
Target: You Infernal order’s wrath (one creature only; p. 258)
Orc rage (p. 268)
Duration: 1 hour
Sylvan speak with plants (p. 282)
Activation Cost: 135 points Terran meld into stone (p. 252)
Weight: 3 lbs. Undercommon deeper darkness (p. 217)
The alembic of creation is a glass prism that thrums with
an almost inaudible hum even when inactivate. The alembic is AMANUENSIS ENGINE
a controlled echo chamber that contains every word of every Gadget (standard)
language you know and distills these languages down to their Activation Time: 1 minute
essences, single words that express the values that the creatures Range: Touch
who speak that language hold dear. These words are part of the Target: Object or objects touched
language of creation and cannot be held in mind by mortals, Duration: 24 hours (D)
but with the alembic’s help you can call on their power to cause Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
changes in the reality around you. When you take the alembic in Activation Cost: 10 points
hand and activate it, it floods your mind with the distilled words Weight: See text
of power and refreshes your memory as rapidly as you forget An amanuensis engine contains hundreds of finely-tuned gears
them. While this device is activated, you may speak any of the in a boxy metal casing and is perhaps the single most complicated
words corresponding to languages you know, either your starting clockwork calculation device in existence. An alchemical
languages or those gained through the Speak Language skill. photoplate covering a sophisticated gear system allows you to use
Doing so is a spell-like ability, useable at will, and produces a the amanuensis engine to copy and store written material.
different effect for every language. The caster level for this ability By placing the device flat over the target writing(s), you
is equal to the alembic of creation’s activation level. The table below cause writing from one source (such as a book) to be copied into
includes the languages found in the PHB, and GMs can add the engine. This device copies one page (roughly 800 words) per
additional languages found in their campaign as they see fit. The one-minute exposure cycle and creates a perfect duplicate of the
creatures affected by spell-like abilities gained using the alembic of original, including any illustrations or diagrams. The device only
creation need not understand the word you utter to be affected by copies nonmagical text, not magical writings like spell scrolls or
it (and indeed, it is impossible for them to do so). a sepia snake sigil. If the target contains both normal and magical
Expensive Component: Normally only the alembic of creation’s writing, only the normal text is copied, leaving a blank space in
creator can interface with it, but adding a strong mental impression the transcription where the magical writing would be expected.
of another creature to the internal sound chamber temporarily The device triggers (but does not copy) writing-based magical
allows someone else to grasp the device and communicate with it. traps (such as explosive runes) in the material being copied.
Impressing this mental image on the alembic requires equipment If this device is used to copy a spell from a spellbook, you
costing 1,110 gold pieces and changes the device’s range to touch, must provide the necessary costly materials as if you were copying
its target to creature touched, and adds a Will negates (harmless) it by hand. The amanuensis engine does not translate materials
saving throw entry. The creature uses your languages known, not that it copies. If you do not understand the original, you have no
its own, to determine which spell-like abilities it has access to. additional ability to understand the copy.
You may access the copied materials at any time using the
amanuensis engine’s photoplate. It takes a move action to call up any
given page from the device’s clockwork memory. An amanuensis
engine weighs 1 pound per 250 pages it stores. The engine’s current

weight determines the device’s maximum data storage, and
technologists are advised to weigh the value of information with Example – Forsaker’s Mark
against the weight they can carry. Because anyone with anathematize abnormality can
You may read the materials you are copying as you copy detect the creatures it marks, this ability is a critical part of
them, at roughly the same rate as they are transcribed into the any organized campaign to hunt down magical constructs,
amanuensis engine. elementals, outsiders, and the undead. In my campaign,
Expensive Components: Materials necessary for copying a Imperial Forsakers are the primary users of this technique,
spellbook, if necessary. In addition, any masterwork books you but you can also give anathematize abnormality a more benign
transcribe into an amanuensis engine add their value to it, although place in your campaign by limiting it to only one of the four
this transcription does not actually cost you anything. creature types (undead or evil outsiders are especially good
choices). If you do so, make this device a greater gadget but
ANATHEMATIZE ABNORMALITY leave its activation cost the same. This allows even low-level
Technology (lesser) [Antimagic] technologists to be valued members of organized hunting
Activation Time: 1 standard action parties directed at the abhorred creature type.
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched Expensive Component: This ability is normally used simply to
Duration: Permanent (D) mark a magic-dependent creature and to drive it out of humanoid
Saving Throw: Will negates society. However, by sprinkling an alchemically-pure salt worth
Activation Cost: 15 points 1,620 gold pieces over your hand as you activate the ability you can
This ability allows you to mark an abnormality (a add some true lethality to anathematize abnormality’s effects. The
nontechnological construct, elemental, outsider, or undead), creature you touch immediately suffers 1d4 points of Charisma
revealing its true nature and preventing it from easily harming drain, and must make another Will save every day or take another
others or mingling in humanoid society. Your hand glows with 1d4 points of Charisma drain as its sense of self begins to unravel.
a grey light and you make a touch attack against a creature. This Creatures that are reduced to 0 Charisma in this manner are
ability has no effect on creatures not of the construct, elemental, destroyed and leave nothing behind. Even creatures normally
outsider, or undead type but against these types of creatures it immune to ability drain by virtue of their creature type, such as
causes an ugly puckering burn mark in some prominent location nontechnological constructs and undead, suffer this effect of
(usually the face or hands). This mark is apparent to everyone anathematize abnormality.
viewing the creature even if it shifts to some other form and
inflicts a –20 penalty on the creature’s Disguise checks to conceal ANNEALING GEL
its true nature from those who are familiar with the marks created Gadget (lesser)
by this effect. Activation Time: 1 full round
In addition, a creature afflicted by anathematize abnormality Range: Touch
must make a Will save to initiate an attack against any creature Target: One suit of armor
not of the construct, elemental, outsider, or undead types. If it Duration: 8 hours
fails this save its action is not wasted, but it may not attack that Saving Throw: Reflex negates (objects)
creature. This protection is lost if a creature attacks the marked Activation Cost: 5 points
creature first. An attack for this purpose is anything that would Weight: 1 lb.
end an invisibility spell, although as a special exception to this rule Annealing gel is an alchemical compound that comes in the
you may mark a creature via anathematize abnormality without form of an easily-applied red goo. When smeared on a suit of metal
giving it the ability to attack you. or leather armor this goo quickly soaks in, giving the material a
You may also sense marked creatures by taking a standard reddish sheen. The gel changes the armor into an incredibly supple
action to do so; doing so tells you the direction of the nearest and form-fitting second skin without damaging the material or
creatures so marked and its distance from you in miles, regardless affecting its hardness, although the treatment does somewhat
of who originally used anathematize abnormality on that creature. reduce the effectiveness of very heavy armor.
You can do so without spending any activation points, as long An armor treated with annealing gel has its armor bonus
as you have mastered this ability. Your ability to sense marked changed to +6 for the duration of the effect and the material’s
creatures works only on the same plane, although you know which increased elasticity means that an armor so treated inflicts no armor
plane creatures you personally mark are currently on at all times. check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or speed reduction. As
Anathematize abnormality is effectively a curse and is therefore an odd side effect, the armor’s armor bonus to AC now applies
removed only by a break enchantment, limited wish, miracle, remove against incorporeal creatures as well due to a poorly-understood
curse, or wish spell. If remove curse is to be successful, the caster must reaction incorporeal beings have with the annealing gel.
have a higher caster level than your activation level. Otherwise, The weight given in the device’s description block is for one
the spell fails automatically. application of annealing gel. Due to the extremely complex and

alchemically supported reactions it causes, annealing gel disrupts abnormality gadget using your activation level as it was when you
magic in a localized area. For this reason, annealing gel suppresses created the vortex.
the magical qualities of any armor it is applied to for the duration Expensive Components: You trace the antimagic glyph with a
of the effect. Particularly daring characters can take advantage of magically-inert alchemical compound, which costs 50 gold pieces
this property by applying the gel to an opponent’s armor with a per glyph you draw. This is not an optional expensive component.
melee touch attack (which provokes an attack of opportunity). A silver-grey guiding wire may also be included as you draw the
This attack can be made as part of the device’s activation time. symbol to increase the power of the antimagic vortex; doing so
Artifacts and similarly powerful magical armors are completely causes the smite aberration rays to deal half again their normal
unaffected by annealing gel and this device neither changes their damage and grants a +5 bonus to activation level checks made for
armor bonus to AC nor suppresses their magical properties. the smite magic effect. This fluid costs 900 gold pieces.
Expensive Components: An application of annealing gel costs
5 sp. This is not an optional expensive component. Alchemically AQUA CELERITAS MAJOR
enhancing the gel gives this device a duration of 24 hours instead Technology (standard)
of 8. This enhancement costs 390 gold pieces. Activation Time: 2 hours; see text
Range: Touch
ANTIMAGIC VORTEX Target: Living creature touched
Gadget (greater) [Antimagic] Duration: 24 hours; see text
Activation Time: 10 minutes Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Range: Touch Activation Cost: 30 points (see text)
Target or Area: Object touched, or up to 5 square feet/level Weight: 17 lbs.
Duration: Permanent until discharged (D) Aqua celeritas major is a potent alchemical elixir, designed
Saving Throw: See text with a specific creature’s body chemistry in mind, which will
Activation Cost: 15 points alter and enhance that creature’s agility if the potion is properly
This powerful mathematical glyph harms magic-using administered. When you choose to master this device you must
creatures who enter, pass, or open the warded area or object. An choose one specific person or creature that the aqua is intended
antimagic vortex can guard a bridge or passage, ward a portal, trap for. Other creatures can receive temporary benefits from an
a chest or box, and so on. When activating the device, you weave injection of aqua, but in any metabolic system other than the
a tracery of faintly glowing lines, creating a warding sigil that is intended creature’s the natural chemistry of the creature breaks
primed to destroy magic in the area. A vortex can be placed to down the potion after just 24 hours.
conform to any shape up to the limitations of your total square When infused into a creature’s blood, aqua celeritas major
footage and the glyph and tracery become nearly invisible when enhances the target’s peripheral nervous system — tiny, deep-red
they are completed. Read magic allows you to identify an antimagic globules form on the subject’s spine, accelerating the transfer
vortex with a DC 17 Spellcraft check. Identifying the glyph does of electrical impulses. These alchemically-strengthened nerves
not discharge it and allows you to know the basic nature of the improve the subject’s reflexes and hand-eye coordination. The net
vortex, including its area of effect. The Search and Disable Device effect is a +4 enhancement bonus to the target’s Dexterity, which
DCs for an antimagic vortex are 27.
You set the conditions of the ward. Typically, any creature Aqua on the Open Market
entering the warded area or opening the warded object triggers an This device is one of several that provides a permanent
antimagic vortex. Alternatively, you can set an antimagic vortex to go bonus to characters who undergo a special alchemical
off when an arcane spell is cast within 20 feet, when a divine spell regimen. They are priced with the assumption that the
is cast within 20 feet, or when a construct, elemental, outsider, technologist will be providing his services for free, which
or undead creature enters the warded area or handles the warded means they are somewhat cheaper than the equivalent
object. Antimagic vortexes respond to invisible creatures normally magical items. (Just as asking your party’s wizard to make
but are not triggered by those who travel past them ethereally. an item for you is — hopefully — cheaper than commissioning
Multiple antimagic vortexes cannot be placed on the same area or one from an NPC spellcaster.) If your players want to pay an
object. However, if a cabinet (for example) has three drawers, each NPC technologist to use these devices on them it should cost
can be separately warded. them significantly more than what the technologist pays for
When an antimagic vortex is triggered the warded area, or an raw materials. Thus, receiving the benefits of aqua celeritas
area with a radius of 20 feet around the warded object, fills with major costs a total of 32,000 gold pieces for a permanent +4
a flat grey light. This light acts as the area version of smite magic, enhancement bonus to Dexterity and a total of 72,000 for
negating ongoing magical effects. In addition, every creature a +6 enhancement bonus. Note that you can also use these
in the area is targeted by a ray of colorless energy; the antimagic devices to give NPCs higher stats or special abilities without
vortex makes a touch attack roll to hit with a bonus equal to your giving your players anything to loot or sell.
Intelligence bonus. This ray duplicates the effects of the smite

lasts for 24 hours. Distilling and administering the dose takes 2 application grants the subject a +2 alchemical bonus on all
hours and costs 30 activation points. Balance checks.
A dose of the potion remains viable even if it is not immediately Springing Muscles: This infusion increases the target’s stride, and
injected into a creature, but the one-day duration is tracked from allows it to jump higher and farther. The subject gains a +2
the moment it was ready, not from the moment it was injected. alchemical bonus on all Jump checks.
Additionally, when properly infused into the intended Catfall: This application strengthens and cushions the target’s
creature, chosen when the device was mastered, the duration is joints, granting a +4 alchemical bonus to Jump or Tumble
permanent. This process is long, requiring the technologist to checks made to intentionally jump down from a height.
activate the device four times in a row and to spend 120 activation You may apply multiple effects to the same subject, but each new
points over the course of 8 hours. Once this process is complete, effect requires an additional application of aqua celeritas minor to
nothing short of extensive spinal damage will remove the effects be effective: one effect requires one dose of aqua celeritas minor,
of the infusion — it cannot be dispelled, and carries over even if adding a second requires two additional doses, and so forth.
the subject is resurrected or raised from the dead. The listed weight represents the distilling device that creates
The listed weight represents the distilling device that creates the potion. A dose of the potion itself is effectively weightless.
the potion. A dose of the potion itself is effectively weightless. Expensive Component: One application of aqua celeritas minor
Expensive Component: By making a second, more costly costs 300 gold pieces. This component is not optional.
infusion for the single creature you chose when mastering
the device the elixir’s effects can be augmented to provide a +6 AQUA INTELLIGENTIAE MAJOR
enhancement bonus to Dexterity. This secondary infusion costs Technology (standard)
10,000 gold pieces and incorporates the blood of a vampire Activation Time: 2 hours; see text
with at least 14 Hit Dice as a key ingredient. Completing this Range: Touch
secondary transformation gives the subject’s skin a bit of a pallor Target: Living creature touched
and requires 16 hours of activation to run its course, expending a Duration: 24 hours; see text
total of 240 activation points. Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
It is also possible to adapt the formula for aqua celeritas major Activation Cost: 30 points (see text)
to creatures other than the one it was originally intended for. This Weight: 17 lbs.
development process costs 20,000 gold pieces and allows you to Aqua intelligentiae major is a potent alchemical potion
permanently infuse the potion into the body of one additional that changes the target’s brain once infused into the subject’s
specific individual. This individual must be on hand for a full blood — scarlet and blue fibers grow between the two hemispheres
week while you develop the modified serum. of the brain, improving quickness and ease of memory recall.
These alchemically-strengthened nerves improve the subject’s
AQUA CELERITAS MINOR intellect and ability to recall information. The net effect is a +4
Gadget (greater) enhancement bonus to the target’s Intelligence. This device is
Activation Time: 2 hours; see text identical to aqua celeritas major except that the enhanced ability
Range: Touch score is Intelligence.
Target: Living creature touched Expensive Component: The expensive component required
Duration: Instantaneous to increase the enhancement bonus permanently granted by
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless) this device from +4 to +6 is the brain of a marilith instead of
Activation Cost: 15 points vampire blood. The recipient of this treatment sometimes finds
Weight: 7 lbs. itself compulsively making rapid calculations of seemingly
This alchemical concoction typically improves range of unimportant details in the back of their mind.
movement and muscle coordination. Fully activating the device
requires four consecutive activations over the course of 8 hours, AQUA INTELLIGENTIAE MINOR
costing a total of 60 activation points. The alchemical compound Gadget (lesser)
you infuse permanently grants one bonus to the subject, chosen Activation Time: 2 hours; see text
from the list below: Range: Touch
Loose Joints: Increasing the subject’s range of movement with Target: Living creature touched
this application of aqua celeritas minor grants the creature a Duration: Instantaneous
+2 alchemical bonus on all Escape Artist checks. Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Light Fingers: Along with a slight but noticeable lengthening of Activation Cost: 5 points
the subject’s fingers this treatment results in a +2 alchemical Weight: 7 lbs.
bonus on all Sleight of Hand checks. This alchemical concoction improves the subject’s memory
Balance Augmentation: By strengthening the parts of the brain and ability to recall information. Fully activating the device requires
and inner ear responsible for physical equilibrium this four consecutive activations over the course of 8 hours, costing a

total of 20 activation points. The alchemical compound grants one The subject’s aura acquires an incandescent blue edge. Periodic
permanent bonus to the subject, chosen from the list below: slow-downs, in which the world comes better into focus and the
Knowledge Focus: This alchemical potion is tailor-made to target has more time to consider his actions, allow for a more
enhance recall of a certain class of facts and grants a +2 reflective approach to life. The net effect is a +4 enhancement
alchemical bonus to checks for a specific Knowledge subskill, bonus to the target’s Wisdom. This device is identical to aqua
chosen when the infusion is made. celeritas major except that the enhanced ability score is Wisdom.
Enhanced Memory: This use of aqua intelligentiae minor allows Expensive Component: The expensive component required to
the subject to better focus its mind on memorizing written increase the enhancement bonus permanently granted by this
material. With a successful DC 10 Intelligence check you device from +4 to +6 is solar’s essence instead of vampire blood.
can attempt to memorize a long string of numbers, a long The eyes of the recipient of this treatment take on a gold sheen
passage of verse, or some other particularly difficult piece after the infusion is complete.
of information. You can’t memorize magical writings or
similarly exotic scripts. Each successful check allows you to AQUA SAPIENTIAE MINOR
memorize a single page of text (about 800 words), numbers, Gadget (greater)
diagrams, or sigils (even if you don’t recognize their meaning). Activation Time: 2 hours; see text
If a document is longer than one page you can make Range: Touch
additional checks for each additional page. You always retain Target: Living creature touched
this information; however, you can recall it only by making Duration: Instantaneous
another successful Intelligence check. If you have ranks in the Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Autohypnosis skill, you instead gain a +4 alchemical bonus to Activation Cost: 15 points
checks made to memorize and recall written material. Weight: 7 lbs.
Visual Memory: By improving the subject’s visual memory this This alchemical concoction improves the subject’s eyes,
infusion grants a +2 alchemical bonus on all Disable Device ears, or sense of smell. Fully activating the device requires four
and Open Lock checks. consecutive activations over the course of 8 hours, costing a total
Magic Allergy: This infusion sensitizes the nerves to magical of 60 activation points. The alchemical compound permanently
auras, creating an itchy sensation in the affected creature grants one bonus to the subject, chosen from the list below:
while it is in the presence of magic. These sensations are mildly Visual Augmentation: This general enhancement in visual acuity
annoying, but they also help the subject identify magical grants a +2 alchemical bonus to Spot checks.
effects more easily. This application of aqua intelligentiae minor Auditory Augmentation: This general enhancement in auditory
grants a +4 alchemical bonus to all Spellcraft checks made to acuity grants a +2 alchemical bonus to Listen checks.
identify an aura’s school of magic, identify a spell already in Olfactory Augmentation: Improving the sensitivity of the
place and in effect, identify materials created or shaped by subject’s nasal membranes grants a +2 alchemical bonus on
magic, or to understand a strange or unique magical effect. Craft (alchemy) checks (the creature can monitor alchemical
You may apply multiple effects to the same subject but each processes by smell), a +2 alchemical bonus on Spot checks
new effect requires an additional application of aqua intelligentiae based entirely on smell, and a +2 alchemical bonus to the
minor to be effective and careful application to prevent the various Wisdom check made to track via the Scent special ability.
modifications from conflicting: one effect requires one dose, However, the creature also suffers a –4 penalty to all saving
adding a second requires two more doses, and so forth. throws against bad smells such as a troglodyte’s stench
The listed weight represents the distilling device that creates ability.
the potion. A dose of the potion itself is effectively weightless. Enchantment Sensitivity: This unusual application makes the
Expensive Component: One application of aqua intelligentiae subject sensitive to magic used to dominate others, granting it
minor costs 300 gold pieces. This component is not optional. a +4 alchemical bonus on Sense Motive checks made to sense
whether or not someone else’s behavior is being magically
AQUA SAPIENTIAE MAJOR influenced. Beneficiaries of this treatment are often on edge
Technology (standard) around anyone bearing a number of Enchantment spells or
Activation Time: 2 hours; see text effects.
Range: Touch You may apply multiple effects to the same subject but each new
Target: Living creature touched effect requires an additional application of aqua sapientiae minor
Duration: 24 hours; see text to be effective: one effect requires one dose of the potion, adding
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless) a second requires two additional doses, and so forth.
Activation Cost: 30 points (see text) The listed weight represents the distilling device that creates
Weight: 17 lbs. the potion. A dose of the potion itself is effectively weightless.
Aqua sapientiae major is a potent alchemical potion that Expensive Component: One application of aqua venusitas minor
changes the target’s mind once it is infused into the target’s blood. costs 300 gold pieces. This component is not optional.

AQUA VENUSITAS MAJOR Nondescript Features: By altering the subject’s features in very
Technology (standard) minor ways to discourage close observation this application
Activation Time: 2 hours; see text grants a +2 alchemical bonus to all Disguise checks.
Range: Touch Seductive Features: This application, the least subtle of the
Target: Living creature touched uses of aqua venusitas minor, enhances the subject’s sexual
Duration: 24 hours; see text attractiveness by improving their physical appearance. This
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless) grants a +4 alchemical bonus on all Bluff checks made to
Activation Cost: 30 points (see text) seduce someone.
Weight: 17 lbs. You may apply multiple effects to the same subject but each new
Aqua venusitas major is a potent alchemical potion that effect requires an additional application of aqua venusitas minor to
changes the subject’s personal magnetism once infused into be effective: one effect requires one dose, adding a second requires
the target’s blood. The subject acquires a subtle magnetic field two additional doses, and so forth.
that influences the its personality and has a powerful effect on The listed weight represents the distilling device that creates
its interlocutors. A side effect is a change in the subject’s eyes the potion. A dose of the potion itself is effectively weightless.
that gives the appearance of a greenish sheen and of almost- Expensive Component: One application of aqua venusitas minor
invisible pink flecks in the iris. The creature’s alchemically- costs 300 gold pieces. This component is not optional.
strengthened presence improves its personal magnetism and
force of personality. The net effect is a +4 enhancement bonus AQUA VIRIUM MAJOR
to the target’s Charisma. This device is identical to aqua celeritas Technology (standard)
major except that the enhanced ability score is Charisma. Activation Time: 2 hours; see text
Expensive Component: The expensive component required to Range: Touch
increase the enhancement bonus permanently granted by this Target: Living creature touched
device from +4 to +6 is nymph’s blood and several pounds of Duration: 24 hours; see text
alchemically pure iron instead of vampire blood. The recipient of Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
this treatment sometimes gains a literal magnetic attraction for Activation Cost: 30 points (see text)
very small metal objects. Weight: 17 lbs.
Aqua virium major is a potent alchemical potion that changes
AQUA VENUSITAS MINOR the target’s muscles once infused into its blood — the muscle fiber
Gadget (standard) is shot through with pale blue strands as strong as adamantine
Activation Time: 2 hours; see text wire. This alchemically-strengthened musculature improves
Range: Touch the subject’s strength and carrying capacity. The net effect is a
Target: Living creature touched +4 enhancement bonus to the target’s Strength. This device is
Duration: Instantaneous identical to aqua celeritas major except that the enhanced ability
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless) score is Strength.
Activation Cost: 10 points Expensive Component: The expensive component required to
Weight: 7 lbs. increase the enhancement bonus permanently granted by this
These alchemically enhanced cosmetics are both effective device from +4 to +6 is a sample of fire, storm, cloud, frost, stone,
and permanent, and are put to great use by individuals who want and hill giant muscle instead of vampire blood. The procedure
an edge in social interaction. Fully activating the device requires adds considerable bulk to the subject’s physique.
four consecutive activations over the course of 8 hours, costing a
total of 40 activation points. Once it has been properly infused AQUA VIRIUM MINOR
into a subject, aqua venusitas minor grants the affected creature Gadget (standard)
one permanent bonus, chosen from the list below: Activation Time: 2 hours; see text
Soothing Features: Typically taking the form of alterations to the Range: Touch
subject’s eyes and skin tone that have a subliminal soothing Target: Living creature touched
effect on the creature’s audience, this application grants a +1 Duration: Instantaneous
alchemical bonus to all Bluff and Diplomacy checks. Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Dramatic Features: Typically taking the form of dramatic and often Activation Cost: 10 points
colorful highlights to the skin, eyes, and hair, this application Weight: 7 lbs.
of aqua venusitas minor grants a +2 alchemical bonus to one Aqua virium minor is a syrupy alchemical concoction that
Perform subskill, chosen when the ability is granted. grants the subject slightly improved muscle control and tone
Fearsome Features: Perpetually bloodshot eyes and claw-like when ingested and selectively injected into the target creature’s
nails are popular forms of this application, which grants a muscles. Fully activating the device requires four consecutive
+2 alchemical bonus to all Intimidate checks. activations over the course of 8 hours, costing a total of 40

activation points. When performing the infusion procedure you AQUA VITAE MINOR
must select one weapon type to which the bonuses will apply, Gadget (lesser)
such as rapiers, longbows, unarmed strikes, or a single natural Activation Time: 2 hours; see text
attack possessed by the target creature. Aqua virium minor grants Range: Touch
one permanent bonus to the subject chosen from the list below: Target: Living creature touched
Weapon Balance: By sculpting the subject’s muscles in minor Duration: Instantaneous
but effective ways you grant them a +1 enhancement bonus Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
on all attack rolls with their chosen weapon. Activation Cost: 5 points
Weapon Edge: By slightly bulking up the muscles in the subject’s Weight: 7 lbs.
hands and arms you grant them a +1 enhancement bonus on Aqua vitae minor is a syrupy alchemical concoction that grants
all damage rolls with the chosen weapon. a small measure of additional hardiness when infused slowly into
Sorcerous Hands: This alchemical infusion draws surrounding the subject’s bloodstream. Fully activating the device requires
magical auras into the chosen type of weapon while the subject four consecutive activations over the course of 8 hours, costing a
holds it, thereby allowing the weapon to bypass damage total of 20 activation points. Following this infusion process the
reduction as though it were magical. This ability provides aqua vitae minor grants the subject 2 extra hit points, which are
no bonuses to attack or damage with an affected weapon added to his maximum total.
nor any other bonuses a weapon would normally gain by You may grant additional hit points to the same subject but
being magical. This enhancement works in conjunction with each additional effect requires an additional dose of aqua vitae
thrown weapons as well as melee weapons, although a thrown minor to be effective: the first application requires one dose, the
weapon’s ability to penetrate magic-based damage reduction second requires two more doses, and so forth.
fades one round after the weapon leaves the creature’s grasp. The second application of aqua vitae minor grants an
You may apply multiple effects to the same subject, but each additional 1 bonus hit point, the third grants 2, the fourth 1,
new effect requires an additional dose of aqua virium minor to and the fifth grants a +1 alchemical bonus to all Fortitude saves.
be effective: one effect requires one dose of the elixir, adding a The sixth dose of aqua vitae minor restarts this pattern from the
second requires two additional doses, and so forth. beginning and grants 2 bonus hit points to an affected creature.
The listed weight represents the distilling device that creates This pattern repeats indefinitely, so a creature successfully treated
the potion. A dose of the potion itself is effectively weightless. with aqua vitae minor 12 times (at a total cost of 23,400 gold pieces
Expensive Component: The market value of one dose of aqua plus the cost of hiring a technologist) gains 15 hit points and a +2
virium minor is 300 gold pieces. This component is not optional. alchemical bonus to all Fortitude saves.
The listed weight represents the distilling device that creates
AQUA VITAE MAJOR the potion. A dose of the potion itself is effectively weightless.
Technology (standard) Expensive Component: The market value of one dose of aqua
Activation Time: 2 hours; see text vitae minor is 300 gold pieces. This component is not optional.
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched ARCANE COUNTERDISRUPTION
Duration: 24 hours; see text Technology (lesser) [Antimagic]
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless) Activation Time: 1 minute
Activation Cost: 30 points (see text) Range: Personal
Weight: 17 lbs. Target: You
Aqua vitae major is a potent alchemical elixir that changes Duration: 24 hours or until discharged (D)
the target’s circulatory system once infused into its blood — the Activation Cost: 15 points
creature’s blood takes on a pinkish hue and forms smooth By means of this ability you infuse yourself and your
crystals when exposed to air instead of clotting normally. This mastered devices with latent antimagical energy, protecting them
alchemically-strengthened blood clots with almost supernatural from disruption by enemy spellcasters. If one of your devices is
speed and repels disease-carrying organisms with unusual the subject of an arcane disruption attempt (see Chapter Three)
alacrity. The net effect is a +4 enhancement bonus to the target’s at any time during the arcane counterdisruption’s duration, that
Constitution. This device is identical to aqua celeritas major except attempt automatically fails. In addition, a jagged streak of grey
that the enhanced ability score is Constitution. energy darts out from the protected device and unerringly strikes
Expensive Component: The expensive component required to the spellcaster who attempted the disruption. This burst of
increase the enhancement bonus permanently granted by this antimagic is identical in its effects to the targeted use of the smite
device from +4 to +6 is an ichor extracted from the vital organs magic gadget ability. Once triggered the arcane counterdisruption is
of a number of regenerating creatures instead of vampire blood. discharged. You may not be under the effects of more than one
The enhanced aqua vitae major treatment changes the color of the use of this ability simultaneously.
subject’s blood to a vivid red-orange. Expensive Component: A grey metal charm that focuses the

counterdisruption’s effects allows you to more skillfully use the smite weapon with a ×2 critical that deals 1d4 points of damage.
magic effect. This charm costs 750 gold pieces and allows you to Expensive Component: A tacky alchemical compound that does
apply up to a +20 bonus for your level to the activation level check strange things to friction on the ascension gear’s gripping surface
to dispel spells in effect on the target of your counterdisruption. makes climbing using this device easier and more natural. Your
This boost is of no use if your activation level is not normally climb speed when using this device increases to your base land
high enough to grant you a bonus greater than 10. speed (if it is higher than 20 feet), and you may run and charge
normally while climbing. This compound costs 390 gold pieces.
Technology (standard) [Electricity] ASTRAL PERSPECTIVE VORTEX
Activation Time: 1 full-round action Artifact (standard) [Teleportation]
Range: 100 feet Activation Time: 1 hour
Area: Line between two points within range Range: 10 feet
Duration: Instantaneous Target: You and all willing creatures within 10 feet
Saving Throw: Reflex half Duration: See text (D)
Activation Cost: 30 points Activation Cost: 90 points
Weight: 4 lbs. Weight: 7 lbs.
These hovering drones immediately dart off to any two points The Astral perspective vortex is a rainbow-colored sheet of
you designate within range when activated. Once in position (at cloth that you cast into the air and then gather back in. The vortex
the end of the activation time), the argent-chain widgets generate looses the souls of creatures from their bodies and propels them
a powerful stroke of electricity (the “argent chain”) between through the inner recesses of their minds to the Astral Plane,
themselves before returning to your hand. where you can stop or continue on as a group to travel to other
This stroke of electricity deals 1d6 points of electricity planes. Since the Astral touches on most other planes, you can
damage per activation level, to a maximum of 15d6 points of travel astrally to any of these planes as desired, provided that you
damage. Draw the line between any two points of any two squares know the way (see below).
within range. Willing creatures within 10 feet of you when you activate
Argent-chain widgets can be targeted with a readied attack this device can accompany you, but fellow travelers are
or spell the round they are deployed. They have AC 17 (+4 size, dependent upon you and must stay near you at all times. From
+3 Dex), hardness 15, and a number of hit points equal to the perspective of onlookers on the Astral Plane, they must stay
your activation level. If one widget is destroyed the other fails to within 30 feet of your position and can take a standard action to
function. abandon the Astral perspective vortex and stop wherever they may
Expensive Components: Disposable antimagical batteries allow be on the Astral Plane. The perspective vortex lasts until you dismiss
the argent-chain widgets to fly farther, faster, and double the range it and stop where you are on the Astral, until the device’s effect is
of this device. These batteries cost 750 gold pieces. somehow canceled (by such means as arcane disruption), or until
you reach the intended destination plane.
ASCENSION GEAR While you are traveling through the Astral Plane, those
Gadget (lesser) natives who happen to glimpse you and your fellow travelers
Activation Time: 1 standard action perceive you to be moving at an unvarying speed of 30 feet while
Range: Personal wrapped in a glowing aura similar to that projected by an Astral
Target: You color pool.
Base Duration: 10 minutes (D) Your journey to another plane takes a longer or shorter time
Activation Cost: 1 point depending on your knowledge of the planes. For each 24 hours
Weight: 5 lbs. that you travel, make a Knowledge (the Planes) check. Unless a
This set of bracers and greaves is covered with small, adjustable location is particularly hard to find and well guarded, or conversely
suckers with tiny adamantine hooks on the inside, providing the easy to find and well advertised, the DC for navigating through
ultimate in high-tech climbing gear. You can climb and travel on the Astral perspective vortex is 20. You cannot take 20 on this check,
vertical surfaces or even traverse ceilings, like an insect. You gain although you can take 10. Each check may be modified by your
a climb speed of 20 feet; furthermore, you need not make Climb degree of familiarity with the destination. If you have only heard
checks to traverse a vertical or horizontal surface (even upside of the destination plane secondhand, or only have a picture or
down). While using this device you retain your Dexterity bonus mental image to guide you, the base Knowledge check DC is 30,
to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and opponents get no and if you have visited the destination plane three or more times
special bonus to their attacks against you. You cannot, however, or have a Planar Cartographer’s map of the Astral route to the
use the run action while climbing. You must have your hands free plane the base check DC is only 10.
to climb in this manner. Each successful Knowledge (the Planes) check indicates
If used in combat, ascension gear is a one-handed slashing that you are one step closer to your goal. To finally arrive at your

location, you must succeed on six checks within a span of 12 needs to be more effective is to discombobulate more things. To
days. If you fail to make six successful checks within the first 12 this end, you can add a clear emerald repeater to the device and
days you have gotten a bit lost in your own dreams and reveries, cause it to fire two independently-targeted beams instead of one.
but can continue to make one check per day until you get the Each of these beams requires its own attack roll and disintegrates
requisite six successes within a span of 12 consecutive days. When a target struck as normal. You cannot strike the same creature
you successfully make the requisite number of checks, the journey or object with both beams unless it is of at least Huge size. The
ends and you appear on your chosen plane within 1d100 miles of emerald repeater costs 2,610 gold pieces.
your intended destination on that plane.
Expensive Component: Traveling via an Astral perspective vortex AURA OF JUST RETRIBUTION
requires a lot of time to sort through your memories, correlate Technology (greater) [Antimagic]
those reflections with the subjective features of the Astral Plane, Activation Time: 1 standard action
and find the correct color pool to access. You can speed this Range: Personal
process by giving the task over to a telepathic computing device Target: You
that rigorously roots through and organizes the thoughts and Duration: Until expended or 10 minutes/level (D)
dreams of yourself and your companions and allows you to arrive Activation Cost: 45 points
instantly and unerringly (with no need for Knowledge checks) at An aura of just retribution defends you against hostile magic
your destination plane. This process is damaging to the psyche, by slicing the spell apart and breaking its energy down into a raw
however, and deals 1d6 points of Wisdom and Charisma damage flux of power that you can then direct against your foes. This
to you and everyone accompanying you within the Astral perspective ability works on spells and spell-like abilities that target you; only
vortex. The required device costs 2,340 gold pieces. spells with a target entry are affected. Effect and area spells are
not affected and spell effects delivered directly into your body
ATOMIC DISCOMBOBULATOR with a touch bypass the aura. The GM secretly rolls 1d6 and adds
Technology (greater) one-third your activation level (rounded down, to a maximum of
Activation Time: 1 standard action 1d6+6 at 18th level) to determine the total number of spell levels
Range Increment: Medium (100 feet) that can be defeated by an aura of just retribution.
Effect: Ray When you are affected by a spell that can be affected by the
Duration: Instantaneous aura and that is within your limit of remaining spell levels, the
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial spell shatters into hundreds of visible, multihued shards that race
Activation Cost: 45 points along your skin just above your flesh before darting off to cut
Weight: 6 lbs. into a creature you designate. You must succeed at a ranged touch
This oddly designed rifle produces bright green sparks for attack; if you do, the creature takes 2d6 points of damage per spell
a few moments after it is activated, and then fires a scintillating level defeated by the aura of just retribution. This damage results
neon-green beam that has the unpleasant effect of completely from pure arcane power given physical form, so it is effectively
disintegrating the target. (Watch out, though — the atomic a spell effect. Damage reduction and energy resistance do not
discombobulator has quite a kick.) You must make a successful apply, but if you strike a creature with spell resistance you must
ranged touch attack to hit, and any creature struck by the ray that roll a spell penetration check to successfully deal damage, using
fails a Fortitude save against it takes 2d6 points of damage per the caster level of the mage whose spell you defeated. Redirecting
activation level (to a maximum of 40d6). Any creature reduced a spell’s energy in this way does not take an action and happens
to 0 or fewer hit points by the atomic discombobulator is entirely instantly when the aura protects you from a spell. Subtract the
disintegrated and leaves behind only a fine trace of dust. A level of a redirected spell from your remaining number of spell
disintegrated creature’s equipment is unaffected. levels of protection.
A creature or object that makes a successful Fortitude save is If you are targeted by a spell with a level higher than your aura
only partially disintegrated and takes only 1d6 points of damage can handle, that spell is partially cut apart. Subtract the aura’s
per two activation levels (maximum of 10d6 damage). If this remaining spell levels from the spell level of the incoming spell,
damage reduces the creature or object to 0 or fewer hit points, it is then divide the result by the spell level of the incoming spell to see
still entirely disintegrated (it was evidently an unworthy target for what fraction of the effect gets through. For damaging spells, you
the atomic discombobulator). Only the first creature or object struck take a fraction of the damage and redirect the rest as described
is affected (the ray affects only one target per activation). above. For nondamaging spells, you have only a proportional
When used against an object the discombobulator’s ray simply chance to be affected. Only the number of spell levels that
disintegrates as much as one 10-foot cube of nonliving matter. remained when the spell struck you counts toward the damage
Thus, the device disintegrates only part of a very large object or of the retributive strike, and the aura of just retribution immediately
structure. The ray affects even objects constructed entirely of ends (as you have exhausted its capacity).
force, such as a wall of force or the effect of a kinetic barrier-layer. Expensive Component: Cautious technologists can maximize
Expensive Component: The only thing an atomic discombobulator the number of spell levels an aura of just retribution can shatter and

redirect by employing a tiny doll harmonically linked to their own checks made by someone who believes the shadow identity to be
auras. An aura produced with the aid of this expensive component true suffer a –50 circumstance penalty if the Gather Information
automatically affects 6 spell levels, plus one additional spell level check would reveal the deception. Only when faced with an
per three activation levels. The doll costs 2,610 gold pieces. overwhelming body of evidence or truly conclusive proof does
an identifier receive another Intelligence check to free itself from
AURELIAN’S SHADOWFORGE the false identity, probably with a –5 or –10 penalty due to an
Artifact (greater) awareness that disinformation has been spread about the subject.
Activation Time: 1 week The shadow identities created by Aurelian’s shadowforge are so
Range: Unlimited persuasive that spellcasters who magically or technologically
Effect: A convincing shadow identity detect any information about the subject that contradicts the
Duration: 1 year shadow identity must make a Will save against your original
Saving Throw: None Forgery check or disregard the information they learned (the
Activation Cost: 135 points spellcaster assumes that his spell was faulty for some reason).
Weight: 42 lbs.
Table 4-3: Aurelian’s Shadowforge
Aurelian’s shadowforge allows you to subtly detect and alter Check
texts of all kinds, from parchments to magic mouth spells. The Modifying Factor
altered texts include psychological cues and subtle mental effects Every 5 ranks identifier has in a Knowledge skill
that prevent creatures from realizing what is going on and can (cumulative)
even cause them to forget what the forged document originally Every 10 ranks identifier has in a Craft or Profession skill
said. Using Aurelian’s shadowforge, you can conduct a startlingly Identifier lives in a society where writing is extremely
effective campaign of misinformation leading to the creation of a +10
common (e.g., a modern society in the Information Age)
shadow identity for yourself or another being that is sufficiently Identifier lives in a society where writing is quite common
genuine to thwart even divination spells and abilities. Activating (e.g., a culturally advanced or Renaissance-era society)
Aurelian’s shadowforge requires at least 8 hours of work every day Identifier lives in a society where writing is moderately
common (e.g., the average Fantasy d20 culture)
for 7 consecutive days as you scan for appropriate documents and Identifier lives in a society where writing is uncommon
make the necessary changes. –5
(e.g., a standard Dark Ages culture)
At the end of the activation time you designate a shadow Identifier lives in a society where writing is rare (e.g., most
identity for any place, object, creature or the like. Generally, barbaric cultures)
Identifier is illiterate (most barbarians and commoners) –20
anything with a proper name can have its perceived identity
Identifier has actively studied the shadow identity (e.g., a
altered. Any kind of new reputation is possible, as long as you can +10
badly confused scholar)
describe the relevant identity in 25 words or less. For instance, you Identifier strongly wants to believe in the shadow identity
could use the shadowforge to create a shadow identity for yourself (e.g., adventurers headed for a rumored land of riches)
as “A rich, pampered noble from the eastern lands, replete with Identifier has never heard of the subject before +0
wealth and privilege and wielding the diplomatic powers of the Identifier is familiar with the target’s true identity (e.g.,
someone the target met on the street and conversed with –5
crown” (21 words) or slander an opponent as “An inept ruler with casually, or someone who has seen the object or place)
well-known connections to the Infernal realms and the hatred of Identifier knows the target’s true identity well (e.g.,
all his people” (17 words). adventuring partners or good friends)
The game master secretly rolls a Forgery check for you and Identifier knows the target’s true identity intimately (e.g.,
spouses or lifelong companions)
subtracts your check result from 50. The resulting number is the
Identifier is aware that disinformation has been spread
Intelligence check DC required to “recognize” the subject in the about the subject, and does not know the source (e.g.,
terms of the false identity upon encountering the subject of the –5
a suspicious spymaster unaware of the existence of the
shadowforge. For instance, if you created a false identity for yourself shadowforge)
as a rich, pampered noble and the GM rolled a total of a 32 on your Identifier is aware that disinformation has been spread
about the subject, and knows the source (e.g., a rival
Forgery check, the Intelligence check DC to “recognize” you as a technologist who is familiar with the principles of Aurelian’s
well-known eastern noble would be 18. This check is modified by shadowforge)
a number of factors, as indicated on the table below. All of these
modifiers are circumstance modifiers and stack with each other. If you wish to remove a shadow identity before it naturally
A creature who recognizes and accepts the subject’s fades from people’s minds (after 1 year), you must activate
shadow identity (as indicated by a “successful” Intelligence the shadowforge again for the specific purpose of canceling the
check), takes the affected creature, item, or place to be what previous shadow identity. Success is automatic if you wish to
the shadow identity dictates. Creatures thus influenced by counteract your own use of the shadowforge, but you must beat
Aurelian’s shadowforge are firm in their convictions, and any Bluff your opponent’s Forgery check to cancel the effect produced by
or Disguise checks made to reinforce the shadow identity receive another technologist’s device.
a +50 circumstance bonus. Likewise, any Gather Information It is not necessary to continually activate Aurelian’s shadowforge

to maintain a false identity as long as you keep up a reputation
appropriate to the disguise. Example – Balancing False Identities
Expensive Component: Creating heuristic computer programs The false identities created by Aurelian’s shadowforge
spun off from your own consciousness greatly improves the are useful tools in almost any game, but in campaigns that
thoroughness and reach of the forged identity, granting you a rely heavily on intrigue the ability to slander your political
+10 insight bonus to the Forgery check required by Aurelian’s opponents or change identities on a whim may be too
shadowforge. This expensive component costs 5,160 gold pieces. powerful. You should talk to players who are considering
mastering the shadowforge so that you can both get a good
AUTO-OTOLARYNX idea of the way this somewhat abstract device will affect
Gadget (standard) the campaign. If necessary, you can deal with balance
Activation Time: 1 standard action problems by increasing or decreasing the base Forgery
Range: Personal check DC from the baseline of 50. In my own game, where
Target: You devious plots are commonplace in a largely urban setting,
Base Duration: 10 minutes (D) I actually decrease the base DC to 45 to make this device
Activation Cost: 2 points slightly more powerful. The ability to assign new popular
Weight: 4 lbs. identities to anyone or anything is just too much fun in a
This handheld device is the size of a thick book and it consists conspiratorial game to deny to PCs and NPCs alike, and
of an electrical battery, a display of barometric pins and clock- the decreased Forgery check DC means that a forger can get
wound numerals, and an array of chemically-treated copper rods impressive results without having to reach epic DCs.
submerged in a bluish fluid. When activated and stirred through a
fluid, gas, or simply the air in front of you the auto-otolarynx measures average. Using the aviatronic wing requires no more concentration
the substance’s chemical composition and reacts in predictable than normal walking, and so you may attack or activate other
ways. An auto-otolarynx can automatically identify common scents devices normally. While using an aviatronic wing at safe speeds,
and can discern and identify previously encountered scents as you may charge but cannot run, nor may you carry aloft more
well. You can also measure new substances with the auto-otolarynx weight than your maximum load.
during your daily preparation period and keep your knowledge of Unsafe speed overrides the safety controls of the aviatronic
its workings as current as possible in that way. wing and makes it very, very fast. Unsafe speed is any flight speed
Using an auto-otolarynx effectively grants you the Scent greater than 100 feet and up to 200 feet, the maximum speed.
special quality, although you must be able to see the device and While moving at this rate your maneuverability rating drops to
read its display to gain this benefit. clumsy and you must make a Reflex save or Tumble check (DC
Expensive Component: Adding an alchemical magic-inhibitor 15 or higher) to avoid taking damage when moving through
to the auto-otolarynx solution allows it to run much more constricted terrain, such as a forest canopy. A full-on collision
efficiently, increasing its base duration to 1 hour. This solution immediately halts your movement and deals 1d6 points of
costs 900 gold pieces. damage to you and to your aviatronic wing per 10 feet over 100 you
were moving. In addition, you may “run” while using an aviatronic
AVIATRONIC WING wing at unsafe speeds, moving up to 4 times your flight speed feet
Technology (lesser) in a round (or 3 times your flight speed if carrying a medium or
Activation Time: 1 standard action heavy load); you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC when moving in
Range: Personal this manner, as with running on the ground.
Target: You Wearing medium or heavy armor or carrying a medium or
Base Duration: 1 minute (D) heavy load reduces these thresholds; your safe speed tops out at 70
Activation Cost: 3 points feet, and your maximum speed is 140 feet. Unlike magical flight,
Weight: 7 lbs. you have no special protection if the aviatronic wing suddenly ceases
An aviatronic wing is a retractable glider controlled by dozens to function; wise technologists always have a contingency plan.
of tiny servomotors that react naturally to your bodily movements. Though the aviatronic wing works best in air, it can be modified
This device rapidly compresses and ejects air, allowing flight at during your daily preparation period to work underwater, where
high speeds and respectable maneuverability. It has two settings: it grants you the ability to “fly” through liquids as though they
safe speed and unsafe speed. You can adjust your flying movement were air. This modification requires a DC 25 Craft (technology)
rate round by round from 0 (effectively hovering in place with skill check, and the modified aviatronic wing will not work in
a move action) to 200 (the wing’s top speed), and the flying normal atmosphere until it is reset. The wing will not function in
movement rate you select determines whether you are flying at a a total vacuum.
safe or an unsafe speed. If your activation level is 10 or higher, the maneuverability
Safe speed is any flight speed up to 100 feet. You ascend at half of the aviatronic wing increases to good (at safe speeds) or poor (at
speed and descend at double speed, and your maneuverability is unsafe speeds).

Expensive Component: Adding a jury-rigged flight computer to can be accelerated by focusing on a gateway gem attuned to a
the aviatronic wing allows it to fly itself and essentially grants you strongly chaos- or law-aligned plane as you activate the device.
an additional move action every round the device is active. This This aid helps you circumvent or twist the normal chains of cause
free move action must be used for flight via the aviatronic wing. and effect and reduces the balance’s activation time to one full
This expensive component costs 1,620 gold pieces. round. The gateway gem costs 3,690 gold pieces.


Artifact (greater) Technology (greater) [Force]
Activation Time: 10 minutes Activation Time: 1 standard action
Range: Line of sight Range: Personal
Target: One creature Target: You
Base Duration: 1 day/level or until discharged (D) Base Duration: 1 round (D)
Saving Throw: None Activation Cost: 9 points
Activation Cost: 135 points Weight: 8 lbs.
Weight: 2 lbs. Battlement combat gear is a modular set of devices designed
The balance of synchronicity generally looks like a set of bronze to increase your maneuverability and survivability in pitched
scales. In truth, the balance can look like anything you desire when combats. These devices are adaptable enough to be attached to
you create it, because it is more of a metaphysical concept in solid any suit of magical or nonmagical armor, although the battlement
form than an actual device. Using the balance invokes and alters combat gear’s effects override the abilities of any suits of magical
the causal patterns that underlie the nature of reality, forcing a armor it is used with. Normal clothing is, for this purpose, armor
creature to do your bidding or find that the multiverse itself has with a +0 armor bonus to AC. As long as the battlement gear
turned against it. remains activated, you gain the following abilities:
The target of the balance of synchronicity immediately becomes Tiny filaments extend from devices placed at the joints of the
aware that it must carry out some service or refrain from some armor, accentuating your muscle movements and making them
action or course of activity, as desired by you, or fall victim to quicker and more forceful. You gain a +2 enhancement bonus to
a dire fate. You need not communicate with the creature in any Strength and Dexterity per three activation levels (maximum +8
way to make them aware of the desired action or actions and the enhancement) for as long as the battlement combat gear is activated.
penalty for resisting. While the balance cannot cause a creature to A shell of kinetic energy forms around the armor, providing
kill itself or to perform acts that would result in certain death, fuller protection to you. The armor gains an enhancement
it can cause almost any other course of activity. The affected bonus of +1 per three caster levels (maximum +6 at 18th level).
creature must follow the given instructions until the command In addition, this force effect makes the armor effective against
is completed, no matter how long it takes. If the instructions incorporeal creatures as though it were ghost touch armor.
involve some open-ended task that the recipient cannot complete Energy-dissipaters in the torso blunt the damage from
through his own actions the balance of synchronicity remains in energy attacks, granting you energy resistance 10 against acid,
effect for a maximum of one day per activation level. cold, electricity, fire, and sonic damage.
If the creature does not follow your commands or is Air jets on the back of the armor coordinate with your
prevented from doing the things that have been forced upon it, movements, making you move faster and jump farther. You gain
it takes 1d6 points of damage per two activation levels per day a +10 enhancement bonus to Jump checks per three activation
(maximum 20d6 points) in minor accidents that are seemingly levels (maximum +30 bonus), and a 10-
brought on by sheer bad luck but are actually caused directly foot bonus to your speed.
by the balance in obscure and coincidental ways. In addition, A device on the armor’s collar
the creature constantly feels an oppressive presence (described projects a greenish field of light
as being “like the gaze of a judging god”), and must make Will around your eyes that allows you
saving throw each day to avoid becoming shaken for 24 hours. to see in total darkness, granting
These effects end 1 day after the creature attempts to resume the darkvision out to 60 feet.
prescribed course of action. Expensive Component:
The effects of a balance of synchronicity are something like a Advanced power cells allow
curse, and can be negated via a remove curse spell if the caster is at the battlement combat gear to
least two levels higher than your activation level. Break enchantment function for longer periods of
and break ensorcellment will not disrupt the balance of synchronicity, time, increasing the device’s
but limited wish, miracle, and wish can all restore the order of base duration to 2 rounds.
causation to its normal flow and free the afflicted creature. These power cells cost 750
Expensive Component: Causing changes to a creature’s destiny gold pieces.
with the balance of synchronicity is time-consuming, and the process Battlement combat gear can be as intimidating as it is effective

Artifact (standard) [Divination, Null-Space] Artifact (lesser) [Evil]
Activation Time: 1d4 hours Activation Time: 1 standard action
Range: See text Range Increment: Close (25 feet)
Area: See text Target: One living creature
Duration: Up to 1 minute/level, or until discharged (D) Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None; Reflex half; see text Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Activation Cost: 90 points Activation Cost: 45 points
Weight: 3 lbs. Weight: 4 lbs.
The beholder from beyond is a complex sensory apparatus A bio-genetic scourge is an advanced version of the mindfire poison
hidden away on a demiplane that is capable of moving amongst injector that afflicts the victim with a nasty engineered plague.
planar boundaries to follow you wherever you roam. The beholder Striking the target creature requires a ranged attack roll and deals
can extrude part of its substance into a spot anywhere on the 1 point of piercing damage as well as exposing the target to the
same plane as you to observe a distant location, and can even bio-genetic scourge. Exposure to the disease occurs even if the needle’s
make a deadly electrical attack with an almost unlimited range damage is negated by damage reduction.
if the circumstances warrant it. You direct the device and observe The creature receives a Fortitude saving throw to negate the
the data it sends you through a handheld pad. effects of the bio-genetic scourge. If it succeeds, the device has no
The beholder from beyond creates a sensor a great distance additional effect on the creature. If the creature fails, it contracts
away from any area you designate (one known to you, or one you a hideous disease that causes its flesh to erupt in cancerous
can unambiguously describe) and observes that area from afar growths and its blood to ooze from its pores. The bio-genetic
using sophisticated machinery to see through walls and over a scourge strikes immediately (no incubation period), and deals 1d6
great distance. You can both see and hear in the 30-foot radius Dexterity, 1d4 Constitution, 1d4 Strength, 1d2 Wisdom, and 1d2
of the device’s area of effect as though you were there. Once you Charisma ability damage. This damage repeats once per day, as
have selected and located the locale, the sensor doesn’t move, with all diseases, and the secondary Fortitude save is your device
but you can rotate it in all directions to view the area as desired. save DC. Two successful saving throws in a row indicate that the
This device does not allow magically or supernaturally enhanced target has fought off the disease and recovers, taking no more
senses to work through it. If the chosen locale is magically dark, damage. The bio-genetic scourge resists being healed magically, and
you see nothing. If it is naturally pitch black, the beholder filters remove disease spells only function if the caster is at least two levels
out the darkness and allows you to see the area as though it were higher than your activation level. More powerful effects that heal
well-lit. A beholder from beyond functions only on the plane of diseases (such as heal) are only effective if the spell’s caster makes
existence you are currently occupying. It does not create a sensor a caster level check (DC 11 + your activation level).
that can be detected by creatures in the area it is observing (the In addition to these immediate effects, the bio-genetic scourge
device typically appears high in the atmosphere or in similarly can be transmitted as easily as any other disease, by contact with
inaccessible areas), but in very rare cases the sensor may manifest infected creatures and by inhalation of the virus. These secondary
in an area where a creature can reach and affect it. infections have an incubation period of 2d12 hours. Creatures
In addition to simply observing, you can direct the beholder slain by a bio-genetic scourge can (at your option, chosen when
to discharge its power batteries into the area of effect and deal you infect the first creature) rise 24 hours after their death as
1d6 points of electricity damage per two levels (maximum 15d6) an undead creature. These creatures have statistics identical to
in a 30-foot radius. This discharge causes the device’s duration those of a ghoul (or a ghast, if the deceased had 4 or more Hit
to immediately end, as the beholder must reboot and recalibrate Dice), except that their bite spreads the bio-genetic scourge instead
before continuing observations. Remember that electricity of ghoul fever, and they prefer fresh meat over carrion. These
damage is halved before being applied to objects. creatures cannot be turned (as they are not true undead), and you
Expensive Component: While surprising and hard to avoid, have no particular control over them.
the beholder from beyond’s electrical discharges do relatively little Expensive Component: The bio-genetic scourge is a dastardly and
damage. You can augment this feature of the device by adding effective weapon that can depopulate whole swaths of countryside
secondary electrical generators that have the express purpose if it spreads unchecked, but its creator has no special immunity
of empowering the device’s weapon discharge. These electrical to it and can succumb to its effects as easily as anyone else. This
generators cost 2,340 gold pieces and increase the damage the problem can be counteracted by creating an inoculation against a
beholder deals by 50%. particular use of the bio-genetic scourge. If you desire, the vaccine can
be injected into your bloodstream as you activate the device. The
immunization costs 1,110 gold pieces and makes you immune to
your own disease, but also introduces an antidote to your plague
that may be alchemically reproducible (and at a much lower cost,
since an example has already been created).

Technology (standard) Example – An Insidious Introduction
Activation Time: 1 full-round action The bio-genetic scourge makes for an interesting way
Range: Touch to introduce a villainous technologist because it defies
Target: Creature or object of up to 1 cubic foot/level touched a number of the players’ expectations — the scourge can
Duration: 1 hour produce an epidemic that creates a number of dangerous
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless, object) creatures just similar enough to ghouls to throw off unwary
Activation Cost: 30 points players and to which magic is not an effective solution. The
Weight: 1 lb. scourge also automatically creates its own antidote when
This metallic cylinder converts standard alchemical antitoxin used, and this elixir (or a similar one derived from the blood
into a morphic compound that adapts to defeat almost any of the villainous technologist) could be the object of one
poison. The theriac can spray in a fine mist over an object or it can or more adventures. The scourge’s effects are horrendous
be applied through the skin of the touched creature. In either case, enough that even the hardiest characters should find the
the device detoxifies any sort of poison in or on the creature or possibility of infection terrifying, and the mastermind who
object touched. A poisoned creature suffers no additional effects created the plague could be at any level from 10th to 20th
from the poison, and any temporary effects are ended, but the or even higher.
device does not reverse instantaneous effects, such as hit point
damage, temporary ability damage, or effects that don’t go away on a creature, blind the abnormal eye wards the creature’s gear as well
their own. For example, if a poison has dealt 4 points of Strength as the creature itself.
damage to a character and threatens to deal more damage later, Expensive Components: An alchemical serum with a market
the bio-reactive theriac removes the need for a secondary save. It does value of 50 gold pieces that the target must drink, or which must
not, however, repair the damage already done. be poured over the item to be affected. This component is not
The creature or object treated is also free of poison and optional. Drinking (or pouring over) a much larger dose of this
immune to its effects for the duration of the device. The effects serum extends the protection granted by blind the abnormal eye
of the poison are not delayed; they are cancelled entirely. Using and increases this device’s base duration to 2 hours. This larger
this device on a poisonous creature allows you to render it serum costs 390 gold pieces.
nonpoisonous for the duration of the effect.
Expensive Component: A bio-reactive theriac transforms and BREAK ENSORCELLMENT
thereby expends one dose of antitoxin per use, costing 50 gold Technology (lesser) [Antimagic]
pieces, to generate its effect. By brewing an extremely concentrated Activation Time: 1 minute
vial of antitoxin from 15 normal vials of antitoxin, at a total cost Range: 25 feet
of 750 gold pieces, you can increase this device’s duration to 8 Targets: Up to one creature per level, all within 30 feet of each
hours. This concentrated dose is no more effective than the usual other
single dose of antitoxin when not used in conjunction with this Duration: Instantaneous
device. Saving Throw: See text
Activation Cost: 15 points
BLIND THE ABNORMAL EYE This ability, which is similar to the break enchantment spell,
Gadget (greater) [Antimagic] frees those suffering from enchantments, transmutations, or
Activation Time: 1 full round curses, even those of an instantaneous duration. For each effect on
Range: Touch the target or targets, you make an activation level check (1d20 plus
Target: Creature or object touched your activation level, with a maximum bonus of +15) against a DC
Base Duration: 1 hour (D) of 11 + the caster level of the spell or effect. For a cursed magic
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object) item the activation level check DC is 25. Success means that the
Activation Cost: 3 points creature is free of the spell, curse, or effect. Effects that are normally
With this ability you can prevent the subject from being immune to dispelling can be affected by break ensorcellment only as
detected by magical means. The warded creature or object becomes long as the spell or effect is of 5th level or lower. Cursed magical
difficult to detect by divination spells such as clairaudience/ items are not disenchanted by this ability but the victim is freed
clairvoyance, locate object, and the detect spells. Blind the abnormal from the item’s effect and may take it off normally.
eye also prevents location by such magic items as crystal balls. If Expensive Component: Break ensorcellment is not normally useful
a divination is attempted against the warded creature or item in combat, as using it safely requires a careful release of harmful
the caster of the divination must succeed on a caster level check magic from the target or targets. Adding certain powerful ritual
(1d20 + caster level) against a DC of 11 + your activation level. If components makes the ability safe to use in situations where
you use blind the abnormal eye on yourself or on an item currently time is of the essence and reduces this device’s activation time to
in your possession the DC is 15 + your activation level. If cast on 1 standard action. These components cost 1,620 gold pieces.

BREAKNECK THIEVES’ TOOLS caesura passes through it easily and appears on the other side as
Gadget (lesser) though the collapsed space were not there at all. Thus, this device
Activation Time: 1 swift action can be used to bypass any kind of barrier, including magical ones
Range: Personal such as a wall of force or a prismatic sphere.
Target: You Expensive Component: A caesura usually forms immediately
Base Duration: 10 minutes (D) when this device is activated, but you can also create a caesura
Activation Cost: 1 point that takes effect after a brief delay of up to 10 rounds, allowing
Weight: 2 lbs. you to trap enemies or otherwise plan ahead. Doing so requires
This set of masterwork thieves’ tools (which grant +2 expensive components costing 2,340 gold pieces.
circumstance bonus to Disable Device and Open Lock checks) also
allow you to shorten the time spent disabling a device or picking CALORIC CONTROL MANTLE
a lock. By taking a –2 penalty per round you wish to hasten the Gadget (lesser)
process, you finish the task more quickly. If the task already takes Activation Time: 1 standard action
only one round (or has already been reduced to taking only one Range: Personal
round), you may take another –2 penalty to the check to complete Target: You
it as a move action. Base Duration: 8 hours; see text (D)
Expensive Component: These tools already incorporate a Activation Cost: 5 points
number of mechanically augmented instruments designed for Weight: 3 lbs.
durability and extensive use. If desired, you can further augment This lightweight mantle protects against the elements. A
the usual selection of tools with more delicate clockwork devices purple alchemical gel sewn into the garment controls and releases
to provide a one-time boost to any Open Lock or Disable Device thermal energy based on the temperature of the surrounding air.
check made with breakneck thieves’ tools. This augmentation takes While protected by a caloric control mantle, you suffer no harm from
the form of a +10 bonus to any one Disable Device or Open Locks hot or cold environments. You can exist comfortably in conditions
check you make while the tools are activated. This component between –50 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit without having to make
costs 390 gold pieces. Fortitude saves. Your equipment is likewise protected.
In addition to this basic effect, any time you suffer fire or
CAESURA WEAPON cold damage you can react to reduce the attack’s effects. As an
Artifact (standard) immediate action you may spend additional activation points to
Activation Time: 1 standard action reduce the damage dealt by a fire or cold attack by 2 per activation
Range: 200 feet point expended. You may not spend more activation points than
Area: A single 10-foot cube your activation level in this way, and the caloric control mantle only
Duration: 1 minute (D) reduces the damage from one attack per round. A caloric control
Saving Throw: None; see text mantle absorbs only hit point damage; the user could still suffer
Activation Cost: 90 points unfortunate side effects. This device’s secondary function is
Weight: 5 lbs. incompatible with any form of magical protection — you must
The caesura weapon warps space and time, folding a section of choose which resistance to use against each attack if you have
reality in on itself and forming a spatial anomaly that resembles more than one active on your person.
a benign sphere of annihilation. Creatures and objects in the area Expensive Component: Installing caloric channeling ducts
of effect are automatically trapped in the caesura as it forms and in the caloric control mantle allows you to maintain its effect for
vanish, pushed entirely outside reality. Only creatures too large to a longer period of time. These improvements cost 390 gold
fit in the caesura’s area of effect receive a saving throw. Each such pieces, and increase the mantle’s base duration to 24 hours,
creature must make a Reflex save: success indicates the creature is allowing you to safely make extended excursions into hot or cold
unaffected by the spatial anomaly and is pushed unharmed to its environments.
nearest edge; failure means the creature is trapped in the anomaly
and vanishes for the duration, as noted above. CALORIC HAMMER
Creatures and objects trapped in the caesura cannot be affected Gadget (standard) [Fire or Cold]
in any way by any means until the caesura weapon’s duration lapses. Activation Time: 1 standard action
They reappear in their original spot (along with the space they were Range Increment: Close (25 feet)
taking up) when the caesura fades, and no time passes for them. Effect: One or more ray-like bursts of air
An active caesura appears as a translucent plane regardless Duration: Instantaneous
of what angle you view it from (creatures on the other side have Activation Cost: 10 points
concealment). After the caesura has formed, creatures and objects Weight: 4 lbs.
are no longer at risk of being trapped in the distorted area of A caloric hammer looks like a cold iron gauntlet designed to fit
space. Instead, any creature or object entering the plane of the around your wrist like a bracer. Half an inch under its tough outer

the device’s mechanism is miniaturized and concealed within the
glasses’ frames. A canny descrier projects an interactive display onto
your eyes that shows the results of advanced heuristic programs
that analyze the attitudes, voice patterns, and body language of
all the creatures that you can see and hear. While the canny descrier
is in effect, you gain a +40 bonus on all Sense Motive checks,
making it difficult for even the most silver-tongued rogue to fool
you. In addition, you may make active Sense Motive checks once
per round, as a full-round action. Your detailed knowledge of
creature’s motivations also translates into interaction bonuses
when using the descrier, and you gain an insight bonus on all
Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, and Perform
checks equal to your number of ranks in the Sense Motive skill
while the device functions.
Expensive Component: A canny descrier is usually linked to
you alone, but a telempathic manifold allows you to provide its
information to another character. The telempathic manifold
costs 2,340 gold pieces and changes the descrier’s range to touch.
A Will save (harmless) negates the conferral of the benefits to
various skill checks.

The caloric hammersmites your foes with a blast of super-heated or icy-cold air CAP OF MEMORY JOGGING
(Artwork by Juan Navarro) Gadget (lesser)
shell lies a super-compressed ball of the caloric-manipulating Activation Time: 1 full-round action
alchemical gel put to such good use in the caloric control mantle. A Range: Personal
complex array of gears and electrical filaments allows the device Target: You
to very rapidly disperse or project heat to generate blasts of Duration: Instantaneous
supercooled or fiery hot air from the device’s crystal focusing array. Activation Cost: 5 points
These blasts of air deal either fire or cold damage, depending on Weight: 2 lbs.
the caloric hammer’s current setting. Changing the type of energy A cap of memory jogging is a floppy hat that delivers mild electric
the caloric hammer projects requires one full minute of adjustment shocks into your brain via a connected dynamo. These jolts bring
but does not cost any activation points. forth buried memories in a chaotic swirl, allowing you to reroll a
The caloric hammer generates an air blast that deals 2d6 points single failed Knowledge check you made in the last minute. You
of either fire or cold damage, depending on its setting. Hitting may only attempt one reroll per failed Knowledge check by using
with this air blast requires a ranged touch attack. Starting at 3rd the cap; further applications bring no new memories to light.
level the focusing array is sophisticated enough to pulse the energy Expensive Component: Turning the cap of memory jogging’s
drawn into or expelled by the caloric core, creating an additional shock up higher is dangerous unless you add an electroalchemical
burst which is fired at the same time, but which can be targeted buffer to the inside of the cap. Doing so causes you to be dazed
individually. You gain a third burst at 5th level, and at every second for one round after activating the device, but the higher voltage
level after that, up to a maximum of 6 bursts at 11th level. grants you a +5 competence bonus on your Knowledge check
Expensive Component: Adding secondary energy cores does reroll. The buffer costs 390 gold pieces.
wonders for a caloric hammer’s effectiveness and increases the
damage this device deals by 50%. These supplementary cores cost CHANNELING GAUNTLET
900 gold pieces. Gadget (greater)
Activation Time: 1 swift action
CANNY DESCRIER Range: Personal
Artifact (lesser) Target: You
Activation Time: 1 standard action Duration: 1 round
Range: Personal Activation Cost: 15 points
Target: You Weight: 2 lbs.
Base Duration: 1 minute This single cold iron gauntlet is made of fine mail links. It
Activation Cost: 9 points allows you to channel the release of magic from an item you hold
Weight: 3 lbs. in your hand — as long as you know what you’re doing. As long
This pair of glasses can look like almost anything, because as this device is in effect and you are holding the magic item in

question in the hand you wear the channeling gauntlet on, you may If for some reason you are unable or unwilling to actually
roll a Spellcraft skill check in place of any Use Magic Device checks activate Chorn’s antecedent assailer on your next turn, you suffer
you make. This ability even allows you to use Spellcraft in lieu of paradox backlash. If this happens, make a Fortitude save
Use Magic Device if you have no ranks in the Use Magic Device against your device save DC. If you succeed, you are unaffected,
skill. You must decide which skill to use before any check is made. but failure means that you lose all of your round’s actions and
Expensive Component: Wearing a magic-inert glove under the are rendered flat-footed until your next turn. You also lose the
channeling gauntlet quickly destroys said glove but also allows you activation points required to activate Chorn’s antecedent assailer as
incredibly precise control over the flow of magic in an item. This though you had activated it normally, regardless of the results
glove costs 900 gold pieces and increases the channeling gauntlet’s of your Fortitude saving throw. Any creature damaged by your
duration to 1 hour. activation of this spell is also immediately healed by 1d6 points
per (your) activation level (maximum of 20d6), as the universe
CHECK ABNORMALITY roughly attempts to correct for the temporal anomaly. Even if the
Gadget (standard) [Antimagic] creature was slain by your original attack, this healing can restore
Activation Time: 1 standard action the creature from negative hit points, potentially unkilling them.
Range: 60 feet This is not a magical or supernatural effect; it is an automatic
Target: One nontechnological construct, elemental, outsider, or function of the nature of the universe and cannot be prevented
undead by any mortal means.
Duration: 1 minute You cannot pre-activate Chorn’s antecedent assailer unless you
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates actually have the device on your person and it is in a condition
Activation Cost: 10 points to be activated next round. However, you don’t need to actually
Using this ability you vent your wrath upon the unnatural intend to activate the device to manifest its effect; you merely
creatures dependent on magic for their existence. The target need to be able to do so. Using this device for various tricks (such
receives a sharp, agonizing pain, even if normally immune to as destroying a door and watching it reform, or blasting yourself
such effects, and is dazed for 1d4 rounds (the creature cannot to avoid a more permanent death) is permissible, but too much
take any actions but suffers no penalty to AC). For the remaining monkeying around with such paradoxes attracts certain enforcers
duration of the effect the target also takes a –2 penalty on attacks, of the natural order in droves (particularly inevitables).
saves, and most checks, but gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Expensive Component: You can create a paradox shield from
its Strength score. This ability was specifically developed to leftover bits of the time-stream to protect yourself from paradox
affect those creatures normally immune to dazing, and check corrections caused by irresponsible use of this device. When
abnormality will break the cool of even the most serene archons protected by such a shield, you must still pay the activation
and calculating liches. point cost of the antecedent assailer on the round after you activate
Expensive Components: Expending a magically-inert crystal the device, but you can defer the lost round of actions (and the
costing 900 gold pieces increases the save DC for this ability by 2. accompanying flat-footedness) to any time in the next 24 hours,
effectively negating that penalty. This protection requires a
CHORN’S ANTECEDENT ASSAILER temporal flux capacitor costing 1,110 gold pieces.
Artifact (lesser) [Force]
Activation Time: 1 standard action; see text CLAIRAUDIENT FLY FINGERS
Range Increment: Medium (100 feet) Gadget (lesser)
Effect: Ray Activation Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous Range: Personal
Saving Throw: None Target: You
Activation Cost: 45 points Base Duration: 1 minute (D)
Weight: 6 lbs. Activation Cost: 1 point
Chorn’s antecedent assailer is a sleek rifle that shimmers oddly, Weight: 2 lbs.
as though it were slightly out of phase. Activating the antecedent Etched with copper wires, this leather glove has vibration-
assailer produces a whirling storm of coruscating blue light that sensitive disks in the fingertips that are each connected to a tiny
manifests as a ray and deals 1d6 points of force damage per bugle. When the activated fly fingers are pressed against a surface,
activation level (maximum of 25d6). Because of the unusual the glove senses sound vibrations from the other side of the
nature of the chronoton particles that make up this ray, Chorn’s surface, amplifies them, and transmits them to the bugle. Most
antecedent assailer actually strikes before you activate the device. As of these bugles are attached to headsets, piping the sound directly
a result, you may strike a creature with the ray as an immediate into the user’s ear, but the bugle can be detached from the headset
action at any point during the round, even if it is not your turn. if desired.
However, you must take a standard action on your next turn to Using clairaudient fly fingers allows you to ignore some of the
activate the device, or you suffer from temporal backlash. penalties associated with listening through solid objects. You can

reduce the penalties by up to 5 per activation level, to a maximum reduced by hardness) until they are destroyed, beginning as soon
DC reduction of 25 points at 5th level. You must be touching as the number of HD of constructs you have built exceeds your
the intervening wall or door to gain this bonus. For comparison, maintenance limit.
listening through a door or window usually increases Listen DCs Expensive Components: Raw materials costing at least 50 gp per
by 5 and listening through a 1-foot thick stone wall increases the Hit Die are required for the clockwidget fabrication gantry to do its
check DC by 15. Clairaudient fly fingers only ignore DC increases work. In addition, many technologists choose to customize their
for listening through objects, not penalties for distance or creations by adding superior equipment or various masterwork
distractions. components. Clockwidget soldiers can wear armor, although
Expensive Component: Magnetically sensitizing the device they are not proficient in it, and can use other simple items of
before use allows you activate it much more quickly, reducing gear (such as alchemist’s fire) when commanded to do so by their
the activation time to 1 swift action. Doing so requires materials controller. Any masterwork component meant for weapons can
costing 390 gold pieces. be applied to the construct’s slam attack and any masterwork
component meant for armor may likewise be added directly to
CLOCKWIDGET FABRICATION GANTRY the construct’s natural armor, if appropriate. You may also add
Technology (lesser) the high-quality, dedicated to a purpose, user-friendly (thereby
Activation Time: 8 hours allowing the construct to use a specific trained-only skill, such as
Range: Touch Tumble, untrained), and sacred/profane skill-related components
Effect: A single clockwidget soldier to one of these constructs. In addition, any of the special abilities
Duration: Instantaneous listed in the animated objects entry (blind, constrict, and so forth)
Activation Cost: 15 points may be added in lieu of a masterwork component, as appropriate.
Weight: 161 lbs. Adding multiple legs to increase the construct’s speed counts as
This device is a fully-functional assembly kit that allows you one masterwork component; adding wheels to further increase
to create clockwidget soldiers, gear-driven animated objects that speed is two. You may also increase the hardness of the construct
follow your spoken commands. These mechanical creatures can by 1 as though adding a masterwork component; these increases
follow you, or they can remain in an area and attack any creature stack, to a maximum hardness of 20. Technologists working in
(or just a specific kind of creature) entering the place. If you wish, enclosed spaces can also choose to miniaturize their clockwidgets,
you can transfer command of the clockwidgets to another creature reducing their size category (but no other statistics, such as
by giving the construct a special command phrase. Constructs Strength) by one category per masterwork component devoted
such as these would be beneath the abilities of a technologist to doing so.
capable of mastering this device if it were not for
the fact that these clockwork soldiers are specially
engineered to be autonomous — once created,
they persist indefinitely until destroyed with
no further activation point contribution
required from their creator.
When you activate the
clockwidget fabrication gantry you
create a single clockwidget creature
with Hit Dice up to your activation
level, up to a maximum of 15 HD.
This creature is an animated object
of the appropriate size for its
Hit Dice (so a 7-HD clockwidget
soldier is size Large), a hardness
of 10, two legs, and no additional
special qualities or special attacks.
No matter how many times you use
this device you can maintain only
3 Hit Dice per activation level in
clockwidget constructs created with
the gantry at one time. If you exceed
this number any excess constructs
take 2d10 points of damage per day Mechanical soldiers created by a clockwidget fabrication gantrycan be customized by their inventors
(no save, and this damage is not (Artwork by Nathan Boyd)

Artifact (lesser) Technology (lesser) [Electricity]
Activation Time: 1 standard action Activation Time: 1 full round
Range: See text Range: Touch
Target, Effect, or Area: See text Target: Living creature touched
Duration: See text (D) Duration: 24 hours, or until discharged
Saving Throw: None; see text Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless); see text
Activation Cost: 45 points, 300 XP Activation Cost: 15 points
Weight: 1 lb. Weight: 2 lbs.
This sad-looking tangle of wire is actually a powerful device This device, when activated, produces a neon-blue gel that
brimming with possibilities, a fact immediately sensed by anyone quickly evaporates in sparkles of electrical energy. This electrically
holding the coil. When you activate the coil of possibilities, you must active substance only lasts for one round before evaporating,
form a clear mental image of any gadget or technology you are and when injected into a living creature causes the creature to
familiar with. You need not have mastered the device in question. build up an internal static charge, effectively making it a living
The coil of possibilities writhes and changes shape, drawing energy battery. At any time after the core lightning charger has been used on
from your mind and dreams to become the device you envisioned. a creature, that creature may, as a standard action, release a bolt
The newly-formed device activates as it forms. The duplicated of electrical energy from its hands or mouth. This bolt takes the
device functions normally for up to 10 base duration increments form of a 120-foot line and deals 1d6 points of electricity damage
or its full normal duration before collapsing back into the coil per activation level (Reflex save for half against the technologist’s
once more. Instantaneous-duration devices have their effect save DC), to a maximum of 15d6 points of damage. Once the bolt
immediately, and then collapse. You can also collapse the coil of has been released, the core lightning charger’s effect is discharged.
possibilities into its original form at any time by taking a standard This device is most often used to provide the technologist and his
action to do so. allies with a secret weapon, and its effects cannot be detected by
Expensive Component: Instead of directly fueling its functions spells that detect magical effects active on a creature.
with your mentality, you can supply a coil of possibilities with Expensive Components: The addition of optional alchemical
cognitive quintessence drawn from the Astral Plane. This components to the gel produced by a core lightning charger
quintessence costs 2,340 gold pieces and removes the coil of enhances the ability of the creature touched to harmlessly
possibilities’ experience point cost. maintain a powerful static charge. These additional components
cost 2,610 gold pieces and maximize the damage dealt by the line
Gadget (lesser)
Activation Time: 1 minute CORONAL ELECTROWEAPON
Range: Touch Technology (greater) [Electricity]
Target: Willing animal touched Activation Time: 1 full round
Duration: 24 hours (D) Range Increment: Medium (100 feet)
Activation Cost: 5 points Effect: Ray
Weight: 2 lbs. Duration: Instantaneous; see text
A collar of bestial capacity generates sonic waves that stimulate Saving Throw: None
the brain of an animal wearing it. This does not increase the Activation Cost: 45 points
animal’s Intelligence score, but it does improve their ability to Weight: 5 lbs.
learn tricks. A creature trained while wearing a collar of bestial This sleek, deadly-looking rifle was originally designed simply
capacity may learn three more tricks than normal, and retains to draw a static charge from the air to create a pulse of deadly
these tricks even after the collar is removed. The DC and training electricity. However, its power requirements are so great that it
time to teach the additional tricks are unchanged. In addition, a actually denatures the space around the user, creating a wavering
creature wearing an activated collar may be “pushed” to perform shield that deflects incoming attacks and sprays streamers of
a trick that it does not know as a move action instead of as a full- blue-white electricity in every direction.
round action, as it is more responsive to its master’s commands. While you are activating a coronal electroweapon, it surrounds
Expensive Component: The collar of bestial capacity is used to you with an energy field that grants you a +10 deflection bonus
make animals more receptive to training but its effects can also to your AC plus 1 per activation level (maximum +30 deflection
be intensified to provide the animal with a +2 morale bonus on all bonus to AC), rendering you nearly immune to melee and ranged
saving throws for as long as the device remains activated. Animals attacks. In addition, any creature who strikes you with its body or
affected in this way also tend to be friendlier and less aggressive a handheld weapon that does not grant reach takes 1d6 points
than other animals. The necessary upgrades to the collar of bestial of electricity damage +1 per activation level (maximum +20). At
capacity cost 1,530 gold pieces. the end of the full-round activation time, the coronal electroweapon

discharges a ray of electrical energy that deals 1d6 points of Expensive Components: The addition of special pulsing
electricity damage per activation level (maximum 20d6) to any capacitors creates a more long-lived charge in the target creature,
creature struck by it. If you immediately begin to charge the weapon increasing the duration of the cortical fusegun’s effect to 8 hours.
again, only creatures who ready an action to strike you when your These capacitors cost 390 gold pieces.
guard is down get a chance to attack your unshielded AC.
Expensive Component: Rare and hazardous energy-conversion CROSS-PHASIC CLOAK
units attached to the coronal electroweapon allow it to discharge Artifact (lesser) [Null-Space]
pure force energy instead of the usual electrical ray. When this Activation Time: 1 full round
component is used the electroweapon deals force damage instead of Range: Touch
electricity damage with both the shield’s retributive strike and the Target: Creature touched
ray itself and gains the force descriptor in place of the electricity Base Duration: 1 hour
descriptor. These energy-conversion units cost 750 gold pieces. Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Activation Cost: 9 points
Gadget (standard) [Electricity] A cross-phasic cloak is a complicated control cube that you
Activation Time: 1 standard action use to attach a null-space shadow to a creature that you touch.
Range Increment: Close (25 feet) A null-space shadow is a machine hidden in a parallel dimension
Target: One living creature that has the ability to pull a character just far enough into the
Duration: 1 hour null space between planes to provide the creature with a measure
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates of protection without also subjecting it to the ravenous energies
Activation Cost: 10 points that exist in the spaces between realities.
Weight: 6 lbs. The subject is not outwardly affected but may (as a free
This blunt tube electrically stimulates or inhibits a creature’s action) retreat partly into null space, along with any garments and
senses. Choose the desired setting then make a ranged touch equipment worn or carried. Creatures partially in null-space are
attack. A creature struck by this device’s discharge must make considered incorporeal from the perspective of the plane they have
a Fortitude save or be affected by the fusegun. Besides setting (partially) left — they may be struck only by magical weapons and
their teeth on edge and causing their hair to stand up this device have a 50% chance of being unaffected even by spells and magical
increases or decreases the creature’s sensory acuity, with one of weapons from a corporeal source. The creature is also very hard
the following effects: to see, and may Hide with a +20 circumstance bonus, even where
Sensory Deadening: The creature does not feel the full effect there is no cover or concealment to hide behind. While between
of injuries it sustains. For one minute, every time damage would realities, the subject cannot move or act in any way, but can see,
be dealt to the affected creature, reduce that damage by 1 per 2 hear, and smell normally. It does not need to eat or breath.
activations level (maximum of 5 points of damage), to a minimum The subject of a cross-phasic cloak can return to its normal
of 1 point of damage. Additionally, for the duration of the effect state, act, and then return instantly to the null-space state (also a
the creature suffers a –1 competence penalty to Listen, Search, free action) if it so desires, and can do so for as long as the device’s
and Spot checks per activation level (to a maximum of a –10 duration is in effect.
competence penalty). If the creature is struck again by the sense- The cross-phasic cloak can be used on multiple creatures at
deadening setting of the fusegun it does not resist more damage once. The device you carry is simply a control panel for the null-
but the penalties to Listen, Search, and Spot stack. space shadows.
Sensory Overload: The creature gains a +1 competence bonus Expensive Component: For extended use, a cross-phasic cloak can
to Listen, Search, and Spot checks per activation level (maximum generate an undetectable aura around the creature you touch
+10 bonus) but whenever the creature takes damage it takes 1 that makes it easier for the null-space shadow to interface with its
additional point of nonlethal damage per 2 activation levels target. This improvement increases the cloak’s base duration to 2
(maximum of 5 points of nonlethal damage). Multiple strikes by hours and costs 1,110 gold pieces.
the stimulator setting cause the creature to take more damage
but do not improve the bonus to skill checks. DALYRIMPLE’S LUCENT LANCE
The two settings also negate each other, with any number Technology (lesser) [Light]
of sensory deadenings or sensory overloads being canceled by Activation Time: 1 swift action
a single application of the opposite effect. When the cortical Range: 0 feet
fusegun cancels itself in this way, it has no other effect, leaving the Effect: A light-based weapon
creature as it was before encountering the device. A creature with Base Duration: 1 round
any degree of electricity resistance may choose whether or not Saving Throw: None
it wishes to be affected by this device. Creatures with electricity Activation Cost: 3 points
immunity are immune to the effects of a cortical fusegun. Weight: 2 lbs.

Dalyrimple’s lucent lance is a blunt handheld pistol that duration of 1 hour. You must activate the obfuscating eye again
projects rays of concentrated light that instantly cut through to create true illusions with it — the illuminative function of the
materials and creatures and inflict horrible damage. Once obfuscating eye is effectively a separate device.
activated, you may use the light lance as a normal ranged weapon, By focusing the light it emits, the eye can also create a flare
although it strikes as a ranged touch attack. The lance deals 1d6 of light. If you cause the light to burst directly in front of a single
points of damage per three activation levels (maximum 3d6) and creature that creature is dazzled for 1 minute unless it makes
bypasses the damage reduction of creatures and the hardness of a successful Will save. Sightless creatures, as well as creatures
objects. It has a range increment of Medium (100 feet) and a already dazzled, are not affected by this flare of light. Thus use of
20/×2 critical range. Dalyrimple’s obfuscating eye costs 5 activation points.
If you fire Dalyrimple’s lucent lance into or through the area Expensive Component: For situations where a sudden
of a darkness spell or effect of 5th level or higher the beam is distraction might be required, Dalyrimple’s obfuscating eye can be
neutralized and deals no damage to creatures within or on the equipped with additional refractive matrices, controlled by an
other side of the darkness effect. Lower level darkness spells and easy-to-reach panel. These upgrades allow you to activate the
effects have no effect on the beam, nor does this device have any obfuscating eye as an immediate action and cost 2,280 gold pieces.
effect on them.
Expensive Components: Any masterwork components that are DALYRIMPLE’S OUT-OF-THE-WAY PALACE
suitable for a ranged weapon may be added to Dalyrimple’s lucent Artifact (lesser) [Null-Space]
lance at the normal cost. In addition, a special amplifier that Activation Time: 1 full round
screws on to the end of the lucent lance allows you to channel more Range: 50 feet
energy through the weapon and increases the maximum damage Effect: Transdimensional palace, up to three 10-foot cubes/level
it deals to 4d6 points from 12th to 14th level and to 5d6 points at Duration: 24 hours (D)
15th level or higher. This amplifier costs 750 gold pieces. Saving Throw: None
Activation Cost: 45 points
Gadget (greater) [Illusion, Light] Dalyrimple’s out-of-the-way palace is an entire pocket
Activation Time: 1 standard action dimension given over to an extradimensional dwelling. You
Range Increment: Close (25 feet) open an entranceway on the plane you are on and walk through
Effect: Visual figment that cannot extend beyond one 5-ft. cube/ it to discover a luxurious mansion replete with dozens of rooms
level (S); see text and special construct servitors. The atmosphere is clean, fresh,
Base Duration: 1 round (D) and warm, regardless of conditions on the plane you have just
Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if interacted with) vacated. Only those you designate may enter the out-of-the-way
Activation Cost: 3 points palace, and once you enter the gateway it closes behind you and is
Weight: 3 lbs. gone. (You may reopen this gateway at will from anywhere in the
Dalyrimple’s obfuscating eye is a simple iron orb containing an palace, however, and it leads back to where you first activated this
enormous glass eye, but this simple outward appearance conceals device.) The gateway to the palace can be summoned anywhere on
a devious system of internal lenses and light-makers that allow any plane that connects to the Astral Plane, as the out-of-the-way
the eye to project any image you desire with a significant degree palace constantly hovers close to you (in planar terms).
of precision. The palace can have any floor plan you desire, up to the
The obfuscating eye has the primary use of projecting illusory limit of the device’s effect, as the construct servitors can easily
light-images. This device creates the visual illusion of an object, rearrange the area while you are away. The palace is furnished and
creature, or force, as chosen by you. The illusion does not create contains sufficient foodstuffs to serve a nine-course banquet to
sound, smell, texture, or temperature. You can move the image a dozen people per activation level. A staff of clockwork servants
within the limits of the size of the effect (one shapeable 5-foot wait upon all who enter (as many as two per activation level). The
cube/level) as desired. servants function as technologist’s familiars except that they cannot
Additionally, projecting the eye’s figment over a creature or fight and can go anywhere in the mansion.
object conceals it from sight or disguises its form. A creature or You may stay in Dalyrimple’s out-of-the-way palace after its
object cloaked by the obfuscating eye gains a bonus equal to +1 duration elapses, but the palace is inhospitable when you are not
per activation level to Hide and Disguise checks for the effect’s maintaining its machinery, as raw planar energies flood the area
duration. This illusion allows a creature to hide in plain sight, like a deadly radiation, causing 5d6 points of damage every round
as though under the effect of an invisibility spell. You can target (no save) to all creatures that remain in the out-of-the-way palace.
yourself with this device. Only the special servitors created with this device are immune to
The eye can also be used in other ways. It can glow like a this damage.
torch, shedding bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for Expensive Component: Dalyrimple’s out-of-the-way palace is a
an additional 20 feet. This use requires little effort, and has a base convenient and palatial home, but it can also be used as a quick

escape route. This usage requires a dimensional homing beacon, Expensive Component: A dark matter ecliptic is a one-shot device,
which makes a sharp beeping noise when you activate it, and causes and is effectively destroyed once activated. The ecliptic itself is
the gateway to the palace to open in such a way that it instantly obviously not an optional component, and it costs 6,000 gold
scoops up you and all creatures within 10 feet that you designate, pieces to create another one (see Chapter Three). Generally, 12
whisking them away to safety and then immediately closing. This hours of complete darkness (from dawn to dusk) is enough to
expensive component changes the out-of-the-way palace’s activation accomplish whatever purpose the ecliptic serves, but the device can
time to 1 swift action, and changes its area as noted. If you wish, be augmented with additional dark matter producers to last for
you and your companions can, as an instantaneous teleportation a much greater period of time. These dark matter produces cost
effect, be shunted to any other point on the same plane instead 3,690 gold pieces and increase the dark matter ecliptic’s duration to
of heading to the palace. The dimensional homing beacon costs 12 hours per activation level.
2,340 gold pieces.
DARK MATTER ECLIPTIC Technology (lesser) [Darkness]
Artifact (standard) [Darkness] Activation Time: 1 standard action
Activation Time: 1 standard action Range: 400 feet
Range: 1 mile Area: Cylinder (40-foot radius, 20 feet high)
Area: 1-mile radius emanation, centered on you Base Duration: 1 round
Duration: 12 hours (D) Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None Activation Cost: 3 points
Activation Cost: 90 points Weight: 6 lbs.
Weight: 1 lb. This device projects a swirling, disorienting cloud of utterly
The dark matter ecliptic is a ball of black jelly containing dark and light-absorbent particles. This cloud blocks all sight
intricate mechanisms and mysterious clots of material. When you within it (including darkvision and true seeing), and makes surfaces
activate it, you hurl it upwards and it quickly vanishes into the slick and unpredictable. A creature can walk within or through
sky. A moment later, a dark spot like a smudge of oil appears on the area of dark matter at half normal speed with a DC 15 Balance
the sun above and shadows begin to appear on the ground below. check. Failure means that the creature can’t move in that round,
These shadows grow increasingly dark over the next minute, and while failure by a margin of 5 or more means that the creature
shadowy illumination (granting concealment) prevails in a one- falls (see the Balance skill for details).
mile radius centered on the spot you hurled the ecliptic into the This device also dispels magical light sources of 3rd level or
sky. After the first minute elapses, the sun has been completely lower automatically, as long as they (and not merely their light)
blocked out by dark, oily matter and the area of effect is shrouded fall within the area of effect. It also extinguishes torches, small
in complete darkness that grants total concealment for the rest of fires, and alchemical items such as a sunrod.
the ecliptic’s duration. Even indoor areas are affected by the ecliptic Expensive Component: Purified dark matter costing 1,620 gold
as dark matter descends from the sky in chilly clouds to cover the pieces may be used with the pall and increase the radius of the
earth, penetrating any area that is not air-tight. Darkvision works cylinder to 80 feet and its height to 40 feet.
normally in this darkness, but the pall of dark matter automatically
negates all light spells and effects of 8th level or lower. DARK MATTER REAVER
Technology (standard) [Cold, Darkness]
Example – The Lost Day Activation Time: 1 standard action
This device is an example of the technology created by an Range Increment: Medium (100 feet)
underground-dwelling race of mysterious psionic creatures Effect: One shard of dark matter
that feast on the brains of their foes. The impenetrable Duration: Instantaneous
shroud of the dark matter ecliptic covers a wide area, and by Saving Throw: None or Reflex negates; see text
the time it fades dark elf raiders and other races enslaved Activation Cost: 30 points
by the brain-eaters have generally destroyed everything Weight: 5 lbs.
worth destroying in the device’s area of effect. The surface A dark matter reaver condenses light-absorbing dark matter
races’ only saving grace is that the brain-eaters have not yet into a deadly jagged-edged shard. When you use this device, you
discovered the dark matter ecliptic’s expensive component. make a ranged touch attack against a single target within range. If
This unfinished development is the only thing that keeps you hit, the deadly shard generated by the reaver deals 1d6 points
certain areas of the surface world from being continually of damage per activation level (maximum of 15d6). Half of this
shrouded in darkness and horrors. Rumor has it that these damage is slashing, and the other half is cold damage.
evil beings are even pursuing research into using technology In addition, this utterly black blade of dark matter potentially
based on this artifact to permanently blot out the sun. damages the eyesight of any creature who views it too closely. Any
creature within 30 feet of the straight-line path the dark matter

reaver takes to its target must make a Reflex save or be blinded for metal spike that can be pushed into any nearby surface and then
1 hour. You do not need to make this save (you know when to close concealed. The Spot check DC to notice an activated determent
your eyes) but the primary target of the device does. The blinding spring is equal to 15 + your activation level or the result of a Hide
effect functions normally against creatures viewing the dark matter check you make, at your option. The spring is essentially a small
blade with darkvision. The reaver also negates any light spell or catapult with a very touchy pressure trigger. Any creature of Tiny
effect of 4th level or lower that it passes through. Light spells of size or larger that could be detected by the tremorsense ability and
6th level or higher that it passes through negate it instead. that comes within 30 feet of the spring triggers it. The determent
Sightless creatures are immune to the blinding effects of the spring is not triggered by the movement of anything within 10
dark matter reaver. feet, allowing you and your companions to sleep in peace.
Expensive Component: A crystalline repeater cut from a rare Once triggered, the determent spring launches a small item at
purple sapphire doubles the effect of the dark matter reaver and the offending creature. Typically, this is just a good-sized rock
allows it to generate two shards of compressed dark matter that that deals 1d4 points of nonlethal damage to a creature struck.
strike independently of each other. These separate shards may The determent spring has an attack bonus equal to your activation
not both be aimed at the same target, but they do force two Reflex level plus your Intelligence modifier and all objects it launches
saves to avoid being blinded if their areas overlap. This repeater have a range increment of Close (25 feet). The spring also clanks
costs 2,610 gold pieces. loudly as it attacks, awakening nearby sleepers who can make a
DC 0 Listen check (this DC does not include the –10 penalty for
Technology (lesser) [Force] Expensive Components: Instead of a simple rock, the spring can
Activation Time: 1 standard action be loaded with a grenade-like weapon such as alchemist’s fire or a
Range: Personal tanglefoot bag. These items cost as much as they normally do, and
Target: You the determent spring must be provided with sufficient ammunition
Base Duration: 10 minutes or until discharged (D) if it is to make multiple attacks in one night. Permanent versions
Activation Cost: 3 points of this expensive component instead produce a determent spring
Weight: 3 lbs. that generates its own ammunition; the effective cost of this
A defensive kinetic shield generates an energy field around mastery upgrade is 10 times the cost of the appropriate item, so
you that protects you from most weapon blows, though it does modifying the determent spring to generate and launch a substance
nothing against spells or spell effects. The field manifests as identical to a tanglefoot bag counts as 500 gold pieces toward
flickering wisps of red-orange energy that shed light as a candle (a determining how many upgrades you can select upon gaining the
5-foot radius of shadowy illumination). Master of Gadgetry class ability.
You gain a measure of resistance to blows, cuts, stabs, and
slashes, gaining unbeatable damage reduction equal to 5 plus 1 per DIADEM OF PSYCHIC MASTERY
3 activation levels (maximum of DR 10/–). Thus, you ignore the Technology (greater)
first 5 or more points of damage each time you take damage from Activation Time: 1 full round
a weapon. Once the device has prevented 10 points of damage per Range: Personal
activation level (maximum 150 points), it is discharged and must Target: You
be activated again. Base Duration: 1 hour (D)
In addition to this effect, a defensive kinetic shield grants you Activation Cost: 9 points
a +2 deflection bonus to AC, even against magical weapons and Weight: 3 lbs.
spell effects. A diadem of psychic mastery functions much like a headband
Expensive Components: Energy buffers costing 1,620 gold of mental puissance, although it is much more powerful. A visible
pieces may be installed in the device, increasing its base duration field of psionic distortion appears around your head as you use
to 1 hour. the device, like a heat shimmer, and even when not in use (but
activated), the diadem sometimes causes unintelligible scraps of
DETERMENT SPRING your thoughts to appear in the minds of those standing next to
Gadget (lesser) you. In addition, this device (unlike most) can be detected with
Activation Time: 1 minute the detect magic spell and similar effects while in use.
Range: Touch When using the diadem you may replicate a small number of
Effect: One protective trap psionic abilities at will, as a standard action. Your manifester level
Duration: 12 hours (D) for these abilities depends on your ability to control the massive
Activation Cost: 5 points flux of plane-destabilizing energy the diadem produces; each time
Weight: 6 lbs. you manifest a power, roll an activation level check and subtract
A determent spring is a portable clockwork booby-trap 15 to determine the manifester level of the power. If the result of
designed to protect a campsite or other small area. The device is a this check is a 0 or less, you fail to successfully manifest a power.

If you roll a modified total of 1 or higher, you manifest the power throw, you may try again 1 round later at the same DC. However,
without augmentation. instead of your normal Will saving throw — a defense that has
The powers available to a technologist employing a diadem of already been breached — you roll a Sense Motive check against the
psychic mastery are as follows: aura sight, dispel psionics, psionic blast, spell or effect’s save DC. If you succeed (and note that a 1 is not an
telekinetic force, telekinetic thrust. The save DCs for these powers is automatic failure for a skill check), the spell or effect is cancelled,
your device save DC. just as if you had saved in the first place. If you are under the
Expensive Component: By charging the diadem of psychic mastery influence of a beneficial mind-affecting effect you may choose to
with distilled psychic effluvium beforehand you can increase its waive this special Sense Motive check.
effects. All powers you manifest using the diadem are augmented Expensive Component: Special heavy-duty electrodes, which
as though you had spent 4 additional power points on their cost 750 gold pieces, allow you to partially transfer your
augmentation when manifesting them. One charge of psychic consciousness to the disseminative cognimatrix. This process
effluvium costs 1,620 gold pieces. still does not make the device sentient, but does allow you a
greater mental detachment with which to determine if you
DISCOURSE REPLICATOR have succumbed to a mind-affecting ability. This reflective
Gadget (lesser) distance translates into a +10 bonus on the special Sense Motive
Activation Time: 1 full round check granted to you by the disseminative cognimatrix, providing
Range: 0 you with a near-total immunity to mind-affecting spells and
Effect: One forged document abilities.
Base Duration: 1 hour
Activation Cost: 5 points DIVINE TRANSFUSION
Weight: 1 lbs. Gadget (standard)
A discourse replicator is a high-quality masterwork pen that can Activation Time: 2 hours; see text
store sample signatures in its complex, fine-ground gearworks. It Range: Touch
grants a +2 circumstance bonus to all Forgery checks. In addition, Target: Living creature touched
it allows a technologist to easily replicate text without relying on Duration: Instantaneous
the steadiness of his own hand, and if you use a discourse replicator Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
to forge a document you may add one masterwork component Activation Cost: 10 points
to the resulting document (usually high-quality or dedicated Weight: 8 lbs.
to a purpose; see Chapter Two). Unfortunately, the compressed Commissioned by a group of forward-thinking clerics, this
ink used by a discourse replicator fades after 1 hour, rendering any device infuses holy (or unholy, anarchic, or axiomatic) water into
documents it produces illegible (and, usually, useless). the target’s blood, granting them one of several possible abilities.
Expensive Component: Improved ink, which costs 390 gold Fully activating the device requires four consecutive activations
pieces, means that the documents the replicator produces will not over the course of 8 hours, costing a total of 40 activation points.
fade and are permanent unless destroyed in some other way. The alchemical compound grants one bonus to the subject,
chosen from the list below:
DISSEMINATIVE COGNIMATRIX Living Faith: By drawing on your own sanctified blood you may
Technology (standard) act as though you had a holy symbol in hand at all times.
Activation Time: 1 standard action Casting a spell that requires a holy symbol when you don’t
Range: Personal actually have a physical holy symbol on hand deals 1 point
Target: You of damage to you per spell level. Your natural attacks and
Duration: 24 hours (D) unarmed strikes are also considered blessed (though without
Activation Cost: 30 points the usual benefits of the bless weapon spell), and have a special
Weight: 4 lbs. effect on some creatures. This effect does not help you
A disseminative cognimatrix is a metallic skull-like object that penetrate DR X/good.
contains a coil of wires and machinery. It is a repository for an Sacred Flesh: The transfusion grants you an alignment subtype
evolving copy of your brain. The cognimatrix is not itself a separate (typically the Good subtype) and all creatures with the
intelligence; instead, its purpose is to protect the psychologically opposing subtype take a –1 morale penalty on all attack rolls
self-aware from mental attacks. The disseminative cognimatrix against you (no save).
constantly checks your mind against its stored database via a sort Purified Blood: The traces of holy water in your blood remain
of technological telepathy and sends a mental query if it notes particularly pure. Any creature that drinks your blood is
dramatic and unusual changes of the sort most often brought on affected as though it were exposed to a vial of holy water.
by mind-affecting spells and special abilities. If your blood is used as the target for a bless water spell only
If you are affected by a mind-affecting spell or effect while 2 pounds of powdered silver (costing 10 gold pieces) is
carrying an activated disseminative cognimatrix and fail your saving required to complete the transformation into holy water.

Extracting the required amount of blood deals 1d6 points of a grapple or when tied up. If you use the waxsprinkler to escape a
of damage to you. grapple, or when you are otherwise unable to move freely, the wax
Cleansing Blood: You may add a +2 alchemical bonus to your splatters in a 10-foot radius burst, centered on you; you receive no
turning or rebuking checks, as appropriate for the infusion save in this situation.
type; doing so deals 1d6 points of damage to you as you boil Objects covered in aether wax are unaffected by friction. Any
away some of your own vital fluids to empower the turning creature in the affected area cannot move unless they can fly or
attempt. levitate magically. Creatures are allowed to make a Reflex save to
You may apply multiple effects to the same subject, but each new keep held items from being covered in the wax. Those who fail drop
effect requires an additional divine transfusion to be effective: one the held object and cannot pick it up. If the wax covers a weapon that
effect requires one successful transfusion, adding a second requires weapon cannot deal damage, as it slips completely off its intended
two additional transfusions, and so forth. The bonuses granted target without imparting momentum. Likewise, creatures covered
by this device depend upon the dedication (to chaos, good, law, or in Docschmidt wax cannot be harmed by weapons, nor can they
evil) of the sacred water used in the transfusion. The list provided grapple or be grappled. Spellcasters who failed their Reflex saves
above assumes that you will be using holy water but any type may against this device are covered in frictionless wax and cannot cast
be used with appropriate changes to the effects listed above. spells that require material components.
The listed weight represents the distilling device that creates Expensive Component: Various improvements that increase
the potion. A complete transfusion is itself effectively weightless. the efficiency of the aether-collecting condenser fan allow the
Expensive Components: A successful divine transfusion requires Docschmidt waxsprinkler to produce a larger charge of frictionless
20 vials of holy (or unholy, axiomatic, or anarchic) water, with a wax with each use and increase the waxsprinkler’s area of effect to a
total cost of 500 gold pieces. 15-foot-radius burst. These improvements cost 900 gold pieces.


Gadget (greater) Technology (lesser) [Fire]
Activation Time: 1 standard action Activation Time: 1 standard action
Range Increment: Close (25 feet) Range Increment: Long (400 feet)
Area: 10-foot burst Area: See text
Duration: 1 minute Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: See text Saving Throw: Reflex half
Activation Cost: 15 points Activation Cost: 15 points
Weight: 3 lbs. Weight: 7 lbs.
This multi-nozzled device is similar in use to an unctuous A dragoncaster produces balls and jets of pure phlogistic
bubbler but is much more powerful. An internal fan condenses energy that are precisely controlled by an array of nozzles, energy
alchemical aether, an invisible substance that exists in the vacuum inhibitors, and sensitive counterbalances. When you activate the
between solid matter, into a completely frictionless fluid. It then dragoncaster, it produces a blast of flame that deals 1d6 points of fire
sprays this liquid out as a single globule, a grenade-like weapon damage per activation level (maximum of 10d6) to all creatures in
that requires a ranged touch attack roll to hit and has a chance the area of effect. The dragoncaster can produce a variety of areas,
to scatter normally. The blob of aetherial wax bursts in a 10-foot chosen from the following options: a cylinder (10-foot radius, 30
radius. A Docschmidt waxsprinkler is very small, and can easily be feet high), four 5-foot cubes (which need not be adjacent), a 20-
held in one hand or strapped to the forearm for quick use in case foot radius spread, a 40-foot cone, or a 120-foot line.
Expensive Component: Phlogistic intensifiers costing 1,620
gold pieces increase the damage output of a dragoncaster by 50%.
Example – The Unified Church
In my campaign, this potentially-divisive device was
created by the order of the Unified Church, a group of
Technology (standard)
renegade clerics who believe that the existing pantheon
Activation Time: 1 standard action
boasts far too many gods for it to be taken seriously.
Range: 15 feet
These schismatic clerics advocate a reduction of the deities
Target: One creature or object
worshipped to only a select few. By throwing their lot in
Duration: Instantaneous
with technologists these clerics have further distanced
Saving Throw: Reflex or Fortitude partial; Fortitude and Reflex
themselves from orthodox faiths. Of course, the existence of
negates; see text (object)
the divine transfusion procedure has also gained them many
Activation Cost: 30 points
new converts, since the Church provides the benefits of this
Weight: 2 lbs.
device to new converts at cost and is able to sell various
A duodimensional lash uses a thin filament charged with kinetic
sorts of aligned water at a significant discount.
energy to easily slice through most kinds of matter. When used on

an object it quickly reduces that object to pieces; when used on a EGESTIVE GLAND LABORATORY
creature it can quickly dice that creature into large, meaty chunks. Technology (greater)
The lash appears as a brilliantly-colored arc that whips around the Activation Time: 2 hours; see text
subject and slices off large gobbets of flesh as it does so. Range: Touch
You make a melee touch attack with a range of 15 feet Target: Living creature touched
against a single creature or object. If you succeed, a creature you Duration: Instantaneous
strike must make a Reflex saving throw and a Fortitude saving Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
throw. Creatures that fail both saving throws are badly mangled Activation Cost: 45 points
and suffer 1d6 points of Constitution drain Weight: 72 lbs.
plus 1 point of Constitution drain per An egestive gland laboratory allows you to create an engineered
activation level (maximum of +15 points). implant, either a mechanical device or an alchemically-grown
Creatures that succeed at a single saving gland. The creation and implantation process requires four
throw either manage to dodge the consecutive activations of this device over the course of 8 hours,
worst of the effect or are simply tough costing a total of 180 activation points. The resulting implant
enough to take the punishment and allows the subject creature to internally synthesize and safely
only take 1d6 points of Constitution secrete a particular alchemical compound or poison.
damage (unlike Constitution Each egestive gland produces one particular alchemical
drain, this damage heals naturally). compound or poison, selected when the gland is crafted or grown.
Creatures that make both the Reflex The gland may do so three times per day and it takes a standard
save and the Fortitude save manage action to produce the desired substance. The gland produces an
to emerge from the punishing swirl exact copy of the substance used in its creation. The products
of the lash more or less unscathed and of an egestive gland may not easily be sold, as they are naturally
take no damage from this device. unstable and denature into a worthless slime after 24 hours have
The duodimensional lash has passed — secreted substances are for personal use only.
a more devastating effect against Each gland also comes with a specific secretion method,
inanimate objects that do not have chosen when you implant the gland. Secretion from the hands
the wherewithal to dodge it. If the allows the egestive gland laboratory’s beneficiary to deliver the
target is an unattended object with a substance with a melee touch attack the round it is created.
hardness of less than 20 it takes 2d6 Secretion from the mouth instead allows an immediate ranged
points of damage per activation level touch attack with a range increment of 5 feet. Other secretion
(maximum of 30d6). Magical items methods are also possible, with the game master’s permission.
automatically receive saving throws Regardless of the method of secretion, the creature may place
and attended objects may use their the substance in an available vial or other appropriate container,
wielder’s saving throw bonus. Even if after which it acts as a normal item of its kind before becoming
this Fortitude save is successful the Ouch. worthless after 24 hours. Secreting the gland’s compound into a
object still takes 5d6 points of damage. (Artwork by Danilo Moretti) vial requires a full-round action.
Objects destroyed by this effect are instantly sliced into half-a-
dozen large chunks that fall apart with a push. Instant Death From 4th Level
Objects with a hardness of 20 or greater are unaffected by the The orders of the various devices are not defined as
duodimensional lash and creatures with adamantine-based damage strictly as spell levels are for other spellcasters, and so
reduction receive their DR rating as a bonus to their Fortitude technologist can work on technologies before completing
saves against this device. Creatures with regeneration affected by their studies of gadgets. Thus, a device that provides some
the lash do not suffer the effects of being diced into cubes as most notable new capability can be mastered at any of a variety of
creatures do, and do not suffer permanent Constitution drain if levels. The duodimensional lash, for instance, could be selected
they fail both of their saving throws. Instead, they take 1d6 points by a technologist of any level from 4th to 16th and provides
of Constitution damage plus 1 point of Constitution damage per near-certain death to most creatures fully affected by it. The
activation level (to a maximum of +15 points). activation cost of the device partly offsets this, but the level-
Expensive Components: A reinforced filament can be added based nature of technologist devices also helps; if taken at 4th
to the device, doubling its range for one use. This special fiber level, the duodimensional lash has the same save DC as a mere
costs 750 gold pieces. In addition, if the filament is laced with 2nd level spell. Although its effects can be dramatic, they
adamantine with a cost of 3000 gold pieces, it can ignore the shouldn’t be game-breaking. Fortunately, special effects that
target’s hardness rating or adamantine-based damage reduction. truly change the nature of the game (such as teleportation)
Unlike most expensive components, this last is not expended are not generally found amongst a technologist’s talents.
when the device is used (it lasts for multiple activations).

The 72-pound weight of this device represents the actual Electroveiglant mercury is a sensitive alchemical compound
laboratory that creates the egestive gland. The gland itself is that attracts electrical charges but denatures quickly when
effectively weightless. exposed to magical fluctuations. You keep it in an antimagically
Expensive Components: The gland costs 50 times as much as sealed and electrically insulated flask. Once you activate the
the alchemical compound or poison that it will produce. This is mercury it remains potent for one hour. You can give the flask to
not an optional expensive component. For instance, a gland that another creature to use within this timeframe or you can keep it
creates alchemist’s fire three times per day costs 2,000 gold pieces on your person it and employ the electroveiglant mercury yourself.
(20 × 50 = 2,000). If 1 hour passes and the mercury has not yet been exposed to air,
it becomes inert once more but may be activated again and then
Technology (lesser) [Electricity] The most common way to use electroveiglant mercury is to
Activation Time: 1 standard action simply pour it out on the ground in your square. The metallic
Range: 0 feet substance hardens rapidly as its falls and forms a jagged metal
Area: 15-foot radius emanation, centered on you spike that absorbs and grounds some of the charge of electrical
Base Duration: 10 minutes (D) attacks that pass within 20 feet of the lightning rod. All creatures
Saving Throw: None standing within 20 feet of the shaft of hardened electroveiglant
Activation Cost: 3 points mercury gain electricity resistance 10, as do all creatures that
Weight: 4 lbs. interpose the protected area between themselves and the origin
Worn as a belt, this mass of copper coils enclosed in a clear box of an electrical attack. The value of the energy resistance granted
produces carefully-tuned electrical discharges that electrolyze water increases to 20 points at 7th activation level and again to a
and turn it into a bubbly substance that can sustain air-breathers, maximum of 30 points at 11th level. This device protects the
although it does take some getting used to. Water-breathers find the equipment of protected creatures as well as their physical person.
electrolyzed water intolerable and begin to drown in it if they tarry The spike of hardened electroveiglant mercury can be destroyed, and
too long. If a water-breathing creature is prevented from leaving doing so negates the protection it provides. The metallic column
the area before a number of rounds equal to twice its Constitution has hardness 2, 5 hit points, and a break DC of 15.
score have passed it begins to drown (see DMG, page 304). You can also splash a creature with electroveiglant mercury,
The bubbly substance is easy to swim through, and any causing tiny silver nodules to form on their skin and clothing.
creature in the area acquires a swim speed equal to its land speed Doing so requires a melee touch attack. This turns the creature into
for as long as it remains in the area of effect. Creatures that a mobile conductor. The presence of an affected creature grants
normally have a swim speed (and creatures whose swim speed is the electricity resistance indicated above to nearby creatures and
faster than their land speed) may simply use their normal swim against electrical attacks that pass within 20 feet of the affected
speed. In addition, creatures affected by the electrolytic airforge may subject. However, the splashed creature also takes electricity
move at their land speed along the bottom of a body of body of damage equal to the degree of protection provided or the total
water, although obstructed terrain affects them normally. Melee damage of the electrical attack (whichever is lower) whenever
attacks inside the area of the electrolytic airforge are made without an electrical effect has its damage reduced by the electroveiglant
the normal penalties for being underwater. mercury. For instance, if mercury created by a 7th-level activator
This device only works in water; using it in cloudy water filled attracts and absorbs 17 points of damage from a mage’s lightning
with particles does not affect concealment. Waterborne poisons bolt, the splashed creature would suffer 17 points of electricity
have their normal effect and airborne poisons introduced into the damage (with a Reflex saving throw for half damage) and all
area of effect act as though they were in normal air. protected creatures would find the damage they suffer from the
Expensive Component: Boosting the power of this device’s lightning bolt reduced to 0. The hardened pellets of electroveiglant
electrical capacitors doubles the area of effect to a 30-foot radius mercury can be removed by taking 3 full rounds to scrape them
emanation. Doing so costs 1,620 gold pieces. away or by dealing at least 1 point of acid or sonic damage to the
affected creature per activation level of the electroveiglant mercury.
ELECTROVEIGLANT MERCURY If an object coated with electroveiglant mercury is destroyed (by
Gadget (standard) attracted electricity or through other means), the mercury’s effect
Activation Time: 1 standard action is negated.
Range: 0 feet or Touch The listed weight is for a single flask of electroveiglant mercury.
Effect or Target: An alchemical lightning rod or Creature or Expensive Components: Each flask of electroveiglant mercury costs
object touched 5 gold pieces and is expended once used. This is not an optional
Duration: 1 hour expensive component. It is difficult to splash creatures with this
Saving Throw: None (objects) substance at any appreciable range but you can build a special
Activation Cost: 10 points dispenser into the flask of electroveiglant mercury that changes this
Weight: 2 lbs. device’s Range entry to a range increment of Medium (100 feet). You

must succeed at a ranged touch attack roll to strike the creature,
object, or square you wish to affect. This expensive component Example – The Night Weepers
costs 390 gold pieces. If you have some other technological means The Night Weeper assassin’s guild favors egestive glands
of delivering an alchemical item intact at a great distance, such as a that allow their assassins to “weep” a liquid containing one
steamplunker, you may use that device instead. of various poisons. Because these glands cannot be detected
easily, even by magical means, the Night Weepers have
EMPYREAL NET become known for having agents in the most unexpected
Gadget (lesser) of places. The most common gland their agents receive is a
Activation Time: 1 immediate action small fleshy node implanted inside the throat that produces
Range: Personal a liquid with the same characteristics as sassone leaf residue.
Target: You (Sassone leaf residue is a contact poison with a save DC
Duration: Until you land (D) of 16 that deals 2d12 hit points of initial damage and 1d6
Activation Cost: 5 points points of secondary Constitution damage.) Each of these
Weight: 2 lbs. glands costs the guild 15,000 gold pieces.
An empyreal net is a lightweight vest containing a light coil
of alchemically-strengthened fabric. When released, the net
Table 4-4: Engineered Panacea
spreads out into ultralight cloth wings along your back, instantly Heal
reducing the rate at which you fall to a maximum of a mere 60 feet Check Result Produced by the Engineered Panacea
per round. You take no damage upon landing while the device is 10 Heal 1 point of nonlethal damage per activation level.
deployed, regardless of the height you fell from. 15 Heal 1 point of lethal damage per activation level.
An empyreal net also grants an effective fly speed of 30 feet, 20 Remove fatigue, or reduce exhaustion to fatigue.
25 Remove the shaken, deafened, or dazed condition.
with average maneuverability, though you always descend at a
30 Remove the nauseated, blinded, or stunned condition.
rate of at least 30 feet per ro und. 35 Heal 1d4 points of ability damage.
As long as you are wearing the empyreal net and have set it up 40 Remove 1d2 negative levels.
to deploy properly, it requires only an immediate action to use 45 Heal 1d2 points of ability drain.
this device; otherwise it takes one full round to put the device 50 Remove a magical curse or disease as though using the
on and situate it on your back. The empyreal net automatically break enchantment spell, using your activation level as your
caster level.
repacks itself when you land, and you need not spend an action
to untangle yourself from the net or to prepare it for later use. Expensive Component: Improving the clockwork mechanism
Expensive Component: Air channels costing 390 gold pieces of the engineered panacea accelerates the process of designing a
allow you to fly farther and faster with an empyreal net. This customized healing serum. These improvements cost 900 gold
expensive component increases your fly speed with the net to 60 pieces and reduce the device’s activation time to 1 full round.
feet (average).
ENGINEERED PANACEA Artifact (lesser)
Gadget (greater) [Healing] Activation Time: 1 standard action
Activation Time: 3 full rounds Range: Touch
Range: Touch Target: Creature touched
Target: Living creature touched Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Will negates
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless) Activation Cost: 45 points
Activation Cost: 15 points Weight: 1 lb.
Weight: 4 lbs. Erevor’s soul steel is a sullen-looking knife of unexceptional
This roughly spherical device fits over your hand and contains appearance that conceals mind-bending machinery capable of
an apparatus designed to quickly design a potent healing serum attacking the true substance of a creature cut by the knife. You
and inject it into a patient using the engineered panacea’s array of must make a melee touch attack when you activate the soul steel.
alchemical reagents. The target creature is healed in semi-random If you succeed, the creature you strike must make a Will saving
ways based on a Heal check you make as you activate the device. throw or find that its connection to physical reality has been
Other characters cannot affect this skill check through the use of severed and that it is quickly fading out of existence.
the aid another action and special tools such as a healer’s kit offer Creatures affected by Erevor’s soul steel remain in existence for
no bonus. You select from the list below, as long as your Heal 1d4 rounds after succumbing to the weapon’s effects. During this
check equals or exceeds the listed DC on the Table 4-4. time, all attacks they make have a 20% chance of failing as the
creature flickers in and out of existence. Characters that bother
to attack the doomed creature suffer the same chance of failure.

At the end of this time, the creature vanishes entirely and is triggered, at which time it runs down normally. These gears cost
effectively slain. Only the creature’s soul remains, to travel to 390 gold pieces.
its deserved reward or punishment in the afterlife. Any items
the creature possessed are left behind. Because absolutely EXTIRPATE ABNORMALITIES
nothing remains of the slain creature’s physical being, only a true Artifact (lesser) [Antimagic]
resurrection spell can restore the creature to life. Activation Time: 1 standard action
Expensive Component: The soul steel is a devastating weapon, Range: 100 feet
but it can be difficult to use effectively due to its limited range. Area: Several constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead
Channeling negative energy through the device via a jewel-like within a 40-foot radius burst
portable gateway allows you to unmake a creature from a distance Base Duration: Instantaneous
of up to 100 feet away. When using this expensive component, Saving Throw: None
you simply slash around the image of the creature to be affected, Activation Cost: 45 points
cutting them out of space and time. Doing so requires a ranged Extirpate abnormalities is the ultimate bane of magic-
touch attack to enclose a mobile creature within your cuts. This dependent creatures and allows them no reprieve if the activator is
expensive component costs 1,110 gold pieces. sufficiently powerful. Extirpate abnormalities snuffs out the motive
force of all nontechnological constructs, elementals, outsiders,
EXCITATORY MAGNETOSCYTHE and undead in the area of effect, killing them instantly.
Gadget (greater) This artifice slays or destroys 1d4 Hit Dice worth of
Activation Time: 1 standard action nontechnological constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead
Range: Touch per activation level, up to a maximum of 25d4 Hit Dice. Creatures
Target: One metallic weapon with the fewest HD are affected first; among creatures with equal
Duration: 24 hours or until triggered, then 1d4 rounds + 1 HD, those who are closest to the burst’s point of origin are
round/4 activation levels affected first. No creature that possesses HD greater than your
Saving Throw: None; Fortitude partial; see text activation level – 4 can be affected, and Hit Dice that are not
Activation Cost: 15 points sufficient to affect a creature are wasted. Creatures destroyed or
Weight: 2 lbs. slain by extirpate abnormalities crumble to a fine grey ash that is
An advanced and modular version of the vibrowand, the quickly dispersed by the wind.
excitatory magnetoscythe is a folding strip of nested gears, magnets, Expensive Components: Using extirpate abnormalities requires
and wicked edges that can be strung along the edge of any you to expend a charm made of the alchemically distilled and
metallic weapon, enhancing it with a jagged vibrating edge. This solidified forces that are anathema to these creatures. This charm
device allows any metallic weapon to function somewhat like a costs 500 gold pieces and is not an optional component. It is also
vibrowand. When you activate this gadget, you must place it on possible to alchemically distill a potion from your blood that is
a weapon within reach as part of the activation time. The device the psychical representation of everything you hate about magic-
then remains ready until the wielder of the weapon triggers it, dependent abnormalities and your power over them. Drinking
which takes 1 swift action, or until 24 hours have passed. this distillation empowers extirpate abnormalities and allows it to
When a weapon has simply been equipped with an attached affect nontechnological constructs, elementals, outsiders, and
excitatory magnetoscythe it deals +1 point of slashing damage with undead with HD greater than your activation level – 4. Affected
each hit. When the weapon’s wielder triggers the magnetoscythe, creatures receive a Will saving throw to avoid being destroyed by
however, it begins to whir with intense speed. When so triggered extirpate abnormalities if they would normally be immune to its
the enhanced weapon deals +1d6 slashing damage per hit, and on effects. The required potion costs 2,340 gold pieces.
a critical hit it deals an additional +1d6 slashing damage (total
of +2d6 on a critical hit). In addition, a creature struck by the EXTIRPATE MAGIC
weapon when it has been triggered must make a Fortitude save or Artifact (greater) [Antimagic]
take 1 point of Constitution damage. Activation Time: 1 standard action
Once triggered, the magnetoscythe quickly winds down, Range Increment: Close (25 feet)
remaining active for 1d4 rounds + 1 round per four activation Area: All magical effects and magical items within a 40-foot
levels. Once it runs down, the magnetoscythe is inert, but it remains radius burst
attached. Removing the device to activate it again is a move action, Duration: Instantaneous
or you can simply reactivate the device without transferring it to Saving Throw: Will negates (object)
a new weapon. Activation Cost: 135 points
Expensive Component: Backup gears allow an excitatory Extirpate magic is the most powerful antimagic ability
magnetoscythe to retain its charge for extended periods when available. This artifice completely and automatically destroys
you are not available to reactivate the device. This improvement spells and ongoing effects in its area of effect as well as causing
increases the device’s duration to 72 hours (3 days) or until it is magical items to shut down for prolonged periods of time. When

you use extirpate magic, all the color in the area of effect is washed taking 10 with a +1 bonus per activation level (maximum +10),
out, casting everything in shades of grey for several seconds. plus your Intelligence modifier. Each round it completes work
All magical effects and magic items within the radius of the worth 1 copper piece x the item’s Craft DC x the check result,
ability, except for those that you carry or touch, are extirpated. assuming it beats the necessary DC for the Craft check.
That is, spells and spell-like effects are instantaneously and For example, Prentice (a 10th-level technologist) activates a
irretrievably unraveled (ending the effect as the greater smite magic fabricacious fabricator, attempting to create a noblewoman’s dress
gadget does). Each permanent magic item must make a successful for a bespattered companion who needs to be presentable in the
Will save or be turned into a normal item for 1 day per activation near future. The dress is worth 75 gold pieces and has a Craft DC
level. An item in a creature’s possession uses its own Will save of 20. Each round the fabricator succeeds at its Craft check, with
bonus or its possessor’s Will save bonus, whichever is higher. a result of 23, and produces 460 cp worth of work. In 17 rounds
You also have a 1% chance per activation level of destroying it completes its work, producing a fashionable dress that would
an antimagic field or an inviolate shield against magic. If the antimagic have taken a traditional weaver many days of work. The dress is
field or inviolate shield against magic survives extirpation, no items still only fabric — any jewelry must be added later — but it is fully
within it are negated. functional.
Even artifacts are subject to extirpation, though there is only Adventurers typically use this device to create disguises,
a 1% chance per activation level of actually affecting such powerful ropes, tents, cold-weather clothing, and similar cloth materials
items. Additionally, if an artifact is destroyed, you must make a as needed. The fabricator can make masterwork items and create
DC 25 Will save or lose all mastery of all of your devices, in a sort items from special materials as long as it can succeed at the
of powerful karmic backlash that is tied into the very nature of required Craft check.
such powerful items. Your abilities cannot be recovered by mortal Expensive Component: Because it is automated and not as
magic, not even by means of a wish or similarly powerful effects. discerning as a skilled craftsman the fabricacious fabricator requires
Destroying an artifact is also 95% likely to attract the attention of raw materials equal in value to the market cost of the item you
some powerful being who has an interest in or connection with wish to produce. Since most characters do not carry around bolts
the item. of silk and other expensive fabrics, the fabricator will usually be
Expensive Component: It is possible to alchemically distill a used to turn an article of unused clothing into a more appropriate
potion from your blood that is the psychical representation of item. This is not an optional expensive component.
everything you hate about magic and of all your power over it.
If you quaff this potion (which costs 1,110 gold pieces) as you FEIRAN’S ANIMALIZING SCEPTER
activate extirpate magic, all magical items affected by the ability Technology (standard) [Mind-affecting]
are permanently destroyed and consumed in a grey fire instead of Activation Time: 1 full round
being temporarily negated. Your chance of destroying an artifact Range Increment: Close (25 feet)
also doubles, to a 2% chance per activation level, and the save DC Target: One humanoid
to avoid losing your technologist abilities due to destroying an Duration: 24 hours (D)
artifact drops to 15. Saving Throw: Will negates
Activation Cost: 30 points
Gadget (lesser) Feiran’s animalizing scepter puts the same weird mind-
Activation Time: 1 full round devolving alchemical compound used in Feiran’s sphere of savagery
Range: 0 to offensive use. When activated, it generates a dull red beam
Effect: Finished cloth product and you must make a ranged touch attack to strike a target you
Base Duration: 1 minute (D) designate. If you succeed the target makes a Will save to negate
Saving Throw: None the effects of the scepter.
Activation Cost: 1 point If the save is failed, the target’s Intelligence is reduced to that
Weight: 10 lbs. of a reasonably clever monkey (Intelligence score of 2) — this is not
Detailed internal gears direct the numerous spools and ability damage, merely a penalty sufficient to reduce the target’s
needles of this boxy device. When activated and fed any sort of Intelligence to 2. The creature is unable to use Intelligence-based
fabric, the fabricacious fabricator transforms raw fabrics of any kind skills, cast spells, understand language, or communicate as it
into a garment, rug, rope, or any other item that can be woven, normally would. In addition, the creature’s alignment changes
even if such an item is not normally created through weaving, to Neutral for the duration of the effect and it becomes docile,
because doing so would be impractical or impossible for a unwilling to take any actions of its own volition except those
humanoid weaver. The device has settings for key measurements necessary for its survival.
and can be adjusted to create any kind of woven final product, You have some measure of control over the creature — your
provided it has sufficient raw materials. The fabricacious fabricator forceful words and animal magnetism can convince it to perform
makes Craft checks of the appropriate type (usually weaving), actions for you. Doing so requires a Handle Animal check, as

though you were pushing an animal to perform a trick it does not FEIRAN’S FERALIZING GAGE
know; this Handle Animal check has a DC of 15 + the creature’s Technology (greater)
Hit Dice. Due to the unusual docility of affected creatures, this Activation Time: 1 standard action
check requires only a single move action. The affected creature Range Increment: Close (25 feet)
performs the trick to the best of its abilities, subject to its reduced Effect: Ray targeting one living creature
Intelligence score. In addition, if you succeed on this check by 5 Duration: 1d4 minutes
or more, the creature is particularly eager to please and gains a Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
+2 morale bonus to all rolls made to perform its assigned task. Activation Cost: 45 points
Pushing creatures to perform tasks against their nature Weight: 3 lbs.
inflicts a –5 penalty on your Handle Animal check. Feiran’s feralizing gage is a tattered leather glove that
For instance, after affecting a 10th-level human goes all the way to the elbow and is covered in mysterious
barbarian with Feiran’s animalizing scepter, you lumps. The glove is a concealed delivery system for a
may command him to perform the “attack” powerful device that has mental effects similar to
trick by making a Handle Animal check those of Feiran’s animalizing scepter. When activated,
with a DC of 25, thus turning the barbarian the device significantly reduces the target’s
against your foes. If you succeed with a 30 or Intelligence but also induces commensurate
better, the barbarian also gains a +2 morale physical changes. You make a ranged touch
bonus on attack and damage rolls made attack roll; the living creature struck becomes
to attack your enemies. If you ordered the feral, savage, and much hairier if it fails its
barbarian to assault a friend, your Handle Fortitude saving throw, gaining sharpened
Animal check suffers a –5 penalty. Ordering senses and enhanced combat abilities. These
the barbarian to leap off a cliff into a raging effects fade after the device is deactivated
river only gets you a confused look. (lasting for 1d4 minutes), although the hair
Your control can be contested by anyone typically sticks around for an hour or two.
with the Handle Animal skill. In such a case, The precise effects are as follows:
the character with the highest modified roll • The creature’s intellect diminishes and
compels the creature to perform the trick it takes an Intelligence and Charisma
it commands, superseding the creature’s penalty of 1d6+1 per two activation
current task. This weakness makes levels (maximum 1d6+5). This penalty
creatures affected by the animalizing scepter cannot reduce the creature’s Intelligence
unreliable lackeys at best. In addition, the or Charisma to less than 1. Its mindset
creature continues to carry out day-to-day changes so that it relishes melee combat
activities required for its survival, such as and seeks to engage in it to the exclusion of
eating and sleeping, although it is obviously all other activities. It still remembers who
animalistic as it does so (moving on all fours, its friends and enemies are, however, and
eating raw meat, and so forth). Because of acts accordingly. The creature remembers
these tendencies, close observation almost Feiran’s animalizing scepter may be responsible for the actions it takes while feral when the
reports of mysterious beast-men in the wilderness
immediately reveals that something is effects of the feralizing gage lapse.
(Artwork by Tony Perna)
wrong with the afflicted creature and the • The creature becomes stronger, faster,
Sense Motive check to recognize that the creature is under the and tougher. Its base land speed increases by 20 feet and it
influence of a mind-affecting effect is only DC 10. Creatures freed gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution
from the effects of Feiran’s animalizing scepter realize that their per three activation levels (maximum +8).
minds have been tampered with but retain no clear memories of • The creature gains two natural claw attacks or two natural
the time they spent animalized. slam attacks (your choice), dealing 1d8 damage each for a
Expensive Component: Alchemical intensifiers costing 1,620 Medium-size creature (and more or less damage for larger
gold pieces augment Feiran’s animalizing scepter and making the and smaller creatures). However, it also loses all weapon
affected creature even more suggestible. Such creatures may be proficiencies and refuses to use any weapons other than any
pushed with but a word; instead of making a Handle Animal natural attacks it may have.
check as a move action, you may make it as a swift action, or an • The creature also increases in bulk and its arms lengthen in
immediate action with a +5 penalty to the check DC. Characters proportion to its legs, giving it a truly powerful build. It does
contesting your control must still take a move action to attempt not actually increase in size, but it uses the size modifiers
their own Handle Animal checks. of the next-largest category whenever doing so would be
advantageous. In addition, special attacks that depend on
the creature’s size, such as Swallow Whole, treat the creature

as though it were one size category larger than it actually is if must target a creature of the animal type or a magical beast with
doing so would be beneficial. This benefit also increases the an Intelligence score of 1 or 2. The requisite materials cost 390
damage dealt by the creature’s natural attacks by one step gold pieces.
(this bonus has already been factored into the claw or slam
damage listed above). FIELD-SOLDERANT KIT
• The target’s skin and flesh toughen, granting it an Gadget (standard)
enhancement bonus of +1 per three activation levels Activation Time: 1 full-round action
(maximum +6 at 18th level) to its natural armor. Range: Touch
• The targeted creature’s senses sharpen, granting it a +5 Target: Construct or object touched
competence bonus on Spot and Listen checks, low-light Duration: Instantaneous
vision, and the Scent special quality. Saving Throw: None
While this device is usually used to improve the combat Activation Cost: 10 points
abilities of an ally, it can also be used to mentally weaken enemy Weight: 7 lbs.
spellcasters or to provoke an enemy into committing itself to This device consists of a set of customized hand tools and
melee combat. alchemical sealants that allow you to quickly and efficiently seal,
Expensive Component: Alchemically purifying the reaction darn, re-jigger, patch, overhaul, or otherwise mend the construct
core of Feiran’s feralizing gage costs 1,620 gold pieces and increases or object you touch.
the save DC of this device by 2 points. When applied to a damaged construct or object, the field-
solderant kit repairs that item, restoring 3d6 hit points to the
FEIRAN’S SPHERE OF SAVAGERY construct or object + 2 points per activation level (maximum
Gadget (greater) +20). Objects and constructs that have frequently been repaired
Activation Time: 1 standard action with this device show the residual scars of their damage in the
Range: Touch form of weld-marks and gobs of stray sealant until they receive
Target: Creature touched more long-term attention.
Duration: Special; see text (D) Expensive Components: One use of the field-solderant kit requires
Activation Cost: 15 points alchemical items and special tools costing 5 gold pieces. This is
Weight: 3 lbs. not an optional component. You can also maximize the hit point
Feiran’s sphere of savagery looks like a rusted metal sphere, but damage healed by the kit by incorporating more powerful tools
it’s actually a reasonably sophisticated device built to abuse the and alchemical solutions costing a total of 900 gold pieces into
language-processing centers of the brain, effectively devolving said it. When so augmented, the field-solderant kit restores 18 points
parts of the brain to the point where the target can communicate of damage to a touched construct or object, plus 2 points per
with any creature of the animal type and any magical beast with activation level (to a maximum of +20 points).
an Intelligence score of 1 or 2.
The target (who must be willing) can ask questions of FLASH-BANG WIDGET
and receive answers from animals, although the device doesn’t Technology (lesser) [Fire]
make them any more friendly or cooperative than usual. Activation Time: 1 full-round action
Furthermore, wary and cunning animals are likely to be terse Range: 100 feet
and evasive, while the more stupid ones make inane comments. Effect: One or more 20-foot radius bursts of flame
If an animal is friendly, it may perform some favor or service, at Base Duration: 1 round
the GM’s discretion. Using the device for up to one minute is Saving Throw: Reflex half
merely disorienting, but each full minute of use deals 1 point Activation Cost: 3 points
of Intelligence damage to the user (no save). The sphere’s effects Weight: 2 lbs.
may be maintained as long as desired, or until the target passes An activated flash-bang widget flies to a point you designate
out from Intelligence loss. If the device is activated anew, the within range and hovers there, releasing bursts of bright light
1-minute window before the target risks taking Intelligence and heat at your verbal command. Immediately upon activation
damage resets, as the energy generated by the sphere takes a of this device and once per round thereafter you may cause the
slightly different form. widget to emit a burst of phlogistic energy. The burst deals 1d6
Expensive Component: Normally, a sphere of savagery merely points of fire damage to all creatures within the radius per two
offers the ability to communicate with animals. However, adding activation levels (maximum 5d6) and blinds affected creatures
certain mind-affecting compounds to the device’s metallic outer for 1 minute. A successful Reflex save negates the blindness and
surface allows the targeted creature to exercise its will over halves the fire damage.
animals it is speaking with. This influence takes the form of a Each round you may use an immediate action to trigger
single suggestion spell, cast at your activation level, which can be another burst of heat and light, with effects identical to the first.
used at any point during the device’s duration. This suggestion You need not cause the burst immediately. You can trigger only

one burst per round regardless of the number of immediate but is much easier to hack apart than stone; its hardness drops to
actions you could normally take, and you cannot carry over 0 and its hit points are reduced to one-third normal (from 15 hit
potential activation of the flash-bang widget from round to round. points per inch of material to 5 per inch).
The location of the flash-bang widget is designated when the Creatures with nonmagical stone items on their person are
device is used and may not be changed thereafter without first entitled to a Will save for each such item to negate the device’s
recalling the device and activating it again. An active flash-bang effects. Creatures of the earth subtype must also make a Will save
widget has an AC of 17 (+4 size, +3 Dex), hardness 15, and hit points or be slowed (as the spell) and lose their damage reduction (if any)
equal to your activation level. It can use the Hide skill at a +15 for 1 minute as the resonance causes their bodies to temporarily
modifier to conceal itself if you command it to do so. The device soften and melt. The flux fork can also cause landslides (the
always moves with complete silence, although the explosions it softened material sloughs off sheer surfaces such as cliffs) and
produces are deafeningly loud to those caught within them. If moderate structural damage to buildings (by turning their
you stop paying the flash-bang widget’s activation cost while it is foundations into clay). However, most well-built structures
deployed, the device automatically returns to your hand. require many uses of a flux fork to be completely destroyed.
Expensive Components: Caloric polarizers allow a flash-bang Expensive Component: Wrapping the flux fork in yet more of the
widget to deal cold damage instead of fire damage and cause a slow crystalline fine-tuning filaments lets it instantly cycle through the
effect that lasts for 1 minute instead of blindness. Each round possible resonance frequencies to find an appropriate harmonic
you trigger a burst you may choose which type of damage to deal. and reduces the fork’s activation time to 1 swift action. Many of
A flash-bang widget equipped with caloric polarizers gains the Cold these filaments snap under the strain, making this an expensive
descriptor in addition to the Fire descriptor. These polarizers cost proposition at a total cost of 2,280 gold pieces.
750 gold pieces.
FLUX FORK Artifact (standard)
Gadget (standard) [Sonic] Activation Time: 1 full round
Activation Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal
Range Increment: Close (25 feet) Target: You
Area: Earth and stone in a 10-foot radius spread Base Duration: 1 hour
Duration: Instantaneous Activation Cost: 18 points
Saving Throw: None or Will negates (object); see text Weight: 2 lbs.
Activation Cost: 10 points This metallic-silver circlet fits snugly around your brow.
Weight: 2 lbs. When activated, it gives you the ability to mentally control spatial
A flux fork is a silver tuning fork wrapped in crystalline planes, allowing you to mentally manipulate the space that
filament. By striking the flux fork against the ground and tugging objects and creatures occupy and move the target like a puppet
on the appropriate crystal threads to adjust the sound you can without affecting it directly. As often as you desire while Folly’s
pinpoint the resonance frequency of earth and stone, softening cognate architronix remains activated, you may take a standard
it and reducing its hardness. Wet earth becomes a syrupy sludge, action to have one of the following effects on a creature or object
dry earth becomes a thick layer of dust, and stone becomes a wet within 120 feet:
clay-like substance that can be easily shaped or chopped away. You Architronic Telekinesis: Move something at a distance as though
affect a 10-foot radius spread to a depth of up to 4 feet based on using the telekinesis spell (PHB, page 292), except that
the resilience of the substance and its overall structure. Unlike the creatures you target do not receive the benefit of any spell
druid spell soften earth and stone the flux fork works as well against resistance they have. Your caster level for this effect is ½
dressed or worked stone as it does against unworked stone. your activation level (maximum caster level 15th). Moving
Magical and magically enhanced stone fluctuates slightly due to objects and creatures in this way requires concentration.
its enchantments, however, and it is therefore impossible to find Architronic Animation: Cause an object to move, twisting the
an effective resonance frequency when targeting such materials. space it takes up to propel it forward. The object is effectively
This device can have a variety of effects on creatures in the an animated object (see MM, pages 13–14) with a fly speed
area. A creature in mud (formerly wet earth) must make a Reflex of 60 feet (perfect), and it remains animated until you use
save or be entangled for as long as it remains in the area and for the architronix to generate some other effect. You need not
1d2 rounds thereafter. (Entangled creatures move at half speed, concentrate to keep the object animated and to exercise
cannot run or charge, and take a –2 penalty on all attack rolls mental control over its actions. The maximum size object
and a –4 penalty to their Dexterity. They must also make a DC that you can animate using this ability is based on your
17 Concentration check to successfully cast a spell.) Loose dirt activation level: technologists of 13th level and lower can
(formerly dry earth) counts as difficult terrain, halving movement animate objects Huge size and smaller, technologists of 14th
and preventing creatures from running or charging over it. Wet to 18th levels can animate Gargantuan objects, and objects
clay (formerly stone) does not hinder the movement of creatures of Colossal size can be animated by technologists of at least

19th level. Because you are simply twisting the space the manipulating tendrils each on command, stretching up to 10
object occupies, and devoting all of the device’s energy to feet away. These metal filaments are not very strong (collectively
doing so, the animated object’s weight is irrelevant for this they have a Strength score equal to your activation level, to a
use of the cognate architronix. maximum of 15) but are adapted to manipulate objects in tight
Architronic Manipulation: Minimally animate any number of spots or inside sensitive machinery.
objects in range, granting yourself a +10 circumstance bonus While using Folly’s finagling fingers you gain a +10 circum-
on all skill checks that require manipulating something stance bonus on Disable Device, Open Lock, and Search checks.
physically (such as Open Lock checks, most Craft checks, and You may disable devices and open locks from up to 10 feet away
many Disable Device checks). In addition, you do not suffer and even around corners because the tip of each tendril contains
any penalty to these checks for not having the proper tools. a small optical sensor. Tiny antimagic reserves in each glove allow
This ability does not require concentration to maintain. you to disable magical traps as easily as mechanical ones.
Architronic Interposition: Oppose the movements of a creature Expensive Component: As technologists grow more skilled, their
or object within range. Each trap-related problems increasingly
round you use this ability, the consist of magical, not mechanical,
target creature or object must traps. By supercharging the finagling
make a Will saving throw or you fingers’ built-in antimagic reserve you
pin the space it occupies into can render the device particularly
place — the being is effectively efficacious against magical traps and
paralyzed and unable to take locks. This charging process costs
any actions that round. Flying 750 gold pieces and increases the
or falling creatures and objects circumstance bonuses to Disable
are suspended in midair and Device, Open Lock, and Search
cease to move. Maintaining this checks granted by Folly’s finagling
ability from round to round fingers to +20 against magical
requires concentration, and as objectives.
soon as you cease to concentrate
the creature or object affected FULL-BODY CORSET
regains its normal movement Gadget (lesser)
capabilities. Creatures caught in Activation Time: 1 full round
this way are extremely difficult Range: Personal
for others to move; doing so Target: You
requires a Strength check with a Base Duration: 10 minutes (D)
DC of 20 + your activation level Saving Throw: See text
+ your Intelligence modifier. Activation Cost: 1 point
Expensive Component: You can Weight: 10 lbs.
extend the range of your control using When not active, this device
a gateway gem linked to the Ethereal looks like a mundane full-body
Plane. Doing so gives you additional suit made of supple black leather
vectors with which to control spatial and banded with numerous metal
coordinates and increases the range cords and springs. To activate
of the special abilities the cognate the device, you slip the hood over
architronix grants from 120 feet to 240 your head, place a clockwork mask
feet. This gateway gem costs 1,110 Prentice Cogitens prepares her full-body corsetfor a day of subterfuge over your face, adjust a bevy of
(Artwork by Susan Knowles)
gold pieces. settings and let the full-body corset
painfully readjust your body to nearly any vaguely similar form.
FOLLY’S FINAGLING FINGERS While wearing a full-body corset, you suffer no penalty to Disguise
Technology (lesser) checks from disguising yourself as a different race, gender, or
Activation Time: 1 standard action age category. Additionally, the mask of the full-body corset and
Range: Personal the overall ease of applying makeup to it grant the wearer a +5
Target: You enhancement bonus to Disguise checks.
Base Duration: 1 round (D) When you activate the full-body corset, and after every 10
Activation Cost: 3 points minutes it remains activated, you must make a DC 10 Fortitude
Weight: 4 lbs. save or take 1 point of nonlethal damage. While the corset is active,
This device is a pair of sleek metal gloves that extrude a dozen you also suffer a –2 penalty to your Dexterity score.

to Strength for all tasks involving upper-body strength — attack
Example – Actors and Prostitutes and damage rolls with a held weapon, grapple checks, and checks
Certain segments of society find the full-body corset to made to resist being disarmed but not natural attacks made with
be a truly marvelous invention, and will often take a level in any body part other than the arms or a similar appendage (such
technologist specifically to master it. The main advantage the as a pair of fore-tentacles). Gauntlets of the iron ogre do not improve
device has over similar spells, such as disguise self, is that its your encumbrance thresholds.
variable duration means even an unskilled character can keep Gauntlets of the iron ogre are no different in combat than
it activated for quite a while. Of course, the appreciation normal gauntlets.
certain segments of society have for this device has done little Expensive Component: Increasing the base duration of the
to foster an appreciation for advancements in science and gauntlets of the iron ogre is a simple matter of adding in redundant
technology in all those other segments of society. gears wherever possible. This process costs 390 gold pieces and
increases this device’s duration to 1 hour.
Expensive Component: Heat-reactive alchemical cushioning
added to the full-body corset makes wearing it a much more pleasant GELPH’S GLOBULOUS HUNTER
prospect and negates the penalty to your Dexterity score and the Technology (greater) [Acid]
need to make Fortitude saves to avoid taking nonlethal damage. Activation Time: 1 standard action
This expensive component also increases the device’s base duration Range Increment: 10 feet
to 20 minutes. These cushions cost 390 gold pieces per use. Effect: One ooze
Duration: 5 minutes (D)
FURNACE KINDLER Saving Throw: None
Gadget (lesser) [Fire] Activation Cost: 45 points
Activation Time: 1 standard action Weight: 6 lbs.
Range Increment: 10 feet A deactivated globulous hunter looks like a tangled ball of thin
Area: Cone-shaped burst strands of a dull silver-grey metal. To activate the device, you throw
Duration: Instantaneous it as a grenade-like weapon, rolling for scatter normally if you miss
Saving Throw: Reflex half the target creature or square. As the hunter flies through the air
Activation Cost: 5 points its tendrils unfurl and generate a semi-tangible field of corrosive
Weight: 7 lbs. energy, allowing it to immediately attack your foes on your turn or
This device converts common materials into a cone of flame. perform other actions within its abilities, as you command.
Any creature in the affected area takes 1d6 points of fire damage At 4th activation level an activated globulous hunter has
per activation level (maximum 5d6); flammable materials will catch statistics identical to those of a gray ooze (see the MM, page 202).
fire if the flames touch them. A character can extinguish burning For every activation level you gain after the 4th, the hunter gains 5
items as a full-round action by making a DC 15 Reflex save. temporary hit points and a +1 enhancement bonus to its Strength
Expensive Components: You may use a vial of alchemist’s fire as and Constitution when you activate it (to a maximum of 75
the raw materials for this device. If you do so, the furnace kindler deals temporary hit points and a +15 enhancement bonus to Strength
another 1d6 points of fire damage the round after its activation, and Constitution at 19th level). If you opted to throw the globulous
as though creatures in the area had been struck by alchemist’s fire. hunter at a creature and hit, it automatically attacks and hits with
This expensive component counts as a type of ammunition. You a slam attack in its first round, dealing damage and potentially
can also add supplementary bellows to the furnace kindler at a cost grappling the target. Gelph’s globulous hunter recognizes its creator
of 390 gold pieces; these bellows increase the maximum damage and will never deal damage to you or your belongings with its
the device can deal to 10d6, although they do not actually add any acidic field. Other creatures that stumble into the globulous hunter
damage unless your activation level is higher than 5. take damage as normal even if they are your allies, although the
hunter never displays active aggression toward a creature or object
GAUNTLETS OF THE IRON OGRE unless you direct it to do so.
Gadget (standard) Expensive Component: Separated from the activator’s stabil-
Activation Time: 1 swift action izing influence, Gelph’s globulous hunter remains active for only
Range: Personal 5 minutes before curling back up into its dormant form. Adding
Target: You magic-inhibiting strands to the acid-projection clusters increases
Duration: 1 minute (D) this duration to 1 hour and gives the globulous hunter spell
Activation Cost: 10 points resistance equal to your activation level. This upgrade costs 1,620
Weight: 7 lbs. gold pieces.
These heavy iron gauntlets are equipped with bracers In addition, you can customize the globulous hunter by adding
extending up your arms and greatly increase the strength of your various masterwork components. Any masterwork component
hands. Gauntlets of the iron ogre grant a +6 enhancement bonus meant for weapons can be applied to the construct’s slam attack,

if appropriate. You may also add the high-quality, dedicated to its portable form. Special engineering applied to the creature’s
a purpose, user-friendly (thereby allowing the construct to use flesh-producing nodules increases the instant aggressor’s duration
a specific trained-only skill, such as Tumble, untrained), and to 1 hour and grants it a +1 enhancement bonus to its natural
sacred/profane skill-related components to a globulous. Adding a armor for every level you have past 10th (to a maximum of a
slick, oozy shell to increase the construct’s speed by 10 feet counts +10 enhancement bonus to the creature’s natural armor). This
as one masterwork component as well. upgrade costs 2,340 gold pieces.
In addition, you can customize the instant aggressor by adding
GELPH’S INSTANT AGGRESSOR various masterwork components. Any masterwork component
Artifact (lesser) [Electricity] meant for weapons can be applied to the construct’s slam attack
Activation Time: 1 standard action and any masterwork component meant for armor may likewise
Range Increment: 10 feet be added directly to the construct’s natural armor, if appropriate.
Effect: One flesh golem-like construct You may also add the high-quality, dedicated to a purpose,
Duration: 5 minutes (D) user-friendly (thereby allowing the construct to use a specific
Saving Throw: None trained-only skill, such as Tumble, untrained), and sacred/
Activation Cost: 45 points profane skill-related components to an instant aggressor. Adding
Weight: 7 lbs. multiple legs to increase the construct’s speed by 10 feet counts
A deactivated instant aggressor looks like a mound of sickly as one masterwork component and adding wheels to increase
flesh with corrugated metal bars, patchy with rust, haphazardly the construct’s speed by 20 feet requires the equivalent of two
protruding from its mass. To activate the instant aggressor you masterwork components. You may also increase any adamantine-
throw the device as a grenade-like weapon, rolling for scatter based damage reduction the construct possesses by 1 point as
normally if you miss the target creature or square. As the aggressor though adding a masterwork component; these increases stack,
flies through the air, the corrugated bars form an electrically- to a maximum damage reduction rating of 20/adamantine.
charged frame that supports the surprisingly strong and supple
artificial flesh of a powerful construct. The supporting bars GIGANT MARAUDER
also produce additional (temporary) flesh as necessary for the Artifact (standard) [Null-Space]
instant aggressor to reach its full size. This newly-created creature Activation Time: 1 full round
immediately attacks your foes on your turn or performs other Range: Personal
actions within its abilities, as you command. Target: You
At 10th activation level Gelph’s instant aggressor has statistics Base Duration: 1 minute (D)
identical to those of a flesh golem (see the MM, pages 135–136), Activation Cost: 18 points
including the golem’s natural magic immunity and chance Weight: 2 lbs.
to go berserk (the aggressor’s control system is somewhat A gigant marauder is a gigantic, gangly-limbed construct
temperamental, but it is extremely magic-resistant). In addition, that you pull from null-space storage to surround you like a
the device’s electrified frame adds 1d6 points of electricity damage (very large) suit of armor that is conveniently bristling with
to each of the instant aggressor’s slam attacks. The creature also weaponry. The marauder effectively makes you much larger and
receives 10 temporary hit points, a 5-foot bonus to speed, and a much stronger while providing temporary hit points in the form
+1 enhancement bonus to its Strength score when you activate it of a heavy metallic substructure. When you activate this device,
per level you have past 10th, up to the 20th-level maximum of 100 your size category increases to Huge, Gargantuan, or Colossal,
temporary hit points, a +50 speed bonus, and a +10 enhancement depending on your activation level. Your Strength, Dexterity, size
bonus to Strength. If you opted to throw the instant aggressor at modifier to armor class and attack rolls, base speed, and space and
a creature and hit, it automatically attacks and hits with a slam reach all change, and you gain temporary hit points (representing
attack in its first round, deals normal damage, and attempts to the gigant marauder’s structure) and adamantine-based damage
grapple the target on following rounds. reduction (representing its dense armor). All of these values are
Expensive Component: Separated from your stabilizing noted on the table below.
influence, Gelph’s instant aggressor will only remain active for 5 You and all of your equipment are safely hidden away inside
minutes before shedding excess flesh and collapsing back into the marauder’s cockpit, and any magical items and the like cannot
Table 4-5: Gigant Marauder
Activation Base Temp. Damage AC/Atk Slam/Rock
Level Size Speed Str Dex hp Reduction Mod Space/Reach Dmg
1st–14th 40 ft. +16 –2 10/level 5/adamanatine –2 15 ft./15 ft. 2d6 + Str
(20+ ft.)
15th–17th 50 ft. +24 –4 15/level 10/adamantine –4 20 ft./20 ft. 2d8 + Str
(40+ ft.)
18th or Colossal
60 ft. +32 –6 20/level 15/adamantine –8 30 ft./30 ft. 4d6 + Str
higher (75+ ft.)

be used if they target anyone other than yourself. Magical items evaporates into null space and you end up prone in any square
that affect your person (such as bracers of armor or a cloak of in your formerly enlarged space, with all of the devices you
resistance) continue to function normally; your link with the gigant incorporated into the marauder strewn haphazardly about you.
marauder is such that it is considered to be you, for all intents and It takes some time for the gigant marauder to recover from
purposes. However, mundane armor you wear does not improve damage it sustains, although it does so automatically. If you
your AC, nor can you make use of any of your personal weapons activate the marauder less than 4 hours after the last time you
unless they are also mastered devices. Your mastered devices are activated it, the device comes into being with the same (probably
the exception to the general rule that items you carry cannot be reduced) number of temporary hit points that it had when you
used to affect other creatures or areas: as many of your devices as dismissed it earlier in the day.
you wish can be integrated into the gigant marauder as it forms and Expensive Component: The most obvious expensive components
have their full normal effects when used. Although you cannot for this device are any mastered devices you incorporate into the
access non-device weapons while using a marauder, you do gain a gigant marauder. These can include anything from a forearm-
slam attack and the ability to throw portions of the scenery (as a mounted dragoncaster or pocket ballista to a defensive shield in the
giant throws rocks). form of a cross-phasic cloak or kinetic shield. Incorporated devices
As long as you dismiss the gigant marauder before it runs temporarily change form to suit their new emplacement, and these
out of temporary hit points the device’s duration ends without integrated machines can have dramatic effects on the appearance
incident and you find yourself standing in any one of the squares and capabilities of the gigant marauder. These components are all
you formerly occupied. However, if the marauder is completely optional, but are not expended when the device is activated.
destroyed (the temporary hit points this device grants you are A gigant marauder can be used to stomp anything from a small
all expended), the entire device is destroyed and must be rebuilt town to a middling-sized city, but two things can ruin a rampaging
(see Chapter Three). If this happens, the structure of the marauder technologist’s day — an enemy mage disrupting the marauder, and

Two Colossal gigant marauders square off, their pilots ready for a titanic battle (Artwork by Anthony Monorchio)

running out of temporary hit points. Both of these problems can be while using the goggles. This is not normal darkvision, and even
addressed by constructing a powerful energy shield for deployment magical darkness is ineffective against the goggles of X-ray vision.
with the gigant marauder. The energy shield increases the marauder’s Invisible creatures are not necessarily revealed by goggles of
arcane disruption DC by 10 and grants additional temporary hit X-ray vision, but you gain a +10 bonus on Spot checks made to
points: Huge marauders gain an additional 25 temporary hit points, notice or pinpoint the invisible creature while using this device.
Gargantuan marauders an additional 75 hit points, and Colossal Ethereal creatures are simply not revealed by X-ray vision and you
gigant marauders gain 150 extra temporary hit points. As long as gain no additional ability to detect them.
this additional buffer remains (your base temporary hit points Expensive Component: These goggles are effective, but wind
have not been damaged), you also gain a +1 deflection bonus down and lose focus quickly. You can correct for this flaw by
to your AC per two activation levels while piloting the marauder adding a tiny sensor that automatically filters out static, both
(maximum +12). This additional protection disappears as soon visual and magical. This improvement costs 1,620 gold pieces and
as the energy shield’s temporary hit points are expended. This increases the goggles of X-ray vision’s duration to 24 hours.
optional expensive component costs 3,690 gold pieces.
GOGGLES OF ACUITY Gadget (lesser) [Force]
Gadget (lesser) Activation Time: 1 swift action
Activation Time: 1 standard action Range: Personal
Range: Personal Target: You
Target: You Base Duration: 1 hour (D)
Base Duration: 1 hour (D) Activation Cost: 1 point
Activation Cost: 1 point Weight: 2 lbs.
Weight: 2 lbs. This psionically-charged copper headband generates a
This array of lenses helps you sharpen your vision but is constant low buzz of planar static around the user’s head whenever
ineffective without some measure of training in noticing and it is activated, making this one of the few devices that can be
collating small visual details. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus located by a detect magic spell while in use. This static is too weak to
on all Search checks while using this device, as though the goggles disrupt other devices or spells but it does grant wondrous psychic
of acuity were a high-quality masterwork tool. While the device is powers — at least wondrous from the perspective of a technologist.
active, you also gain the normal synergy bonus (usually +2) to all At will, as a standard action, you may tap into the energy
Appraise, Disable Device, Sense Motive, and Spot skill checks as generated by an activated headband of mental puissance and generate
long as you have enough ranks in Search to gain a synergy bonus a small pulse of psionic force. This pulse deals 1d3 points of force
(this usually means having 5 ranks in Search). damage as a ranged touch attack, with a range increment of Close
Expensive Component: Cleaning the lenses of the goggles of (25 feet). Alternatively, the force may be used to generate an effect
acuity with a magic-repellant alchemical solution allows them to identical to the mage hand spell, using your activation level as the
function smoothly for a much longer period of time and increases spell’s caster level.
their base duration to 3 hours. This alchemical cleaning solution Expensive Component: Linking psionically active crystals to the
costs 390 gold pieces. copper headband allows you to control the energy generated by
a headband of mental puissance with more precision. These crystals
GOGGLES OF X-RAY VISION cost 390 gold pieces and allow you to use the spells detect magic,
Technology (standard) light, resistance, and virtue at will as a standard action while the
Activation Time: 1 standard action device is activated. These spells use your activation level as their
Range: Personal caster level and are gained in addition to those normally provided
Target: You by the headband.
Base Duration: 5 minutes
Weight: 5 lbs. Gadget (lesser)
Goggles of X-ray vision are not particularly flashy — they just Activation Time: 1 immediate action
let you see through walls. When you activate them, the goggles Range: Personal
give you the ability to see into and through solid matter. Your Target: You
range of vision is 60 feet, and you can see as if you were looking at Base Duration: 1 round or until discharged
something in normal light even if there is no illumination. X-ray Activation Cost: 5 points
vision can penetrate 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, or Weight: 2 lbs.
up to 3 feet of wood or dirt, but thicker substances or a thin sheet The helm of cogitative stimulation is an otherwise perfectly
of lead blocks your vision. X-ray vision can even be used as a form ordinary article of headgear lined on the inside with copper
of darkvision, although you can see only in vivid white and black wires and a crinkly metallic silver. The device boosts the delicate

electrical balance of the brain in times of high cognitive output, target. This augmentation increases the hit points restored by the
such as when you are dodging a fireball or wondering where you transducer to 10 per level (to a maximum of 200 points at 20th
left your good polishing rag. When activated, you gain a +1 level), or increases the damage dealt by 50%. The gateway jewel
competence bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill costs 2,340 gold pieces.
check. If you initiate a skill check that takes multiple rounds
while the helm of cogitative stimulation is activated you may apply ICEBOUND BARRICADE
this +1 bonus to the entire skill check, even if the helm deactivates Gadget (standard) [Cold]
while you are engaged in the skill. You must choose to use the Activation Time: 1 standard action
competence bonus granted by the helm before making the roll to Range Increment: Medium (100 feet)
which it applies. Effect: Icy strands in a 20-ft.-radius spread
Expensive Component: A device like this simply calls out for Duration: 30 minutes
more copper wires and more crinkly silver metal. These additions, Saving Throw: Reflex negates and Fortitude partial; see text
which cost 390 gold pieces, cause the helm of cogitative stimulation Activation Cost: 10 points
to provide a +2 competence bonus when used on a singe attack Weight: 6 lbs.
roll, saving throw, or skill check. An icebound barricade is a white metal ball launched from a
simple pneumatic tube. Upon arriving at its destination the ball
HYPERMETABOLIC TRANSDUCER erupts into dozens of surprisingly strong metal tendrils covered
Artifact (lesser) [Healing] with a sticky substance and ensnares everything in the area of
Activation Time: 1 full round effect. A nastier surprise lies in wait, though, because the tendrils
Range: Touch also repel caloric, the element of fire, creating a deadly frost-
Target: Living creature touched covered trap.
Duration: Instantaneous You aim the weapon, which looks like a simple metal tube
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates equipped with a large plunger, and determine the range (distance
Activation Cost: 45 points and height) at which the icebound barricade is to be created. The
Weight: 3 lbs. canister is catapulted to the area, with the effects outlined
A hypermetabolic transducer is a glove surrounded by pleated below. You must make a ranged touch attack to hit the area
wires. When activated it thrums with orange energy, and when you designate or to bypass any barriers that would prevent the
touched to a creature transfers this energy into their system, icebound barricade from landing where you want it to; this attack
kicking their metabolic processes into a controlled overdrive and roll is modified by Intelligence instead of Dexterity. If you miss,
instantly healing even the most serious of nonfatal wounds. roll deviation normally.
The hypermetabolic transducer immediately ends any and all The icebound barricade creates a many-layered mass of strong,
of the following adverse conditions affecting the target: ability sticky strands. These strands trap those caught in them. The
damage, blinded, dazed, deafened, disease, exhausted, fatigued, strands are similar to spider webs but far tougher. The mass of
nauseated, poison, sickened, and stunned. It also cures 7 hit strands must be anchored to two or more solid and diametrically
points of damage per activation level, to a maximum of 140 opposed points or the barricade collapses upon itself and cannot
points at 20th level. The transducer does not remove negative entrap anyone (although it still deals cold damage in its area of
levels, restore permanently drained levels, or restore permanently effect; see below). Creatures caught within the icebound barricade
drained ability score points. become entangled among the gluey fibers, but attacking a creature
The transducer’s effects are usually beneficial, but you can in a web won’t cause you to become entangled.
also use it to harm living creatures by causing an uncontrolled Anyone in the effect’s area when the grenade lands must
metabolic surge, potentially starving the creature to death in make a Reflex save. If this save succeeds, the creature is entangled
an instant. When using the transducer in this way, you deal 1d6 but not prevented from moving, although moving is more
points of nonlethal starvation damage to the target creature with difficult than normal (see below). If the save fails, the creature is
a successful melee touch attack, to a maximum of 20d6 points entangled and can’t move from its space, but can break loose by
of damage. Starvation damage cannot be healed via regeneration spending 1 round and making a DC 15 Strength check or a DC
or magical healing until the creature can eat and drink to restore 20 Escape Artist check. Once loose (either by making the initial
its health. The creature is also fatigued until it recovers from all Reflex save or the later Strength check or Escape Artist check) a
of the nonlethal damage dealt by the hypermetabolic transducer. A creature remains entangled but may move through the icebound
successful Will save halves the damage and negates the fatigue barricade very slowly. Each round devoted to moving allows the
caused by this use of the transducer. Creatures that never need to creature to make a new Strength check or Escape Artist check and
eat or drink are unaffected by this use of the device. the creature moves 5 feet for each full 5 points by which the check
Expensive Component: You can increase your control over a result exceeds the check DC.
touched creature’s metabolic processes by channeling positive If you have at least 5 feet of the icebound barricade between
energy through a jewel-like gateway matrix as you touch your you and an opponent it provides cover. If you have at least 20 feet

of the barricade between you and an opponent it provides total
cover. Example – The Portable Laboratory
In addition to this basic effect, the icebound barricade’s tendrils The Imperial army service widget is what originally drew
drive the warmth from creatures within its area. At the end of the tinkerers and scavengers who would become my
every full round a creature spends within the icebound barricade’s world’s technologists out of their laboratories. It is quite
area of effect that creature must make Fortitude save or take 1d6 useful for the scientist on the go, as it provides a durable
points of nonlethal cold damage and 1 point of Strength damage. and loyal pack animal for transporting heavy devices and
A successful saving throw negates both the cold damage and the tools. As a technologist becomes more experienced and
Strength damage. masters a growing list of devices, only the mostly mightily-
Expensive Components: The metal canisters deployed by the thewn researchers are able to carry all of their inventions
icebound barricade are worth 1 gold piece each and may only be at once without being hindered by the weight. This device
used with this device. This component is not optional. You can provides a way around this problem, and only after the
also increase the icebound barricade’s area of effect to a 30-foot service widget was rediscovered and became widespread
radius by incorporating a secondary device to pack the capsules did the adventuring technologist become a reasonably
more tightly. This improvement costs 900 gold pieces. common sight.

IMPERIAL ARMY SERVICE WIDGET more sophisticated through the inclusion of meshes of temporary
Gadget (greater) gears. These gears cost 390 gold pieces and increase this device’s
Activation Time: 1 standard action base duration to 2 hours. This is the only way to improve this
Range: 0 device: unlike many technological constructs, the Imperial army
Effect: Small service widget service widget has a relatively fixed and inflexible design; you may
Base Duration: 1 hour (D) not improve its capabilities by adding the effects of masterwork
Saving Throw: None components to its basic statistics.
Activation Cost: 3 points
Weight: 10 lbs.
An imperial army service widget is a multi-purpose clockwork
construct built to aid technologists in their endeavors. The widget
does this by acting as a walking toolbox, providing enough space
for 3 separate masterwork labs or toolkits within the body of the
widget. The construct can also lend its simple-minded aid to a task
you perform, and can use the aid another action in battle and in
conjunction with any technologist class skill that the aid another
action apply to. Most technologists also use their widgets to carry
spare devices and excess gear to avoid weighing themselves down
too much.
The widget is a Small construct with Strength and Dexterity
scores of 10 + activation level, no Constitution or Intelligence
score, and Wisdom and Charisma scores of 1. It has a movement
rate of 30 feet, hardness 10, +4 natural armor, and one slam
attack for a base damage of 1d4 bludgeoning (×2 critical). It has
a number of d10 Hit Dice equal to half your activation level, 10
bonus hit points for its size, and otherwise follows the rules for
constructs. In addition, a simplified backup gear system
allows the widget to operate with an effective activation
level of 0 even without paying the activation cost;
in this case, its HD is reduced to ½ of a d10,
and it cannot use the aid another action.
It can, however, still carry as much gear as
it could while activated and provides you
normal access to any masterwork labs or
kits it is carrying.
Expensive Component: Improving the
Imperial army service widget is a simple An adventuring technologist begins to wish (and not for the first time) that he could give his imperial army service
matter of making its internal workings widget a little bit of Intelligence (Artwork by Marlon de Rivera)

Artifact (greater) [Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Sonic, Null-Space] Example – The Ultimate Weapon
Activation Time: 1 full round Only one null-space cannon has ever been created in the
Range: 1000 feet history of the Imperium, and its secrets have long since
Area: Cylinder (80-foot radius, 500 feet high) been lost. When it was last used (in the wars fought to
Duration: Instantaneous; see text unify the Imperium) it proved capable of single-handedly
Saving Throw: See text annihilating opposing forces and strongholds with a single
Activation Cost: 135 points massive blast. If another cannon were ever to be created, every
Weight: 3 lbs. power group aware of its history would both fear and covet
The Imperial null-space cannon is an unbelievably destructive its fantastic destructive capacity. Finding a working model
artifact, an enormous energy beam generator the size of a large of this device would require locating the lost demiplane on
building that remains safely tucked away in its own personal which the null-space cannon is stored along with several of the
demiplane until you call it forth to wreak destruction upon your device’s energy-trapping focusing crystals. The discovery of
enemies. It must be activated for 3 consecutive rounds to have this lost weapon by anyone with the knowledge of how to
its full effect, as it gradually manifests on the Material Plane (or operate it would cause no end of conflict.
on whatever plane you happen to find yourself on) and gathers
energy. The device’s cylindrical area of effect must be placed 500 massive energies of the cannon distort space-time in the
feet off the ground, as that is where the cannon manifests. Once the area of effect and slows (as the spell) everyone in the area (no
null-space cannon has begun to gather energy the process cannot be save). At the end of this round the cannon fires, unleashing
halted by spells and effects that ward against plane shifting, as the energy that it has gathered, stored, and multiplied a
the immense forces being harnessed overpower any such effect. hundredfold. A titanic beam of magenta energy lances
Activating the Imperial null-space cannon has different effects down from overhead and obliterates everything in the area,
based on the number of consecutive rounds you have activated dealing 2d6 points of damage per activation level (maximum
the device, as follows: of 60d6) with a Reflex save for half damage. Normal energy
1st Round: The null-space cannon begins to manifest as a gigantic, resistance does not apply against this effect; instead, any
ominous shadow in the sky approximately 500 feet above the degree of resistance or immunity to an energy type reduces
targeted area. It draws the energy in the area into itself as it
prepares to fire. This bleaches the colors out of the immediate
surroundings and sickens characters in the area; all creatures
must make a Fortitude save or be dazed for one round and
sickened for 1 minute per activation level afterwards. Even
creatures normally immune to sickening by virtue of their
creature type must save, such as undead and constructs — the
weapon draws indiscriminately on the motive energies
of every creature in the area. The cannon also weakens the
structural integrity of any inanimate objects in the area, and
all inanimate objects in the area lose their hardness ratings
for 1 minute as the cannon warps their substance.
2nd Round: The null-space cannon is clearly visible as a monolithic
array of dull metallic machinery and focusing lenses overhead,
and is clearly surging with power. It can be attacked at this
point, though it is treated as incorporeal for determining its
miss chance and what attacks can affect it. The device has an
AC of –3, hardness 20, and 10 hit points per activation level.
The energies being drawn toward the cannon manifest as
glowing streamers of light and the ground shudders and rips
with the force. This cataclysm has the effect of an earthquake
spell as cast by a druid of the technologist’s activation level.
Any creature witnessing this display must also make a Will
save or be shaken for 1 minute per activation level. This is a
mind-affecting effect.
3rd Round: The null-space cannon is fully manifested in this
round and may be attacked normally by anyone not already The imperial null-space cannondoes funny things to reality — not to mention
incapacitated or running for their lives. In this round the people and buildings (Artwork by Nani Nimi Nitesh)

the damage by 5 per energy type the creature is protected look like oddly-shaped versions of common tools that have a
against. Objects take double normal damage, and their mottled surface reflective of the variety of materials that went
hardness does not apply. into their construction.
Expensive Component: Rare focusing crystals costing 5,160 Expensive Component: Adding a special alchemical jelly
gold pieces may be incorporated into the null-space cannon’s stabilizes the tools created by this device, making them permanent
focusing arrays, allowing it to retain and release energy without until destroyed. However, tools created by an instant contrivance still
losing a single iota of power. These crystals invariably shatter break down if they are separated from you for more than 24 hours,
under the strain, but when they are used they increase the DC of making them difficult to resell. This jelly costs 390 gold pieces.
all saving throws against any of the null-space cannon’s effects by 2
and increase the cannon’s damage by 50% at the end of the third INTERPHASIC TERROR
consecutive round of activation. Technology (standard) [Null-Space]
Activation Time: 1 standard action
Gadget (lesser) Target: You
Activation Time: 1 full round Base Duration: 1 hour (D)
Range: 0 Activation Cost: 6 points
Effect: One set of masterwork tools Weight: 2 lbs.
Duration: 1 hour An interphasic terror is a (relatively) primitive attempt at
Activation Cost: 5 points mastering null-space technology, through which technologists
Weight: 8 lbs. can create weapons or other powerful and much-too-large devices
An instant contrivance is a nondescript-looking box that and store them in an artificial pocket dimension to call forth
compresses and cooks random junk (primarily stone, earth, and when needed. The problem with an interphasic terror is that its
scrap metal) into usable tools. In fact, with a little adjusting these grip on normal reality is entirely too tenuous for it to actually
tools are perfect for the job at hand and are treated as masterwork, do anything. It can, however, look dangerous by revealing itself as
with any one component chosen by you when you create the tools. a looming shadow of undeterminable potential and with almost
After one hour the tools break down into their constituent parts any kind of appearance. Sometimes that’s enough.
and are rendered useless. When you activate an interphasic terror you bring it close
Tools created with an instant contrivance are distinctive and to normal reality and can cause it to manifest at any time as a
menacing presence, though it
remains intangible and cannot
block line of sight. You can control
how the device appears to tailor it
to the current situation. This ability
grants you a +1 circumstance bonus
to Intimidate checks per activation
level (maximum +20 bonus). In
addition, you can use the shadowy
mass of technology to throw your
opponents off-balance by using the
“demoralize opponent” version of
the Intimidate skill. You may do so
once per round as a swift action.
Expensive Component: An
interphasic terror is usually linked to
its creator, but cross-dimensional
homing beacons allow you to use
the device on another’s behalf.
These beacons cost 750 gold pieces
and change the device’s range
to touch. A Will save (harmless)
negates the conferral of the benefits
to Intimidate checks.
Though it looks menacing, an interphasic terror isn’t always successful at intimidating its target
(Artwork by J. L. Jones)

Technology (greater) [Antimagic] Gadget (lesser)
Activation Time: 1 standard action Activation Time: 1 standard action
Range: 10 feet Range: Touch
Area: 10-foot radius emanation, centered on you Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level (D) Duration: 1d6 rounds
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: None
Activation Cost: 45 points Activation Cost: 5 points
This ability channels antimagic into the space around you Weight: 2 lbs.
to create a churning field of distortion that suppresses spells An iron grub is a clockwork worm full of serrated edges and
and devices alike. An invisible barrier surrounds you and stays burrowing mechanisms. With a successful melee attack you plant
centered on you, creating an area impervious to most magical the grub on the target’s skin where it begins to burrow downward,
effects (spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities). The spiraling into the creature’s flesh and causing great harm. The
inviolate shield also suppresses spells, magical effects, and magical construct remains active for 1d6 rounds and deals 1 point of
items used within, brought into, or cast into the area (they do not hit point damage and 1 point of Constitution damage every
function, but are not dispelled, and their duration continues to round, with no saving throw allowed. The grub may be attacked
run down). Devices and device effects likewise cease to function during this time — it has hardness 8 and 1 hit point per activation
while still expending their durations. level. Prematurely destroying it ends the duration. Iron grubs are
Summoned creatures and incorporeal undead wink out if ineffective against any creature with damage reduction unless
they enter an inviolate shield against magic and reappear in the same the grub is of a material that bypasses that damage reduction.
spot once the shield is gone. In the case of a summoned creature, Treat the grub as a light weapon for determining how much such
the “winked out” period counts against the duration of the enhancements cost.
summoning spell. If you create an inviolate shield against magic in an The weight listed is for a single iron grub, and more grubs add
area occupied by a summoned creature or incorporeal undead that to the total weight.
has spell resistance, the creature winks out automatically; unlike a Expensive Components: An iron grub is unusually inexpensive,
mage, you need not overcome the creature’s resistance to magical as it is designed to be expendable. Each grub costs 5 gold pieces
effects with an activation level check. The effects of instantaneous and is destroyed after a single use. Alternatively, you can build
conjurations are not affected by an antimagic field because the an advanced version that has twice the normal number of hit
conjuration itself is no longer in effect, only its result. points and can burrow for twice as long before winding down,
Normal items of all kinds can enter the area and the doubling this device’s duration. This advanced iron grub costs 900
nonmagical, nondevice components of various items (including gold pieces.
masterwork components) continue to function normally. An
inviolate shield has no effect on golems and other constructs that are IRON GRUB POD
imbued with magic during their creation process and are thereafter Gadget (greater)
self-supporting (unless they have been summoned, in which case Activation Time: 1 standard action
they are treated like any other summoned creatures). Elementals, Range: Touch
corporeal undead, and outsiders are likewise unaffected unless Target: Creature touched
summoned, though magical abilities are suppressed normally. Duration: 1d6 rounds
Dispel magic and similar effects are ineffective against the Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
inviolate shield. Two or more antimagic fields or inviolate shields Activation Cost: 15 points
sharing any of the same space have no effect on each other — the Weight: 3 lbs.
maelstrom of magical and antimagical static cannot itself be An iron grub pod contains dozens of very small clockwork
jammed. Certain spells, such as wall of force, prismatic sphere, and worms that burrow into the flesh of the target creature if you
prismatic wall, remain unaffected by the inviolate shield against magic. succeed with a melee attack. These worms deal 1d4 points of
See their individual descriptions for more details. Artifacts and Constitution damage every round as they twist and burrow
deities are unaffected by a mortal technologist’s efforts. into the creature’s internal organs. The affected creature makes
Creatures who do not fit entirely within the area of the inviolate a Fortitude save every round of the device’s duration — success
shield are not completely protected; any part of the creature that indicates that it does not take Constitution damage for that
lies outside the shield is unaffected, and magic affects it normally. round, but it must still save again next round.
Expensive Component: You can increase the inviolate shield against Unlike a full-scale iron grub, these constructs are too small,
magic’s range to 30 feet and its area to a 30-foot radius emanation fast, and numerous to be attacked directly. However, a remove
centered on you with the right expensive components, creating a disease spell or any other similarly powerful healing spell or effect
formidable barrier against sorcerous effects. The proper reagents that is effective against diseases will destroy them instantly (they
and powders cost a total of 2,610 gold pieces. receive no saving throw).

Expensive Components: One use of an iron grub pod requires tiny of earplugs, any character in the burst hears what was spoken into
clockwork grubs costing a total of 15 gold pieces. This is not an the device if they can make the (very easy) Listen check to do so.
optional expensive component. Alternatively, you can use more Expensive Components: The jabberblaster itself is the most
sophisticated grubs, which doubles this device’s duration. These expensive part of this device; replacing or reproducing the
improved grubs cost 900 gold pieces. earplugs requires only 1 gold piece per set of earplugs. In addition,
you can increase the noise produced by the “weapon” by inserting
JABBERBLASTER specially-prepared reverberation chambers into the cone. This
Gadget (standard) [Sonic] increases the jabberblaster’s area of effect to a 10-foot radius per
Activation Time: 1 standard action level spread, centered on you, and costs 900 gold pieces.
Range: 0
Area: 5-foot radius per level spread, centered on you JABBERWOCKY SLAYER
Duration: Instantaneous Artifact (standard)
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text Activation Time: 1 swift action
Activation Cost: 10 points Range: 0 feet
Weight: 5 lbs. Effect: An activated transdimensional blade
The entire point of the jabberblaster is that it is very, very Base Duration: 1 round
loud. It is a large, alchemically-treated crystalline cone; you Saving Throw: None
speak at one end and the sound is magnified a hundred-fold at Activation Cost: 18 points
the other end. Any sound so amplified can be heard with a DC 0 Weight: 4 lbs.
Listen check and all creatures gain a +5 circumstance bonus per The Jabberwocky slayer appears to be a jagged nest of metal
activation level to this check. Additionally, the deafening blast bars bristling with sharp edges. You wield it by sticking your hand
of sound has a tendency to blow out any nearby eardrums. All into the mass — the slayer hovers in place with no visible means
creatures within 5 feet per activation level must make a Fortitude of support and moves when you move your hand. Even when
save. Success indicates that they merely have the amplified sound inactivated it is an exotic light melee weapon that deals 1d8 points
ringing in their ears for a few hours, inflicting a –5 penalty on all of slashing damage (plus Strength) with a 20/×2 critical. The
Listen checks. Failure means that they are permanently deafened weapon has a nonmagical +3 enhancement bonus to attack and
until they receive at least 3 points of magical healing specifically damage rolls at all times and penetrates damage reduction and
directed at restoring their damaged auditory apparatus. Creatures incorporeality as though it were magical. You are automatically
within the area of a silence spell are immune to this effect. proficient in your slayer.
The jabberblaster comes with a pair of earplugs designed to When you activate the
filter out the specific frequency it produces; these earplugs grant Jabberwocky slayer, the strange
a +20 bonus on any saves made against the deleterious effects of weapon becomes much
the technologist’s jabberblaster, but do not interfere with hearing more deadly and reveals its
or protect the wearer from any other loud noises, including other true nature — the visible
jabberblasters. Regardless of the result of the save or the presence portion of the device is
but a tiny fraction of the
Example – Jabberwocky Slayers for the Non- whole, a coiling chain
Technologist of slashing bars forced
Because this device has a powerful effect even when it into nearby realities
is not activated (the weapon’s nonmagical +3 enhancement and strange dimensions
bonus), characters with no levels in technologist can make only discoverable with
use of it in a limited fashion. This seems underpriced at bizarre, non-Euclidean
first glance — a +3 weapon for only 6,000 gold pieces — but mathematics. Creatures
it’s not as bad as it looks. Remember that the 6,000-gold with true seeing and similar
piece price is based on raw materials and that buying a effects can see these blades
Jabberwocky slayer from a skilled technologist should actually extending from the main
cost between 9,000 and 12,000 gold pieces. Remember body of the slayer before
also that the device requires an Exotic Weapon Proficiency fading, seemingly into
(Jabberwocky slayer) to wield without penalty. With these the distance. An activated
factors in mind, the price doesn’t look so bad and you can Jabberwocky slayer can strike
start working on that forbidden monastery full of monk/ anywhere you can see, coiling
technologists who meditate on the nature of space and through unseen space An activated Jabberwocky slayer has been
time in an effort to master this unique weapon. to slice at its target. You described as “full of blades” by one lucky
must make attack rolls survivor (Artwork by Marlon de Rivera)

normally as though wielding any other weapon, and an activated cannot be disbelieved through simple observation; creatures must
Jabberwocky slayer is effectively a light melee weapon with reach interact with the illusion directly to notice its illusory nature.
out to your line of sight. Expensive Component: This device produces long-lasting
In addition, the slayer’s transdimensional nature makes it images, but some users would prefer to create a more permanent
considerably more deadly than most weapons when activated phantasm. Doing so requires additional linked computing
as the weapon’s jagged slashing edges compress into impossibly elements capable of creating secondary images to cover distortions
sharp cutting surfaces. The Jabberwocky slayer is effectively a vorpal in the primary image that crop up over time. These computers
weapon — on a roll of a natural 20, followed by a successful roll to cost 1,110 gold pieces and change this device’s duration to 24
confirm the critical hit, the Jabberwocky slayer severs the head of hours and its activation cost to 45 points.
the creatures struck. Some creatures, such as many aberrations
and all oozes, have no heads. Others, such as golems and undead JONNETYPE SYNAESTHESIAGRAPH
creatures other than vampires, are not affected by the loss of their Gadget (greater) [Illusion]
heads. Most other creatures, however, die when their heads are Activation Time: 1 full round
cut off. Range: Touch
You are the only person who can use your Jabberwocky slayer Area: 20-foot radius emanation
in its activated form. All other creatures are limited to the base Duration: See text (D)
statistics and the nonmagical +3 enhancement bonus, even if the Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if interacted with); see text
device is currently activated. Activation Cost: 15 points
Expensive Component: A Jabberwocky slayer is a bizarre weapon, Weight: 5 lbs.
to be sure, but a weapon nevertheless; you may add masterwork The Jonnetype synaesthesiagraph consists of a portable turn-
components suited for weapons to the device at the normal cost. table and a multi-pronged needle mounted on a swiveling arm.
In addition, you can make the slayer even more deadly by coating When you activate this device it records all of the sounds and
the weapon with temporal quintessence. Temporal quintessence visual stimuli within 20 feet. It can record up to a minute’s worth
has no effect on most materials but allows Jabberwocky slayers of information on a single Jonnesphere, a lacquered metal sphere
to strike from other times as well as other spaces. This effect that weighs 1 pound. The activation cost to record an area for 1
increases the device’s critical threat range to 19–20. The slayer’s minute is 15 points and the device will record for the full minute
chance to sever a creature’s head also doubles. A quantity of or until stopped or disturbed. If a Jonnesphere is recorded on, any
temporal quintessence sufficient to last for one activation costs existing recordings on the sphere are erased.
2,340 gold pieces. A Jonnesphere can be replayed by the synaesthesiagraph,
recreating the sounds and images recorded on it. Replaying
JONNETYPE SYNAESTHENIC PROJECTOR the recording of a Jonnetype synaesthesiagraph has an activation
Artifact (lesser) [Illusion] cost of 15 points per Jonnesphere recording. After one minute,
Activation Time: 1 full round the recording repeats in a cycle until 1 hour has passed (and
Range: Up to 20 feet/level the recording has looped 60 times), after which time you must
Area: Up to a 20-foot radius emanation/level, centered on the expend another 15 activation points to continue the replays. At
device any time during the synaesthesiagraph’s duration you can swap out
Base Duration: 1 hour (D) the Jonnesphere it is replaying as a move action.
Saving Throw: Will disbelief; see text The image of the synaesthesiagraph playback is hard to
Activation Cost: 9 points distinguish from the real thing, and a Listen or Spot check (DC
Weight: 18 lbs. 15 + ½ your activation level) is required to gain a Will saving
The Jonnetype synaesthenic projector looks something like an throw to disbelieve, no matter how carefully a creature observes
orrery, with dozens of the orbs used as recording media in the the image. Actual objects and sounds inside the 20-foot radius of
Jonnetype synaesthesiagraph orbiting a central structure in a complex the playback are drowned out by the replaying unless a real sound
pattern. The synaesthenic projector is more than a simple recording is very loud or a real object is very large or very bright.
device and can envelop entire towns in a powerful illusion Expensive Component: A Jonnesphere is three inches across,
complete with sounds, tastes, smells, and touch sensations as well weighs a pound, and can hold one minute of stereo sound and
as vision. three dimensional visuals, perfectly rendered so as to be almost
With this device, you can make natural terrain look, sound, indistinguishable from the real thing. A Jonnesphere costs 5 gp.
and smell like some other sort of natural terrain. You can also use A particular sphere can be erased and written upon anew an
the projector to alter the appearance of structures, or add them unlimited number of times. This component is not optional.
where none are present. The synaesthenic projector can’t disguise, There is also an optional expensive component in the form of
conceal, or add creatures, although creatures within the area supplementary recording needles that allow the synaesthesiagraph
might hide themselves within the illusion just as they can hide to record 5 minutes of light and sound onto a given Jonnesphere
themselves within a real location. The illusion is nearly perfect and instead of only 1 minute. This expensive component costs 390 gold

pieces. The extended-play Jonnesphere is not itself altered, and any the maximum value of the item or items discovered depends on
later recordings on that sphere without the expensive component your Search skill — for every rank you have in that skill, the item(s)
erase the old, longer recording and last for only a minute. discovered may be worth 100 gold pieces. Affected characters could
discover an expensive component for a device, a potion or other
KELLERIS’S CHRONEPTIC REPEATER inexpensive magical item, or a pair of dry socks, as desired. The
Artifact (lesser) creature may employ the item immediately. The object or objects
Activation Time: 1 standard action (or their remains) vanish 1 hour after they appear, returning to
Range Increment: Medium (100 feet) the when and where that they came from.
Effect: Ray You may have no more than one time-lost crawler active
Duration: Instantaneous simultaneously, according to your subjective time-frame. For
Saving Throw: Will negates (object) some reason, the objects fetched by Kelleris’s time-lost crawler
Activation Cost: 45 points tend to be somewhat mismatched — a scroll might have several
Weight: 6 lbs. individuals’ handwriting on it, and a pair of socks will probably
This warped-looking rifle projects a beam of yellow-gold have different designs on them.
energy. You must succeed at a ranged touch attack to strike your When its duration elapses or the creature touched finds the
target. If you do so, the target creature or object is momentarily object left for it, the time-lost crawler appears before you again,
enveloped in a temporal paradox that visits the effects of the last ready to be used once more. If you are currently in a dangerous
several seconds upon it again, or negates those effects as though situation (such as combat), the crawler will wait to show itself
they never happened. The creature or object does not change until you have a moment of peace. Every time you dispatch the
position or orientation, but it immediately suffers the effects crawler, there is a 1% chance that it finds something that destroys
of all damage and healing it received, all spell and device effects, or disables it while wandering through the time stream. You do
and special abilities such as poison over again, counting from not discover this destruction, if it occurs, until you attempt to
the beginning of your last turn to the beginning of your current discover an item, fail, and the crawler does not return.
one. Alternatively, you can remove all the effects of damage or Expensive Component: You can fill a special tank inside the
healing, spell and device effects, and special abilities and attacks time-lost crawler’s carapace with temporal quintessence, allowing
the creature received in the last round, potentially even raising it to access more fragments of the time-stream and thereby
someone from the dead if they died very recently. search a much larger area. The cost of this expensive component
Kelleris’s chroneptic repeater affects conditions, not actions, and is variable; it can be as much or as little as you like, because its
has no effect on the creatures or objects that originally inflicted effect is to increase the potential value of the retrieved item by the
the negated or doubled conditions on the target of this device. gold piece value of the temporal quintessence you expend when
Expensive Component: You can increase the range increment activating the time-lost crawler.
of the chroneptic repeater to 200 feet by installing a topaz
compensation array in the main reaction chamber. Doing so KINETIC BARRIER-LAYER
costs 1,110 gold pieces. Technology (lesser) [Force]
Activation Time: 1 standard action
Artifact (standard) Effect: Wall with an area up to one 10-foot square/level
Activation Time: 1 minute Duration: 1 minute
Range: Touch Saving Throw: None
Target: Creature touched Activation Cost: 15 points
Base Duration: 1 hour Weight: 6 lbs.
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) A kinetic barrier-layer projects an arc of red-orange energy that
Activation Cost: 18 points appears to the untrained eye to be electrical in nature. However,
Weight: 4 lbs. this energy has no effect on creatures of any kind, and instead
Kelleris’s time-lost crawler is a silent beetle-like construct whose excites the aether in its area of effect, forming an invisible and
metallic surface gleams with a coruscating blue energy. This impermeable barrier of pure kinetic force. The wall is immobile
construct travels throughout the time-stream and surreptitiously and immune to all forms of damage, including spell damage.
finds objects and deposits them where needed so that the creature Only disintegration spells and effects can damage or destroy the
touched, in an amazing display of “luck,” can stumble across the field of force. Device and spell effects cannot pass through the
item(s) right when it is most required. kinetic barrier, although teleportation effects bypass it as they
At any time during the device’s duration the creature you would any other solid object. A kinetic barrier-layer blocks ethereal
assigned the time-lost crawler to may, as an immediate action, and material creatures equally, although ethereal creatures can
discover an item or items ready to hand. The crawler feeds off simply phase around the obstruction. The only effects that pass
your knowledge of investigation and resource-gathering, and so unblocked through the kinetic barrier are gaze attacks.

You can form the wall into a flat, vertical plane whose area is Knife spiders can wear armored barding, although they are not
up to one 10-foot square per activation level. Kinetic barriers must be proficient in it and can use other simple items of gear (such as
continuous and unbroken when created and simply do not come alchemist’s fire) when commanded to do so by their controller.
into existence if their surface is broken by creatures or objects. Any masterwork component meant for weapons can be
Expensive Component: A kinetic barrier-layer is designed as a applied to the construct’s slam attack and any masterwork
stop-gap measure and battlefield control tool and lasts only a component meant for armor may likewise be added, if
short time before fading. Intensifying the energy flow, an upgrade appropriate.You may also add the high-quality, dedicated to a
costing 750 gold pieces, increases the barrier’s duration to 1 hour purpose, sacred/profane, or user-friendly (thereby allowing the
and buys the harried technologist a bit more time. construct to use one specific trained-only skill, such as Tumble,
untrained) skill-related components to one of these constructs.
KNIFE SPIDER In addition, any of the special abilities listed in the animated
Gadget (standard) objects entry (blind, constrict, and so forth) may be added in lieu
Activation Time: 1 standard action of a masterwork component, as appropriate. Adding wheels to
Range Increment: Close (25 feet) increase the construct’s speed also counts as one masterwork
Effect: 1 Small animated object; see text component. You may also increase the hardness of the construct
Base Duration: 1 round by 1 as though adding a masterwork component; these increases
Saving Throw: None stack, to a maximum hardness of 20. In addition, masterwork
Activation Cost: 2 points components cost only one-third of their usual cost, as they
Weight: 3 lbs. are easy to add to the device’s modular design. The venomous
A knife spider resembles a razor-edged throwing disc, and masterwork component is a popular upgrade for a knife spider.
that’s exactly what it functions as most of the time. However, when
activated and thrown as a standard action, the device unfurls on KNOT TRAIN
impact into a very unpleasant spider-shaped clockwork widget that Gadget (lesser)
proceeds to do its best to maul the creature it is now attached to. Activation Time: 1 full-round action
The knife spider deals 1d6 points of slashing damage with Range: Touch
a ×2 critical range and has a range increment of 25 feet when it Duration: 5 minutes
is used as a thrown weapon. An activated knife spider grants its Saving Throw: None
wielder a bonus to its attack roll equal to the your Intelligence Activation Cost: 5 points
bonus and a bonus to damage equal to your activation level. On Weight: 5 lbs.
impact an activated knife spider attempts to attach to the creature A knot train resembles a centipede with numerous protruding
struck by making a grapple check. Treat the knife spider as a Small wheels and hooks, three inches wide and three feet long. When
animated object with hardness 10, the multiple legs special activated, the knot train travels in the direction you send it,
quality, the attach special ability, a racial bonus on grapple checks skittering along at a base speed of 30 feet and double-moving in
equal to your activation level plus your Intelligence modifier, and a straight line until it discovers a knot or rope or until it reaches
temporary hit points equal to your activation level. A knife spider a barrier. The knot train also has a Climb speed of 10 feet. Thin
that hits with its slam attack latches onto the opponent’s body steel whiskers along the length of the knot train detect any knots
with its powerful legs and begins to mindlessly chew or ropes in squares the device travels through and
away at its target unless it is directed to do prevent the knot train from falling into pits
otherwise. An attached knife spider loses deeper than five feet.
its Dexterity bonus to AC and thus has an If the knot train encounters nothing
AC of 13. An attached knife spider can be after traveling 800 feet or encounters an
struck with a weapon or grappled itself; impassable barrier it returns to whence it
to remove an attached spider through came, following the path back as best as it
grappling, the opponent must achieve can. Otherwise, the device will attempt to
a pin against the creature. An attached manipulate knots or ropes it encounters
knife spider automatically deals its slam in one of several preprogrammed ways.
damage (usually 1d4 points) on every These settings are not mutually exclusive;
round that it remains attached. the knot train can be set to untie the first
Fortunately, knife spidersare cheap and easy to replace
Expensive Components: Replacing rope it encounters, then tie that onto
a knife spider is inexpensive, as these constructs are meant to be the first obstacle it finds, or to ignore the first two obstacles, then
disposable when they cannot be retrieved. A new knife spider can be tie the third, and so on.
created with only a day’s work at a cost of 5 gp per activation level. Ignore: The simplest setting, this causes the knot train to keep
Many technologists also choose to customize their knife spiders by moving past the rope. An odometer on the knot train’s back
adding superior equipment or various masterwork components. marks the distance to the rope.

Untie: The knot train stops when it enters a square with a knot provided that the creature’s soul is free and willing to return. The
and begins to untie all knots in the square, scrambling original physical remains, should they still exist, become inert and
along surfaces and using complex motors to manipulate cannot thereafter be restored to life. If the original creature has
the rope. It makes a Use Rope checks as a standard action, reached the end of its natural life span and has died of natural
with a bonus equal to your activation level +8. If this Use causes, any cloning attempts fail due to the intercession of deities
Rope check fails the knot train tries to cut the rope instead; interested in maintaining the natural order.
the device comes equipped for this purpose with a small To create the duplicate you must have a piece of flesh (not
knife that deals 1d3 points of slashing damage per round hair, nails, scales, or the like) with a volume of at least 1 cubic inch
to ropes and wire. If the knot train encounters a rope too that was taken from the original creature’s living body. The piece
long for it to untie, such as a trip-wire that stretches ten of flesh need not be fresh, but it must be kept from rotting. Once
feet to either side, the knot train will either explore the rope this device is activated, the duplicates grows on its own inside the
and untie it from the ends, or cut the rope, depending on sludge-filled tube into a complete clone, a process which takes
its settings. 2d4 months.
Tie: When the knot train encounters a rope it picks up the rope When the clone is completed, the original’s soul enters it
and carries it until it reaches an obstacle or creature, at which immediately if that creature is already dead. The clone is physically
point it attempts to tie the rope to that object or creature. identical and possesses the same personality and memories as
Usually the knot train only attempts to secure the rope like the original. Treat the clone as if it were the original character
a lasso, but it can be set to attempt to bind the creature raised from the dead, including the loss of one level or 2 points
or object. If the target is incapacitated this is a simple Use of Constitution (if the original was a 1st-level character). If the
Rope check with a bonus equal to your activation level +8. If original creature has lost levels since the flesh sample was taken
the creature actively resists being tied up, however, the knot and died at a lower level than the clone would otherwise be, the
train makes a grapple check against the creature (its grapple clone is one level below the level at which the original died.
bonus is your activation level + your Intelligence modifier This device duplicates only the original’s body and mind, not
– 9). If the device succeeds at its grapple check the creature it its equipment. A duplicate can be grown while the original still
binds is considered entangled. Technologists often give the lives, or when the original soul is unavailable, but the resulting
knot train a rope when releasing it instead of relying on the body is merely a soulless bit of inert flesh that rots if not preserved.
device to pick one up en route. Leaving the body in its gestation tube prevents it from decaying.
A knot train is a Tiny animated object except that it cannot attack Expensive Component: A slaved computer program
and can only follow the commands you gave it when you released that monitors the clone growth process and assists in soul
it. It has hardness 8 and gains a racial bonus on grapple checks reattachment can be created at a cost of 30,000 gold pieces. This
equal to your activation level plus your Intelligence modifier. It upgrade perfects the cloning process, allowing a cloned creature
also effectively has blindsight in a 5-foot radius, but a knot train to return to life with no loss of levels or Constitution.
typically responds only to ropes and similar objects.
Expensive Component: An additional strip of cogs and legs LUSTRATIVE ARMOR
added to the knot train’s central gear column allows it to move Artifact (standard) [Antimagic]
much faster and increases its base land speed to 90 feet and its Activation Time: 8 hours
double-move to 180 feet. The knot train’s climb speed also increases Range: Touch
to 30 feet. These additional gears cost 390 gold pieces. Target: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
LABORATORY OF REAWAKENING Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Artifact (standard) Activation Cost: 90 points
Activation Time: 8 hours This “device” is actually a complex ritual that completely
Range: 0 cleanses the body of the creature touched of magical influences
Effect: One clone and grants the creature an intuitive ability to use antimagical
Duration: Instantaneous forces. The target character’s skin acquires a subtle grey sheen
Saving Throw: None that seems to come from just beneath the surface, and he is
Activation Cost: 90 points granted powerful defenses against harmful magic.
Weight: 776 lbs. Lustrative armor grants a +5 resistance bonus to all saving
A laboratory of reawakening is a tube, large enough to hold a throws versus spells and spell-like abilities and a +3 deflection
Large-size creature, filled with a green sludge and hooked up to all bonus to AC against nontechnological constructs, elementals,
manner of strange machinery. The laboratory allows you to make outsiders, and the undead. In addition, the protected creature
an inert duplicate of a creature. If the original individual has been may touch a single creature or magical effect to target it with
slain, its soul immediately can immediately enter this clone, thus a dispel magic effect and produce an aura of grey light that acts
creating a nearly identical replacement for the deceased creature, as a lesser globe of invulnerability, each once per day. Both of these

effects have an effective caster level of 10. However, the creature original source dissipates (in the case of a spell) or is destroyed (in
also gains a 25% failure chance when casting any kind of magical the case of a magic item). If you use your magic sensitivity to scan an
spell, manifesting any psionic powers, or activating a magical area with lingering auras present, the aura strength is dim (even
spell-trigger item (such as a scroll). This failure chance stacks weaker than a faint aura). How long dim auras linger depends on
with any others the character may have, including arcane spell their original power, as shown on Table 4-6, below.
failure from wearing armor. Lustrative armor is not magical and Expensive Component: An opaque, watery draught of a
cannot be dispelled, and it is such a fundamental change to the specially-formulated alchemical substance greatly increases the
targeted creature’s being that it carries over even if the creature is potency of this ability. The device’s range increases to 60 feet and
raised from the dead. Only a wish or similarly powerful effect can the radius of its circular area of effect increases to 60 feet as well.
negate the armor. In addition, you are continuously made aware of the number of
Your lustrative armor may only ever be granted to a single different magical auras in the area and the strength of the most
individual (yourself or another), who is chosen when you master potent aura as though you had already concentrated for one
this device. If you attempt the cleansing ritual on any other being round. This potion costs 390 gold pieces.
it automatically fails and provides no benefits.
Expensive Component: You can construct a special ritual MAGNETOSONIC WAVEFORM PULSE GENERATOR
chamber of gleaming metal to provide the protection of lustrative Technology (standard) [Divination]
armor to someone other than the person to whom you originally Activation Time: 10 minutes
attuned the device ability. This chamber costs 65,000 gold pieces, Range: Personal
and only functions once before becoming irretrievably tainted Target: You
with magic. Duration: Instantaneous
Activation Cost: 30 points
Gadget (lesser) [Antimagic, Divination] A magnetosonic waveform pulse generator creates a wave of
Activation Time: 1 minute invisible, inaudible, and mostly intangible energy that scatters
Range: 30 feet and rebounds back to you in specific ways upon encountering
Target: Circle, centered on you, with a radius of 30 feet an object or creature. You can the data from the waveform pulse
Base Duration: 1 hour (D) generator to attempt to make sense of the surrounding area. When
Activation Cost: 1 point you activate this device, you immediately get a sense of the area
Technologists with this ability have become sensitive to around you, up to 1 mile in radius per activation level in relatively
magical auras and can immediately detect their presence. You closed terrain (cities, dungeons, underground), or 100 feet per
automatically sense the presence or absence of magical auras within level outdoors, where the waveform dissipates more quickly.
30 feet, although you can choose to tune out the auras of items Make a Search check. For every 10 full points of the check
you are carrying along with any other magical auras that remain result (round down), you learn one of the following facts: the
within 30 feet of you for more than one full round, if desired. general layout of the terrain; the rough number of corporeal
By concentrating for one round, you can gain more creatures in the area (to the nearest multiple of 5); the presence
information. After the first round, you discern the number of and location of powerful nontechnological constructs, elementals,
different magical auras within range and the power of the most outsiders, or undead (which appear as nonreflective blank spots);
potent aura. A second round of uninterrupted concentration the presence and general location of the 5 closest secret doors
provides the strength and location of each aura (see Table 4-5). (Search DC 20 or less); the presence and general location of the
If the items or creatures bearing the auras are in line of effect 5 closest nonmagical traps or hazards (Search DC 20 or less); the
you can make Spellcraft checks to determine the school of magic general location of the nearest well-hidden secret door (one with
involved in each. Make one check per aura; DC 15 + spell level, or a Search DC of 21 or more); or the general location of the nearest
15 + ½ caster level for a nonspell effect. Magical areas, multiple complex trap or hazard (one with a Search DC of 21 or more). For
types of magic, or strong local magical emanations may distort example, with a Search check result of 36, you could determine
or conceal weaker auras. This ability can penetrate barriers, but the general layout of the area, the rough population of the area,
1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or and locate any powerful nontechnological constructs, elementals,
3 feet of wood or dirt blocks it. outsiders, or undead in the area. Merely finding traps or secret
You also after one round of concentration detect the presence doors with this Table 4-6: Magic Sensitvity Aura
or absence of any lingering auras. These auras linger after their device does not Duration
Duration of
Original Strength
Table 4-5: Magic Sensitivity Aura Strength Lingering Aura
Aura Strength Faint 1d6 rounds
Spell or Object
Faint Moderate Strong Overwhelming Moderate 1d6 minutes
Functioning Spell (spell level) 3rd or lower 4th–6th 7th–9th 10th+ (deity-level) Strong 1d6 × 10 minutes
Magic Item (caster level) 5th or lower 6th–11th 12th–20th 21st+ (artifact) Overwhelming 1d6 days

necessarily allow you to open, disable, or bypass them, although grips, and determine the range (distance and height) at which the
you do gain a +2 insight bonus to the relevant checks due to your magnificent pitch hurler is to deliver its payload. A smoldering ball
increased awareness of the trap, hazard, or secret door’s location of burning slime is catapulted to the area, with results as outlined
and physical makeup. above. You must make a ranged
Expensive Component: An touch attack to hit the area you
amplifying relay that boosts the designate or to bypass any barriers
device’s signal output can be added that would prevent the pitch hurler
to the magnetosonic waveform pulse from striking properly. If you miss,
generator to increase its effective roll deviations as normal.
range. This increases the radius Expensive Component: Although
of the device’s effect by 50%, to the magnificent pitch hurler can
1.5 miles per activation level in convert practically anything into
enclosed spaces or to 150 feet per a flaming ball of slime — dirt, old
level outdoors. The amplifying array trail rations, and parts of fallen
When activated, the magnetosonic waveform pulse generator provides an
costs 1,620 gold pieces. foes are popular choices — a special
impressive amount of data about the area around it
alchemical syrup added to the mix
MAGNIFICENT PITCH HURLER can be added that increases the damage dealt by 50% (to 1½ times
Gadget (greater) [Fire] the usual damage). This syrup costs 900 gold pieces.
Activation Time: 1 standard action
Range Increment: Medium (100 feet) MASTER’S TOOLS
Area: 20-foot radius burst Gadget (standard)
Duration: Instantaneous Activation Time: 1 minute
Saving Throw: Reflex half Range: Personal
Activation Cost: 15 points Target: You
Weight: 4 lbs. Duration: 24 hours (D)
The magnificent pitch hurler is a standard part of any military Activation Cost: 10 points
arsenal that includes technologists. It was created by an Weight: 9 lbs.
enterprising technologist who combined a desire for a portable These high-tech tools are masterworks and grant a +2
siege weapon with a keen awareness of just how many substances circumstance bonus to one Craft subskill. Their actual function
are actually flammable. The result fires a ball of burning glop that and appearance varies wildly, and there are as many versions of
deals 1d6 points of fire damage per activation level (maximum this device as there are Craft subskills. In addition, the master’s
10d6) in a 20-foot radius burst. Unattended objects also take this tools are the perfect tools for creating complex masterwork
damage. In addition, all characters and unattended objects in the components. When you use the master’s tools to Craft masterwork
area of effect must make an additional DC 15 Reflex save or catch components they grant you a +10 competence bonus to your
fire, suffering damage as normal. Craft checks. This bonus is in addition to the circumstance bonus
You aim the cannon, a tube with a large hopper and two hand to all Craft checks.
Expensive Component: The master’s tools are durable and meant
Example – Proliferating Masterwork for frequent use but you can further improve the basic kit with a
Components number of disposable gadgets that augment your crafting abilities
The master’s tools provide you with an excellent to an even greater degree. These expendable gadgets cost 390 gold
opportunity to introduce the new masterwork components pieces and grant you a +20 competence bonus on any one Craft
found in Chapter Two into your campaign setting. check made while the master’s tool are activated.
Because the tools provide such a large, accessible bonus
to craftsmen willing to even briefly study technology, they MENSCHAUSEN DOLLS
make masterwork components much more common in any Gadget (greater)
society whose craftspeople make frequent use of master’s Activation Time: 1 standard action
tools. As you introduce technology into your campaign you Range Increment: Close (25 feet)
can use this device to explain why more and more NPCs Target: Up to 8 creatures or objects in a 5-foot radius
are carrying masterwork items of a wide variety of types. Duration: 1 minute
You might even reduce the price of some or all masterwork Saving Throw: None
components to make them more attractive to players if Activation Cost: 15 points
you want to take your game in a more technology-friendly Weight: 8 lbs.
direction, again using this device as your justification. These tiny spider-like objects are, when completely extended,
nearly invisible to the naked eye. In their inert form they are a tiny

ball of metal and wires with an analog motor, about three inches MERCURIC BLADE
across. You activate the device and toss the ball as a grenade-like Technology (lesser)
weapon with a range increment of 25 feet. When the ball lands Activation Time: 1 swift action
it separates into numerous small crawlers that cling to objects Range: 0 feet
within a 5-foot radius. Each of the eight crawlers has a base speed Effect: One liquid metal blade
of 10 ft. + 10 ft. per 3 activation levels (to a maximum of 40 feet) Base Duration: 1 round
and a Strength score of 1 + 3 per 3 activation levels (to a maximum Saving Throw: None
Strength of 10). Activation Cost: 3 points
If the ball is tossed and strikes an object of size Fine or Weight: 3 lbs.
larger, as many crawlers as are needed converge on that object and A mercuric blade is a weapon made entirely of a mentally
attempt to move it. Excess crawlers, or all crawlers if the object is reactive silvery metal. Its neutral state is a bracelet on your primary
too heavy for all of them together, move away and attempt to pick hand, but if you have at least 5 ranks in the Concentration skill,
up their own smaller objects. you can cause it to form a sword-like blade. This blade is an exotic
When a crawler attaches to an object, the device wraps light melee weapon that deals 1d8 points of slashing damage with
discreetly around it like an exoskeleton, causing it to seem to a 19–20/×2 critical. The blade works in this way even if you have not
move under its own power. This effectively creates an animated activated it and even if you lack the activation points to do so.
object (see the MM, pages 13–14). One crawler can animate a Fine When you activate the weapon, however, the blade reads your
object, two can animate a Diminutive object, four can animate a mental commands and reacts to take the form most suited to the
Tiny object, and all eight together can animate a Small object. For occasion. The basic activated form is a light melee weapon that
every 3 activation levels, increase these sizes by one step, though deals 1d12 points of bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
the Menschausen dolls cannot animate any object larger than size with a 19–20/×2 critical range. Activated mercuric blades also grant
Large, regardless of your activation level or the number of dolls a nonmagical +3 enhancement bonus to your attack and damage
working together. rolls. You may also grant a special ability to the weapon. Doing
Menschausen dolls that attempt to move unwilling creatures so is a free action, but the mercuric blade can only have one special
instead of objects must succeed at a grapple check. A doll has a –16 ability at a time. Choose from the following:
penalty to grapple checks due to its size, and this score is further • The mercuric blade’s critical threat range increases to 18–20.
adjusted for the crawler’s Strength. The devices can work together • The mercuric blade’s critical multiplier increases to ×3.
using the aid another action to mitigate this disadvantage. • The mercuric blade elongates into a whip-like form, becoming a
Successful grapple checks have the normal effect, and creatures reach weapon. Unlike most reach weapons, you still threaten
pinned the Menschausen dolls are forced by them to move as though the adjacent squares normally and can attack into them without
creature was a normal animated object. penalty.
If left to their own devices the crawlers will simply pick up • You can use the mercuric blade to trip foes without provoking
objects and move around in errant circles, not straying more an attack of opportunity. They cannot react to trip you if
than 5 feet from where they picked up an item. The animated your attempt fails, as the blade simply flows away from them
objects continue to wander in aimless circles for the duration of and reforms.
the effect, attacking other creatures that come within their reach, • The mercuric blade can disarm opponents without provoking
unless you direct them with an aetherstatic wand — see below. an attack of opportunity and you gain a +2 bonus to the
If an object animated by the Menschausen dolls is destroyed, opposed roll required.
the doll or dolls animating it remain intact and seek to grab • The mercuric blade penetrates damage reduction as though
another nearby object and continue their animations. A doll can it were adamantine, cold iron, or alchemical silver. No other
only be destroyed by taking a readied action to do so while the effects of these special materials apply (such as adamantine’s
doll attempts to grab onto a new object — the devices each have an ability to ignore hardness or silver’s damage penalty).
AC of 20 (+8 size, +2 Dex) and 1 hit point per 2 activation levels All of these abilities are changes in the basic nature of the
(maximum 5 hit points). weapon and are not standard bonuses of any type. Thus, they are
Expensive Component: As long as the Menschausen dolls remain treated as the base to which bonuses are added. For example, a
active, you can direct the motion of dolls within 150 feet as a move mercuric blade wielded by someone with the appropriate Improved
action by means of an aetherstatic wand. Aetherstatic wands Critical feat would have a critical threat range of 17–20 or 15–20
selectively disrupt the gears of the crawlers by releasing faint depending on whether or not you had chosen the improved threat
amounts of magical energy that force the crawlers to move in the range ability that round.
chosen direction. The crawlers can be directed to work separately Expensive Component: You can increase the nonmagical
or together and can follow commands as well as any other enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls granted by an
animated objects. An aetherstatic wand costs 390 gold pieces and activated mercuric blade to +5 by implanting tiny control rods into
is expended once used. the weapon’s liquid-metal surface. These control rods cost 2,610
gold pieces.

METABOLIC INTERDICTION FIELD turn if it does so. If the space from which the subject departed
Technology (lesser) is occupied upon his return to the time stream, he appears in
Activation Time: 1 standard action the closest unoccupied space, still in his original orientation.
Range Increment: Medium (100 feet) Determine the closest space randomly if necessary.
Effect: Field spreads in a 20-foot radius, 20 feet high The charged chronull stone returns to its inert original form
Duration: 1 minute one hour after being activated or once it has been discharged.
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text Expensive Component: One piece of mimetite, costing 50 gold
Activation Cost: 15 points pieces. This stone can be reused.
Weight: 4 lbs.
A metabolic interdiction field is produced by an angular-looking MIMETIC KEY, FIREBURST
orb easily held in one hand. The device creates an energy field Gadget (greater) [Fire]
that causes the life processes of living creatures to grind to a slow Activation Time: 1 standard action
and painful halt. This energy field is invisible, and is stationary Range: Touch
once created. Living creatures in the area of effect find that Target: Uncharged piece of mimetite
their muscles refuse to work and that their breathing becomes Duration: 1 hour or until discharged, then instantaneous
labored. These creatures are reduced to a movement rate of 5 Saving Throw: None; see text
regardless of their normal speed and suffer a –2 penalty on all Activation Cost: 15 points
attack and damage rolls for as long as they remain within the Weight: 1 lb.
metabolic interdiction field. In addition, living creatures must make As mimetic key, sunflare, except as noted below.
a Fortitude save each round that they remain in the field or they When a piece of mimetite is inserted into a fireburst mimetic
take 1d4 points of Constitution damage. key the stone begins to radiate warmth, granting the creature
Creatures immune to poison are immune to this device’s carrying it cold resistance 5.
effects and creatures that have saving throw bonuses against If the stone strikes a surface with any degree of violent force
poison receive those bonuses on their saving throws against this (such as being thrown, dropped, struck, or simply squeezed
device. tightly) it discharges and the stone explodes into a gout of flame
Expensive Component: Adding various sickening nerve that deals 2d6 points of damage + 1d6 points per two activation
compounds to the reaction chamber of a metabolic interdiction field levels (maximum 10d6) to everything within 10 feet. Creatures in
increases the radius and height of the effect to 30 feet each. These the area are allowed a Reflex save for half damage. The rock can
components cost 1,620 gold pieces. be thrown as a grenade-like weapon and has a range increment
of 10 feet.
MIMETIC KEY, CHRONULL After one hour, or once it explodes, the stone returns to its
Artifact (greater) inert, original form.
Activation Time: 1 standard action Expensive Component: One piece of mimetite, costing 50 gold
Range: Touch pieces. This stone can be reused.
Target: Uncharged piece of mimetite
Duration: 1 hour or until discharged, then 1 hour/level; see text MIMETIC KEY, FUDOICITE
Saving Throw: None; see text Technology (lesser)
Activation Cost: 135 points Activation Time: 1 standard action
Weight: 1 lb. Range: Touch
As mimetic key, sunflare, except as noted below. Target: Uncharged piece of mimetite
When a chronull mimetic key is inserted into a piece of mimetite Duration: 1 hour or until discharged, then 1 minute/level
the stone begins to vibrate rapidly, emitting a hum inaudible to Saving Throw: None; see text
humans. Any creature carrying the charged mimetite is propelled Activation Cost: 15 points
into a slightly faster time-stream and is considered hasted, as the Weight: 1 lb.
spell, for as long as the creature continues to carry the chronull As mimetic key, sunflare, except as noted below.
stone. When a fudoicite mimetic key is inserted into a piece of mimetite
If the stone is discharged, all creatures and objects within 10 the stone darkens and imparts solidity to the objects it touches.
feet are shifted into the near future in a blur of motion. Subjects Creatures carrying a fudoicite stone are more stable than normal
are hopped forward in time 1 hour for every activation level you and gain a +4 bonus on all ability checks made to resist being bull
have and seem to disappear and then reappear when this duration rushed or tripped.
expires in exactly the same orientation and condition as before. When triggered by impact the stone expands into a 1-foot-
From the subject’s point of view no time has passed at all. The long bar and becomes immobile, like an immovable rod. The rod
creature may also make a DC 20 Wisdom check every minute hangs in midair and can support up to 8,000 pounds without
to return to the normal time frame, acting normally on its next budging. Moving a discharged piece of fudoicite requires a DC 30

Strength check to push it 10 feet in a single round. The bar even itself entirely. If the stone is not discharged, it returns to its inert,
defies gravity and is immune to all damaging effects except those original form after one hour.
that can disintegrate targets directly. Objects forced into the Expensive Component: One piece of mimetite, costing 50
fudoicite bar are stopped as if they had struck a wall and might gold pieces. The stone can only be reused if the netherstone is not
even buckle around it if sufficient force is applied. discharged.
One minute per activation level after it is discharged, or one
hour after first being charged, the mimetic stone returns to its MIMETIC KEY, SAVANIX
original inert form. Typically this key is used to bar doors and Artifact (lesser) [Mind-Affecting]
assist climbing, though countless other applications are possible. Activation Time: 1 standard action
Expensive Component: One piece of mimetite, costing 50 gold Range: Touch
pieces. The stone can be reused. Target: Uncharged piece of mimetite
Duration: 1 hour or until discharged, then 1 round/level
MIMETIC KEY, NETHERSTONE Saving Throw: None; see text
Technology (greater) Activation Cost: 45 points
Activation Time: 1 standard action Weight: 1 lb.
Range: Touch As mimetic key, sunflare, except as noted below.
Target: Uncharged piece of mimetite When this mimetic key is inserted into a piece of mimetite
Duration: 1 hour or until discharged, then instantaneous the mimetite is charged with your mental energy. The stone
Saving Throw: None; see text begins to emit a gentle pearly-white light (providing shadowy
Activation Cost: 45 points illumination in a 5-foot radius) and hovers around the head of
Weight: 1 lb. anyone carrying it in the same manner as an ioun stone. While
As mimetic key, sunflare, except as noted below. orbiting a creature’s head in this fashion, the savanix stone fills
When a netherstone mimetic key is inserted into a piece of the creature’s mind with energy and fresh thoughts, granting
mimetite the stone begins to hiss softly, like sand through an the creature a +3 competence bonus on all Intelligence checks
hourglass. Any creature or and Intelligence-based skill
object holding the stone checks.
takes 1d6 point of damage If the stone is discharged
for every full minute of by striking a surface with
continuous contact. This any degree of violent force
damage ignores damage it triggers and all creatures
reduction and the hardness and objects within 10
of objects and cannot be feet are bombarded with
detected from a damaged fragmentary thoughts and
object’s outward appearance. emotions, rendering them
Objects that have taken confused for 1 round per
damage from a netherstone activation level. This effect
are outwardly unchanged is difficult to ward off, and
but crumble into powder the Will save DC to negate
if touched, to the extent the confusion is equal to the
indicated by the damage the result of a Knowledge check
object has taken. Creatures (of any kind) made when you
that take damage from Prentice Cogitens unlocks the strange potential energies of mimetite using one of many activate the savanix mimetic
mimetic keys (Artwork by Susan Knowles)
carrying the netherstone key.
must make a DC 15 Wisdom check to notice that they have been A confused creature’s actions are determined by rolling a
injured. These properties make the netherstone mimetic key ideal for d100 at the beginning of the turn. A 01–10 causes the creature
sabotage. to attack you with melee or ranged weapons (or close with you
When discharged by impact the stone vanishes completely, if attacking is not possible); an 11–20 allows it to act normally; a
taking with it random bits of nearby matter. All creatures and result of 21–50 means that the creature does nothing but babble
objects in the 5-foot square struck by the netherstone take 5d6 incoherently; 51–70 means that it flees away from you at top
points of damage + 1d6 additional points per activation level possible speed; and a roll of 71–100 means that it attacks the
(maximum of 20d6). A successful Fortitude save negates this nearest creature (for this purpose, a familiar counts as part of
damage. Objects in the area must also save and take full damage the subject’s self ). A confused creature who can’t carry out the
(ignoring hardness) if they fail. indicated action does nothing but babble incoherently. Attackers
After it vanishes, the stone is gone forever, having negated are not at any special advantage when attacking a confused

creature, and any confused creature who is attacked automatically a certain quality. With the appropriate keys mimetite can possess
attacks its attackers on its next turn, as long as it is still confused any number of different qualities, although the more complex
when its turn comes. A confused creature does not make attacks the desired quality the more advanced the technology that is
of opportunity against any creature that it is not already devoted required to create the necessary mimetic key. Once the mimetite
to attacking (either because of its most recent action or because it is transmuted, it retains its new form for one hour, or until used,
has just been attacked). after which it typically reverts to being plain mimetite.
The charged savanix stone returns to its inert original form A single activation of a mimetic key can only transform one
one hour after being activated or once it has been discharged. piece of mimetite, which weighs about 1 pound. Mimetic keys are
Expensive Component: One piece of mimetite, costing 50 gold created from numerous strips of electro-reactive metal sheets
pieces. This stone can be reused. attached to a glass-encased gold handle. The glass insulates the
sheets that form the “teeth” of the key.
MIMETIC KEY, SMOKEBOMB When a sunflare mimetic key is inserted into a piece of mimetite
Gadget (standard) the stone begins to glow as bright as a torch, shedding bright light
Activation Time: 1 standard action in a 20-foot radius and shadowy light 20 feet further.
Range: Touch If the stone strikes a surface with any degree of violent force
Target: Uncharged piece of mimetite (such as being thrown, dropped, struck, or simply squeezed
Duration: 1 hour or until discharged, then 5 rounds/level tightly) it triggers the stone flashes with intense light. Any creature
Saving Throw: None; see text within 20 feet is blinded for one round per three activation levels
Activation Cost: 10 points unless it succeeds at a Reflex save.
Weight: 1 lb. Charged mimetite can be thrown as a grenade-like weapon
As mimetic key, sunflare, except as noted below. and has a range increment of 10 feet. If you miss, roll scatter
When a smokebomb mimetic key is inserted into a piece of normally. After one hour, or once it is triggered, the stone returns
mimetite the stone begins to extrude a thin, dark vapor, providing to its inert original form.
concealment (and thus a 20% miss chance) to creatures attacked Expensive Component: One four-ounce piece of mimetite
through the same square as the stone (including attacks directed costs 50 gold pieces. Only characters with the ability to use Craft
at the creature holding the stone, if any). (alchemy) without being able to cast spells can create mimetite.
When triggered, the mimetite explodes into a 20-foot After a mimetite stone is used it can be reused as long as it is
radius cloud of black smoke. This fog obscures all sight, recovered, unless otherwise noted. The mimetite required for any
including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures within 5 feet have mimetic key is not an optional expensive component.
concealment, and those farther away have total concealment. A
moderate wind (11+ mph) disperses the smokescreen in 4 rounds; MINDFIRE POISON INJECTOR
a strong wind disperses the fog in 1 round. The smokebomb stone Gadget (greater)
cannot be triggered underwater. Activation Time: 1 full-round action
The charged smokebomb stone returns to its inert Range Increment: Medium (100 feet)
original form one hour after being activated or once it has been Target: One creature
discharged. Duration: Instantaneous
Expensive Component: One piece of mimetite, costing 50 gold Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
pieces. This stone can be reused. Activation Cost: 15 points
Weight: 3 lbs.
MIMETIC KEY, SUNFLARE This roughly spherical device fits over your hand and
Gadget (lesser) [Light] contains an apparatus designed to quickly formulate a potent
Activation Time: 1 standard action poison designed to destroy the target’s nervous system and then
Range: Touch to inject this poison by firing a small needle at the target. Striking
Target: Uncharged piece of mimetite the target creature requires a ranged attack roll and deals 1 point
Duration: 1 hour or until discharged, then 1 round/3 levels of piercing damage as well as exposing the target to the mindfire
Saving Throw: None; see text poison. If the creature makes a successful Fortitude save, the
Activation Cost: 5 points mindfire poison injector merely inflicts a –2 penalty on attack rolls
Weight: 1 lb. and skill checks for 1 minute.
Mimetite is a rare type of stone that has been destabilized If the save is failed, the creature suffers a semi-random effect
by exposure to uncontrolled magic and then purified. The stone based on an activation level check you make as you activate the
is an alchemical blank slate, completely inert and possessing the device. You may select any effect from the table below as long as
consistency of thick, wet clay. When you press a piece of mimetite your activation level check equals or exceeds the listed DC (see
into a mimetic key and activate it, the key encodes the stone with Table 4-7, below).

Table 4-7: Mindfire Poison Injector Activation Level Check (which fully manifests itself 10 minutes later). Contradictory
DC Result conditions are not possible simultaneously. Monroe’s proactive
Victim takes 1d4 points of nonlethal damage per activation weathervane can do away with atmospheric phenomena (naturally
level (maximum of 15d4 points of damage).
Victim takes 1d4 points of lethal damage per activation level
occurring or otherwise) as well as create them.
10 Expensive Component: By adding an adaptive sensor array
(maximum of 15d4 points of damage).
Victim is shaken for 1d4 rounds, deafened for 1d4 rounds to the proactive weathervane you can increase its ability to use
15 or immediately falls prone and cannot stand for 1d4 naturally-occurring forces to manifest the weather conditions
you desire. This doubles the device’s duration and increases its
Victim is nauseated for 1d4 rounds, blinded for 1d4 rounds,
20 range, and the radius of its area of effect, to 3 miles. This expensive
frightened for 1d4 rounds, or stunned for 1d4 rounds.
Victim takes 1 point of ability damage to one ability score component costs 1,620 gold pieces.
25 (selected by you) per 2 activation levels (maximum 10
30 Victim gains 1d4 negative levels.
Artifact (greater)
35 Victim is affected as though by a feeblemind spell.
Activation Time: 1 minute
40 Victim is slain.
Range: 60 feet
Expensive Components: You may load a needle that has been Area: 60-foot radius emanation, centered on you
poisoned using a conventional poison into the injector; this exposes Base Duration: 10 minutes
the creature to the effects of both toxins. In addition, refined Saving Throw: None
toxins may be used with the mindfire poison injector to increase the Activation Cost: 27 points
device’s saving throw DC by 2. These toxins are expended when Weight: 2 lbs.
the device is used and cost 900 gold pieces. This matte-black cube continually produces a swarm of
microscopic machines that obey your mental command when
MONROE’S PROACTIVE WEATHERVANE activated. This swarm of machines is normally invisible, but can
Technology (greater) have dramatic effects on your surroundings. While the nanitic
Activation Time: 10 minutes; see text reconfiguration entity exists, you can use it to produce one of a
Range: Two miles variety of effects, as described below. Each of these effects requires
Area: 2-mile-radius circle, centered on you; see text you to take a standard action to direct the tiny machines, and
Duration: 4d12 hours; see text none allow a saving throw for the affected target or targets. The
Saving Throw: None propagation range of the entity is limited, restricting all of these
Activation Cost: 45 points effects to a 60-foot radius circle around you.
Weight: 17 lbs. Reconfigure: This is the basic function of the nanitic reconfiguration
Monroe’s proactive weathervane looks like a complicated entity, allowing you to convert materials in the area into a
orrery representing the movement of various meteorological finished product made of the same substance. The machines
forces, along with an attached control pad and a long antenna convert material or materials of one sort into a product made
that reaches up toward the sky. With it, you can dictate general from the same material or materials, although they cannot
weather patterns over the next day or so. It takes 10 minutes to affect magical items or substances. The entity is also restricted
activate the device and an additional 10 minutes for its effects to to existing material within range and may not create anything
manifest. You can call forth weather appropriate to the climate that is not already present. The quality of items produced is
and season of the area you are in (see Table 4-8, below). generally commensurate with the quality of materials used,
Table 4-8: Monroe’s Proactive Weathervane
but you must make a Craft check to fabricate items that
Season Possible Weather require a Craft DC of 15 or higher to produce through normal
Spring Tornado, thunderstorm, sleet storm, or hot weather means. The reconfiguration process takes only a single round
Summer Torrential rain, heat wave, or hailstorm and affects up to 5 cubic feet of material per activation level.
Autumn Hot or cold weather, fog, or sleet This device cannot be used to add to your current pool of
Winter Frigid cold, blizzard, or thaw craft points as a normal use of the Craft skill can.
Late winter Hurricane-force winds or early spring (coastal area)
Disassemble: A single creature or object within 60 feet takes
You control the general tendencies of the weather, such 1d6 points of damage per two activation levels you have
as the direction and intensity of the wind. You cannot control (maximum of 15d6), ignoring the hardness of objects and
specific applications of the weather — where lightning strikes, for the damage reduction of creatures. Creatures and objects
example, or the exact path of a tornado. When you select a certain destroyed by this ability are effectively disintegrated, leaving
weather condition to occur, the weather assumes that condition nothing but a small pile of dust behind.
10 minutes later (changing gradually, not abruptly), and continues Defend: You can order the nanitic reconfiguration entity to protect
as you left it for the duration or until you use a standard action to you. It does so by forming a visible grey cloud in a 60-foot
manipulate the weathervane and designate a new kind of weather radius around you that blocks movement within the area.

The entity obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond NOCTURNAL GOGGLES
5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment (attacks have Gadget (lesser)
a 20% miss chance), and creatures farther away have total Activation Time: 1 full round
concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker can’t use Range Increment: Personal
sight to locate the target). Any creature within the nanitic Target: You
entity takes a –2 penalty on all melee attack and melee Duration: 1 hour (D)
damage rolls and moves at a speed of 5 feet regardless of Activation Cost: 1 point
its normal speed. This defensive barrier prevents effective Weight: 1 lb.
ranged weapon attacks, except for magic rays and the like. Nocturnal goggles are normal goggles fitted with an almost-
A creature or object that falls into the entity is slowed, so solid dark green jelly instead of the usual glass lenses. Finely-
that each 10 feet of the affected area that it passes through ground gears can adjust the density of this film over the wearer’s
reduces falling damage by 1d6 points. You are immune eyes, adjusting the substance’s effect as needed. The jelly greatly
to falling damage while the entity surrounds you with its enhances the light that reaches it and converts other radiation
defensive cloud. A creature can’t take a 5-foot step while the into something resembling light, granting darkvision with a range
nanitic entity hinders its movements. You and any creature of 60 feet. Darkvision is, in this case, only in shades of green, but
you touch while giving this command are spared these effects is otherwise like normal sight. Nocturnal goggles do not grant the
and can see normally within the barrier. The defensive cloud user the ability to see in magical darkness.
lasts for 1 minute, and you can give the nanitic reconfiguration Expensive Component: Alchemically intensifying the jelly that
entity other commands while it lasts. forms the lenses of the nocturnal goggles increases the range of
This device only has one weakness: the reconfiguration entity cannot darkvision granted by the device to 120 feet. This treatment costs
function in an area of severe wind (31 mph or more) and you 900 gold pieces.
cannot give it any commands that are to take effect in an area
subject to such winds. OBLITERATE ABNORMALITY
Expensive Component: You can use a gateway gem attuned Technology (greater) [Antimagic]
to a strongly law-aligned plane when activating the nanitic Activation Time: 1 standard action
reconfiguration entity and thereby bolster the entity’s ability to Range: 100 feet
structure its millions of individual construct components. This Area: 100-foot line
expensive component costs 2,340 gold pieces and increases the Duration: Instantaneous; see text
device’s range to 90 feet and its area to a 90-foot radius emanation, Saving Throw: Fortitude partial
centered on you. Activation Cost: 45 points
The black blast of energy generated by this ability pulses with
NEURAL LANCET grey light. When obliterate abnormality strikes a nontechnological
Gadget (lesser) construct, elemental, outsider, or undead creature, that creature
Activation Time: 1 standard action must make a Fortitude save or take 2d6 points of damage per
Range Increment: Close (25 feet) activation level (maximum of 40d6). Creatures reduced to 0 or
Target: One living creature fewer hit points by this effect are completely disintegrated and
Duration: 1 round leave behind nothing but a small pile of ash. Their equipment
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial is unaffected. Creatures that make their Fortitude saves are still
Activation Cost: 5 points partially affected, and are slowed as per the spell for 1d4 rounds
Weight: 2 lbs. as obliterate abnormality disrupts their ability to control their own
With a snap of your wrist and a successful ranged attack roll bodies.
you send a fine needle into the flesh of a living creature within Creatures that are not of the nontechnological construct,
range. This needle deals only 1 damage but a dynamo attached elemental, outsider, or undead types are unaffected by obliterate
to the lancet discharges an electric charge into the target, dazing abnormality.
it unless it succeeds at a Fortitude save. Creatures immune or Expensive Component: A bright-red alchemical stone with
resistant to electricity are immune to the effects of a neural lancet, a lusterless center, typically worn set into a ring, allows you to
as are creatures with any kind of damage reduction. control the energy unleashed by obliterate abnormality from afar.
Expensive Component: An alchemical capacitor costing 390 At any point along the 100-foot line of the ability’s effect you
gold pieces, may be added to the neural lancet. Expending this may cause the bolt of energy to burst and force creatures of the
capacitor increases this device’s duration to 3 rounds. appropriate types in a 20-foot radius burst to make Fortitude
saves, as above. This ends the line of effect and causes the
alchemical stone to crumble to ash. This expensive component
costs 1,620 gold pieces.

Technology (lesser) [Antimagic] Artifact (lesser)
Activation Time: 1 standard action Activation Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch Range Increment: Medium (100 feet)
Target: One construct, elemental, outsider, or undead Effect: Ray; see text
Duration: Permanent (D) Base Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Will negates Saving Throw: None, possibly Fortitude partial; see text
Activation Cost: 15 points Activation Cost: 18 points
With a touch you partially sever a nontechnological Weight: 6 lbs.
construct, elemental, outsider, or undead creature’s connection An orgavulsion crystal is a jagged piece of translucent black
to the magical or planar energies that give it life. This disruption crystal containing barely-visible bone-white machinery. When
has one of the following effects: you activate the orgavulsion crystal, it produces a visible streak of
One of the creature’s ability scores is reduced to 1, or it roiling black energy with a pearly white central core. You must
suffers a –6 penalty on two ability scores, to a minimum of 1. make a ranged touch attack to strike with this “ray” (actually a
The creature suffers a –8 penalty on attack rolls, saving conduit of negative energy that draws off the target’s orgonic
throws, ability checks, and skill checks. energy). If you succeed, a living creature that you strike with the
Each turn, the creature has only a 25% chance to act normally ray suffers 1d4 negative levels.
every round, and otherwise will take no action. If the subject has at least as many negative levels as HD, it
Occlude abnormality cannot be dispelled, but it is similar dies. Each negative level gives a creature a –1 penalty on attack
enough to a magical curse that it can be removed with a break rolls, saving throws, skill checks, ability checks, and effective level
enchantment, limited wish, remove curse, or wish spell as long as the for determining the power, duration, DC, and other details of
caster of the spell has a higher caster level than your activation spells or special abilities. Additionally, a spellcaster loses one spell
level. Otherwise, the removal spell does not work. or spell slot from his or her highest available level. All negative
Expensive Component: A thin alchemical syrup that you ingest levels stack. Assuming the subject survives, it regains lost levels
empowers this ability and increases occlude abnormality’s Will saving after a number of hours equal to your activation level (maximum
throw DC by 2. This expensive component costs 1,620 gold pieces. 25 hours). Usually, negative levels have a chance of permanently
draining the victim’s experience, but the negative levels from
OFFENSIVE KINETIC SHIELD an orgavulsion crystal only represent temporary orgonic energy
Technology (lesser) [Force] depletion and not true damage to the creature’s soul. Because
Activation Time: 1 standard action undead do not have any orgonic energy to drain, the orgavulsion
Range: Personal crystal has no effect on them.
Target: You If you wish, you can fire another ray on the next round, taking
Base Duration: 1 round a standard action to do so and inflicting another 1d4 negative
Activation Cost: 3 points levels if you are successful. Each time you strike with the crystal’s
Weight: 3 lbs. ray (including the original activation), the device flashes with
An offensive kinetic shield produces a wavering field of red- negative energy and generates a dark, wavering aura that obscures
orange energy that produces random discharges of kinetic energy your hands. The number of levels you inflict with the orgavulsion
that twist and tear at anyone who strikes you in melee. The energy crystal are added to a growing pool of energy that remains for as
generated by a kinetic shield continuously sheds light equal to that long as the device remains activated. At any time after the first
of a candle (a 5-foot radius of shadowy illumination). round, you may choose to release this energy in a maelstrom of
Any creature striking you with its body or a handheld corrupted orgonic energy that disrupts the life force of all living
weapon deals normal damage, but at the same time the attacker creatures in the area. Doing so requires a standard action, and the
takes 1d6 points of force damage +1 point per activation level exact area of effect and damage dealt are dependent on how many
(maximum +15 points of damage). Creatures wielding weapons inflicted negative levels you expend to power the effect (see Table
with exceptional reach, such as a longspear, are not subject to this 4-9, below). In each case, a successful Fortitude saving throw
damage when they attack you. halves the damage dealt and negates the negative levels inflicted.
In addition, you are protected from force attacks, as the shield Negative levels caused by this secondary effect last as long as
dissipates the attack’s energy. You take only half damage from those inflicted by the orgavulsion crystal’s primary function, and
force attacks. If such an attack allows a save for half damage, you do not threaten level drain.
take no damage on a successful save. As soon as the orgavulsion crystal deactivates (you stop paying
Expensive Component: Improved temporary circuitry increases its activation cost), all of its stored energy levels immediately
the offensive kinetic shield’s power output and increases the dissipate harmlessly, and the device can no longer be used to
retributive damage it deals by 50%. These additional circuits cost create a blast of negative energy.
1,620 gold pieces.

Table 4-9: Orgavulsion Crystal after the orgonic field perturbation is triggered by hit point damage
Energy (otherwise, the unleashed energy dissipates harmlessly). The
Effect (20 dice maximum damage) Expended creature can choose to reabsorb the trapped energy as a swift
Living creatures in a 5-foot radius spread take 1d4
2 levels action, in which case it heals 1d6 hit points per two Hit Dice it
damage/level and 1d4 negative levels
Living creatures in a 10-foot radius spread take 1d6 possesses (maximum 12d6 healing). It can also choose to lash out
5 levels
damage/level and 1d4 negative levels with its pent-up life-force, which also requires a swift action, and
Living creatures in a 20-foot radius spread take 1d6 produce a milky-white ray that deals 1d6 points of damage per
8 levels
damage/level and 1d6 negative levels two Hit Dice of the releasing creature (maximum 12d6), with no
Living creatures in a 30-foot radius spread take 1d8
damage/level and 1d6 negative levels
11 levels save allowed. The creature must succeed at a ranged touch attack
+1d8 damage and +1 negative level for each energy to deal this damage. If the orgonic energy is directed against an
level over 12 expended (maximum 30d8 damage and 12+ levels undead creature, that creature instead takes 1d6 points of damage
1d8+10 negative levels) per Hit Die the creature releasing the orgonic energy possesses
Expensive Component: Fuelling the absorption reaction of the (maximum 25d6).
orgavulsion crystal with a gateway gem attuned to the Negative Expensive Component: Adding additional orgonic flow
Energy Plane invites a sinister pall of negative energy to descend control elements costing 1,620 gold pieces allows more careful
over the area and makes it easier to drain the life-force of creatures manipulation of the orgonic field and increases the ultimate
you target with the crystal. Using this expensive component causes effect (either healing or damage) by 50%.
the crystal to generate a field in a 500-foot radius emanation
around you that forces all creatures not in physical contact with ORGONIC SIPHON
the orgavulsion crystal to make a Fortitude save or be sickened for Technology (lesser)
as long as they remain in the area and for 1 minute thereafter. Activation Time: 1 standard action
Sickened creatures take a –2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon Range Increment: Close (25 feet)
damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks as Target: One living creature
they find their life-force drawn into the orgavulsion crystal in tiny Duration: Instantaneous/1 hour; see text
sparks of mingled black and white energy. Unintelligent plants Saving Throw: None
and other living things in the area of effect also produce these Activation Cost: 15 points
glimmers of corrupted orgonic energy. These sparks of energy Weight: 2 lbs.
add 2 levels to the orgavulsion crystal’s energy pool every round, This device looks like a flat black disk nestled inside a pearly-
regardless of what actions you take or if you produce a ray to white shell. When you activate it you snap the inner disk out on
inflict more negative levels. The gateway gem required to produce a long, glowing filament and strike a single creature within range
this effect costs 2,340 gold pieces. by making a ranged touch attack. When the black disk strikes the
target creature, it draws off orgonic energy, the only component
ORGONIC FIELD PERTURBATION INDUCER of a creature’s life-force that technology can easily affect, before
Technology (greater) returning to its housing. An orgonic siphon deals 1d6 points of
Activation Time: 1 full round damage per two activation levels (maximum 10d6), and heals you
Range: Touch by the same amount, up to your full normal hit points. Any hit
Target: Living creature touched points in excess of your normal maximum are gained as temporary
Duration: 24 hours, or until discharged hit points instead, which fade after one hour. However, you can’t
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless); see text be healed by more than the creature’s current hit points +10,
Activation Cost: 45 points which is enough to totally drain its orgonic energy and slay it.
Weight: 4 lbs. Expensive Component: An orgonic siphon is not totally efficient,
An orgonic field perturbation inducer looks like a cloudy crystal but can be made so with a number of minor improvements
holding obscurely-seen machinery. When used on a living costing a total of 1,620 gold pieces. These improvements increase
creature the device causes their orgonic field (a component of the damage dealt, and the hit points granted, by 50%.
their life-force) to blister and form fragile pockets of life energy.
This change is invisible to normal sight, though it is visible to ORNITHOPTER
creatures who can detect the subject’s aura (such as with the aura Technology (standard)
sight psionic power). These pockets remain until triggered, or until Activation Time: 1 standard action
they work themselves out (which takes 24 hours). Range: 0 feet
The orgonic field perturbation triggers when the target creature Effect: One heavy-duty glider
takes hit point damage. Damage releases the trapped bubbles Base Duration: 1 hour
of orgonic energy in the creature’s aura, forming milky white Saving Throw: None
swirls of power on the creature’s skin. This energy can be used Activation Cost: 6 points
in one of two effects as long as it is expended within one minute Weight: 20 lbs.

An ornithopter appears to be a simple clockwork flying power and mastery on the minds of all lesser creatures. Anything
machine, but it is actually a sophisticated technology designed to with an Intelligence of 3 or higher, or with immunity to mind-
work efficiently with minimal attention. The result is a portable affecting effects, is unaffected, but your subconscious impression
flier that can soar for hours with only the barest of attention from causes any creature of the animal type and all magical beasts with
the technologist. To activate it, you pull it open from its boxy an Intelligence score of 2 or less to defer to you as though you
storage configuration, revealing a Huge-sized winged contraption were their pack’s alpha beast or a feared predator of their species.
that can comfortably seat up to 4 Medium-size people or up to 8 This stronger impression requires you to activate the packmaster’s
Small-size ones. throne every consecutive day for a full week. Once you do so, all
An ornithopter has an AC of 13 (–2 size, +6 natural armor, affected beings who see you clearly, hear your voice, or scent you
–1 Dex), hardness 5, and 3 hit points per activation level. If the must make a Will save opposed by your Handle Animal check – 10
ornithopter loses all of its hit points while in flight, it immediately or be charmed (as per the charm monster spell).
begins to fall; unlike magical flight, there are no precautions Charming animals and magical beasts in this way requires
against taking falling damage in this situation. The ornithopter no action on your part. Your physical and mental presence
has a speed of 20 feet per activation level, to a maximum of 300 makes an affected creature regard you as its trusted friend and
feet, and poor maneuverability. It can bear your weight, plus an ally — treat the creature’s attitude as friendly. If the creature
additional 150 pounds per activation level. An ornithopter provides is currently being threatened or attacked by you or your allies,
hard cover to its occupants at all times and total cover versus it receives a +5 bonus on its Will saving throw. The control
creatures attacking from below. granted by a packmaster’s throne does not enable you to control
Expensive Component: An ornithopter is durable enough for the charmed animal or magical beast as if it were an automaton,
most uses, but for technologists concerned about flying through but the creature perceives your words and actions in the most
enemy territory it can be strengthened quite a bit by adding a favorable way. You can try to give the subject orders, but you must
special alchemical wash to the device that is then triggered by win an opposed Charisma check to convince it to do anything
the application of electrical current. This expensive component it wouldn’t ordinarily do. Retries are not allowed. An affected
increases the hardness of the ornithopter’s cloth wings to that of creature never obeys suicidal or obviously harmful orders, but
mithral, causing it to gain a hardness of 15. The alchemical wash it might be convinced that something very dangerous is worth
costs 750 gold pieces. doing. Any act by you or your apparent allies that threatens the
controlled animal or magical beast breaks its natural deference
PACKMASTER’S THRONE to your wishes. You must make a DC 25 Handle Animal check
Artifact (greater) [Mind-Affecting] or have some direct way to communicate with affected creatures
Activation Time: 8 hours; see text (such as telepathy or Feiran’s sphere of savagery) to direct them and
Range: Personal to communicate your desires.
Target: You You can also focus your attention on any single creature of
Duration: 1 week; see text the animal type and all magical beasts with an Intelligence score of
Activation Cost: 135 points 2 or less to completely cow and dominate that creature. Creatures
Weight: 243 lbs. to be affected must be within 200 feet, and you must be able to
The packmaster’s throne is a royal seat made of a strange speak to them clearly and forcefully. You take a full-round action
luminescent material connected to a powerful psychic amplifier. to speak to the animal or magical beast you wish to dominate and
When you sit on the packmaster’s throne, you clear your mind and the creature makes a Will saving throw opposed by your Handle
do a complicated series of mental exercises designed to create an Animal skill check – 10. If it fails, the creature becomes completely
overwhelmingly authoritative mental signature that incorporates subservient to your will, and you can and direct it with simple
all of your particular features, mental and physical, conscious commands such as “Attack,” “Run,” and “Fetch.” Suicidal or self-
and unconscious. At the end of the throne’s 8-hour activation destructive commands are simply ignored. Indeed, the affected
time the device produces an immense psychic surge that travels animal or magical beast becomes so sensitive to your desires that
to all corners of the world and impresses your appearance, voice, you establish a mental link between the subject creature and
and body language on the subconscious mind of all living beings. yourself. The animal or magical beast can be directed by silent
Affected creatures (who receive no saving throw) instinctively mental command for as long as it remains within 200 feet of you,
defer to you, and you gain a +10 competence bonus on all and you need not see the creature to control it. You do not receive
Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal, and Intimidate direct sensory input from the creature, but you instinctively
skill checks against all creatures not immune to mind-affecting know what it is experiencing. Because you are directing the
effects. After 1 week, the unconscious mental impression of your animal with your own intelligence it may be able to undertake
natural superiority fades from all creatures’ minds; at this time, actions normally beyond its own comprehension. You need not
you lose these bonuses unless you activate the throne again. concentrate exclusively on controlling the creature unless you
This is the weakest ability of the packmaster’s throne. You are trying to direct it to do something it couldn’t normally do.
can also use the throne to permanently impress a sense of your Changing your instructions or giving a dominated creature a new

command is the equivalent of redirecting a device effect, so it is sign of impending doom is a swiftly-brightening spot in the sky
a move action. and an increase in the brightness and temperature of the area that
Expensive Component: A neural-psychic interface costing will be struck; those in the area must make a DC 25 Spot check to
1,110 gold pieces allows you to activate the packmaster’s throne note these signs, but will still not know what they mean without a
on another’s behalf, changing this device’s range to touch and successful Spellcraft check to identify the sun-caller and its effects.
its target entry to creature touched. However, this expensive 1d2 rounds after you activate Peregrine’s sun-caller, a solar flare
component only allows you to grant the throne’s bonus to arrives from deep space at the end of your turn and strikes the
Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal, and Intimidate area you indicated when activating the device. This surge of white-
checks; you cannot grant permanent control over animals and hot solar plasma fills a cylinder 30 feet in radius and indefinitely
unintelligent magical beasts to anyone but yourself. high (the trail goes all the way back to the star the flare was drawn
from). This blast of hellish energy deals 2d6 points of fire damage
PARADOXIC SLIP-SHIELD per activation level (maximum of 50d6). This fire damage results
Artifact (standard) from the direct power of a sun, and is therefore not subject to being
Activation Time: 1 standard action reduced by resistance against fire-based attacks granted by spells
Range: Personal and spell-like abilities, although creatures with the fire subtype
Target: You benefit from their natural immunity.
Base Duration: 10 minutes Peregrine’s sun-caller works only outdoors and only on planes
Activation Cost: 18 points and planets that have a sun, or something closely resembling a sun.
Weight: 4 lbs. It also fails to function in enclosed areas unless the damage dealt
This pair of bracers have a clock-like dial set into their can blast through the obstruction. For instance, creatures standing
upper surface and provide a powerful but unreliable defense. in a wooden building would be affected by the sun-caller, but
The paradoxic slip-shield produces a field of improbability around creatures standing a mile underground would not. However, the
you that deflects attacks and negates the damage dealt to you by sun-caller functions normally at night, as it can attract the sunstrike
weapons. Any time you are struck by a weapon or spell and dealt around the curvature of a planet and to the target area. Using the
damage, reduce the damage dealt by 2 points per activation level sun-caller at night reduces the Spot check DC to spot the impending
after applying any other protections, magical or technological, solar flare to 15, but it takes no longer for the flare to arrive.
that you possess, to a maximum reduction in damage dealt of Expensive Components: Normally you have to wait for the solar
50 points. This buffer is sufficient to negate most attacks, and flare to arrive, and sometimes the flow of battle means that the
represents the slip-shield warping time to erase the weapon or spell’s creatures you intend to incinerate have moved away from the sun-
effects. However, if an attack deals damage in excess of 2 points per caller’s area of effect. You can avoid this by opening a null-space
activation level, you take full damage from that attack, as though conduit directly to the affected sun. This conduit changes the
you were not under the effects of a paradoxic slip-shield — powerful sun-caller’s area to a 1,000 foot line and causes it to deal damage
attacks of any kind exceed the slip-shield’s ability to warp the time- immediately after you finish activating the device. You can also use
stream in your favor and are unaffected by this device. Peregrine’s sun-caller underground or inside a building if you use this
Expensive Component: By flooding the slip-shield’s computation expensive component. Opening the null-space conduit requires
matrix with temporally unstable particles, you can activate this expensive components costing a total of 5,160 gold pieces.
device as an immediate action, thereby protecting yourself from
surprise attacks. When you do so, you are essentially creating a PERIGORD RAPTOR
limited branching in the time stream in which you have activated Gadget (standard)
the slip-shield at just the right moment, and then folding that time Activation Time: 1 full round
stream into your own. This expensive component costs 3,690 Range: 0
gold pieces. Effect: A hidden clockwork trap
Duration: 8 hours or until triggered, then instantaneous (D)
PEREGRINE’S SUN-CALLER Saving Throw: None; see text
Artifact (standard) [Fire] Activation Cost: 10 points
Activation Time: 1 standard action Weight: 10 lbs.
Range: 1000 feet A perigord raptor is a collapsible bladed booby-trap that can be
Area: Cylinder (30-foot radius, indefinitely high) unfolded and erected in several different shapes. In its folded form
Duration: 1d2 rounds, then instantaneous it is bulky but fits into a backpack. Set up, the raptor has a thin,
Saving Throw: Reflex half flat base and an extendable arm equipped with two guillotine-like
Activation Cost: 90 points blades. The most common form is used in hallways and other
Weight: 5 lbs. indoor settings — the perigord raptor’s segmented arm is stretched
This gleaming orange glass pyramid calls upon the ultimate to the ceiling and left to dangle, so that when the trap triggers the
flame and provokes a solar flare to smite your enemies. The only blades fall from above. Other forms can swing up from the floor,

slice horizontally at human neck level, or even serve as a clamping you may take 10 on all Concentration checks made to activate a
bear trap. device or cast a spell defensively.
Setting up the perigord raptor and activating it are all part of Expensive Component: For the oft-imperiled technologist,
the one-round activation time. Once you activate it the device mechanical refinements to the peril-sensitive lenses can be added.
remains poised until triggered or until its duration elapses. When These improvements cost 390 gold pieces, and increase the
a creature of Tiny size or larger enters the 5-foot square the trap device’s base duration to 1 hour.
is rigged in the perigord raptor activates, attacking all creatures in
that square with an attack bonus equal to your activation level PHILTER FERMENTER
plus your Intelligence modifier. If it hits the raptor deals 1d6 Gadget (greater)
points of slashing damage per two activation levels (maximum Activation Time: 8 hours
5d6 damage), reduced by whatever damage reduction the creature Range: 0 feet
attacked possesses. The creature must also make a Reflex save or Effect: A single magical potion
have a limb trapped by the blade. A Strength check (DC 15) or an Duration: Instantaneous
Escape Artist check (DC 20) is then required for the creature to Saving Throw: None
get free. Trapped creatures cannot move from the square they are Activation Cost: 15 points
trapped in and are considered entangled (they suffer a –2 penalty Weight: 45 lbs.
on attack rolls and a –4 penalty to Dexterity and must make a DC The philter fermenter is a modified alchemist’s lab stocked
17 Concentration check to successfully cast a spell or activate a with the latest in advanced arcanochemical equipment. This
device). If the trap is not set for clamping or if the clamp fails to conglomeration of bubbling alembics and carefully-metered
trap a creature the perigord raptor resets itself and remains active. tubing allows you to use alchemical ingredients to produce
At the end of the trap’s duration it automatically triggers and magical effects of all kinds. When you activate the philter fermenter it
then collapses back into its folded form. produces a single magical potion, as though you were a spellcaster
The perigord raptor is as subtle as is possible for a bulky metal with the Brew Potion feat. You need not meet any of the ordinary
trap and although it can be noticed with a Spot check it does prerequisites for brewing a potion when using the fermenter, nor
not seem immediately dangerous. Determining that the device is do you need to actually be a spellcaster of any kind. However,
actually a trap requires a Search check and disarming it requires a successfully reproducing a potion using the philter fermenter
Disable Device check. The DC for these skill checks are the same requires a Craft (alchemy) skill check with a DC of 20 + 2 per caster
as your saving throw DC for your devices. The perigord raptor is level of the desired potion. You may take 10 on this check, but not
usually set up in a hallway or set against a wall. If it is simply out 20, and failure by 5 or more means that you ruin one-half of the
in the open, reduce the Spot DC by 10. expensive components used to create the potion (see below).
Expensive Components: Any masterwork component that can Expensive Component: The philter fermenter requires alchemical
be added to a weapon can also be added to a perigord raptor at the raw materials with a cost equal to 75% of the market price of the
usual cost. Paralytic poisons permanently infused into the blades desired potion. You may pay this cost in craft points, if you have
via the venomous masterwork component are popular. The any available, but doing so does not reduce the philter fermenter’s
raptor’s blades (which count as a single light weapon) can also be activation time. This is not an optional expensive component.
made of any exotic materials you desire.
PERIL-SENSITIVE LENSES Gadget (lesser) [Light]
Gadget (lesser) Activation Time: 1 immediate action
Activation Time: 1 swift action Range: Personal
Range: Personal Target: You
Target: You Duration: Special; see text
Base Duration: 1 round (D) Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text
Activation Cost: 1 point Activation Cost: 5 points
Weight: 1 lb. Weight: 5 lbs.
Peril-sensitive lenses quickly darken at the edges and focus The photon scattering shield is a very shiny fashion accessory
your hearing with the simple flick of a switch, focusing your that happens to be quite handy for those accidental melees the
attention on the task at hand to the exclusion of all else. When adventurous often find themselves in. It stores light in photo-optic
activated peril-sensitive lenses inflict a –5 penalty on your Spot cells that can be quickly activated via a preset motion. The device is
and Listen checks, and grant a +2 bonus on your Search checks. typically a simple (if bulky) band worn high on the arm. Activating
More importantly, they help you focus in dangerous situations. the shield releases a short-lived burst of very bright light. Creative
In such situations, you may take 10 on any Strength-, Dexterity-, technologists can generally find something useful to do with this,
or Intelligence-based skill check (other than Knowledge checks), but they usually use it to briefly blind melee opponents. When you
even if you would not normally be allowed to do so. In addition, use this device the bright pulse of light grants you concealment for

the duration of a single melee attack (20% miss chance) and the
attacker must make a Fortitude save or be dazzled for 1 minute. Example – Rod of the Forsakers
Sightless creatures are not affected by this device. In my campaign, the planar control wand is the symbol
Expensive Component: Light-storing batteries made of of the Imperial Inquisitors, who consider magic-users and
reflecting surfaces coiled into a reflective shell increase the the creatures associated with them (nontechnological
effectiveness of the device, causing it to emit a pulse that can only constructs, elementals, outsiders, and the undead) to
be described as catastrophically bright. This increases the miss be unholy abominations fit only to be destroyed. Less
chance the device grants against a single attack to 50% and the fervent technologists scrupulously avoid using planar control
attacker is blinded instead of being dazzled if it fails its Fortitude wands themselves, as the device infuriates the magic-using
saving throw. These batteries cost 900 gold pieces. creatures and characters that the Inquisitors hunt.


Gadget (standard) Gadget (standard)
Activation Time: 1 full-round action Activation Time: 1 swift action
Range Increment: Close (25 feet) Range Increment: Personal
Effect: A 10-foot cube of dangerous metal shards Target: You
Duration: 1 minute Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial; see text Activation Cost: 10 points
Activation Cost: 10 points Weight: 2 lbs.
Weight: 6 lbs. A planar control wand looks like a conductor’s baton studded
The pinprick whirligig spinner is a rifle-like device that consists with dishwater-grey crystals. This device helps technologists
of a chute, a bag of shredded metal, and a pair of oversized control planar currents with efficient charges of antimagical
flywheels feeding out and retracting high-tensile cables as needed. energy. Technologists often employ these wands to clear their
When the device is fired, a fist-sized cluster of metal shards flies workstations of magical contamination before beginning their
out and begins spinning rapidly due to the action of the attached tinkering but the wand is also a boon to technologists who have
cables. This kind of abuse causes the launched whirligig to shed mastered certain antimagic techniques. By using the planar control
sharp, pointy bits of itself at a rapid pace. wand as a focus for any other device with the antimagic descriptor
These tiny metal shards deal 1d6 points of piercing damage to you may attempt a DC 15 Knowledge (the planes) or Spellcraft
every creature within a designated 10-foot cube every round they skill check to increase your activation level by 1 for determining
are exposed to the whirligig. Being pelted with teensy slivers of the effects of any antimagic device you activate during the planar
high-velocity metal is also a rather distracting experience — most control wand’s duration.
people start to worry about their eyes and other sensitive bits — and Expensive Components Ultra-refined alchemical crystals costing
all creatures in the area must also make a Fortitude saving throw 5,000 gold pieces may be used with this device. When the planar
or be nauseated for one round. The whirligig’s damage is reduced control wand is so augmented a DC 25 Knowledge (the planes)
by damage reduction but even creatures with DR must make the or Spellcraft check allows the wand to boost your activation
Fortitude saving throw to avoid becoming nauseated. level for antimagic devices by 2. Unlike most optional expensive
The whirligig can easily be stopped before it spins itself into components, this is a permanent boost to this device’s effects.
nothingness, but this isn’t a good idea. If someone does so (and
this requires little more than a moderately forceful jostle) the POCKET BALLISTA
whirligig simply explodes, deals 2d6 points of piercing damage Gadget (lesser)
to the offender, and forces it to make a Fortitude save with a –4 Activation Time: 1 swift action
circumstance penalty to avoid being nauseated for 1d4 rounds. Range: 0 feet
Expensive Components: The metal shards of a pinprick whirligig Effect: An activated pocket ballista
spinner must be prepared before they can be compressed, launched, Base Duration: 1 round
and spun by the spinner, and these shards of scrap metal do not Saving Throw: None
cost anything unless you wish to use some material more exotic Activation Cost: 1 point
than steel or iron. In such a case about a pound of the requisite Weight: 6 lbs.
metal is required. This ammunition is not an optional material A pocket ballista is a miniaturized version of the larger siege
component. You can also design a pinprick whirligig spinner to engine that hurls normally-sized crossbow bolts with incredible
fire two whirligigs at once for truly effective crowd control. The force. The weapon deals 2d8 points of piercing damage with a
whirligigs can be targeted separately or their areas of effect can successful ranged attack and has a 100-foot range increment.
overlap and stack with each other. This upgrade greatly increases This attack is not included in the device’s activation time, and
the stress on the device, however, and costs 1,530 gold pieces in you must wield the weapon as you would any other crossbow for
expensive components and repairs per use. it to deal damage. The pocket ballista also reloads itself, allowing

you to make as many attacks in a single round as you Base Attack PROFESSIONAL’S SATCHEL
Bonus entitles you to. Gadget (standard)
A pocket ballista may be used as a light crossbow even if Activation Time: 1 minute
its device effects are not active and is not affected by arcane Range: Personal
disruption when not active. The ballista must be drawn and carried Target: You
in the same manner as any other crossbow to be used in either its Duration: 24 hours (D)
powered or unpowered mode. Activation Cost: 10 points
Expensive Component: A stronger but more temperamental Weight: 8 lbs.
bowstring may be added to the pocket ballista to increase its range A professional’s satchel contains sophisticated tools for a
increment to Long (400 feet), allowing for some truly incredible specific Profession subskill, such as clockwork food-processors for
shots. Doing so costs 390 gold pieces. Profession (cook) or a high-tech net for Profession (fisherman).
It is an especially high-quality masterwork item, and grants a
PROFESSIONAL REFORMATAMATIC +4 circumstance bonus to all checks made for that particular
Technology (standard) [Mind-Affecting] Profession. In addition, possession of such effective tools makes
Activation Time: 10 minutes your work much faster and higher-quality (not to mention more
Range: Personal prestigious) and when making Profession checks to determine
Target: You your weekly income, an activated professional’s satchel allows you
Duration: 24 hours (D) to earn your full check result in gold pieces every week instead
Activation Cost: 30 points of one-half your check result. In addition, if you are making a
Weight: 9 lbs. Profession check to add to your current reserve of Craft Points,
This device looks like a bulky helmet attached to a complicated you add 1.5 times your check result to your pool instead of the
hand-held display by dozens of tiny wires. The professional usual number.
reformatamatic, when activated, allows you to consciously assign Expensive Component: The professional’s satchel is durable and
“brain space” from one skill to another, boosting certain skills meant for frequent use, but you can supplement this kit with a
and forgetting others. It is particularly effective at allowing a number of disposable gadgets that augment your professional
technologist with ranks in a Profession subskill to temporarily abilities even more. These expendable gadgets cost 390 gold pieces
relinquish his professional skill in exchange for more adventuring- and grant you a +10 competence bonus on any one Profession
friendly skills while in the field, since Profession skills are not tied check made while the professional’s satchel is activated.
into muscle memory or the other parts of your skill set to the
same degree as other skills. PROTECTION FROM ABNORMALITIES
When you activate the professional reformatamatic, you choose Gadget (lesser) [Antimagic]
which skills you wish to forget and how many ranks you will Activation Time: 1 standard action
forfeit. For every rank in a Profession skill you choose to forget, or Range: Touch
for every two ranks in another skill that you relinquish, you gain Target: Creature touched
a floating +1 competence bonus to all checks for a single skill. Base Duration: 1 round
The skill you assign this bonus to must be one you have ranks Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
in already or one that can be used untrained — the reformatamatic Activation Cost: 1 point
does not teach you new knowledge, it only allows you to devote You can protect yourself or a creature you are touching
more mental processing power to certain pre-existing skills. The from magical attacks and the abilities of magic-dependent
competence bonus granted by this device may not exceed your creatures with an aura of antimagic that these creatures find
ranks in the skill the bonus applies to, or +5, whichever is higher. naturally repellant. This ability wards a creature from attacks by
Expensive Component: Usually, it is a careful, deliberative magical spells and spell-like abilities as well as creatures of the
process to adjust your brain in this way. However, technologists nontechnological construct, elemental, outsider, and undead
eager to get back into the action have types. It creates an almost invisible grey barrier around the subject
discovered that adding scripted at a distance of 1 foot. The barrier moves with the subject and has
programs in parallel computing two effects:
elements allows this device to Against Spell Effects and Against Nontechnological Constructs,
be activated as a swift action, Elementals, Outsiders, and the Undead: The subject gains a +2
allowing you to shift skills deflection bonus to AC and a +2 resistance bonus on saves.
around instantaneously. These Against Summoned Monsters: The warding prevents bodily
additional computers cost contact by summoned creatures. This protection causes the
1,620 gold pieces. natural weapon attacks of such creatures to fail and the creatures
to recoil if such attacks require touching the warded creature.
The protection against contact by summoned creatures ends if

the warded creature makes an attack against or tries to force the knowledge that leaves you reeling but intimately familiar with the
barrier against the blocked creature. creature who is the object of your inquiry.
Expensive Component: A bracelet made of a special magic- This process gives you an uncannily accurate vision of a single
repelling material allows you to intensify the effects of this creature’s nature, activities, and whereabouts. When you activate
device. If you use this bracelet in conjunction with activating the the panoptic eye, you make a Concentration check to process all
protection from abnormalities the device instead protects a 10-foot of the data the eye funnels into you with a DC of 20 + the sensed
radius around the target creature and includes all creatures and creature’s Hit Dice. If you succeed, you learn the following facts
objects in that area in its effects. The device’s duration and other about the creature:
elements remain unchanged. The bracelet costs 900 gold pieces. • Its name, race, alignment, and character class.
• A general estimate of its level or Hit Dice: low (5 HD or
RANGEFINDER lower), medium (6 to 11 HD), high (12 to 20 HD), very high
Gadget (lesser) [Light] (21 HD to 40 HD), or deific (41 HD or higher).
Activation Time: 1 swift action • Its location (including place of residence, town, country,
Range Increment: Medium (100 feet) world, and plane of existence).
Target: One creature or object • Significant items currently in its possession. Significance is
Base Duration: 1 round (D) measured from your perspective, not the creature’s.
Saving Throw: None • Any significant activities or actions the creature has
Activation Cost: 1 point undertaken in the previous 8 hours, including details such
Weight: 1 lb. as locales traveled through, the names or races of those the
A rangefinder is a variant on the simple alchemical sunrod that creature fought, spells it cast, items it acquired, and items it
improves accuracy with ranged attacks. It projects a thin, focused left behind (including the location of those items). Again,
beam of light that has the unusual characteristic of changing significance is measured from your perspective, not the
color gradually as it disperses, allowing you to tell at a glance how creature’s.
far away the target is. When you activate the rangefinder make a If you fail, you cannot try to uncover information about that
ranged touch attack against the target. If you succeed, you and creature again until you gain at least a single rank in the
all creatures within 20 feet of you gain a +1 circumstance bonus Concentration skill. Regardless of whether your attempt succeeds
to attack rolls against the targeted creature or object until the or not, however, the glimpses of incalculable information you
beginning of your next turn, when you must make another receive while tapped into the panoptic eye cause you to suffer 2d6
ranged touch attack roll (as a swift action) to track the target and points of Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma damage.
renew the bonus. You also know the exact range to the target. Renechak’s panoptic eye is extremely powerful, and its
Rangefinders are generally affixed to another device or weapon divinatory abilities can be defeated only by epic or deific spells or
before use. special abilities that obscure divinations.
Expensive Component: The alchemical formula of a rangefinder Expensive Component: By temporarily sending your entire
can be improved in a complex alchemical process. Doing so costs mind into the pocket dimension that houses Renechak’s panoptic
390 gold pieces and increases the device’s range increment to eye — a timeless place — you gain the time needed to process the
Long (400 feet). eye’s information without suffering mental damage. Improving
the data transference link to this degree requires a gateway stone
RENECHAK’S PANOPTIC EYE linked to the Astral Plane and costing 2,340 gold pieces. While
Artifact (greater) [Divination, Null-Space] using this expensive component you do not take Intelligence,
Activation Time: 1 hour Wisdom, or Charisma damage from activating Renechak’s
Range: Personal panoptic eye.
Target: You
Activation Cost: 135 points Gadget (lesser)
Weight: 2 lbs. Activation Time: 1 standard action
Renechak’s panoptic eye is a paranoiac’s worst nightmare — a Range: Personal
secret sensor hidden beyond the reach of any mortal and always Target: You
watching. Once constructed, the panoptic eye manages the difficult Duration: Instantaneous
trick of existing simultaneously at all places and times, where it Activation Cost: 5 points
watches across the null-space barrier and records every detail of Weight: 6 lbs.
every doing of every creature. You can consult this impossibly This device has an interior set of cards that record the sounds,
complete database by opening a link through null space; the scents, and other traits of many sorts of animals. It can be used
eye then downloads all relevant data about a single creature you as a monster encyclopedia and new creature information can be
can unambiguously specify directly into your mind in a surge of easily added into it. All basic zoogrammaphones have entries for

common creatures of the Animal and Humanoid types, and come
with hundreds of tiny blank cards that can be programmed with Example – The Usual Suspects
the information of new creatures found in the wild or researched I use the portable zoogrammaphone to give my players an
in the library. Programming a new card is a standard action and idea of the sorts of monsters that might be encountered
can be done up to 24 hours after an encounter with the creature in a given area. The cards available for sale in local
to be detailed ends. marketplaces can allow you to give a sense of the ecology
When activated, the zoogrammaphone quickly lets the user of an area without needless travelogues. You might consider
browse a complex cross-referenced index of the identifying features adding creatures of a type other than Animal or Humanoid
of various creatures and reveals some pertinent information on into the basic zoogrammaphone’s database if those creatures
the creature. You can use the zoogrammaphone to identify any one will play an important role in the campaign. The acquisition
creature you can see, and can also identify unseen creatures that of these data cards can even be a source of adventure unto
have very strong scents or audible vocalizations. Generally, if you themselves; many adventurers track down exotic creatures
are aware of a creature’s presence you can use the zoogrammaphone to record their information and then sell data cards with
to find out what it is, assuming the device has been programmed the recorded information at a profit. A quick source of cash
with the appropriate entry. The interface is simple enough like this can turn even the most mercenary player character
that untrained users (those without ranks in the appropriate into an attentive explorer.
Knowledge skills) can still benefit from it.
While using a portable zoogrammaphone you gain a +10 and then try to turn back towards you cannot move any closer if
competence bonus to Knowledge checks to identify features of they are still within the ability’s area.
creatures stored in the database and can make these checks as Expensive Component: This technology, normally defensive
if he were trained in the appropriate skill. Most zoogrammaphone in nature, can be turned into a deadly weapon if you throw a
entries include useful information on the creature’s personality, thin spray of powders into the air when you activate the ability.
attacks, and weaknesses as well as a gauge of how dangerous the These powders, whipped along by invisible torrents of power, cut
creature is (on a scale from roughly 1 to 20). through nontechnological constructs, elementals, outsiders, and
Expensive Component: The device’s input cards themselves are undead like sand driven along by a hurricane and deal 1d6 points
free but buying pre-filled cards to gain information on creatures of damage per round to these creatures (no save). The powders
one has not encountered oneself costs approximately 2 gold cost 750 gold pieces.
pieces times the creature’s CR per creature, modified by how rare
the creature is. You can also streamline the zoogrammaphone’s RESONANCE ABSORPTION STAFF
interface with a mentally-reactive chemical oil. Doing so allows Technology (greater) [Sonic]
you to access the portable zoogrammaphone as a swift action. This Activation Time: 1 hour
special oil costs 390 gold pieces. Range: 0
Effect: One sound-absorbing metal rod
REPULSE THE TAINTED Duration: 24 hours; see text (D)
Technology (standard) [Antimagic] Saving Throw: None; Fortitude partial or Reflex negates
Activation Time: 1 standard action (object); see text
Range: Up to 10 feet/level Activation Cost: 45 points
Area: Up to a 10-foot/level radius emanation centered on you Weight: 5 lbs.
Base Duration: 1 round This long metal rod appears outwardly normal but houses
Saving Throw: Will negates a complex crystalline lattice that absorbs sonic energy, muffling
Activation Cost: 9 points sounds around you and blunting sonic attacks. It functions
You project invisible currents of energy that, like an continuously even while not activated and grants you sonic
otherworldly whirlwind, prevent creatures dependent on magic energy resistance 10. The resonance absorption staff also inflicts a
from approaching you. You can decide how large an area around –4 penalty on your Listen checks. You can suppress both of these
yourself you wish to affect when you activate this ability, up to the effects together for 1 hour as a standard action.
limit allowed by your level, and any nontechnological construct, When activated the resonance absorption staff gains the
elemental, outsider, or undead wishing to enter the area must additional ability to store the sonic energy it protects you from and
make a Will save. If it fails, it becomes unable to move toward to release that energy in the form of sonic attacks. Whenever the
you for the duration of the spell but its actions are not otherwise resonance staff reduces the energy you take from a sonic attack, add
affected; affected creatures can fight other creatures, move away the damage it absorbs into its energy pool, to a maximum energy
from you, or attack you with spells or ranged attacks. If you move absorption of 10 points of damage per activation level (maximum
closer to a creature affected by this ability, it is not pushed away absorption of 200 points). Add 10 points to the pool at the end of
from you and is free to make melee attacks against you if you every day even if you were not dealt sonic damage during that time
come within reach. Repelled creatures that move away from you to represent the staff’s absorption of ambient sounds.

You can use these stored points to mimic either the shatter the scanning process, you can hand the resulting analysis bead
or sound burst spells as a standard action, using your activation to anyone, or keep it for yourself. Upon using the bead a creature
level as the spell’s caster level and your device save DC in lieu gains a bonus based on the item’s type when using that particular
of the usual save DC. These effects are not subject to spell item, as follows:
resistance as are spell-like abilities produced in the normal way. Devices: You gain a +1 bonus to your activation level when using
Duplicating either spell drains 20 points from the staff’s pool. the mastered device, due to your superlative familiarity with
At 11th activation level or higher you may also spend 40 points its workings.
from the staff ’s pool to duplicate the shout spell. As long as you Weapon (any): You gain a +1 insight bonus to your attacks with
activate the resonance staff every day, it retains its pool of stored the weapon.
sonic energy indefinitely. If the staff ever goes more than an hour Armor (any): You gain a +1 insight bonus to AC when wearing
while deactivated, its storage pool resets to 0. the armor.
The resonance absorption staff is otherwise identical to a normal Masterwork Skill-Related (any): The item grants you a +2 insight
quarterstaff. bonus to all skill checks that it is tied to.
Expensive Components: Masterwork components may be added Wand or Staff: You gain an intuitive knowledge of how to bleed
to a resonance absorption staff for the normal cost. In addition, you off excess energy without depleting the item, and may use the
may permanently increase the sonic resistance granted by the staff wand or staff in question once per day without expending
by adding a clear blue, sonic-sensitive gel to the basic crystalline any charges.
lattice. This gel costs 12,000 gold pieces, and increases the sonic Scrolls and Potions: When you hold the item, its mystic symbols or
resistance granted by the resonance absorption staff to 20. Unlike alchemical formulas burn in your mind. The scroll or potion
most expensive components, this augmentation is not expended has a caster level 4 higher than normal when you use it.
when the device is activated. Wondrous Items: Intimate knowledge of these wildly-divergent
items takes different forms. Go through the following list,
RIMALA’S FUNDAMENTAL ANATOMIZER stopping on the first bonus that applies to the item: one
Artifact (greater) function of the item has a saving throw DC 2 greater than
Activation Time: 8 hours normal, one function of the item may be used once per time
Range: Touch increment more often (3/day goes to 4/day, 1/week goes to
Target: One item with no single dimension greater than 10 feet 2/week, and so on), one bonus granted by the item increases
Duration: Instantaneous by 1, or the item’s caster level increases by 4.
Saving Throw: None Intelligent Items: In addition to another applicable bonus, your
Activation Cost: 135 points rapport with an intelligent item improves. Its communication
Weight: 61 lbs. abilities increase one step when you use it. The steps, from
Rimala’s fundamental anatomizer is a bulky cube filled with weakest to strongest, are: 30-foot vision and hearing, 60-foot
all manner of instrumentation — precision light scalpels, matter- vision and hearing, 120-foot vision and hearing, 120-foot
reconfiguration beams, sophisticated optical sensors, and more. darkvision and hearing, and 120-foot darkvision, blindsense,
When you place an item (magical or nonmagical) in the device and hearing. If the item already has 120-foot darkvision,
the anatomizer takes readings, samples, and measurements of all blindsense, and hearing, its sensory abilities to do not
kinds and cross-checks these against its extensive databases to further improve.
discover every relevant fact imaginable about the target item. If The fundamental anatomizer works on any item, with the exception
you use the fundamental anatomizer merely to appraise an object, of artifacts. Artifacts are inscrutable by their very nature, and
you automatically succeed at the Appraise check or checks using Rimala’s fundamental anatomizer on an artifact has no effect
required, regardless of their DC. on Appraise checks made to identify it, produces no knowledge
This is the lesser power of the anatomizer, however. You can bead, and has no chance of destroying the item.
also use this device to produce a tiny bead that contains total
knowledge of the analyzed item. If you hold this bead against SCATHING SHARDSPRAYER
your forehead, it dissolves and releases this knowledge into your Technology (lesser) [Acid]
mind, granting you permanent bonuses when using that item. Activation Time: 1 standard action
Extracting the required level of knowledge requires an Appraise Range Increment: Medium (100 feet)
check, with a DC of 10 plus the item’s highest Craft DC (for Area: 20-foot radius burst
nonmagical items) or 20 plus the item’s caster level (for magical Duration: 1 round + 1 round per three levels
items). You can take 10 in this check (but not 20), and doing so Saving Throw: Reflex negates
is probably a good idea since a failed Appraise check means that Activation Cost: 15 points
the item is effectively destroyed by the in-depth analysis. Even if Weight: 8 lbs.
you succeed at this Appraise check, however, there is still a 1% This mass of snaking coils obscures the grip with which you
chance that the item is destroyed. Assuming the item survives hold the scathing shardsprayer. This weapon is similar to a vitriol

projector but affects many more creatures. When you use it, the flat-footed, you cannot take immediate actions and thus cannot
shardsprayer converts oxygen and other chemicals in the air into a activate the scattershot helmet.
light spray of glittering shards. These shards are each drops of a Expensive Component: Particularly vicious technologists equip
very tenacious acid that begins to dissolve a twisting trail into the this device with carefully shaped shards of glass or metal instead
substance of creatures and objects in the area of effect. of the usual pellets, causing it to be a credible threat to creatures
A scathing shardsprayer deals 2d6 points of acid damage on within 10 feet, who must make a Reflex save when the helmet is
the round in which it strikes. For every three activation levels, activated or take 1d6 points of lethal piercing damage per two
the acid, unless somehow neutralized, lasts for another round, to activation levels (maximum 5d6). One load of such ammo costs
a maximum of 6 additional rounds at 18th level. The acid deals 900 gold pieces.
another 2d6 points of damage in each additional round. This
acid has an unusual effect on objects as well; it does not deal more SCRAMBLE PROGRAMMING
than 2d6 points of damage to an object (ignoring hardness), as the Gadget (standard) [Antimagic, Mind-Affecting]
droplets are too diffuse to cause more raw damage, and instead Activation Time: 1 standard action
permanently reduces the object’s hardness by 1 on each additional Range Increment: Medium (100 feet)
round that the acid lasts. For instance, a 9th-level technologist Target: All nontechnological constructs, elementals, outsiders,
using a scathing shardsprayer on a wooden door would first deal and undead in a 15-foot radius burst
2d6 points of damage to the door, ignoring its hardness, and then Base Duration: 1 round
permanently reduce the door’s hardness rating from 5 to 2 over Saving Throw: Will negates
the next three rounds. Objects damaged in this way have snaking Activation Cost: 2 points
trails of acid burns weakening their internal structure, even if the This ability manifests as a momentary shower of light grey
outward damage caused by stray droplets is negligible. sparks. These chaotic pulses of antimagical energy attack the ability
Unlike the vitriol projector, a scathing shardsprayer may not be of magic-dependent creatures (nontechnological constructs,
used to fire other types of damaging substances; it is limited to elementals, outsiders, and undead) to control their own forms.
producing and dispensing acid. This causes them to become confused (as per the confusion spell).
Expensive Component: The only real way to improve a scathing This ability is mind-affecting but bypasses the normal immunity
shardsprayer is to make the acid it produces more deadly. Doing to mind-affecting abilities that nontechnological constructs
so requires a number of small improvements costing 750 gold and undead possess by virtue of their creature type. Any other
pieces and doubles the number of rounds of secondary damage, defenses against mind-affecting abilities (such as those of a lich
increasing damage dealt to creatures and the hardness loss of protected by a mind blank spell) work normally against scramble
objects accordingly. programming.
A confused creature’s actions are determined by rolling d100
SCATTERSHOT HELMET at the beginning of its turn. A roll of 01–10 causes the creature
Gadget (lesser) to attack you with melee or ranged weapons or close with you
Activation Time: 1 immediate action if attacking is not possible; an 11–20 allows it to act normally; a
Range: Personal result of 21–50 means that the creature does nothing but babble
Target: You; see text incoherently; 51–70 means that it flees away from you at top
Duration: Instantaneous; see text possible speed; and a roll of 71–100 means that it attacks the
Saving Throw: Reflex negates; see text nearest creature (for this purpose, a familiar counts as part of
Activation Cost: 5 points the subject’s self ). A confused creature who can’t carry out the
Weight: 5 lbs. indicated action does nothing but babble incoherently. Attackers
When activated, a whirling mechanism atop this helmet fires are not at any special advantage when attacking a confused
a spray of tiny pellets loaded from a chain that feeds from a pouch creature, and any confused creature who is attacked automatically
in a backpack or at the hip. The spray of pellets deals 1 point of attacks its attackers on its next turn as long as it is still confused
nonlethal bludgeoning damage per 2 activation levels to each when its turn comes. A confused creature does not make attacks
creature other than you within 10 feet (Reflex save negates) and of opportunity against any creature that it is not already devoted
grants you a +1 deflection bonus to AC per activation level against to attacking (either because of its most recent action or because it
a single ranged attack (maximum +10 deflection bonus). This has just been attacked).
bonus does not apply against rays or siege weapons. The damage Expensive Component: Dusts infused with antimagic increase
from a scattershot helmet can be reduced by damage reduction. the potency of this effect and increase scramble programming’s
You can activate this device as an immediate action, saving throw DC by 2. These dusts cost 900 gold pieces.
responding to an attack before the attack strikes. If you are

SCRIPT WIDGET Once you decide to trigger them, each scuttlebug explodes
Gadget (lesser) and deals 1d6 points of damage per activation level to all creatures
Activation Time: 1 standard action and objects in its 5-foot square to a maximum of 20d6 points of
Range: Personal damage. Half of this damage is fire damage, and the other half is
Target: You slashing damage, and is therefore subject to damage reduction.
Base Duration: 10 minutes (D) These explosions do not affect creatures that are more than 5
Activation Cost: 5 points feet off the ground. Overlapping areas of effect do not increase
Weight: 5 lbs. the damage dealt by the scuttlebug launcher — affected targets take
This small, portable clockwork engine deciphers an 1d6 points of damage per activation level regardless of how many
unknown language or an encoded message by brute-force scuttlebugs they are standing on.
calculation. It provides a +10 competence bonus to all Decipher If you wish to simply deal damage with the scuttlebug launcher
Script checks. While using a script widget you may attempt to you can order the scuttlebugs to move to a target square within 120
decipher written magical formulae. The DC for this task is feet and explode immediately. This causes the scuttlebugs to deal
20 + twice the spell level of the effect. In addition, a script widget their fire and slashing damage at the beginning of your next turn.
allows free retries for normal Decipher Script checks made while Expensive Component: The scuttlebug launcher expends raw
it is activated, as long as you have time to make another such materials costing 10 gold pieces per activation level each time it
check, and negates the need to make a Wisdom check if you fail is used. This is not an optional expensive component. You can
a Decipher Script check; when using a script widget you always also coat the scuttlebugs with a volatile chemical compound
know if you have successfully translated a text or not, as the before dispatching them. Doing so increases the fire damage each
device’s calculations will not add up unless a reasonably correct scuttlebug deals by 50%. These volatile chemicals cost 1,620 gold
translation is found. pieces.
Expensive Component: An almost ludicrously-complex array of
gears and voice recording stones can be added to the script widget at SEISMIC FLOW WAND
a cost of 900 gold pieces. If this addition is made, you may activate Technology (greater) [Sonic]
this device to read a scroll, using your Decipher Script check as a Activation Time: See text
Use Magic Device check to determine if you are successful or not. Range: 400 feet
If the scroll is read, it has its normal effects and destroys both this Area: Earth in an area up to 750 feet square and 10 feet deep (S)
expensive component and the scroll itself in the process. Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
SCUTTLEBUG LAUNCHER Activation Cost: 45 points
Technology (greater) [Fire] Weight: 2 lbs.
Activation Time: 1 standard action This technologically advanced tuning fork causes soft
Range: 0 feet substances to flow like water, allowing you to reshape large tracts
Effect: One exploding, burrowing mine per level of land. To use the seismic flow wand you strike it against the ground
Duration: 24 hours or until discharged to allow the device to pick up the resonance frequency of the local
Saving Throw: Reflex half terrain and then wield the vibrating fork like a conductor’s baton
Activation Cost: 45 points to shift landscape features to something more to your liking. You
Weight: 9 lbs. can create any kind of earthworks with this device, but creatures,
The scuttlebug launcher looks like a metallic, machinery- plants, and materials with a hardness of 8 or higher cannot be
laden honeycomb storing dozens of flat red disks. When you affected with a seismic flow wand. Thus, you could create an earthen
activate the launcher a number of these disks (up to a maximum embankment or a fortress of ice given sufficient raw materials,
of your activation level) drop out and burrow underground at but you could not collapse a rock formation or cause a wall of
an extremely rapid pace, moving to where you direct them. They iron to drain away.
have a movement rate of 120 feet per round (both on land and The area to be affected determines the device’s activation
while burrowing), and you can order them to go anywhere that time; for every 150-foot square (up to 10 feet deep), activation
you have line of sight to. Once they reach the indicated location takes 10 minutes. The maximum area of 750 feet by 750 feet takes
the scuttling constructs burrow down to a depth of 5 feet into 4 hours and 10 minutes to move. This device causes the affected
the ground to conceal themselves. These tiny constructs can even materials to flow gently and is therefore useless for destroying
burrow through solid rock, though they cannot move if there is structures or killing plant life, although it can easily change their
no ground to burrow through, such as if you are flying. They lay relative positions. You generally cannot tunnel with a seismic
dormant for up to 24 hours and you can trigger the scuttlebugs flow wand, and it is much too slow to affect creatures capable
at any time by taking an immediate action to flip their detonator of movement. The wand has no effect on creatures of any kind,
switch. If the scuttlebugs are not triggered within 24 hours, they even those that are made of the appropriate materials (like earth
become dormant, do not explode, and are effectively destroyed. elementals or clay golems).

Expensive Component: The usual settings of a seismic flow wand Though not itself sentient,
are utterly harmless to motile creatures and generally harmless to the device endlessly considers,
structures but by overloading and strengthening the harmonic recombines, and evaluates its
resonance crystals, you can, by rapping the wand on the ground, stored knowledge in a manner
generate a catastrophic pulse of vibrational energy that duplicates similar to a dreaming human
the effects of an earthquake spell as cast by a druid with a caster or demihuman. As a result,
level equal to your activation level, but using the seismic flow wand’s you may consult the slumberous
normal range. Improving the resonance crystals in this manner savant on difficult matters and
costs 2,610 gold pieces. thereby cross-reference and
evaluate your own knowledge
SILT WALL to a much greater degree than
Gadget (lesser) would normally be possible
Activation Time: 1 full-round action for a conscious mind.
Range: 0 You may access the
Effect: 20-foot high dust cloud that spreads in 20-foot radius slumberous savant at any time
from you to reroll a failed Knowledge skill check with an insight bonus
Base Duration: 1 minute equal to your ranks in that particular Knowledge skill. If this roll
Saving Throw: None is failed no further rolls are possible.
Activation Cost: 1 point Expensive Component: A slumberous savant usually takes a
Weight: 5 lbs. moment to consult, but the addition of a delicate wire mesh laid
A silt wall is a backpack-like clockwork device that rapidly across the skin at the base of your skull (or equivalent location)
circulates dirt and other loose particles, creating an obscuring wall allows an instantaneous one-time access without disabling the
of dust. This cloud of dust arises around you wherever you stand, usual interface. This addition costs 750 gold pieces and allows you
as long as you do not move and the silt wall remains activated. The to use the slumberous savant as an immediate action, fast enough
cloud remains for 1 minute unless dispersed by wind. A moderate to apply its bonus to your original Knowledge check instead of an
wind (11+ mph), such as from the zephyr hammer device, disperses ensuing reroll.
the fog in 4 rounds. A strong wind (21+ mph) disperses the fog in
1 round. This device does not function underwater unless you are SMITE ABNORMALITY
standing on a sandy surface. Gadget (standard) [Antimagic]
The cloud of dust obscures all sight, including darkvision, Activation Time: 1 standard action
beyond 5 feet. A creature 5 feet away has concealment (attacks Range Increment: Close (25 feet)
have a 20% miss chance). Creatures farther away have total Effect: One antimagic ray
concealment (50% miss chance, and the attacker cannot use sight Duration: Instantaneous
to locate the target). Saving Throw: None
Expensive Component: Directional fans can be added to the Activation Cost: 10 points
machinery of the silt wall, allowing you to project its effects at By focusing a beam of antimagic on a magic-dependent
a distance. This gives the device a range increment of Close (25 creature you attack that creature’s substance directly, potentially
feet). You must make a ranged attack roll to hit the square you snuffing out its life force. Smite abnormality affects only creatures
designate as the spread’s point of origin and the area of effect is of the nontechnological construct, elemental, outsider, and
immobile once it has been created. Misses are rolled as though undead types. This ability generates a coruscating, flat grey ray
the dust cloud were a grenade-like weapon. These fans cost 390 and you must succeed at a ranged tough attack to hit your target.
gold pieces. If successful, the ray deals 1d6 points of damage to the target per
activation level (maximum of 10d6). This is untyped damage, and
SLUMBEROUS SAVANT the target is not protected by spell resistance, damage reduction,
Technology (lesser) or energy resistance. Incorporeal creatures do not receive their
Activation Time: 1 standard action usual miss chance against this attack. Any creature destroyed by
Range: Personal smite abnormality is instantly reduced to a fine powder; incorporeal
Target: You creatures simply dissipate.
Duration: Instantaneous Expensive Component: While it is already decidedly lethal, you
Activation Cost: 15 points can add more punch to smite abnormality by casting a bead made
Weight: 4 lbs. of magic-repelling stone at your target. The bead courses along
A slumberous savant is a tiny electronic device that you input with the ray and buries itself in the affected creature’s unnatural
your scholarly knowledge into. Its design is ruthlessly simplified flesh, increasing the ray’s damage by 50%. This bead costs 900
to function at a minimal level even while it is inactivated. gold pieces.

SMITE MAGIC an activation level check to end the spell that conjured that
Gadget (greater) [Antimagic] object or creature (returning it to wherever it came from) in
Activation Time: 1 standard action addition to attempting to smite spells targeting the creature
Range Increment: Close (25 feet) or object.
Target or Area: One spellcaster, creature, or object; or a 20-foot Counterspell: When smite magic is used in this way, the ability
radius burst targets a spellcaster and is cast as a counterspell. Unlike a true
Duration: Instantaneous counterspell, however, smite magic may not work; you must
Saving Throw: None make an activation level check to counter the spellcaster’s
Activation Cost: 15 points spell. If you have spellcasting ability from another class, you
This ability allows you to focus your talents without the aid may choose to automatically affect your own spells when
of any device and to strike out with a blast of antimagic to end using this ability.
ongoing spell effects. Expensive Component: Sometimes you need to remove magical
You can use smite magic to end ongoing spells that have been effects immediately, and smite magic is capable of doing so with the
cast on a creature or object, to temporarily suppress the magical aid of quite a lot of magic-pure alchemical agents. These reagents
abilities of a magic item, to end ongoing spells (or at least their cost 2,280 gold pieces and allow you to activate smite magic as a
effects) within an area, or to counter a spellcaster’s spell. An swift action, or an immediate action if you are using this ability
affected spell ends as if its duration had expired. Some spells, as to counter a spell.
detailed in their descriptions, can’t be defeated by dispel magic;
these spells are also immune to the effects of smite magic. Smite SMITE MAGIC, GREATER
magic can dispel (but not counter) spell-like effects just as it does Technology (greater) [Antimagic]
spells. The effect of a spell with an instantaneous duration can’t Activation Time: 1 standard action
be dispelled, because the magical effect is already over before this Range Increment: Close (25 feet)
ability takes effect. Smite magic can be used in one of three ways: Target or Area: One spellcaster, creature, or object; or a 20-foot
Targeted Smite: One object, creature, or spell is the target of smite radius burst
magic. You make an activation level check with a maximum Duration: Instantaneous
bonus of +10 against the spell or against each ongoing spell Saving Throw: None
currently in effect on the object or creature. The DC for Activation Cost: 45 points
this check is 11 + the spell’s caster level. If you succeed on a This ability is identical to the smite magic ability, except that
particular check, that spell is dispelled; if you fail, that spell the maximum bonus you can gain on your activation level checks
remains in effect. If you target an object or creature that is the is +20. In addition, the greater power of the ability allows you to
effect of an ongoing spell (such as a summoned monster), you attempt to remove certain curses that are immune to the effects of
make an activation level check to end the spell that conjured the smite magic ability; you make activation checks as normal to end
the object or creature. If the object that you target is a magic these effects. Only curses and other effects that can be removed by
item, you make an activation level check against the item’s the greater dispel magic spell are affected by greater smite magic.
caster level. If you succeed, all the item’s magical properties Expensive Component: Sometimes you need to remove magical
are suppressed for 1d4 rounds, after which time the item effects immediately, and greater smite magic is capable of doing so
recovers on its own. A suppressed item becomes nonmagical with the addition of an amulet constructed of rarified mimetite.
for the duration of the effect. An interdimensional interface This amulet costs 3,720 gold pieces and allows you to activate
(such as a bag of holding) is temporarily closed. A magic item’s greater smite magic as a swift action, or an immediate action if you
physical properties are unchanged: a suppressed magic are using this ability to counter a spell.
sword is still a sword (a masterwork sword, in fact). Artifacts
and deities are unaffected by mortal efforts like smite magic. SPACE-WARP MODULATOR
Area Dispel: When smite magic is used in this way, the ability Technology (greater)
affects everything within a 20-foot radius. For each creature Activation Time: 1 standard action
or object within the area that is the subject of one or more Range: 0 feet
spells, and for each ongoing area or effect spell whose point Area: 60-foot radius emanation, centered on you
of origin is within smite magic’s area of effect, you make an Base Duration: 1 minute
activation level check against the spell with the highest caster Saving Throw: None
level. If that check fails, you make further checks against Activation Cost: 9 points
progressively weaker spells until you dispel one spell (which Weight: 3 lbs.
exhausts smite magic so far as that target is concerned) or until Teleportation, using known technological principles, is
you fail all your checks. The creature’s magic items are not quite difficult. However, research into movement through the
affected. If an object or creature in the area is the effect of an Astral Plane has led to some interesting applications, such as this
ongoing spell (such as a summoned monster), you can make device. A space-warp modulator bends space around you in such a

way that creatures and objects coming towards you perceive it to
be a much greater distance than it truly is, while those heading
away from you act as though the distance were much shorter
than appearance indicates.
Moving into a square within 60 feet of you that is closer to you
than the square the creature is leaving costs a creature two squares
of movement, effectively halving its movement rate. Moving into a
square within 60 feet of you that is farther away from you than the
original square takes only half a square of movement, effectively
doubling a creature’s movement rate. Creatures are not actually
slowed down or sped up; they merely experience distances as
being much longer or shorter than they seem. This effect applies
to objects and spell effects as well — attacking you with a ranged
weapon means that the 60 feet around you counts as 120 feet
for determining the range increment and your outgoing ranged
attacks treat the first 60 feet as if they were only 30 feet.
You are always considered to be moving away from yourself
for the purposes of determining your movement rate and so
your speed (in all forms) effectively doubles while you are under
the effect of a space-warp modulator. If you follow at the rear of
a group, the group’s movement is also doubled, allowing you to
collectively cover ground more quickly.
You can reverse this device’s effects at any time simply by
taking a move action to redirect the device. Doing so causes
creatures approaching you to perceive the distance moved as less
than it appears and forces creatures moving away from you to
cover more apparent ground. The spark manufactoryis extremely versatile — if your GM approves, this
Expensive Component: Boosting the output of the warp flux dragon-shaped iron golem might even have the power to fly
capacitor widens the area of effect to a 90-foot radius emanation; (Artwork by Nathan Boyd)
this costs 1,620 gold pieces. (technology) checks instead of their original type, and you gain a
+5 circumstance bonus on all Craft (technology) checks to create
SPARK MANUFACTORY a construct’s body.
Artifact (lesser) Constructs created with a spark manufactory are identical to
Activation Time: 10 minutes the magical creations that they are based on, except that they
Range: Personal can look like anything you desire (within reason). In addition,
Target: You their special abilities are technological in nature and become
Duration: 24 hours extraordinary abilities that are not subject to spell resistance or
Activation Cost: 45 points, variable XP; see text negation by measures that normally negate these spell-like and
Weight: 1,292 lbs. supernatural abilities. The constructs’ special abilities and other
A spark manufactory is a complex, not-very-portable lab statistics are otherwise unchanged.
that allows you to create artificial animating spirits with which Expensive Components: Creating a construct with the spark
to bring to life a variety of different constructs. These creatures manufactory requires raw materials equal in value to the market
are like those created by the Craft Construct feat (MM, page price of the construct (so creating an iron golem requires 150,000
303). Using just the MM, this means that you can use a spark gold pieces in raw materials). If you wish, you may instead pay
manufactory to create a construct with stats identical to those what a wizardly creator pays, listed in each construct’s individual
of the clay golem, flesh golem, iron golem, stone golem, greater description (for instance, the alternate cost for the iron golem is
stone golem (pages 134–137), the homunculus (page 154), or the 80,000 gold pieces in raw materials and 5,600 experience points).
shield guardian (pages 223–224). Constructs from additional This is not an optional expensive component.
sources might also be created with the manufactory, as determined In addition, you can customize constructs you create with
by the GM. Any caster level requirement or particular set of spells a spark manufactory by adding superior equipment or various
that must be cast during the creation process of these constructs masterwork components. These constructs can wear armor or
is ignored when using a spark manufactory, and you do not need barding, as appropriate, although they are not proficient in it,
the Craft Construct feat to create these beings. In addition, all and can use other simple items of gear (such as alchemist’s fire)
Craft checks called for to create these constructs become Craft when commanded to do so by their creator. Any masterwork

component meant for weapons can be applied to the construct’s using the sphere of intractable will, but to actually recover from your
slam attack and any masterwork component meant for armor wounds. When you use this expensive component, you gain fast
may likewise be added directly to the construct’s natural armor, healing 5 for as long as you use the sphere. The component costs
if appropriate. You may also add the high-quality, dedicated to 3,720 gold pieces.
a purpose, user-friendly (thereby allowing the construct to use a
specific trained-only skill, such as Tumble, untrained), and sacred/ SPIKEDRIVER
profane skill-related components to one of these constructs. Gadget (standard) [Fire]
Adding multiple legs to increase the construct’s speed by 10 feet Activation Time: 1 standard action
counts as one masterwork component and adding wheels to Range: Touch
increase the construct’s speed by 20 feet requires the equivalent Target: 50 projectiles, all of which must be in contact with each
of two masterwork components (assuming the base construct other at the time of activation
does not already have wheels or multiple legs). You may also Base Duration: 1 minute (D)
increase any adamantine-based damage reduction the construct Saving Throw: None
possesses by 1 point as though adding a masterwork component; Activation Cost: 2 points
these increases stack, to a maximum damage reduction rating of Weight: 4 lbs.
20/adamantine. A spikedriver is a boxy mechanism that heats the tips of the
targeted projectiles to a white-hot glow, causing them to deal 1d6
SPHERE OF INTRACTABLE WILL points of bonus fire damage when they strike. In addition, these
Technology (greater) projectiles ignore 5 points of the target’s hardness. The heated
Activation Time: 1 immediate action projectiles can easily ignite a flammable object or structure but
Range: Personal won’t ignite creatures they strike. Spikedrivers are most easily
Target: You used as an integrated part of a quiver or case of bolts. Any
Base Duration: 1 round projectile without metal parts to heat safely (such as a spear
Activation Cost: 9 points made completely of wood) takes 1d6 points of damage per round
Weight: 2 lbs. it remains heated.
This device consists of a simple iron sphere that is often A popular use of spikedriver-heated projectiles is to use
worn as an amulet. Its simple appearance conceals sophisticated crossbow bolts as makeshift rivets and nail a door or similar
technology that gives you extensive conscious control over your portal shut. Doing so takes 5 rounds and closes off the portal
own metabolic processes (or the equivalent of these processes just as if it were securely closed and normally locked. A portal
for nonhumanoid technologists). A sphere of intractable will nailed shut in this way adds 5 to the normal DC for forcing open
allows you to remain conscious even at negative hit points and the portal.
to act normally at the same time. When you become disabled or Expensive Component: A number of small mechanical
dying, you may make a Concentration check with a DC equal to improvements to the spikedriver’s heating coils make the device
your negative hit point total to ignore these conditions and act much more energy-efficient and increase its base duration to 10
normally. Even when you would normally be dead (at –10 hit minutes. These improvements cost 390 gold pieces.
point or less), a sphere of intractable will allows you to act normally
provided you can make the requisite Concentration check. When SPLENDIFEROUS SCIENTIFIC WONDER
your focus is broken or you cease to pay the device’s activation Gadget (standard) [Mind-Affecting]
cost and its duration lapses, the full effects of your current hit Activation Time: 1 standard action
point total immediately apply. Range Increment: Close (25 feet)
Expensive Component: The addition of an alchemically-created Area: Several living creatures, no two of which may be more
positive energy gate allows you to not only hold on to life by than 30 ft. apart
Duration: 2d4 rounds (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Example – The Mark of a True Craftsman
Activation Cost: 10 points
A splendiferous scientific wonder represents the glory of
Weight: 2 lbs.
scientific progress. Because of this the technologists living
A splendiferous scientific wonder can look like anything at all, for
in Dromus, an important city in my campaign, use it as
the very simple reason that its only purpose is to impress. Bejeweled
a status symbol. A splendiferous scientific wonder is the first
clockwork animals and mechanisms made of colored glass gears
project of any technologist associated with the Craftsmen’s
are popular. Although an astounding feat of engineering in and
Guild (a powerful mercantile group led by technologists),
of itself, the splendiferous scientific wonder is also suffused with the
and it acts as a symbol of membership for the elite of the
same material that wheedling stones are created from — the device
Guild, differentiating true technologists from the “mere
thus gently encourages your audience to pay attention as you
craftspeople” that make up the organization’s rank-and-file.
explains the wonders of science and technology to them.

Your histrionic gestures and energetic presentation fascinate STEAMPLUNKER
nearby creatures, causing them to stop and stare blankly at you. In Gadget (standard)
addition, you can use their rapt attention to make your suggestions Activation Time: 1 full-round action
and requests seem more plausible. You may only affect creatures Range Increment: Long (400 feet)
with a lower Charisma than you with a splendiferous scientific Target: A single item in your possession, weighing up to 10 lbs.
wonder. Only creatures that can see or hear you are affected, but total
they do not need to understand you to be fascinated. Duration: Instantaneous
If you use this device in combat, each target gains a +2 Saving Throw: None
bonus on its saving throw. If the device affects only a single Activation Cost: 10 points
creature not in combat at the time, the saving throw has a –2 Weight: 7 lbs.
penalty. A steamplunker launches a single item weigh up to 10 pounds
While the subject is fascinated by this device, it reacts as very far and at a high speed by firing it out of a steam compression
though it were two steps more friendly in attitude. This allows cannon. You must make a ranged attack roll to hit the target or
you to make a single request of the affected creature, provided location you specify.
you can communicate with it. The request must be brief and This device protects the item from any damage caused by
reasonable. After the device’s effect wanes, the creature retains the launching (for example, an egg would not crack from being
its new attitude toward you only with respect to that particular hurled by this device, nor would a flask of alchemist’s fire break
request. The effects of a splendiferous scientific wonder are too subtle from the sudden acceleration) but it does not protect the hurled
for targets to notice on a failed save. However, creatures may item from damage caused by striking a designated target.
wonder why they were so helpful to that overly-dramatic fellow The steamplunker has two settings, which you can choose
with the funny toy if their friendliness toward you is greatly out between when you activate the device. The low-powered setting
of character for them. A successful save indicates that the creature simply delivers the “cargo,” and does so softly enough to preserve a
felt a compulsion, but is unaware of its source or what its effect glass vial from breakage if you succeed at an activation level check
would have been. (DC 10 + 2 per range increment after the first). The high setting
Expensive Component: The radiation generated by a automatically breaks the launched object if it has a hardness of
splendiferous scientific wonder is usually unfocused and undirected. less than 5 but also deals 2d6 point of bludgeoning damage to
However, you can augment the device to allow yourself some the creature or object struck, making the steamplunker suitable for
control over its effects. Doing so means that you need not rely use as a weapon.
on your natural persuasiveness as much, and you may use your Expensive Component: A special launch egg, costing 390 gold
Intelligence modifier instead of your Charisma modifier to pieces, increases the steamplunker’s range increment to 1,200 feet.
determine which creatures can be affected by the scientific wonder. Note, however, that making effective use of such a long range is
This augmentation costs 390 gold pieces. difficult at best.


Gadget (lesser) Gadget (standard)
Activation Time: 1 swift action Activation Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal Range Increment: Medium (100 feet)
Target: You Effect: A blob of stickyfoam
Base Duration: 1 minute (D) Duration: 1d6 rounds
Activation Cost: 1 point Saving Throw: Reflex partial
Weight: 3 lbs. Activation Cost: 10 points
A tiny engine coils a small but powerful spring in the heel of Weight: 5 lbs.
this heavy military-style leather boot when the device is activated, This device alchemically alters tanglefoot bags into a much
allowing the adventurous wearer to make truly prodigious leaps more effective enemy-neutralizing substance and then launches
as the spring releases its stored energy. the resulting goo at your opponents. The stickyfoam neutralizer
You gain a +10 enhancement bonus on all Jump checks. The produces masses of sticky strings that splatter on the target,
enhancement bonus increases to +20 at activation level 5th, and pinning it in place and forming a frothing cloud of green fog
to +30 (the maximum) at activation level 9th. around the affected being to prevent it from attacking effectively.
Expensive Component: Wearers who demands more mobility You make a ranged touch attack to strike your intended target,
can upgrade the spring-heeled jackboots at a cost of 390 gold which must be of Large size or smaller. If you succeed the creature
pieces. This upgrade increases the device’s base duration to 10 must make a Reflex save or it is glued to the floor. Even if it
minutes. succeeds at this saving throw, the creature is entangled (it suffers
a –2 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty to Dexterity) and can
only move at half speed. A flying creature is not stuck to the floor,

but if it uses wings to fly it must make a Reflex save or it is unable Each time you activate the stylus, you can duplicate any one
to continue flying and begins to fall. of the following effects: arcane lock, arcane mark, explosive runes, fire
In addition, a dense foaming mist roils across the body of trap, greater glyph of warding, illusory script, mark of justice, rainbow
an affected creature whether it makes its saving throw or not and pattern, secret page, sepia snake sigil, symbol of fear, symbol of pain, symbol
obscures the creature’s sight. All attacks that enter, exit, or pass of persuasion, symbol of sleep, symbol of stunning, symbol of weakness.
through the square or squares occupied by a creature affected by At the game master’s option, you may also be able to duplicate
the stickyfoam neutralizer must contend with total concealment additional writing-based spells and effects with the stylus of arcane
and thus suffer a 50% miss chance. The affected creature’s square mimeography.
also blocks line of sight, and an affected creature is effectively Your caster level for these effects is identical to your
blinded (it cannot see and takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class, activation level and the spell’s save DC is your device save DC.
loses its Dexterity bonus to AC (if any), moves at half speed, and Any expensive material components normally required for these
takes a –4 penalty on Search checks and on most Strength- and spells is still required. However, because you are not a true mage,
Dexterity-based skill checks). these spell effects are only quasi-real — the mystic symbol draws
A creature that is glued to the floor (or one rendered unable in ambient magical energy to make itself functional but is quite
to fly) can break free by making a DC 19 Strength check or by unreliable when called upon. Make a Forgery check — the check
dealing 20 points of damage to the goo with a slashing weapon. result, rounded down to the nearest multiple of 5, is the degree
A creature trying to scrape goo off itself, or another creature of reality your forged symbols possess. Creatures who fail their
assisting, does not need to make an attack roll; hitting the Will saves and believe the full reality of your symbols are affected
goo is automatic (in terms of AC — a creature must still check normally, but objects and creatures that save are subject to a
concealment due to the stickyfoam’s concealing fog). Once free, reduced effect.
the creature can move (including flying) at half speed. A character For instance, if you used a stylus of arcane mimeography to
affected by the goo that is capable of spellcasting must make a create a fire trap and rolls a 32 for your Forgery check, the fire trap
DC 17 Concentration check to cast a spell. The goo evaporates spell would work normally against creatures triggering it if they
into a translucent slime after 1d6 rounds, freeing the creature failed a Will save. Objects in the area and creatures that made
and causing the blinding green fog to immediately disperse. their saving throw would only take 30% of the normal damage. If
The stickyfoam neutralizer does not function underwater. you had instead forged an arcane lock, creatures who succeeded at
Expensive Components: A single tanglefoot bag (costing 50 their saving throws would only be 30% likely to be unable to open
gold pieces) must be loaded into the stickyfoam neutralizer for it the warded door.
to function. This is not an optional expensive component. You Expensive Component: Special alchemical crystals that draw
may also add a clockwork sorter and an alchemical intensifier magic into the area while you write can be used in conjunction
to the neutralizer; doing so causes it to affect multiple targets. with the stylus. These crystals cost 750 gold pieces and make the
The necessary components cost 1,530 gold pieces. You select a resulting spell effect 20% more real against those that succeed on
primary target and then a number of secondary targets up to your their Will saves.
activation level. Only the primary target needs to make a Reflex
saving throw to avoid being pinned to the floor but the secondary SUBLIMATION CHAMBER
targets are still covered in the blinding mist if you succeed at the Technology (standard)
ranged touch attack roll to hit them. Activation Time: 8 hours
Range: Touch
STYLUS OF ARCANE MIMEOGRAPHY Target: One valuable nonmagical item with no single dimension
Technology (greater) greater than 5 feet
Activation Time: 1 minute Duration: Instantaneous
Range: See text Saving Throw: None
Effect: See text Activation Cost: 30 points
Duration: See text Weight: 27 lbs.
Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if interacted with); varies; see text High technology is an expensive vocation, and so money-
Activation Cost: 45 points minded technologists turn to this device to quickly increase
Weight: 1 lb. their funds. It appears as a boxy metallic chamber replete with
The stylus of arcane mimeography uses brightly-colored quasi- strange-looking dials and a clear glass bubble looking into an
real holograms to write on any available surface. It is the ultimate inner chamber. When you place an object inside you employ the
in precision technology for the accomplished scribe. The stylus sublimation chamber’s array of sophisticated matter-manipulation
can write on any surface, solid or liquid, and can even be used to tools to make very minor changes in the object — brightening
sketch a pattern in the air in front of you. In fact, it is so effective the colors of a painting, adjusting the facets of a gemstone for
that it is capable of precisely copying magical glyphs that can greater clarity, or cleaning a thousand years of dungeon grime off
normally only be created by accomplished spellcasters. a piece of jewelry. The sublimation chamber cannot change the item

radically; a painting cannot become an entirely different painting, bonus to your land speed. There is no effect on other modes
and a pearl cannot be changed into a ruby. of movement, such as burrow, climb, fly, or swim. As with any
These changes have the effect of increasing the value of the effect that increases your speed, this device affects your jumping
object you are working on, provided that it has a value of at least distance (see the Jump skill on page 77 of the PHB).
100 gold pieces to begin with. Otherwise, the very minor changes Expensive Component: Swift striders are not designed for long-
that a sublimation chamber is capable of have no substantial effect term use but they can be reconfigured to function for extended
on the object’s worth. At the end of the 8-hour activation time you periods of time at a cost of 390 gold pieces. This upgrade increases
roll an Appraise check and twice the check result in gold pieces the device’s base duration to 10 minutes, thereby allowing you to
is added to the value of the item. A sublimation chamber may not significantly improve your overland speed.
increase the value of an item beyond 150% of its original value, no
matter how many times you use it. TEACUP’S TINY TINKERERS
Technology (lesser)
SUPPRESS SPELL Activation Time: 1 full round
Gadget (lesser) [Antimagic] Range Increment: 10 feet; see text
Activation Time: 1 immediate action Target: Up to 5 cubic feet/level; see text
Range: 0 Duration: Instantaneous
Target: One spell effect active on your person Saving Throw: None (but see text)
Duration: 1 round Activation Cost: 15 points
Saving Throw: None Weight: 3 lbs.
Activation Cost: 5 points This device appears as an innocuous glass jar holding a
By summoning a momentary surge of antimagic you attempt swarm of tiny black beetle-like machines. This swarm consists
to suppress a single spell you are currently suffering from. Roll of hundreds upon hundreds of tiny high-tech machines that
1d20 and add your activation level (to a maximum of +5) against respond to your mental commands. When the jar is unstoppered,
a DC of 11 + the caster level of the spell. If you are successful the machines swarm out and over any object within range and
the targeted spell is suppressed for one round, after which time it rebuild it to your specifications before returning automatically
resumes its normal effects. Time spent suppressed by this ability to their jar.
counts against the spell’s duration. You can activate this device The machines convert material or materials of one sort into a
instantly, before a spell fully takes effect on your person. If you product made from the same material or materials, although they
continue to activate the device at the same time every round cannot affect magical items or substances in any way. The tiny
the suppressed spell’s effect can be delayed indefinitely without tinkerers are also restricted to modifying existing material within
requiring additional activation level checks. range in various ways and may not create raw materials where
This device only works against spells that have you as their none existed before. The quality of items produced is generally
target. It does nothing against spells that simply include you commensurate with the quality of materials used, but you must
in their area of effect or against touch spells. It does, however, also make a Craft check to fabricate items that require a Craft
work normally against spells with an instantaneous duration, DC of 15 or higher to produce through normal means. While at
suppressing their effects until your suppression lapses for any work, the tiny tinkerers are treated as a swarm of Fine creatures
reason. with hit points equal to twice your activation level. Creatures
Expensive Component: A metallic amulet attuned to this ability in the area of the affected materials while you are activating the
allows you to put more of your personal power into suppress spell’s tiny tinkerers take 1d6 points of damage per round and must save
effects. This increases the maximum bonus from your activation against your Fortitude save DC every round they remain in the
to +10, but has no effect if your activation level is not sufficient to area or be nauseated for 1 round. This device cannot be used to
grant you a bonus on your activation level check greater than 5. add to your current pool of craft points as a normal use of the
The amulet costs 390 gold pieces. Craft skill can.
Teacup’s tiny tinkerers have a special application of its range
SWIFT STRIDERS increment. Due to the small size of the beetle-constructs they are
Gadget (lesser) very slow when moving across open ground, and the activation
Activation Time: 1 swift action time of this device increases by 1 full round for each range
Range: Personal increment past the first that the tinkerers must move across or
Target: You encompass to accomplish their assigned task. For example,
Base Duration: 1 round (D) converting a pile of lumber 20 feet away and 30 feet long into a
Activation Cost: 1 point ship’s hull would increase the tiny tinkerers’ activation time to 5
Weight: 3 lbs. full rounds — 1 round for the base activation, 1 round to travel 10
Stylish and effective, swift striders allow you to move with feet beyond the first 10 feet, and 3 more rounds to fully encompass
great, bounding strides and grant you a +30 foot enhancement the area of the chosen raw materials.

Expensive Component: The original materials cost one-third of Teacup’s tiny traveling terrors can also be dispatched to damage
the finished item’s market value, the same raw materials cost as creatures and objects. When you activate the device, you infuse
standard crafting. This is not an optional expensive component. the beads with kinetic energy, which they normally use to fly. Each
In addition, you may stimulate the tinkerers into filling their eye bead can also expend this kinetic energy (and destroy itself in
vial more densely, allowing them to affect 10 cubic feet per level the process) if a specific condition is met. For instance, you could
instead of 5. This upgrade costs 750 gold pieces and has the effect order the traveling terrors to space themselves evenly around your
of changing the swarm into a single mass of beetle-like constructs campsite and attack the first creature of Small size or larger that
while they are dormant in their jar. they see. All told, your tiny traveling terrors can deal 1d6 points of
force damage per activation level (maximum 25d6). You divide
TEACUP’S TINY TRAVELING TERRORS this damage potential amongst them as you see fit when you
Artifact (standard) [Force] activate the traveling terrors. When its attack condition is triggered,
Activation Time: 1 minute each eye makes a single ranged touch attack roll with a bonus
Range: One mile equal to your activation level plus your Intelligence modifier; if
Effect: Ten or more levitating eye beads successful, the eye deals its damage and then is destroyed. You
Duration: 1 hour; see text (D) could split this damage up evenly to ensure that a wide area
Saving Throw: None is protected, or you could concentrate it all in one eye bead to
Activation Cost: 18 points maximize your damage potential.
Weight: 4 lbs. Expensive Component: You must have a number of special
Teacup’s tiny traveling terrors are Fine crystalline beads that crystal beads in this device’s kinetic infusion chamber to turn
have had limited intelligence and independent flight capabilities into the traveling terrors. These beads cost a total of 250 gold
temporarily infused into them. They can be used to scout out an pieces and are not an optional expensive component. Teacup’s tiny
area or as effective sentries or hunter-killers. After you activate the traveling terrors are not terribly useful as a generalized offensive
beads, they arise from their storage container (which looks like weapon because it takes a while to charge the crystalline lattice
a large glass jar) and move off to do your bidding based on your of the beads with both kinetic energy and minimal awareness.
initial instructions and some limited access to your knowledge By using specially-prepared memory crystals, you can speed this
gained via an artificial telepathic link. process up dramatically and reduce this device’s activation time
This device generates a number of eye beads equal to your to 1 standard action. This expensive component costs 2,340 gold
activation level. These eyes move out, scout around, and return pieces.
as you direct them when activating the tiny traveling terrors.
Each eye can see 120 feet (normal vision only) in all directions. TECHNOLOGIST’S FAMILIAR
Individual eye beads are quite fragile, but small and difficult to Gadget (lesser)
spot. Each crystalline bead is a Fine construct, about the size Activation Time: 1 standard action
of a largish marble, that has 1 hit point, AC 18 (+8 size bonus), Range: 60 feet
flies at a speed of 30 feet with perfect maneuverability, and has Effect: One Tiny animated object
a total of a +20 bonus to Hide checks. Each bead has a Spot skill Base Duration: 1 hour (D)
check modifier equal to your activation level (maximum +25) and Saving Throw: None
is subject to illusions, darkness, fog, and any other factors that Activation Cost: 1 point
would affect your ability to receive visual information about your Weight: 3 lbs.
surroundings. An eye traveling through darkness must find its A technologist’s familiar is a spider-like clockwork construct
way by touch and risks bumping into a wall and being destroyed. that performs simple tasks at your command. It can run and
When you activate the traveling terrors, you imprint the fetch things, open unstuck doors, and hold chairs, as well as clean
instructions they will follow in the form of a command of no and mend. The familiar can perform only one activity at a time,
more than twenty-five words. Any knowledge you possess is but it repeats the same activity over and over again if told to do so
known to the eyes as well, via the mental link. In order to report for as long as you remain within range. It can only open normal
their findings, the eye beads must return to your hand. Each doors, drawers, lids, and the like. It has a Strength score of 8 and
replays in your mind all it has seen during its existence. It takes is essentially a quadruped, so it can lift 60 pounds or drag 300.
an eye 1 round to replay 1 hour of recorded images. After relaying It can trigger traps and such, but it can exert only 60 pounds of
its findings, an eye shatters (is destroyed). If an eye ever gets force, which is not enough to activate certain very heavy pressure
more than 1 mile away from you (the range of the mental link), plates and other devices. The technologist’s familiar cannot perform
it instantly becomes dormant and falls to the ground. However, any task that requires a skill check with a DC higher than 10 or
your link with the eyes is such that you won’t know if an eye was that requires a check using a skill that can’t be used untrained.
destroyed because it wandered out of range or because of some An activated technologist’s familiar is a Tiny animated object
other event. The eyes exist for as long as you maintain them, until that has hardness 10, a movement rate of 60 feet (due to its
they return to you, or until they attack a target (see below). multiple legs), and temporary hit points equal to your activation

level. It can attack just as well as any forth. You can also detect simple pits, deadfalls, and snares as well
other animated object. If you attempt as other mechanical traps. However, this device does not detect
to send the familiar beyond its 60- magical traps unless they have an obvious physical component,
foot range it immediately throws such as an otherwise normal pit trap with a magical trigger. The
a gear or otherwise breaks amount of information revealed depends on how long you
down. You may control only study a particular area:
one technologist’s familiar at 1st Round: Presence or absence of hazards or secret
any given time. doors.
Expensive Components: 2nd Round: Number of hazards and secret doors and
Many technologists the locations of each. If an object is outside your line
choose to customize their of effect, then you discern its direction but not its exact
familiar by adding superior location.
equipment or various Each Additional Round: The general type and trigger
masterwork components. for one particular hazard closely examined by you, or
A technologist’s familiar can the mechanism or entryway for one specific secret
wear armor, although it portal you examine.
is not proficient in it, and This device does not require line of effect but
can use other simple items Atechnologist’s familiarcan easily be made to look far more there must be physical evidence of an object in the
of gear (such as a dangerous than it really is (Artwork by Marco Fiorito) area you examine for you to find it. For example, a
tanglefoot bag) when commanded to do so by its creator. Any trap door partially hidden by a rug could be found and its exact
masterwork component meant for weapons can be applied to the dimensions discerned, but a trap totally hidden in another room
construct’s slam attack and any masterwork component meant behind a closed wooden door could not be detected and analyzed
for armor may likewise be added if appropriate. You may also add with a technologist’s magnifying glass even if the pit trap were within
the high-quality, dedicated to a purpose, sacred/profane, or user- 60 feet of you.
friendly (thereby allowing the construct to use a specific trained- Expensive Component: Technologists traveling through truly
only skill, such as Profession, untrained) skill-related components trap-infested areas (such as kobold warrens) can pack redundant
to one of these constructs. In addition, any of the special abilities gears and cogs into the technologist’s magnifying glass to reduce the
listed in the animated objects entry (blind, constrict, and so forth) effect of magical interference on its operation. This expensive
may be added in lieu of a masterwork component. Adding wheels component increases the device’s base duration to 1 minute and
to increase the construct’s speed also counts as one masterwork costs 390 gold pieces.
component. You may increase the hardness of the construct
by 1 as though adding a masterwork component as well; these TERRAIN ATTUNEMENT
increases stack, to a maximum hardness of 20. Technology (lesser)
Technologist’s familiars are made to be tinkered with constantly, Activation Time: 2 hours; see text
and you can change the specific masterwork components the Range: Touch
familiar benefits from during your daily preparation period. Doing Target: Living creature touched
so requires a DC 15 Craft (technology) skill check, and allows you Duration: Instantaneous
to freely alter any masterwork component the familiar currently Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
has into any other single masterwork component. Activation Cost: 15 points
Weight: 10 lbs.
TECHNOLOGIST’S MAGNIFYING GLASS Terrain attunement is a long-term alchemical regimen that
Gadget (standard) [Divination] adjusts the subject’s body to better adapt it to a given terrain.
Activation Time: 1 standard action Fully activating this device requires four consecutive activations
Range: 60 feet over the course of 8 hours for 7 continuous days. Each day costs
Area: Cone-shaped emanation a total of 60 activation points. After successfully performing the
Base Duration: 1 round (D) infusion procedure you may select one bonus to permanently
Saving Throw: None grant to the subject, chosen from the list below:
Activation Cost: 2 points • Explorer’s Balm: Subjects gain a +3 alchemical bonus to saves
Weight: 2 lbs. against poison and disease.
A technologist’s magnifying glass is a complex orb of sliding lenses • Nomad’s Boon: Subjects gain a +2 alchemical bonus on all
and mirrors that allows you to examine an area in minute detail Ride checks, Handle Animal checks, and Spot checks.
by adjusting magnification, focus, and the relative position of • Night Eyes: Subjects gain a +5 alchemical bonus to Spot
different parts of the area to analyze it from all possible angles. checks to notice things concealed by darkness. This ability
You can detect secret doors, compartments, caches, and so does not actually grant darkvision or low-light vision.

• Climber’s Agility: Subjects gain a +3 alchemical bonus to
Climb checks and a +5 alchemical bonus to Jump or Tumble
checks made to intentionally jump down from a height.
• Swimmer’s Breath: Subjects gain a +5 alchemical bonus on
Constitution checks to avoid drowning.
• Forager’s Instinct: Subjects gain a +3 alchemical bonus on
Survival checks.
• Flame Attunement: This treatment provides fire resistance 3.
• Frost Attunement: This treatment provides cold resistance 3.
• Lightning Dancer: This treatment provides electricity resistance
• Marshwalker’s Protection: This treatment provides acid
resistance 3.
You may apply multiple effects to the same subject but each new
effect requires an additional terrain attunement treatment course
to be effective: one effect requires one treatment, adding a second
requires two more 7-day treatments, and so forth.
This application of alchemy is unusual in that it tends to
have more radical effects on the subject’s physiology than the
aqua treatments — cold-attuned creatures tend to have slightly
lower body temperatures than normal, creatures granted the
explorer’s balm sometimes appear to be slightly jaundiced, and
so forth. This has no game effect but it does make it somewhat
easier to recognize the beneficiaries of this alchemical boon.
The 10-pound weight of this device represents the distilling
device that creates the potion. A dose of the potion itself is
effectively weightless.
Expensive Components: Various alchemical compounds costing
a total of 300 gold pieces. This component is not optional.
A technologist and his trinicoil get some quality time
(Artwork by Juan Navarro)
Gadget (greater) [Electricity] All other creatures within 10 feet take 1d6 points of electricity
Activation Time: 1 full round splash damage as well (no save).
Range: 120 feet Expensive Component: Bulbs that release a noxious copper-
Effect: Ray based solution onto the generating gears of the trinicoil when it
Base Duration: 1 round (D) is activated significantly increase the device’s electrical output
Saving Throw: None and double the range of the electrical ray to 240 feet. These bulbs
Activation Cost: 3 points cost 390 gold pieces and last for the duration of the trinicoil’s
Weight: 15 lbs. activation.
To activate this device, you must slam it into the ground,
trigger grounding hooks to anchor it, and aim the trinicoil. TULLIUS’S EFFICACIOUS NOSTRUM
Whirring gears create an intense static charge and release a ray Gadget (standard) [Healing]
of electricity 120 feet long that deals 1d6 points of electricity Activation Time: 1 full-round action
damage per activation level (maximum 10d6) to the creature or Range: Touch
object it strikes. Target: Living creature touched
A creature (not necessarily yourself) must remain in the same Duration: Instantaneous; see text
square as the trinicoil to keep it activated, and can aim the device as Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
a standard action, making the attack roll to hit a creature within Activation Cost: 10 points
range with the ray of electrical energy as it does so. The ray of Weight: 1/10 lb.
electricity always originates from the grounded center where the A marvel of modern medicinal technology and a miracle
coil was planted into the ground. of energetic advertising, Tullius’s efficacious nostrum stimulates a
If you activate the trinicoil when it is not properly grounded, rapid recovery from injuries. This alchemical remedy shares the
you are struck by the electricity it generates and take 1d6 points of appearance common to most of Tullius’s work: green sludge
electricity damage per activation level, with a Reflex save for half. injected via a dangerous-looking hypodermic needle.

When applied to a wounded character, the nostrum first You gain a +5 insight bonus to all Heal checks and to all
converts 1d6 points of lethal damage plus 1 point per activation Knowledge checks made to identify a creature while using Tullius’s
level (to a maximum of 1d6+10 points) into nonlethal damage as morphological diagnostician. Additionally, you may assess a creature
the elixir begins its work. One minute later, the nostrum heals 2d6 within 30 feet as a standard action that does not provoke an attack
points of nonlethal damage plus 2 points per activation level (to of opportunity. Roll a Heal check when you do so, including the
a maximum of 2d6+20 points). bonus from the diagnostician. If the check result is less than 20, the
The listed weight is for one dose of Tullius’s efficacious attempt is wasted. If it is 20 or more, you gain sneak attack +1d6
nostrum. for every 10 full points of the check. For instance, a Heal check
Expensive Components: The ingredients for the nostrum cost result of 37 would grant you sneak attack +3d6, with this bonus
5 gold pieces per dose. This is not an optional component. You damage applying only against creatures you have scanned with
can also increase the amount healed by this device by 50% with a the morphological diagnostician. You gain these extra dice of sneak
concentrated injection that costs 390 gold pieces. attack damage for 1 minute or until you scan a target again.
Expensive Component: Boosting the processing speed of
TULLIUS’S MIRACULOUS VITAMIN SUPPLEMENT the diagnostician requires 3,720 gold pieces’ worth of expensive
Gadget (lesser) components, but allows you to assess a sneak attack target as a
Activation Time: 1 full round swift action instead of as a standard action. As long as the device
Range: Living humanoid touched remains activated, you may assess targets at this accelerated
Duration: 8 hours or until discharged speed.
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
Activation Cost: 5 points TULLIUS’S POTENT CATHOLICON
Weight: 1/10 lb. Technology (greater) [Healing]
Tullius’s miraculous vitamin supplement is a potent cocktail Activation Time: 3 rounds
of alchemical substances which causes most human and Range: Touch
demihuman races to spontaneously generate positive energy in Target: Living creature touched
their body’s tissues, granting them 2d6 temporary hit points plus Duration: Instantaneous; see text
1 temporary hit point per activation level (maximum of 2d6+10) Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)
for the device’s duration. Another one of Tullius’s concoctions, Activation Cost: 45 points
the supplement comes in an unpleasant-looking syringe and Weight: 9 lbs.
resembles a thick green sludge, but its effects are dramatic enough This medical device, which is festooned with cylinders
to warrant the discomfort.. of thick green healing liquid and various less-identifiable
The listed weight is for one dose of Tullius’s miraculous vitamin substances, automatically scans the creature it is touched to
supplement. and injects chemical and alchemical remedies designed for rapid
Expensive Components: The ingredients for this potent elixir recuperation from a variety of ailments into the creature. The
cost 5 gold pieces per dose. This expensive component is not catholicon thus functions like an automated and more efficient
optional. You can also administer a refined dose of the miraculous engineered panacea.
vitamin supplement for greater effect. This dose increases the When applied to a wounded character, Tullius’s potent catholicon
number of temporary hit points granted to 4d6 + your activation first converts 4d6 points of lethal damage plus 1 point per
level and costs 390 gold pieces. activation level (to a maximum of 4d6+20 points) into nonlethal
damage. One minute later, the catholicon heals 8d6 points of
TULLIUS’S MORPHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSTICIAN nonlethal damage plus 2 points per activation level (maximum of
Technology (lesser) 8d6+40 points), even if the creature touched is no longer in range.
Activation Time: 1 swift action At the same time that it heals nonlethal damage, the catholicon
Range: Personal also removes all temporary ability damage the targeted creature
Target: You is currently suffering from, removes the fatigued or exhausted
Base Duration: 10 minutes (D) conditions, and restores all points that have been permanently
Activation Cost: 3 points drained from a single ability score.
Weight: 3 lbs. Expensive Components: One dose of the chemicals employed by
Tullius’s morphological diagnostician is a dedicated computing Tullius’s potent catholicon costs 50 gold pieces. This is not an optional
device connected to a monocle-like sensor that analyzes nearby expensive component. The catholicon is normally bulky and slow
creatures and determines their anatomical strengths and to use, but refined healing compounds may be loaded into it to
weaknesses. This has two effects: a bonus on Heal checks and an increase its usefulness on the battlefield. These chemicals, which
intimate understanding of how best to injure the target. cost 1,620 gold pieces, reduce the device’s activation time to one
full round and cause all of the catholicon’s effects to take place
immediately, instead of after a one-minute delay.

TULLIUS’S SWAN SONG Only very slight distortions at the edges of your figure offer any
Artifact (standard) chance of spotting you, and you are effectively invisible while
Activation Time: 1 full-round action using the umbral heart cloak. You are only concealed from sight,
Range: Touch however, and smells and sounds may give away your presence or
Target: Willing living creature touched even your precise location.
Duration: 24 hours or until discharged; then 1d4 rounds or Items you carry are also shielded by an umbral heart cloak,
more; see text although they become fully visible if they are dropped or extend
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates 10 feet or more away from you. If you pick up an item and
Activation Cost: 90 points secret it on your person, it becomes invisible as though you were
Weight: 7 lbs. carrying it when you activated this device. Physical light sources
Tullius’s swan song is both an appallingly pragmatic tool and are made invisible by the cloak, but their light can shine through
a pinnacle of medical of science. When you activate this heavy, your concealment and continue to provide illumination if you
ornate syringe you plunge it into a creature’s flesh, where it quickly so desire. Rapid motions, such as those made in combat, are no
fills with blood (or whatever ichors are appropriate) and converts problem for the umbral heart cloak’s computerized compensators,
that vital fluid into a green sludge with amazing properties before and you remain invisible even when attacking.
injecting the sludge back into the target creature. After the swan Expensive Component: Adding redundancies to an umbral
song finishes distilling this elixir, the creature whose blood was heart cloak prevents it from revealing your presence even when
used in the activation may take a swift action at any time in the running at less than full efficiency. This addition has the effect of
next 24 hours to allow the substance to have its full effect and to increasing the device’s base duration to 1 minute because you can
initiate a momentous transformation in the affected creature’s space reactivation out over a longer period. When so modified,
own anatomy and metabolism. the umbral heart cloak becomes useful for longer infiltrations. This
Creatures affected by Tullius’s swan song do not suffer hit expensive component costs 1,620 gold pieces.
point damage, although they can still be slain by death effects and
outright disintegration. However, once the device’s effect fades, the UNCTUOUS BUBBLER
creature is immediately reduced to –9 hit points and will die in one Gadget (standard)
round unless it receives prompt healing or medical treatment. Activation Time: 1 standard action
This device’s duration after the affected creature discharges it Range Increment: Close (25 feet)
is determined by a Heal check you make when activating the device. Area: 10-foot radius burst
Tullius’s swan song lasts for 1d4 rounds + 1 round per ten full points Duration: 1 minute
of your Heal check result (so rolling a total of 42 on the Heal check Saving Throw: See text
grants 1d4 + 4 rounds of damage-proof life to the target creature). Activation Cost: 10 points
Expensive Component: The bodily transformation caused by Weight: 6 lbs.
the swan song is a radical one and is generally fatal for creatures An unctuous bubbler launches a large, shimmering bubble of
affected by the device. By incorporating a crushed gateway gem slime from a wide-mouthed launcher and douses an area with
linked to a plane of positive energy into the serum, you reduce a layer of slippery goop. You must make a ranged touch attack
the chance of death after the swan song’s duration elapses. When against an AC of 5 to hit the appropriate grid intersection. You
using this gem, which costs 2,340 gold pieces, creatures affected take a –4 penalty on this attack roll because the slime bubble is
by Tullius’s swan song are reduced to only –1 hit points when hard to aim. Any creature in the area when the bubble strikes
the effect wears off and are considered stabilized (they will not must make a successful Reflex save or fall. This save is repeated on
automatically lose further hit points) without the need for your turn each round that the creature remains within the area.
immediate medical attention. A creature can walk within or through the slimed area at half
normal speed with a DC 10 Balance check. Failure means that it
UMBRAL HEART CLOAK can’t move that round and must then make a Reflex save or fall,
Technology (standard) while failure by 5 or more means it automatically falls without
Activation Time: 1 standard action benefit of a saving throw (see the Balance skill for details).
Range: Personal This spell also creates a slippery coating on unattended
Target: You items, which are automatically affected. You may also make a
Base Duration: 1 round (D) ranged touch attack to slime an object wielded or employed by a
Activation Cost: 6 points creature, who receives a Reflex saving throw to avoid immediately
Weight: 3 lbs. dropping the item. This saving throw must be repeated in each
A cloak in effect, not in appearance, this light metal sash, round that the creature attempts to pick up or use the slimed
worn across the chest, collects and redistributes light via tiny item. A creature wearing slimed armor or clothing gains a +10
spun-glass filaments when activated. The device creates a circumstance bonus on Escape Artist checks and on grapple
shimmering, chameleon-like effect that conceals your presence. checks made to resist or escape a grapple or to escape a pin.

An unctuous bubbler’s slime degrades after 1 minute into a VERBAL WEIRDING MODULE
foul-smelling watery substance. Technology (standard) [Sonic]
Expensive Component: If you infuse the unctuous bubbler with Activation Time: 1 standard action
two doses of any contact poison the slime bubble created by the Range Increment: Close (25 feet)
bubbler becomes poisonous and exposes all creatures in the area Area: 10-foot-radius spread
of effect to the poison you employed. If you wish, you can choose Duration: Instantaneous
to permanently apply this effect with your Master of Gadgetry Saving Throw: Reflex half
class ability. Activation Cost: 30 points
Weight: 3 lbs.
VELOCIOUS FOOTGEAR This device, an angular-looking object of no easily discerned
Gadget (greater) purpose, is worn clamped to the throat. When you speak into it
Activation Time: 1 standard action your words are filtered through a complex crystalline lattice and
Range Increment: Close (25 feet); see text amplified to produce a blast of damaging sonic energy. Or at
Target: You; see text least that’s the theory — in actuality, the weirding module is quite
Duration: Instantaneous temperamental and different words produce blasts of wildly
Activation Cost: 15 points varying size and power. Thus, the weapon can only be used to its
Weight: 4 lbs. full potential by a skilled linguist.
Velocious footgear is the enterprising technologist’s answer When you activate the verbal weirding module it produces a
to the wizard’s dimension door spell. This pair of heavy iron-shod blast of sonic energy up to 120 feet away (a distance of 5 range
boots utilizes the fabulous tensile strength of mithral springs to increments) and deals 1d6 points of sonic energy damage per
propel you forward in a single fast burst. The burst of movement activation level (maximum 15d6) in a 10-foot radius spread
the device generates is blindingly fast, in fact. Blindingly, (Reflex half). However, this device’s characteristics also improve
uncontrollably fast. All you can really do is activate the mechanism, based on the number of languages you know, counting both your
which immediately begins to hum loudly with unreleased energy, starting languages and those gained through ranks in the Speak
and point yourself in the direction you wish to go. Language skill. These improvements are as follows:
You instantly transfer yourself from your current location 5–8 Languages Known: The radius of the spread increases by 5
to any other spot within range to which you have line of effect. feet, to a total of 15 feet.
Since using the footgear is less like walking and more like being 9–12 Languages Known: The module’s range increment increases
fired from a small catapult, you can even move on surfaces that to Medium (100 feet).
could not ordinarily support your weight, including water and 13–16 Languages Known: The radius of the spread increases
even air, although you will be very wet or falling if you do not another 5 feet, to 20 feet total.
select your destination carefully. You can bring along possessions 17–20 Languages Known: You gain the ability to shape the
weighing up to your medium load, including living creatures device’s area somewhat and can omit any number of
that meet the weight restriction. Movement caused by
the use of velocious footgear does not provoke attacks
of opportunity — the rogue hasn’t been born whose
combat reflexes are that quick — but you cannot
move through solid objects or squares that would be
completely impassable by air.
Movement within the first range increment
is perfectly safe, but beyond that range you must
make an activation level check (DC 0 + 5 per range
increment beyond the first). Success means that you
have successfully aimed yourself and timed the springs’
release of energy. Failure means that the result of the
movement is calculated as though you were a grenade-
like weapon that missed — roll scatter normally.
Expensive Component: A clockwork mechanism
added to the soles of the velocious footgear helps you aim
your spring and increases the device’s range increment
to 50 feet. This mechanism costs 390 gold pieces.

A technologist experiments with combining a verbal weirding module with a jabberblaster

(Artwork by Juan Navarro)

individual squares from the area of effect. This ability A viscid barrier is a wall of congealed antimagical energy that
allows you to selectively deal damage to creatures and has the appearance and consistency of many-days-old porridge.
objects in the area. This device creates an anchored plane of this thickened slime, or
21+ Languages Known: Upon learning your 21st language, and a hemisphere of the same material, as you desire. A viscid barrier
for every 4 languages thereafter (once at 25 languages, again cannot form in an area occupied by physical objects or creatures;
at 29 languages, and so on), the damage dealt by the weirding when created, it must have a smooth and unbroken surface. Any
module increases by 1d6, even if this would take the damage creature adjacent to the wall when it is created may, if it desires,
dealt over your activation level cap. attempt a Reflex to disrupt the viscid barrier as it forms, and a
Expensive Component: Because of its theoretically unlimited successful save indicates that the ability automatically fails.
damage potential, efforts toward improving the verbal weirding The viscid barrier is opaque and blocks spells and other
module have focused on making it easier to use. By specially effects for as long as it lasts, but most creatures can push
preparing the device’s crystalline amplification matrix beforehand, through the wall with no harm to it or to themselves. This
you may use this device as a swift action. This chemical preparation requires a DC 15 Strength check and costs 5 feet of movement (as
costs 3,720 gold pieces. though the square containing the barrier were difficult terrain).
Nontechnological constructs, elementals, outsiders, and the
VIBROWAND undead (even incorporeal undead) find the viscid barrier to be
Gadget (lesser) completely impermeable and must destroy it to pass.
Activation Time: 1 standard action When attacked directly, each 10-foot section of wall has a
Range: Touch hardness of 0 and 2 hit points per activation level. If a creature
Targets: Creature or creatures touched of the magical construct, elemental, outsider, or undead types
Base Duration: 1 round (D) attempts to knock down the wall with a single attack, the Strength
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial check DC is 15 + your activation level. Creatures who are not
Activation Cost: 1 point nontechnological constructs, elementals, outsiders, or undead
Weight: 3 lbs. may attempt to directly damage the viscid barrier by dealing hit
A vibrowand is a metal rod containing complicated gears point damage to it, but the barrier is too spongy and giving for
that cause a blade at the end of the device to vibrate rapidly and them to batter it down with a Strength check. The two possible
chatter loudly when activated. By making a melee attack roll with forms of a viscid barrier are as follows:
the vibrowand you may strike a creature with it, dealing 1d6 points Viscid Plane: A sheet of thick, goopy sludge appears, standing
of slashing damage with a ×3 critical. You may add your Strength by itself. The wall is roughly 1 inch thick and covers up to a 10-
modifier to the damage dealt; a vibrowand is considered to be a one- foot-square area per activation level (so a 10th-level technologist
handed weapon regardless of who uses it. In addition, a creature can create a viscid barrier 100 feet long and 10 feet high, a wall 50
struck must make a Fortitude saving throw or take 1 point of feet long and 20 feet high, or some other combination of length
Constitution damage from the tearing and sawing of the blade. and height that does not exceed 1,000 square feet). The plane can
An inactivated vibrowand is identical to a dagger, except that be oriented in any fashion as long as it is anchored. A vertical
it cannot be thrown. wall need only be anchored on the floor, while a horizontal or
Expensive Components: The actual workings of a vibrowand slanting wall must be anchored on two opposite sides. Even when
are separated from the blade, unlike with most devices. Thus, a the viscid plane has been broken through, a sheet of disruptive
vibrowand can have masterwork components applied to it like energy remains; this energy deals 2d6 points of damage + 2 points
another weapon and retains any weapon enhancements it has per activation level (maximum +20) to any nontechnological
even while activated. Thus, a +2 vibrowand gains a +2 enhancement constructs, elementals, outsiders, or undead stepping through
bonus to attack rolls made with it and the damage that it deals it (including the one who broke through the wall, if applicable).
even when activated and in use. There is no save against this damage.
Hemisphere: The wall takes the form of a hemisphere whose
VISCID BARRIER maximum radius is 3 feet + 1 foot per activation level. The
Gadget (greater) [Antimagic] hemisphere is as hard to break through as the viscid plane form,
Activation Time: 1 standard action but it does not deal damage to those who go through a breach.
Range: 400 feet Expensive Component: Purifying a small, stable sample of the
Target: Anchored plane of thick antimagical slime, up to one antimagical slime created by a viscid wall allows you to strengthen
10-foot square/level, or a hemisphere of slime with a radius a viscid wall that you create by using the sample as a template. This
of up to 3 feet + 1 foot/level expensive component increases the viscid barrier’s duration to 2
Base Duration: 1 minute (D) minutes per activation level and costs 390 gold pieces.
Saving Throw: Reflex negates; see text
Activation Cost: 3 points

VITRIOL PROJECTOR This choker holds a flat alchemical crystal against your
Gadget (standard) [Acid] throat that can be used to modulate your voice, aiding you in
Activation Time: 1 standard action your interactions with other creatures. A voice sweetener grants a
Range Increment: Medium (100 feet) +2 circumstance bonus to all Charisma-based checks that involve
Effect: A concentrated bolt of acid; see text speaking, with one caveat — you must use the creature’s native
Duration: 1 round + 1 round per three levels language, as the effects of a voice sweetener are negligible in a
Saving Throw: None barbaric tongue. (You must know Elven to gain this bonus against
Activation Cost: 10 points elves, Dwarven to gain it against dwarves, and so forth.) You also
Weight: 7 lbs. lose the bonus if you use translation magic to communicate, such
A vitriol projector is quite simple in operation: it shoots acid. It as tongues, because magic does not translate the soothing tones
looks like a heavily-modified bellows, with the addition of various and careful inflections that make up the bonus granted by this
tanks and bulbous pumps, making it one of the least elegant- device. The bonus from a voice sweetener stacks with any bonuses
looking of the technological devices in common circulation. granted by masterwork items.
Special pumps and tubes throughout this device allow it to Expensive Component: You can make the effects of a voice
compress an alarming amount of acid into a single, quick stream sweetener more-or-less permanent by increasing its base duration
that typically lasts several rounds before losing its effectiveness. to 24 hours. This boost requires an alchemical wash that enhances
Naturally, this has a myriad of uses, from dissolving things to the effect of the device’s crystalline voice modulator, and costs
dissolving other things. Regardless of your opinion of the vitriol 1,530 gold pieces.
projector’s ingenuity it is a remarkably effective weapon.
Make a ranged touch attack roll against the vitriol projector’s VOLTAIC COIL
target: if you hit, the acid deals 1d6 points of acid damage with Gadget (greater) [Electricity]
no splash damage. For every three activation levels (to a maximum Activation Time: 1 swift action
of 18th), the acid, unless somehow neutralized, lasts for another Range Increment: Close (25 feet) or touch; see text
round and deals another 1d6 points of damage in that round. Effect: An electrical charge that can be discharged as an attack
The projector can also be loaded with other substances. In this Base Duration: 1 round, or until discharged
case, the damage dealt changes type to match the type normally Saving Throw: Fortitude half
dealt by the substance you use. Alchemist’s fire and (un)holy Activation Cost: 3 points
water are popular choices. If the chosen substance normally deals Weight: 6 lbs.
more than 1d6 damage in its first round of exposure, it deals that The perfect weapon for the stingy technologist, a voltaic coil
greater damage on the initial hit instead. This benefit does not is a beaten metal orb with tightly-wound copper wires inside it.
affect the continuing damage dealt, however. When activated the orb generates a powerful electrical charge
Expensive Components: A vitriol projector processes easily- that can be discharged at any time within the next minute. Doing
acquired substances into unstable acidic compounds fairly easily, so takes 1 standard action.
and thus a technologist with access to the tools of his trade need This pulse of electrical energy can be discharged as a ranged
not be concerned with the cost of these components. A normal touch attack with a range increment of 25 feet and deals 1d6
dose of any other alchemical substance may also be projected by points of electricity damage per two activation levels, up to a
this device in a highly-concentrated and effective form, as noted maximum of 10d6 points of damage. Alternatively, you may
above, and these cost the usual amount. These ammunitions are make a melee touch attack to deliver the energy directly and deal
not optional components. In addition you can introduce a special 1d10 points of electricity damage per two activation levels, up to
clockwork compression sorter into the vitriol projector’s bellows, a maximum of 10d10. When delivering the jolt, at range or by
causing it to spit out two streams of acid instead of one. You make touch, you gain a +3 bonus on your attack roll if the opponent
separate ranged touch attacks with each stream and must target is wearing metal armor (or made out of metal, carrying a lot of
creatures or objects standing within 10 feet of each other (or metal or the like). A successful Fortitude saving throw halves the
simply target the same target twice). This expensive component damage from either effect.
costs 1,530 gold pieces. The electricity damage dealt by a voltaic coil may be lethal or
nonlethal at your discretion; you make the decision when you
VOICE SWEETENER discharge the energy.
Gadget (lesser) Expensive Component: Attaching an aiming device to the
Activation Time: 1 full-round action voltaic orb that is similar to a copper tuning fork increases its
Range: Personal precision. This addition increases the range increment of the
Target: You long-distance jolt to 50 feet and grants a +2 bonus on your
Base Duration: 1 hour (D) melee touch attack if you choose to deliver the charge in melee.
Activation Cost: 1 point It costs 390 gold pieces.
Weight: 1 lb.

frame to the wand of battery that does most of the hard work of
activating the device for you. This framework reduces the device’s
activation time to 1 swift action (it takes only a quick gesture)
and costs 2,280 gold pieces.


Technology (lesser) [Antimagic]
Activation Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target or Targets: You and a touched construct, elemental,
outsider, or undead; or you and an object or creature
bearing an illusion or mind-affecting effect produced by
construct, elemental, outsider, or undead
Base Duration: 1 round or until discharged (D)
Saving Throw: See text
Activation Cost: 3 points
Flat grey light rises up around you, protecting you from
creatures that rely on magic to survive and giving you power over
their most insidious abilities. The ward against abnormalities has
three effects:
First, you gain a +4 deflection bonus to AC against attacks by
nontechnological constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead.
Second, if you make a successful touch attack against a
nontechnological construct, outsider, elemental, or undead, you can
overwhelm it and force it to flee (similar to a cleric turning undead).
The creature makes a Will save; if successful, it is not affected. If it
fails, it is panicked, drops anything it is holding, and flees you to
the best of its abilities. This is not a mind-affecting ability — it is a
A technologist trusts in his ward against abnormalities much more fundamental disruption of the creature’s being — and
(Artwork by Juan Navarro)
nontechnological constructs and undead are not immune to it.
WAND OF BATTERY Using the ward in this way discharges the ability.
Gadget (lesser) Third, you can automatically dispel any mind-affecting effect
Activation Time: 1 standard action or illusion created by a nontechnological construct, elemental,
Range: 30 feet outsider, or undead with a simple touch. Spells unaffected by
Target: One creature, or one door, box, or chest with an area of the dispel magic spell are unaffected by this ability. The creature
up to 50 feet receives no saving throw against this effect. Using the ward in this
Duration: Instantaneous way discharges the ability.
Saving Throw: None Expensive Component: A talisman containing various items
Activation Cost: 5 points anathema to these creatures may be expended as you activate
Weight: 3 lbs. this ability to augment its power. If you do so the duration of the
A wand of battery opens doors and moves creatures, but it effect increases to 5 minutes, and you may use the second or third
doesn’t do it gently. Another device that utilizes the wondrous ability of the ward against abnormalities once without discharging
tensile strength of magic-proofed mithral springs, the wand strikes the ability; the second touch ends the effect normally. This
a creature or portal with tremendous force, dealing 1d6 points of talisman costs 1,620 gold pieces.
bludgeoning damage per 3 activation levels to a maximum of 3d6
points of damage. Treat this attack as a ranged touch attack with WARD AGAINST ALL SORCERY
a maximum range of 30 feet and no penalties for distance. Artifact (lesser) [Antimagic]
When striking a creature, the wand of battery makes a bull Activation Time: 1 standard action
rush as though it were a Large creature with a Strength bonus Range: 10 feet
equal to your Intelligence bonus +1 per activation level (to a Area: 10-foot radius spherical emanation, centered on you
maximum of bonus of 10 plus your Int modifier). Striking a Base Duration: 1 round
barred portal instead applies this bonus to a Strength check made Saving Throw: None
against the door’s break DC. Activation Cost: 45 points
Expensive Component: You can add a disposable clockwork The ward against all sorcery is a fixed aura of grey light that

negates spells below a certain level of power and provides a HD up to activation level +10: None.
measure of resistance even against more powerful spells and HD up to activation level +5: Sickened — creature takes a –2
spell-like abilities. The protective field is immobile and excludes penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and
all spell effects of 4th level or lower; the area or effect of any such ability checks.
spells does not include the area of the ward against all sorcery and HD up to activation level: Nauseated — creature cannot attack,
affected spells simply cease to exist upon entering the ward and cast spells, concentrate on spells, or do anything but take a
resume existing upon leaving it. Such spells fail to affect any single move action.
target located within the transparent line of grey light that marks HD up to activation level –5: Dazed — creature can take no actions,
the area of the ward. Excluded effects include spell-like abilities but has no penalty to its AC.
and spells or spell-like effects from items. You can still activate HD up to activation level –10: Stunned — creature drops everything
your devices normally. Spells already in effect when the globe is held, can’t take actions, takes a –2 penalty to AC, and loses
activated are unaffected by the ward against sorcery. Note that spell its Dexterity bonus to AC (if any).
effects are not disrupted unless their effects enter the globe, and Each effect lasts for 1 round. Once a creature recovers from an
even then they are merely suppressed, not dispelled. This ability effect it moves up one level on the chart. Thus, a creature that is
can be negated by an attempt at arcane disruption that targets stunned by this power is dazed the round after that, nauseated
your person, but the disruption DC is increased by 5. You can the round after that, sickened the round after that, and recovers
leave and return to the ward without penalty. fully the next round.
Against spells and spell effects of 5th level and higher, the Expensive Component: A charm made of various elements
ward against all sorcery still provides some protection, granting inimical to the affected creature types (such as silver holy symbols
all creatures in the area of effect Spell Resistance of 12 + your and adamantine saw blades) can be expended to increase weaken
activation level for as long as they remain within the ward. abnormality’s range to 60 feet. This charm costs 390 gold pieces.
Expensive Component: A ward against all sorcery is a powerful
defense, but it limits your mobility because the effect is WHEEDLING STONE
metaphysically tied to the space in which the ward is created. An Gadget (standard) [Mind-Affecting]
antimagical echo chamber that resembles a reinforced glass cube Activation Time: 1 standard action
full of grey mist can be used as an expensive component to make Range Increment: Close (25 feet)
the ward mobile. In this case, the ability’s area of effect is centered Target: One humanoid target
on the echo chamber, which you can carry with you or throw Duration: 8 hours
as a grenade-like object with a range increment of 10 feet. This Saving Throw: Will negates
antimagical echo chamber costs 2,340 gold pieces. Activation Cost: 10 points
Weight: 2 lbs.
WEAKEN ABNORMALITY A wheedling stone is an alchemically-refined mineral that emits
Gadget (greater) [Antimagic] subtle vibrations that influence the minds of humanoid creatures
Activation Time: 1 standard action in the area. It looks like a blue-green hunk of granite and has no
Range: 30 feet visible emissions. The mind-influencing powers of the wheedling
Area: Multiple constructs, elementals, outsiders, or undead stone are too weak to affect anyone unless the technologist first
whose combined total Hit Dice do not exceed twice your clears the area of magical energy as part of the stone’s activation.
activation level in a spread emanating from the character to Even the brief exposure to the wheedling stone that this process
the extreme of the range allows for can have surprisingly long-term effects.
Duration: Instantaneous The wheedling stone makes a humanoid creature regard you
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates as its trusted friend and ally — treat the target’s attitude toward
Activation Cost: 15 points you as friendly. If the creature is currently being threatened or
By scrambling ambient magic in the area you weaken attacked by you or your allies, however, it receives a +5 bonus on
creatures that rely on supernatural forces to survive. When you its saving throw.
use this ability all of the color in the area washes out momentarily, The wheedling stone does not enable you to control the
leaving a flat grey light that soon passes. Even creatures normally charmed person as if he were an automaton but he perceives your
immune to one or more of the following conditions by virtue words and actions in the most favorable way. You can try to give
of their creature type are affected by weaken abnormality, which the subject orders, but you must win an opposed Charisma check
attacks their life force directly. Any special defenses not tied to to convince it to do anything he wouldn’t ordinarily do. Retries
creature type are still effective, however. Any nontechnological are not allowed. An affected creature never obeys suicidal or
construct, elemental, outsider, or undead within the area must obviously harmful orders but might be convinced that something
make a Fortitude saving throw or suffer one of the following ill very dangerous is worth doing. Any act by you or your apparent
effects, depending on the difference between the creature’s Hit allies that threatens the charmed person breaks the stone ‘s spell.
Dice and your activation level: You must speak the person’s language to communicate your

commands or else be good at pantomiming. that place or can provide an unambiguous description. Creatures
Expensive Component: A variety of noxious chemicals can be who move through the back of the gateway do not pass through
splashed over the surface of a wheedling stone to briefly attune its it. Creatures on the other side of the gateway may come to your
radiations to creature types other than humanoid. These washes side by moving through the gateway in the proper direction.
cost 1,530 gold pieces and allow you to affect any type of creature The baton cannot be used for travel across planes and simply
when activating the wheedling stone. fails to function (costing you activation points as normal) if the
designated arrival point is on another plane of existence. You do
WORLDWALKER’S BATON not need to concentrate to hold the wormhole open, and it does
Artifact (greater) [Teleportation] not collapse if you pass through it.
Activation Time: 1 standard action Expensive Component: The artificial wormholes created by a
Range: 100 feet worldwalker’s baton do not last very long, but this problem can be
Effect: See text fixed by adding a shimmering multiphasic crystal to the tip of the
Duration: 1 minute (D) baton. The multiphasic crystal costs 2,340 gold pieces and increases
Saving Throw: None the device’s duration to 1 hour (D). This allows you to move much
Activation Cost: 135 points larger quantities of people or materials through a single gateway.
Weight: 2 lbs.
A worldwalker’s baton produces a spiraling gateway of light in WORM GAUNTLET
the air, a wormhole that can take creatures anywhere on the same Artifact (lesser) [Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire; Teleportation]
plane of existence. The gate created is a circular plane from 5 to Activation Time: 1 standard action
20 feet in diameter, oriented in the direction you desire when it Range Increment: Long (400 feet)
comes into existence (typically the gateway is vertically oriented Target: One creature or object
and faces you). It is a two-dimensional window looking into the Duration: Instantaneous
place you specified when casting the spell, and anyone or anything Saving Throw: Reflex negates (object)
that moves through is shunted instantly to the other side. Activation Cost: 45 points
Wormholes created by a worldwalker’s baton have a front and Weight: 2 lbs.
a back. Creatures moving through the gate from the front are A worm gauntlet is glove made of a flexible metallic material
transported to the linked location, which can be anywhere on the wrapped in tubing and wires. When you activate it, the cords and
same plane, no matter how distant, as long as you have visited tubing covering the gauntlet writhe like a nest of worms and the
device forms a jagged tear in space anywhere in range. This spatial
Example – Where Did This Army Come tear sucks up the nearest creature or object and throws it through
From? an unstable wormhole before depositing it anywhere that you
The expensive component of the worldwalker’s baton designate within 2,000 feet. Targets receive a Reflex saving throw
changes the device from a transportation mechanism for to avoid the wormhole’s pull and negate the effect, if they so
small groups to a gateway that allows the movement of desire. Otherwise, they are transported to anywhere you desire.
potentially thousands of people. Thus, the baton allows If the target creature or object arrives in a place that is already
for lightning-fast invasions or provides a convenient occupied by a solid body, it takes 1d6 points of damage and is
excuse for why the megalomaniac’s lair is inside a remote shunted to a random open space on a suitable surface within 100
volcano (or on the moon or what-have-you). In my own feet of the intended location. If there is no free space within 100
campaign, the efficiency of the worldwalker’s baton explains feet, the creature or object affected takes an additional 2d6 points
why so many troops and high-tech devices were lost before of damage and is shunted to a free space within 1,000 feet. If there
anyone noticed that their devices were starting to fail in the is no free space within 1,000 feet of the place you attempt to send
Imperium Mechanus’s original invasion. Should you choose a creature to, the worm gauntlet fails to activate. Creatures and
to send an army through the baton’s gateway, a prepared objects can only be deposited at ground level — you cannot use
army can move 320 Medium-size creatures, 160 Large the worm gauntlet to deal falling damage.
creatures, or 80 Huge creatures through the portal in one The gauntlet normally moves the target creature through
round or 2 Large-size vehicles (included mounted horses Astral space and deposits it harmlessly at the new location, but
and the like), or a single Huge vehicle (including elephants you can also push the wormhole’s path through dangerous terrain
the like). Creatures and vehicles of Gargantuan size must and use the worm gauntlet as an effective weapon. In this case, the
make a DC 30 Escape Artist check to squeeze through in a target creature or object suffers 1d6 points of acid, cold, electricity,
single round, and larger creatures simply will not fit. Thus, or fire damage (your choice) per activation level (maximum of
the worldwalker’s baton can transport up to 3,200 people in 25d6 points) as they are routed through acid-drenched wastelands
one activation, or 192,000 people if the device’s expensive or infernos at the heart of the Elemental Plane of Fire during the
component is used. teleportation process. The affected being (or its remains) still
appear where you designate after taking this damage.

Expensive Component: You can increase the range increment ZEPHYR HAMMER
of the worm gauntlet to 800 feet and the range at which you can Gadget (standard) [Air]
deposit targets to 4,000 feet by incorporating a waveform slider Activation Time: 1 standard action
into the gauntlet’s design. This expensive component costs 1,110 Range: 60 feet
gold pieces. Effect: Line-shaped gust of severe wind emanating out from you
to the extreme of the range
XULT’S PRIMAL BLOSSOM Duration: 1 round
Artifact (standard) [Evil] Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Activation Time: 1 standard action Activation Cost: 10 points
Range Increment: Close (25 feet) Weight: 2 lbs.
Target: One living creature A small but extremely powerful fan, a zephyr hammer creates
Duration: Instantaneous; see text a severe blast of air of approximately 50 miles per hour that
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates originates from you and affects all creatures in its path. A Tiny
Activation Cost: 90 points or smaller creature on the ground is knocked down and rolled
Weight: 8 lbs. 1d4×10 feet and takes 1d4 points of nonlethal damage per 10
Xult’s primal blossom inflicts a horrible transformation on the feet. If flying, a Tiny or smaller creature is blown back 2d6×10 feet
target and eventually twists them into a morphic beast under and takes 2d6 points of nonlethal damage due to battering and
your complete control. The creature you wish to affect must buffeting. Small creatures are knocked prone by the force of the
make a Fortitude save. If it fails, Xult’s primal blossom temporarily wind, or if flying are blown back 1d6×10 feet. Medium creatures
warps the functions of natural law on the creature, causing are unable to move forward against the force of the wind and if
uncontrolled magic to flood in and twist the being’s mind and flying are blown back 1d6×5 feet.
form. Each round, the creature takes 1 point of Charisma and The zephyr hammer cannot move Large or larger creatures
Constitution drain, with no saving throw allowed. This continues and can’t move a creature beyond the limit of its range, but any
until the creature is slain, or until someone successfully uses creature, regardless of size or position, takes a –4 penalty on
arcane disruption on the primal blossom. ranged attacks and Listen checks in the zephyr hammer’s area of
A creature slain by the Constitution drain inflicted by Xult’s effect. The force of the gust automatically extinguishes candles,
primal blossom is unrecognizable, a twisted mass of teeth and eyes torches, and similar unprotected flames. It causes protected
strewn through a heap of mutated flesh. A round after its death, flames, such as those of lanterns, to dance wildly and has a 50%
the creature is reborn as a hideous monster — literally a case of chance to extinguish those lights. In addition to the effects
science run amok — that is fanatically loyal to you. This creature has noted, a zephyr hammer can do anything that a sudden blast of
statistics identical to those of a chaos beast, except that it is native wind would be expected to do. Among other things, it can create
to whatever plane it was created on and has Hit Dice equal to those a stinging spray of sand or dust, fan a large fire, overturn delicate
of the original creature. The blossomed creature serves you loyally awnings or hangings, heel over a small boat, and blow gases or
unless you try to create another such beast — activating Xult’s primal vapors to the edge of its range.
blossom again immediately frees the chaos beast from your control Expensive Component: Alchemically purified elemental air
and leaves it to act according to its destructive nature. added to the fan’s inner chamber massively increases the strength
Because affected creatures have not truly been slain by the of the gust of wind produced by a zephyr hammer. This expensive
primal blossom, they cannot be raised or resurrected as long as component causes the device to generate winds of windstorm
their tormented soul remains trapped in their new form. The strength (about 70 mph) instead of severe strength. Powerful
effects of this device are very hard to reverse and require that all enough to bring down branches if not whole trees, windstorms
of the following spells be cast, in order, to restore the creature automatically extinguish unprotected flames and have a 75%
to its original form: remove disease, dispel chaos, regenerate, and heal. chance of blowing out protected flames, such as those of lanterns.
A limited wish can also substitute for any one of these healing Ranged weapon attacks are impossible and even siege weapons
spells and a wish or similarly powerful spell can instantly free the have a –4 penalty on attack rolls. Listen checks are at a –8 penalty
creature and return it to its original form if the caster can succeed due to the howling of the wind. Large and Huge creatures are
at a caster level check opposed by your activation level check. checked by this wind and Medium-size creatures are knocked
Expensive Component: Xult’s primal blossom is usually used to down. Small and smaller creatures are blown away, knocked down,
create a servitor creature for more malevolent technologists and and rolled 1d4×10 feet, taking 1d4 points of nonlethal damage
is too slow to be of much use in a pitched combat. You can change per 10 feet traveled. Large and Huge flying creatures are blown
this by using a chaos- and evil-aligned gateway stone to focus the back 1d6×5 feet, Medium-size flying creatures are blown back
device’s energies. This talisman increases the rate of Constitution 1d6×10 feet, and Small and smaller fliers are blown back 2d6×10
and Charisma drain to 1d8 per round, sufficient to kill an afflicted feet and take 2d6 points of nonlethal damage due to battering
creature in seconds rather than minutes. The gateway stone costs and buffeting. The quantity of alchemically pure air required to
2,340 gold pieces. produce this effect costs 900 gold pieces.

Technology (greater) Example – The Obelisk of Portents
Activation Time: 10 minutes Zorastrus’s roll of eons is a good example of a device
Range: Personal that could be found as part of the remnants of an ancient
Target: You civilization. Its effects are subtle, and the meaning of the
Duration: 8 hours, or until discharged machinery found inside the Obelisk’s central dial might
Activation Cost: 45 points go unexplained for quite some time. A powerful individual
Weight: 2 lbs. device such as this could be the Rosetta Stone that sets off
Zorastrus was a technologist obsessed with finding the the rediscovery of entire fields of technological and scientific
mathematical patterns that lay behind the events of his life. His progress — to one who knows its secrets, the roll of eons is
roll of days appears to be an innocuous (if rather large) roll of a powerful boon that hints at equally powerful orders of
parchment until it is unrolled. Doing so reveals a glowing display technology that could yet be uncovered.
of obscure symbols representing the events of the last recorded
time period entered into it by its master. When you activate the roll of eons, you can use it to find out
When you activate the device, you input a condensed about the past, about the future, or about legendarily important
mathematical representation of the last hours or days of your life, objects and creatures, as follows (choose one):
and the roll of days attempts to find correlations and convergences The Past: This is the simplest use of Zorastrus’s roll of eons, and the
between these factors in an attempt to divine a pattern. Make most straightforward. Simply roll a Decipher Script check,
a Decipher Script skill check to determine your success in and apply the result as an insight bonus to any Knowledge
understanding the complex and ever-shifting code of roll of days’ (history) check you make in the next minute. You may
symbols. Knowledge gleaned from this device manifests as insight attempt Knowledge (history) skill checks at any time in the
into your future. This insight does not reveal any specific events, next minute even if you have no ranks in that skill.
but will often give you an idea of exactly how to act when the time The Future: Guidance regarding future events comes in the form
comes. This manifests as an insight bonus on any single attack of a reply to a question concerning a specific goal, event, or
roll, opposed ability or skill check, saving throw, or your AC versus activity that is to occur within one week. The advice can
any single attack (even if flatfooted) equal to one-half of the result be as simple as a short phrase, or might take the form of
of the Decipher Script check you made when activating Zorastrus’s a cryptic rhyme or omen, and if your party doesn’t act on
roll of days. Accessing your knowledge doesn’t take an action and the information, the conditions may change so that the
you can even access this insight bonus on another character’s turn information is no longer useful. The chance of a successful
if needed. You must choose to use the bonus from Zorastrus’s roll of augury using the roll of eons is equal to 50% plus the result
days before you make the roll you wish to modify. Once used, the of a Decipher Script check you make while activating the
device will provide no further insight until you activate it again. device. If you fail to gain knowledge about the future via this
Expensive Component: Additional linked processors costing method, you are aware of your failure.
1,620 gold pieces allow Zorastrus’s roll of days to be activated much Legendary Creatures, Items, or Places: Make a Decipher Script check.
more swiftly. With this addition, it takes only a single standard The DC of this check is 50 minus the level of the creature,
action to activate the device. the caster level (or equivalent) of the item, or the historical
importance (rated from 1–20) of the location you wish to learn
ZORASTRUS’S ROLL OF EONS about. If you succeed, you learn of legends about an important
Artifact (standard) [Divination] person, place, or thing. If you fail by 5 or less, the resulting lore
Activation Time: 10 minutes is less complete and specific, but will probably reveal where
Range: Personal you can go to learn more. If you fail by 10 or less, you gain
Target: You vague and fragmentary information, usually only enough to
Duration: Instantaneous provide the first piece of the puzzle. Failure by 11 or more
Activation Cost: 90 points means that you glean no information about the subject.
Weight: 3 lbs. If you are unable to decipher the strange and complex coding of
Zorastrus’s roll of eons, like his roll of days, is a powerful Zorastrus’s roll of eons when you activate it (as indicated by a failed
computer disguised as a simple roll of parchment that calculates or partially failed Decipher Script check), you may not try to gain
mathematical movements in the lives of creatures based on a more information about the same item again unless you first gain
complex symbolism of numbers and letters. Unlike the roll of days, at least one rank in the Decipher Script skill.
this device also incorporates an impossibly subtle suite of sensors Expensive Component: Additional linked processors costing
that collects scraps of information from strange and varied sources 2,340 gold pieces allow Zorastrus’s roll of eons to be consulted much
and collates these scraps into a picture of the wide movements of more swiftly. With this addition, it takes only a single standard
history as a whole. action to activate the device.

Appendix A:
Odds and Ends
To help you make optimal use of the devices presented in verbal flourishes to the name also helps the new device fit in
Chapter Four, this Appendix presents a number of optional better with existing devices.
rules that make use of or otherwise enhance the devices provided For instance, a device with an effect similar to that of the fireball spell
earlier. This optional material includes guidelines for creating is called a magnificent pitch hurler, a name that hints at the sense of
devices to add to the lists in Chapter Four, a variant technologist accomplishment its creator felt in designing it.
called the Savant that can be used in place of or alongside the
base technologist, guidelines for converting device effects into School (Subschool)
permanent items useable by anyone who can discern their This entry is largely irrelevant when converting devices to
function, and the Shadow Technologist prestige class, with which spells. You should generally omit it. The magical (sub)schools
you can incorporate fantastic science into Modern d20 games. of Charm, Compulsion, Divination, Healing, Illusion, and
Teleportation are exceptions to the general rule and should
Designing and Mastering New Devices be retained as device descriptors. The subschools of Calling,
The devices provided in Chapter Four cover a wide variety of Creation, Summoning, Pattern, Phantasm, Shadow, and Scrying
effects, and should provide sufficient resources to create a great are all barred to technologists, and you should not convert spells
variety of technologist characters. However, technologists are of these subschools to devices unless you can provide a reasonable
inquisitive by nature and produce new plans and breakthroughs alternate explanation for the new device’s effects.
at a steady pace — some guidelines for such research are in order. To continue converting the fireball spell into a device, you would
More importantly, designing new devices allows you or your note that the spell is of the Evocation school and that it is not part of a school
players to leave a mark on the world of technology, or to fill a gap or subschool that becomes a descriptor or is unavailable to the technologist.
in the existing devices. Thus, the School (Subschool) entry is simply discarded.
The design for a new device can arise in one of two ways: you
can create the device whole-cloth, or you can adapt an existing [Descriptor]
spell effect from the PHB or some other source. After the player As noted above, the Charm, Compulsion, Divination,
or game master designs a device in one of these two ways, the Healing, Illusion, or Teleportation subschool designations are
GM determines if the device design is viable. If it is, the GM then listed as descriptors in the new device description, as appropriate.
assigns the device a final order and rank and the player must The Acid, Air, Cold, Darkness, Death, Earth, Electricity, Fear,
research, build, and master the device so that it is ready for use. Fire, Force, Language-Dependent, Light, Mind-affecting, Sonic,
Each of these steps is covered in this section, in this order, and and Water descriptors all carry over in the conversion from spell
examples are provided throughout to help you see the process in to device. You should also add the Antimagic or Null-Space
action. descriptors if appropriate — see Chapter Three.
Because the fireball spell has the [Fire] descriptor, the magnificent
Adapting Existing Spells pitch hurler has this descriptor as well. No additional descriptor is
This is the easiest way create a new device, as it merely appropriate.
involves translating the language of spells into the language of
devices. Guidelines for doing so are provided below — simply go Level
through the spell’s description in order and convert each part of A spell’s level closely corresponds to a device’s order and
its description to the corresponding device description. rank. 0-level spells (cantrips and orisons) are not suitable for
simple conversion into devices, but all other spell levels can be
Name translated into device order and rank according to Table A–1,
When converting a spell into a device, the only thing that above. Use this chart to find a converted device’s approximate
needs to be changed here is that the name must reference a level. Remember, however, that the GM may decide to alter this
physical device of some kind instead of a spell effect. Adding estimate when determining a new device’s final viability.

Table A–1: Spell Levels to Device Order and Rank
Spell Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Device Order Gadget Gadget Gadget Technology Technology Technology Artifact Artifact Artifact
Device Rank (lesser) (standard) (greater) (lesser) (standard) (greater) (lesser) (standard) (greater)

For example, the fireball spell is a 3rd-level Sorcerer/Wizard spell. Target, Effect, or Area
This spell level is equivalent to a greater gadget; therefore, the magnificent Unless you are making some significant changes to the spell’s
pitch hurler is given the Gadget (greater) order and rank designation. effect in the process of converting it into a device, these entries
can be carried over to the new device description unchanged.
Components A fireball’s Area is a 20-foot radius spread. The magnificent pitch
All devices require exactly the same range of motion to hurler has a very similar effect but cannot spread around barriers as a
activate — you must have one arm free and able to manipulate the fireball can. Thus, the magnificent pitch hurler’s Area entry reads
device while it is within easy reach. Thus, the components line is “20-foot radius burst.”
irrelevant and all mention of verbal, somatic, and most material
components should be removed and this entry deleted. The only Duration
exceptions are spells that use an expensive material component Invariable duration entries (Instantaneous, a set number of
as a balancing factor, such as glyph of warding and shapechange. A hours, and the like) simply carry over to the converted device. If
device converted from such a spell should have a similarly costly the Duration entry lists a variable duration expressed in units
expensive component (see below), and this component should be per level the corresponding device should generally have either
noted as not being an optional expensive component. a set duration of an appropriate length or a Base Duration entry
A fireball spell requires verbal and somatic components to cast, as listing the time unit used by the original spell; technologists
well as the expenditure of an inexpensive ball of bat guano and sulfur as a either pay the reactivation cost to keep their devices functioning
material component. Thus, converting fireball into the magnificent pitch or they simply release the device and it runs until it powers down
hurler entails deleting the Components entry and noting that the device of its own accord.
does not require any non-optional expensive components to function. Fireball spells have a duration of Instantaneous. This is a set, invariable
duration, so the magnificent pitch hurler has an identical Duration
Casting Time entry of Instantaneous. Many devices will instead have a Base Duration
A spell’s casting time becomes the device’s activation time but entry expressed in the time unit of the original spell once converted.
is otherwise unchanged. Many technological devices are bulky or
unwieldy, however, and you may wish to give the device a slightly Saving Throw
longer activation time to reflect this, as long as doing so will not Unless you are making some significant changes to the spell’s
weaken the device overmuch without some other compensation. effect in the process of converting into a device, this entry can be
Fireballs require only 1 standard action to cast and technologists carried over to the device description unchanged.
are as good as blowing things up as wizards are, so the spell’s casting time A fireball’s Saving Throw is Reflex half. The magnificent pitch
simply becomes the pitch hurler’s activation time of 1 standard action. hurler likewise has a Saving Throw entry that reads “Reflex half.”

Range Spell Resistance

If a spell’s range is listed as a set number of feet or some other Technological devices are not affected by Spell Resistance.
nonvariable range you can simply transfer the spell’s Range entry Instead, they are all equally vulnerable to arcane disruption (see
to the new device. A spell with one of the three standard variable Chapter Three). Thus, this portion of the spell description has no
ranges (Close, Medium, and Long) has its Range entry changed meaning in the context of device descriptions and can be deleted.
into an appropriate Range Increment entry (see Chapter Three). A fireball spell is noted as allowing spell resistance. This is irrelevant
Keep in mind that extremely long ranges may not be appropriate for a device, however, and the magnificent pitch hurler has no
for devices that fire some kind of physical projectile. Spells that corresponding line in its entry.
do not require attack rolls or that allow no saving throws should
have an absolute range equal to their base range or twice their base Descriptive Text
range when converted to devices (for instance, a Close range spell Descriptive text from a spell description carries over
with no attack roll or saving throw requirement should have a flat mechanically but aesthetic and flavor elements often need to be
range of 25 or 50 feet). reworked. You should generally include a brief description of the
The fireball spell produces a ball of flame at Long range (up device and how it works to ensure that the device is plausible
to 400 feet + 40 feet per level), but it seems unlikely that a flaming fantasy science (though what actually counts as “plausible”
ball of pitch could travel quite so far. Thus, the magnificent pitch for the purposes of fantasy science is to a certain degree up for
hurler’s Range Increment is only Medium (100 feet). The pitch grabs). There are also some fairly obvious terminology changes:
hurler should probably receive a minor additional ability to make mentions of spells become mentions of devices, “caster level”
up for the reduced range (see “Descriptive Text,” below). becomes “activation level,” and so forth.

The fireball spell invokes “an explosion of flame that detonates with only the specific components listed here are viable upgrade
a low roar and deals 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum components for the device.
10d6) to every creature within the area,” and the spell’s descriptive text Spells do not have a section analogous to this one, so referring to the
provides guidelines for melting or burning easily-destroyed objects and fireball spell description is not helpful in developing the magnificent
striking the target you designate with the bead of fire the spell produces pitch hurler. Instead, consider what kinds of metamagic feats go well
as well. The magnificent pitch hurler retains most of this text, with with the fireball spell. One straightforward option is to have the expensive
appropriate changes — the device deals 1d6 points of fire damage per component for the pitch hurler increase the device’s damage potential,
activation level (instead of caster level), but the type of damage and its just as a mage can increase the power of his fireball spell by applying
dice cap are unchanged. In addition, the pitch hurler gains a new ability: the Empower Spell feat to it. Following on this idea, the magnificent
it causes creatures and objects to catch fire more easily than the fireball pitch hurler’s expensive component adds 50% more fire damage to
spell does. As noted earlier, this minor ability was added to make up for the the pitch hurler’s effects and is described as a special alchemical syrup.
device’s reduced range and burst area. The expensive component’s bonus damage would entail an increase of
+2 spell levels if the magnificent pitch hurler were a spell, and so,
Expensive Component referring to Table A–2, you note that a +2 spell-level increase for a gadget
Almost all devices have some sort of entry listing and converts into an expensive component costing 900 gold pieces. Once this
describing their expensive components. The most common cost is noted in the device’s Expensive Component entry, you are almost
of these expensive components are the optional sort. These finished converting the spell.
components provide a one-time boost to the device’s effects, There remain only two entries to consider, neither of which
an augmentation analogous to the use of metamagic feats by have a direct analogue in the spell descriptions: the device’s
other spellcasters. You should choose an appropriate effect Activation Cost and its Weight.
(often one provided by an existing metamagic feat will do) and
then consider how many levels the extra power would add if the Activation Cost
device were a spell. This evaluation is easiest if you stick to the A device’s activation cost is based on its order and rank
already-quantified metamagic effects in the PHB, but you can (converted from the spell’s level as above) and is found on Table
also customize an expensive component’s effects to the device it 3-2: Stabilization Point Cost by Order and Level. This chart is
is tied to as long as you are careful in evaluating the extra boost’s repeated here as Table A-3 for your convenience. Remember to
worth compared to the benchmark metamagic feats presented use the appropriate entry if the device has a duration measured in
in the PHB. Once you have a good idea of how many levels the the increments of a base duration.
expensive component would add to a spell of a level equivalent to The fireball spell is a 3rd-level spell, and this translated in an earlier
the device’s rank and order (see Table A–1: Spell Levels to Device step to a greater gadget. This designation means that the magnificent pitch
Order and Rank), consult the table below to find an appropriate hurler has a one-time activation cost of 15 stabilization points, since the
price in gold pieces for the expensive component. device’s Instantaneous duration is not measured in base duration increments.
If the device had a Base Duration entry instead of a simple Duration entry, it
Table A–2: Optional Expensive Component Costs
Device Order
would have an activation cost of only 3 points — the total cost of the device’s
Approx. Level
Increase Gadget Technology Artifact activation is paid out in smaller increments instead of all at once.
+1 Levels 390 750 1110
+2 Levels 900 1620 2340 Weight
+3 Levels 1530 2610 3690 Unless it is marked with the antimagic descriptor, a device
+4 Levels 2280 3720 5160 is a physical object and therefore has appreciable weight. There is
Many devices also require some particular component to no set formula for determining how much a device weighs; simply
function at all; such a mandatory component is a good way to pick an appropriate weight, remembering that most devices
balance devices that are just slightly too powerful for their rank intended to be portable should weigh 10 pounds or less. After
and order, and spells with expensive material components should filling in this entry, you should have a completed device ready
usually feature this kind of expensive component when converted. for evaluation by the game master to determine the new device’s
Constructs and certain weapon-like devices are also special viability and final order and rank.
cases. Many of these items should have expensive components The magnificent pitch hurler is conceived as a moderately bulky
available to them in the form of the expanded masterwork weapon and is thus assigned a weight of 4 lbs. This weight is enough to
components presented in Chapter Two. In this section, you note ensure that the device is portable and that it still weighs as much as might a
which of the available masterwork components are appropriate — fighter’s primary weapon.
Table A–3: Activation Point Cost by Order and Rank
Order Gadgets Technologies Artifacts
Rank Lesser Standard Greater Lesser Standard Greater Lesser Standard Greater
Cost 5 10 15 15 30 45 45 90 135
Cost (Base Duration) 1 2 3 3 6 9 9 18 27

Inventing Devices from Whole Cloth kinds of effects are a strong suit for the technologist, and a variety
This device-design method is somewhat more difficult than of powerful effects are available.
simply converting an existing spell, but does allow you to make Once you have your device description completed and have
a truly unique device for use with your character or campaign. assigned it an approximate level, it is time to turn the new device
Before beginning a whole-cloth device design you should read over to the game master. (Unless you are the game master, in which
Chapter Three as well as the section above on converting spells case you should probably just keep the device description in hand
into devices to get a good sense for how devices work and in what for this next part.) The next stage in creating a new technologist
ways they differ from spells. Then, after coming up with a basic device requires the GM to first determine if the newly-designed
concept for a device, you simply compare your concept’s effects device is viable or not and then to assign the device a final order
to existing devices to see how powerful the new device is when and rank.
measured alongside the benchmark devices. Benchmark devices The magnificent pitch hurler deals 1d6 points of fire damage in a
are those devices that demonstrate the maximum capability for 20-foot radius, with a maximum damage cap of 10 dice. The pitch hurler
their order, rank, and general function; comparing a new device makes a good benchmark offensive greater gadget because it represents the
to these examples gives you a general sense of where it belongs. upper limit of mass direct damage for devices of the gadget order. Anything
A device should never be more powerful or useful than the that affects a larger area, deals more damage, or inflicts a significant
benchmark devices for its rank and order. harmful condition as well as dealing damage should probably be at least
Offensive Devices deal damage or incapacitate your foes. a lesser technology.
The benchmarks provided below include at least one damage-
dealing device and one incapacitating device for every rank of Determining Device Viability and Assigning
every order of device. Order and Rank
Defensive Devices protect you or your party by providing Determining device viability should be pretty easy if you’ve
bonuses to attributes such as saving throws or AC or by protecting been careful in designing the device, since a viable device is quite
from special abilities such as energy attacks or spell use. This simply defined as one that the GM will allow to be researched,
category does not include devices that protect you against the built, and mastered. The nice thing here is that almost any device
elements or other passive features of your surroundings. effect can be balanced by assigning it to the right order and
Miscellaneous Devices provide information, transportation, rank. Occasionally the game master will also need to adjust the
assistance with skill use, or any number of other effects. These temporary order and rank produced by conversion from a spell
Table A–4: Benchmark Devices
Order Rank Device Type Benchmark Devices
Offensive iron grub, neural lancet, pocket ballista
Defensive caloric control mantle, photon scattering shield, scattershot helmet
alchemical rebreather, fabricacious fabricator, headband of mental puissance, nocturnal goggles, technologist’s
Offensive caloric hammer, icebound barricade, knife spider, stickyfoam neutralizer
standard Defensive electroveiglant mercury
Miscellaneous aqua virium minor, auto-otolarynx, gauntlets of the iron ogre, master’s tools, wheedling stone
Offensive fireburst mimetic key, magnificent pitch hurler, mindfire poison injector
greater Defensive antimagic vortex, docschmidt waxsprinkler, viscid barrier
Miscellaneous Dalyrimple’s obfuscating eye, excitatory magnetoscythe, smite magic, velocious footgear
Offensive anathematize abnormality, dragoncaster, mercuric blade, metabolic interdiction field
lesser Defensive arcane counterdisruption, defensive kinetic shield, ward against abnormalities
Miscellaneous aviatronic wing, clockwidget fabrication gantry, slumberous savant, Teacup’s tiny tinkerers
Offensive argent-chain widgets, dark matter reaver, duodimensional lash, verbal weirding module
Defensive disseminative cognimatrix, repulse the tainted, umbral heart cloak
Technology standard
aqua celeritas major, Feiran’s animalizing scepter, goggles of x-ray vision, interphasic terror, magnetosonic
waveform pulse generator
Offensive atomic discombobulator, gelph’s globulous hunter, obliterate abnormality
greater Defensive aura of just retribution, battlement combat gear, resonance absorption staff, sphere of intractable will
Miscellaneous diadem of psychic mastery, egestive gland laboratory, stylus of arcane mimeography, Tullius’s potent catholicon
Offensive acidulous miasma generator, Erevor’s soul steel, Gelph’s instant aggressor, Kelleris’s chroneptic repeater
lesser Defensive cross-phasic cloak, ward against all sorcery
Miscellaneous coil of possibilities, hypermetabolic transducer, spark manufactory
Offensive caesura weapon, Jabberwocky slayer, Peregrine’s sun-caller
Artifact standard Defensive lustrative armor, paradoxic slip-shield, Tullius’s swan song
Miscellaneous absorptive traversant, astral perspective vortex, Folly’s cognate architronix, Teacup’s tiny traveling terrors
Offensive Imperial null-space cannon, mimetic key, chronull
greater Defensive nanitic reconfiguration entity
Miscellaneous alembic of creation, balance of synchronicity, worldwalker’s baton

or by comparison to the benchmark devices to determine the free” when they are assigned to a given order and rank (or level).
permanent order and rank that the new device will have in the Use the guidelines on pages 35–36 of the DMG; technologist
game. This alteration is called for most frequently in conjunction devices have damage dice limits identical to those of an arcane
with devices that are converted spells, since technologist devices spell. For instance, if a player presents you with a standard
are good at some effects and bad at others when compared to gadget that deals 1d6 points of cold damage per activation level
other spellcasting classes. Table A–5, below, defines some of the in a burst (maximum of 5d6 points), and you decide that the
relative strengths and weaknesses of the technologist, cleric, presented device is only viable as a greater gadget, you should
and wizard or sorcerer spellcasting classes — use the table as a increase the device’s maximum damage from 5d6 points to 10d6
guideline for comparing device and spell effects across different points of cold damage without altering any of the device’s other
spellcasting traditions. The guidelines provided are not ironclad attributes.
rules, but they do illustrate some of the technologist’s strengths The magnificent pitch hurler was assigned a tentative order
and weaknesses. of gadget and rank of greater when it was converted from the 3rd-level
When adjusting a device’s rank you might want to be wary wizard/sorcerer spell fireball. Considering Table A–5, note that “Mass
of crossing over into a higher or lower order, as this dramatically Direct Damage” (the pitch hurler’s effect classification) is given a rating
affects the final device’s availability to a technologist character. of +1 for both technologists and wizards — mass direct damage effects are
If a device would otherwise slip into a different order, consider a particular strength of both spellcasting traditions. Because the ratings
strengthening or weakening the proposed device to keep it are even, it is best to finalize the magnificent pitch hurler’s order and
in its original order. If you’re comfortable with moving the rank as a greater gadget (the equivalent of a 3rd-level spell). If one were to
newly-designed device into a higher or lower order than the one design a device that emulated a mass direct damage 3rd-level cleric spell,
originally proposed, be prepared to rewrite the device’s descriptive you would instead want to reduce the device’s rank by one (making it a
text to bring it in line with the level and mode of fantasy science standard gadget), because clerics have a rating of 0 for that effect and a
represented by the device’s new order. If you adjust a damage- technologist’s version should be more efficient. Doing so would modify the
dealing device upward or downward in rank, you should also device’s activation cost and its maximum damage cap, which would drop
adjust its dice cap — all devices (and spells) receive this boost “for to 10 points and a maximum of 5 dice, respectively.
Table A–5: Relative Special Effect Ability*
Spell Effect Category Example Spell Example Device Tch Sor Clr†
Mass Direct Damage fireball magnificent pitch hurler +1 +1 0
Single-Target Direct Damage scorching ray caloric hammer +1 +1 –1
Instant Kills finger of death Erevor’s soul steel –1 +1 0
Monster Creation / Summoning summon monster VII Gelph’s instant aggressor 0 0 0
Movement Assists overland flight ornithopter +1 0 0
Instantaneous Travel greater teleport worldwalker’s baton –1 0 Ø
Planar Travel plane shift Astral perspective vortex –1 0 +1
Numerical Combat Bonuses bull’s strength gauntlets of the iron ogre +1 0 0
New Combat Abilities Tenser’s transformation Feiran’s feralizing gage +1 +1 –1
Numerical Defensive Bonuses / Miss Chances entropic shield scattershot helmet +1 +1 0
Special Resistances / Immunities resist energy electroveiglant mercury +1 0 0
Indirect Attack / Status Effects grease unctuous bubbler 0 +1 –1
Mental Compulsions and Domination dominate person Feiran’s animalizing scepter –1 0 Ø
Deception / Illusions major image Jonnetype synaesthesiagraph –1 0 Ø
Concealment From Senses or Divination improved invisibility umbral heart cloak 0 +1 –1
Trap Creation alarm determent spring +1 0 +1
Barrier Creation wall of force kinetic barrier-layer +1 0 0
Healing Wounds / Conditions heal hypermetabolic transducer –1 Ø +1
Raising the Dead raise dead laboratory of reawakening Ø Ø +1
Magic Detection and Control Mordenkainen’s disjunction extirpate magic 0‡ 0 –1
Present Divinations: Mind-Reading, Item Search, etc. commune with nature magnetosonic waveform pulse generator 0 +1 –1
Divining the Past or Future divination Zorastrus’s roll of eons Ø –1 +1
Utilitarian: Out of Combat / No Damage endure elements caloric control mantle +1 0 –1
Skill Bonuses and Use glibness interphasic terror +1 0 0
Matter Creation and Synthesis fabricate Teacup’s tiny tinkerers +1 0 Ø
Extraplanar Being Control planar binding occlude abnormality +1‡ +1 0
Undead Control undeath to death extirpate abnormalities +1‡ 0 +1
* 0s on this chart represent an average level of ability to generate a specific effect type. Each + or – represents a differential cost of +/– the indicated
number of levels for the effect, and a Ø indicates a level penalty of at least –2 from the baseline required to produce any given specific effect.
† These ratings do not include domain spells, only those to which all clerics have access.
‡ The listed rating is for antimagic devices only. Normal devices have a rating of Ø for these effects.

Researching, Constructing, and Mastering the the character doing the research makes a Craft (technology) skill
Device check. The device’s order determines its Craft skill Difficulty Class
Researching a new device requires access to a well-stocked for this purpose: gadgets have a Craft DC of 25, technologies have
library and a technologist’s workshop. These facilities may be a Craft DC of 30, and artifacts have a Craft DC of 35. On a failure,
available through various universities and other organizations, the prototype device fails to function properly and the researcher
or you can purchase the required materials yourself at a cost of must repeat the entire research cycle of 2–8 weeks if she wishes to
10,000 gold pieces. A set of master’s tools designed for the Craft keep trying. Device designers can take 10 on this Craft (technology)
(technology) subskill is worth 5,000 gold pieces when determining check, but cannot take 20. Most masterwork tools do not apply
the additional expenditure needed to set up a technological their bonus to this skill check, but if you have a set of master’s
research lab. You can also subtract the value of an alchemist’s tools you can apply the device’s +10 competence bonus to crafting
lab or applicable artisan’s tools (masterwork or not) from the masterwork components to the Craft (technology) check made
total cost of establishing a research laboratory if you have to successfully research and design a new device.
any of these items on hand. For instance, a high-quality Completing the research process leaves you with a
alchemist’s lab and a set of high-quality artisan’s tools normal working prototype of the device you designed.
dedicated to the purpose of designing new devices have a However, you do not automatically master this device.
total value of 1,705 gold pieces and setting up a research If you have a slot available for an additional device of
lab when you are already in possession of these tools the appropriate order you may immediately master
would only cost an additional 8,295 gold pieces. If you the completed device and use it normally (see Table
have also mastered a set of master’s tools dedicated 2-2: Technologist Devices Mastered and Activation
to the Craft (technology) skill, the additional Points). Otherwise, you must wait until you gain
required materials would cost only 3,295 a free slot from normal level gains or add the
gold pieces. You can reuse a technological device as an additional device mastered
research laboratory as many times as you beyond your normal limit — see Chapter
like to create new device designs. Three for details on mastering excess
In addition to the necessary tools devices. A device that you successfully
the researching character needs a research, design, build, and master
reasonably quiet, comfortable, and functions just like any other
well-lit place to work. (Although device when used. Depending
a given character’s definition of on conditions in the game
“quiet, comfortable, and well-lit” world and the secretiveness of
might vary — mad scientists the inventor, the new device’s
are not known for keeping secrets may then spread through
tidy laboratories, after all.) the scientific community until
Any area suitable for daily it reaches the level of common
preparation of devices is knowledge, at which time
suitable for designing new anyone can choose to master
devices (see Chapter Three). the device whenever they gain
The researching character is The function of a technologist’s device is often impossible an appropriate device mastery
assumed to work for 8 hours for an untrained observer to discern slot without needing to pursue
every day and cannot rush the process the difficult research program required
by working overtime; the required experiments need constant to design and build devices from scratch.
tending from a mind clear of distractions, and so the technologist The design principles of the magnificent pitch hurler probably
can do nothing else while working. If the technologist is disturbed became common knowledge some time ago, but some enterprising
while researching and designing the device, or if she spends less technologist in need of a mobile siege weapon had to research and build it
than 8 hours of any given 24-hour period working, she loses one when it was first conceived. Doing so required a full laboratory with a total
week of work and ruins 500 gold pieces’ worth of materials. value of 10,000 gold pieces (with some of that value probably represented
While working under these conditions a researching by masterwork tools) and 2 solid weeks of 8-hour workdays. Building
technologist conducts experiments, consults texts, and sketches the weapon and hiring consultants expended 500 gold pieces per week of
blueprints for a number of weeks determined by the order of the work, so at least 1,000 gold pieces were spent before the final Craft check
device being researched — gadgets take at least 2 weeks to design, was made. Assuming that the researcher made the Craft check DC of 25
technologies take at least 5, and artifacts require a minimum on the first try (probably by taking 10), the magnificent pitch hurler
of 8 weeks to research and design. Each week of work costs 500 was finished, built, and as ready to blow something up as any other high-
gold pieces in experimental materials, laboratory supplies, and explosive gadget after the newly-designed device’s first 2-week research and
miscellaneous fees. At the end of the minimum research time development cycle.

The Savant causes or as gifted with mastery of science by some higher power.
Savants are the natural masters of technology. They have no These characters are typically fervent, even fanatical, devotees of
need for long hours spent studying the principles of physics and whatever principles they cleave to.
mechanics; they instead boast a powerful intuitive understanding Religion: Savants often have strong attachments to the
of a small number of devices. A savant’s creations come from a deities of their homeland, either in the form of devotion to the
purely innate understanding of science that is not reliant on religion they were raised with or a bitter apostasy from a god
dull study or careful experimentation. So complete is a savant’s unable to protect them from developing strange and unwelcome
mastery of this narrow range of scientific creations that he can powers. However, just as many savants are hardly religious at all,
activate his devices at will, without recourse to a finite pool of or even actively irreligious. Only the most well-organized and
energy. This primal approach to technology means that a Savant prolific pantheons are likely to include a deity whose portfolio
relies on instinct and clarity of personality as his primary attribute, includes the savant’s unusual brand of learning.
rather than on simple intelligence. Background: Some basic level of education seems to be
Adventures: A savant’s reasons for adventuring typically necessary to unlock the innate potential of a savant’s mind, and
depend on how he discovered his this loose requirement means that savants
talents. One savant may be on often hail from societies that benefit from
the run from irate villagers or a the easy flow of information and learning.
possessive government, another Such areas are frequently, but not necessarily,
might be seeking information urban areas. Of course, the savant’s talent
he can use to better control his is nothing if not unpredictable, and no
devices, and yet another might background completely precludes the
be pursuing rumors of more development of a savant — there are periodic
powerful technologies to study cases of isolated farmers who wake up with
and master. The most desperate crude devices and metal parts strewn
savants are those unable to about their homes, evidence of dreams
reconcile the strange, intuitive that led to an inner breakthrough and
workings of their own minds to the awakening of an unsuspecting
with their grasp on reality; savant.
these unstable souls adventure Races: Humans, as ever,
to find a way to salvage their are the race most likely to
slipping sanity. All adventuring develop odd powers like those
savants, however, recognize that of the savant — the human
throwing themselves against mind seems to be prone to
their limits is the best way to the radical intuitive leaps
discover where they are and how and strange bouts of lateral
to exceed them. thinking that give rise to a
Characteristics: The savant’s devices. Surprisingly,
savant masters powerful devices halflings and gnomes both
in singular leaps of logic. Their Misunderstood genius or mad scientist? The savant can fill both roles, and more produce a fair number of
(Artwork by J. L. Jones)
control over these devices is savants. Sages speculate
total, and they have no need to build up a reserve of power before that the savant talent somehow rubs off on the halflings, who
employing their creations as do more disciplined technologists. frequently associate closely with humans, while gnomes possess
Savants are also expert skill-users and possess a huge variety of chaotic dispositions and innately convoluted mental structures
potential skill sets supplemented by a prodigious level of natural that are amenable to a savant’s powers. (Strangely, many gnomes
talent. More experienced savants master increasingly impressive who become savants find themselves unable to access their racial
devices and their other skills continue to improve as well, magical powers; the cause of this phenomenon is unknown.)
allowing a high-level savant to mold himself to almost any role — The other demihuman races produce a tiny number of mental
assuming of course that he’s the one making such decisions and aberrations every year, and a small number of these mental
that the quirks of his own mind have not dictated the course of oddities demonstrate some degree of savantic talent. Half-orcs
his technological advancements to him. are the only race that produces no appreciable number of savants,
Alignment: Savants tend to be morally neutral and ethically although this fact may be mainly due to the sharply limited
neutral or chaotic. The internal workings of the savant’s mind amount of education that these half-breeds receive. The average
are frequently too interesting and erratic for him to pay much half-orc never receives a day of formal schooling in his or her
attention to the moral and ethical underpinnings of life. A rare life and is thus prevented from receiving even the fairly limited
few savants see themselves as the chosen avatars of their favored amount of education necessary to unlock a savant’s potential.

Despite the lack of empirical evidence, some scholars believe the Multiclassing: Some savants actually take levels in the class
number of untapped savants among the half-orc race to be quite without meaning to — a direct expression of some mysterious
high and argue for a reserve of untapped potential that could anomaly of an individual’s mind causes these characters to think in
become quite literally incendiary if a sufficient number of half- ways characteristic of the savant with little or no advance warning.
orcs realize their potential and discover that they intuitively know The good news in such a situation is that many classes work well
how to build and employ dangerous technological weaponry. with the savant’s abilities, provided that they do not boast strong
Savants show up irregularly among the savage humanoids. spellcasting abilities of their own. Because the savant does not
The original breakthrough of a humanoid savant is frequently suffer from arcane spell failure, he can easily use his devices to
accompanied by a violent shift in existing power structures as the augment his fighting power or his skills without sacrificing too
newly-awakened genius tries to use his new toys to bully his way much in other areas. Most multiclass savants focus on developing
to the top. Orcs are the only savage race that does not occasionally their technological abilities without dallying too long in another
suffer this sort of upheaval. This situation is probably a blessing, class or, conversely, immediately resume their original pursuits
as orcish society is already chaotic and brutal enough to make after learning to control their unasked-for abilities.
them a constant threat to the civilized races without the further
addition of technological prowess. Goblins are not known for GAME RULE INFORMATION
their quickness of thought or clarity of personality, but the rare Savants have the following game statistics.
charismatic specimens of the breed become savants with an Abilities: Charisma is generally the most important ability
alarming regularity. Unfortunately, something about the savant’s score for a savant, because it determines the save DCs for his
instinctive insight seems to disable a goblin’s sense of self- devices. Intelligence is of almost equal importance, as it grants the
preservation, and goblin savants are powerful and unpredictable savant additional skill points and governs many important class
individuals who typically lead short and magnificently destructive abilities and skills highly useful to the character (the Craft skill in
lives after accessing their latent abilities. particular). Dexterity is also important, as it improves the savant’s
The monstrous races vary wildly in their mindsets and in the generally low Armor Class and boosts his attack bonus with the
physical workings of their brains. For this reason, the machinery many devices that require ranged attack rolls. An individual
needed to think like a savant is limited to only a few monstrous
species. Scholars have thus far documented cases of savant insight
only among the aranea, doppelgangers, ettercaps, harpies, lamiae,
nagas, and sphinxes. Perhaps most disturbingly, the baatezu are
known to have a torturous process by which a devil’s mind can
be warped and twisted into possessing the talent of the savant.
This dreadful procedure is a mystery to human and demihuman
scholars, and it is entirely possible that the procedure could be
adapted to affect other outsiders or even other creature types
altogether, with or without the devils’ assistance.
Other Classes: Savants vary so widely in their abilities that
their personality is the primary determinant of whether or not
they will get along with members of another class. Savants are
generally highly intelligent and charismatic, however, and these
traits make it fairly simple for a savant to blend in to whatever
degree desired. No other class bears a particular grudge against
the savant, although some individuals demonstrate a preference
or distaste for members of this skillful and oft-eccentric class.
Role: A savant can fill the role of party mage if necessary,
although the limited scope of his devices makes this a somewhat
challenging task. The savant’s role also arises partially from his
facility with a wide variety of useful skills and his possession
of a level of intuitive insight that allows for a startling degree
of improvisation. Savants are neither particularly tough nor
particularly weak in combat, and this means that they typically
neither fear the rigors of conflict nor seek to flee them at all costs.
The savant’s primary characteristic is an indefatigable endurance,
born of great facility with his skill-set and an effortless access to
Savant characters might find themselves inexplicably driven by a compulsive
his devices. This trait means that many savants find themselves urge to understand the science of the world around them
picking up the party’s slack after a long day. (Artwork by Leonardo da Vinci)

savant’s selection of class skills also Table A–6: The Savant
helps determine which abilities are Base Attack Fort Ref Will Devices
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Mastered
important for him.
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Expert, device (lesser gadget) 1
Alignment: Any. 2 +1 +0 +0 +3 New device (lesser gadget) 2
Hit Die: d6. 3 +2 +1 +1 +3 Prodigy 2
Starting Gold: 6d4×10 gp (150 4 +3 +1 +1 +4 New device (standard gadget) 3
gp average). 5 +3 +1 +1 +4 Prodigy 3
6 +4 +2 +2 +5 New device (greater gadget) 4
7 +5 +2 +2 +5 Prodigy 4
CLASS SKILLS 8 +6/+1 +2 +2 +6 New device (greater gadget) 5
The savant can choose any 9 +6/+1 +3 +3 +6 New device (lesser technology) 6
ten skills to be class skills. These 10 +7/+2 +3 +3 +7 Prodigy 6
ten skills are always treated as class 11 +8/+3 +3 +3 +7 New device (standard technology) 7
12 +9/+4 +4 +4 +8 Prodigy 7
skills, even if the savant later takes
13 +9/+4 +4 +4 +8 New device (greater technology) 8
levels in some other class. 14 +10/+5 +4 +4 +9 Prodigy 8
Skill Points at First Level: (6 + 15 +11/+6/+1 +5 +5 +9 New device (greater technology) 9
Int modifier) × 4. 16 +12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 New device (lesser artifact) 10
Skill Points at Each 17 +12/+7/+2 +5 +5 +10 Prodigy 10
18 +13/+8/+3 +6 +6 +11 New device (standard artifact) 11
Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier.
19 +14/+9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Prodigy 11
20 +15/+10/+5 +6 +6 +12 New device (greater artifact) 12
All of the following are class features of the savant. (technology) skill and is covered in Chapter Three.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Savants are proficient Devices come in three orders of sophistication and power:
with all simple weapons and light armor, but with no shields. gadgets are the weakest, technologies are the mid-level devices,
Devices: A savant creates (or finds), maintains, and uses and artifacts represent the height of a savant’s abilities. Each of
devices, powerful machines that create effects similar to spells. these three orders is divided into three ranks: lesser, standard,
Savants are unique in that their startling instinctive knowledge and greater. As the savant gains levels, he can master increasingly
of the workings of their devices allows them to use these devices powerful ranks and orders of devices, with his current maximum
freely and without recourse to a pool of activation points. Savants order and rank as shown on Table A–6. Each time the savant
are thus able to use their devices as frequently as desired — they masters a new device, he can choose a device with the indicated
simply activate a mastered device when they deem it necessary to order and rank or any weaker device.
do so. Savants draw from the list of devices presented below when A savant’s selection of devices is extremely limited, as a
selecting devices to master, but it is not uncommon for a savant savant’s level of complete mastery requires a perfect intuitive
to experience a breakthrough and produce some never-before- understanding that does not come easily or often. A savant begins
seen device. These breakthroughs can require a long research play at first level having mastered a single lesser gadget and gains
period to develop, as described above in the section on designing new devices at the rate indicated on Table A–6: The Savant. The
new devices, or they can bypass such tedious study, as the GM number of devices a savant can master is not affected by his
desires. Charisma score; mastering additional devices in excess of those
A savant’s devices function just like a technologist’s devices indicated on Table A–6 is generally not possible except through
(see Chapter Three). Device activations can be disrupted, just the attainment of higher levels. Unlike some types of spellcasters,
as a spell can be ruined during casting. A savant is entitled to a savants cannot choose to unmaster previously chosen devices to
Concentration check to successfully activate a device if he is hit exchange them for a different selection; once a savant chooses a
by an attack while activating that device, just as a technologist device, it remains available to him indefinitely and always counts
would be. A savant can choose to activate a device defensively by against his maximum devices mastered.
making a successful Concentration check to avoid provoking an A device’s power level is determined by its activation level,
attack of opportunity. A savant’s activation level with his devices which is equal to the savant’s class level — savant characters
is equal to his savant level. grow closer and closer to their devices over time, and the devices
Mastering a device requires no particular level of Charisma, increase in power accordingly. The Difficulty Class for the saving
but Charisma determines the save DCs for the savant’s devices. throw against a savant’s device is 10 + ½ his savant class level + his
Upon achieving a new level, the savant receives one free copy of Charisma modifier.
any new devices he has mastered without his having to spend Expert (Ex): Savants possess a high degree of natural talent
time, gather raw materials, or make Craft checks. These free in the skills they choose as class skills. As a result, they are allowed
devices are part of the savant’s advancement and represent the to use these skills in special ways that are normally only available
occasional products of an erratic and intuitive mind. Replacing to members of certain specific classes. To gain the benefit of the
or repairing lost or damaged devices requires the use of the Craft Expert ability in relation to a certain skill the savant must have

that skill as a class skill, either as one of the ten skills he originally A savant may gain this ability multiple times and
selected as class skills or as an additional class skill gained through adds 1 to the number of times per day he can use Instant
the use of the Prodigy class feature, and must have at least one Comprehension each time he selects this class feature.
rank in the skill in question. Skill Mastery (Ex): The savant becomes so certain in the use
Although not spellcasters in anything resembling the of certain skills that he can use them reliably even under
traditional sense, savants with skill in alchemy are adept at using adverse conditions. Upon gaining this ability, the savant
nonmagical techniques to create alchemical concoctions. Savants selects 2 skills, both of which he must have as class skills.
of any level may use the Craft (alchemy) skill to create alchemical When making a skill check with one of these skills, the
items as though they were normal spellcasters. To do this they savant may take 10 even if stress and distractions would
must have Craft (alchemy) as a class skill and possess at least one normally prevent him from doing so. A savant may gain this
rank in the skill. prodigy ability multiple times, and selects 2 additional class
Savants who have Search as a class skill are deft investigators skills that his skill mastery applies to each time he gains this
and can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a ability. Prerequisite: Savant level 7+.
Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a Gadgeteer’s Insight (Ex): The savant’s understanding of a gadget
DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic he has mastered grows to such a level that he can occasionally
trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. coax incredible levels of performance out of it. The savant
If the savant is a trained trapsmith with at least a single rank chooses one gadget that he has already mastered to be the
in Disable Device and the Disable Device skill as a class skill, he can focus of this ability. Once per day, he can activate the device
use Disable Device to disarm magical traps. A magic trap generally as though it were equipped with a single optional expensive
has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it. A savant component that applies to that device, even if the savant
who beats a trap’s DC by 10 or more with his Disable Device check does not have that component on hand. Doing so does
can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it along with not expend material resources of any kind, and the gadget
his party without disarming it. resumes its normal functioning the next time it is activated.
Prodigy (Ex): Savants are potential masters of a huge If the gadget’s duration is expressed as a base duration, you
variety of skill sets, depending on their particular focus. They are may freely reactivate it only up to 10 times when using this
much like the expert NPC class in this regard, but have a special ability, after which time you must again activate the device,
advantage due to the peculiar intuitive fashion in which their this time without the enhancement provided by the device’s
mind functions. At the indicated levels, beginning at 3rd level, a expensive component.
savant may choose a special ability from the list below to reflect Gadgeteer’s Insight may be taken multiple times. Its
his increasing control over his natural talents. effects do not stack. Instead, the savant chooses a new gadget
Bonus Feat: The savant can select a bonus feat from the each time to which he can temporarily apply that device’s
following list: Acrobatic. Agile, Alertness, Animal Affinity, expensive component. Prerequisite: Savant level 12+.
Athletic, Combat Casting, Deceitful, Deft Hands, Diligent, Technologist’s Insight (Ex): The savant’s understanding of a
Endurance, Investigator, Magical Aptitude, Negotiator, technology he has mastered grows to such a level that he
Nimble Fingers, Persuasive, Self-Sufficient, Skill Focus (any), can occasionally coax incredible levels of performance out
Stealthy, Run, and Track. Additional skill-related feats may of it. The savant chooses one technology that he has already
also be added to this list, at the game master’s discretion. mastered to be the focus of this ability. Once per day, he
Expanded Repertoire: The savant develops a knack for new skills can activate the device as though it were equipped with a
and gains 2 additional class skills. These skills are added to single optional expensive component that applies to that
the savant’s list of available class skills and are always treated device, even if the savant does not have that component on
as class skills for him, even if the savant later takes levels in hand. Doing so does not expend material resources of any
another class. kind, and the technology resumes its normal functioning
Instant Comprehension (Ex): The savant can clear his mind and the next time it is activated. If the technology’s duration is
gain a powerful temporary insight into a skill that he has expressed as a base duration, you may freely reactivate it only
no particular training in. Instant Comprehension grants a 10 times when using this ability, after which time you must
+1 competence bonus per savant level to a single skill check. again activate the device to maintain its effects, this time
This competence bonus may only be applied to a skill in without the enhancement provided by the device’s expensive
which the savant has no ranks. In addition, the savant is component.
treated as having half a rank in the chosen skill for as long Technologist’s Insight may be taken multiple times.
as required by the skill check, allowing him to use instantly- Its effects do not stack. Instead, the savant chooses a new
comprehended skills without suffering penalties resulting technology each time he gains this ability to which he can
from a lack of training. Instant Comprehension is useable temporarily apply that device’s expensive component.
once per day. Prerequisite: Savant level 18+.

Armor: Studded leather (+3 AC, armor check penalty –1, The Savant as a Game Mastering Aid
speed 30 feet, 20 lbs.). Even if you ultimately decide not to introduce the
Weapons: Shortspear (1d6, crit ×2, range inc. 20 ft., 3 lb., savant as an option for your players, the class can still help
one-handed, piercing). you shave some time off of your pre-game preparations.
Light crossbow (1d8, crit 19–20/×2, range inc. 80 ft., 4 lbs., Although the savant and the technologist play very
piercing). differently, players who encounter a savant as an NPC will
Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 7 + Int be hard pressed to differentiate it from a technologist in
modifier. Any 10 of these are class skills, and receive 4 ranks. Any the space of a brief combat encounter. For this reason,
additional skills are considered cross-class skills and receive only you can have a savant stand in wherever you need a
2 ranks. technologist. Since the savant is roughly as powerful as
Feat: Skill Focus (any). the basic technologist, you can use it to reduce your prep
Human Bonus Feat: Combat Casting. time without unduly affecting the difficulty of any combat
Devices Mastered: Gadget (lesser) – furnace kindler encounters you have planned. Simply pick appropriate
Gear: Backpack with waterskin, one day’s trail rations, sack, skills, feats, and signature devices, assign gear and prodigy
flint and steel. Hooded lantern, five pints of oil. Belt pouch with abilities, and you’re done. Best of all, there will be no need
masterwork artisan’s tools, ten sheets of parchment, a pen, and a for you to keep track of the either an NPC’s activation
vial of ink. Case with 10 crossbow bolts. point total or the technologist’s sometimes overwhelming
Gold: 2d6 gp. selection of devices.

Using the Savant The savant also provides a way to introduce fantastic
The savant presents some interesting options for inclusion technology into a campaign, in addition to or alongside the
in your game when compared to the basic technologist. The most scenarios discussed in Chapter One. Because savants do not
direct way to incorporate the savant is to simply include the savant require extensive education they can potentially show up
in the campaign as an alternative version of the core technologist, anywhere and at any time, as the heralds of some strange deity or
in much the same way that the sorcerer offers a different kind other power’s presence or of some dramatic shift in natural law.
of arcane caster when compared to the wizard. If you do this, no Additionally, because savants share many underlying similarities
changes to the savant class as it is presented here are necessary. with the expert NPC class, they do not have to be introduced
The savant can also replace the core technologist entirely into a campaign setting at first level — a savant could go his or
if you would prefer to make fantasy science somewhat less her entire life as a simple expert until some accidental discovery
“scientific” and more intuitively based, or if you simply dislike the or triggering event reveals a heretofore unsuspected talent.
activation point system. In this case, you can either use the savant The introduction of the technologist can be the direct result
as it is presented here, or you can convert it into an Intelligence- of studies of these naturally developing prodigies, or perhaps
based spellcaster by changing which ability score bonus applies the advent of the technologist itself somehow causes savants to
to the saving throw Difficulty Class of the savant’s devices. You become more common — perhaps technological devices give off
might even make the savant a Wisdom-based activator if Charisma some kind of radiation that awakens latent powers, or a magical
doesn’t strike you as the appropriate ability score with which to countermeasure produced by jealous mages has some unexpected
represent intuitive insight into technology. Keep in mind that results. In any case, having the gnomish merchant the PCs just
these alterations will have a slight effect on the savant’s balance as antagonized suddenly discover that he can build and operate
a class, since Intelligence is generally a more useful ability score to terrifyingly destructive devices from instinct is sure to lead to
an adventurer than either Wisdom or Charisma. some appropriately entertaining situations.

Savant Devices
Gadget-Order Devices
Rank Device Name Brief Description
Lesser Alchemical Assayer Appraise identifies alchemical, technological, and magical items.
Lesser Alchemical Rebreather Mask provides oxygen so you can breathe.
Lesser Annealing Gel Changes treated armor’s AC bonus to +6.
Lesser Aqua Intelligentiae Minor Alchemy permanently grants minor Intelligence-based bonuses.
Lesser Aqua Vitae Minor Alchemy permanently grants bonuses to hp and Fortitude saves.
Lesser Ascension Gear Grants ability to move on walls and ceilings.
Lesser Breakneck Thieves’ Tools Masterwork tools decrease the time to use Disable Device.
Lesser Caloric Control Mantle Exist comfortably in hot/cold environments, reduce fire/cold damage.
Lesser Cap of Memory Jogging Electric jolt allows Knowledge or Intelligence check reroll.
Lesser Clairaudient Fly Fingers Sensitive gloves let you hear through walls and other obstacles.
Lesser Determent Spring Tiny construct chases away intruders.
Lesser Discourse Replicator Creates temporary masterwork documents.
Lesser Empyreal Net You fall slowly and with some control.
Lesser Fabricacious Fabricator Automatic loom quickly reweaves cloth into new forms.
Lesser Full-Body Corset Uncomfortable clockwork clothing grants +5 to Disguise checks.
Lesser Furnace Kindler Cone deals 1d6/level fire damage (max 5d6).
Lesser Goggles of Acuity Search grants synergy to Appraise, Disable Device, Sense Motive, and Spot.
Lesser Headband of Mental Puissance You generate and control a small amount of psionic force.
Lesser Helm of Cogitative Stimulation +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.
Lesser Instant Contrivance Creates temporary masterwork tools.
Lesser Iron Grub Construct deals 1 point Constitution damage for 1d6 rounds.
Lesser Knot Train Crawling construct manipulates ropes in a variety of ways.
Lesser Magic SensitivityA Detects spells and magic items within 30 feet.
Lesser Mimetic Key, Sunflare Light-emitting stone blinds creatures when triggered.
Lesser Neural Lancet Living creature struck loses next action.
Lesser Nocturnal Goggles You gain 60-foot darkvision.
Lesser Peril-Sensitive Lenses You lose your peripheral vision, but can concentrate more easily.
Lesser Photon Scattering Shield Burst of light forces miss chance, dazzles attackers.
Lesser Pocket Ballista Powerful crossbow deals 2d8 points of damage, has 100-foot range.
Lesser Protection from AbnormalitiesA +2 to AC and saves vs. spells and constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead; hedge out
summoned creatures.
Lesser Rangefinder Targeting ray aids ranged attack rolls.
Lesser Renechak’s Portable Zoogrammaphone Index grants bonuses to identify some creatures.
Lesser Scattershot Helmet Spray of pellets grants deflection bonus versus ranged attacks.
Lesser Script Widget Device allows Decipher Script rerolls and reading of magic scrolls.
Lesser Silt Wall A dust cloud arises around you, providing concealment.
Lesser Spring-Heeled Jackboots Wearer gains a bonus on Jump checks.
Lesser Suppress SpellA You suppress a spell on your person for one round as a swift action.
Lesser Swift Striders Your speed increases by 30 feet.
Lesser Technologist’s Familiar Tiny construct obeys simple commands.
Lesser Tullius’s Miraculous Vitamin Supplement Injection grants 1d10 temporary hit points, +1/level (max +10).
Lesser Vibrowand Melee attack deals 1d6 damage, possibly 1 point of Con damage.
Lesser Voice Sweetener You gain +2 to Charisma-based checks in all languages you know.
Lesser Wand of Battery Prod strikes with great force, bull rushing or opening doors.
Standard Amanuensis Engine You can rapidly copy and indefinitely store a nonmagical text.
Standard Aqua Venusitas Minor Alchemy permanently grants minor interaction bonuses.
Standard Aqua Virium Minor Alchemy permanently grants minor combat bonuses.
Standard Auto-Otolarynx Alchemical sensor grants Scent special quality.
Standard Caloric Hammer Ranged touch attack deals 2d6 fire or cold damage, +1 burst per two levels above first
(max 6).
Standard Check AbnormalityA A construct, elemental, outsider or undead target is dazed 1d4 rounds, then –2 on attacks,
saves, and checks and +2 to Strength.
Standard Cortical Fusegun Electrical device makes target more or less sensitive to stimuli.
Standard Divine Transfusion Infuses aligned water into target’s blood, granting bonuses.
Standard Electroveiglant Mercury Metal attracts electricity, granting resistance 10+ to all within 20 feet.
Standard Field-Solderant Kit Emergency repair kit restores 3d6 hp + 2/level to construct or object.
Standard Flux Fork Special tuning fork softens earth and stone, slows earth creatures.
Standard Gauntlets of the Iron Ogre You gain a +6 enhancement bonus to arm Strength.
Standard Icebound Barricade Fills 20-foot radius spread with sticky, freezing strands.

Gadget-Order Devices
Rank Device Name Brief Description
Standard Jabberblaster Loud noise deafens unprotected creatures.
Standard Knife Spider Thrown weapon deals 1d6 + 1/level damage and attacks as Small animated object.
Standard Master’s Tools Masterwork tools grant +10 to craft masterwork components.
Standard Mimetic Key, Smokebomb Stone produces clouds of concealing smoke.
Standard Perigord Raptor Booby trap deals 1d6/2 levels damage, may trap creatures.
Standard Pinprick Whirligig Spinner Whirligig deals 1d6 piercing damage/round, causes nausea.
Standard Planar Control Wand Knowledge check adds to activation level of antimagic devices.
Standard Professional’s Satchel Tool kit doubles income from one Profession subskill.
Standard Scramble ProgrammingA Constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead are confused.
Standard Smite AbnormalityA Ray deals 1d6 damage/level to constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead.
Standard Spikedriver Heated projectiles deal extra damage and ignore hardness.
Standard Splendiferous Scientific Wonder Fancy device fascinates creatures with a lower Charisma.
Standard Steamplunker Hurls small items far and with great force.
Standard Stickyfoam Neutralizer Causes a tanglefoot bag to emit a fog cloud, launches it at opponent.
Standard Technologist’s Magnifying Glass Reveals hidden doors and mechanical traps within 60 feet.
Standard Tullius’s Efficacious Nostrum Converts 1d6 lethal damage +1/level (max +10) and then cures 2d6 nonlethal damage
+1/level (max +20).
Standard Unctuous Bubbler Makes creatures and objects in a 10-foot radius slippery.
Standard Vitriol Projector Ranged touch attack; 1d6 damage for 1 round + 1 round per three levels.
Standard Wheedling Stone Hypnotic stone makes one person your friend.
Standard Zephyr Hammer Wind blows away or knocks down smaller creatures.
Greater Abnormality SensitivityA You can detect creatures that rely on magic to survive.
Greater Antimagic VortexA Glyph unravels magic and damages magical creatures when triggered.
Greater Aqua Celeritas Minor Alchemy permanently grants minor movement bonuses.
Greater Aqua Sapientiae Minor Alchemy permanently sharpens the subject’s senses.
Greater Blind the Abnormal EyeA Hides the subject from divination and scrying.
Greater Channeling Gauntlet You may use Spellcraft in place of the Use Magic Device skill.
Greater Dalyrimple’s Obfuscating Eye Creates visual illusion, hides target, or creates burst of light.
Greater Docschmidt Waxsprinkler Aetherial wax makes area completely frictionless.
Greater Engineered Panacea Remove damage or various conditions based on your Heal check.
Greater Excitatory Magnetoscythe Magnetic device sticks to weapons and increases their damage.
Greater Feiran’s Sphere of Savagery Target communicates with animals, risking Intelligence damage.
Greater Imperial Army Service Widget Helpful construct carries tools and aids the technologist.
Greater Iron Grub Pod Burrowing constructs deal 1d4 Constitution damage every round.
Greater Jonnetype Synaesthesiagraph Records everything in a 20-foot radius for later playback.
Greater Magnificent Pitch Hurler Deals 1d6 fire damage/level in a 20-foot radius.
Greater Menschausen Dolls Tiny constructs briefly lift and animate nearby objects.
Greater Mimetic Key, Fireburst Explosive stone deals 2d6 fire +1d6/2 levels.
Greater Mindfire Poison Injector Poison hinders or harms victim according to your activation level check.
Greater Philter Fermenter You can use Craft (alchemy) to brew magical potions.
Greater Smite MagicA You can cancel magical spells and effects.
Greater Trinicoil Stationary device deals 1d6/2 levels of electricity damage every round.
Greater Velocious Footgear Flings you a short distance in (partial) safety.
Greater Viscid BarrierA Solid antimagic blocks constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead.
Greater Voltaic Coil Deal 1d6/2 levels of electricity damage at range, or 1d10/2 levels as a melee touch attack.
Greater Weaken AbnormalityA Constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead are weakened.

Technology-Order Devices
Type Device Name Brief Description
Lesser Anathematize AbnormalityA You mark a construct, elemental, outsider, or undead, cursing it.
Lesser Arcane CounterdisruptionA Attempts to disrupt your devices are met with a smite magic effect.
Lesser Aviatronic Wing You fly at speeds up to 200 feet.
Lesser Break EnsorcellmentA Frees subjects from enchantments, alterations, curses, and petrification.
Lesser Clockwidget Fabrication Gantry Creates permanent clockwidget soldiers.
Lesser Core Lightning Charger Creature becomes a living battery, able to throw one bolt of lightning.
Lesser Dalyrimple’s Lucent Lance Sidearm deals 1d6/3 levels as a normal weapon.
Lesser Dark Matter Pall Cloud of opaque matter hampers vision and movement.
Lesser Dragoncaster Weapon deals 1d6 fire damage/level in a variety of possible areas.
Lesser Electrolytic Airforge Device converts surrounding water into a bubbling, breathable substance.
Lesser Flash-Bang Widget Widget blinds creatures and deals repeating fire damage.

Technology-Order Devices
Type Device Name Brief Description
Lesser Folly’s Finagling Fingers Grants +10 competence bonus to Disable Device, Open Lock, and Search; allow skill
checks 10 feet away.
Lesser Kinetic Barrier-Layer Invisible wall of kinetic force is immune to damage.
Lesser Kinetic Shield, Defensive Energy forcefield absorbs attacks, adds to your AC.
Lesser Kinetic Shield, Offensive Creatures attacking you take force damage; you are protected against force damage.
Lesser Mercuric Blade You wield a morphic blade of silvery metal against your foes.
Lesser Metabolic Interdiction Field Field slows, weakens, and eventually kills living creatures.
Lesser Mimetic Key, Fudoicite Stone becomes immovable when triggered.
Lesser Occlude AbnormalityA –8 to two ability scores; –8 on attack rolls, saves, and checks; or 75% chance of losing each
Lesser Orgonic Siphon Spinning disk drains 1d6 hit points/2 levels.
Lesser Scathing Shardsprayer Powerful acid deals 2d6 continuing damage in a burst.
Lesser Slumberous Savant Computer allows reroll of Knowledge checks with Knowledge ranks as an insight bonus.
Lesser Teacup’s Tiny Tinkerers Transforms raw materials into another form.
Lesser Terrain Attunement Alchemical regimen aids in wilderness survival.
Lesser Tullius’s Morphological Diagnostician Eyepiece grants bonus to Heal checks and sneak attack dice.
Lesser Ward Against AbnormalitiesA +4 AC against constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead.
Standard Alchemical Resequencer Creates alchemical items, potions, and poisons.
Standard Aqua Celeritas Major Transformative elixir grants subject a permanent +4 to Dexterity.
Standard Aqua Intelligentiae Major Transformative elixir grants subject a permanent +4 to Intelligence.
Standard Aqua Sapientiae Major Transformative elixir grants subject a permanent +4 to Wisdom.
Standard Aqua Venusitas Major Transformative elixir grants subject a permanent +4 to Charisma.
Standard Aqua Virium Major Transformative elixir grants subject a permanent +4 to Strength.
Standard Aqua Vitae Major Transformative elixir grants subject a permanent +4 to Constitution.
Standard Argent-Chain Widgets Drones deal 1d6 electricity damage/level in line between them.
Standard Bio-Reactive Theriac Immunizes against poison and detoxifies objects or creatures.
Standard Dark Matter Reaver Projectile does 1d6/level slashing and cold damage, may blind.
Standard Disseminative Cognimatrix Brain backup lets you use Sense Motive to avoid mental attacks.
Standard Duodimensional Lash Glowing filament inflicts 1d6+1/level Constitution drain.
Standard Feiran’s Animalizing Scepter Reduces creature’s Int to 2, allowing Handle Animal checks to control it.
Standard Goggles of X-Ray Vision You can see through walls and in darkness.
Standard Interphasic Terror Null-space machinery provides Intimidation bonuses.
Standard Magnetosonic Waveform Pulse Generator Energy wave scans terrain around you out to 1 mile/level or 100 feet/level.
Standard Ornithopter Swift-flying machine carries you and several others.
Standard Professional Reformatamatic Helmet allows you to temporarily rewrite your skills.
Standard Repulse the TaintedA Constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead can’t approach you.
Standard Sublimation Chamber Appraise check increases worth of valuable nonmagical items.
Standard Umbral Heart Cloak You are invisible, even in combat.
Standard Verbal Weirding Module Spread deals 1d6 sonic damage/level; Speak Language adds to effect.
Greater Atomic Discombobulator Green ray disintegrates target.
Greater Aura of Just RetributionA Aura shatters spells that target you and redirects them as damage.
Greater Battlement Combat Gear Armor enhancements provide strong defense.
Greater Coronal Electroweapon Ray deals 1d6/level electricity damage and protects you while firing.
Greater Diadem of Psychic Mastery Generates psychic energy, granting access to psionic powers.
Greater Egestive Gland Laboratory Implanted glands secrete an alchemical item or poison 3/day.
Greater Feiran’s Feralizing Gage Ray reduces Intelligence and Charisma but provides feral improvements to senses and
offensive abilities.
Greater Gelph’s Globulous Hunter Device unfurls into an ooze that fights for you.
Greater Inviolate Shield Against MagicA Negates magic and device use within 10 feet.
Greater Mimetic Key, Netherstone Stone negates matter, dealing 5d6 + 1d6/level damage when triggered.
Greater Monroe’s Proactive Weathervane Weather control device that affects a wide area.
Greater Obliterate AbnormalityA Black bolt vaporizes constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead.
Greater Orgonic Field Perturbation Inducer Invisible change to aura causes healing or grants an attack when target creature is
Greater Resonance Absorption Staff Staff absorbs and stores sonic energy for later use.
Greater Scuttlebug Launcher Burrowing mines lie in wait to deal 1d6/level fire and slashing damage.
Greater Seismic Flow Wand Sonic energy causes solid matter to flow gently, reshaping it.
Greater Smite Magic, GreaterA As smite magic, but up to +20 on checks.
Greater Space-Warp Modulator Warped space increases distance to you and shortens it from you.
Greater Sphere of Intractable Will Strange amulet lets you make Concentration checks to ignore dying.

Technology-Order Devices
Type Device Name Brief Description
Greater Stylus of Arcane Mimeography Use Forgery to create quasi-real mystic sigils, duplicating spells.
Greater Tullius’s Potent Catholicon Heals hit point damage, ability damage and drain, and the fatigued or exhausted
Greater Zorastrus’s Roll of Days Computer calculates patterns in your life, granting insight bonuses.

Artifact-Order Devices
Type Device Name Brief Description
Lesser Acidulous Miasma Generator Obscuring cloud deals 1d6/level or 1d6/3 levels/round acid damage.
Lesser Bio-Genetic Scourge Horrible plague deals ability damage, creates ghouls from the slain.
Lesser Canny Descrier +40 Sense Motive, and gain Sense Motive ranks to interaction skills.
Lesser Chorn’s Antecedent Assailer Deal 1d6/level force damage as an immediate action.
Lesser Coil of PossibilitiesX Duplicates the effects of any gadget or technology.
Lesser Cross-Phasic Cloak Subject can become effectively incorporeal at will.
Lesser Dalyrimple’s Out-of-the-Way Palace You open a gateway that leads to a null-space mansion.
Lesser Erevor’s Soul Steel Cuts a creature’s connection to reality, killing them.
Lesser Extirpate AbnormalitiesA Destroys 1d4/level HD of constructs, elementals, outsiders, and undead.
Lesser Gelph’s Instant Aggressor Instantly creates an improved flesh golem that fights for you.
Lesser Jonnetype Synaesthenic Projector Makes terrain appear to have different structures or natural features.
Lesser Kelleris’s Chroneptic Repeater Ray repeats or negates last round’s damage and effects on one creature.
Lesser Mimetic Key, Savanix Charged stone grants bonuses to Int-based checks, causes confusion when triggered.
Lesser Orgavulsion Crystal Ray deals 1d4 negative levels/round to power negative energy attack.
Lesser Spark ManufactoryX You can craft permanent golem-like constructs.
Lesser Ward Against All SorceryA Spell resistance plus complete protection from spells 4th level and lower.
Lesser Worm Gauntlet Teleporter puts enemies through the wringer for 1d6/level damage.
Standard Absorptive Traversant Survive in any terrain, and gain exploration-related abilities by doing so.
Standard Astral Perspective Vortex Move through your mind and the Astral Plane to other realities.
Standard Beholder From Beyond Planar satellite spies on areas, deals electricity damage at range.
Standard Caesura Weapon Spatial collapse in a 10-foot cube, trapping foes and bypassing barriers.
Standard Dark Matter Ecliptic Creates darkness and suppresses light spells in a one-mile radius.
Standard Folly’s Cognate Architronix Manipulate space to “move” objects and creatures in that space.
Standard Gigant Marauder Mechanized armor increases your size to Huge, Gargantuan, or Colossal.
Standard Jabberwocky Slayer Blade strikes in line of sight from other dimensions, may sever heads.
Standard Kelleris’s Time-Lost Crawler Construct travels through time and leaves items for you to find.
Standard Laboratory of Reawakening Cloning facility allows you to return from the dead.
Standard Lustrative ArmorA Forsaking ritual grants permanent defenses against magic.
Standard Paradoxic Slip-Shield All damage dealt less than 2/level per attack is negated.
Standard Peregrine’s Sun-Caller Solar flare deals 2d6/level damage after 1d2 rounds’ delay.
Standard Teacup’s Tiny Traveling Terrors Floating crystalline beads can scout for you, deal force damage.
Standard Tullius’s Swan Song Target is immune to hit point damage but is reduced to –9 hp when the device’s durations
Standard Xult’s Primal Blossom You corrupt a creature’s form and make it your slave.
Standard Zorastrus’s Roll of Eons Gain knowledge of the past, the future, or legendary things.
Greater Alembic of Creation Languages grant you their power.
Greater Aurelian’s Shadowforge Create a persuasive shadow identity based on a Forgery check.
Greater Balance of Synchronicity Cause creature to obey you by controlling it via strange causations.
Greater Extirpate MagicA Destroys spells and suppresses magical items in a 40-foot radius.
Greater Imperial Null-Space Cannon Devastating null-space weapon deals 2d6 points of damage/level, plus other effects, in an
80-foot radius.
Greater Mimetic Key, Chronull Time-distorting stone hastes bearer and causes time hop when thrown.
Greater Nanitic Reconfiguration Entity Cloud of machines transforms or destroys objects and defends you.
Greater Packmaster’s Throne +10 Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal, and Intimidate, plus dominate
animals with your mere presence.
Greater Rimala’s Fundamental Anatomizer Gain permanent bonuses from truly understanding an item.
Greater Renechak’s Panoptic Eye Omniscient device grants perfect knowledge of one creature.
Greater Worldwalker’s Baton Opens a circular gate to anywhere on same plane.

Devices as Equipment
The basic rules presented in this book only allow Craft Points and Item Creation Feats
technologists to make and use devices, and then generally only The default assumption is that you can use craft points
for their own use. If you would like technologists to be able to pay the raw materials cost of a technological item creation
to share the fruits of their labors, or if you want to introduce feat. However, the technologist’s craft points are balanced
high technology into your campaign without its corresponding on the general assumption that craft points are not worth
spellcasting tradition, you can make use of one or more of the quite as much as an actual gold piece because they cannot
following optional rules. be used to purchase magical items, which typically make
up much of a character’s wealth. These technological item
Devices Like Magic Items creation feats potentially make craft points much more
The simplest way to introduce technological items into your useful by allowing technologists to use their craft points
game in a permanent form is to create devices that act like magic to create magic item-like devices. The imbalance created
items and have a fixed caster level and number of charges or uses by introducing technological item creation feats should
per day. Simply use the equivalent spell levels for devices (see be negligible, but be prepared to disallow the use of craft
Table A–1, above), and determine the market price of a magical points to pay for technological devices, if necessary.
item with the same activation (caster) level and number of uses
per day using the guidelines found on page 285 of the DMG.
Characters interested in making permanent or semi-permanent Craft Expendable Gadget [Item Creation]
technological devices in this way should take one or more of the You can create expendable versions of gadgets you have
following feats. It is up to the GM which of the feats presented mastered, allowing other characters to use your technology.
here to allow. Prerequisite: Activation level 3rd.
The feats below cover roughly the same ground as the Brew Benefit: You can create a disposable version of any device
Potion, Craft Rod, Craft Staff, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous of the gadget order that you have mastered. Creating this device
Item, Forge Ring, and Scribe Scroll item creation feats from the takes one day. When you create a disposable gadget you set the
PHB. The Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat is omitted from gadget’s activation level, which can be no higher than your own
this list for two reasons: first, magical weapon and armor effects activation level. The base price of an expendable gadget is its
require much more room to describe than the basic device- equivalent spell level × its activation level × 50 gold pieces. To
duplication effects that can be covered in this space, and second, create the expendable gadget, you must expend raw materials
the expanded rules for masterwork components in Chapter Two costing 75% of this base price in gold pieces.
already give technologists something unique to do to enhance Any expendable gadget that mimics a device with a costly
their party’s weapons and armor. non-optional expensive component or an XP cost also carries a
commensurate cost. In addition to the costs derived from the
Construct Multi-Use Device [Item Creation] base price, you must expend the material component or pay the
You can create devices that can be activated multiple times XP when creating the potion. You may also include the benefits
without draining your pool of activation points. of an optional expensive component in the expendable gadget’s
Prerequisite: Activation level 6th. activation; doing so adds the cost of that expensive component to
Benefit: You can create a multiple-use version of any device the cost to create the expendable gadget.
that you have mastered. A character can activate this specially- After you create the expendable gadget, any character may
crafted device only if he or she has mastered at least one device activate the device, using the expendable gadget’s activation level,
of the same order as the multi-use device. The base price of a as though they had mastered it and had activation points available
multi-use device is its activation level × the device’s equivalent to activate it. Expendable gadgets are destroyed after one use.
spell level × 750 gp. Crafting a multi-use device takes one day for
each 1,000 gp in its base price. To craft a multi-use device, you Craft Unmastered Device [Item Creation]
must expend 75% of this base price in raw materials. A newly- You know how to create devices that anyone can use,
created multi-use device has 50 charges. although doing so is a costly business.
Any multi-use device that functions like a device with an Prerequisite: Activation level 3rd.
XP cost or a nonoptional expensive component also carries a Benefit: Unmastered devices are like wondrous magical
commensurate cost; in addition to the cost derived from the base items: devices that anyone can use and that have a set number of
price, you must expend fifty copies of the material component uses per day or a specific mode of activation. Anyone can use an
or pay fifty times the XP cost. If you wish to add the multi-use unmastered device as though they had mastered the device and
device’s optional expensive component to its effects, you must had sufficient activation points to activate it.
pay fifty times the cost of this optional expensive component Determine the unmastered device’s market price using
when crafting the device. the guidelines on pages 284–285 of the DMG. Creating an

unmastered device takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its price. To you have done these two things, to activate the device you must
create the device, you must spend 75% of the item’s price in raw spend twice the normal amount of activation points and then
materials. You may create an unmastered device only if it employs make an activation level check (DC 10 + the device’s activation
or replicates the effects of only devices that you have mastered. level). Remember that a device’s activation level is usually equal to
You can also mend a broken unmastered device if it is one that the level of the technologist to whom the device belonged. If you
you could make. Doing so costs half the raw materials and half succeed, the device functions normally. If you fail, the activation
the time it would take to craft that item in the first place. points are wasted and you must purify the device again before
Some devices incur extra costs in XP or expensive components you can make another attempt. If you fail by 5 or more, the device
(optional or not), depending on their function. These costs are in breaks and deals untyped energy damage to you equal to its
addition to those derived from the item’s base price. You must activation level as it suffers some form of catastrophic failure.
pay such a cost to create an item or to mend a broken one. Looting Technologists: If you elect to use this variant, NPC
technologists suddenly become extremely wealthy by virtue of
Develop Prototype [Item Creation] the devices they carry around and their access to craft points. For
You can create prototypes, expendable machines that can instance, a 10th-level technologist who is carrying all of his devices
be used by experienced technologists to duplicate the effects of a or has them nearby, and who has spent all of his craft points on
device they have not mastered. permanent goods, has 36,500 gold pieces’ worth of high-tech
Prerequisite: Activation level 1st. equipment on his person, and that’s before he purchases a single
Benefit: You can create a prototype of any device that you potion or magical cloak to help him survive an encounter with
have mastered. Prototypes can be used by any character with your players. This total represents more than 20,000 gold pieces
an activation level of at least 1 as though that character were over the recommended equipment allotment for an NPC of that
activating the device in question at the prototype’s activation level. Thus, when using this variant rule in conjunction with NPC
level. If the prototype’s activation level is higher than your own, technologist enemies you risk giving your players too much loot.
you must succeed at an activation level check (DC equal to the There are a few possible solutions to this problem. One is to
prototype’s activation level) to successfully activate the device. simply be aware of it and design adventures around it; a single
Failure due to rolling a natural 1 on this activation level check over-equipped technologist following a half-dozen impoverished
causes a mishap, with effects determined by the GM. Prototypes monsters will not unbalance your game, as the average wealth
are expended (effectively destroyed) after one use. gained across several encounters will adhere to the wealth
Developing a prototype takes one day for each 1,000 gp in its guidelines. Another solution is to drastically reduce the market
base price. The base price of a prototype is its equivalent spell level value of a captured device. Doing so is justifiable, since unknown
× its activation level × 25 gp. To develop a prototype, you must use devices are hardly the most reliable instruments around — they
up raw materials costing 75% of this base price. Any prototype that really aren’t useful to everybody. The price given above is based
duplicates a device effect with an expensive material component on the cost to produce a device of the indicated order from
or an XP cost also carries a commensurate cost; in addition to the scratch, but if there is not much demand for secondhand devices
costs derived from the base price, you must expend the expensive you can reduce this gold piece value to one-tenth of the cost to
component or pay the XP when developing the prototype. create the device in the first place. This alteration allows you to
make NPC technologists who adhere to the wealth guidelines
Devices as Treasure fairly closely without sacrificing much of their normal gear. Any
A technologist is limited in the number of devices he can “lost” gear invested in devices can also be made up for by using
master, so defeating and looting an enemy technologist can the technologist’s craft points to purchase optional expensive
be somewhat disappointing, as the recovered devices will be components to expend during the battle. And lastly, if you do
relatively useless to the technologist — they have no value on the not use the wealth guidelines in your game, there is obviously no
open market and are of no use to other technologists except as problem — just deal with non-player technologists as you would
curiosities or sources of theoretical knowledge. If you wish to any other NPC.
change this, consider using the variant rule presented here.
Device Prices: Gadgets have a market value of 500 gold Device Batteries
pieces. Technologies cost 2,500 gold pieces. Artifacts cost 6,000 Batteries are discrete power sources that can be used to
gold pieces. Devices with permanent expensive components do operate a device instead of using activation points. Depending on
not function in the hands of someone other than their creator, what you have decided technological devices are in your setting,
and so these upgrades do not add to the device’s market value. these batteries could represent any number of things. If you use
Activating Unknown Devices: To activate a device you the default view that devices can only function when purified
have not mastered, you must first succeed at a Spellcraft check of the disruptive energies of magic, then batteries could be a
(see page xx) to identify what the device is. Then you must spend reserve of antimagical energy. In other settings, batteries might
at least an hour preparing the device for use, although this can be be magical creations designed to steal the technologist’s power or
done at the same time that you prepare your other devices. Once even mundane batteries filled with electricity. More exotic options

include using a rare substance (naturally or artificially Devices in Modern D20 Games
created) as a battery or having the “battery” represent an Many of the devices presented in Chapter Four function just
antimagical ritual that imbues a character with power, as well as the products of some secret government lab as they do as
allowing him to activate technological devices when needed the creations of a fantasy scientist. If you want to introduce a device
without draining a personal pool of activation points. presented into this book as a secret weapon developed by some sinister
Device Prices: Gadgets have a market value of 500 organization or as the latest in cutting-edge research, but do not want
gold pieces. Technologies cost 2,500 gold pieces. Artifacts to use the Shadow Technologist
cost 6,000 gold pieces. Devices with permanent expensive advanced class presented later in Table A–7: Autonomous
components cannot be activated with those effects in place this Appendix, you can use the Devices Purchase DCs
Device Cost Purchase DC
using a device battery — they have only their basic effect Table below to get a rough idea of
Up to 50 gp 15
when used. If desired, you can use the device’s normal the appropriate purchase DC for 65 gp 16
expensive component in conjunction with activating a a permanent, autonomous device 90 gp 17
device via a battery. of the sort you have in mind. 120 gp 18
Non-Technologists and Devices: Batteries provide Determine the device’s cost in gold 150 gp 19
the power needed to activate devices. With a battery, any pieces using the guidelines on page 200 gp 20
300 gp 21
person can theoretically activate any device, even if he has 285 of the DMG, and then convert
350 gp 22
no technological training. Batteries have two measurements this gold piece price, and the price 500 gp 23
of power: activation level and activation points. of any expensive components that 650 gp 24
Activation level measures the highest activation level of can be used with the device, into a 900 gp 25
device the battery can power. You cannot power a device Purchase DC by referring to Table 1,200 gp 26
with an activation level higher than the battery’s. A A–7, right. Note that this table 1,500 gp 27
technologist can only create batteries of an activation only gives the Purchase DC of the 2,000 gp 28
2,750 gp 29
level less than or equal to his own. item proper — most super-science
3,500 gp 30
Activation points indicate how many activation points the devices will also be licensed, either 5,000 gp 31
battery has. Whenever you use a battery to power a as military equipment (adding +3 6,500 gp 32
device, the battery is drained of the appropriate amount to the purchase DC) or as flat-out 9,000 gp 33
of activation points. These points are not replenished illegal (adding +4). 12,000 gp 34
over time as are natural activation points. Use the Table A-7 to convert 15,000 gp 35
20,000 gp 36
If a character uses a battery to power a device, he must first an autonomous technological
30,000 gp 37
make a Knowledge (architecture and engineering) check device’s gold piece cost into an 35,000 gp 38
with a DC of 5 for gadgets, 10 for technologies, or 15 for appropriate Wealth check DC 50,000 gp 39
artifacts to figure out how to properly attach the battery to to purchase the item in Modern 65,000 gp 40
the device. If he fails, he can try again the next round. Making games. Use the “Device Cost” row 90,000 gp 41
the Knowledge check and attaching the battery both require that is closest to the autonomous 120,000 gp 42
150,000 gp 43
a single move action. Once he has succeeded on this check device’s value in gold pieces and
200,000 gp 44
at least once, he can activate the device if the battery has a that is equal to or greater than that 275,000 gp 45
high enough activation level and enough activation points value. For example, an autonomous 350,000 gp 46
remaining. If the battery being used device that costs 34,999 gold pieces 500,000 gp 47
does not meet these requirements, the has a purchase DC of 37, while a 650,000 gp 48
device does not activate and the battery’s device that costs 35,001 gold pieces 900,000 gp 49
1,200,000 gp 50
activation points are not expended. has a purchase DC of 38.
Once a character has discerned how to
charge a device with a battery, he need not
make any further Knowledge (architecture
and engineering) checks to use a battery
with that device.
Battery Market Price: A battery
costs a number of gold pieces equal to
its activation points × its activation level
× 3. Characters can create batteries with
the Craft (technology) or Craft (alchemy)
skills. Use the gold piece to measure a A technologist’s aviatronic wing is a crude substitute for a modern jetliner,
character’s progress instead of the silver but some characters might prefer it to waiting in line at an airport
piece. (Artwork by Leonardo da Vinci)

Shadow Technologist Advanced Class Technologist advanced class.
The Shadow Technologist can represent any number of Hit Die: The Shadow Technologist gains 1d6 hit points per
things: a mad scientist ignoring the accepted theories of physics level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.
and biology, a practitioner of strange sorceries founded on Action Points: The Shadow Technologist gains a number
rigid mathematical formulae, or a scholar from another world of action points equal to 6 + one-half his character level, rounded
or dimension who uses alien technological principles to build down, every time he attains a new level in this class.
powerful devices. A scientist (of a sort) and an engineer, the Class Skills: The Shadow Technologist’s class skills are as
Shadow Technologist builds contraptions that never seem to follows:
quite fit in with the machines of the modern world. Their devices, Computer Use (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (chemical,
gleaming instruments born of improbable physics, range from electronic, mechanical, pharmaceutical, shadow technology)
lightning-casting glass orbs reminiscent of old pulp adventures (Int), Demolitions (Int), Disable Device (Int), Drive (Dex),
to fortean laboratories that harness the very forces of creation. Forgery (Int), Knowledge (arcane lore, behavioral sciences, earth
Despite their unorthodox nature, a Shadow Technologist’s and life sciences, physical sciences, popular culture, technology)
machines possess unquestioned efficacy. (Int), Navigate (Int), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis), Read/Write
The strange science of the Shadow Technologist is the result Language (none), Repair (Int), Research (Int), Search (Int), Speak
of study and is revealed in the form of distinct inventions with Language (none), Techcraft (Int), Treat Injury (Wis).
wondrous powers. In the modern age, these unorthodox scientists Skill Points at Each Level: 7 + Int modifier.
are apt to appropriate the lab coats and test tubes of their
mundane counterparts while they pursue their esoteric researches. SHADOW DEVICE DURABILITY
Even with these modern trappings of science, something always Shadow devices are wondrous machines that produce a
indicates that this is no ordinary sort of science, whether this be a wide variety of FX-like effects, as noted in their individual device
mad gleam in the Shadow Technologist’s eye or the presence of a descriptions. Shadow devices can be destroyed just like other
noticeably bizarre device of unfathomable function. objects. However, they are fairly durable (intended as they are
Select this advanced class if you want your character to for use in the field), and have a number of hit points equal to
strike out into the depths of the weird scientific principles left twice the Shadow Technologist’s activation level. Gadgets also
unacknowledged by everyday scholarship. The fastest path into have a hardness of 5, technologies a hardness of 10, and artifacts
this advanced class is from the Smart Hero basic class, though a hardness of 15. Devices have a saving throw bonus of 2 + ½ your
other paths are possible. activation level for all saving throws. If a device description
Unless otherwise noted, assume that the Shadow Technolo- specifically notes different values for hardness, hp, and saving
gist follows the same rules as the Fantasy d20 technologist, as throws for the activated device, use those instead.
delineated in Chapter Three.
REQUIREMENTS The Shadow Technologist must spend one hour each day
To qualify to become a Shadow Technologist a character fine-tuning and repairing his devices, or they will not function.
must fulfill the following criteria. This daily preparation time must take place in a well-lit area
Skills: Craft (mechanical) 6 ranks, Disable Device 6 ranks, that offers no impediments to concentration. The Shadow
Research 6 ranks, and either Craft (chemical) or Craft (electronic) Technologist regains all lost activation points when his one-hour
6 ranks, plus 6 ranks in Knowledge (earth and life sciences), daily preparation period is completed. See Chapter Three for
Knowledge (physical sciences), or Knowledge (technology). complete rules for what a Shadow Technologist can do during
this daily preparation period.
CLASS INFORMATION In addition to recovering lost activation points, a Shadow
The following information pertains to the Shadow Technologist can take advantage of the hour a day he spends

Table A–8: The Shadow Technologist

Class Base Attack Fort Ref Will Defense Reputation
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special Bonus Bonus
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Technologist skills, shadow devices +1 +1
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Machine empathy, shadow devices +1 +1
3 +1 +1 +1 +3 Bonus feat, shadow devices +2 +1
4 +2 +1 +1 +4 Shadow devices +2 +2
5 +2 +1 +1 +4 Constant tinkerer, shadow devices +3 +2
6 +3 +2 +2 +5 Bonus feat, shadow devices +3 +2
7 +3 +2 +2 +5 Extreme machine, shadow devices +4 +3
8 +4 +2 +2 +6 Shadow devices +4 +3
9 +4 +3 +3 +6 Bonus feat, shadow devices +5 +3
10 +5 +3 +3 +7 Combat activation, shadow devices +5 +4

working with his devices to repair any damage they have taken. Craft (shadow technology) skill, using the same procedure
To do so, the character makes a Repair check during the hour as crafting other items.
he spends purifying his devices; this check has a base DC of 15. A shadow technological device’s order determines its
You may make only one such check per daily preparation period, Craft skill Difficulty Class: gadgets have a Craft DC of 20,
and you may take 10 on this check because there is no penalty for technologies have a Craft DC of 25, and artifacts have a
failure. No raw materials are necessary for a Shadow Technologist Craft DC of 30. Crafting
Table A–9: Expensive
to make this special Repair check. A successful Repair check the device also requires a Components Purchase DCs
restores 1 lost hit point to a single selected device, plus 1 hit point supply of special tools and Component Purchase
per 5 points by which the Shadow Technologist’s Repair check components. Acquiring Cost DC
exceeded the DC. these items requires a Up to 20 gp 13
35 gp 14
Wealth check with a DC
50 gp 15
CLASS FEATURES of 21 for a gadget, 26 for 65 gp 16
All of the following features pertain to the Shadow a technology, and 29 for 90 gp 17
Technologist advanced class. an artifact. Only Shadow 120 gp 18
Shadow Technologist Skills: A Shadow Technologist has Technologists have the 150 gp 19
access to the following shadow technologist skills. These skills are knowledge necessary to 200 gp 20
300 gp 21
considered class skills for the Shadow Technologist, and he can design and construct a
350 gp 22
use his skill points to buy ranks in them. shadow technological 500 gp 23
Concentration (Con): The normal Concentration skill device, and even then only 650 gp 24
expands to include shadow technologist applications, as if they have mastered at 900 gp 25
defined below. least one device of the 1,200 gp 26
Check: You must make a Concentration check whenever appropriate order. 1,500 gp 27
you may potentially be distracted while engaged in an activity In addition, most 2,000 gp 28
2,750 gp 29
that requires your full attention, including activating a device devices have an optional
3,500 gp 30
or concentrating on an active device if doing so is required. expensive component 5,000 gp 31
If the check succeeds, you may continue with the action that may be used to boost 6,500 gp 32
as normal. If the check fails, the action automatically fails their effects, and many 9,000 gp 33
and is wasted. If you were in the process of activating a also require some form 12,000 gp 34
device, the activation points required to activate the device of ammunition or fuel to 15,000 gp 35
20,000 gp 36
are lost. If you were concentrating on an active device, the function. The cost of these
30,000 gp 37
device’s duration ends immediately. expensive components is 35,000+ gp 38
The table in the Concentration skill description (on expressed in gold pieces
page 53 of the Modern d20 Roleplaying Game core rulebook) in the device descriptions — use Table A-9 to convert this
summarizes the various types of distractions. In situations price into an appropriate Wealth check DC to purchase
where the distraction occurs while you are activating a the item in Modern games. Use the “Component Cost” row
device, you add 2 to the DC if the device is a gadget, 5 if closest to the component’s value in gold pieces and is equal
it is a technology, or 8 if it is an artifact to determine the to or greater than that value. For example, an expensive
Concentration skill check DC. component that costs 299 gold pieces has a purchase DC of
Try Again?: You can try again, but doing so doesn’t cancel 20, while an expensive component that costs 301 gold pieces
the effects of a previous failure. If you fail a Concentration has a purchase DC of 21.
check made during a device activation, the device’s activation Creating these components yourself requires a Craft
point cost is lost until regained following the next daily (shadow technology) skill check, with a DC based on the
preparation period. order of the device that the expensive component is used
Special: By making a check (DC 15 + 2 for gadgets, 5 for with. Expensive components for gadgets have a Craft DC
technologies, and 8 for artifacts), you can use Concentration of 15, those meant for technologies have a DC of 20, and
to activate a device defensively, thus avoiding attacks of components for an artifact require a DC 25 Craft check to
opportunity. If the check succeeds, you can attempt the create. Expensive components are of moderate complexity,
activation without incurring any attacks of opportunity, but and thus take 12 hours to build (see the Craft skill description
if it fails your action and the activation cost of the device are on pages 53–56 of the Modern d20 Roleplaying Game core
both lost. rulebook). The raw materials for an expensive component
Craft (shadow technology) (Int): Trained only. Whenever have a purchase DC one less than the cost to purchase that
a Shadow Technologist masters a new device, he also component outright.
gains a single free copy of that device. Devices the Shadow Special: A character without a shadow technology tool kit
Technologist has mastered can also be created using the takes a –4 penalty on Craft (shadow technology) checks. This

Table A-10: Techcraft
DC Task
15 + 2 (gadgets), 5 (technologies), Identify a device being activated. You must be able to see the device well enough to quickly appraise it. You
or 8 (artifacts) can’t try again.
20 + 2 (gadgets), 5 (technologies), Identify a device effect that’s already in place and in effect. You must be able to see or detect the effects of the
or 8 (artifacts) device. You can’t try again.
20 + 2 (gadgets), 5 (technologies), Identify materials created or shaped by shadow technology, such as noting that a forcefield is the result of a
or 8 (artifacts) kinetic barrier-layer. You can’t try again.
20 + 2 (gadgets), 5 (technologies), Figure out what a device in your possession is designed to do. Requires 1 hour of study, and you may try only
or 8 (artifacts) once per day.
25 + 2 (gadgets), 5 (technologies), After rolling a saving throw against a device targeted at you, determine what device was activated targeting
or 8 (artifacts) you and what its effects would have been. This is a reaction.
30 or higher Understand a strange or unique shadow technological effect. You can’t try again.

tool kit is size Large, weighs 22 pounds, and has a purchase Activating a shadow device costs a number of activation
DC of 13. A deluxe shadow technology tool kit is size Huge, points listed in the device’s description, and the Shadow
weighs 45 pounds, and has a purchase DC of 20. The deluxe Technologist receives only a finite number of these activation
kit grants a +2 equipment bonus on Repair checks made for points. Activation points can represent a mysterious source
shadow technological devices and allows a character to make of eldritch power, the limited amount of scientific genius and
Craft (shadow technology) checks without penalty. inspiration that the character can call on in a given day, or just
Techcraft (Int): Trained only. Use this skill to identify devices the overall quality of the shadow devices’ maintenance and power
as they are activated or to identify device effects already sources. In addition, the Shadow Technologist receives bonus
in place. activation points based on his Intelligence score.
Check: You can identify devices and device effects.
Table A-12: Bonus Activation Points by Class Level
Additionally, certain devices allow you to gain additional Class Level
information or access a more powerful effect than normal Int Score
1–2 3–4 5–6 7–8 9–10
provided that you make a Spellcraft skill check, as detailed 2–3 –5 –15 –30 –45 –45
in the device description. All references to the Spellcraft skill 4–5 –5 –15 –30 –30 –30
6–7 –5 –15 –15 –15 –15
should be treated as a reference to the Techcraft skill when
8–9 –5 –5 –5 –5 –5
using the Shadow Technologist advanced class. 10–11 — — — — —
Try Again?: See Table A-10. 12–13 5 5 5 5 5
Time: Using the Techcraft skill is a move action unless 14–15 5 15 15 15 15
otherwise indicated. 16–17 5 15 30 30 30
18–19 5 15 30 45 45
Shadow Devices (Ex): The Shadow Technologist’s key
20–21 10 20 35 50 80
characteristic is the ability to build and activate shadow devices. 22–23 10 30 45 60 90
The list of devices available when selecting new devices to master
is provided below — see Chapter Four for complete descriptions The Shadow Technologist requires a daily preparation
of the shadow devices to which a Shadow Technologist has period for his devices to function normally (see above), but after
access. Shadow Technologists master a set number of devices at this daily maintenance is complete he does not need to prepare
each level, according to the chart below. If the GM allows it, the a shadow device in his possession beforehand to activate it. He
process for mastering additional devices presented in Chapter simply pays a device’s activation point cost to use any of the
Three may also be undertaken by the Shadow Technologist to devices in his possession.
further increase these numbers. The Difficulty Class for saving throws to resist the effects of
a Shadow Technologist’s devices is 10 + ½ the character’s Shadow
Table A-11: Shadow Devices Mastered and Activation Points
Class Activation
Technologist class level + the character’s Intelligence modifier.
Level Gadgets Technologies Artifacts Points Machine Empathy (Ex): At 2nd Level, the Shadow
1 2 — — 5 Technologist is so comfortable with technology that he gains a +2
2 4 — — 10 competence bonus on any skill checks made to construct, disable,
3 6 — — 20 build, or otherwise interact with any electronic or mechanical
4 7 1 — 40
device. In addition, the Shadow Technologist may use any skill
5 9 1 — 50
6 9 2 — 90
that involves technology (not just shadow technology) untrained.
7 10 3 — 110 Bonus Feats: At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, the Shadow
8 11 4 — 150 Technologist gains a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected
9 11 6 — 190 from the following list, and the Shadow Technologist must meet
10 12 6 1 250 all the prerequisites of the feat to select it.

Builder, Cautious, Combat Expertise, Educated, Focused, Shadow Devices
Gearhead, Low Profile, Meticulous, Renown, Studious, The following are devices to which the Shadow Technologist
Surgery, Vehicle Expert, Windfall. advanced class has access. The device’s rank is denoted via a
Combat Casting (Ex): At 4th level, the Shadow Technologist superscript letter: “L” for lesser devices, “S” for standard devices,
becomes adept at activating devices during combat. He gets a +4 and “G” for greater devices. All shadow devices require 1 standard
bonus to Concentration checks made when activating a device action to activate instead require a single attack action.
Constant Tinkerer (Ex): At 5th level the Shadow Technolo- GADGETS
gist is considered to have considerable technological resources Alchemical Rebreather.L Mask provides oxygen so you can
either at hand or easily and cheaply acquired. These resources breathe.
usually take the form of an ever-changing assortment of Aqua Celeritas Minor.G Chemical treatment permanently
technological widgets and gizmos that can quickly be converted grants minor movement bonuses.
into a working item, shadow device, or expensive component. Aqua Intelligentiae Minor.L Chemical treatment
When making a Wealth check to determine if a particular item permanently grants minor Intelligence-based bonuses.
is “at hand,” add the Shadow Technologist’s class levels as a Aqua Sapientiae Minor.G Chemical treatment permanently
circumstance bonus to his Wealth check. This bonus only applies sharpens the subject’s senses.
if the Shadow Technologist is attempting find a technological item Aqua Venusitas Minor.S Chemical treatment permanently
of some sort, and the bonus is halved if the item in question is not grants minor interaction bonuses.
a shadow device or an expensive component for a shadow device. Aqua Virium Minor.S Chemical treatment permanently
Extreme Machine (Ex): If it has mechanical or electronic grants minor combat bonuses.
components, a Shadow Technologist of 7th level or higher can use Aqua Vitae Minor.L Chemical treatment permanently grants
the strange principles of his science to coax more power out of it. bonuses to hp and Fortitude saves.
By spending 1 action point and making either a Craft Ascension Gear.L Climbing gear grants ability to move on
(electronic) or Craft (mechanical) check (whichever is appropriate walls and ceilings.
for the machine in question), the Shadow Technologist can Auto-Otolarynx.S Chemical sensor grants Scent special
temporarily improve a machine’s performance. However, this quality.
upgrade runs a significant risk of causing the machine to need Caloric Control Mantle.L Exist comfortably in hot/cold
repairs later, as mundane technology and shadow tech don’t always environment, reduce fire/cold damage.
play nice together. The DC for the Craft check depends on the type Caloric Hammer.S Ranged touch attack deals 2d6 fire or cold
of improvement being made, as shown on the table below. damage, +1 burst per two levels above first (max 6).
Cortical Fusegun.S Electrical device makes target more or less
Table A-13: Extreme Machine
Improvement Craft DC Repair Chance
sensitive to stimuli.
Range Weapons Dalyrimple’s Obfuscating Eye.G Creates visual illusion,
+1 to damage 15 50% hides target, or creates burst of light.
+2 to damage 20 75% Docschmidt Waxsprinkler.G Aetherial wax makes area
+3 to damage 25 99% completely frictionless.
+5 feet to range increment 15 50% Empyreal Net.L You fall slowly and with some control.
+10 feet to range increment 25 75%
Engineered Panacea.G Remove damage or various conditions
Electronic Devices
+1 equipment bonus 15 50% based on your Heal check.
+2 equipment bonus 20 75% Flux Fork.S Special tuning fork softens earth and stone, slows
+3 equipment bonus 25 99% earth creatures.
Vehicles Full-Body Corset.L Uncomfortable clockwork clothing
+1 on initiative checks 20 50% grants a +5 bonus to Disguise checks.
+1 to maneuver 25 75%
Furnace Kindler.L Cone deals 1d6/level fire damage (max
+2 to maneuver 30 99%
The modifications take 1 hour, and the character can’t take Goggles of Acuity.L Search grants synergy to Sense Motive,
10 or take 20 on this check. If the check succeeds, the effect of the Spot, and Demolitions (instead of Appraise, as noted in the
improvement lasts for a number of minutes equal to his Shadow device’s description).
Technologist class level, beginning when the object is first put into Helm of Cogitative Stimulation.L +1 on one attack roll,
use. The Shadow Technologist selects the single improvement he saving throw, or skill check.
wants to make prior to making the check. After the duration of the Icebound Barricade.S Fills 20-foot radius spread with sticky,
effect ends, the machine reverts to its previous state and a repair freezing strands.
chance percentile roll is made. The result of this roll indicates Imperial Army Service Widget.G Helpful construct carries
whether the machine requires repairs before it can be used again. tools and aids the technologist.

Iron Grub Pod.G Burrowing constructs deal 1d4 Dalyrimple’s Lucent Lance.L Laser sidearm deals 1d6/3
Constitution damage every round. levels as a normal weapon.
Jabberblaster.S Loud noise deafens unprotected creatures. Dark Matter Pall.L Cloud of opaque matter hampers vision
Jonnetype Synaesthesiagraph.G Records everything in a 20- and movement.
foot radius for later playback. Dark Matter Reaver.S Projectile does 1d6/level slashing and
Knife Spider.S Thrown weapon deals 1d6 + 1/level damage, cold damage, may blind.
attacks as Small animated object. Defensive Kinetic Shield.L Energy forcefield absorbs attacks,
Magnificent Pitch Hurler.G Deals 1d6 fire damage/level in a adds to your AC.
20-foot radius. Duodimensional Lash.S Glowing filament inflicts 1d6+1/
Menschausen Dolls.G Tiny constructs briefly lift and level Constitution drain.
animate nearby objects. Goggles of X-Ray Vision.S You can see through walls and in
Mindfire Poison Injector.G Poison hinders or harms victim darkness.
according to your activation level check. Kinetic Barrier-Layer.L Invisible wall of kinetic force is
Nocturnal Goggles.L You gain 60-foot darkvision. immune to damage.
Photon Scattering Shield.L Burst of light forces miss chance, Magnetosonic Waveform Pulse Generator.S Energy wave
dazzles attackers. scans terrain around you out to 1 mile/level or 100 feet/
Silt Wall.L A dust cloud arises around you, providing level.
concealment. Mercuric Blade.L You wield a morphic blade of silvery metal
Splendiferous Scientific Wonder.S Fancy device fascinates against your foes.
creatures with a lower Charisma. Metabolic Interdiction Field.L Field slows, weakens, and
Spring-Heeled Jackboots.L Wearer gains a bonus on Jump eventually kills living creatures.
checks. Monroe’s Proactive Weathervane.G Weather control device
Steamplunker.S Hurls small items far and with great force. that affects a wide area.
Stickyfoam Neutralizer.S Fires a blob of ooze that entangles Offensive Kinetic Shield.L Creatures attacking you take
and blinds an opponent. force damage; you are protected against force damage.
Technologist’s Familiar.L Tiny construct obeys simple Scathing Shardsprayer.L Powerful acid deals 2d6 continuing
commands. damage in a burst.
Tullius’s Miraculous Vitamin Supplement.L Injection Space-Warp Modulator.G Warped space increases distance to
grants 1d10 temporary hit points, +1/level (max +10). you and shortens it from you.
Unctuous Bubbler.S Makes creatures and objects in a 10-foot Terrain Attunement.L Chemical treatment regimen aids in
radius slippery. wilderness survival.
Vitriol Projector.S Ranged touch attack; 1d6 damage for 1 Umbral Heart Cloak.S You are invisible, even in combat.
round + 1 round per three levels. Verbal Weirding Module.S Spread deals 1d6 sonic damage/
Voltaic Coil.G Deal 1d6 electricity damage/2 levels at range, level; Speak Language adds to effect.
or 1d10/2 levels as a melee touch attack.
Wheedling Stone.S Hypnotic stone makes one person your ARTIFACTS
friend. Caesura Weapon.S Collapses space/time in a 10-foot cube,
Zephyr Hammer.S Wind blows away or knocks down smaller trapping foes and bypassing barriers.
creatures. Coil of Possibilities.L,X Duplicates the effects of any gadget
or technology.
TECHNOLOGIES Cross-Phasic Cloak.L Subject can partially phase out of this
Argent-Chain Widgets.S Drones deal 1d6 electricity damage/ plane of existence at will.
level in line between them. Jonnetype Synaesthenic Projector.L Makes terrain appear to
Atomic Discombobulator.G Green ray disintegrates target have different structures or natural features.
creature or object. Spark Manufactory.L,X You can craft permanent constructs
Clockwidget Fabrication Gantry.L Creates permanent to serve you.
clockwork or robotic soldiers. Worm Gauntlet.L Teleporter puts enemies through the
wringer for 1d6/level damage.

Appendix B:
Tullius Carens
This section fully details a sample technologist NPC. Where and construct companions Tullius can act as the villainous
Prentice Cogitens (in Chapter Two) is meant to help you when you mastermind of a whole campaign arc or as the mysterious but more
have need of a more iconic technologist, Tullius provides a way to or less altruistic benefactor of a university or other organization
introduce technology into your campaign in one of a variety of dedicated to work in the sciences. At this level Tullius is a true
ways. He is thus much more fleshed out in his presentation. player in various political arenas and can orchestrate any of the
technological introduction scenarios discussed in Chapter One.
Using Tullius Carens in Your Game Whatever force was responsible for the destruction of the Carens
Tullius Carens is presented here at levels 4, 8, and 12. At family (for good or ill) presents a powerful and shadowy opponent
each level a brief history of Tullius’s life up to that point, some to technological progress, and encounters with these mysterious
notes on his appearance and combat tactics, and guidelines for beings could lead to Tullius becoming either a crucial ally or a
how PCs can go about purchasing his services are provided. You hated enemy of the PCs.
can use Tullius in your campaign as a colorful NPC merchant if
you wish, but each level of his career also offers a different way to Tullius, the Wandering Tinker
introduce the technologist class and its signature devices into an Tullius Carens is the scion of a family of arcane scholars, but
ongoing campaign or into the background history of a setting or he is also their very own prodigal son. Tullius was raised with the
of a particular character, either a PC or an NPC. finest tutors and in the best schools but never paid a great deal of
At 4th level, Tullius is a simple merchant, not embroiled attention to his studies until he discovered a strange clockwork
in any of the large-scale consequences of introducing fantasy creature locked away in the closets of one of his wizardly mentors.
technology into the campaign. He makes for a fine, if distant, Although the talented sage and arcane scholar had proven
mentor to a beginning PC technologist or a quiet source of device incapable of restoring the device to functioning order, something
designs if technologists are not common in the campaign or if about it captivated Tullius’s attention. After many nights of
you want to keep their profile low. You can also use Tullius as a unsanctioned study Tullius finally unlocked the mechanical
more or less unique individual who can provide an explanation familiar’s secrets. When his mentor discovered Tullius had been
for why there is only a small number of technologists around. tampering with his discarded research projects, he sent a testy
In this scenario Tullius is the inventor (or rediscoverer) of letter home to the Carens family patriarch. Tullius responded by
technological devices and the methods of their creation and any defending the value of his discoveries and was soon embroiled
PC technologists are among his few students. in a heated exchange of letters with almost every member of his
At 8th level, Tullius is at the center of a significant mercantile family, many of whom strongly disapproved of any deviation
concern, and this fountainhead of commerce and trade can cause from the path of the mage.
the rapid dissemination of fantasy technology if you so desire. This war of words culminated in an open challenge from
In this case, the Clanking Emporium simply shows up one day Tullius’s elder brother, who attempted to enforce his father’s
and leaves a trail of budding technologists in its wake. As Tullius edicts. After nearly coming to blows with his own brother Tullius
himself discovers, this combination of money and scientific packed up his books and a few simple mechanical contrivances
knowledge also makes for a potentially volatile social situation, and vanished without warning his family or informing them of
and the Emporium and its master can serve to introduce fantastic his plans. Tullius does not know how the rest of the Carens family
technology into the setting in a way that encourages the PCs to feels about his decisions, but they have not yet sought him out
take notice of it and to get involved in the impending crisis. Even and he has no intention of returning to the fold.
if none of the PCs decide to pursue scientific studies, Tullius and Tullius wanders in search of the scattered clues that will
his problems still make for an excellent plot device. lead him to further mastery of the devices he loves. He has even
At 12th level, Tullius is a more conspiratorial figure who uses begun to branch out and conduct his own medical researches, a
his influence to gather information and encourage the spread field even the arcane magic of his tutors was weak in. One of his
of technology. Though not truly evil (unless you make him secret vices as a businessman is that he will provide healing free
so), Tullius does bear a grudge against magic-users, and arcane of charge to needy individuals (provided they don’t spread news
spellcasters in particular. With his variety of cohorts, followers, of his generosity overmuch).

Tullius avoids his former homeland, traveling widely and TULLIUS CARENS CR 4
working as a wandering craftsman and tinker. In this job he Human technologist 4
makes a barely passable living providing alchemical concoctions CG Medium humanoid
and simple metal implements to adventurers and common folk Init +0; Senses Spot +1, Listen +1
alike. Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome,
Halfling, Undercommon
APPEARANCE AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
Tullius Carens is a tall young man with aquiline features and hp 20 (4 HD)
a ready grin. He has not yet lost his longstanding habit of habit Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5
of wearing the fine clothing of the upper classes, and his garb Speed 30 feet (6 squares)
consists of a weird hodgepodge of fine robes and courtier’s outfits Melee dagger +2 (1d4–1, 19–20/×2)
modified by a clumsy tailor to be more practical while traveling. Ranged light crossbow +3 (1d8, 19–20/×2, 80 feet) or ranged
Tullius also wears a pair of bulky gold-rimmed spectacles at all touch +3
times and fiddles with a number of dials and settings on the frame Base Atk +3; Grp +2
of the lenses when he is nervous. The wandering tinker is always Combat Gear flask of acid, flask of alchemist’s fire, tanglefoot
accompanied by Ratchet, the technologist’s familiar whose discovery bag, thunderstone
and restoration led to Tullius’s rebellion from his family several Technologist Devices (AL 4th, 55 APs, DC 15):
years ago. This beetle-like construct is masterfully fashioned T(l) – Tullius’s morphological diagnostician
from a sleek, black metal but is often completely concealed under G(s) – knife spider, professional’s satchel (for Profession
the massive weight of equipment and saleable items that Tullius [shopkeeper]), splendiferous scientific wonder, Tullius’s
carries with him in his travels. efficacious nostrum
G(l) – alchemical assayer, caloric control mantle, determent spring,
SERVICES RENDERED neural lancet, technologist’s familiar, voice sweetener
PCs can peruse Tullius’s shop, which offers a number Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 14
of useful household items, including small knives, artisan’s SQ craft points (850), expert
tools, and the like as well as a small selection of more powerful Feats Lightning Reflexes, Negotiator, Skill Focus (Heal)
alchemical formulae. Tullius will sell any alchemical item he Skills Appraise +10 (+2 for alchemy, metalworking, and high
has on hand for its market value and also accepts commissions technology, +2 for small, detailed items), Concentration
for items he does not have readily available, assuming that he +4, Craft (alchemy) +12, Craft (metalworking) +9, Craft
plans to stay in the area long enough to complete the item. For (technology) +12, Diplomacy +9, Heal +11 (+2 with
a 25% increase in a commissioned item’s healer’s kit), Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +6,
market price Tullius will instead use his Knowledge (geography) +6, Profession (shopkeeper) +8,
craft points and cobble an item together Sense Motive +9, Speak Language 4 ranks
out of the various components he has on Possessions Combat gear plus dagger, light crossbow and
hand. Items crafted in this way are generally 10 bolts, 3 vials of antitoxin, 2 smokesticks, 3 sunrods, 4
reliable, but sometimes have surprising tindertwigs, 5 alchemical assayer uses, 10 doses of Tullius’s
effects. Tullius listens eagerly to reports of efficacious nostrum, Huewar’s handy haversack, 200 gold pieces’
any unexpected outcomes resulting from worth of assorted metal tools and minor alchemical items,
using his creations and PCs who report any 12 gp
such anomalies to him receive 50% off their Carried by Ratchet alchemist’s lab, healer’s kit, magnifying
next purchase. glass, mwk metalworker’s tools (high-quality), mwk
PCs can also receive healing from technologist’s tools (high-quality)
Tullius, courtesy of his efficacious nostrum, or PC Gear As above, plus bracers of armor +1, cloak of resistance +1,
have a strange substance or item identified and 2 potions of cure light wounds
by means of Tullius’s alchemical assayer.
These services both cost 100 gold pieces.
Tullius will use his Heal skill to help anyone
who comes to him badly injured. He will
not provide long-term care, however — he’s
far too busy traveling, peddling his wares,
and pursuing leads in his research.

RATCHET (CARRYING GEAR) CR — Tullius, Master of the Clanking Emporium
Technologist’s familiar As Tullius’s travels began to take him further and further from
N Tiny construct the lands he grew up in his knowledge of the arts and sciences of
Init +2; Senses Spot –5, Listen –5, darkvision 60 feet, low-light dozens of cultures steadily increased. The greatest breakthrough
vision came with the discovery of the wondrous clockwidget fabrication
Languages none; understands master gantry and the construction of the Emporium Clanks, immense
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11 mechanical crawlers that can transport a fantastic amount of
hp 6 (½ HD); hardness 10 cargo and move tirelessly over the most inhospitable terrain. These
Immune construct traits wonders brought Tullius fame and fortune wherever he went —
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will –5 no longer could he pretend to be a simple tinker or wandering
Speed 40 feet (8 squares) merchant. With this fame came hangers-on and for the first
Melee slam +1 (1d3–1, ×2) time Tullius found dozens of merchants willing to join him in
Space 2½ ft.; Reach 0 ft. various extremely lucrative enterprises. Tullius’s mercantile and
Base Atk +0; Grp –9 technological success as the master of the Clanking Emporium
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1 increased rapidly over the next several years, and in the tumult
SQ construct traits he almost forgot about his trials with the Carens family and his
older brother. All told, life was good.
RATCHET (COMBAT MODE) CR — Along with the merchants, students came, and Tullius was
Knife spider joined by a constantly shifting roster of students eager to learn
N Small construct the secrets of technology. Wide travel led to wide dissemination
Init +1; Senses Spot –5, Listen –5, darkvision 60 feet, low-light of knowledge, and Tullius has become one of the most famous
vision masters of the craft almost overnight. Tullius has also begun to
Languages none; understands master actively advocate for the spread of technological knowledge and
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 has laid tentative plans for a great academy of learning in a major
hp 19 (1 HD); hardness 10 city of the realm.
Immune construct traits Tullius’s rise to fame and to a position of authority eventually
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will –5 brought him once more to the attention of House Carens, and the
Speed 50 feet (10 squares) technologist and his erstwhile clan have skirmished in a number
Melee slam +1 (1d4, ×2) of political battles in the recent past. Many onlookers believe
Base Atk +0; Grp +3 some kind of confrontation between the wizardly old guard
Atk Options attach and Tullius’s new school of thought is inevitable. Tullius seems
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1 to derive an almost perverse enjoyment from these ideological
SQ construct traits conflicts with his own flesh and blood and has gained a somewhat
shady reputation among the stodgier established power centers
TACTICS as a result. This notoriety has not kept him from using his
Tullius is not terribly fond of combat but if forced to defend blossoming wealth and influence to mastermind a number of
himself he does so vigorously. His first action in any combat is to public projects intended to increase the quality of education and
order Ratchet to drop any gear the technologist’s familiar is currently standard of living in the settlements that lie most directly on his
carrying and move to defend him. The construct then uses the aid trade routes.
another action to increase Tullius’s AC. If possible, Tullius will
use his splendiferous scientific wonder, neural lancet, and alchemical APPEARANCE
items to disable his attackers and make a quick getaway, but if Tullius has traveled far from his roots but he retains his
this fails or if he is sorely pressed he activates his morphological youthful good looks. These handsome features are reinforced
diagnostician and attempts to analyze the most vulnerable-looking by a reclaimed habit of dressing luxuriously; Tullius’s tailor has
opponent as he recalls Ratchet to his hand. With an average Heal much improved since the early years. Of late, he has also acquired
check the morphological diagnostician grants Tullius sneak attack an almost palpable force of personality that compels the respect
+2d6. The next round, Tullius activates Ratchet as a knife spider of those around him. Tullius still keeps Ratchet around as a loyal
(this is the familiar’s combat mode) and throws the newly-deadly servant and is also accompanied by a pair of Emporium Clanks,
at a nearby target, hopefully dealing sneak attack damage to a enormous centipede-like constructs weighed down with heavy
dazed or hypnotized target. Tullius uses his light crossbow and armor plating and a caravan’s worth of goods. It is the presence
neural lancet with impunity against targets locked in a grapple of these colorfully-decorated machines that tells strangers that
with Ratchet — the construct is impervious to errant crossbow they are in the presence of a merchant of a different sort.
bolts and the dazed condition inflicted by the lancet.

SERVICES RENDERED levels with an exceptional roll. Each use of the engineered panacea
Tullius typically travels with a large and particularly costs the customer 50 gold pieces or 75 gold if Tullius must make
well-stocked mercantile group, and PCs visiting the Clanking use of his diagnostician as well. Tullius can also neutralize poison
Emporium can find a huge variety of goods available for sale in or on a subject by means of his bio-reactive theriac, and charges
amongst the wares of merchants less well-known than Tullius 750 gold pieces to do so.
himself. If the players wish to go shopping, the Clanking Tullius’s most precious technologies, his clockwidget
Emporium includes between 50 and 300 merchants, caravan fabrication gantry and his formula for aqua venusitas major, are
guards, animal handlers, and assorted travelers at any given time. only made available to his most trusted customers — a privileged
The Emporium has a GP limit of 1,000 gold pieces in communities condition that can only be attained via a DC 30 Diplomacy check
of small town size or smaller and the community’s standard or long-standing status as a trustworthy client. Tullius still has
GP limit in larger settlements (see DMG page 137). A number 8 Hit Dice remaining in his maintenance limit for the clockwidget
of more expensive items are also available, but the selection fabrication gantry and will build constructs for trusted customers
fluctuates constantly and no particular item is readily available at a cost of 100 gold pieces per Hit Die of the construct. This price
as are more inexpensive goods. The Emporium has 10d10 x 1,000 does not include any masterwork components that are also to be
gold pieces in ready cash at any given time and thus represents added to the construct. Tullius makes no promises that these
quite a dramatic display of wealth and commerce in the smaller constructs will remain functional forever, and indeed there is a
settlements it does business with. 5% noncumulative chance each week that any given construct will
Tullius himself, whether accompanied by secondary break down as Tullius moves his energies on to other projects.
merchants or not, is a ready source of potions, minor magical Tullius formulated the aqua venusitas major exclusively for his own
items, alchemical concoctions, and finely-crafted mechanical use, but he is willing to fashion a dose for another individual
devices. Tullius’s standard wares include masterwork artisan’s in exchange for a payment of 32,000 gold pieces. The enhanced
tools and similar high-quality metal implements, a number of the treatment (which grants a +6 enhancement bonus to the subject’s
more commonly-requested magical potions, and several samples Charisma score) is also available for an additional 40,000 gold
of every alchemical item listed in the PHB as well as a number of pieces.
more exotic creations; thus, Tullius will generally have whatever
most of his customers want ready at hand. Tullius has also begun TULLIUS CARENS CR 8
to make a name for himself as a master metalworker and alchemist Human technologist 8
and he will use his craft points to produce rare and special items CG Medium humanoid
on commission for the item’s market price. He enjoys the challenge Init +0; Senses Spot +1, Listen +1
of creating a new alchemical substance to a buyer’s specifications, Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome,
however, and characters who get on his good side (with a DC 20 Halfling, Undercommon
Diplomacy check or good roleplaying) can expect a 25% discount AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10
on custom orders if they promise to send word regarding the item’s hp 38 (8 HD)
performance in the field. Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +7
Tullius’s technological resources have also increased Speed 30 feet (6 squares)
in potency and variety. However, due to the political uproar Melee dagger +5/+0 (1d4–1, 19–20/×2)
surrounding his use of such devices, only characters that Tullius Ranged mwk light crossbow +7/+2 (1d8, 19–20/×2, 80 feet) or
trusts (due to a DC 20 Diplomacy check or other factors) will be ranged touch +6
offered activations of his devices. Tullius will use his alchemical Base Atk +6; Grp +5
assayer to identify items brought to him for 100 gold pieces, Atk Options Point Blank Shot
although particularly powerful magical items may be too difficult Combat Gear flask of acid, flask of alchemist’s fire, tanglefoot
for him to correctly identify. He will also offer a dose of his bag, thunderstone
miraculous vitamin supplement to a character who expects to have a Technologist Devices (AL 8th, 195 APs, DC 17):
hard day and could use the extra temporary hit points, which last T(s) – aqua venusitas major, bio-reactive theriac
for 8 hours or until expended. Healing of simple hit point damage T(l) – clockwidget fabrication gantry, Tullius’s morphological
is also available for 50 gold pieces in the form of an injection of diagnostician
Tullius’s efficacious nostrum. More serious maladies can be rectified G(g) – engineered panacea, magnificent pitch hurler, philter
through the use of the engineered panacea — with an average Heal fermenter
check, Tullius can restore lost hit points up to his activation level G(s) – jabberblaster, knife spider, professional’s satchel (for
or remove the fatigued, shaken, deafened, or dazed conditions. If Profession [shopkeeper]; grants +10 competence to a
required Tullius will also activate his morphological diagnostician to single check), splendiferous scientific wonder, steamplunker,
gain a +5 insight bonus to his Heal checks, allowing him to remove Tullius’s efficacious nostrum (+50% normal healing)
the nauseated, blinded, or stunned conditions with an average G(l) – alchemical assayer, caloric control mantle, determent spring,
Heal check and 1d4 points of ability damage or 1d2 negative neural lancet, technologist’s familiar, Tullius’s miraculous

vitamin supplement (4d6 + level temp hp), voice sweetener RATCHET (COMBAT MODE) CR —
Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 13, Cha 18 Knife spider
SQ aqua venusitas major (+4 enhancement bonus to Charisma), N Small construct
craft points (3,687), expert, master of gadgetry (professional’s Init +1; Senses Spot –5, Listen –5, darkvision 60 feet, low-light
satchel, Tullius’s efficacious nostrum, Tullius’s miraculous vitamin vision
supplement) Languages none; understands master
Feats Lightning Reflexes, Negotiator, Point Blank Shot, Skill AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12
Focus (Heal) hp 23 (1 HD); hardness 10
Skills Appraise +13 (+2 for alchemy, metalworking, and high Immune construct traits
technology, +2 for small, detailed items), Concentration Fort +0, Ref +1, Will –5
+5, Craft (alchemy) +15, Craft (metalworking) +10, Craft Speed 50 feet (10 squares)
(technology) +16, Diplomacy +12, Heal +15 (+2 with Melee slam +1 (1d4, ×2)
healer’s kit), Knowledge (architecture and engineering) Base Atk +0; Grp +7
+10, Knowledge (geography) +10, Knowledge (nobility and Atk Options attach
royalty) +9, Profession (shopkeeper) +12, Search +3 (+2 to Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1
find secret doors and compartments), Sense Motive +12, SQ construct traits
Speak Language 4 ranks, Spellcraft +4, Survival +1 (+2 to
avoid natural hazards and getting lost) EMPORIUM CLANK (2) CR —
Possessions Combat gear plus dagger, mwk light crossbow Clockwidgets
(balanced) and 10 bolts, 5 vials of antitoxin, 2 smokesticks, N Huge construct
3 sunrods, 5 alchemical assayer uses, 10 doses of Tullius’s Init –1; Senses Spot –5, Listen –5, darkvision 60 feet, low-light
efficacious nostrum, 10 doses of Tullius’s miraculous vitamin vision
supplement, Huewar’s handy haversack, 200 gold pieces’ worth Languages none; understands master
of assorted metal tools and minor alchemical items, 57 gp AC 20, touch 7, flat-footed 20
Carried by Emporium Clanks alchemist’s lab, healer’s kit, hp 84 (8 HD); hardness 10
magnifying glass, mwk metalworker’s tools (high-quality), Immune construct traits
mwk technologist’s tools (high-quality), 3,000 gold pieces’ Fort +2, Ref +1, Will –3
worth of assorted metal tools, alchemical items, and Speed 30 feet (6 squares)
potions Melee slam +3 (2d6+7, ×2)
PC Gear As above, plus bracers of armor +2, cloak of resistance +2, Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
headband of intellect +2, 5 potions of cure light wounds, ring of Base Atk +6; Grp +19
protection +1, ring of sustenance; add masterwork component Abilities Str 20, Dex 8, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1
(balanced) to technologist’s familiar and knife spider, add SQ construct traits, masterwork components (heavy, multiple
masterwork component (trample special ability) to both legs)
Emporium Clanks. Possessions banded mail barding
Masterwork Components The Emporium Clank is particularly
RATCHET CR — sturdy compared to other clockwidgets of its size, and gains
Technologist’s familiar a +1 enhancement bonus to its natural armor. In addition,
N Tiny construct the Clank has numerous segmented legs, increasing its
Init +2; Senses Spot –5, Listen –5, darkvision 60 feet, low-light speed.
Languages none; understands master TACTICS
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 Tullius has grown somewhat more comfortable with the idea
hp 10 (½ HD); hardness 10 of engaging in combat — his volatile political stance and travels to
Immune construct traits ever more distant lands mean that he must be prepared for violent
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will –5 confrontation when such becomes necessary. Tullius’s preferred
Speed 60 feet (12 squares) tactics revolve around the tough and densely-armored Emporium
Melee slam +1 (1d3–1, ×2) Clanks. Though their bulky armor plating makes them clumsy
Space 2½ ft.; Reach 0 ft. in combat, they are still very large and quite capable of grappling
Base Atk +0; Grp –9 with an opponent to bear it down. Due to their hardness and
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1 high hit points, Tullius does not hesitate to catch the Clanks in
SQ construct traits the area of effect of his magnificent pitch hurler or to use the Huge
constructs as cover against ranged attacks. Tullius keeps Ratchet
by his side at all times, and the little construct does its best to

interpose itself between its master and incoming attacks by taking that a member of his own family, and perhaps even his own
the aid another action to increase Tullius’s AC whenever possible. brother, turned to dark deeds in the political and ideological
Tullius knows that he does not have the ability to survive in a struggles over the place of science and technology. Every day
protracted struggle and will use his jabberblaster and splendiferous Tullius moves closer to a confrontation with an enigmatic foe
scientific wonder to sow confusion and escape if need be. Tullius and of his friends and allies only the fiercely loyal Ceryl continues
will not hesitate to retreat and use his numerous healing devices to have complete faith in his quest. The others have begun to fear
to quickly recuperate from damage if necessary — he knows he can the day that Tullius goes too far in the name of vengeance against
always come back later with even more constructs and humanoid someone whose identity he does not even know.
allies at his side.
Tullius, Technological Conspirator Tullius looks much as he did earlier in his life, albeit with a
The confrontation with House Carens that Tullius was few more wrinkles and the first few gray hairs beginning to show.
secretly looking forward to eventually came to pass, but not in After his trials at Villa Carens, Tullius has been much less willing
the way in that anyone ever expected. On an otherwise normal to show himself in public. He habitually uses his hat of disguise to
day, Tullius received a letter, apparently from the Carens family completely alter his appearance or that of one of the Technologic
patriarch, summoning him to Villa Carens for a conference. Avatars. These artfully-constructed humanoid constructs act
Were it not for the sharp eyes and illicit skills of Tullius’s favorite whenever possible as bodyguards and disguised stand-ins for
student (and reputed paramour), the half-elf Ceryl Thaliol, the Tullius or Ceryl. With his increasing paranoia Tullius has taken
letter’s forged nature would never have come to light and Tullius to using his recently-purchased hat of disguise to regularly change
would have walked all unknowing into a deadly situation. Instead, minor features of his appearance — the exact shade of his hair, the
Tullius departed surreptitiously for the Carens estate wary of color of one eye or some almost unnoticeable feature of his build
danger and protected by Ceryl and the newly-created humanoid or clothing — in the belief that doing so unnerves those potential
construct bodyguards known as Technologic Avatars. enemies he deigns to meet with. Tullius still takes Ratchet with
By the time Tullius arrived, however, Villa Carens was devoid him whenever he is able and this habit may give characters a
of human life, without any apparent signs of a struggle. What clue as to the identity of someone who prefers to remain in the
Tullius and his party found instead was a haunted place that shadows. Tullius also maintains an improved version of his well-
had become a deadly labyrinth overnight. The now uninhabited known Emporium Clank and occasionally loans the construct
estate was protected by a number of strange and uncontrolled to his business associates when doing so seems wise or especially
undead creatures that nearly killed Tullius and Ceryl. Worse, profitable. In any case, the hulking machine makes a convincing
once the technologists penetrated into the laboratories beneath deterrent to violence.
the Villa they stumbled across evidence of sorcerous experiments Ceryl Thaliol, Tullius’s most loyal associate, frequently
apparently designed to destroy technologists and the devices they accompanies him. She is an unusually tall half-elf (standing a
rely upon. The implication was obvious: the Carens family had full five and a half feet tall) with soft features, flat blue eyes, and
been preparing to eliminate their technological rivals by force a hypnotic voice. She wears a light silk robe in a subdued grey
when some unknown disaster, possibly unrelated, struck them color to conceal her armor and the devices and weapon she carries
down or scattered them. But who had sent the forged letter, if with her at all times. Ceryl is capable of startling savagery and
not the family patriarch? Tullius’s elder brother, seeking revenge quickness of action when Tullius’s life or her own is threatened.
against the family embarrassment? One of Tullius’s political Other characters rarely know when they have encountered
or mercantile enemies, capitalizing on a horrible accident? Or Tullius’s lieutenant, however, as she spends much of her time in
some unknown and probably malevolent agent? Tullius has been the guise of one of various cover identities, a game at which she
unable to track down any member of the Carens family to learn is quite skilled. Only when in Tullius’s company and at ease with
more of the disaster; since the discovery of the abandoned and her surroundings does Ceryl neglect to wear some sort of disguise
undead-haunted estate his entire family seems to have simply or carry several weapons and devices for her protection.
Deeply shaken by his discoveries and by the questions that SERVICES RENDERED
still remained, Tullius retired from public life and has slowly built Tullius rarely travels with the Clanking Emporium anymore
up an extensive network of allies and informants that allows him and he leaves his less influential partners to handle the bulk
to efficiently pursue his search for his missing family members of the caravan’s business. However, the Emporium remains
and for the information he needs to avenge or punish them. in operation and has grown even more popular over time. The
Tullius is much less concerned with encouraging the growth of same sorts of items and goods are available from the Emporium
technology through education and generosity now than he was as noted above, except that the caravan’s gold piece limit has
before the incident, and he has steadily become more and more increased to 5,000 and the amount of ready cash it has on hand
obsessed with the identity of the mysterious creature or creatures now comes to 20d12 x 1,000 gold pieces. Tullius still maintains
that caused the disaster at Villa Carens. Tullius fears to discover strong ties to the Emporium and characters wishing to discover

his location and current activities often look there first; a DC 25 Base Atk +9; Grp +8
Gather Information check is sufficient to reveal some significant Atk Options Point Blank Shot
clue concerning Tullius’s current activities. Combat Gear flask of acid, flask of alchemist’s fire, tanglefoot
Tullius himself only rarely accepts commissions to use bag, thunderstone
his devices or produce specially-commissioned items on Technologist Devices (AL 12th, 405 APs, DC 22):
another individual’s behalf. Special alchemical and mechanical A(g) – worldwalker’s baton
commissions are still available to trusted associates, but only A(s) – Tullius’s swan song
for a 50% increase in the item’s usual market price. Convincing T(g) – Tullius’s potent catholicon, scuttlebug launcher
Tullius to use one of his devices requires a DC 30 Diplomacy T(s) – aqua intelligentiae major, aqua venusitas major, bio-reactive
check. Identification of an item or substance via the alchemical theriac
assayer costs 200 gold pieces. As Tullius’s medical knowledge has T(l) – clockwidget fabrication gantry, defensive kinetic shield,
improved so have his healing capabilities, and he is now able to metabolic interdiction field, Tullius’s morphological
offer the use of Tullius’s potent catholiCon — for 750 gold pieces diagnostician
Tullius will heal all ability score damage and drain, hit point G(g) – engineered panacea, magnificent pitch hurler, philter
damage, or adverse conditions a patient is currently suffering fermenter, velocious footgear
from, drawing from his available devices to do so. He no longer G(s) – jabberblaster, knife spider, professional’s satchel (for
offers the use of specific devices for healing purposes, instead Profession [shopkeeper]; grants +10 competence to a
choosing to charge a flat rate and guarantee results. single check), splendiferous scientific wonder, steamplunker,
Tullius’s most valuable devices are still his formulations Tullius’s efficacious nostrum (+50% normal healing)
of aqua major and his clockwidget fabrication gantry. Purchasing G(l) – alchemical assayer, caloric control mantle, determent spring,
the alchemical treatment necessary to grant a +4 enhancement neural lancet, photon scattering shield, technologist’s familiar,
bonus to Intelligence or Charisma requires a payment of 32,000 Tullius’s miraculous vitamin supplement (4d6 + level temp
gold pieces to Tullius and the extended treatment that provides hp), voice sweetener
a +6 enhancement bonus to either of these ability scores costs Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 22, Wis 13, Cha 18
an additional 40,000 gold pieces, for a total cost of 72,000 gold. SQ aqua intelligentiae major (+4 enhancement bonus to
Tullius is not generally willing to create customized clockwidgets Intelligence), aqua venusitas major (+4 enhancement bonus to
on commission anymore but he is willing to loan the use of a Charisma), craft points (11,375), expert
Technologic Avatar or Emporium Clank Mk II to another character Feats Leadership (cohort: Cerlyn Thaliol; score 17), Lightning
for 600 gold pieces per week of the loan, paid in advance. Reflexes, Negotiator, Point Blank Shot, Skill Focus (Bluff),
Tullius has also mastered and constructed a worldwalker’s Skill Focus (Heal)
baton, which allows instantaneous transportation to anywhere Skills Appraise +17 (+2 for alchemy, metalworking, and
on the same plane. Tullius’s possession of this device is not well high technology, +2 for small, detailed items), Bluff
known, however, and he definitely prefers it that way. Thus, +17, Concentration +9, Craft (alchemy) +20, Craft
Tullius will not offer to use the baton on another’s behalf unless (metalworking) +13, Craft (technology) +23, Diplomacy
they succeed at a DC 40 Diplomacy check or convince him of +20, Disguise +4 (+10 hat if disguise, +2 acting), Heal
their trustworthiness in some other very persuasive way. Using +19 (+2 with healer’s kit), Intimidate +9, Knowledge
the worldwalker’s baton costs Tullius roughly one-third of his daily (architecture and engineering) +15, Knowledge (geography)
activation points and therefore leaves him vulnerable to attack, +13, Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +15, Profession
so he typically asks a price of 4,000 gold pieces to open a gateway (shopkeeper) +12, Search +6 (+2 to find secret doors and
using the baton. compartments), Sense Motive +16, Speak Language 4 ranks,
Spellcraft +8, Survival +1 (+2 to avoid natural hazards and
TULLIUS CARENS CR 12 getting lost)
Human technologist 12 Possessions Combat gear plus dagger, mwk light crossbow
CN Medium humanoid (balanced) and 10 +1 bolts, 4 vials of antitoxin, 2
Init +0; Senses Spot +1, Listen +1 smokesticks, 3 sunrods, 5 alchemical assayer uses, 5 scuttlebug
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, launcher charges, 10 doses of Tullius’s efficacious nostrum, 10
Halfling, Undercommon doses of Tullius’s miraculous vitamin supplement, 5 doses of
AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10 Tullius’s potent catholicon, circlet of persuasion, hat of disguise,
hp 56 (12 HD) Huewar’s handy haversack, 200 gold pieces’ worth of assorted
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +9 metal tools and minor alchemical items, 69 gp
Speed 30 feet (6 squares) Carried by Emporium Clank Mk II alchemist’s lab, healer’s
Melee dagger +8/+3 (1d4–1, 19–20/×2) kit, magnifying glass, mwk metalworker’s tools (high-
Ranged mwk light crossbow with +1 bolts +10/+5 (1d8+1, 19– quality), mwk technologist’s tools (high-quality), 4,450 gold
20/×2, 80 feet) or ranged touch +9 pieces’ worth of assorted metal tools, alchemical items, and

potions Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
PC Gear As above, plus amulet of health +2, cloak of resistance Base Atk +9; Grp +22
+3, helm of telepathy, 5 potions of cure moderate wounds, ring Special Actions trample
of protection +2, ring of sustenance, robe of useful items; add Abilities Str 20, Dex 8, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1
masterwork component (balanced) to technologist’s familiar SQ construct traits, masterwork components (heavy, multiple
and knife spider, add masterwork component (balanced) to legs, trample)
both Technologic Avatars. Possessions mwk half-plate barding (custom fit, heavy)
Masterwork Components The Emporium Clank Mk II is
RATCHET CR — particularly sturdy compared to other clockwidgets of
Technologist’s familiar its size, and gains a +1 enhancement bonus to its natural
N Tiny construct armor. In addition, the Clank has more and sturdier legs
Init +2; Senses Spot –5, Listen –5, darkvision 60 feet, low-light than usual, increasing its speed and granting it the trample
vision special attack.
Languages none; understands master
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12 TECHNOLOGIC AVATARS (2) CR —
hp 14 (½ HD); hardness 10 Clockwidgets
Immune construct traits N Medium construct
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will –5 Init –1; Senses Spot –5, Listen –5, darkvision 60 feet, low-light
Speed 60 feet (12 squares) vision
Melee slam +1 (1d3–1, ×2) Languages none; understands master
Space 2½ ft.; Reach 0 ft. AC 22, touch 9, flat-footed 22
Base Atk +0; Grp –9 hp 86 (12 HD); hardness 10
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1 Immune construct traits
SQ construct traits Fort +4, Ref +3, Will –1
Speed 40 feet (8 squares)
RATCHET (COMBAT MODE) CR — Melee slam +14 (1d6+7, ×2)
Knife spider Base Atk +9; Grp +14
N Small construct Abilities Str 20, Dex 8, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1
Init +1; Senses Spot –5, Listen –5, darkvision 60 feet, low-light SQ construct traits, masterwork components (heavy, size
vision reduction ×2)
Languages none; understands master Possessions mwk chain shirt (custom-fit, heavy), mwk light
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 steel shield (custom-fit)
hp 27 (1 HD); hardness 10 Masterwork Components Technologic Avatars have
Immune construct traits an adamantine-laced structure, granting them a +1
Fort +0, Ref +1, Will –5 enhancement bonus to their natural armor. In addition,
Speed 50 feet (10 squares) these incredibly sophisticated clockwidgets feature
Melee slam +1 (1d4, ×2) extensive miniaturization of parts, and thus are two size
Base Atk +0; Grp +14 categories smaller than they would otherwise be.
Atk Options attach
Abilities Str 10, Dex 12, Con —, Int —, Wis 1, Cha 1 CERYL THALIOL CR 10
SQ construct traits Half-Elf rogue 6/technologist 4
CN Medium humanoid
EMPORIUM CLANK MK II CR — Init +6; Senses Spot +0, Listen +0; low-light vision
Clockwidget Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome,
N Huge construct Halfling, Undercommon
Init –1; Senses Spot –5, Listen –5, darkvision 60 feet, low-light AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 18; uncanny dodge
vision hp 47 (10 HD)
Languages none; understands master Immune sleep
AC 21, touch 7, flat-footed 21 Resist evasion
hp 106 (12 HD); hardness 10 Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +6 (+8 vs. enchantment)
Immune construct traits Speed 30 feet (6 squares)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will –1 Melee +1 rapier +11/+6 (1d6+1, 18–20/×2)
Speed 30 feet (6 squares) Ranged mwk composite shortbow +10/+5 with +1 arrows
Melee slam +6 (2d6+7, ×2) (1d6+1, 20/×3, 70 feet) or ranged touch +9

Base Atk +7; Grp +7 PC Gear As above, plus boots of elvenkind, circlet of persuasion, cloak
Atk Options sneak attack +3d6 of elvenkind, dust of appearance, dust of tracelessness, elixir of
Combat Gear antitoxin, tanglefoot bag, 5 cold iron arrows, 5 hiding, elixir of sneaking, gloves of Dexterity +2, ring of force shield;
alchemical silver arrows, 5 adamantine arrows, 2 potions of upgrade rapier to +1 and frost, upgrade amulet to +2
cure serious wounds, potion of fly, potion of invisibility, potion of
shield of faith +5 TACTICS
Technologist Devices (AL 4th, 55 APs, DC 15): Tullius refuses to go into battle without preparing
T(l) – metabolic interdiction field beforehand by activating his miraculous vitamin supplement and
G(g) – velocious footgear defensive kinetic shield. If necessary he will take the first two rounds
G(s) – knife spider, splendiferous scientific wonder, steamplunker, of combat to activate these devices. Tullius relies on his constructs
Tullius’s efficacious nostrum keep opponents busy, and positions them in the most defensible
G(l) – discourse replicator, neural lancet, photon scattering shield, locations even if doing so will limit their attack capabilities.
Tullius’s miraculous vitamin supplement, voice sweetener Once prepared for battle, Tullius uses his metabolic interdiction
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 18 field (to which the constructs are immune) and his scuttlebug
SQ aqua venusitas major (+4 enhancement bonus to Charisma), launcher to control the battlefield and weaken opponents until his
craft points (850), expert, half-elf racial traits, trap sense +2, Technologic Avatars and other allies can deal with any remaining
trapfinding threats. If Tullius takes more than half his maximum hit point
Feats Deceitful, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse, Weapon total in real damage he will try to flee or use his devices to heal
Focus (rapier) himself as required.
Skills Bluff +16, Craft (technology) +12, Disguise +11 (+10 hat Ceryl uses much the same tactics, frequently leading with her
of disguise, +2 acting), Diplomacy +22, Forgery +13, Gather metabolic interdiction field to confound and weaken targets while
Information +20, Hide +14, Intimidate +15, Knowledge she moves into position to make sneak attacks with her rapier
(local) +9, Move Silently +14, Search +12, Sense Motive +6, or shortbow. She uses her photon scattering shield and knife spider to
Speak Language 3 ranks protect herself and provide flanking opportunities and will also
Possessions Combat gear plus +2 chain shirt (custom-fit), +1 use her velocious footgear to rapidly escape or move into position
rapier (balanced), mwk composite shortbow (balanced) with to attack a weakened foe. Like Tullius, Ceryl is aware that she has
10 +1 arrows, amulet of resistance +1 (as cloak), hat of disguise, many additional resources to bring to bear if need be and will
disguise kit, masterwork technologist’s tools (high-quality), not risk her life unnecessarily — Ceryl flees or seeks healing from
masterwork forger’s tools (high-quality), 117 gp Tullius if she is reduced to one-third or less of her normal hit
point total.

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3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich
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EN Publishing.


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