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Market Insight Report

The true impact of

machine failure
in pharma

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Pharma Manufactu rin g: Ma rket In sigh t Report

The true impact of machine failure in pharma

Recent survey reveals gaps in pharma’s maintenance and reliability
programs — and how they’re holding the industry back

p Today’s pharmaceutical indus- hands-on with asset management, of heavy lifting. To that end, our
try is facing big expectations be it through plant floor oper- recent survey took a deep dive into
— and opportunities. ations, equipment purchasing, the state of machine maintenance
Tasked with developing and validation or maintenance, put and reliability in pharma plants to
manufacturing effective therapeu- greater emphasis on more specific uncover the true scope of failure and
tics and vaccines for an ongoing challenges, such as struggles with what that means for the industry.
global pandemic, the industry’s forecasting production and new
accomplishments have opened the technology adoption (Exhibit 1). LINK BETWEEN QUALITY
door to next-generation technol- In this complex sea of obstacles, AND MACHINE FAILURES
ogy. In the future, for example, zeroing in on the right initiatives As the pharma industry squares off
mRNA vaccines might inoculate that make the largest impact is cru- against well-established challenges,
against Zika or HIV and the cial to meeting goals. For pharma companies are finding themselves
technology could be applied to manufacturers, one area that evaluating countless new manufac-
hard-to-treat diseases like cystic touches all of these challenges is turing technologies and solutions.
fibrosis or cancer. On top of that, plant machinery. When machines In these scenarios, what business
remarkable progress has been made
in gene therapy — which holds the
potential to transform treatment of The right asset maintenance
debilitating diseases — and it’s now
the second largest class of drugs
and reliability strategy
in development. can move the needle for
In short: It is truly an exciting pharma manufacturers.
time to be in the pharma sector.
But as pharma sits on the precipice
of great advances, the industry is fail or underperform, productivity outcomes are they using to define
also facing great challenges. slows, workers become frustrated, success? The majority of survey
A recent industry survey con- delivery dates are missed, and respondents are looking to be more
ducted by Pharma Manufacturing supply chains suffer. productive and more efficient,
and Augury confirmed that supply The right asset maintenance and without sacrificing quality — in
chain disruptions, the workforce reliability strategy can move the fact, they expect to reduce qual-
skills gap and capacity constraints needle for pharma manufactur- ity issues.
are still top industry pain points. ers, helping them resolve major Over 64% of respondents spe-
Respondents who were more machine pain points without a lot cifically define technology success

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as a “reduction in QA/QC prob- EXHIBIT 1

lems.” This was tied with “increase What are the biggest challenges in your operation today?

in production capacity” for the GENERAL TRACK

top goal.
As the pharma industry
races to get products to market,

Forecasting production/scheduling
quality remains a high-stakes

Compliance & regulatory hurdles

Workforce skills gap/upskilling

area. Quality issues could have 40

Adopting new technology

serious regulatory and financial
Supply chain disruptions

Increased material costs

repercussions, and in a worst-

Capacity constraints
case scenario, could lead to 20
loss of human life. Even with
consistent, time-consuming
quality checks, issues persist
— hence the ongoing search 59% 31% 36% 27% 43% 36% 31%
for a way to reduce QA/
QC problems.
Our survey found a notable 75

connection between quality

Forecasting production/scheduling

issues and machine failure.

Compliance & regulatory hurdles

Workforce skills gap/upskilling

In fact, over 80% admit that 50
Adopting new technology

there is a link between quality

Supply chain disruptions

Quality control/waste

issues and asset malfunctions

Capacity constraints

or failures. And 28% of

respondents are seeing a high
correlation, admitting that
quality issues at their plants are
“often” or “very often” caused by 41% 57% 43% 38% 43% 46% 60%
machine failures.
So: Reduce machine failures and
you can reduce the incidence of
quality issues. But before we get unplanned downtime. Our survey least once per month. What’s worse
into how pharma is accomplishing revealed concerning numbers when is that over 40% say the disrup-
this, it’s important to examine the it comes to disruption frequency tions are happening on a weekly or
true scope of the problem. and duration. daily basis.
A shocking 63% of those work- Unfortunately, these aren’t fleet-
HOW BIG IS THE ISSUE? ing in equipment-related pharma ing disruptions either. Over 73%
A critical machine failure can jobs report that their sites experi- of respondents say that disrup-
bring an entire production line to ence unplanned downtime because tions persist for longer than just
a halt — a condition referred to as of an issue with a critical asset at a few hours. And almost half of

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respondents claim disruptions last about maintenance approaches, as a determining factor of when
for several days or even, weeks. the vast majority (over 84%) of machines need maintenance.
What is causing these machines survey respondents say they are Hence, plants that stay in this
to fail so frequently and extensively still implementing preventative preventative state may continue to
in pharma plants? Respondents maintenance at their facilities, run into obstacles when it comes
overwhelmingly attribute it indicating that they are not fully to deriving deeper insights from
to two types of problems — taking advantage of the benefits machine data. According to our
mechanical and operational. Half of real-time condition monitoring research, the biggest challenge
of respondents say they attribute (Exhibit 2). faced by pharma manufacturers
unplanned downtime to physical A more traditional method, when collecting data about assets is
deterioration of machines due preventative maintenance aims to understanding what action to take
to age or usage. Meanwhile, catch problems sooner by having from that data (Exhibit 3). This is
42% point to issues caused by workers perform maintenance closely followed by concerns over
operator error. tasks on a time-based schedule. accuracy of data and the time it
The issue though, is that most takes to collect data.
BRINGING PHARMA’S machine failures are difficult to In recent years, however, the
MAINTENANCE STRATEGIES predict solely using data such manufacturing world has seen
UP TO TASK as operating hours or life cycles an increase in a newer type of
A strong maintenance and reliabil-
ity program — especially one that EXHIBIT 2
includes real-time monitoring of What maintenance approaches does your company use?
assets — can reduce both mechan- 100
ical and operational errors, thereby
greatly cutting back the incidence
of machine failure.
Interestingly enough, 56% of
those surveyed believe their com- 60

pany has the ability to visualize the

real-time condition of critical assets 40
across all production sites.
But is this real-time visibility
into machine conditions being
utilized in plants’ maintenance and
reliability strategies? 0

Performing maintenance 26% 83% 25% 22%

Run to failure, Preventative Basic predictive Condition-
activities based on machine’s then repair the maintenance1 maintenance2 based predictive
real-time condition (rather failed asset maintenance3

than less reliable indicators like 1. Some scheduled, but mostly reactive, manual maintenance.
Typically time-based, route based, or threshold based
age) can eliminate unplanned 2. Periodic data and sensor analysis that allows some predictive maintenance capabilities

downtime. However, when asked 3. Real-time monitoring of asset condition used to detect malfunctions and plan maintenance

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maintenance strategy focused more
What are the biggest challenges you face when
on catching problems ahead of collecting data about your assets?
time: predictive maintenance. In

Having to shut down production or utility

a true condition-based predictive
model, internet-connected sen-

The time it takes to analyze the data

The time it takes to collect the data
Frequency of the measurements
sors are attached to equipment

Understanding what action(s) to

take once you have the data
to monitor key machine health 50

The accuracy of the data

data in real time. That data is
fed into a predictive mainte-
nance platform that applies data 25
analytics to identify red flags as

soon as they appear so that tech-
nicians can be alerted.
Our research indicates that 39% 47% 36% 50% 53% 36%

less than one quarter of pharma

plants have integrated a condi- downtime, maximize production and running. Our survey found
tion-based predictive method capacity and optimize the cost that 42% of pharma plants have
into their maintenance strategy of asset care. This enables main- planned shutdowns more than
(Exhibit 2). tenance and operations teams to once per year. An additional 36%
It is only by implementing this eliminate emerging issues, either have shutdowns on a yearly basis.
condition-based strategy that by optimizing production process The majority of plants use these
plants can take their predictive and control parameters, or by intel- shutdowns for major equipment
maintenance to the next level — ligently performing the correct maintenance, equipment check-ups
machine health. maintenance activities around the and general facility upgrades.
A more holistic production schedule. Machine health monitoring
approach, machine health uses Not only can machine health systems with advanced AI
IOT and AI to predict and reduce unplanned downtime, it can capabilities can diagnose machines
prevent machine failures, and also help make planned downtime in real time and provide predictive
improve machine performance, as quick and efficient as possi- insights about what exactly
so that manufacturers can reduce ble so machines can get back up needs to be fixed and when

Machine health uses IOT and AI to

predict and prevent machine failures
and improve machine performance.

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— enabling equipment experts to going on in specific plants as well have a big impact — eliminating
work smarter and faster during as across an entire enterprise. unplanned downtime, reducing
planned shutdowns. Standardizing a maintenance and quality issues and even speeding up
reliability strategy is important, but planned shutdowns.
PRIORITIZING MAINTENANCE standardizing the right strategy is The pharma industry is sitting
AND RELIABILITY IN PHARMA even more crucial. on the cutting edge of medical
When it comes to making true Leaving a preventative state in treatments – shouldn’t their main-
improvements to maintenance and favor of a conditions-based pre- tenance and reliability strategies
reliability strategies, both site-level dictive maintenance strategy can keep pace? p
buy-in and adoption across the
enterprise are essential. SURVEY DEMOGRAPHICS
In this regard, our survey found Survey results were fielded among Pharma Manufacturing readers in August
encouraging feedback from those 2021 using a web-based survey tool.
on both the general corporate level The survey received 150 total responses. Based on respondents’ self-re-
and those working in more opera- ported core job responsibilities they were separated into two different survey
tional-based roles. Almost everyone pathways: One specific to those in operations-based roles and one more general
surveyed noted the importance of to industry. 56 respondents indicated core responsibilities involved the following:
standardizing a global maintenance digital transformation; equipment validation; equipment evaluation or purchasing;
and reliability program across all plant floor manufacturing/operations; facility or equipment maintenance; asset
sites. On the corporate end, 79% or facility management. 94 respondents indicated core responsibilities involved
flag this mission as “critical” or the following: corporate management; QA/QC; packaging; plant engineering; IT;
“very important” while on the vendor management; regulatory compliance; consulting. In total, the breakdown
operations-side, 70% say the same. of how respondents characterized their companies was as follows: 36% gener-
The industry now has the tech- ics; 18% biopharma; 17% traditional pharma; 13% contract manufacturing; 6.5%
nology to use data from machines APIs/excipients; 6.5% fill/finish; 3% vaccine-makers.
to get better insight into what’s

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