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Maelilah C.



May 26,2021

The Corporation

The corporation was a fascinating documentary to be honest I don’t know much about business and
company law right now and I’m not sure if I’m convinced that corporations will inevitably behave badly.
On the other hand I recognize that corporations are designed to prioritize monetary profit over all else.
According to the documentary corporations must engage in perception management and public
relations. I believe that because corporations must maintain public trust and a positive image of their
brand in order to have sales and profit they must do at least some things to do demonstrate social
responsibility and environmental sustainability if the public is aware of the consequences. I believe that
this world have to go beyond lip service to social responsibility and while corporations would continue
to cause harm in order to profit they would also have to do some good for public relations especially if
there are whistleblowers and organizations out there keeping the public informed of what is going on. I
also believe that the people in charge of a corporation can try to set some positive goals for the
corporation, such that it can be profit driven while also for sustainability. I understand that shareholders
are only concerned with monetary value and profit but I believe that having positive image and meeting
sustainability goals are linked to profit if the consumer base demonstrates a willingness to purchase
products and services from socially responsible corporations. I’m inclined to believe that corporations
are not inherently psychopathic but that their structure leads to negative outcomes, and that
corporations can behave well if their vision is altered of the consumer base demands it if they are held
accountable for their actions and their actions are known they will need to demonstrate that they are
doing some good or not be held accountable. Which I truly focused my attention on also what I consider
the main agenda of the documentation is the corporation greed a corporation is a legal person or so I
thought. Revealed that a corporation is more of a legal beast whose main objective is to eat, eat the
consumer’s money. The common type of business organization is a corporation a corporation can own
property, open bank account, and conduct business in its own name. A corporation is run by a board of
directors which is a group of people who make decisions for the company their primary responsibility is
to make major business decisions and oversee the corporations general affairs corporation play a critical
role. Corporations play an important role in today’s society they provide jobs, benefits, and in many
cases a sense of security however people have believe that corporations have grown so large that they
have lost sight of their social responsibility to the people. Opponents of this viewpoint believe that
corporations do not have social responsibilities. These issues as well as many others are addressed by
the corporation this documentary does not paint a rosy picture of corporations it takes a more leftist
stance because it focuses solely on the negative aspects of corporations.

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