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Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations by providing such things as food
and education? Or is it the responsibility of the governments of poorer nations to look after their citizen


Poverty and lack of fundamental necessities are arguably the two major hurdles in holistic global progress as well
bringing economic parity between nations. It is a matter of debate that whether privileged countries should step
forward to support developing nations or this responsibility should be confined to respective ruling governments.
Although both the suggestions are strongly justifiable, my individual thoughts resonate with the latter viewpoint
primarily due to authoritative, democratic and decision-making privileges that the concerned governments enjoy.

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Firstly, being the supreme ruling authority, government of a country is ideally as well as legally bound to take all the
necessary initiatives which are in the interest of common man especially in terms of uplifting the standard of living
and by virtue of its authority, government has complete control on the resources of nation. Consequently, the onus of
utilizing the resources productively and sensibly is solely upon the government to eradicate poverty and speed up
economic progress. Moreover, it also has the complete financial control on all the revenue sources such as taxes,
tariffs and so on which is another significant reason to mount responsibility as citizens expect favourable economic
and financial policies to ease the burden of inflation and inability in accessing basic facilities. According to a survey by
Economic Times, 98% of government earning comes from tax collection. All these factors play a decisive role in
safeguarding interests of citizens.

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Furthermore, government comprise of elected representatives of public at large so it is also their democratic
responsibility to prioritize fulfilling expectations of their citizens which, for a poor country, would obviously be to pull
them out from poverty and facilitating a decent living. Lastly, there are high chances that the freedom of making
choices having global repercussions might slip away from the hands if a developing nation accepts assistance in any
manner from a financially powerful country and to oblige the supporter, it will always be bound to express consensus
in the matters of global concern with a potential risk of losing reputation of being an independent country. To cite an
example: According to a report by UNO, China has paid almost 80% of Sri Lanka’s global debt for exerting its dominance
and territorial control.


To conclude, disparity among the nations with respect to financial resources and lifestyle of dwellers can be mitigated
to a large extent if governments of the respective nation are entirely duty bound, honest and inclined towards making
their country progress across all domains.


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