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By Augustine Ogar
Department of Computer Science
Federal Polytechnic Bauchi

The invention of new technology and availability of high speed connection is playing a vital role in every aspect
of our daily lives. This advancement also brings a number of challenges, especially security related challenges.
The Blockchain technology, one of the most influential inventions in the last decade attracts attention for its
potential to provide security from supply chain management to shipping and other areas. The education sector
also needs to utilize the benefits that blockchain technology provides. Educational institutions especially tertiary
institutions are now eyeing to employ this application to improve teaching and learning activities and promote
collaboration among the stakeholders such as students, teachers and parents. It will also be used in e- transcripts,
digital degrees and certification, cloud storage, identity management. This on progress study discusses the
blockchain technology applications that can be maximized by the education sector.
KEYWORDS Result processing system (RPS), Block Hash Code (BHC), Number only once
(NONCE), Transaction Data (TD)

I INTRODUCTION ademic session examinations. Conducting of examina-

One of the largest investments in many organizations is tion is a crucial and complex job for the Institution of
the creation, maintenance, and retrieval of information. higher education Administration. Absolute confidenti-
It has been estimated that in an organization such as a ality has to be ensured. The admission of students into
tertiary educational community, information is highly various departments of the University has been increas-
essential for correct students’ record and examination ing at an accelerated rate and has now reached a posi-
data. Student’s Examination result is one of the most tion where it is very difficult for the available man-
important elements in schools. These data must be pro- power to cope with the magnitude of examination work,
cessed under critical management, while requiring sim- in the given time span thereby leading to delay in the
ple operations for processing the examination results. declaration of session results. An effective measure
Nowadays a lot of cases are coming up regarding cor- which can improve the efficiency of the result pro-
ruption in university results. Cases such as hacking into cessing system is the introduction of computerization.
system and changing results, false mark sheets, are be- This project provides a system that processes student’s
ing observed. Hence the aim is to develop a system results using blockchain technology and produces an
which would bring transparency in results of university. output with no manipulation from any source among the
In Nigerian Institution of higher education, the perfor- stakeholders in charge of results processing or auditing.
mance of students is based almost entirely on end-of ac- Education is a core area where development takes place
on different levels of education. Regardless of the

1|P a g e
marked allure in technology, there is however a desire chain technology has much more to offer and can actu-
for creating human recourses via learning, and block- ally revolutionize the field. According to Nespor (2018
chain makes this easier to achieve. Blockchain can be as cited in Ali, 2019), blockchain could undercut the ed-
employed within the automated result processing sys- ucational institutions’ central role as certification agents
tems of individual higher education institutions or and provide students with more learning opportunities.
groups of educational institution. In education sections,
critical of Undergraduates’ information are vital plus According to mayank sahu (2021) he described Block-
sensitive and to retrieval data of general administrative chain as a peer-to-peer network; the word blockchain is
background, learning and research maybe time consum- made up of two separate terms, ‘block’ and ‘chain’. A
ing that cased very problematic. In conventional educa- block being referred to a collection of data, alias data
tion framework, there is some of the challenges are re- records, and chain being referred to a public database of
sult processing. For result processing, blockchain tech- these blocks, stored as a list. These lists are linked using
nology gives a protected archive of such records, time- cryptography, making it the most essential and funda-
stepped can be a big assist for all stakeholders (admin- mental requirement for creating a blockchain. Block-
istration). chain is a growing list of records, and the blocks get ap-
Blockchain technology is one of the illustrious tech- pended to the list with time.
niques in the newest few years. One of the most im- A. Blockchain Concept Etymology
portant applications is securing data during Result Pro- In the research conducted (Obushnyi, Kravchenko,
cessing System (RPS).The features of blockchain are Khatskevych, Nekrasov, Frantsiian, 2020) explore the
readiness of sharing and visibility that are essential for origin of blockchain “The first references to the con-
any RPS. cepts close in their meaning to the Blockchain concept
are found in publications: 1991, Stuart Haber, W. Scott
II LITERATURE REVIEW Stornetta (“chain of time-stamps) and 2008, Satoshi
Nakamoto (“chain of blocks”). It is the work of Satoshi
Several efforts have been made to alleviate the burden Nakamoto that is considered the fundamental incentive
of result computation that is usually borne by examina- in the popularization of blockchain technology. But the
tion officers (in this case teachers) in the Nigeria clime. history of formation of the foundations of this technol-
Grey (2010 as cited in Oluwadamilare & Akhigbe, ogy began much earlier – in the 70’s of the twentieth
2020) observed that when results are processed manu- century.
ally, it may lead to the problem of computational error, Here are the works that underlie blockchain:
insecurity of results, untidy results after changes must ● 1977 – RSA, Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, Leonard
have been effected and excess work load on the exami- Adleman
nation officers and so on. For these reasons an effective, ● 1980 – Protocols for public key cryptosystems, Ralph
efficient and error free results processing system is re- Merkle
quired for proper result processing. Furthermore, de- ● 1983 – Ecash, anonymous cryptographic electronic
signing and implementing an integrated software for re- money, David Chaum
sult processing could minimize these problems. Pass- ● 1991 – How to time-stamp a digital document, Stuart
word was used to grant access to only authorized Haber, W. Scott Stornetta number of studiers and ex-
user(s). Corrections or changes are effected without perts consider this work to be one, where the prototype
making the work untidy. Also stress on examination of- of the Blockchain concept (called “chain of time-
ficers and computer operators will be greatly reduced. stamps”) has been described for the first time;
The application of blockchain to education is still in its ● 1992 – Improving the Efficiency and Reliability of
early stages. Only a small number of educational insti- Digital Time-Stamping, Dave Bayer, Stuart Haber, W.
tutions have started to utilize blockchain technology. Scott Stornetta
Most of these institutions are using it for the purpose of ● 1997 – Hashcash based on PoW, Adam Back
validating and sharing academic certificates and/or ● 1998 – B-money, Wei Dai
learning outcomes that their students have achieved ● 1998 – Bit gold, Nick Szabo
(Chen, Xu, Lu & Chen, 2018 as cited in Ali et-al, 2019). ● 1999 – Proofs of Work and Bread Pudding Protocols,
However, researchers in the field believe that block- Markus Jakobsson Ari Juels
● 2004 – Reusable Proofs of Work, Hal Finney
2|P a g e
● 2008 – Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash Sys- a lot of computing power, compete to validate the trans-
tem, Satoshi Nakamoto; (“chain of blocks” is men- actions by solving complex problems. The first miner
tioned) to solve the problems and validate the block receives a
The term Blockchain (“block chain”) was first used in reward. The landscape of the blockchain applications
November 7, 2008 by Hal Finney in the can be described with three major tiers, currencies,
mailing list (Bitcoin P2P e-cash paper, Hal Finney in smart contracts and decentralized autonomous organi-
his analysis of the Satoshi Nakamoto original work. zation system (DAOs), and it is discussed in the follow-
According to Merriam-Webster (2017, as cited in ing sections (Anastasios Kalogeropoulos, 2018).
Obushnyi et al, 2020), the emergence of the term Block- C. BLOCKCHAIN IN CURRENCIES
chain dates back to 2011, and in March 2011 Block- Blockchain is a decentralized record of and mechanism,, and block- to transfer value or ownership. That’s why it’s com- were registered. Thus, the analysis of the monly described as a public ledger. “There is a rela-
Blockchain concept etymology showed that it covers a tively simple conceptual mapping between cash and the
wide range of hypotheses of its emergence”. transfer of ownership on a blockchain,” Blockchain-
B. BLOCKCHAIN OVERVIEW based currencies are cryptocurrencies: The security and
Blockchain was first introduced as the underlying tech- supply of money is algorithmically controlled in a de-
nology of Bitcoin and its purpose was to provide a so- centralized manner. This means that currencies like
lution to the "double-spending" problem. It can be de- Bitcoin and Ether allow peer-to-peer transactions gov-
scribed as a peer-to-peer distributed ledger that is cryp- erned by a distributed and public ledger (Tonder, 2019).
tographically secure, append only, immutable and can D. BLOCKCHAIN IN SMART CONTRACT
be updated only via consensus among peers. The ledger Blockchain is ideal for storing smart contracts because
stores records of transactions between non-trusted of the technology’s security and immutability. Smart
anonymous participants in a network, referred to as contract data is encrypted on a shared ledger, making it
nodes. Rather than having a central administrator, the virtually impossible to lose the information stored in the
ledger is replicated across the entire network and once blocks. Flexibility is another advantage of blockchain
a transaction occurs every copy is updated, eliminating technology being incorporated into smart contracts. De-
the need of a third party to perform the task of validating velopers can store almost any type of data in a block-
the transaction. chain, and they have a wide variety of transaction op-
Transactions that occurred are grouped into blocks tions to choose from. Blockchain-based smart contracts
which are linked to form a chain and they are secured are helping make transactions and other business pro-
using cryptography. A block contains a timestamp, cesses more secure, efficient and cost-effective, thereby
transaction data and a hash of the previous block, thus reducing transaction costs (George Lawton, 2020).
creating a chain of blocks linked with each other as E. Blockchain in DAOs
shown in Figure 2.3.1. The term DAO stands for “decentralized autonomous
organization” and can be described as an open-source
blockchain protocol governed by a set of rules, created
by its elected members that automatically execute cer-
tain actions without the need for intermediaries. The
DAO’s rules are embedded into computer code, which
executes by itself based on the behavior of the protocol.
There is no need to interpret these program rules as they
are automatically implemented when the specified con-
ditions occur. Both the program rules and subsequent
actions are recorded on a transparent and secure block-
Figure 1 Structure of a generic blockchain. chain ledger, which cannot be tampered with thanks to
an immutable timestamp and the distribution of the in-
In order to add new blocks to the ledger, the transac- formation to the network participants (Vermaak, 2020).
tions need to be validated by the nodes within the net-
work. Miners, which are members in the network with

3|P a g e
Both private and public blockchains have drawbacks -
public blockchains tend to have longer validation times
for new data than private blockchains, and private
blockchains are more vulnerable to fraud and bad ac-
tors. To address these drawbacks, consortium and hy-
brid blockchains were developed.
3. Consortium Blockchains
Consortium blockchains are permissioned blockchains
governed by a group of organizations, rather than one
entity, as in the case of the private blockchain. Consor-
tium blockchains, therefore, enjoy more decentraliza-
Figure 2.2.3 Blockchain with the decentralization in tion than private blockchains, resulting in higher levels
various communication environments. Cited by Tuan- of security. However, setting up consortiums can be a
Vinh & Chien-Lung (2021). fraught process as it requires cooperation between a
number of organizations, which presents logistical chal-
F. TYPES OF BLOCKCHAINS lenges as well as potential antitrust risk (which we will
There are four types of blockchain structures ex- examine in an upcoming article). Further, some mem-
pounded in 2021 by wergrzyn & wang: bers of supply chains may not have the needed technol-
1. Public Blockchains ogy nor the infrastructure to implement blockchain
Public blockchains are permission less in nature, allow tools, and those that do may decide the upfront costs are
anyone to join, and are completely decentralized. Pub- too steep a price to pay to digitize their data and connect
lic blockchains allow all nodes of the blockchain to to other members of the supply chain.
have equal rights to access the blockchain, create new 4. Hybrid blockchains
blocks of data, and validate blocks of data. Hybrid blockchains are blockchains that are controlled
To date, public blockchains are primarily used for ex- by a single organization, but with a level of oversight
changing and mining cryptocurrency. You may have performed by the public blockchain, which is required
heard of popular public blockchains such as Bitcoin, to perform certain transaction validations. An example
Ethereum, and Litecoin. On these public blockchains, of a hybrid blockchain is IBM Food Trust, which was
the nodes “mine” for cryptocurrency by creating blocks developed to improve efficiency throughout the whole
for the transactions requested on the network by solving food supply chain.
cryptographic equations. In return for this hard work,
the miner nodes earn a small amount of cryptocurrency. G. BLOCKCHAIN IN EDUCATION
The miners essentially act as new era bank tellers that The application of Blockchain to education is still in its
formulate a transaction and receive (or “mine”) a fee for early stages. Only a small number of educational insti-
their efforts. tutions have started to utilize blockchain technology.
Most of these institutions are using it for the purpose of
2. Private (or Managed) Blockchains validating and sharing academic certificates and/or
Private Blockchains, which may also be referred to as learning outcomes that their students have achieved
managed blockchains, are permissioned blockchains (Chen, Xu, Lu & Chen, 2018 as cited in Ali et-al, 2021).
controlled by a single organization. In a private block- However, researchers in the field believe that block-
chain, the central authority determines who can be a chain technology has much more to offer and can actu-
node. The central authority also does not necessarily ally revolutionize the field. According to Nespor (2018
grant each node with equal rights to perform functions. as cited in Ali, 2021), blockchain could undercut the ed-
Private Blockchains are only partially decentralized be- ucational institutions’ central role as certification agents
cause public access to these blockchains is restricted. and provide students with more learning opportunities.
Some examples of private blockchains are the business- Student’s Examination result is one of the most im-
to-business virtual currency exchange network Ripple portant elements in schools. These data must be pro-
and Hyper ledger, an umbrella project of open-source cessed under critical management, while requiring sim-
blockchain applications. ple operations for processing the examination results.
The need for student to have access to their result on
4|P a g e
time and accurately cannot be overemphasized. Scores record of instructive achievement, open and dissemi-
from examination taken by student need to be returned nated over numerous institutions.
to the students to enable them know their performance 5. Educational Certificate
in the various courses written. Also, students need to Since most of the available instructive certificate ad-
know what courses they failed in order to retake the ex- ministration cannot ensure information security and re-
ams. Staff in charge of student result processing is bur- liability of the student information. Utilizing block-
dened with a lot of other academic works like lecturing, chain may overcome the trust issues but blockchain by
research, marking of exams and attending to other ad- itself has limitations that restrict its full implementation.
ministrative task. These other duties tend to affect the In blockchain limited throughput and access time is ob-
timely, efficient and accurate processing of results. served. To overcome the mentioned limitation and to
There are many areas of blockchain application in edu- answer certificate inquiry with exact information effi-
cation among them the following are considered in this ciently educational certificate blockchain (ECBC) was
study, which is the first phase of the main research. proposed. ECBC builds a tree structure (MPTChain)
These are: which provides an efficient answer for inquiry. Moreo-
1. Students’ learning progress record ver, it supports back chronicled exchanges inquiry of an
The blockchain can stores data in a database located in account.
different areas and it records data blocks in sequence
and also record the timestamps. The new data blocks Table I: Challenges of the case study existing student
cannot be alter or deleted. result processing system
2. Authenticated certification of learning results
Nowadays, the certification for online education has a Challenges Conception
problem because of the inefficient third-party agencies. Printed documents would
The solution to the problem is that blockchain technol- often and always get lost
ogy provides a simple, efficient certification of learning Poor Security of at each point in time.
results, like academic certification. The students’ certif- Documents Some of the documents
may even be destroyed
icates can be verified easily even if they are lost. The
external elements such as
blockchain uses an asymmetric encryption algorithm in termites and other in-
cryptography to ensure the security and credibility of sects.
the data. Intruders can have excess
3. Decentralized sharing of contents and other re- to the manual files and
sources that maybe the end of the
The blockchain application also provides execution au- documents.
tomatically and does not require third party verification. The time available to
In this regard the implementation of this system will process results makes the
simplify the transaction process, realize smart, auto- job tough for teachers.
mated and decentralized transactions and improve the Untimely Processing of The time is always short.
Results It often starts from the
overall security of the transaction.
end of a school examina-
4. Educational Record, Reputation and Reward tion till the day of vaca-
The blockchain itself is a disseminated record of ad- tion. This means that
vanced occasions, the dispersed agreement strategy to teachers would work
concur whether an unused square is authentic, robotized round the clock to ensure
keen contracts, and the information structure related the results are ready.
with each piece or not. A lasting disseminated record of Human errors dues to hu-
mental exertion and related reputational compensate, man fatigue are some-
based on the blockchain that instantiates and democra- times made. Therefore,
tizes instructive notoriety past the scholarly commu- Production of Inaccu- teachers may often make
rate mistakes when calculat-
nity. The trials of a private blockchain or putting away
Results ing the total scores of
instructive records, drawing too on our past inquire each student in a particu-
about into notoriety administration for instructive lar subject. They may get
frameworks. The first benefit is in giving a single secure the average scores and
5|P a g e
grades of a student’s re- Fig. 1: System Analysis Control Flow Diagram
sult wrong, and inaccu-
rate results will be re-
leased. System analysis as shown in fig 1 encompasses those
tasks that go into determining the needs or conditions to
be met for a new or altered product, taking account of
III METHODOLOGY the possibly conflicting requirements of the various
stakeholders, such as beneficiaries or users
Object-oriented analysis and design methodology
(OOADM) was adopted for this design. It is a popular
technical approach for analyzing and designing an ap- OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS
plication, system, or business by applying object-ori- In this stage, the problem is formulated, user require-
ented programming, as well as using visual modeling ments are identified, and then a model is built based
throughout the development life cycles to foster better upon real–world objects. The analysis produces models
stakeholder communication and product quality. The on how the desired system should function and how it
system was designed following the below OOADM must be developed.
stages /approach:
The requirement looked into includes:
a) Object-Oriented Analysis
b) Object-Oriented Design
Functional Requirement describes the use cases and ac-
tors that are found in the Enhanced Students Result Pro-
SYSTEM ANALYSIS cessing System. Each use case is described in details
with diagrams and tables in their respective module sec-
The requirement analysis encompasses those tasks that tion. These use case diagrams model the desired behav-
determine the needs or conditions to be met for a new ior of the system. The Functional requirement is cate-
product, taking into account the possible conflicting re- gorized in six (4) main modules:
quirements of the various stakeholders such as benefi-
1. Examiner User Requirement Module
ciaries or users.
2. Auditor User Requirement Module
Software requirement specification is a complete de-
scription of the behavior of the system to be developed. 3. Exams Officer User Requirements
It includes a set of used cases that describe all the inter- 4. Administrator User Requirement Module
actions that the users will have with the software.
Requirement analysis is the first stage in systems engi-
Examiner User Requirement Module
neering process and software development process
Examiner from various locations could login with their
details to perform some task with the outlined functions
 Login
 Upload Course Result (files)
 Initiate Transaction (verification proces-
 Check Verification Status
 Download Files
6|P a g e
 Logout module can be transformed into the following use case
diagram as shown Figure 4.
The requirement analysis for Examiner Requirement
module can be transformed into the following use case
diagram as shown Figure 2.

Figure 4: Examination Officer User Module Use

Case Diagram

Administrator User Requirement Module

Figure 2: Examiner User Module Use Case Diagram Administrator module is the module that enables ad-
ministrators to configure and maintain various variables
in the system. This module will allow administrators to
Auditor User Requirement Module configure general information and assign user role to
The requirement analysis for Auditor Requirement other users. The administrator can:
module can be transformed into the following use case  Login
diagram as shown Figure 3.
 Open New Account
 Edit/Delete Account
 Trace Transaction History
 Logout

System user with administrator role is the user with su-

per user role to the entire School portal. This category
Figure 3: Auditor User Module Use Case Diagram of user will have the full administrative access rights to
each module in the system. The administrator is the
Examination Officer User Requirement Module
"gatekeeper" of the proposed system who creates user
The examination and records unit is one of the units un- profiles for the system and is responsible for restricting
der academic affairs department. The department is re- the access to other users. The administrator can add as
sponsible for anything result, admission processes, and many users as needed and he is the key person who will
transcript processing. Therefore looking at the pro- assign user to different role of the system. The Admin-
cessing of results, a user must check to confirm students istrator Module requirements analysis can be trans-
result are of standard and legit before releasing or send- formed into the use case diagram as shown in figure 5
ing if need arise.
Examination officer have access to academic perfor-
mance of their wards; their user requirement analysis

7|P a g e
of information flow between the classes are cov-
ered. Figure 5 shows the Enhanced Students Result
Processing System diagram between classes:

Figure 5: Administrator Module Use Case Dia-

Object-Oriented Design
Figure 7: Data Flow Diagram of the Proposed System
Object-oriented design includes two main stages,
namely, system design and object design.
System Design
This section provides a description of the project from
In this stage, the complete architecture of the de-
an overview of the framework within which the concep-
sired system is designed. The high level model
tual system design was prepared. If appropriate, include
shown below described the architectural design of
the information discussed in the subsequent sections in
the new system. the summary.

Figure 6: The Architecture Design of the Proposed


Object Design
At this phase, the data flow diagram of the proposed
system was modeled ensuring that all new classes
are created from scratch, incorporation of other
classes (modules) in the existing system and means

8|P a g e
other administrative task. These other duties tend to af-
fect the timely, efficient and accurate processing of re-
sults. This project provides a system that processes stu-
dent’s results using blockchain technology and pro-
duces an output with no manipulation from any source
among the stakeholders in charge of results processing
or auditing.
This study shows that Blockchain application provides
a secure distributed ledger technology. The study will
allow educational institutions to assess and decide what
blockchain application in education will be beneficial to
them based on their respective organizations apart from
the result management system. Though the study it
shows that blockchain can be used in many other areas
of education.

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