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______________________ Junior Secondary School

Lesson Plan

Teacher name: T. Manue Garley Subject: Computer Studies

Class: Grade 8 Date: July 13, 2022

Term: One Duration: 40 minutes

Topic: Productivity tools (Desktop publishing) No. of Student: Boys 23 Girls 22

Sub-topic: Publishing basics and features

Reference: Computer studies book 8 and internet material

Teaching/Learning Aids: Projector, Laptop and white board marker


This is lesson one on Productivity tools (Desktop publishing) basics and features. In
this lesson brainstorming question and answer, teacher exposition and Socratic
method of question and answer method will be used to develop learner’s knowledge
on the basics and features of Desktop publishing.

Previous knowledge:

Before this lesson, learners should have sound understanding of Computers and
software applications. Also, a sound understanding of the uses of computer in
everyday life.


At the end of this lesson, leaners should:

 Understand and define common Desktop publishing terminology.

 Identified and explained the steps involved in the publishing and printing process
 List the basic features of desktop publishing
 Explain the progression of Desktop publishing throughout history.
 Demonstrate and relate to the basic environment of desktop publishing.

From time to time, people have interacted with one another in different ways. One
of these ways is the passing of messages or information from person to another.
The form in which the information is passed varies depending on many factors
such as the audience the sensitivity of the message, distance etc. Today the use of
text and graphics to pass on messages is quite common, mainly in visual/written
communication. This is where Desktop Publishing Techniques play a major role.

Now lets us start by defining and explaining some of the basic terms and
environments in order to make you know exactly what you will be doing and what
to expect in the Desktop Publishing Environment.

Step Teacher Activities/content Leaner activities Teaching

(1) Brainstorming question: Learners share Braining
Imagine the materials that are used in school today, their thoughts on storming
5- the textbook, the syllabus and the time table. How are the opening quick (Question
minutes they prepared and what are the steps involved? question and and answer)
• Ideas are typed and arranged using a answer.
technique call desktop publishing.

What is Desktop Publishing Techniques? The term

Technique means a particular way of doing something
especially one that you have to learn the skill. It is the
skill with which somebody is able to do something
practical. Skill is the application, manifestation or
outcome of the knowledge and concepts in the work
that is done by somebody. So, Desktop Publishing
Techniques are those skills that one uses to carry out
Desktop Publishing
(2) Teacher introduce and explain more about Learner pay Teacher
15-  What is Desktop Publishing? attention to Exposition
minutes lecture and copy
 Ask question on What is the Difference Between notes
Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing (DTP)?

 And give the differences between Graphic

Design and Desktop publishing and word
 Examples of desktop publishing tool and
 Purpose of desktop publishing software
 Types of desktop publishing software
 Features of Desktop publishing software
 Steps in using a Desktop publishing System
 Brief History of Desktop publishing
(3) Recap: Leaners ask Socrates
10  On the importance of Desktop publishing questions on any Method of
minutes techniques. doubt during the question
 Basic Desktop publishing terminologies presentation and answer
 Features and software

Class exercise (10 Minutes)

Instruction: Open Microsoft word processing tool and answer the below questions.
1. (a). What is Desktop publishing?
(b). Why is a desktop publisher preferred in designing documents than a word
2. Give three examples of desktop publishing software available in the market today.
3. (a). What is layering?
(b). Why is layering a very useful feature in a desktop publisher.
4. Mention the three main purposes of a desktop publishing software.

Marking keys
1.(a) Desktop publishing (DTP) is the process of using a computer and a specific
type of software to combine text and graphics so as to produce documents such as
Newsletters, Brochures, Books, Magazines, Cards, Advertisements etc.
(b) DTP programs give the typesetter (the person designing publications) a lot of
control on graphic design, page layout design and printing.

2. Microsoft publisher and Adobe InDesign and Corel Draw.

3.(a) Layering is a design technique in which one element is placed over another

(b)Because it allows you to logically separate and yet cover elements in a document,
image, or illustration.

4. Graphic design, Page layout design and printing.

Self-Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….





Pupil Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………





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