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Fall Semester Examination - 2020 (Batch – 2020 & Previous Batches)
Applied Physics (MS – 114 / MS – 113)

Time Allowed: 03 Hours Dated:19/04/2021

Max. Marks: 60 Marks.
(i) Attempt All Questions.
(ii) Mobile Phone is not allowed in the Examination Hall.
Question 1: CLO1
i) Describe the following: (a) Electric dipole (b) Gauss‘s law (c) Faraday’s law of induction (d) photoelectric effect (e)
lattice (5)

ii) Describe the term ‘population inversion’ in laser production and Hall Effect (5)
iii) Describe the following: (a) Femi energy (b) Density of states function (c) Fermi-Dirac probability function (d)
Midgap energy (e) Doping (5)
Question 2: CLO1

i) Discuss the energy level diagram of a PN junction and explain how a junction barrier is developed across an
unbiased junction. (5)

ii) Discuses three diode models (ideal, practical and complex). Support your answer with the help of VI characteristic
curve. (5)

Question 3: CLO2
Consider a particle confined inside one-dimensional infinite deep potential well (0  x  a), where it can move
freely, but subject to strong force at x = 0 and x = a. Use Schrodinger’s equation to formulate expression for
momentum of a particle and possible values of energy. (10)
Question4: CLO2
Formulate the expression for total force and torque on a rectangular current loop (wire) with side lengths a and b. A
⃗ and the loop
line perpendicular to the plane of the loop makes an angle ϕ with the direction of the magnetic field 𝐵
carries a current I. (10)

Question 5: CLO3
i) An electron is confined to a one-dimensional, infinitely deep potential energy well of width a = 100 pm. Carry out
the calculations for (a) least energy (in eV) the electron can have? (b) The energy level of the first and second excited
states and also draw the energy level diagram. (5)
ii) Carryout the calculations for the Atomic Packing Factor of FCC structure. (5)

iii)The 18-gauge copper wire has a cross-sectional area of 8.2x10−7 𝑚2 .It carries a current of 1.67 A.) Carryout the
calculations for the (a) the electric-field magnitude in the wire; (b) the potential difference between two points in
the wire 50.0 m a part; (c) the resistance of a 50.0-m length of this wire. (5)
----------------------------Best of luck--------------------------------
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