MAPEH (Health) : Quarter 1 - Module 1: Community and Environmental Health Concept

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MAPEH (Health)
Quarter 1 – Module 1:
Community and
Environmental Health Concept
MAPEH (Health) – Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 1: Community and Environmental Health Concept
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Schools Division Superintendent: Carleen S. Sedilla CESE
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent: Dr. Brian E. Ilan

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Maria Cristina U. Asis
Editor: Myrna T. Parakikay
Reviewer: Myrna T. Parakikay
Layout Artist: Jobelle M. Partido
Management Team: Angelita S. Jalimao
Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division

Neil Vincent C. Sandoval

EPS in-charge of LRMDS

Myrna T. Parakikay

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Department of Education – Schools Division Office of Makati City

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What I Need to Know

This module was written and designed to make learning easier especially as we are in
the new “normal” situation. As an educational tool, this module about the Community
and Environmental Health: Concepts challenges you as a learner, to become creative,
resourceful and independent. The scope of the module provides a variety of activities
that will stimulate independent and self-guided learning experience. Lessons in this
module are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course to ensure effective
learning continuity, make the experience more meaningful, effective and relevant to life

This module will help you understand the concept of Community and Environmental
Health. The coverage of this module awakens and instill awareness of the importance of
a healthy community and environment.
The module includes lessons and activities on:
• Concept of community and environmental health
• Definition of health, community, environment, community health and
environmental health
• Importance of community health and environmental health

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. define community and environmental health.
2. explain the concept of community health and environmental health
3. distinguishes community health from environmental health
4. demonstrate what is a good community and environmental health

What I Know

Choose the letter of the best answer.

_____ 1. What refers to the sociological group of people?

a. government c. sovereignty
b. community d. population
_____ 2. Which best describes the benefits of a healthy community?
a. less disease, less health care costs
b. active community involvement
c. more budget for health problems, increased supply of medicines
d. more community project for community development
_____ 3. Which of the following public health focuses on the environment and its impact
to people’s health?
a. community health c. maternal health care
b. environmental health d. primary health
_____ 4. Which of the following activities promote community health?
a. picking of flowers on the garden c. burning of leaves
b. walking d. riding a car
_____ 5. Which activity best promotes a healthy environment?
a. outreach Program c. picking of flowers on the garden
b. immunization d. picking of wrappers on the ground
_____ 6. Which of the following is a primary community measure that prevents the onset
of diseases/illnesses?
a. health checkup and mass screening c. cleaning of canals
b. surgery d. rehabilitation

_____ 7. Which of the following government projects promote environmental health?
a. immunization c. clean air act
b. health education d. construction of roads and bridges
_____ 8. Why do we need a safe, healthy and supportive environment?
a. to boost the tourism industry c. to have a good health
b. to achieve good ambiance d. to eat good food
_____ 9. Which of the following is NOT a hazard to environmental health?
a. air pollution c. global warming
b. safe drinking water d. water pollution
_____10. What is defined as the art and science of maintaining, protecting and improving
the health of all the members of the community through organized and sustained
community efforts?
a. community health c. community
b. environmental health d. environment

II. Identification. Identify which of the following describe community health and
environmental health. Write C if it describes community health and E if it describes
environmental health

________1. Health promotions

________2. Management and administration of health care
________3. Nutritious food
________4. Early diagnosis, treatment and control of further spread of diseases
________5. Safe drinking water

Lesson Community and

1 Environmental Health
This module will introduce you to the concepts of community and environmental health.
It is imperative that you are aware of the importance of having a healthy community
and environment.

What’s In

A. True or False. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.

_______ 1. People become infected by NoVo virus when they directly touch the stool of
an infected person or when they consume food or water contaminated by virus-
containing stool

_______2. Communicable diseases are caused by germs passed from one person to
________3. Viruses or bacteria are the most common germs causing communicable

________4. Children tend to have more severe symptoms than adult and people who
have been vaccinated against chickenpox have milder or no symptoms.

________5. Diseases can only be transmitted through direct contact.

What’s New

Listen or sing this song. Carefully analyze the message of the song. Then answer the
processing questions below the song.

Building Community
It’s you, it’s me
It’s we who build community Roll me over the ocean in the deep blue
It’s you, it’s me
Roll me over the ocean,
It’s we who build community
Roll me over the sea,
Roll me over the ocean,
Roll me over the ocean in the deep blue
Roll me over the sea, sea
Processing Questions:
1. What is the song all about?
2. Who builds a community?
3. What is the concept of a community?

What is It

Concept of Community Health

According to World Health Organization, the concept of the community health refers to
the health status of the members of the community, to the problems affecting their
health and the totality of health care provided to the community.
Community health is also defined as environmental, social, and economic resources
needed to sustain emotional and physical well-being among people in ways that advance
their aspirations and satisfy their needs in their unique environment. (Wikipedia .org)
It focuses on studying, protecting, maintaining, or improving health within a
community. It does not focus on a group of people with the same shared characteristics,
like age or diagnosis, but on all people within a geographical location or involved in a
specific activity.
Community health covers a wide range of healthcare interventions, including health
promotion, disease prevention, and treatment. It also involves management and
administration of care. Community health workers (CHWs) are often frontline health
professionals with knowledge of specific characteristics and developments of the
community. They are often members of the community themselves and play an
important role in the functioning of community care.


A. Objective of Community Health

The objective of community health is to provide need-based complete services which
include the following;
• Promotion and protection of health
Example of this is primary level of prevention or primary health care. Primary health
care refers to interventions that focus on the individual or family such as hand –
washing, immunization, circumcision, personal dietary choices, and lifestyle
It aims to reduce risk factors and increase health promotion and prevention. It is the
early avoidance and identification of risk factors that may lead to certain diseases and
disabilities. It prevents the onset of illness.
Major focus is placed in this level with the active involvement of people as majority of
the health problems is preventable by simple measures. The measures are:
. Safe drinking water . Maintaining general cleanliness
. Safe disposal of waste materials . Immunization of children
. Traffic control . Good nutrition
. Health check-up and mass screening . Health education
. . Early diagnosis and mass treatment

• Early diagnosis, treatment and control of further spread of diseases

Example of this is the secondary level of prevention or secondary health care. It focuses
on the environment such as draining puddles of water near the house, clearing bushes
and spraying insecticides to control vectors like mosquitoes.
• Control of disability and rehabilitation
Example is tertiary level of prevention with the program tertiary health care. It refers to
highly specialized care usually involving disease or disability management. Patients
need to be referred to specialists and undergo advanced medical treatment.

B. Concepts of Environmental Health

Environmental health is the branch of public health that focuses on
the interrelationships between people and their environment, promotes human
health and well-being, and fosters healthy and safe communities. It examines the
interaction between environment and our health and focuses on the physical and its
impact or effect on people’s health. It refers to aspects of human health (including
quality of life) that are determined by physical, chemical, biological, social and
psychosocial factors in the environment.
It is the science and practice of preventing human injury and illness and promoting
well-being by;
▪ identifying and evaluating environmental sources and hazardous agents and

▪ limiting exposures to hazardous physical, chemical, and biological agents in air,
water, soil, food, and other environmental media or settings that may
adversely affect human health.
C. Importance of environment to health

We need safe, healthy and supportive

environments for good health. The
environment in which we live is a major
determinant of our health and wellbeing.
We depend on the environment for
energy and the materials needed to
sustain life, such as: clean air, safe
drinking water, nutritious food and a.
safe places to live.

Protecting the environment is important to maintain a healthier life always. The

destruction of environment brings health risk to the people. Environmental hazards will
arise like air pollution, unsafe drinking water, global warming, etc. can increase the risk
of diseases like cancer, heart diseases, asthma, etc. This is the result of the abuses of
human to environment.

Definition of Terms
Health is the state of complete physical, mental, and social well – being and not just
the absence of disease or infirmity, according to World Health Organization (WHO).
Community is defined as a sociological group in a large place sharing one environment.
Examples of communities include people living in the same town, individual, family,
members of school members of a church, or members of a sports team
Environment includes everything outside or external to ourselves, including the
physical, natural, social and behavioral environments.
Community Health is defined as the art and science of maintaining, protecting and
improving the health of all the members of the community through organized and
sustained community efforts.
Environmental Health – compromises those aspects of human health that are
determined by physical, chemical, biological, social and psychosocial factors in the
surrounding environment.

What’s More
Activity 1. Tell me
Tell whether the picture describes community health or environmental health

1. __________________________________ 2. _________________________________

3. __________________________________ 4. __________________________________

5. __________________________________

What I have learned

Sentence Completion…

1. I've learned that community health is ___________________________________


2. I realized that environmental health is ____________________________________


What I Can Do

Activity 1. Setting Your Priorities

Choose the best way for you to promote a healthier life in your community. Put a
check (✓) for your first priority and star () for your second priority.
1. Going around my community by:

 riding a bike  driving a vehicle

2. Playing in-games by/in:

 parks/open space/ town plaza  online games

3. Living in a clean environment by:

 reducing the amount of refuse  campaigning for a clean community

4. Living in a safe and peaceful community by:

 staying at home at night  staying at a friend’s home

5. Knowing my neighbor through:

 cellular phone  sharing of food


Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on the
blank space provided.
_____ 1. Which of the following activity shows the promotion of community health?
a. riding a motorcycle c. conserving water
b. feeding the children d. collecting pebbles

_____ 2. Which of the following item is not a primary focus of community health?
a. immunization c. safety and cleanliness
b. health education d. construction of roads and bridges

_____ 3. Which of the community lifestyle promotes community health?

a. watching c. playing online game
b. zumba d. sleeping late at night

_____ 4. Which of the following terms refers to public health that focuses on
the interrelationships between people and their environment, promotes human
health and well-being, and fosters healthy and safe communities?
a. community health c. community
b. environmental health d. environment

_____ 5. What primary community measure prevents the onset of diseases/illnesses?

a. health checkup and mass screening c. cleaning of canals
b. surgery d. rehabilitation

_____ 6. Which of the following promotes an environmental health?

a. immunization c. clean air act
b. health education d. construction of roads and bridges

_____ 7. Which best describes the benefit of a healthy environment?

a. less disease, less health care
b. active community involvement
c. more budget for health problems, increased supply of medicines
d. more community projects for community development

_____ 8. Which of the following promotes a healthy environment?

a. burning of garbage c. recycling of waste materials
b. smoking cigarette d. dumping of waste materials

_____ 9. Which of the following activity promotes a healthy community and

a. no smoking c. sharing of ride
b. building of bridges d. collecting shells

_____ 10. Which of the following does not show a healthy community and
a. active involvement in a community program
b. Brigada Eskwela
c. self-quarantine
d. spraying pesticides

_____11. What is the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not
just the absence of disease or infirmity?
a. community health c. community
b. environmental health d. health

_____12. What is defined as the art and science of maintaining, protecting and improving
the health of all the members of the community through organized and sustained
community efforts?
a. community health c. community
b. environmental health d. environment

_____13. What do you call a sociological group in a large place sharing one
a. community health c. community
b. environmental health d. environment

_____14. Why do we need safe, healthy and supportive environment?

a. to have an active tourism industry c. to have good health
b. to create good ambiance d. to eat good food

_____15. What compromises those aspects of human health that are determined by
physical, chemical, biological, social and psychosocial factors in the surrounding
a. community health c. community
b. environmental health d. health

Additional Activities
Look at the picture, then answer the processing questions.

Picture 1 Picture 2

1. Which picture shows a healthy community and environment? Why?

2. Which picture represent the community you want to live in? Why

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