Communication1 Merged

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Communication is a process of transmitting and receiving verbal and
non-verbal messages.
Communication Cycle


Sender Receiver



Sender- The person who sends messages

Receiver- The person who receives messages
Encoding- The process of translating thoughts or ideas into
appropriate message by the sender which may be verbal/non-verbal
Channel- The means of transmission or path used to transmit a
message is known as channel. Example- Formal or informal channel
Medium- The specific means of communication is known as medium.
Example- Mail or SMS
Message- The result of encoding by the sender which is to be
transmitted is known as the message
Decoding- The process of interpreting/ comprehending/ making
sense of the message by the receiver is called decoding

Reasons for wrong Decoding/Misinterpretation

➢ Wrong medium
➢ Wrong/Faulty encoding
➢ Interference/noise/disturbance in the medium
➢ Inadequate knowledge of the code

Feedback- The response by the receiver to the message of the

sender is known as the feedback

Advantages of Feedback:
➢ It confirms the receipt of message
➢ It completes communication cycle
➢ It helps the sender to know whether the receiver is
interested in the communication
➢ It helps the receiver to clear his/her doubts immediately
➢ The sender can make changes according to the feedback
➢ It encourages interactive communication

Functions of Communication
1. To provide information
2. To motivate
3. To coordinate
4. For organizational harmony
5. For educational purpose
6. To persuade
7. To advise
8. To control, command and run business
9. To deal with external agencies
10. For marketing and advertising
11. For planning
12. For harmony

Types of Communication

Media of Communication

Verbal Nonverbal

Oral Sign Language Other Types

Audio Video Audio- Video


Body Language/Kinesics

Time/Chronemic Paralanguage
Touch/Haptics Space/Proxemics

Silence Listening
Verbal Communication
Definition: The communication that uses words and is governed by
rules of grammar and syntax. It can be through speech or oral
communication and written communication
Oral Communication: The communication that takes place through
Advantages of Oral Communication-
1. Spontaneity
2. Greater speed
3. Feedback or clarification possible
4. Use of nonverbal communication possible along with it
5. Midway correction possible
6. Economical
7. Has social function
8. Less formal

Disadvantages of Oral Communication-

1. Can’t be documented for future reference
2. Has less time to frame message
3. Dependent on listening and attentiveness on the part of the
4. Dependent on memory
5. Responsibility can’t be fixed
6. Chances of distortion
7. Can’t be verified
8. Has no legal validity
Written Communication: The communication that takes places
through writing
Advantages of Written Communication-
1. Is a creative process
2. Helps memory
3. Has greater credibility
4. Can be documented
5. Has legal validity
6. Is a permanent record
7. Helps in uniformity of procedure
8. Accountability can be fixed

Disadvantages of Written Communication-

1. Is uneconomical
2. Leads to clutter
3. Feedback is slow
4. Requires literate skills
5. There is a risk of leaking out
6. Has formality level
7. Leads to red tapism
8. Is time consuming
Nonverbal Communication

Sign Language:
1. Audio
2. Video
3. Audio- Video

Other Communication:
1. Body Language
➢ Gesture
➢ Posture
➢ Appearance

2. Paralanguage
➢ Pitch
➢ Volume
➢ Stress
➢ Inflections
➢ Non-fluencies

3. Proxemics
➢ Surroundings
➢ Distance

4. Chronemics

5. Haptics
➢ Hugging
➢ Kissing
➢ Patting
➢ Embracing
➢ Holding hand

6. Listening
➢ Evaluative Listening
➢ Appreciative Listening
➢ Discriminative Listening
➢ Empathic Listening

7. Silence

Levels of Communication
1. Extrapersonal Communication
2. Intrapersonal Communication
➢ Monologue
Dramatic Monologue
Interior Monologue
➢ Soliloquy
3. Interpersonal Communication
➢ Dialogue
One to One / Face to Face Communication
Telephonic Communication
➢ Group Communication
Small group
Large Group

4. Organizational Communication
➢ Internal Communication
➢ External Communication
➢ Personal Communication

5. Mass Communication
➢ Print Media

➢ Electronic Media
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