Activity Module 4

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Week No. 4


1. Research on the Vision and Mission statement of the Department of Education. Which
philosophies of education are reflected in the statement?



The Deped Mission in which Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating
environment shows that DepEd applied Perennialism to their DepEd Mission as they believes that if the
learners engage with this kind of environment, it is possible that they become afriendly and good citizen
of our country in the future as they bring a good values that they learned in schools.

Progressivism-very child-centered; teach those that interest the child; one learners by experiental; values
are subjective; no inculcation of values since they are subjective; instead teachers help students clarify
their values. The DepEd vision in which, as a learner-centered institution, the DepEd continuously
improves itself to better serve its stakeholders shows that DepEd is progressivism. DepEd believes in
learners learn by doing as well as if we teach of what they are interested.

Existentialism-Teachers teach learners to make a choice, to make decisions and not merely to follow the
crowd; one who does not make a choice and simply follow others do not leave meaningful life. The
DepEd mission in which, teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner shows that
DepEd is existentialism. DepEd believes that society should not restrict an individual's life or actions and
these restrictionsinhibit free will and the development of that person's potential.

Constructivism-learner are capable of constructing knowledge and meaning; teaching-learning therefore

is constructing knowledge and meaning; teacher does not just ‘tell’ or dictate but ask learners for
knowledge they construct and meaning of lesson. The DepEd Mission which is Teachers facilitate
learning and constantly nurture every learner showalso that DepEd is using Constructivism as they help
learners to construct knowledge rather than just passively take in information. As students experience
the world and reflect upon those experiences, it helps to build their own representations and
incorporate new information into their pre-existing knowledge

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2. The K-12 Basic Education Curriculum envisions a Grade 12 graduate who is: Holistically developed
Possesses 21st century skills Ready for:



Middle level skills development

Higher education

On which philosophies of education is the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum anchored?

K to 12 aims to produce holistically developed graduates with 21st century skills.

The curriculum is contextualized and responds to learners' needs.
With the new curriculum, the Department of Education promises to offer higher quality education
through the strands.
The K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum is anchored in the following Philosophies:
1. Constructivism-by which the learner is given the utmost free-will to explore and express himself on
what he learned. He is allowed to apply his knowledge through his skill and ability.
2. Essentialism-the teachers are the models of the learner. They are the concrete structure of what their
learner will become in the future.
3. Existentialism-the learner will be able to define his essence; he will become independent and self-

For me the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum is anchored to essentialism and progressivismtype of

philosophy. The new curriculum aims to develop competency to ASEAN Integration. Thisis to cope up

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with the other school because of the lacking years. It trains all teachers assigned inthis curriculum to
practice the mastery of his/her subject. It also provides organized and clearinstructional materials given
to the students. This promotes teachers autonomy agency in the process of classroom delivery and also
empowers them to allow supervision of student’s progress to learning issue.

2. Formulate your personal philosophy of education.


One’s philosophy of education said to be one’s “window” to the world or “compass” in life
because this is how the person view the people, things or everything around him which ca
serveas his guide in dealing with his everyday life

I believe that learning can and should be fun and that students who are active
participants learnmuch more than those whose participation is largely passive.
Teaching and learning involves aninherent contract. Students must agree to take
responsibility for their learning in order toengage, and teachers must be willing to
be engaged, as well. When students are so engaged,their learning is not solely
dependent upon the rate of the delivery of lectures, so a mix andmatch of pace and
teaching strategies designed to meet the needs of a range of learning skillsneed not
be debilitating to the progress of any students. I welcome a group of students who
areactively involved, thinking and questioning the material presented to them
whether presented byme or by another student

Education, like medicine, involves elements both of art and of science. The creative work of synthesizing
knowledge and applying it to the tangle of instructional questions about classroom conversations can

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never be reduced to formulaic prescriptions. The teacher must respond to the individual circumstances
of the teaching situation and hone teaching practices through continual assessment of learning. On the
other hand, inquiries on instructional issues should draw upon the best available educational research.
Activities, strategies, and procedures that have been established through careful educational trials
should be preferred over those supported principally by anecdote, philosophy, or good wishes. Student’s
success is the primary focus of education. My teaching style embodies the role of facilitator for students’
success. I believe that beyond teaching just the subject alone, the purpose of teaching children is to give
them ALL the skills they will need to be successful adults. This means using research-based methods to
teach the course content, yes. But it also means helping them learn the social expectations of our
culture, teaching them how to work with others, how to solve problems, how to cope with failure, and
so on. Their learning these skills along with the core content contributes to their future success within
our society and thereby contributes to the success of the society itself. What you've shared are the
MEANS by which you hope to teach them. But you haven't really shared WHAT you think you're teaching
them or WHY. Every teacher wants only the best for their students. Their success is your success. “Always
put your student first” and everything will fall into right place. Educate them, let them experience and
wander. And most of all give your best in every lesson you teach. Love them

My Philosophy
Of Education
Having a personal philosophy of education is essential to effective
teaching. The type of educational philosophy that a teacher
believes in affects his or her goals, curricular focus and perceived
role in the classroom. So far throughout my twelve years of
schooling, I have observed many different teaching styles and
educational techniques. I’ve come to realize which ones work
best for me as a student and which ones seemed to be the most
effective for the overall class. In my opinion, a philosophy
combining the theories of essentialism and progressivism would
be the best. Essentialism, based on the philosophical thoughts of

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idealism and realism, focuses on basic elements of human
culture, giving students the fundamental information they need to
help them live better lives. With essentialism, a teacher is to be
proficient in his or her subject matter, and is considered the main
authority, providing the discipline, motivation and curriculum. I
believe that essentialism is an excellent philosophy, but it doesn’t
cover all of my personal beliefs on education. Progressivism,
however, includes the other main issues that I would incorporate
into my philosophy of education. Progressivism originates from
pragmatism, in which problem solving is the primary
methodology. Pragmatism contends that the mind is active and
exploratory rather than passive and receptive; therefore, humans
do not simply receive knowledge, they make it! Progressivists
believe that children learn how to think by solving problems and
experimenting. The teacher should act merely as a guide to
student learning, according to progressivism, but I don’t believe
that should be the case. I think that the essentialists’ view of the
teacher’s role is the better one. Progressivists think that the
children should be the focal point of the school, and learning
should be active and related to the interests of the child. They
also believe that education is always in the process of changing;
therefore, they are supporters of integrating social issues of the
time into education.
The reason I chose the philosophies of essentialism and
progressivism is because when used together, they include all of
my beliefs on the way students should be educated. I think that
the basic subjects and skills should be taught to ensure that
students are prepared for life after school. On the other hand, I
consider school, especially at the secondary level, to be like life
itself, not only a preparation for it. I also am a strong believer in
the progressivism idea that education should not merely be
memorization, but rather should include the solving of
problems. As I have already mentioned, I think that the teacher’s
role in the classroom is as an authority figure, helping students,
acting as a stimulator, and motivating students to learn, while at
the same time, teaching for the mastery of essential skills. I also
believe, in certain situations and contexts, that cooperative
learning is extremely helpful and helps students learn from each
other, which is a basic principle of progressivism. My personal

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philosophy of education; therefore, incorporates both the theory
of essentialism as well as progressivism.
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I believe a teacher is the most powerful of role models. I am ever aware of the
awesome obligation I have to “walk my talk” with my students. If I ask them to
live their values and beliefs, I must do the same. I expect the best — of myself
and others — and, therefore, I usually get the best. I try to treat all people with
dignity and respect, and I expect my students to do so also.

I believe that my task as a teacher is to facilitate thedevelopment of every child to the optimum and to
themaximum by:

■ teaching my subject matter with mastery so that every child will use his/her basic skills to continue
acquiring knowledge,skills and values for him/her to go beyond basic literacy andbasic numeracy.

■ inculcating or integrating the unchanging values of respect,honesty, love and care for others
regardless of race, ethnicity,nationality, appearance and economic status in my lessons.

A skillful educator builds good relationships with his students based on mutual respect and trust and sets
the tone for a classroom community. A community that hears opinions, shares ideas and learn as one
community with the determination to persevere.

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Why is one’s philosophy of education said to be one’s “window” to the world or “compass ” in life?

Well, to follow these metaphors, a window allows you to see through the walls that confine you.
It allows you to understand what is outside your immediate area. A compass tells you which way leads in
which direction. It doesn't tell you which way to go, but it gives you some orientation, some sense of
what will happen when you choose a certain course of action. Your philosophy gives you analogous
guides in your life. When you say "philosophy of education" I assume you mean your own education or
your own understanding of how you learn things. Of course, this guides your approach to learning. We
know for a fact that education provides knowledge acquired through systematic and harmonious
cultivation of one's natural talent, and gives one the ability to adjust himself satisfactorily to physical and
intellectual environment. It is then the window to the realities of the world and a compass to reach your

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