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Jaggery is an unrefined sugar obtained by processing of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.)

and regarded as ‘whole sweetener’ because of its nutritional value. Many organic and inorganic
compounds present in sugarcane juice are retained along with sucrose and hence more nutritive
than that of refined sugar (Kumar and Tiwari, 2006).

Processing :
Traditionally, Jaggery processing involves :
1. Juice extraction from sugarcane
2. Clarification
3. Concentration
4. Cooling
5. Moulding
6. Packing.

The quality of jaggery mainly depends on clarification process. During clarification, the non-
sugar impurities are removed as scum to obtain light coloured clear juice (Gangwar et al., 2015).

Chemical clarificants :Such as sodium hyrdosulphate (Hyrdos), sodium carobonate, sodium

bicarbonate, alum, sodium formaldehyde sulfoxylate, tri sodium phosphate etc. They alter aroma
and natural taste of jaggery in addition to promoting faster detoriation, inversion of sucrose,
solidification or crystalline structure of jaggery (Baboo and Solomon, 1995).

Sulphur Base Clarificants : BIS has prescribed that sulphur (as sulphur dioxide) content in
jaggery should not be more than 70 ppm.

Plant Mucilage : The principle vegetable clarifying agents used clarification of sugarcane juice
are Hibiscus ficulneus (deola),Hibiscus esculentus (bhindi), Cadia celcina (sukalai), Bombax
malabarium (semal bark), Grewia asiatica (falsa), Arachis hypgea (ground nut), Recinus
communis (castor seed), Manihot esculentum (tapioca), Glycine max (soybean), Tamarindus
indica (tamarind), Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (guar) and Abelmoschus moschatus (kasthuri).
Types of Sweeteners in Ayurveda :

1. Types of Sugar Cane : 11

पौंड्र क, भीरूक, कोशक, कांतार, दिर्घ्पत्र, शतपोरक, तापस, कांड, सुचीपत्रादी, मनोगुप्त, बालाक्दी.

2. Sugar Cane Products & Qualities :

Sr. Sugar Cane Texure Qualities

No. Products

1 Juice : Acidic, Diauretic (Reduces Thirst, Heat,

Burning sensation, Fatigue. Is
Detoxicating, Bleeding Disorders due to

2 Boiled Juice Reduces Flatulence, Slightly acidic

3 Fanit Thicker than Reduces Fatigue, Hyperacidity, Detox ,

Juice but Spermatogenic, Diauretic.

4 Matysandi Thicker Laxative, Detox, Energy, Increases Libido, Blood


5 Guda Hard as Lump Energy, Diuretic, Blood Purifier, Deworming

of soil

6 Puran Guda 1 year old Increase Digestive Fire, Recommended,

7 New Guda Increases Cough, Worm vitiating

8 Guda With Fresh Ginger = Vaat, Haritaki = pitta, Dry

Consumption Ginger = Kapha.

Panak, Wine, Asav-aristha, Binding agent,

Carrier, Topical application, Panchkarma,
Avaleha etc..

9 Khand Rock Sugar Opthalmic Health, Antiemitic, Libido

10 Puspaseeta, Reduces Heat, Blood Purifying


11 Sharkara Astringent Dehydration

Difference Between Jaggery, Sugar and Honey :

Sugar Brwon Sugar Jaggery Honey

Nutrition Protien 0 0 0.4% 0
(Tabalespoon) Fat 0 0 0.1% 0
Carb 5g 3g 8.5g 5g
Calaories 16Kcal 12Kcal 36Kcal 20Kcal
Sugar Type Sucrose 99.9% Sucrose 93.3%, 60-85% 40&%Fructose,
& Molases Sucrose, 5- 30% Glucose
15% Glucose
& Fructose
GI 65 65 84.1 44- 64
Reducing 10% : 80%
Sugar : Non R
Vitamins NA NA Available Available
Minerals NA Available 0.6-1%
Antioxidants NA NA Flavonoids,

Merits and Demerits :

  Sugar Jaggery Honey

-Reduce hunger -Detoxify liver -

Merits and cravings Immunity
-Relieve Constipation booster
Boost energy
-Helps in purifying -Boosts memory power
-Improve blood
appearance -Helps in curing cough
-Works as a cleanser
for the body -Natural remedy for Dandruff

-Prevent Anaemia -Used for healing wounds

-Maintain good health -Works as a natural sleeping aid

-Control blood pressure -Helps in Gum disease

-Relieve joint pains

-Helps in Weight loss

Demerit -Abnormal -Excessive -Abdominal discomfort

s weight gain consumption can lead
to raising blood sugar -Nerve Damage
-Increase the levels
risk of heart -Increases risk of bleeding
disease -Raises risk of parasitic
-Risk of
developing acne -Indigestion

-Increase the -Nose bleeding

risk of Type 2
Diabetes -Aggravate certain
health problems
-Increase the
risk of cancer


-Accelerate the
skin ageing

-Lead to fatty


Jaggery is a natural sweet substance produced by sugar cane plant and from some palm trees, is one
of the most valued as well as appreciated natural substance known to mankind since ancient times.
Of all the natural foods rich in carbohydrates jaggery is the most wholesome and delicious. The
medicinal quality, taste, texture, color and aroma of jaggery differs according to the geographical
area and the species of plants from which it has been made. Jaggery is called as guda in Ayurveda.
Properties and Type of guda is related to time bonding as navinaguda is freshly prepared and after 1
year of preparation this guda is known as puranaguda. In modern technology properties of jaggery
differs from their origin as one is from sugar cane and other are from different types of palm and date
trees. Etymology, synonyms, varieties, method of collection, chemical constituents, properties,
adulterants, chemical tests, and the usages of jaggery are gathered from text books, experienced
ayurvedic physicians and from internet. In Ayurveda, guda is used for external as well as for internal
use. Externally guda is mainly used in agnikarma and internally for many formulations. Guda is used
in many preparations of Ayurveda like it used as binding material in gutivati i.e. tablets. It's also used
as prakshepakadravya in kwatha, used in churna, for preparation of asava and arishta it is a main
mediator and also act as a preservative. The present work aims at the review of jaggery or guda as
explained in Ayurveda & biomedical science.

For many centuries, sugar has been used in vital alternative medicine of Ayurveda and is one among
the foods having religious significance. In hindu religion shadrasa bhojana is important and in which
madhura rasa is one of the main rasa. In some auspicious days guda also given as divine food Hindus
consider guda as one of the five elixirs of immortality (Panchamrita) 1. In temples, guda is poured
over the deities in a ritual called Gudabhisheka. The Vedas and other ancient literature describe
jaggery as a great medicinal and health food. Guda is also one important ingredient in Ayurvedic
medicine preparations, gudapaka is one of them. Jaggery is a traditional non-centrifugal cane sugar
consumed in Asia, Africa and some Shardul Chavan et al; Modern and Ayurvedic Aspects of Guda With
Special Reference to Jaggerycountries in America. It is a concentrated product of date, cane juice, or
palm sap without separation of the molasses and crystals, and can vary from golden brown to dark
brown in colour. It contains up to 50% sucrose, up to 20% invert sugars, and up to 20% moisture,
with the remainder made up of other insoluble matter, such as wood ash, proteins, and bagasse fibers.
S2 Sanskrita
Bengali Guda
English Jaggery
Hindi Guda
Kannada Bella
Malayalam Sharkara
Marathi Gula
Punjabi Guda
Tamil Vellam
Telugu Bellam
Urdu Guda

Gana mentioned in Ayurvedic text -

Charaka samhita3 - Ikshuvarga,
Sushruta samhita4- Ikshuvarga
AshtangaHridaya5 -Ikshuvarga
Scientific classification6: Guda is the product obtained by concentrating juice expressed from the
stems of Saccharum officinarum L. (Fam. Poaceae) with or without prior purification of the juice,
followed by cooling.
Kingdom Plantae
Unranked Angiosperms
Unranked Monocots
Unranked Commelinids
Order Poales
Family Poaceae
Subfamily Panicoideae
Tribe Andropogoneae

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