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• An electric shock occurs when a person comes into contact with an electrical
energy source.
• The direct result can be electrocution.
• The indirect result can be injury resulting from a fall or movement into machinery
because of a shock

Basic instructions

• Always make sure your installations follow all safety standards

• Proper earthing is maintained in all electrical installation

• All plug sockets must be clean before using

• All switches are operational without repeated clicks

• Turn off the switch before connecting an equipment to plug socket

• Never pull a plug out by its cord, it could cause damage to the cord and result in
an electric shock

• Always wear rubber footwear when using Iron, Refrigerators, cookers, heaters

• Avoid PVC slippers since it contains carbon

* To prevent electrical hazards, always make sure equipment is properly grounded.

* Electrical grounding provides an alternate path for electricity to follow, rather

than going through a person.

• Never touch / operate the switch with wet fingers

• Touch the suspected surface only with the rear side of your palm
• Don’t trust line testers always
• Always use insulated tools
• Don’t wear loose clothes or ornaments when handling power
• Use rubber hand gloves during any electrical maintenance / repair works
• Never allow anybody in close proximity with you or never carry kids when your
are near to a live equipment or plug socket
* Don’t connect multi plugs for operating more than one device form a plug socket

• Avoid using low quality extension boards, it can cause very bad electrical fires

• Atleast once in a month test the trip function of your ELCB

• If observed any warming or heating in a plug socket with a particular instrument,

never connect that device again to that low current rated socket.

• Never insert the power cord to socket without plug top

• Always use 3 pin plugs

• Line or Phase should be controlled always with a switch

• Use only fire resistant grade wires for utmost safety

• Use only proper size of wire and cable for all wiring Installation.
• Screw behind the switches and plugs should be properly tightened to avoid loose
contact which end up in fire
• Use dry sand to fight electrical fires
• Proper distribution should be ensured to all circuits
• Always use standard fuse wires for fuse wire rebuilding
• If continuous fuse burns occur it shows an indication of leakage or earth fault

• Never grow trees or plants below power lines

• Careful when handling long metallic poles under overhead lines
• Don’t try to perform any repairs in the meter box personally
• Never let the power wires run through floor especially outdoors
• Always sit in a plastic or wooden chair when
• Operating a device
• Keep a dry rubber sheet in front of refrigerator and similar equipment
• Learn to iron properly and replace the power cord of iron periodically
• Don’t touch the water or coffee while an immersion heater is working
• Avoid the use of all electrical gadgets during lighting
• Never spread the legs when handling power in standing or sitting mode
• Close all sockets with dummy top when not in use
• Never go to the proximity of high tension overhead lines or towers during
• Seek medical assistance in emergencies
* CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is an emergency lifesaving procedure useful in
heart attack, drowning conditions where someone's breathing, or heartbeat has stopped.

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