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1. What is meant by Natural Resources?

Explain Renewable and Non-renewable Natural

Answer: Natural resources are natural materials used by humans. It provides everything
that humans need to survive including food, water, oil, and energy. Natural resources are
separated into two categories Renewable and Non-renewable. Renewable resources are natural
resources that will not run out. Non- renewable resources are things that cannot be replaced or
cannot be easily replaced so once these resources are gone it will take millions of years to form

2. Define Deforestation. What are the chief effects of Deforestation? 

Answer: Deforestation is the reckless cutting of the trees. The major effects of
deforestation are it can cause climate change, soil erosion, flooding and loss of habitat and
increased greenhouse gases.

3. Give an account of the effects of timber extraction, mining dams on forests and tribal
 The areas where deforestation occurs becomes prone to floods, droughts and
 Species that are associated with rapids, waterfalls or the humid microclimate that
arises in their vicinity diminish in numbers or completely disappear
 A majority of Tribal end up with less income than before, less work
opportunities, inferior houses, less access to the resources of the common people
such as fuel wood and fodder, poor nutrition and poor physical and mental

4. What is Environment? 
Answer: Environment is anything that surrounds us. It is where we lived and where all
living and non-living things came from.

5. Describe the importance of environment studies explain the concept of an ecosystem with
their structure and function. 
Answer: Environmental studies help us understand the importance of our
environment and teach us to use natural resources more efficiently and embrace a sustainable
way of living. It enables us to know the behaviour of organisms under natural conditions and the
interrelationship between organisms in population and communities.
The structure of an ecosystem is characterised by the organisation of both biotic and
abiotic components. This includes the distribution of energy in our environment. It also includes
the climatic conditions prevailing in that particular environment. 
The functions of the ecosystem are it regulates the essential ecological processes,
supports life systems and renders stability. It is also responsible for the cycling
of nutrients between biotic and abiotic components. It maintains a balance among the various
trophic levels in the ecosystem. It cycles the minerals through the biosphere. The abiotic
components help in the synthesis of organic components that involves the exchange of energy.

6. Draw an energy flow in the ecosystem. 

Heat Heat

Producers Consumers

Nutrient Pool


7. What is Ecological Succession, and food chain? Explain

Answer: Ecological succession is the gradual process by which ecosystems change and
develop over time. Nothing remains the same and habitats are constantly changing. There are
two main types of succession, primary and secondary.
In the food chain, energy is transferred from one living organism through
another in the form of food. There are primary producers, primary consumers, secondary
consumers and decomposers- all part of the food chain. 

 8. What are the main causes of threat to species? 

Answer: The main causes of threat to species are climate change, habitat loss or
degradation, pollution, invasive species, overexploitation and other potential threats.

9. What are the basic components of the Structure of ecosystem? 

Answer: Ecosystem is consists of two major components, biotic or living components
and non-biotic or non-living components. Biotic components include plants, animals, and
decomposers. Non-living components include air, water, and land.
10. How Environmental Sciences important? Explain your answer
Answer: Environmental science is important because it teaches human beings how to
conserve the environment. The environment makes up and influences every aspect of life on
Earth. The study of environmental science helps to enlighten the world about global issues, such
as forest denudation and dynamite fishing. Global warming is another impending issue that can
only be addressed through environmental science. Applying knowledge gained through
environmental science is the only way to solve these problems so that the environment can be
preserved. The rapid urbanization of the environment needs to be studied constantly in order to
avoid altering and damaging the environment significantly. Ultimately, environmental science is
necessary to save the environment from destruction and all of its dependents from extinction.

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