07.10.2011 M.mckay S Aritcle KEYS

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Wednesday, October 7th

A case study : Mary's article about her hobbies

1 Global understanding

1. Look quickly at the article p.5 and answer to the following questions :
a. What type of document is it ? It is an article which was posted on Mary's blog.
b. Who is the author of the document ? Mary McKay wrote the article. It is written on top of the page
c. Where does she live ? She lives in Canada, in the west beside the rocky mountains.
d. What is the main topic of the document ? It deals with her hobbies.
e. How many paragraphs are there ? Why ?There are three different paragraphs because there are 3
different subthemes. 2 Getting into details !
a. Which sport does she play in
Winter ? In Summer ? During
winter she iceskates, she skies,
sledges. But during summer, she
spends a lot of time outside. She
hikes, camps and kayaks.
b. How often does she play Lacrosse ?
She plays lacrosse twice a week.

c. Find the words for : Patinoire : ice rink Patiner : to ice skate l'équipe de l'école : The school team
Je passe beaucoup de temps à skier. I spend a lot of time skiing. .Faire de la luge : to sledge
Faire de la voile :To sail C'est moi l'été dernier : It's me last summer

B. Other things I enjoy

a. What does she like ?she likes reading
about Animals, especially whales.
b. What is her favorite animal ?Her favorite
animals are whales
d. Translate the following words : c. What does she collect ? She collects whales

Boucles d'oreille : earrings colliers : necklaces baleines : whales

je suis folle de : I'm crazy about ….... Ne sont-elles pas mignonnes ? Aren't they cute ?
a. Is she artistic ? No she isn't but she is musical.
b. What can she do well ?She can neither sing nor paint !
c. What is her dream ?.Her dream is to become a good
d. Translate : j'aimerais bien chanter bien :.I would
like to sing well.....
C. Her Talents

Now it's your turn to write !

Utilise le modèle de Marie McKay pour écrire un article

sur toi et tes passions.

N'oublie pas de respecter la typographie (le format) en faisant 3 paragraphes, avec un thème
Par paragraphe.

Réutilise le plus de vocabulaire possible pour que ton article sois riche. Tu dois t'aider des
expressions dans les cadres verts pour écrire. Utilise les dans l'ordre de ton choix.
Si tu ne sais pas de quelle passion parler, invente quelque chose !

Choisis un titre :

My favorite sports ! Or I can't stand sports !!! YUCK !

At school, I …...................../ My p.e teacher is …............/ He helps us to …............. During summer,....

In the middle of winter, …...../ My favorite sport is …...........because................... I started ….......
When I was …........ years old. I love/ I hate/ competitions. I'm in the school's team.
…................................................. ....................................................................................................
, .....................................................................................................................................................

Other things I enjoy

I'm crazy about......(V-ing/ N).../I'm fond of......(V-ing/ N)....I'm interested in..(V-ing)../.

I think (N) ... is so interesting because …......... / I never spend a week without (V+ing)...............
I 've collected (N)...... since I was …........ years old.
My favorite book is …..... It's amazing/fantastic/ wonderful/ delightful/ cool/ great !

My talents
I 'm rather artistic/ musical. Indeed, I can ….................. pretty well.
This is so easy ! I also can …...................... quite well. But, I can't …................... at all ! This is so hard

. ….....................................................................................................................................................

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