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Landing Zone

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Landing Zone
Carlton Noles
Crash land your ship to get the diamonds
Contents :Players Players: 2 - 5
• 1 The Story :Time Length: Fast
• 2 Setup
• 3 Play :Complexity :
• 4 Scoring
Trios per color: 2
• 5 Optional Rules
Number of colors: 1 per
• 6 External Links player
- - - - - - Other equipment - - - - - -
The Story[edit] A large-ish flat surface 4 Zendo Stones( 1 in a
differnt color from the other 3
An asteroid has impacted the moon. There are four
large pieces left, one of which is composed mainly Strategy depth: Low
of DIAMONDS!! You have two ships to use to Random chance: Low
claim your riches. Unfortunately, the only way to Game mechanics: Dexterity
land is to crash land. Avoid the wreckage of other Theme: Space
ships and have just the right touch on the throttle Status: Complete (v), Year released: 2009
and you can emerge victorious.

Each player takes two matching trees to form their ships. Set the Asteroid pieces (Zendo stones or
other markers) and arrange them in a shape resembling an inverted kite with the different marker set
furthest back.(see below)
Mark a line about 18 inches away. This is the Launch Line. The playing area should appear more or
less like below.

If the table is really large mark an out of bounds area roughly 5 to 8 inches beyond that farthest
marker. If not the edges of the table are out of bounds.

Choose a player to go first. Starting with that player each player in turn places one of their ships
(trees) behind the launch line. Then the player launches their ship (flicks the tree causing it to
topple) trying to get as close to the asteroid peices (stones) as possible. Once every one has gone
start again with the first player and each player launch their second ship. Do not remove the
wreckage until all players have launched both ships and scores are calculated. Play (at least) as
many rounds as there are players the second player from the previous round going first, the
third..second, the fist..last and so on.
• Note - the ship doesn't have to topple. In my experience however one that doesn't topple also
doesn't travel as far and rarely has a chance to score.

At the end of the round the ship or more rightly the piece of wreckage closest to each of the asteroid
pieces scores one point, except the diamond piece ( the different colored piece) which is worth 3. If
wreckage is touching an asteroid piece it scores double. A piece must be within one length of a large
piece from an asteroid piece in order to score.
Any wreckage going out of bounds scores -1 per piece.
If a piece of wreckage is the closet to multiple asteroid pieces score only the one it is closest to. If it
is equidistant choose one.
If two pieces of different players are of the same distance from an asteroid piece both score.
Player with the highest score at the end of the game wins.

Optional Rules[edit]
• Close Enough Rule - as touching rarely occurs we did give double points to wreckage that
was "close enough". generally this meant that it was within approximately the thickness of a
wall of a pyramid from the asteroid piece.
• No out of bounds - you can if you want, I suppose. I find it makes the game less challenging
and i end up picking up a lot more pieces.
• Mulligan - Allowing a player to go again if their tree doesn't topple and it only moves an
inch or two. We started with this in our first play testing but dropped it after one player did
this on nearly every turn.

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