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Narrative Report

An In-Service Training Program is a professional training or staff development effort, where professionals are trained and
discuss their work with others in their peer group.
This training was essential to all teachers because the topics we had were the refreshment of our work we had in our school
especially this time of pandemic. This training was lasts for about 5 days from March 15-19, 2021 thru online, the google meet and
the face-to-face 2 Fataldao Primary School. Our clustered In-Set was attended by the teachers from three (3) school, the Balnabo
Primary School, San Jose Elementary School and the host school, Fataldao Primary School. The topic of the speakers was based
on Training Matrix provided by Ms. Joerophel Love A. Mama, the school head of San Jose Elementary School.
The first and second day of the training were conducted through google meet and was facilitated by our Principal-In-Charge
of South Fatima District, Doc. Eddie H. Atay. He talks about time management and LDM assessment. These topics were shared
through the South Fatima Teachers and school head. On the second day, I was assigned to talked about the “Harmonious
Relationship among colleagues Amidst this Pandemic”. It was indeed an exciting topic but it also being a speaker is great task
given by my school head. I was terrified not only for the topic to be shared of but also for my internet connection, but after my
delivery of the topic, I was so fulfilled because at least, I really tried to be the best speaker that I can be without hesitation that I may
be corrected by one of the audience or may be one of them has a violent reaction. All in all, this day was a very awesome for me.
On the third to fifth day, the In-Set was conducted in Fataldao Primary school. This was my first time being there. The school
was like in the bottom of the hill and you have to walk more than 20 meters from its gate to the classroom. You can have slide so
that you can easily be get there. These 3days in Fataldao was excellent! We build relationship from other teachers from other
clustered school and we became friends. The training there was filled with happiness and joy. I wish we could have another training
with those persons. We are all willing to learn and open by the ideas shared by others. They are great in dealing with overflowing
This training was awesome! I wish I could have some not only for the professional development of everyone but for the
personality development of each one of us.
A great experience from everyone.
“Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards. These was the quote given by Soren Kierkegaard,
stated that in this training, what have we experience must be taken and used in our every field. No matter what bad we had in the
past, consider it but never live for it. Face forward, for you can see the brighter future straight to your goal in life.

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