Bluetooth Controlled Light System: Mini Project Report On

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Mini Project Report

Bluetooth controlled light system

Submitted By:
Salve Aditi Ramesh
Bhosle Sakshi Dipak
Bhavsar Riddhi Kailas
Mali Namrata Rajendra
SY BTech [Electronics & Telecommunication]

Under the Guidance of:

Prof M.L.Patel

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication

R C Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur
An Autonomous Institute

Shirpur Education Society’s

R C Patel Institute of Technology,

Shirpur, Dist-Dhule


This is to certify that mini project report entitled “Bluetooth con-

trolled light system”, being submitted by Salve Aditi Ramesh,

Bhosle Sakshi Dipak, Bhavsar Riddhi Kailas, Mali Nam-

rata Rajendra to Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University,

Lonere. This mini project work is bonafide work carried out by them

under my supervision and guidance during semester Sixth of academic

year 2021-22.

Place: Shirpur

Prof M.L.Patel Prof K.H.Sonawane

Project Guide Project Coordinator

Prof Dr P J Deore
Head of Department

It is a privilege for us to have been associated with Prof M.L.Patel, our guide,
during this project work. We have been greatly benefited by his valuable suggestions
and ideas. It is with great pleasure that we express our deep sense of gratitude for
his valuable guidance, constant encouragement and patience throughout this work.

We express our gratitude to Prof Dr P J Deore, Head, Department of Electron-

ics & Telecommunication for his constant encouragement, co-operation, and support.

We express our sincere thanks to Prof P R Bhole for his unfailing inspiration
and for providing the lab facilities.

We take this opportunity to thank all our classmates for their company during
the course work and for useful discussion we had with them.

We would be failing in our duties if we do not make a mention of our family

members including our parents for providing moral support, without which this
work would not have been completed.

Salve Aditi Ramesh

Bhosle Sakshi Dipak
Bhavsar Riddhi Kailas
Mali Namrata Rajendra

Voice Controlled Wireless Home Automation Based on internet/ Bluetooth/ wi-

fi is a project that is integrated system with mobile phone (application) to give the
facility to the elderly and the disable people, so that they can easily control home
utilities fully Based on their phone through voice command. The device is built in
such a way that it will be easy to carry, install, configure, run and maintain for the
non-technical person. Home automation involves introducing to connect the certain
electrical devices that are used in a home.
Automation plays a key role in human life. Home automation allows us to control
household electrical appliances like light, door, fan, AC etc. It also provides home
security and emergency system to be activated. Home automation not only refers to
reduce human efforts but also energy efficiency and time saving. The main objective
of home automation and security is to help handicapped and old aged people who
will enable them to control home appliances and alert them in critical situations.
This project put forwards the implementation of home automation and security
system using Arduino microprocessor and Android smartphone. Home appliances
are connected to the microprocessor and communication is established between the
Arduino and Android mobile device or tablet via Bluetooth module. We would
develop an authentication to the system for authorized person to access home ap-
pliances. The device with low cost and scalable to less modification to the core is
much important. It presents the design and implementation of automation system
that can monitor and control home appliances via android phone or tablet

List of Figures ii

List of Tables iii

1 Introduction 1

2 System Design 3
2.1 Prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 Use case Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3 Data Flow Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.4 Activity Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.4.1 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

3 System Implementation 8
3.1 Circuit Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

4 Conclusion and Future Scope 13

4.1 Future Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

References 14

List of Figures

1.1 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2.1 case Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2.2 Activity Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3.1 Circuit Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3.2 Circuit Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.3 Gantt Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.4 Algorithm Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

List of Tables

Chapter 1


The 21st century which is the era of fastest period of evolution in the information
technology. Every single day the concept behind the scene is getting more and more
complex to provide the humanity with the best level of comfort. And whenever
the thinking goes to think of the most prominent technology which has completely
altered the people way of interaction with the normal World, then in that stage the
clear concept of IoT (Internet of Things) pops up in mind.

Figure 1.1: Block Diagram

RCPIT, Shirpur Department of Electronics & Telecommunication

IoT is one of the emerging technology which has an astonishing impact on the
daily life routine, whenever we come across dealing with the objects that are around
us. The Internet is one of the major media that is responsible for the World to be
connected to a global village, probably more than that. Well if Internet can be re-
sponsible for connecting the people together, then what if we carefully use the same
technology in a much logical format to connect it to the objects that are around us?
Is that logical and possible
The answer to this question is totally positive, it is possible. And even if we analyse
this concept, there are a certain number of examples and experiments and even the
implementations that lead to the very successful results. Indeed, it’s a great leap
forward for the human welfare in terms of their interaction to the objects that are
By performing hours of research work, we came up with the most valid and imple-
mentable solution for using the voice technology to control the home utilities. In
terms of the implementation point of view, it is totally being justified by connecting
the various objects to the internet and after that, the functionality of the object
could be controlled by the software which in return is responsible to take the voice
input and generating the response. Past performance and the analysis of their re-
sult is the key feature to bring something innovative to the society. Even current
research work will lead to the better additions of ideas in the future which will be
based on the past experiments. But our idea for the Android-based voice recog-
nition software can get good remarks based on the past experiments of controlling
utilities thorough gestures. But indeed, our concept of using the voice adds the
huge value to it, which is a propagation of research in a more desirable way. The
process of designing that kind of software can be clearly justified by the academic
evidence and supportive literature. IoT is the technology which is predicting to be
the most evolving in the near future. The research and the implementation of IoT
are growing up at a faster pace and more justification with the facts are getting clear

Automatic PUC Detection using GSM 2

Chapter 2

System Design

In this project, we are combining two things together, hardware and software.
As we are coding in the microcontroller and the software we need to be aware of
the developing process of the application and the hardware. As we have used SDLC
(Systems development life cycle) method to demonstrate the developing steps of the
hardware and the software. We have planned everything in this project in a sequence
so that all the project goals are achieved as required. So, for system design, we have
used certain criteria that could combine both software and hardware in an orderly
manner. In this chapter, we will describe the tools and skill required to develop a
system with the combination of software and hardware. To illustrate our system
design we have used various diagrams, like activity diagram, use case diagram, data
flow diagram and Gant chart etc.

2.1 Prototype
The following figure shows the prototype of our project, as it clearly mentioned
all the buttons that are specified for its operation making the system friendlier for
the end users. ‘Connect’ button is used to get the Android phone ready for the
connection via Bluetooth or the Internet. So, in case of Bluetooth it is connected
to the Bluetooth module and on the other hand, if it is the Wi-Fi it is connected
to the Wi-fi module. Once the device is identified, ‘Press Start’ button makes the

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application applicable to taking the input from the users. In other words, it starts
recognising the voice, and that is the time when the user has to say according to
the requirement of the home utility status. i.e. light ON light OFF, fan on fan OFF.

2.2 Use case Diagram

This kind of diagram basically explains the collaboration of the user with the
system. We will discuss the system design and architecture phase with the help of
Unified Modelling Language (UML). As shown below in the figure of all the level of
operation of the system from the user interaction to the program execution. Voice in
the form of ON/OFF is been identified and converted into text and it is sent through
Bluetooth/internet to Arduino Uno for the execution of the input command on the

Figure 2.1: case Diagram

This kind of diagram explains, the interaction between the system and the user
by sequencing order how the relations take place between. It also turns up with

Automatic PUC Detection using GSM 4

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the identification process of the code [22]. In case if the code is not identified by
Arduino or application, it follows the sequence as shown below in the diagram. It
also illustrates the completion of the process, when the right command is identified
by the user and it will perform an action on lights or fans which are connected on
the relay board.

In Unified Modelling language, activity diagram shows the workflow with the
steps of activities and actions from beginning to the end of the process in a system.
According to our project, each step across is followed by the other one, so for that,
every condition is satisfied in each step so that the next step is to peruse. Below
activity diagram of our project illustrates all the steps that are involved and the
decision that is followed corresponding to the output from each step.

2.3 Data Flow Diagram

This kind of diagram explains the flow of the application that is to be developed.
In other words, all the information that is processed is through data flow diagram.
It represents certain kind of symbols that shows activity that is performed at each
step and it justify all the steps accordingly that are followed in a certain sequence
one after the other [23]. Following is the data flow diagram of our project and it il-
lustrates all the information process from the beginning to end.In the process whilst
doing the project, we are making the software by MIT app innovator tool to write
the code. This is a great website that allows a programmer to learn and code any
software in an easy way.As we have completed with the hardware implementation,
we are ready to use the microcontroller with the software. So, testing basically
refers to the checking of the overall system if everything is working fine. To perform
testing there are a number of software that is available to check if the application
codes are running accordingly. We have gone through the various software to check
our coding, and in many cases, we found errors, which we debug later.

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RCPIT, Shirpur Department of Electronics & Telecommunication

2.4 Activity Diagram

In Unified Modelling language, activity diagram shows the workflow with the steps
of activities and actions from beginning to the end of the process in a system.
According to our project, each step across is followed by the other one, so for that,
every condition is satisfied in each step so that the next step is to peruse. Below
activity diagram of our project illustrates all the steps that are involved and the
decision that is followed corresponding to the output from each step.

Figure 2.2: Activity Diagram

2.4.1 Block Diagram

The microcontroller is the main part of the project. Here in the diagram it explains
that the voice command are taken from the microphone of the mobile or the pc and
then pass to the Arduino. After the Arduino is executing he command then it passes
to the relay board to turn the utilities on or off accordingly. Light, fan or ac are
turned on/off as the relay board is turned on or off. Arduino Uno uses C Language.
The Arduino company named it to “sketch”.

Automatic PUC Detection using GSM 6

RCPIT, Shirpur Department of Electronics & Telecommunication

Figure 2.3: Block Diagram

2.5 Hardware requirements

If we consider the hardware requirement for our project, the following are the
major hardware tools that we are using to implement the voice-controlled home
utilities via android phone.

2.5.1 Resister

To create a firm and smooth operation of Arduino Uno, we have used few re-
sisters, it’s just for the safety of some vulnerable hardware which can be burnt
because of the high voltage, so these resisters provide a resistant to a high voltage
to the sensitive side of the hardware.

2.5.2 Jumping wire

We are also required to use the jumping wires so that the internal connection
between the different components of the Arduino Uno could be established.

Automatic PUC Detection using GSM 7

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Figure 2.4: Resistor

Figure 2.5: Jumping wire

2.5.3 Relays Module

In order to control the voltage and power of the Arduino Uno, we have fitted
it with the Relays module which ultimately controls and prevents the high voltage
through its electromagnetic behaviour to detect the current.

Figure 2.6: Relay Module

Automatic PUC Detection using GSM 8

Chapter 3

System Implementation

This chapter includes the project details about the block diagram with detailed
description of components used in the project and about the working of the circuit.

3.1 Circuit Diagram

The Circuit Diagram consist of the following main blocks.


2. 4-channel Delay Module

3. Switch or Puush Button

4. Alexa

5. Buzzer for Alarming purpose

Circuit diagrams are the illustrative diagram to show the circuits that help
engineers to understand which element is connected to where and how. It is a graph-
ical representation of wires, cables and boards together [24]. As our project is based
on the circuit, where all the elements of the project are interconnected. Following
circuit design shows the circuit diagram, where Arduino device is connected to the
circuit Board, which is further connected to the utilities i.e. light and fan. There

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is also a Bluetooth module connected which is responsible for receiving the signals
from the mobile application.

Figure 3.1: Circuit Diagram

Circuit Design

The following figure is the more detailed figure of the overall circuit of the process,
that includes all the power supply connection, its voltage and rest of the other devices
information that is attached through the wires

Figure 3.2: Circuit Design

Automatic PUC Detection using GSM 10

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Gantt Chart

Gant chart is used to display the tasks that are performed throughout the project
according to the target period of time. It displays all the scheduled dates for east
subtask, stating the start date and end date. In other words, it is the graphical
representation of all the task with respect to time [25]. In following Gant chart we
have shown the division of the days we have taken to do complete this project from
September 2017 until January 2018. We have parted the chart in 13 different parts
from the starting to the finalizing date which actually illustrates all the subtasks
that are performed accordingly.

Figure 3.3: Gantt Chart

Algorithm Diagram

It displays the respective stepwise algorithm of the application, which involves

the complete processing of input data from the user, and this data involves the
logical sequence that must be followed to make the program work. Following algo-
rithm diagram of our project shows all the steps that are involved in the complete
processing of the application and it also shows the Google voice recognition in the
way it is connected to the application, and ultimately to the end spot i.e. Arduino

Automatic PUC Detection using GSM 11

RCPIT, Shirpur Department of Electronics & Telecommunication

Figure 3.4: Algorithm Diagram

Front End Design

In the process whilst doing the project, we are making the software by MIT app
innovator tool to write the code. This is a great website that allows a programmer to
learn and code any software in an easy way. We are using MITA ppinventorT ools2 .3.0asthecompil
F ront−enddesignwillbesimple, theuserwillhavethetwobuttons.\Connect”toconnecttotheBluet
W ehavealsorequiredusingJDK, JavaDevelopmentkit8aswearedoingeverythingf ortheAndroi
baseddevelopingapplication.Asweareusingjavalanguagethat′ swhyweareusingjavadevelopmen

Back End Design

Backend there will be Arduino Uno, we are using C language to program Arduino
Uno. So, for the execution of the program, we have coded Arduino accordingly, so
that it could recognise the command received and execute it. The compiler that we
have used is called ARDUINO 2.3. We have coded the microcontroller in C language
for the recognition of the receiving command.

Automatic PUC Detection using GSM 12

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An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a software application that pro-

vides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development.
An IDE normally consists of a source code editor, build automation tools and a

We have used Integrated development environment IDE version 1.8.2, it is kind

of JDE, but it is used for Arduino. We have coded in IDE 1.8.2, because it is the
latest version secondly as the Arduino is microcontroller and IDE belong from the
same company, so it is much more convenient to do coding, debugging and uploading
the code.

Automatic PUC Detection using GSM 13

Chapter 4

Conclusion and Future Scope

Controlling the home utilities via voice is just an amazing step forward towards
the development in IoT sector, as this involves totally a wireless medium to create
the connection. There are many Android-based applications which have been devel-
oped to initiate the working on this technology which also includes voice-controlled
wheelchair etc. All the previous experiments and trials which are done before, we
have utilised the same concept to implement it in an efficient manner, so that more
people can be benefited which involves just a say of word to make the things work
i.e. home utilities. Without a doubt, this technology will bring revolution in the
people’s life if that is implemented on the larger scale.
After performing deep research and study, we have introduced a platform, in which
more efforts can result in the better format in future. But according to all the exist-
ing technology, this is something new in a number of aspects and it is worth to be
accepted by a wide number of people because of its advantages towards the elderly
and special people. Controlling the utilities like fan, light and heater in the wireless
medium is absolutely an outstanding progress in this century, vulnerabilities and
security issues are still under concern to make this technology even better than ever
We are looking on this technology with better focus to make the life even easier. It
is the century where everyone is focussing on bringing the comfort in the people life.
This is just one step leap towards the future goal, there are many other things which

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are coming ahead with more challenges. We must make sure while introducing any
project, that it keeps the legal, ethical, social and environmental concerns to its best
because these are the basic pillars for the success of any work that is done for the
people welfare.

4.1 Future Scope

In the future, we would like to extend this work to design a monitoring system
with capability to sense all gas emission completely with high accuracy.Because of
its low power consumptions,reliability, portability this system having wide use.By
using MQ-5 instead of MQ-7, the system can be used to detect LPG which can be
used widely as a home security appliance.

Automatic PUC Detection using GSM 15


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of gas sensors for vehicle cabin air quality monitoring” COMMAD, 11-13 De-
cember 2002.

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troller ATMEGA8535 based Design of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Gas Detector”
IJECS-IJENS , Vol: 12, No.4.

[4] LIU zhen-ya, WANG Zhen-dong and CHEN Rong “Intelligent Residential Se-
curity Alarm and Remote Control System Based On Single Chip Computer”
ICIEA, 3-5 June 2008.

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itoring System Based on GSM” PACIIA, Vol.2, 19-20, December 2008.

[6] V.Ramya, B. Palaniappan “Embedded Technology for vehicle cabin safety Mon-
itoring and Alerting System” IJCSEA, Vol. 2, 1-7, April 2012.


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