OISD STD 118 Tables

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S-NumverO1SDI00C2012076 ‘o1sp-sto- 108 Page No. 16 TAVOUTS FOR OIL AND GAS INSTALLATIONS ‘SeNunbero1SD00/2012076 ‘o1sp-sto- 108 Page No.5 TAVOUTS FOR OIL AND GAS INSTALLATIONS ©) Alliance essed Neen he mae pot nthe pf ih Sli eno (In te fk vie eatin / ting ewe ie (Seances bette caro mae mi Ie sure penne )ae st eth ne eee! Fase! Si Meal Biman eterna nt ht er Tiel ote ele he troy ee of Sled. Type ofcunsnato sal be asp O1SD-STD 16, Masi Roce anol mt Patol ht arte nim spt duc al 30. Frac om ated snl ye (eboierr ster the mim ean Sac hl elem Far in poseng pan al be iim 0 mt ence wer Nees Sal e4S mfr a lcs 30m or Dt a conection. ‘Stan withine hal ber Tables Tel NaeIO Sone dere ewe ik ck tye al pr le Som roc ul emis nel prt he process ni which is acd aed in tht eave the nes equapmc sms sould be sine wth Tee =2 Nawi2 Conran APL sere, Comal Peep (CP pe i spre sl be xpi hme ad shale aed ‘Stace of 90 meter ton fe ota Howewe, axe we oedipal wi log veg at, he ‘ezeis: SG doce sa so watt nab In asic 206 on so in song Commie Mectig nD S-NumverO1SDI00C2012076 ‘o1sp-sto- 108 Page No. TAVOUTS FOR OIL AND GAS INSTALLATIONS SEPARATION DISTANCES BETWEEN EQUIPMENT WITHIN PROCESS UNIT TABLE? Gener » » ° a 8 » ‘SeNunbero1SD00/2012076 ‘o1sp-sto- 108 Page No.7 TAVOUTS FOR OIL AND GAS INSTALLATIONS sto Table? All distances ae fice-o-fice ler minimum distances in meters 1 nites table distance as per god engiecring practices to meet constriction operons nd maintenance requirements Distances specified in Table-2 are the minimum rornmended distances that te indy sbouldabere, Those could be stably ‘modi as required to sult space consins and relevant enginoeing practices excep the folowing. (©) Blow down fit (open pit ype) oil clche shall be locate at a dance nt es than 30m from fied heater any fred cguipment the blow down drum is cated underground / oll catcher is cover with Yea safe location, the minum Separation dance shall be 15m. i) Foe! Oil day tank shal be located eta distance of not lest than 15m fom equipment except those facies suchas est cashangs, pump somestd direc withthe Fas Oi yster, ‘Fecwater hydrant monitors sal be minimum 1S m away fom the equipmen: tha it be protected ‘iter spray deluge valve shall be minimum 15 m fom equipment handing hyérocarbon Fuel gas knock out dum shal be locate aa minimum separation distance of 15m fom he heater Separation ditances specified in other OISD standards or elewhere in this standard (other than Table -2) shall be followed as recommended S-NumverO1SDI00C2012076 ‘o1sp-sto- 108 Page No. 18 TAVOUTS FOR OIL AND GAS INSTALLATIONS SEPARATION DISTANCES BETWEENTANK./ OFFSITE FACILITIES or largeisaatos) —TABLE-3 TF SEE EEE TSE eae aca} » | ef P| “Tey ‘ioe ET Pe ft eT Ps [ [=f SSE + a wp peep pe ep ea S-NumverO1SDI00C2012076 ‘o1sb- stp 118 Page No.1 LAYOUTS FOR OIL AND GAS INSTALLATIONS SEPARATION DISTANCES BETWEEN STORAGE TANKS WITHIN A DYKE TARLE-4 TT (Didi D-die Dias 7 aaa TE Dear Das Dear (Gonaral notes to Table= 3 @4 2) Abstr nme 1)“ tans uthiedszes pe ppadeprecia atk wean parla entre: euros 2) Died edited tt Ip Tabe—3 dite dlltememed bets sors pinson x prin ofh iy egtn deca of ak ete bad wioaeg aca whee denne dulbonsnaal ont cea ofcaiy ©) InTehe-4 Dates gered inte se die 4 Forde conbnatin of sg: nl, sgt pamela omnis spn sae 2 Thedies fag: rs fonboury al ia 0 Peaingnairks vig sin irepene @) Tete thea noFtnst nt haumgarpoal amr eing sem nd ork dames meer mes 1), Damo mein Tie fehicpmpme dou hte Have fsidernye el unk femokrcnbe marten viel 1) Fore Stiesntanerain Table Tbk S:NumverO1S0100C2012076 ‘o1sb-stp- 118 Page No.0 TAYOUTS FOR OIL AND GAS INSTALLATIONS ‘SEPARATION DISTANCES BETWEEN TANKS/OFFSITE FACILITIES - (For smal i TABLES ‘SeNunbero1SD00/2012076 ‘o1sp-sto- 108 Page No.2) TAVOUTS FOR OIL AND GAS INSTALLATIONS ‘General notes to Table-S: » » % ° » Alldistances ar in meter and the abe specifies the minima reuiement "1" inicates suitable dsance as per good engineering practices to meet construction, operations nd maintenance requirments “D" indicts the diameter of there tank Dintanes given forthe tanks re shel. shel in these dyke ‘Where aerate distances are speci ike 0.5 19/60), the minimum there sal be used All distances shall be measured between the nearest points on th perimeter ofeach facility except incase of tank vehicle loading ‘unlosdng ate where the distance sal be rom he center ofeach Ba Pig auncheresiver a gui hytrocarbon handing pipsine installations shoul be loceted teat Sm from boundary. Distances motioned in Table 3 ace for eevric pump motor located outside dyke, However for side entry mixer tached tank shell, the motnr canbe mounted on the tank shel. S-Numver01SD10062012076 ‘o1sp- stp 108 Page No LAYOUTS FOR OIL AND GAS INSTALLATIONS SEPARATION DISTANCES FOR LPG FACILITIES TABLE -6 Tm, FROMTTO T B 7 = 7 t TPG Siorage vena Nat] 7 fw | so fo fo | | Boundary wall/ group of builings not 7] pw | ps ps0 [a0 associated wih EPG pst F | Shed fr filing and orgs oe LPG, Gad | 30] 30 [1830 [30-30 | 18 [00 TY Tank Truck Loading unloading ney a 5 | Tank wagon wary | 30 | we | 30 fsa | 5050 Ya © Raltepar x | 30 | | so | so | 30 | 30 | 7 [Punphoue/Comprewortouse ray | 15 | 30 | is | 30 | a0 | 30 | x | @ 3 Fire Water pup boos ow px | o [mo | | 0 | @ [x S-NumverO1SDI00C2012076 ‘o1sp-sto- 108 Page No.5 TAVOUTS FOR OIL AND GAS INSTALLATIONS TABLE-7 SEPARATION DI TANCES BETWEEN LPG STORAGE VESSEL [ASSOCIATED WIT SAND BOUNDARY WALL /GROUP OF BU PG FACILITH DINGS No" Capac of ach vessel in Cam oF wae 10-20-] 31-40 351-450 | AS1-7S0 | TST~ RO Titans ae 1S mH 7 w oT 4) Table is applieale fr total torape of sove 100 Tones, 1b) Allditances aren meters ©) xindcates table distance a er good engineering practices to mest consmition, operational and maintenance requirements &) TTingicmes Table 7; ©) Distance of stating line shal eas per Railway Standards Specific Noes tT Noto-: The distance stl be 2 mater or 1 ofthe sum ofthe diameters of the aacent vessels oral the diameter ofthe larger ofthe wo adjacent vessels inthe sume group whichever 5 pester,

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