Reflective Essay 2

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How to Speak Confidently in Public: Even if You’re Shy and Introverted

The webinar entitled “How to Speak Confidently in Public: Even if You’re Shy
and Introverted” is a dialogue on speaking in public with confidence, that even though
you’re shy and introverted, you will be able to do it. The webinar focuses on its agenda,
which is “why is it important to Speak with Confidence?” and “5 Tips to Speak
Confidently in Public Even if You’re Shy and Introverted”. This is a very interesting
webinar because of two reasons, first is because Ms. Sha Nacino, the speaker, is very
shy and introverted growing, and knowing that she overcome her shyness is a
testament on how she can impart insights for those people who are afraid in speaking
publicly. The second thing why it is an interesting webinar is because, even if I am not
that shy anymore when speaking publicly, I still learned a lot, I gained a ton of insights
to apply for my everyday life.

The webinar started on the 5 tips to speak confidently in public, and my personal
favorite is the number three, which says “Assume the Audience Likes You”. It
immediately gave an impact to my heart, because there are times that I hesitate on
doing things, like volunteering to recite in a class session, or speaking some information
or suggestions. The reason why I hesitate, is because I feel that maybe I am wrong or
my idea is not good enough, Ms. Sha Nacino explains that the reason why we think like
that is because we assume that the people around us will judge us. So, always assume
that the audience likes you, that will give you the confidence to speak in public.

My other favorite on the 5 tips to speak confidently in public is the number four,
which says “Speak as if You’re Just Playing Your Favorite Game”, it is very applicable
to a lot of people, not just me, because almost all of us play games in our gadgets, and
most of the introverted person that I knew, really likes playing online games. We all
knew that the pandemic cause as to rely 100% on online platforms, gadgets and social
media. So, if in the online games you play, you are very vocal to your teammates or
squad, you should be able to do that also in public and to the people in front of you.

When I was still in grade school, I was very shy and scared to people, one
particular reason for that is I’ve been bullied that time, so in my grade school time I was
really shy and scared. I still remember that our class performed a dance in stage, and
because my other classmates laughed and mocked me, I just stand, cried and did not
participate. I always feel that time that I do not belong to other people, that I have no
friends, and I am not good enough, and that affected my confidence.

I believe that the turning point where I get out of my shell is when I am in grade 5
and I started to achieve good grades and honors every quarter and academic year. That
is when the time that I realize that I can do what others can do, that I can be better. Like
what Ms. Sha Nacino said, “Smile, Stand Up, and Raise Your Hands Up”, get out of
your comfort zone, be bold and face the world. In this time of pandemic, we should be
speaking up and not imitating the others who just lost their voice and passion because
of the struggles and effect of this pandemic.

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