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European Scientific Journal October 2015 edition vol.11, No.

29 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431



Mohamad Wajdi Bardeesi, PhD candidate, MS

Youssef Attallah, Associate Professor, PhD
Civil and Environmental Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering, Beirut Arab University, Lebanon

Sustainability and specifically environmental factors are emerging as
prominent issues in engineering decision-making. Environmental parameters
are not considered part of current pavement management systems for many
road authorities, despite having duties such as pavement construction and
maintenance which can greatly affect the environmental impact of a project.
This paper demonstrates the feasibility of integrating environmental
performance measures into pavement management process. To illustrate
these concepts, a sustainable pavement management framework is proposed.
Background information is given on life-cycle assessment (LCA). The
proposed framework life-cycle and LCA phases are discussed, in addition to
the system’s data and data sources. A list describing the data used for
environmental calculations is included, Special attention is given to recycled
materials and environmental measures. Concluding remarks suggest different
contexts for potential applications of the proposed framework, together with
network tools that can be used to meet user needs and applications as well as
to address feasibility and cost.

Keywords: Pavement Management, Sustainable transport, Life Cycle Cost

Analysis, Environmental Impacts

Pavement systems are fundamental elements of the passenger and
freight transportation systems worldwide. While the transportation of people
and goods has expanded significantly in recent decades, pavement systems
have serious impacts on the environment and the economy. Asphalt and
concrete are the most common materials used in the construction of
pavement systems. The use of both asphalt and concrete poses significant

European Scientific Journal October 2015 edition vol.11, No.29 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

1. Sustainability in Pavement Systems:

Pavement systems are fundamental elements of the passenger and freight
transportation systems worldwide. While the transportation of people and
goods has expanded significantly in recent decades, pavement systems have
serious impacts on the environment and the economy. Asphalt and concrete
are the most common materials used in the construction of pavement
systems. The use of both asphalt and concrete poses significant
environmental challenges.
With increasing expansion of pavement systems globally, the need for
more sustainable pavement development becomes even more important.
Sustainable development can be defined as development that meets the needs
of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet
their own needs. Sustainable pavement system development requires a
comprehensive evaluation framework that takes into account environmental,
economic, and social indicators simultaneously (Figure 1).
Traditionally, material scientists and engineers have focused on a limited
set of performance criteria in design activities within the material
development process, while industrial ecologists and economists have
maintained a macro-level perspective for analyzing the life cycle impacts at
the infrastructure systems level. The sustainable design framework helps
ensure regular flows of information between these two processes. Alternative
materials designed in the material development process are translated into
life cycle inventory inputs for life cycle analysis of an infrastructure system.
An aggregated set of social, environmental, and economic indicators are
derived for the infrastructure system from material resource extraction to end
of life management. These sustainability indicators can be used to guide
changes in material design in order to optimize system performance. This
design, evaluation, and re-design sequence can be repeated until sustainable
solutions are reached.

Figure 1 Sustainability in Pavement Systems

European Scientific Journal October 2015 edition vol.11, No.29 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

Currently, few sustainability indicators are considered in the evaluation

of alternative materials in pavement systems. Traditionally, agency costs are
used by highway agencies to compare different designs. Energy
consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, user costs, and environmental
damage costs are not often considered in the decision making process
(Wilde, et. al.. 2001).
Additionally, besides the evaluation of pavement construction, many
factors during pavement usage are not evaluated by highway agencies, such
as traffic congestion caused by construction activities and surface roughness
effects caused by pavement deterioration.

2. Life Cycle Assessment

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an investigation and valuation tool of
the environmental impacts of a given product or service caused or
necessitated by its existence. The goal of LCA is to compare the full range of
environmental damages of the products and services, in order to be able to
choose the least burdensome one.
The term 'life cycle' refers to the notion that a fair, holistic assessment
requires the assessment of raw material production, manufacture,
distribution, use and disposal including all intervening transportation steps
necessary or caused by the product's existence. The sum of all those steps -
or phases - is the life cycle of the product. Common categories of assessed
damages are global warming (greenhouse gases), acidification, smog, ozone
layer depletion, eutrophication, eco-toxicological and human-toxicological
pollutants, desertification, land use as well as depletion of minerals and fossil

Figure 2 General LCA Framework (ISO. 2006).

European Scientific Journal October 2015 edition vol.11, No.29 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

A Life Cycle Assessment is carried out in four distinct phases (Figure 2).
Goal and scope - In the first phase, the LCA-practitioner formulates and
specifies the goal and scope of study in relation to the intended application.
Life cycle inventory - The second phase involves data collection and
modeling of the product system, as well as description and verification of
data. The third phase 'Life Cycle Impact Assessment' is aimed at evaluating
the contribution to impact categories such as global warming, acidification,
etc. Interpretation - The last phase is the most important one, as it’s an
analysis of major contributions, sensitivity analysis and uncertainty analysis
leads to the conclusion whether the ambitions from the goal and scope can be

2.1 Pavement LCAs

The most crucial methodological decision in a pavement LCA is the
selection of system boundaries. From a life-cycle perspective, boundaries
should be drawn so that all relevant processes are included in the assessment.
When one or more relevant processes are arbitrarily excluded, the quality
and confidence of LCA results are jeopardized, as excluded phases and
components can have a large impact on the results (Santero, et. Al. 2009).
Figure 3 illustrates a comprehensive map of the pavement life cycle.

Figure 3 Suggested System Boundaries for Pavement LCA

(Santero, et. al. 2011)

The goal and scope of the pavement LCA also plays an important role in
determining proper system boundaries. Needs differ between pavement
LCAs and it is difficult to establish a one-size-fits-all boundary system.
Movement towards a standardized pavement LCA framework will
provide designers, researchers, and stockholders the ability to accurately and

European Scientific Journal October 2015 edition vol.11, No.29 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

consistently characterize the impacts of pavement structures. With respect to

comparative LCAs, previous studies have lacked comprehensive systems
boundaries, leading to inaccurate representations of both the concrete and
asphalt life-cycle impacts (Santero, et. al. 2011).

2.2 Improving LCA through LCCA

Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) can evaluate the economic impacts of
pavements in various ways. For example, LCCA can be used to compare
alternative designs, evaluate payback periods for proposed improvements, or
calculate the cost-effectiveness of environmental improvement strategies.
Regardless of the approach, accompanying the environmental impacts from
LCA with the economic impacts from LCCA creates a marked advancement
in the utility of the assessment as a whole. Whereas LCA quantifies the
important environmental issues, LCCA provides the necessary economic
context to implement those solutions into the marketplace.

2.3 RealCost Software

The FHWA developed RealCost to instruct pavement designers and
decision-makers on how to perform LCCA, and to help integrate LCCA into
the decision-making process through a functional tool. Users enter
anticipated construction, preservation, maintenance, and repair costs and
timings and the software converts this to a present value life-cycle cost.
RealCost encourages the use of best practices by supporting probabilistic
calculations and estimating user costs due to work zone delay. Probabilistic
calculations are performed using Monte Carlo simulation if activity costs and
timings are entered as probability functions rather than deterministic values.
User costs are calculated through comparing traffic demand to the roadway’s
capacity during normal flow and work zone conditions (RealCost 2004).

3. Quantifying Sustainability in PMS

Environmental stewardship considers the use of renewable resources at
below their rates of regeneration and non-renewable resources below rates of
development of substitutes. The need to provide a clean environment from
both an air quality and water quality perspective could be included in an
environmental monitoring plan, as well as including pollution prevention,
climate protection, habitat preservation and aesthetics (Ramani, et al 2009).
Recycling, reusing, and reclaiming of existing materials is crucial to
advance sustainable development (Carpenter, et. el. 2007).. Construction
materials can be expensive and now some resources are in limited supply,
making it important to make good use of available materials.
Alternative materials also hold the promise of being able to enhance
sustainability in pavement management. Research has shown that materials

European Scientific Journal October 2015 edition vol.11, No.29 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

such as recycled asphalt shingles, recycled rubber tire, recycled glass, and
reclaimed carbon from copier toner can be successfully incorporated into
new pavements (Chan, P. Et. al. 2010). The incorporation of innovative
materials can also potentially enhance pavement performance and reduce the
demand for virgin materials (Horvath, A. 2004),.
Minimizing or eliminating noise pollution is another element of a
sustainable design and construction program, and it follows that standards
imposed on construction may also be applicable to maintenance operations.

4. Environmental Impact Tools

The environmental tools mentioned here fall into two very distinct
categories: environmental calculators and environmental rating tools. Every
tool has its own set of boundary conditions and various life-cycle activities
are included and omitted from each.
An environmental “calculator” is a software tool that uses material or
equipment inputs to estimate the amount of pollutants produced or other
environmental impacts of a project. Environmental calculators may estimate
a single pollutant, or multiple types of pollutants. The tools which fall into
this category, for example, are: MOVES2010, NONROAD, asPECT,
Changer, and PaLATE.
An environmental “rating tool” is defined as a methodology that calls for
the gathering of predominantly environmental impact information for a
transportation project and uses this information to assign a rating or score to
the project. Rating tools can be in the form of a checklist, a questionnaire, or
a procedural description and may require varying levels of documentation
and verification.
Rating tools do not perform estimates or calculations themselves but may
require the outputs of environmental calculators or other measurement
systems to establish the appropriate rating. The environmental rating tools,
for example, are: Greenroads, GreenLITES, IN-VEST, I-LAST, and

5. Proposed Sustainable Pavement Framework (Figure 4)

To implement a non-trivial but also trusted framework, the following is
1) Limit calculations to emissions and resource usage (data will be more
available and reliable).
2) Integrate probabilistic capabilities.
3) Supply a default database for easy use, and allow for extensive
4) Provide a notification advising the users if they are left on default values.

European Scientific Journal October 2015 edition vol.11, No.29 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

It is important to note that a project-level environmental impact tool

should be used as part of a larger environmental impact or sustainability
strategy (network level). Higher level evaluation should take place,
examining how potential roadway projects are expected to impact the
environment and the sustainability of the transportation system and
interconnected sectors as a whole. After this evaluation has taken place and a
decision has been made to move forward with a project, a tool such as the
one proposed can be used to compare the environmental impacts of various
alternative designs and construction strategies.

5.1 Environmental Factors

The proposed framework considers four factors believed to be the most
practical and useful in providing environmental impact information for use in
a decision support capacity. These four factors are:
a) Emissions due to extraction and production,
b) Emissions due to construction activities,
c) Resource consumption, and
d) Emissions due to work zone travel delay.

a) Material Extraction and Production

To estimate material extraction and production effects, users select a
production facility and mix design from the database. Mix designs are
associated with specific production facilities and consist of a collection of
materials, their percentage in the mix, and their individual hauling distances
from extraction sites to the production facility. Each material has an emission
factor and probabilistic distribution stored in the database which will be
accessed when the mix is selected. Production plants also have an associated
emission factor and probabilistic distribution. Proposed input options are
shown in Figure 5.

European Scientific Journal October 2015 edition vol.11, No.29 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

Planning Needs

Pavement Design
Design Alternative details -
Alternatives Work Zone Data (Figure 5)

Evaluate Alternatives
Emissions due to different
Activities (Figure 6)
Sustainability Indicators
on Design Alternatives

Select the most

Sustainable Alternative Network level

Post-Construction Field Performance

Evaluation (Update Results) Monitoring

Data Base for Maintenance Activities

Network Level Planning Data of PMS

Improve Sensitivity for Analyze

Sustainable Indicators Sustainable Options

Project level
Sustainability Indicators
on Network Level

Optimization of Options

Budget Allocation and

Rehabilitation Schedule

Figure 4 Proposed Sustainable Pavement Framework

Figure 5 Input Options

European Scientific Journal October 2015 edition vol.11, No.29 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

The material amount is multiplied by the associated emission factors

stored in the database to calculate the emissions impact of the material
extraction and production.
Inputting energy consumption, energy sources, and the amount of
material produced will call on the tool to use these inputs to calculate the
emissions factor for the new facility. Equation (1) states that the emissions
factor of a production facility is the sum of the amount of energy used from
all energy sources multiplied by the emissions factor for the corresponding
energy source, divided by the total amount of material produced by the

EFpro = Emissions factor for a production facility (tons emissions/ton of
Epro,i = Energy Amount of type i used by the production facility over a
known time span (kwh, gallons…)
EFest,i = Emissions factor for energy type i (tons emissions/kwh,
Apro = Amount of material produced over same time span (tons)
Equation (2) states that the emissions factor for a material’s extraction is
the sum of the amount of energy used from all energy sources multiplied by
the emissions factor for the corresponding energy source, divided by the total
amount of material extracted.

EFext = Emissions factor for a material’s extraction (tons emissions/ton
of material)
Eext,i = Energy Amount of type i (electricity grid, gasoline, diesel…)
used by the extraction
facility over a known time span (kwh, gallons…)
EFest,i= Emissions factor for energy type i (tons emissions/kwh,
Aext = Amount of material extracted over same time span (tons)

b) Emissions due to Construction Activities

Emissions due to construction activities are based on hauling distance
from production facilities to the project site in addition to site preparation
and laydown activities. Users indicate the hauling distance for each material
layer and select a “construction profile,” which will be the emission factor

European Scientific Journal October 2015 edition vol.11, No.29 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

for the project. A construction profile consists of a single emission factor

representing all anticipated preparation and construction activities for a
project, or a set of emission factors which each represent a single preparation
or construction activity.

c) Resource Consumption
Many agencies have already adopted a “resource conscious” stance on
the use of pavement materials. This can have both economic and
environmental benefits, and supporting the ability of agencies to make
resource conscious decisions will be a valuable addition to a LCA tool. The
resource consumption feature helps justify decisions on whether or not to
make use of recycled (RAP, RCA,…) and reused (fly ash, blast furnace
slag,…) materials. Engineers and contractors can reasonably estimate the
amount of recycled and reused materials they intend to include in a design.
Simple inputs of layer depths, widths, and lengths is combined with this data
to allow the tool to create resource usage tables that can be used to compare
materials use of different designs, processes, and material sources.

d) Emissions due to Work Zone Delays

Work zone related travel delay is a significant source of emissions in the
road construction process (Huang, et. al. 2009).. Standard gasoline engines
burn least efficiently during deceleration, acceleration, and idling. The slow
speeds and reduced capacity of a work zone necessitate such decelerations
and accelerations, as well as often creating traffic delays that extend the
effects outside of the construction area. Despite the clear impact construction
activities have on local traffic and therefore on the associated emissions,
these emissions are not currently considered as a part of the construction
process (Santero, et. al. 2009).. It was not included in any Environmental
Calculator tool reviewed during this study. This feature of the framework
allows agencies to make informed decisions on construction timing and
traffic management strategies in order to balance conventional practice and
agency cost measures with user costs and emission impacts.
RealCost currently requires the input of traffic data as well as capacity
during normal operation and construction conditions in order to calculate
user cost due to delay. These delay calculations, paired with an already
developed emission model such as MOVES, can yield the full range of
gaseous and particulate emissions or a CO2e value depending on the chosen
settings. This data is necessary for calculating traffic conditions during
construction for comparison with normal roadway operation. In RealCost,
this comparison is used to show variations in User Cost between different
alternatives and work zone strategies. The proposed framework uses the

European Scientific Journal October 2015 edition vol.11, No.29 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

comparison to calculate emissions due to work zone related traffic


5.2 Customization
a) Define New Material, Mixture, Production Facility
While a limited database of default values should be provided with the
framework, these values will inevitably fail to cover certain equipment,
techniques, and materials and go out-of-date as new equipment, techniques,
and materials are developed. For anything beyond general guidance on the
impacts of various materials and processes, users should be encouraged to
provide their own data if it is available.

b) Probabilistic Calculations
Each material, production facility, construction profile, and hauling
distance should be able to be entered either as a single number
(deterministically) or as an expected value with an associated distribution
function (probabilistically). Users are able to choose uniform, normal,
truncated normal, triangular, or truncated triangular distribution. The
proposed framework performs a sensitivity analysis by varying the
deterministic variables a set amount above and below their input values.

5.3 Calculations and Outputs

The proposed framework has the capability to calculate substantially
large amounts of information, which may be more than needed or desired by
the agencies that will make use of it.
Users are also able to select different levels of output aggregation or
disaggregation, such as examining emissions as a range of gases and
particulates or having the program reduce this to a CO2e value. The output
tables will display the amount of total aggregate and binder used in the
design, measured in tons, as well as total virgin aggregate and binder tonnage
(Figure 6).

Figure 6 Output Options

European Scientific Journal October 2015 edition vol.11, No.29 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

In order to integrate sustainability into their current practices, pavement
decision-makers need a comprehensive framework which includes a set of
environmental decision support tools. While a variety of environmental
impact tools are currently available, they suffer from a number of drawbacks
which serve as barriers to their implementation.
This paper proposed a framework which addresses many of the
limitations of previous environmental impact tools. The proposed framework
estimates multiple environmental impacts, including emissions due to work
zone delays which are not considered by any other currently available tool.
The tool also performs probabilistic calculations and has a database which
can be added to and updated by users. The developed framework will help
decision-makers in incorporating environmental factors into pavement
management systems.
The proposed framework calculates resource usage and a wide range of
emissions rather than just CO2e. It will have a database which allows for
immediate employment of the framework and this database can be fully
customized through additions by the user. The proposed framework also has
probabilistic capabilities, allowing users to take risk and uncertainty into
account in their decision-making.
After the proposed environmental impact Framework is developed, a
database specific to a chosen locality should be developed. This should be
achieved through working with local material sources and production
facilities to determine their energy usage and material production. Variation
in energy use and material production over the time period the database is
being built can be used to generate probabilistic distributions specific to
individual material and mix providers. The value of such geographically and
temporally specific data will eclipse the general database and should be used
to perform case studies demonstrating the usefulness of the Framework.

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Construction Environmental Assessment: Life Cycle Based Risk Assessment
of Recycled Materials in Roadway Construction, Final Report for RMRC
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Chan, P. and S. Tighe (2010), Quantifying Pavement Sustainability, Ministry
of Transportation of Ontario, Canada, Apr. 2010, pp. 5.
Horvath, A. (2004), A Life-Cycle Analysis Model and Decision-Support Tool
for Selecting Recycled Versus Virgin Materials for Highway Applications,
Final Report for RMRC Research Project No. 23, Recycled Materials
Resource Center, Durham, N.H., Mar. 2004, p. 12.

European Scientific Journal October 2015 edition vol.11, No.29 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431

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