P4 Math SA2 2015 Rulang Exam Papers-P

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a RULANG PRIMARY SCHOOL "Nurturing, Competencies Inspiring Excellence, Empowering Individuals ‘Baul since 930 ‘Scholars of Tomorrovs ‘Name ¢ ) Level = Primary Four Class > Primary4 _____ Date + 30 October 2015 Setter Mr Mazlan bin Ismael SEMESTRAL ASSESSMENT 2 2015 MATHEMATICS PAPER 1 ‘TOTAL TIME FOR PAPER I: I hour 15 minutes 30 questions 50 marks * DONOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DOSO. = READ ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. © ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS. ‘Questions 11010 cary 2 marks each. Questions 11 to 20 carry 1 mark each, For each question, four options are given. One ofthese isthe comect answer. Make your choice (I 2,3 or 4) ad shade the ‘oval (1,2, 30r4) onthe Optical Answer Sheet G0 marks) 1. In which ofthe following numbers does the digit 4 sand for 400? () 4870 @ 6470 @ 6708 © 7640 2. Which ofthe following isa mltiple of 9? w % @ 9 @3 4) 36 3. How many one fifths ate therein 4 wholes? oe ® 5. Which of the following decimals isthe greatest? () 0257 ® 020 & 0ms ® oss 6 xpress SE as adecimah 0308, @) 0058, @) ose @) 5.08 7. Inthe figure below, which ofthe following satemefts is corect? (1) Za smaler than 90% aD (2) 2bie pester than 90° 4 @) eis peater tan 90° ©) Ais equal 1090" v Balawasfcing north at it. He made a 90" at-lockwise tum After that, he made tum in the clockwise direction. Which ection wa he facing inthe end? 0) Nonth 2) South ©) Eat Wea 9. James watched a movie which lasted for 1 18 mia. The movie ended at 11.53 pm. What 1 di the movie start? ) Labem, @ 1pm © 1035am, @) 1035 pm. 10. Ali took a bus from Singapore to Malacca at 10.45 pam. The bus ride took 4 h 40 min, What time did he reach Malacca? 225, 2) 0325 ©) 1425 (@) 1525 un n. Gina has gathered some data on 4 quadilterals (A, B, € and D), which is recorded inthe table shown below. | . c D [Opposite ies ar eat ? 7 ¢ 7 Opes sides a perl = 7 z > All anges are rghtanges | z = Z ‘Allsides ar oma =i + ZI Which one ofthe figures isa etangle? wa @ B oc @ D “The figure below is mode up of 3 Wenticl squares and a rectangle. The length of the rectangle ie 12am. le brendth 2 crn, What athe length of XY? «em lam @ tm 1 @ om ota I 211, ‘A square farmland has an area of 36. Find the pevimeter of the farmland © om @ 1m @ wm @ 36m ‘Alan had a stored valve of $6 in his Ex-link card He wsed ‘bs trp. What was the stored val nis Exlink ead afr ($062 . : @) sora @ $531 (4) $532 Exstink card to pay $0.68 fora bustrp? 15, ‘The total mass of three identical flower pots was 759 kg, What was the mass ofeach lower pot? () 205ke @ 241k. 250K, (4) 253 ke 16, Which ofthe ftlosting sa symmetical image ofthe piven fi along line XY. For Questions 17 to 19, please refer tothe bar graph below. “Thebar graph shows the survey results of al the Failies living a block of as, 30 1 Number of families 9 0 1 2 3” more than 3 "Number of children in each faily ies living inthe block of fats have 2 or more children? mae @ 21 @ mu @ 28 18, How many families lve inthe Block of fas? 49 @ 9 @ @ @ 6 19, How many children ive inthe block of fats? (1) Between 49 and 73 children (2) More than 73 children ©) Exactly 73 chiren (8) Fewerthan 73 children 20, Which ofthe following unit shapes cannot be teselsted? Questions 24 to 30 cacry 2 maths each. Show your working clearly inthe space below each question and write your answers inthe spaces provided. For questions which require wits, give your answers in the units tated. (@0 marks) 21, Wie the missing nomber in the number patter below 2538, 2688 2838, 3138 Ans: 22, Round off #747 tothe nearest ten. Ans: 23, Which 10 ofthe fractions below ae inthe simplest form? 24, Arrange the following fractions from te greatest to the smallest, 1 i. Aas 7 0 “weeies) a) 25. _Fndhe vale of 1 2 ~ 1. Give your answer inthe simples fom. 26. Which ofthe marked anges inthe igre below ae right anges? 27. nthe figure one of he lines is parallel to PU. Which nei parallel to PU? 28. Write 7 andreaths in Figures. Ans: 2, 86-095" Ans: 130, Mr Chia le home for work at 745 am, He reached home at 635 pan. that evening, How long. ‘ashe ay fiom homeon that day? End of Paper 1 ° RULANG PRIMARY SCHOOL “Nurturing Competencies, spicing Excellence, Empowering Individoals ‘Scholars of Tomorrow None ( ) TealMns Pavers 4&2 Level = Primary Four Class > Primary 4 Date > 30 October 2015 Setter : Mr Mazlan bin Ismael SEMESTRAL ASSESSMENT 2 2015. MATHEMATIC: PAPER 2 TOTAL TIME FOR PAPER 2: 1 hour 30 minutes 18 questions, 50 marks = DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO so. » READ ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. » ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS. Questions 4 10 10 carry 2 matks each. Show your working cleily in the space Below cach question and vite your answers in the spaces provided, For questions which require units, give {Your answers in the wats stated. (20 marks) A piece of vibtion is 157 om long, Find the total length of 76 such ribbons. Ans: = 2. alee Sigotfrie tlenchslie leant of rte abate ete ow ho Ca etn th Ge ee aos 3. A group of scouts was feng the west. They made a 90° anticlockwise tum and continued ‘their journey. After travelling for some time, they made a 180° clockovee tum. Which Sigur symmetseal. x 9. The pattem in the box below shows part of a tesellation. Extend the txsellation by 6 uints > 2436 +6~= 406,3 units> 406x3-= 1218, 12. s27Eg Tday> 941498 82,2 days 9182 x25 il. ike S005 2g-> 20003 4g 310008 kg 10004-2750 2000-50041500, Qt 165 cookies 5-253, 3 units 36943099, [QiSa eam? 93.3—¢ Q1Sb, 68> 83-5, Length of rectangles 96 +0212, 12-39 Usa BAdkg P1108 - 268-840 Q16b. 1.244 91 pupil? 8.40 +7. (Cia 1600 packets of 2400 x2 = 4800, 6400-4800=1600, 4-2=2,1600+2800 (packets of 4), 2400900 = 1600 (packets of2) 17.800 800x4=3200 1600x2=3200 3200+3200e6400 ‘THEEND

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