The Coaching Supervisor: Coaching Culture: Summary of Learning

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The Coaching Supervisor: Coaching Culture

Summary of Learning

What is a Coaching environment?

1. It is where coaching is seen and perceived by individuals as a developmental and

growth opportunity where every interaction makes them learn and grow.
2. It is where people look forward to coaching interactions because they are learning
something new, discovering strengths that they can reinforce and areas that they can
improve on.
3. It is where the interactions are frequent, consistent, and are happening on a regular

What is NOT a Coaching environment?

1. It is where interactions are seen as punitive.

2. It is where people dread and are not looking forward to the coaching interaction.
3. It is where the interactions are random, not consistent, and are not frequent.

How to Build and Cultivate a Coaching Environment

1. Train and teach people the process of coaching. Coaches should undergo the right
training to prepare them for interactions and conversations.
2. Drive accountability by integrating coaching interaction requirements in
measurements of performance.
3. Establish processes and build a system around coaching.
4. Lead by example by coaching on a regular basis.
5. Reassure people that making mistakes and failing is not only expected but also

What are the Phases of Integrating Coaching in a School environment?

● Phase 1: Introduction - introduce coaching by showing materials, training teachers

and master teachers on coaching and letting everyone know about coaching
● Phase 2: Implementation - integrate coaching in interactions and observation cycles
● Phase 3: Expansion - collaborate with external coaching institutions and use
coaching with other stakeholders ex: student teachers, students, people outside the
Academics team

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What are Ways to Integrate Coaching?

1. Introduce and promote coaching to the different stakeholders but prioritize promotion
to people who need it at the moment. You may use materials such as videos, articles,
mini-webinars, and meetings to inform them about coaching.
2. Add coaching interaction in your existing set of interactions. You can have it optional
or scheduled.
3. Use GROW in other types of interaction to allow for more familiarity and consistency
in your approach.
4. Integrate coaching questions in your other interactions such as Planning sessions,
Feedback sessions, or Corrective sessions.
5. Collaborate with external coaching institutions or external coaches. Have them
conduct mini-coaching sessions such as group coaching sessions and one on one
coaching sessions. You may also invite them to be speakers for your coaching

What are some of the Theories that support Coaching?

1. Adult Learning - by Malcolm Shepherd Knowles

Principles of Adult Learning and its connection to Coaching:
● Adults want to choose how they learn. They want to have the freedom to choose their
path. Coaching is about empowering an individual to make his or her choices.
● Adults are focused on achieving goals. Coaching is all about identifying goals and
achieving them.
2. Growth Mindset - by Carol Dweck
Principles of Growth mindset and its connection to Coaching:
● Individuals are capable of changing, of developing, and of becoming better. Coaching
empowers individuals and creates the belief that they can change, that they can be
different, and that they can be better.
● Mistakes are part of the learning process. As coaches, it is important to recognize
that learning how to coach takes time and practice and that it is okay to make
mistakes and to fail.
3. Positive Psychology - is the scientific study of what makes life most worth living
Principles of Positive Psychology and its connection to Coaching:
● Strengths and Virtues - People should shift the focus to their strengths and virtues
rather than fixing their weaknesses. In coaching as a forwarding conversation, the
coach helps the coachee see the strengths and virtues that he/she has, find the

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possibilities and what can be done to move forward rather than looking at the past
and trying to fix it.
4. Happiness and well-being - Coaching helps people find out their truth and identify
goals that they want to create out of those truths in the hope to create genuine
happiness. Also, in a coaching conversation, there is a lot of focus in the individual
which creates an effect on his/her well-being.
How can you support your coaches?

1. Provide continuous training - provide your coaches with reinforcement and new
information through a series of continuous education.
2. Coach your coaches. - dedicate time to coach them on how to become better
3. Remove obstacles for them - make sure that they have time to coach and that they
make coaching a priority.
4. Communicate the function and role of the coaches to the organization - communicate
that the objective of the coaching interaction is not to serve as a punishment but an
opportunity for growth and development.
5. Make sure to have their backs - make sure that your coaches can depend on you.

What are some of the forms and prompts that I can use for Coaching interactions?

1. Coaching preparation checklist - This checklist may be used by a coach in

preparation for a coaching conversation.

2. Coach-led conversation planner - This form is a guide for coaches as they plan for
a coach-led conversation

3. Post-reflection session form - This form is a guide for coaches as they plan for a
coach-led conversation

4. Coaching interaction log - This form may be filled up by the coachee after a
coaching interaction to gather notes and important information from the coaching

5. Coachee-led GROW Interaction prompts - Use this prompt in conversations where

the coachee determines the topic.

6. Coach-led GROW Interaction prompts - Use this prompt in conversations where

you identify the topic. The prompts are specifically modeled for a coaching session
after an observation.
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