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EtaPRO Server 10.

Installation &
Configuration Guide
Copyright ©2021
GP Strategies Corporation

All rights reserved. This manual may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied,
reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable
form without prior written permission from GP Strategies Corporation.

Disclaimers All information referred to and/or included in this manual is current as of the original issue date
of this manual. GP Strategies disclaims all warranties as to this software, whether express or
implied, including without limitation any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a
particular purpose, functionality, data integrity, or protection.
This manual could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are made
periodically to the information herein at the discretion of GP Strategies. These changes will be
incorporated in new revisions of this manual. GP Strategies reserves the right to make improvements
to the product(s) or program(s) described in this manual at any time and without notice.
Trademark Information GP Strategies, GP Strategies and logo design, EtaPRO, VirtualPlant, EtaPRO APR, EtaPRO
Predictor, EPArchive, EPTrendSetter, EPReporter, EPLog, OPSCenter, Can-alyzer, GPCALCS,
GPSteam, GPiLEARN, and PerformancePlus+ are trademarks or registered trademarks of GP
Strategies Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other names or products are trademarks
or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Trademarks of other companies mentioned in this manual appear for identification purposes only
and are the property of their respective companies. GP Strategies notes these trademarks where they
occur in the text on only the first reference.

Prepared by GP Strategies Corporation

25 Northpointe Parkway ▪ Suite 100
Amherst, New York, 14228-2213 USA

Technical Support:
Phone: 716.799.1077 (800.803.6737)
Support Website:

Printed in the United States of America

EPI&C1350.V10.5 Issued: April 2021

Table of Contents
Getting Started/Pre-installation ..................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Install EtaPRO Server and Prerequisites....................................................................................................................... 2-1
SQL Server Configuration............................................................................................................................................... 3-1
EtaPRO Server Licensing and Startup Settings ........................................................................................................... 4-1
EtaPRO Client Installation .............................................................................................................................................. 5-1
EtaPRO Data Interface Installation................................................................................................................................ 6-1
Post EtaPRO Startup Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 7-1

EtaPRO Server 10.5 - Installation & Configuration Guide i


Getting Started/Pre-installation
Installation Preparation and Warnings ............................................................................. 1-1
Warnings ............................................................................................................................... 1-2
Installation Overview .......................................................................................................... 1-2
Minimum Guidelines for System Hardware/Software.................................................... 1-3
EtaPRO Server...................................................................................................... 1-3
Workstations......................................................................................................... 1-3

Installation Preparation and Warnings

EtaPRO™ Version 10.5 introduces several changes that you should be aware of prior to installing as
shown below:
▪ EtaPRO 10.5 uses the Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.8. Please see hardware and
software prerequisites later in this document. If your EtaPRO server is still using Windows
2003 and earlier, you will not be able to upgrade.
▪ If installing EtaPRO 10.5 for the first time, EtaPRO 10.5 requires a new product license key.
Before starting the installation, obtain an EtaPRO Product Key for EtaPRO based on the
purchased features licensed by emailing GP Strategies at
▪ EtaPRO 10.5 requires an EPArchive™ database even if you are not storing historical data in
EPArchive. After the installation, you can create a blank EPArchive database using the tool in
the EtaPRO Service Manager or you can download a blank database from the EtaPRO Support
Website ( You can only create a database if SQL Server is installed
on the same computer as EtaPRO. If you do not have permissions to create a SQL Server
database, you need to contact your corporate DBA for assistance.
▪ If you are using the Advanced Pattern Recognition (APR) module, it will require an additional
database to support issue tracking. You can create a blank Issue Tracking database using the
tool in the EtaPRO Service Manager or you can download a blank database from the EtaPRO
Support Website ( You can only create a database if SQL Server is
installed on the same computer as EtaPRO. If you do not have permissions to create a SQL
Server database, you need to contact your corporate DBA for assistance.
▪ Data acquisition has gone through a major change. All data is now acquired using stand-alone
EtaPRO Data Interfaces. Your system will be automatically set up to use the new interfaces for
PI and OPC points if the system has existing PI or OPC information built into the
configuration (systems prior to version 10). For other acquired point types, it is recommended
that the interface be installed on the same workstation as the data source. If you have questions
about the interfaces, refer to the EPArchive and EtaPRO Data Interface Manual in the
Registered User Area/Documentation section of the EtaPRO Support.
The Text File, Database (OleDb/ODBC/SQL), Email (MS Exchange/POP), and Modbus interfaces
require a separate licensed EPArchive Interface Product Key.
Download the latest EtaPRO Server and EtaPRO Client, and the Data Interface installation packages
from the EtaPRO Support Website ( EtaPRO Support recommends that
all EtaPRO files be stored in a directory called EtaPRO Files on the server’s data drive. For example,
installations can be placed in the following directory: D:\EtaPRO Files\Installations.

EtaPRO Server 10.5 - Installation & Configuration Guide 1-1

1-2 Getting Started/Pre-installation

▪ EtaPRO has been upgraded to .NET 4.8. Installation of the .NET 4.8 framework will be
required on server computers, client computers, and interface computers if it is not
already installed.
▪ EtaPRO security is disabled by default. Users need to either switch to windows security or
opt in and enable EtaPRO security mode. Buttons are provided on the EtaPRO service
manager to make this process simpler.
▪ EPReporter reports have been moved into the unit databases. For upgraded systems,
they will be in the first unit. If the user wants them in a different unit, they will need to be
moved manually.
▪ EPReporter reports security is now done on a per unit basis. If users have problems viewing
or working with reports, they should review their security settings.
▪ Shift schedules are per unit basis instead of per plant basis. Upon upgrade the shift settings
that were in the plant will be cloned to all units. Users will need or want to enter different
shift settings if the units have different shift setting.
▪ The EtaPRO server is now only a 64-bit application. If a user has a 32-bit computer
(unlikely), they will either have to migrate to a 64 bit computer or contact us for a 32 bit
setup routine. The server software will now be installed under “C:\Program Files” instead of
C:\Program Files (x86). The client software is still 32 bit and will be installed under
C:\Program Files (x86).
▪ If the user used the default OPSCenter directory, it will have an empty 32-bit server directory
with the old OPSCenter files they may have placed in it. They might what to consider
updating the OPSCenter directory location and moving the old files to the new directory.
Because of restrictions on the C: drive and the Program Files directory, it is recommended
that they point the OPSCenter to a file server or a shared directory on a data drive.
▪ The database tables for equation points have been modified. There are now multiple tables.
However, the old table is left existing in case a customer wants to roll back to 10.4.
Application engineers and customers who are in the habit of modifying the table may be
surprised when they make changes and the changes do not take.
▪ Engineering Errors - A pink alarm will now be generated for unit conversion errors.
However, the errors are only generated if the user opts in by selecting “Show Engineering
Unit Conversion Errors” on the Unit Settings form. For upgraded systems, the setting will
not be selected. For new systems it will. If a user wants to verify that he has not engineering
unit conversion errors, he will need to manually enable the setting and then resolve the
engineering unit conversion errors that are generated.
▪ Latitude and Longitude – The trends and the Asset Editor now have time-based filters. One
of the options for time-based filters is to use the Sunset and Sunrise time. To use the Sunset
and Sunrise time, the user needs to provide a Latitude and Longitude for the system. This is
entered on the Unit Settings form. If you upgrade, you should do so after the upgrade.

Please review the entire document (and referenced articles) and contact EtaPRO Support with
any questions before beginning the installation!

Installation Overview
A complete EtaPRO system can be installed and configured following these basic steps:
1. If a third-party historian is used, follow historian manufacturer’s instructions to install a
historian, configure data interfaces, and set file/folder permissions. Be certain that the account
used for installation has administrative rights for the server.
2. If a third-party historian is used, install historian connectivity tools (such as PI-SDK) on the
server where EtaPRO will be installed.
3. Install the prerequisites, .NET Framework and Microsoft® SQL Server®. SQL Server Express
edition can be downloaded and installed separately either from the EtaPRO Support website or
Getting Started/Pre-installation 1-3

Microsoft. EtaPRO works with SQL Server 2008R2 and later. Our current preference is SQL
Server 2014 since it is what we use for in-house system development.
4. Install the EtaPRO Server software.
5. Enter the EtaPRO Server license product key and the EtaPRO Server startup settings in the
EtaPRO Service Manager.
6. Set up the Site, EPLog, Assets, and EPArchive databases using the EtaPRO Service Manager.
7. Start the EtaPRO Services using the EtaPRO Service Manager.
8. Install the EtaPRO Client software.
9. Follow instructions for configuring EtaPRO Data Interfaces on the same workstation as the
data source, if applicable.
10. Update EtaPRO server settings for user security, email, report distribution, historian
connectivity, unit settings, shift schedules in the EtaPRO Client. In addition, ensure model
convergence for the online VirtualPlant and Asset models.

Minimum Guidelines for System Hardware/Software

EtaPRO Server
The EtaPRO Server software runs on a mid-level Intel-based server running the Microsoft Windows
Operating System. This server is also dedicated to the EPArchive historian. Microsoft SQL Server
Express or better is used for the EtaPRO configuration, EPLog, and the optional EPArchive, and
EtaPRO APR databases. SQL Server is configured and managed with the database configuration
tools supplied with SQL Server. Remote access for administrative purposes is typically provided
using remote desktop software through a VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection. This
connection method allows for remote access to the EtaPRO server for maintenance purposes
through the Internet. A VPN provides a robust level of connectivity comparable to a WAN while
maintaining your company’s privacy. The server may be equipped with an internal tape drive for
complete or partial system back-ups. EtaPRO SQL databases should be routinely backed up
following your company’s policies and procedures.
▪ Must meet published requirements for running Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8
▪ A modern mid-level Windows server (Physical or Virtual)
▪ Quad Core 2-GHz Intel Xeon or better processor
▪ 500-GB drives or larger hard drives. For non-virtual servers, a RAID arrangement is
recommended (two or more drives required depending on RAID level)
▪ 8-GB RAM minimum. For system with a larger number of units or APR Assets, additional
memory may be required.
▪ Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (5 users) or newer. Must use a version of the Microsoft
Windows operating system that is actively supported by Microsoft. Use of a version that is
outside of the Microsoft Extended Support Lifespan will not be supported by GP Strategies.
▪ Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8
▪ Microsoft SQL Server Express or better. SQL Server 2014 is our currently preferred version. For
system with many APR Assets, SQL Server Standard or better may be required since the
maximum database size for SQL Server Express is 10 GB.
▪ Historian SDK and/or API, if required
▪ Microsoft Office 2010 Professional or newer is recommended
▪ A redundant power supply is recommended for non-virtual computers
▪ Backup System (device capable of backing up the historian databases and EtaPRO System files)

The EtaPRO Client software runs on a workstation running Microsoft Windows 10 or newer. The
EtaPRO Client is a network application capable of accessing real-time and historical data stored on
1-4 Getting Started/Pre-installation

the EtaPRO server, providing the user is granted sufficient network access rights and EtaPRO is
properly configured on their workstation.
▪ Must meet published requirements for running Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8
▪ 2 GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
▪ 200-MB free hard drive space
▪ 2 GB RAM (64-bit) minimum
▪ Microsoft Windows 10 or newer
▪ Microsoft Office 2010 or newer

Install EtaPRO Server and Prerequisites

Microsoft .NET Framework ............................................................................................... 2-1
Microsoft SQL Server ......................................................................................................... 2-2
System Clock........................................................................................................................ 2-3
Folder Structure .................................................................................................................. 2-3
EtaPRO Full I nstallation Routine....................................................................................... 2-3

Microsoft .NET Framework

The EtaPRO Server software uses the .NET Framework 4.8. This should be installed before starting
the EtaPRO Server installation. If this version does not exist on the server, the EtaPRO Server
installation will force you to install it. EtaPRO will not run with .NET 4.8.
The Framework can be downloaded from Microsoft in either a Web installer or Offline installer for
machines which do not have Internet access:
Web Installer:
Offline installer:
The following steps outline installation using the Web Installer:
1. Download the .NET Framework from Microsoft using the link above.
2. Run the .NET Framework installer.
3. Accept the license terms.

4. The Web installer will download needed files for the full installation package.

EtaPRO Server 10.5 - Installation & Configuration Guide 2-1

2-2 Install EtaPRO Server and Prerequisites

5. Click Finish to complete the installation.

Microsoft SQL Server

All EtaPRO configuration data are stored in Microsoft SQL Server databases. If EPArchive or
EtaPRO APR are used, historical process data can be stored in either a:
▪ File Structure on the EtaPRO Server This is the preferred storage method. If this method is
chosen, then in most cases, SQL Server Express edition should be sufficient for holding
indexing data for EPArchive and EtaPRO APR. However, if the configuration is using a large
number of APR Assets, a full version of SQL Server may be required since SQL Server Express
has a maximum database size of 10 GB.
▪ Microsoft SQL Server Database If this method is chosen, then SQL Server Standard edition
will be needed. This method is not recommended. Please note, SQL Server Express has a
database size limitation of 10 GB. This size limitation will preclude the storage of long-term
historical data. Therefore, SQL Server Standard edition or better is recommended when using
EPArchive or EtaPRO APR with a SQL Server-based data storage. If you are going to use a SQL
Server Standard edition running on the same computer as EtaPRO, it should be installed prior
to installing EtaPRO, following Microsoft guidelines. SQL Server should be configured to use
mixed mode authentication.
Install EtaPRO Server and Prerequisites 2-3

EtaPRO 10.5 is compatible with Microsoft SQL Server 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, and 2019. SQL
Server can reside on the same computer as EtaPRO or on a separate computer. The preferred
version used by GP Strategies for in-house system development is SQL Server 2014.

System Clock
Since the EtaPRO system will either host a historian or interact directly with one, it is critical to
keep an accurate time on the system clock. This is typically handled automatically within many
network systems via domain controller, NTP server, etc. For new servers, at a minimum, verify that
the clock settings are correct for the time zone, Daylight Saving Time option, and current time.

Folder Structure
Create a folder structure on one of the hard disk volumes. This should be on the volume intended
for “Data” which is sometimes D:, E:, etc. Create a folder named EtaPROFiles at the root, then a
subfolder structure as shown. Additional folders may be added as needed.

EtaPRO Full Installation Routine

EtaPRO Server should be installed using a local or domain account with administrator rights.
Common prerequisites are packaged with the EtaPRO installation files and will be installed in
advance of EtaPRO, provided these instructions are followed.
1. Browse to the folder containing the EtaPRO Server 10.5.X.X installation files. This should
typically be the \EtaPRO Files\Installations folder created in the structure above.
2-4 Install EtaPRO Server and Prerequisites

2. Double-click the EtaPRO_Server_Setup_10_5_X_X.exe file. If a User Account Control dialog

displays, click Yes.

3. Click Install to begin the installation.

4. The EtaPRO Data Interface installation will install first. Click Next.
Install EtaPRO Server and Prerequisites 2-5

5. Review and accept the license agreement for the Data Interface by checking the box, then click Next.

6. If desired, you can select which interfaces will be installed. All features are installed by default.
The Text File, Database (OleDb/ODBC/SQL), Email (MS Exchange/POP), and Modbus
interfaces require a separate licensed EPArchive Interface Product Key. You may also specify the
install folder if a location other than the OS drive is preferred by clicking the Browse button
and browsing to the folder. Click Next to continue.

7. Click Install to begin the Data Interface installation.

2-6 Install EtaPRO Server and Prerequisites

8. Click Finish on the final window.

9. The installation of the EtaPRO Server software launches after the interface is installed. Click
Next to continue.

10. Accept the license agreement and click Next to continue.

Install EtaPRO Server and Prerequisites 2-7

11. Change the installation location if desired. Click Next to continue.

12. Click Install to begin the installation.

13. Click Finish to complete the installation.

2-8 Install EtaPRO Server and Prerequisites

SQL Server Configuration

Microsoft SQL Management Studio .................................................................................. 3-1
Attaching EtaPRO SQL Server Databases....................................................................... 3-1
Using SQL Management Studio ......................................................................... 3-1
Configuring a SQL Database User .................................................................................... 3-3

Microsoft SQL Management Studio

SQL Management Studio is a tool that can simplify tasks associated with maintaining SQL Server. It
should be downloaded from Microsoft and installed on the computer hosting EtaPRO. Please follow
Microsoft provided guidelines and directions for installing SQL Management Studio. GP Strategies
requires SQL Management Studio for managing SQL Server. It is recommended to use the latest
version available, regardless of the version of SQL Server installed. SQL Server Management Studio is
backward-compatible with earlier versions.

Attaching EtaPRO SQL Server Databases

Using SQL Management Studio
In this step, databases can be attached using the SQL Management Studio. Note that images show
SQL Server Management Studio 2014, but the process is similar for newer versions.
1. Launch SQL Server Management Studio from the Start|Microsoft SQL Server 2014 folder (or
applicable menu item for your version)

2. If the account used to install software is not a SQL sysadmin, you will need to use the default
“sa” account installed with EtaPRO (SQL Express, Password: Changeme1!) or an alternative SQL
sysadmin account. If SQL was not installed by GP Strategies, the person installing SQL Server
should provide the SQL sysadmin account information. To connect to the server, change
Authentication to SQL Server Authentication and enter the Login and Password.
EtaPRO Server 10.5 - Installation & Configuration Guide 3-1
3-2 SQL Server Configuration

3. Click Connect to open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. Right-click on Databases
node and select the Attach…command.

4. The Attach Databases dialog displays. Click the Add button to browse for a database file. Select
the database and then click OK.

5. The Locate Database Files dialog displays. Select the database and click OK. Databases are
typically located in the \\EtaPROFiles\Databases folder created in prior steps of this procedure.
SQL Server Configuration 3-3

6. Click OK on the Attach Databases dialog to complete the task. The database is now displayed
under the Databases node.
7. Repeat these steps to attach additional EtaPRO databases.

Configuring a SQL Database User

The SQL account used to run EtaPRO must have database owner permissions for each of the
databases used by EtaPRO. For enhanced security, it is recommended that a separate user with
limited permissions be used. This user account can be created using a sysadmin-level account such as
the “sa” user account. A SQL Database user for use with EtaPRO can be created as follows:
1. Launch SQL Server Management Studio from the Start menu.
2. If the account used to install software is not a SQL sysadmin, you will need to use the default
“sa” account installed with EtaPRO (SQL Express Password: Changeme1!) or an alternative SQL
sysadmin account. If SQL was not installed by GP Strategies, the person installing SQL Server
should provide the SQL sysadmin account information. To connect to the server, change
Authentication to SQL Server Authentication and enter the Login and Password.
3-4 SQL Server Configuration

3. To verify the correct SQL configuration, right-click on the SQL Server instance name node and
select the Properties command.

4. Click Security node to verify that the SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode (mixed
mode) is selected.

5. Click OK and expand the Security|Logins branch.

SQL Server Configuration 3-5

6. Right-click on the Logins node and select New Login… command

7. A new SQL Server account will be created using SQL Server authentication. GP Strategies
recommends the name “etaproservice” or some variation. Set the password and take care not to
lose it – it will be needed later during the EtaPRO Configuration Settings step. Also ensure
that the Enforce Password Expiration box is not checked, otherwise the password will need to
be reset periodically and will break the EtaPRO connection when it expires.
3-6 SQL Server Configuration

8. Grant the new account public permissions.

9. Now map the newly created EtaPRO SQL account to the EtaPRO SQL databases. Expand the
Security|Logins node and right-click on the new etaproservice (or comparable) account and
select the Properties command.
SQL Server Configuration 3-7

10. The Login Properties dialog displays. Click on the User Mapping option. Place a checkmark next
to each EtaPRO database to map to this account. Assign all databases the db_owner role. For
an EtaPRO APR database, the db_ddladmin role should also be selected.

EtaPRO Server Licensing and Startup Settings

EtaPRO Server Licensing ................................................................................................... 4-1
Server Startup Settings ...................................................................................................... 4-2
Databases Tab....................................................................................................... 4-3
Miscellaneous Tab................................................................................................. 4-9
Completing the Server Configuration ............................................................................ 4-12

EtaPRO Server Licensing

Every installation of the EtaPRO Server must be licensed with a Product Key provided by GP
Strategies Corporation. Contact EtaPRO Support at or
716-799-1077, if you do not have a new Product key before starting this procedure. This
Product Key defines which components of EtaPRO the customer is entitled to use. The
EtaPRO server hardware should have a connection to the Internet for activation. If the EtaPRO
server hardware cannot connect to the Internet, manual activation is required. Contact
EtaPRO Support at or 716-799-1077 for additional
1. Launch the EtaPRO Service Manager icon in the Start|EtaPRO 10 menu.
2. Click Yes on the User Account Control window.

3. The first time the EtaPRO Service Manager is launched, it will open to the Configuration
Settings Registration tab. Enter the Product Key and click the Activate button. If you need
assistance to manually activate EtaPRO, please refer to the K B100017 - Manual Activation of
EtaPRO article available on the EtaPRO Support Website (

EtaPRO Server 10.5 - Installation & Configuration Guide 4-1

4-2 EtaPRO Server Licensing and Startup Settings

4. If a valid Product Key has been entered, the software will activate and show a message that the
validation was successful. Clicking on Show Features will display the Features dialog that lists
the status of each licensed feature. Please note only those licensed features will enabled. If you
have not purchased EtaPRO APR or EPArchive, those features will be enabled with Limited
licenses. If you need a description of the features associated with a limited license, please refer
to the K B100004 - License Limitations - Limited vs Full article available on the EtaPRO
Support Website (

5. Once license validation is successful, the click the Databases tab to configure the startup settings.

Server Startup Settings

After completing the registration, other settings required for the EtaPRO server to be able to startup
are included on the Databases and Miscellaneous tabs of the Configuration Settings form. These
settings include information related to the process data historian and the configuration databases.
EtaPRO Server Licensing and Startup Settings 4-3

Databases Tab

1. Starting with the Site tab, enter the SQL Server Username and Password created earlier.
Check the Use same database server and credentials for all tabs box unless you know you will
be using different SQL Server instances for different databases.
2. Contact EtaPRO Support at or 716-799-1077 for
additional instructions if you want to use Windows Authentication and SQL.
3. Use the Select a Plant Database drop box to choose the appropriate EtaPRO Plant database.
4-4 EtaPRO Server Licensing and Startup Settings

4. Click the Add Unit button to add a row to the unit database section.

5. Enter a Unit Designation number – this number should not be changed once EtaPRO has
been started.
EtaPRO Server Licensing and Startup Settings 4-5

6. Click the empty Unit Database Name cell and select the EtaPRO Unit database corresponding
to the Unit Designation from the drop-down box.

The Unit Run Mode should be left at Live. The other operating modes are used by GP
Strategies during system development. For child systems that use the EtaPRO Synchronization
utility, Child mode should be selected. For details on using the Synchronization Utility, please
refer to the EtaPRO Synchronization Utility manual available on the EtaPRO Support
Website (
4-6 EtaPRO Server Licensing and Startup Settings

7. If the unit is located in a different time zone than the EtaPRO server hardware, provide a Plant
Time Zone.

Select the EPLog tab and use the Select an EPLog Database drop-down box to select the EPLog database.
EtaPRO Server Licensing and Startup Settings 4-7

1. Select the Assets tab and check the Enable button. If this feature is not licensed, you will still be
able to configure twelve assets using the Asset Editor.

2. Use the Select an Asset Database drop-down menu to select the corresponding database name.

3. If the Issue Tracking database will be hosting on a different SQL Server instance, check Use a
different database server. (This is not common).
4-8 EtaPRO Server Licensing and Startup Settings

4. Click Refresh Databases, then select the issue tracking database from the Select an Issue
Tracking Database dropdown.

1. Select the EPArchive tab to configure settings. Set the Storage Method dropdown to either File
System or SQL Server. File system storage mode is strongly recommended.
2. Assign a Storage Directory for files, this is where the Snapshot and Buffer files are stored. If the
File System Storage Method is selected, this is also where the historical files will be stored. If
the File System Storage Method is selected, the volume on which this folder exists should have
ample free space – at least 100 GB – unless this is only a test server or the EtaPRO Archive will
see limited use (for example, another historian will store the calculated results).
3. Use Select an Archive Database to set the database for the archive. NOTE that a database must
be selected, even if File System is chosen for the Storage Method. For an explanation of the file
management system, refer to K B100002 - EPArchive Data File Management article available
on the EtaPRO Support Website (
EtaPRO Server Licensing and Startup Settings 4-9

Contact EtaPRO Support at or 716-799-1077 to enable
Predictor. This installation is outside the scope of this document.

Miscellaneous Tab

Next, we will set up additional settings including external historians, security. Click the
Miscellaneous tab.
1. Use the drop-down menu to select the historian type.
4-10 EtaPRO Server Licensing and Startup Settings

Note that the options will change depending upon the Historian Type selected. The following
table describes the various options for each Historian Type:
Historian Type Indicates the type of time series historian to be used with EtaPRO:
PI API/SDK Indicates reading and writing will be done with a combination of the OSIsoft®
Always Use Transfer Service Credentials This indicates that all calls to the PI will be
made using the account associated with the EtaPRO transfer service.
Cache Point Numbers The PI API must acquire point numbers in order to write to PI.
For slow networks, this option allows point numbers to be cached in order to reduce
startup time.
Clear Point Number Cache If point numbers are cached, this option allows the cached
to be cleared if data acquisition problems occur.
HDA Indicates that EtaPRO will use an OPC-HDA historian. Typically, in this arrangement,
data will be acquired using OPC-DA. EtaPRO will not write data to the historian. Instead,
the historian will acquire data from EtaPRO through an EtaPRO OPC-DA server. If this
option is selected, you will be prompted to enter credentials for a user account with
permissions to access the historian (see step 2 below for an example).
Connections Number Specifies the maximum number of connections allowed between
the EtaPRO transfer component and each OPC-HDA server. Five (5) is recommended.
Always Use Transfer Service Credentials This option specifies that all calls to the OPC
HDA Server should be made using the credentials used by the EtaPRO transfer service. If
this option is not used, all EtaPRO client users must have permissions to access the OPC
HDA server.
EPArchive Only Indicates that all points in EtaPRO will store and acquire all process data
to/from EPArchive.
PI AF SDK Tag-Based Indicates reading and writing will be done with the OSIsoft PI AF
SDK accessing the PI Data Archive server. This allows access only to PI tags for data
Always Use Transfer Service Credentials This indicates that all calls to PI will be made
using the account associated with the EtaPRO transfer service.
Configure Server This feature allows the account used by all of the EtaPRO services to be specified. A specific
Service Account user account may be required when communicating with SQL Server is configured to use
Windows authentication. Specific accounts may also be required depending on the data
historian being used.
Enable EPArchive This option specifies that EtaPRO should maintain a specified number of day worth of data.
Days Online Data older than what is specified will be deleted automatically from the system.
CAUTION: Enabling or modifying this setting can result in an unrecoverable loss of data.

2. Some historians (such as HDA historians) require the EtaPRO services to run using a Windows
account with historian access permissions. If you would like to run the EtaPRO server on an
account other than the Local System Account, click the Configure Server Service Account
button to change the account used by the EtaPRO Services.
EtaPRO Server Licensing and Startup Settings 4-11

Specify the TCP port used for communication as described below.
Client Applications Port The TCP port used for communicating with EtaPRO client applications,
Number typically 5575.
Use Transfers Service Indicates that the EtaPRO Server (Transfer Component) should authenticate with
Credentials for Database Microsoft SQL Server using the credentials of the account running the EtaPRO
Windows Authentication Transfer Component rather than the credentials of the account associated with the
user running the EtaPRO Client.

Database Upgrade
To allow databases to upgrade upon startup, check the Database Upgrade box. Databases can also
be upgraded manually by clicking the Upgrade Databases button.
Directory Paths
Specify the directory paths used for the OPSCenter as described below.
Directory Paths
OPSCenter Path This is the path to the network shared EtaPRO directory on the EtaPRO Server that
displays when a user clicks the OPSCenter button in EtaPRO. This path needs to be
entered using universal naming convention format (UNC). During installation of
EtaPRO 10, a default shared directory called “OPSCenter10” is created. The default
local path on the server to this directory is C:\Program Files\General Physics
Corporation\EtaPRO 10 Server\OPSCenter10. The UNC path is \\<EtaPRO
Computer Name>\OPSCenter10 where “<EtaPRO Computer Name>” is the
name of the server where EtaPRO is installed.
Generate Volatile Text File Provides option to generate a file of the value and qualities for backward
Put Volatile Files in Unit compatibility with previous versions of the client software and specifies where the
Directories volatile text file should be stored.
Volatile Text File Path
4-12 EtaPRO Server Licensing and Startup Settings

Sets security options for encryption and the use of legacy security formats.
Enable Legacy EtaPRO Starting in version 10.5 the use of Windows security will enabled by default. This
Security option is much more secure and should be used whenever possible. For backward
compatibility with existing systems, the use of legacy EtaPRO security mode can be
made available to the Client by checking this box. You will see a warning when
checking this box since it is not recommended since the tendency will be to leave
security as-is.
Make Current User an Provides the user account which is currently logged-on and running the service
Administrator of All Units manager application with Administrator rights on all configured units. This is
needed to start the Client application and further configure security as needed.
Encrypt SSPI Connections Provides a level of encryption for data in transit using the SSPI Negotiate package.
The EtaPRO services will need to be restarted for this to take effect.
Reset Windows Security Clears any existing security configuration and sets security to defaults.
CAUTION: This can result in users locked out of the system and should be used
only with a full understanding of the process and affected users.

Completing the Server Configuration

1. Click OK to close the Configuration Settings dialog. This warning message displays if SQL
Express is installed.

2. Click OK to return to the EtaPRO Service Manager.

3. Before clicking the Start All Services button, go back and review every step from the beginning
of this document. When you are satisfied that every step has been completed, click the button.
If all steps have been completed correctly and successfully, within a few minutes you should see
a screen similar to this:
EtaPRO Server Licensing and Startup Settings 4-13

4. Close [X] or minimize [_] the EtaPRO Service Manager to complete the Server Configuration
process. Note that when the EtaPRO Service Manager is minimized, it will appear as an icon in
the Windows System Tray. Administrators can right-click the icon to view several options:

5. One of the most commonly asked questions by EtaPRO Support is “which version of EtaPRO are
you using?” The answer can be found for the server by opening the Service Manager – the
version is shown in the lower right corner. Alternately, right-click the icon as shown about and
select the About… command.

EtaPRO Client Installation

Installation .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

EtaPRO Client should be installed using a local or domain account with administrator rights.
Common prerequisites are packaged with the EtaPRO installation files and will be installed in
advance of EtaPRO, provided these instructions are followed.
1. Browse to the folder containing the EtaPRO Client 10.5.X.X installation files.

2. Double-click the EtaPRO_Client_Setup_10_5_X.exe file. Click Install to continue.

3. Prerequisite installations will run if needed, then the EtaPRO 10.5 Client Setup Wizard will
begin. Click Next to continue.

EtaPRO Server 10.5 - Installation & Configuration Guide 5-1

5-2 EtaPRO Client Installation

4. Read the license agreement and accept the terms by checking the box. Click Next to continue.

5. You may specify the install folder if a location other than the default location is preferred. Click
on the EtaPRO Client feature if it is not selected, then click the Browse button. Either type the
new location or use the navigation controls to browse the available locations. Click OK to save
the path and return to the setup dialog.

6. If you wish to install additional languages, click the icon in front of the desired language and
choose the desired option. You can install the entire feature (all available language) or select only
the languages you want. Click Next to continue.
EtaPRO Client Installation 5-3

7. Click Install to start the installation.

8. When the installation completes, click Finish to exit.

9. On the initial startup of the client, you will be required to enter the name of the computer
where you installed the EtaPRO server software. Click Add and enter the computer name or
localhost since the Client is on the same machine as the server. An optional description can be
added. If the Port Number was changed during the Server configuration, that port must be
entered in Port Number.
5-4 EtaPRO Client Installation

10. If this is a new installation and the current logged-in user has rights to EtaPRO, the client
should open to the default screen. If you get a prompt for credentials (and you are not using
legacy EtaPRO authentication), stop and review the section Server Startup Settings,
Miscellaneous tab, Security for providing the logged-in user privileges to access and further
manage security.

EtaPRO Data Interface Installation

Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 6-1
Prerequisties......................................................................................................................... 6-2
Installation ............................................................................................................................ 6-2
Interface Licensing............................................................................................................... 6-4

The EtaPRO Data Interface software is installed on the EtaPRO Server with the full installation of
EtaPRO 10.2 or later. Follow these instructions to install the interfaces on another workstation that
is the data source.

EtaPRO Data Interfaces collect data from various data sources for use and storage in an EtaPRO
system for the configured acquired points. All communications between data interfaces and EtaPRO
systems are one-way.
Multiple interface instances can be hosted by a single windows service. Multiple interface host
services can run simultaneously on different workstations for data collection to a single or multiple
EtaPRO systems.
The types of data interfaces provided are:
▪ BACnet
▪ CSV File
▪ DNP3
▪ Email (Microsoft® Exchange/POP3/IMAP)
▪ EPArchive Subscription
▪ EtaPRO
▪ Modbus
▪ Network Statistics
▪ Databases (OLE DB/ODBC/Native SQL)
▪ OSIsoft PI AF SDK (Tag-Based/Attribute-Based)
▪ OSIsoft PI SDK
▪ Predictor
▪ Random Number Generator
▪ Text File
▪ Web Service Client
▪ Windows Performance Counter
▪ Wonderware (DB/SDK)
The Text File, Database (OleDb/ODBC/SQL), Email (MS Exchange/POP), and Modbus interfaces
require a separate EPArchive Interface Product Key.
If you have questions about the interfaces, refer to the EPArchive and EtaPRO Data Interface
Manual in the Registered User Area/Documentation section of the EtaPRO Support.

EtaPRO Data Interfaces Installation & Configuration Guide 6-1

6-2 EtaPRO Data Interface Installation

▪ Download the latest EtaPRO Data Interface Setup software (EtaPRO Data Interface.msi) from and transfer it to the hardware on which the interfaces will be
installed. It is recommended that the interface be installed on the same workstation as the data
source for the acquired points.
▪ EtaPRO Server software installed on running on the EtaPRO server.
▪ The Text File, Database (OleDb/ODBC/SQL), Email (MS Exchange/POP), and Modbus
interfaces require a new licensed EPArchive Interface Product Key Before starting the
installation, please contact GP Strategies for a new product key by emailing GP Strategies at
▪ If you are upgrading the current version of the EtaPRO Data Interface software, go to
Start|Settings|Apps and remove the current version of the EtaPRO Data Interface software.

The EtaPRO Data Interface software is installed on the EtaPRO Server with the full installation of
EtaPRO 10.2 or later. Follow these instructions to install the interfaces on another workstation that
is the data source.
1. Browse to the download directory and select the EtaPRO Data Interface.msi file.

2. The EtaPRO Data Interface Setup Wizard will display.

3. Accept the license agreement and click Next to continue.

EtaPRO Data Interface Installation 6-3

4. If desired, you can select which interfaces will be installed. All features are installed by default.
You may also specify the install folder if a location other than the OS drive is preferred by
clicking the Browse button and browsing to the folder.

5. The Reset button returns the selected interfaces to the default setting. The Disk Usage button
displays the disk space for the installation of the selected features on the available and required
disk space for the selected features.

6. Click Next to continue and then Install to start the installation.

6-4 EtaPRO Data Interface Installation

7. Click Finish on the final window.

Interface Licensing
When the EtaPRO Server software is installed and the licensed EtaPRO Product Key is entered,
most of the EtaPRO Data Interfaces are enabled. However, the licensing methodology requires the
use of a separately licensed Product Key for the Text File, Databases (OleDb/ODBC/SQL), Email
(MS Exchange/POP), and Modbus interfaces. If you do not have this EPArchive Interfaces Product
key before starting this procedure. Obtain a product key for these EtaPRO Data Interface(s) that will
be used with the data source(s) by emailing GP Strategies at
Follow these instructions to enter the Product Key:
1. Click the EtaPRO Data Interface Service Manager icon in the Start|EtaPRO 10 menu on the
EtaPRO server or the data source workstation.
EtaPRO Data Interface Installation 6-5

2. Click the Licensing button to open the EtaPRO Data Interface Licensing dialog.
3. Enter the Product Key and then click Activate.

4. If the activation is successful, a message will display on the EtaPRO Data Interface Licensing
dialog indicating that the license validation was successful and further action is not required.
Click Close to complete the licensing process.
5. If you do not have internet access, you will see a message indicating that activation failed.
Click OK and the Manual Activation field will display on the Manual Product Activation dialog.

6. Click the Copy icon to copy the Manual Registration Identifier to the clipboard or the Export
icon to save it to a file.
7. Open this website on a computer with internet access: to display Manual Activation website.
8. Select the EtaPRO Data Interface version to display the Manual Activation form. Enter your
Product Key and the Registration Identifier in the fields provided along with your email
address. Then click Submit.
6-6 EtaPRO Data Interface Installation

9. An email containing your Activation Identifier will be sent to your email address. If you do not
receive the email or encounter difficulties during activation, please contact GP Strategies by
email at Include your Product Key and the file with the
Registration Identifier.
10. Open the Manual Product Activation dialog again and enter the Activation Identifier provided
in the email.
11. Click Activate and a message will display on the EtaPRO Data Interface Licensing dialog
indicating that the features are now enabled. Click Close to complete the licensing process.
12. Clicking the Show Features button will list the licensed interfaces.

Post EtaPRO Startup Settings

EtaPRO User Security ........................................................................................................ 7-1
Windows Security Mode...................................................................................... 7-1
EtaPRO Security Mode ........................................................................................ 7-4
Operations Log Security...................................................................................... 7-7
System Settings (Email Settings) ...................................................................................... 7-8
Unit Settings....................................................................................................................... 7-10
Shift Schedules ................................................................................................................... 7-10
Process Historians ............................................................................................................. 7-11
VirtualPlant Model Convergence .................................................................................... 7-11
Asset Model Convergence ................................................................................................ 7-11
EPReporter Distribution a nd Connectivity Settings..................................................... 7-12
EtaPRO Excel Addins ........................................................................................................ 7-14
Configuring Database a nd EPArchive Buffer Backups ................................................. 7-15
Final/Future Steps.............................................................................................................. 7-16

Once the EtaPRO Server has successfully started, several items should be configured in the EtaPRO
Client to ensure that EtaPRO operates as expected. These items include user security settings, email
settings, unit settings, shift schedules and model convergence.
Tools on the EtaPRO server should be used to set the EtaPRO and EPArchive backups and
configure the EPReporter connection to EtaPRO and PI as well as distribution directories for
generated reports. Failure to run this tool will result in EPReporter authentication problems and
can potentially result in the C: hard drive running out of space over time. The Excel addins should
be enabled on the client computers that will be used to create reports or use VirtualPlant models for
parametric studies.
When the EtaPRO System is upgraded to Version 10.5, the tables associated with the EtaPRO
database are moved from the plant database to the unit database. Upon upgrade, existing EPReports
are be placed in the first unit database.

EtaPRO User Security

Starting in Version 10.5, the use of Windows security is enabled by default. This option is much
more secure and should be used whenever possible. For backward compatibility with existing
systems, the use of legacy EtaPRO security mode can be made available to the Client in the EtaPRO
Service Manager. If users still want to use the Legacy EtaPRO security, they can turn it back on in
the EtaPRO Service Manger Configuration Settings | Miscellaneous tab. However, we do not
advise doing this since the Windows Security Mode provides enhanced security.

Windows Security Mode

The account used to install the software should have been granted Administrator privileges for all
units in the EtaPRO Service Manger Configuration Settings | Miscellaneous tab. If you have
completed this step and open the EtaPRO Client while running under that account, you should
have access to continue setting up security as necessary.
The local server users’ group is assigned user privileges for all units. This will basically allow all users
of the machine and the domain it is a member of access to EtaPRO. Local computer administrators
(this normally also includes domain administrators) will be able to modify the configuration
Everyone else on the domain will be able to create user reports, screens, diagnostics, and trends, but
not modify the configuration.

EtaPRO Data Interfaces Installation & Configuration Guide 7-1

7-2 Post EtaPRO Startup Settings

EtaPRO user security is configured by selecting the Configuration|Enter Edit Mode command.

Once in Edit mode, select the Configuration|System Configuration command or click the System
Configuration button on the EtaPRO toolbar to display the Configuration Tools screen.

Click the User Management button to display the User Management configuration tool. This is the
default mode and the only one available unless optional legacy settings are enabled.
Post EtaPRO Startup Settings 7-3

To add a Windows username or group to a role, right-click on it and type in a username or group
along with the applicable domain.
7-4 Post EtaPRO Startup Settings

Each role has a different precedence. This is required because any single windows user can belong to
multiple different Windows user groups. The order of precedence used by EtaPRO is:
▪ Deny
▪ Administrator
▪ Analyst
▪ User
▪ View
For example, if the computer’s Administrator group is added to the EtaPRO Administrator role and
an individual user who is a member of the computer’s administrator group is assigned to the EtaPRO
Deny role, when he logs onto EtaPRO he will not be able to see the unit (the Deny role takes
precedence over the Administrator role). However, if the same user is added to the User role, he will
still be a computer administrator because the Administrator role takes precedence over the User role.
The Reset Security Settings button will delete all the existing users and recreate the default EtaPRO
users, allowing you to also grant Administrator rights to the currently logged-in account. If EtaPRO
Predictor is enabled on the EtaPRO to Predictor User Mapping button will map each EtaPRO User
to the corresponding Predictor user.

EtaPRO Security Mode

EtaPRO Security mode is only available when the option is enabled in the EtaPRO Service
Manager, Miscellaneous tab, as described in the earlier section above. It is intended only for use in
legacy systems and is not recommended. The following section is included for unique situations
requiring the use of EtaPRO security within legacy systems.
If the system is newly established and set to use EtaPRO then the passwords should be changed
from the defaults since the defaults are published and available to all EtaPRO system users. The
following are the default usernames and passwords for EtaPRO security mode. They are added to all
Username: Administrator
Password: amherst
Username: User
Password: amherst
Post EtaPRO Startup Settings 7-5

An EPSupport user is also created during installation if using EtaPRO Security. This username is
reserved for use by GP Strategies support personnel. It may be used during initial configuration, but
it is a recommended best practice to remove the account before the system goes into production use.

In the EtaPRO security mode, EtaPRO is responsible for managing and controlling usernames
and passwords.
To assign an EtaPRO user to a security role, you must first add them to the users list. Click the
Create/Edit EtaPRO Users button to display the Select User dialog. Users added to this role can
manage security settings for all units.

To create a new user, click Add User and enter the username and password for the user. Confirm
the password and click OK to close the EtaPRO User Information dialog. Repeat this step for each
user you want to add. To remove a user, highlight that user in the list and click Remove User.
To assign an EtaPRO user to a security role, highlight the role (Administrator, Analyst, User, View, or
Deny) for the new user in the appropriate Security or Unit branch of the tree. Right click to display
the Assign Roles shortcut menu. Choose whether to assign the user to this role for all units.
7-6 Post EtaPRO Startup Settings
Post EtaPRO Startup Settings 7-7

As noted above, when you view or edit the security settings in EtaPRO mode, you will see this
warning. Click Yes to continue:

Operations Log Security

The EPLog Operations Log maintains security separate from EtaPRO, although a level of
integration is available to make management easier. To access the security settings, first launch
EPLog from the toolbar using the EPLog icon (red notebook). When EPLog opens, an EPLog menu
item will be available. Click on the menu and select Security Management:

The Security Management dialog opens to the Authentication tab.

7-8 Post EtaPRO Startup Settings

The Authentication Mode choices are:

▪ Integrated: This will create an initial set of EPLog users based on the users already defined in
EtaPRO. This is the recommended setting for an initial installation since it will initialize the
EPLog security with roles that are equivalent to the EtaPRO roles.
▪ Legacy: This is an older format of EPLog security management and should be left as-is during
an upgrade.
For further information on configuration of EPLog security, refer to the EPLog section of the
EtaPRO Help manual.

System Settings (Email Settings)

To allow email messaging from the EtaPRO Server and store email groups and addresses that can be
accessed by EPReporter, alert diagnostics, Asset Editor, and the trends, a connection to the
company’s SMTP server or a cloud-based SMTP provider must be defined.
1. Select the Configuration|Enter Edit Mode command and then click the System
Configuration button on the EtaPRO toolbar to display the Configuration Tools screen. Click
System Settings to display the System Settings dialog.
Post EtaPRO Startup Settings 7-9

2. Click Configure Email Settings to display the Email Settings dialog.

3. Select Sender to display the Email Sender Settings dialog. To connect to the company’s SMTP
server, enable the SMTP button.

4. Fill in the outgoing mail (SMTP) name and check to use basic authentication of no
5. To connect to the Twilio SendGrid SMTP provider, enable the Twilio (SendGrid) button. This
is a subscription service, and you will need the API key provided by Twilio.

6. To ensure that all messages generating from EtaPRO have a company-specific domain, edit the
From Email Address on the Email Messages Settings dialog.
7-10 Post EtaPRO Startup Settings

Unit Settings
Starting in Version 10.5, an option was added to each Unit Settings dialog to alarm unit conversion
errors as database conversion alarms. To use the new sunrise and sunset time filters in
EPTrendSetter and the Asset Editor data retrieval tool, the latitude and longitude for each unit
should be entered.

Shift Schedules
Starting in Version 10.5, shift schedules can be set for each unit. When the EtaPRO System is
upgraded to Version 10.5, the existing shift schedule will be copied to each unit shift schedule.
Post EtaPRO Startup Settings 7-11

Process Data Historians

For systems that use a 3 rd party process data historian (PI,, OPC HDA), the data historian names
must be provided and specified on a point-by-point basis. Upon startup, if incorrect or invalid
historians are specified, data points will display data acquisition alarms.
1. While in edit mode, browse to the Historian Settings Form from EtaPRO Client |
Configuration Tools and enter the name of each process data historian that EtaPRO use.
Remove an invalid data historian names. For PI, the names entered should match the names
displayed on the PISDK connections form. In addition, each PI Historian should have an SDK
and an API trust setup that allows EtaPRO to read/write to the PI tags that it is using (See
OSISoft documentation).

2. The list of historians will now be available in the drop-down in the Data Storage tab for each point.
3. The Move Up and Move Down buttons can be used to arrange the list.

VirtualPlant Model Convergence

After data acquisition is configured for EtaPRO, confirm that all online VirtualPlant models are
converging using both default and live data. Open the Configuration Tools|Online VirtualPlant
Models tool to verify that all the models are running. If the VirtualPlant models do not converge,
contact EtaPRO Support at or 716-799-1077 for assistance.

Asset Model Convergence

After data acquisition is configured for EtaPRO, confirm that all online Asset models are
converging using both default and live data. Open the Configuration Tools|Online Assets tool to
7-12 Post EtaPRO Startup Settings

verify that all the models are running. If the Asset models do not converge, contact EtaPRO Support
at or 716-799-1077 for assistance.

EPReporter Distribution and Connectivity Settings

The EPReporter Configuration tool is launched from the Start menu on the EtaPRO server and
defines connectivity between EtaPRO and PI as well as distribution directories for generated reports.
Failure to run this tool will result in EPReporter authentication problems and can potentially result
in the C: hard drive running out of space over time.
When the EtaPRO System is upgraded to Version 10.5, the tables associated with the EtaPRO
database are moved from the plant database to the unit database. Upon upgrade, existing EPReports
are be placed in the first unit database.
Post EtaPRO Startup Settings 7-13

EtaPRO Connections - If the default and recommended Windows Authentication is used,

credentials do not need to be saved. If EtaPRO Authentication is used, a Username and Password
must be saved to allow EPReporter to communicate with the EtaPRO Server.

PI Connections - If PI is used to retrieve data for reports, server information must be configured.
7-14 Post EtaPRO Startup Settings

Advanced Distribution Settings – For new installations, the Report Distribution Directories
should be set accordingly. These directories should be located on a disk volume with ample free
space since the reports will remain in these directories unless deleted. A subfolder of the EtaPRO
Files directory is one recommended option.

EtaPRO Excel Addins

Custom EPReports are designed in Microsoft Excel using the EPReporter Excel Addin that
accesses process data stored in the historian, asset data stored in EPArchive, and EPLog entries
stored in the EPLog database. Offline VirtualPlant Models can be used for parametric studies to
evaluate the effect of changing plant conditions. The parametric study is setup using the
VirtualPlant Parametric Study Excel Addin to access one of the VirtualPlant Models stored in the
EtaPRO Configuration Database. Follow the instructions below to enable these addins.
1. To enable the Excel addins, close Excel, right-click on the Enable EtaPRO Excel Addin app or
the Enable VirtualPlant Parametric Study Excel Addin in the Start|EtaPRO 10 menu. Select
More and then Run as Administrator command. Enabling these addins cannot be done
through Excel.
2. If the User Account Control form displays, click Yes. The addin program will run.
3. Open Excel. The EtaPRO and the VirtualPlant addins appear with the other Excel ribbons.
Post EtaPRO Startup Settings 7-15

Configuring Database and EPArchive Buffer Backups

The EtaPRO Database Backup Utility on the EtaPRO server can be used to schedule a task which
will run a SQL script to back up the EtaPRO databases. The utility can write the backup files to the
local machine or to a mapped external drive or directory.
▪ Full Backup – will create a *.BAK full backup file for each database on a daily basis. The
previous day’s backup file will be overwritten with the new file.
▪ Differential Backup – will create a *.BAK full backup file once a week, and a *DIFF.BAK
differential backup file on subsequent days. The differential file will be overwritten on a daily
basis, while the full backup file will be overwritten once a week.
If the files are not stored directly to an external drive, it is recommended that a file transfer task be
created to copy the backup files to another machine/drive.
If EtaPRO databases are hosted on an external SQL Server, it is the responsibility of the company’s
IT or database administrators to take backups. In either case, the backup files should be
copied/moved to external storage for safekeeping. Windows tools such as XCOPY or ROBOCOPY
can be used to facilitate this. However, securing an EtaPRO database backup is only the first step. It
is also important to verify the backup file as good. The company’s database administrator should be
able to assist with this using SQL Server Management Studio.
Follow the instructions in the Knowledge Base article K B000047 - Scheduling EtaPRO 10.x
Backup available on the EtaPRO Support Website (
7-16 Post EtaPRO Startup Settings

Final/Future Steps
There are two recommended steps to take prior to the EtaPRO system being put into production:
▪ Secure the system using the recommended best practices found in Knowledge Base Article
K B100028 – Securing Your EtaPRO System. Some steps may require coordination with network
security teams, database administrators, or other support groups. The steps can be done separately
after installation, but are highly recommended to provide the highest possible security.
▪ Install the EtaPRO Web Client using the instructions detailed in the EtaPRO Web Client
Installation Manual.
▪ Knowledge Base Articles and Documentation are available on the EtaPRO Support Website

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