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Sartiga, Allyza Jane O.

BSN 3 – A2



1. The most important aspect in adapting into a new job or new work place is for the employee to

a. Ask guidance from the supervisor

b. Know the institution’s philosophy, vision, and mission

c. Introduce themselves to the healthcare team

d. Know the organizational chart of the institution

RATIO: The sooner you introduce yourself, the easier it becomes to feel more comfortable with your
new unit. Most people will gladly take a few minutes to receive your introduction and may even offer to
help you as you transition into your new role.

2. Which of the following members of the healthcare team should the apprentice nurse seek guidance

a. Staff nurse for 3 years

b. The charge nurse

c. The doctor

d. All of the above

RATIO: Think of them as mentors and utilize them! You’ll not only grow a strong personal and
professional bond with them but, you’ll become a much stronger nurse as you proactively seek guidance
throughout your first year.

3. Being a new nurse in a hospital setup can be very stressful on the apprentice nurse. The most
dangerous thing a new nurse can do for her professional license and patients would be

a. Doing malpractice

b. Negligence

c. Not asking questions

d. Asking directions from a supervisor

RATIO: The most dangerous thing you can do for your professional license and your patients is to not ask
questions. As healthcare continues to change and you continue to grow professionally, chances are that
‘asking questions’ will never end. No matter how ‘stupid’ you think it might sound, there’s truly no such
thing as a question you shouldn’t ask.
4. When teaching the patient about the side effects of a prescribed medication, the new nurse must

a. Recall the things she has learned from college

b. Check references about the side effects of the drug

c. Ask the doctor about the side effects of the drug

d. Ask a fellow new nurse about the side effects of the drug

RATIO: You will inevitably build an extensive knowledge base over the years that you will pull from
rather than text resources. But, in the beginning – cheat! Cheat to learn.

5. Which of the following is NOT a common self-care pitfall of a new registered nurse?

a. Not taking nutritional supplements

b. Not getting enough sleep

c. Not eating well

d. Not protecting yourself against microorganisms

RATIO: Take care of yourself. It’s common for new nurses to frequently feel sick during their first year
working but, it doesn’t have to be that way.

6. Cleaning high-touch objects are important in order to prevent the spread of infection. Which of the
following is NOT a high-touch object of the nurse?

a. Stethoscope

b. Keyboard from the computer

c. Pens

d. Nurse cap

RATIO: Clean your high-touch areas and objects with a chlorhexidine wipe at work – your stethoscope,
your ID badge, your pen, the keyboard you chart at.

7. In order for the patient to fully understand the medical language the nurse must

a. Recommend the patient to look it up on his/her smartphone

b. Tell the patient to ask his/her doctor about the medical terms

c. Explain the medical terms to the patient

d. Ask an experienced colleague to do the explanation to the patient

RATIO: You can say more, you can say less – but do explain it in a language your patients will

8. If a new nurse has encountered an unprofessional colleague at the ward, the nurse must do which of
the following?

a. Charge nurse

b. A doctor

c. The Professional Regulations Commission

d. The Board of Nursing

RATIO: Nurse and doctor bullying is thankfully being eradicated, but if you deal with an unprofessional
coworker, please seek support and tell someone higher up (like a charge nurse, management, or HR). It’s
neve okay to be personally attacked at work.

9. One of the essential skills that nurses should learn at the hospital would be

a. Writing legibly

b. Time management

c. Waste management

d. Increasing their vocabulary

RATIO: Time management is another essential skill for new nurses to perfect.

10. In order to have that good working harmony at a given workplace the new nurse must

a. Enjoy attending work parties

b. Learn how to utilize the paid vacation leaves

c. Balance between work and days off

d. All of the above

RATIO: If you work 12’s, you’ll love the idea of 4 days off a week.

Enjoy those steady paychecks.

Enjoy those paid vacation days.

Enjoy being done with tests and studying and homework.

Enjoy making friends at work, going to holiday parties and planning potlucks.
Enjoy buying too many pairs of cute scrubs.

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