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Maven: From leading US$29 million New York Stock Exchange-listed bond issuance to arranging the country’s first sovereign Eurobond,

John Ngumi: The master corporate

He has structured multi-million-
dollar deals, helped companies
scale and, in his role as director and
chairman of public organisations,
saved the country billions of shillings

ne summer day in London, two gentle-
men met for tea at The Churchill,one of
London’s glitziest five-star hotels that
is steeped in a rich tradition of hosting
royalty and people of means.The gentlemen
were old friends from Kenya and since they
happened to be in London at the same time,
why not catch up?
Richard Douglas had jetted in from Nairo-
bi to attend the graduation of one of his chil-
dren from Oxford University. At the same
time, his friend Joseph Gachui, then Depu-
ty Secretary in the Ministry of Finance in Jo-
mo Kenyatta’s government, happened to be
in London finalising a US$100 million syndi-
cated loan that National Westminster Bank
had arranged for Kenya.In the course of their
chat, Gachui revealed that NatWest had of-
fered to train a Kenyan in international fi-
nance, but that no one immediately came to
Douglas was not a man who saw an oppor-
tunity and let it pass. Without hesitation, he
mentioned to the highly connected govern-
ment official that his son, John Ngumi, then is intellectually astute and has been imbued The Presidential region. riods and at lower interest rates. One of his
24 years old, had just graduated from Oxford with the leadership skills necessary to navi- Taskforce on One of his most memorable deals was ar- fondest memories is helping design and mar-
with a first-class honours degree. Could he gate the harsh world out there. the Review of ranging financing for Safaricom, then a new ket the infrastructure bond, which was tar-
fit the bill? And why not, Gachui replied. The “At Oxford, especially for those reading Power Purchase company that had just been spun off from an geted at financing infrastructure,Thika High-
year was 1979. PPE,there is often the sense that one is being Agreements ailing parastatal.The upstart faced the uphill way being the most prominent. President
(PPA) Chairman
And so the foundation was laid for John’s il- groomed to be a leader. One had the sense, task of taking on a well-established rival that Uhuru Kenyatta was then Finance Minister,
John Ngumi
lustrious and pace-setting career in finance, at least in my time, of being at the centre of gestures during had entrenched itself in the new niche mar- and John remembers with a smile the enor-
brokering deals that no one in Kenya comes global events, of watching and being part of the interview ket of mobile telephony. mous pressure the future President put on
close to matching. thinking and discussions that had real world at his office in At the time, Safaricom had 16,000 subscrib- them to come up with imaginative ways to
“I have had the good fortune of never need- consequences. These were pivotal years for Westlands on ers while the rival,Kencell had about 400,000 fund government.“He was relentless”! He al-
ing to apply for a job in my life,” says John. me. Of course there was also the danger of June 28, 2022. subscribers, a number which conventional so has strong words of praise for Central Bank
“Maybe I came of age at just the right time, one acquiring an arrogant sense of entitle- PHOTO | FRANCIS wisdom at the time claimed marked a pla- and Treasury officials.“Amidst the cacopho-
when senior officials like the late Mr Gachui ment. In fact for some time there has been a NDERITU teau for the entire country’s subscriber base. ny that is Kenya’s public life,we tend to forget
were willing to take a chance on unproven debate in the UK whether the Oxford PPE un- Africans,it was whispered,were not sophisti- just what smart, committed people we have
youth.That said,I challenge anyone to show I dergraduates who dominate high office have cated enough to acquire the Western taste for in government.”
have not given my best in any position I have been good or bad for the country,”says John. mobile telephony. Successful infrastructure projects, John di-
occupied.” A good number of British Prime Ministers The company was starved of cash and gresses, need to be rolled out on time so that
John has grown to become a colossus strad- were moulded in Oxford, among them Boris needed funding to scale. John was then at a country can start seeing returns from its in-
dling the corporate finance field, becoming Johnson, Tony Blair, David Cameron and Te- Citibank, and he and his team arranged a vestment.
a key architect of Kenya’s financial markets. resa May.Bill Clinton was there too. Ksh4 billion corporate bond issue on the back “We are very poor at delivering large scale
He has structured multi-million-dollar deals, Oxford defined John’s path.“I am not driv- of support from OND, the Belgian export infrastructure projects on time and on
helped companies scale and, in his role as di- en by the endless pursuit of riches,but rather, credit agency that was backing Siemens, the budget.” Anecdotal evidence, John says with
rector and chairman of public organisations, an insatiable appetite to see the African con- supplier of the equipment that Safaricom a chuckle, suggests that the last large project
saved the country billions of shillings that tinent rid of the shackles that have stymied was acquiring to enable it roll out its opera- delivered on time and on budget was KICC in
would have ended up in a rabbit hole. its growth and embedded poverty. I would tions countrywide. the early seventies.
And this for a man who did not major in like to see an Africa free from economic The rest, as they say, is history; Safaricom The problem, John says, is that such pro-
business; he studied philosophy, politics and hopelessness,”John says. has become by far the largest company in jects in Kenya attract many rent seekers
economics (PPE). And he has done his bit in trying to achieve East and Central Africa with a market capi- who make money from the variations that
But then,Oxford is not your run-of-the-mill this lofty goal, having raised billions of shil- talisation that is bigger than the combined are surreptitiously added to the initial con-
university. It is one of the oldest, and perhaps lings for various corporates and govern- market capitalisation of all the other quot- tract. Cowboy contractors don’t make mon-
the most famous university worldwide. Its ments across the region. It is said that a ris- ed companies at the Nairobi Securities Ex- ey from the contract sum; their bids are nor-
very name inspires confidence that whoever ing tide lifts all boats, and John believes the change. mally deliberately low so that they can be as-
has traversed its hallowed grounds must of funding he has helped raise has ultimately “Safaricom is one of the best known exam- sured of clinching the contract: once the con-
necessity be well grounded in matters of art, touched the lives of millions of people in the ples of finance serving as a handmaiden to tract is in the bag, the ogre rears its ugly head
commercial enterprises that then go on to through numerous fictitious claims, damag-
benefit the broader economy,” says John. es and contract variations. Such projects are
A SAMPLE OF TRANSACTIONS UNDER NGUMI’S BELT “I have many such examples. My favourites
were arranging annual offshore funding in
designed to fail from the onset.
John got a front row seat watching the eat-
1989 - Leading a US$29 million issue that enabled the company eign loan, for US$250 million the early 1980s for Kenya’s coffee farmers be- ing frenzy when he was in 2015 unexpect-
New York Stock Exchange-listed to finance its initial infrastructure 2010 - Co-lead arranger - The fore the sale of their produce,and arranging a edly appointed Chairman of Kenya Pipe-
bond issuance to refinance Kenya’s rollout, and paved the way for sub- first Eurobond issue ever for an bond issue for Faulu, which enabled that mi- line Company (KPC), one of the richest para-
then military debt to the US, which sequent bond issuances by other East African entity, a US$300 crofinance to slash its interest rates by almost statals in Kenya and which has attracted veri-
remains the Kenya Government’s corporates in Kenya and the region. million issue for PTA Bank, since half, thereby enabling ordinary Kenyans to table sharks who see it as an endless pipeline
only bond ever issued in New York. 2005 - Lead Arranger for the first renamed TDB Bank. access interest rates that were previously the of easy pickings.
1997 - Placing the first ever listed ever bond issue for a microfinance 2012 - Co-lead arranger for Ken- preserve of top companies.” Before his appointment, John was still
corporate bond issue in Kenya, a entity in Africa, which was also the ya’s second syndicated loan in the stitching deals at Stanbic. He had worked on
Ksh820 million East African Devel- second ever such issue worldwide, Euromarkets, for US$600m At the tail end of Daniel Moi’s presidency, a facility for KPC for the extension of the pipe-
opment Bank bond. Ksh500 million for Faulu Kenya. 2014 - Co-lead arranger for Ken- and during Mwai Kibaki’s administration, line from Nakuru to Eldoret, and as part of a
2001 - Lead arranger for the land- 2010 - Lead arranger for Tan- ya’s first sovereign Eurobond issue, John worked closely with Central Bank to team putting finishing touches to a US$350
mark Ksh4 billion Safaricom bond zania’s first ever international sover- for US$ 2.8 billion design and popularise listed bonds, which million financing for the parastatal’s new
helped the country fund itself for longer pe- Mombasa-Nairobi pipeline.He was therefore

Ngumi is your consummate financial strategist

Ngumi’s take
fund raiser
Despite his name, John Ngumi’s
father – Richard Douglas – is as
African as they come. Described as How did your career in investment and the operation that has bred this
“a maverick, tumultuous and intense” banking begin,and what was your beam that we now see, and how that
he ruled his roost, family and profes- biggest break? has affected every single person posi-
sion, with an iron rod. My biggest break occurred at the be- tively,is a source of pride.
reasonably well acquainted with the state richest parastatals in the country. Don’t ruf- When John was born in 1955, even ginning of my career. I was an under- What is the worst mistake you’ve
corporation. fle feathers and all will be well.“We will give the most affluent Africans were not graduate; I had just graduated with ever made in your career?
When he heard of the Presidential appoint- you a nice car and office, but please don’t allowed to own property, leave alone no plans, and a bank in London hap- Not staying on in Loita,even with all
ment, and given the obvious conflict as a re- read your board papers too carefully and al- stay, in the leafy suburbs west of pened to be looking to train a Ken- the challenges, I wish I’d stayed on. I
sult of his banking work with KPC, he had to low us to guide you, you ignoramus.” That’s Nairobi. All Africans in Nairobi had yan,and I happened to be in the right think I would have built something
immediately confront the question of mak- what management might have been think- to live in Eastlands. John’s family was place at the right time.That was back really big.
ing a choice between his banking career and ing about their newly appointed Chairman. one of the lucky ones living in ‘Family in 1979. What keeps you awake at night?
KPC. For him this wasn’t a hard decision.“In But John had other ideas. Quarters” in Kaloleni, houses that What’s the secret to your success You people! Not so much unem-
any case I couldn’t very well say no to the After first carefully studying the lay of the had indoor ablutions. And Kaloleni is as a leader? ployment, but the loss of a certain
challenge the President had presented to land, he began asking hard questions. The where John and his siblings started Not taking myself too seriously. Al- sense of optimism and hopefulness.
me, which basically was ‘stop moaning with new pipeline that he had helped finance their education. ways remember that the sun will The belief that to get ahead in Kenya,
everyone else about how poorly state corpo- when he was at Stanbic was the lightning Come independence and African shine whether you are depressed,an- you have to know somebody, have to
rations are run, here’s a chance to do some- rod.It was supposed to have been completed elites quickly moved to the estates gry,or so on. bribe somebody, you have to steal, It’s
thing about it’. How could I possibly decline by February 2016; it was now less than four that they had long been barred from. There is also a tale from the days that. It’s the collapse of a belief and
such a challenge?” months to completion date but the pipeline Douglas moved his family first to of the Roman empire where the Ro- the ability to do things well and still
With an asset base of over Ksh140 billion, was barely ten percent done. Woodley, then on to Karen, Nairobi’s mans would celebrate a returning get ahead; that worries me.
KPC is a nabob’s Alladin’s Lamp. It has inex- The honeymoon was over. It was time to whitest of the white estates. General who had conquered the Brit- Where would you take the conti-
haustible opportunities for skimming profits act. Ferocious internal battles ensued over However, Douglas insisted that his ons, French, or Africans with a huge nent if you were ‘President’ of Af-
while maintaining the façade of a successful all manner of issues, with the common fac- children would continue attending parade. rica?
corporate. tors being tenders, procurement, payments school in Eastlands. “I never found During the parade,they would have Currently, I am an apostle and an
“If KPC was owned by a private equity fund, and claims. Overnight, John found himself out from my parents, who are no a slave; in those days, slaves were ed- evangelist for green hydrogen.
they would expect no less than a 20 percent a media sensation, and made numerous ap- longer alive, why they kept us there ucated people, and the slave would The Ukraine war, the climate

pearances in Parliament,in addition to being when virtually all our friends moved have one role only,to remind the Gen- change drive, and the Europeans’ de-
obliged to record statements at the Directo- to previously whites-only schools,” eral periodically that all glory is fleet- sire to rid themselves of reliance on
rate of Criminal Investigations.“Being an ac- John says. “But I have come to ap- ing. This, too, will pass; the same peo- fossil fuels, all those things tell me
tive chairman of a state corporation is defi- preciate that it did leave us ground- ple cheering you will cheer on when that Africa today is at a major inflec-
nitely not for those with delicate constitu- ed.” we take you for hanging. tion point.
tions,”says John with a laugh.“For five years I After primary school, his father So that keeps one’s feet on the The key ingredients for green en-
Number of subscribers had to brace myself for regular fantastical ac- ground, keeps one very humble, and ergy, green hydrogen, and green in-
took him to the Duke of Gloucester,
Safaricom had at the time John cusations, for hostile Parliamentary and me- today’s Jamhuri High School. It was reminds one that momentary fame dustry are water, solar, wind, and ge-
and his team arranged a Ksh4 dia questioning.I had to confront bizarre and still on the “wrong” side of town. is not permanent and is not the nor- othermal, all of which we have in
billion corporate bond issue ever more lurid allegations, including mis- After high school, it was off to mal condition. abundance. Over the next few dec-
use of KPC’s helicopters to ferry exotic beau- Oxford University where he pursued What’s your leadership style? ades, we can be what the Middle East
return on investment,”says John.“There’s no ties for regular trysts at the Coast, or helping a degree in philosophy, politics and Giving space to people.Giving them was in terms of the world relying on
reason why Kenyans should not demand the Kenyans spirit away Ksh5 trillion, this being economics. broad instructions and not assuming it for oil. We can be what China has
same kind of performance.” alleged at the time of the Panama Papers rev- John graduated with a first-class their work. Be prepared to be a safety become as the manufacturing cen-
But, by the time he was appointed chair- elations.One day I will write a best seller!!” honours degree. After that he had a net because things will go wrong,and tre for the whole world, what the US
man,KPC was simply hopping from one pro- But John was not one to be side-tracked by people need to know that if things go had been for a long time, a manufac-
three-year stint at National West-
curement scandal to another.Its dividends to asinine bloggers. Under his leadership the dreadfully wrong, somebody high- turing hub, and what it remains, the
minster Bank before returning to
the government were “a pittance” and com- Board re-engineered the company to deliver er up will be there to catch them or playground of great innovations and
Kenya in 1983, where he worked
pletely at variance with the expectations of dividends to the Treasury to the tune of near- shield them from the flak. inventions. That’s where I would be
variously for Grindlays Bank (now
such a cash-rich organisation. It was bare- ly Ksh20 billion by the time he ceased being Also, not to humiliate people, not in leading Africa.
Stanbic Bank), Citibank, Barclays
ly managing to transfer Ksh300 million to chairman. public. What has been the key driver of
and Stanbic.
Treasury in a year. He had to move fast to sta- At the time,there were loud murmurs from Finally, I don’t think I’ve ever asked your career growth?
bilise the ship. the management that he was engaging in anybody to do any work that I either Curiosity! that’s why my career is
It was not an easy task. “The traditional managerial roles while his work was strict- haven’t done or cannot do. littered with moves from NatWest to
view of the role of chairmen at state corpo- ly to keep quiet and sign off every request by those masters of lies who populate our social What’s the most difficult decision Grindlays, Citibank, Barclays, Loita,
rations is that it is a sinecure,cutting ribbons, the people running the show. media would one day think through what you’ve had to take in your career? Stanbic, and Kenya Pipeline. What’s
making portentous speeches and such like,” “Section 15 (1) of the State Corporations they do,how they destroy people,livelihoods, Between 1994 and 1999, I was part beyond the next hill?
says John with a sardonic smile. But at KPC, says that the Board is accountable for the per- families. Fortunately for me I could weather of a group of five very ambitious Af- What has Covid-19 taught you?
he was determined not to play the role of formance and management of the corpora- the storm, but put yourself in the place of a ricans; there was a Zambian, Ghana- Life is short,but there are things you
flower girl: he had a tough task at hand and tion,” he quotes from memory.“Accountabil- young lady or gentleman looking to further ian, Palestinian, American, and my- can’t control; nature has its way, but
he meant to deliver. ity has a meaning.Period.” her/his career, profession or business when self, who set up Africa’s first black- the crisis will always spur that hu-
he expectation was that he would play ball, “Do I regret taking up the Chair position at prospective employers or financiers goog- owned investment bank called Loita. man inventiveness. What we did as
keep a low profile and enjoy the perks that KPC? No, not at all. I could have done with- le them only to find all manner of nonsense It did incredibly well, but we were an industry, in terms of coming up
come with being a chairman of one of the out all the lurid stories, and I really wish that written about them.” five alpha males, and five alpha with PPE, sanitizers, vaccines, and
males are too many. So, in the end, new ways of working, we would nev-

Putting the trains back on track

while it was very successful, it just er have done without Covid.
couldn’t survive. What is your biggest fear in life?
I had to accept an offer from Citib- That I didn’t try when called upon;
ank to return to paid employment. for instance, I was asked by a journal-
When John Ngumi was still the Chairman of KPC, plans had neers to handle the difficult engineering bits. End result: two pro- That was the toughest decision. ist whether I should not have taken
been mooted to build a new pipeline to Nanyuki that would serve jects which could have cost up to Ksh50 billion ended up costing What has been the best moment in the Kenya pipeline job, coming from
the fast-growing northern region. While it was never finally cost- Ksh3 billion, including Ksh1.8 billion from KPC. The train is now your banking and leadership jour- a comfortable, very well-paying one
ed, John remembers hearing figures as high as Ksh25 billion be- running, petroleum is being delivered.“The other day I drove to ney so far? at Stanbic, into this hell on earth. My
ing mentioned.Similarly,he also recalls hearing of plans for a new Nanyuki.Not a single tanker on the road.Not one.Who would ever One is the people who have passed answer was, then I couldn’t look my-
railway to Nanyuki,with equally high figures being mentioned. have thought this could happen?”poses John. through my hands and gone on to be- self in the mirror because you can’t
“I’d have loved to be able to say I was the one who saw the obvi- This rehabilitation feat was repeated for the Nakuru-Kisumu come pretty senior bankers. It’s a se- go around saying you’re good, and
ous synergies.But alas,it wasn’t me,”John recalls.President Uhuru railway. Same players, with KPC this time contributing Ksh2.7 bil- ries of moments of having such peo- then when the opportunity is given
Kenyatta is the one who saw the issues clearly and posed the chal- lion. ple working directly in my team or to you to prove that you’re good, you
lenge to John, to Andrew Kamau, Principal Secretary at the Min- In John’s view, these tasks bring out the President’s strategic other banks, who have looked to me turn it down.
istry of Petroleum, and to others, with stunning simplicity: “For mindset.“People see a railway.The President sees a country whose to mentor them or show them the Your advice to the youth?
environmental and safety reasons, KPC wants to shift the trans- food insecurity is caused partly by inadequate transport and stor- way. I would merely summarise it with
port of petroleum to Nanyuki from roads. Separately Kenya Rail- age. I have seen reports that 30-40 percent of our annual harvest The second one is doing transac- one phrase, to thine own self be true.
ways wants to revive rail transport to Nanyuki. Vivo have a rail- goes to waste for this reason.Alongside the railways are long-aban- tions which benefit the Wanjiku.Peo- I address young people on various
way siding by their Nanyuki depot.Go away and craft an imagina- doned warehouses, which are now humming back to life. We are ple tend to look at people like me as topical subjects, and you can see in
tive solution that meets the needs of all parties, and doesn’t cost at the start of a logistics revolution involving railways, warehous- people who deal with big money, their eyes that they believe that they
the earth.” es and last mile road delivery that will have far reaching national very complex stuff and have noth- will never be where I am.
And so,John,PS Kamau,Kenya Railways Managing Director Phil- and regional ramifications. At last Kenya is truly thinking strategi- ing to do with Wanjiku or at least on- Yet if you think of the trajectory
ip Mainga, NYS Director General Matilda Sakwa, and others got to cally,using its location and smart citizens as its platform.The Pres- ly tangentially. that our first president took, from
But if you take Safaricom in 2000 — when and where he was born, on
work. Kenya Railways had a lot of material. KPC had cash, which ident’s conception of the Kenya Transport & Logistics Network,
a tiny company needing cash to ex- how he was born to how he died,
could be deployed via dividends to the National Treasury. NYS and his relentless pursuit of the LAPSSET dream,fall into the same
pand, no balance sheet, no track re- when you look at the trajectory of
came in with labour. Kenya Defence Forces brought skilled engi- category of long-term thinking.”
cord. The fact that working at Citi- so many other people, why on earth
bank, we managed to raise Ksh4 bil- would you not have faith that it can
Produced by the NMG Branded Content Studio lion,which created the infrastructure be done?

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