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Class: 12A
1. D
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. D
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. A
10. B
11. A
12. D
13. B
14. B
15. minimal
16. expertise
17. position
18. particular
19. specify
20. in-depth
21. a
22. These
23. something
24. tend
25. general
26. lines
27. end
28. for
29. like
30. than
31. control
32. so
33. v
34. ix
35. ii
36. vii
37. i
38. viii
39. iv
40. physical chemistry
41. thermodynamics
42. adapt
43. Immortality
44. NO
45. YES
47. YES
48. G
49. C
50. D
51. A
52. I
53. B
54. E
55. H
56. F
57. A
58. E
59. A
60. B
61. D
62. I
63. E
64. G
65. I
66. D
67. C
68. C
The provided paragraph primarily discusses the rationale for aging and pieces of research into prolonging
human life expectancy. The chief factor that leads to aging is free radicals, highly reactive molecules. The
human body always fights against the free radicals because the reaction between those active radicals and
human molecules may cause illnesses along with damage to DNA structure and cell tissues. This process
stimulates our body to produce its own chemicals to prevent aging though free radicals never lose.
However, Gordon Lithgow has devised a solution to defeat free radicals, which means people could
possibly extend life. By using anti-aging chemicals, he succeeded in extending the life of earthworm
species by 50%. Interestingly, dominant genes that control the life expectancy in researched earthworms
are also found in various species, including human beings. Afterward, an American company named
Eukarion has been allowed to carry out Gordon Lithgow’s breakthrough in practice to produce an anti-
aging drug.

The given chart depicts the proportion of Internet users on four different Internet browsers, namely
Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari within 7 years, starting from 2014.
Regarding the Chrome browsers, it witnessed a sharp increase as it significantly surged from 0% from the
outset in 2007 to 61.6% at the end of the process, which simultaneously was the highest percentage of
Internet users. On the contrary, Internet Explorer’s features constantly plummeted by more or less 48% in
the whole survey. On average, the percentage of browsers who used Internet Explorer steadily decreased
by roundly 6% to 7% per year.
Considering the feature of Safari, it wholly took accounted for only an extremely small component
compared to the others. It remained unpredictable for the entire process and reached its peak at solely
4,2% in 2011 and 2012, which was still relatively much lower than the other platforms. Besides, Firefox
generally kept dropping, except for slight rises in 2007 and 2009. Though Firefox feature dropped for the
whole process, its percentage of users was still relatively high and ranked the second in 2014 with 23,6%.
Overall, Internet Explorer and Firefox generally shared a common downward tendency, whilst Chrome
and Safari had an upward trend. Chrome became the most popular Internet browser and Safari still had
the less percentage of users in 2014.

In this day and age, it is thanks to some utmost breakthroughs in technology that the emergence
of cameras has increasingly become the norm in the light of protecting people's security.
However, some people argue that observation applications like cameras should be regarded as a
way of ivadin’people'ss privacy, whilst others assume cameras help to decrease the crime rate.
Personally, I totally disagree with the statement that accuses surveillance cameras as a privacy
invasion application.
It is apparent that cameras literally have the power of good for security in public places. First and
foremost, surveillance cameras protect public safety by deterring criminal activities. In fact, most
of the buildings ranging from offices to children’s schools are equipped with surveillance
cameras, which harshly decrease the rate of being harmed by such activities. Cameras ensure
people with hostility could hardly harm anyone or properties. As a result, criminals, in turn, are
less likely to commit crimes with the eye of cameras. Furthermore, cameras also play a pivotal
role in preventing as well as investigating many sophisticated criminal cases. Through video
analytics, cameras are capable of zooming in to reveal someone's identity s which would be
exceeding beneficial to crime prevention if used in a correct way. The criminals may be
apprehended swiftly, especially in such abduction cases a video would be a great way to track
down people quickly and possibly prevent them from death. Last but least, every camera
installation is carried out under the allowance of the government along with the building
owners’, which means the use of cameras is completely legal. Not anywhere could cameras
could be installed, there are still restrictions on how cameras are used to avoid misusing such
advanced observation tools. Some places containing private areas such as bedrooms, bathrooms,
etc would not be permitted to construct a camera system. Hence, there is no way that could
conclude cameras invade people’s privacy.
In short, though a handful of people may find surveillance cameras inappropriate for them,
cameras, undoubtedly, are relatively helpful and protective for the sake of people’s safety.

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