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v UNIT = Flexere Pavement Design AssumPrions © Dee Serdktate povernents | under the application o, dead , mene of te Aoyene one everleaded fe., ak an tuen tenstamce , me aeckon of the powernent stouctune fe Aubfected to excessive deformation to form aifferentiol eettternent @ The cmaxiram tmtensity of shes occurs fn the top Payer. ‘The emogenituce of atrese sccuned at the flaunn tayert ae or aaitvely Sess, Heme Bupeaion powerment materiale are used Lo the top foyer oh fiertiots paveroemt. Dav te mov postb te to have aational amotred of, design whew doy the desig process and serviuabitity behaviour of. pavement de expaicteed. Sn Jhedbite paveamemt cleatan , thay one poudicted theoretically by cmathereatical Lows. at & one of the Almtbation 4 fwBlale poeanent “desta, : ) On Ae desta of fuibl pavements, the ametheds em| ed for dlesigm cre bated on semi. empinteat and classtcal _apprwach, Hee for empiteat 2 aemi-empatcal appocach, the: knowledge g-erpentence qe bn the behaplous . of the pasiewmers fm past are atfectody vais ed 2 (5)5eme of the emeitieds cre directly based en .scth asrittcatton : and Cattgore La. Resistance wadue which crmay be egt'anaked by alee: anadyeis Cor test, Plate Bearing teak depending open: the. tonitilton op ite soll. Nese the thichmess sugplned be Aiectly tatimated using the results obteimed from the experiments under {deal condtifon Desi Metnons Or Finaece Faventient : The, dedi methods can be groupe Pato the fetiowring the broad groupe t G9 Empirical “Methecte () Semi». theahetlcal Methods (2) Theotetieal Methods Empimica. Marea Dn thte clase of smethods gout atengih beat emay 0 may met be caanted out. On this categery , Byrne Pride ethod , Caltforwta Beaslang Ratfe Method \ ee fF Semi- TinoreticaL Mariops Theat bored portty om. past expariemes . ond poy alampilited Theorie op alread otlstitloullon’ as Becastinong Ko ik amd Waskor asin pnp Motheds, ete, ala lty Weakengaaad Meshed. Ja used, fon alata pawernents TinogeticaL Metuons Thee methed: ate ushetly bared on mathe matical amaligit of Rhea and Abatene chuweloped stm the pasernenta! ) amd 4ubgnade. Buamnis tea, dmadiysia Mlethoet fous unden, thle cabepey ‘ cian ; Me Leap Metnos’ The Canactian, Departsrnemt of trarmapsott eondisthed : ertvnabie “plate biasing ; th bo bruce He ababiltty’ of ala fields and panemente vunder. the cline clon of Neteman . tl) Mo heed TR tea wine Amade ene surface, Iate courte “ern A ade oko... ak fy Shakcmn bon... ef, Qecotfong , OT the baale we chin “teat amuth , he developed a degintte cteatgn method, stohich, Ga bmeurn, an Me, Lead Mettved atten kik manne. Paineipoe Ty bat seb up conete op ar gek of plates of alarmakes. 36,60, 8 and 30 erm, ao deaditeng Aevtee comeditin, of aeadion. frame, passion along cond jack... The feack on the plate Xe exerted by the jack againgt the hoacklon of the faann The Retthearemt of Loaded plate uk measured by fad gauges attached bp a dhouirm, freeme meskng on the qrownd ab a, dlktornce farm the tonded onea, The faading anncengarmemt tt an shown below ; Pure Loap, Ter Favre ‘ daom this tat, te nodulue of subgnade euaction ate Aebenwnbened the: emodubea, of. ade ataction rrgay toe. defined (AS the pr eagune” gutkaimedt por Gene shajetemaaen, “4 wubgna ade ou pie ed prlesgurd oh Aegorarnatton vaimg a a peclitee, late. St Gk com obed by st Sn thle precede angttn, Aeaking the! plate + & Spad, aniygled iieet fo prpduce of pedo of OF hqlem? ah mxppltead ors te ‘piloted din 0 Aeconda amd held im positon SHtL the nate by notte rnent Ataches ete Wan 0:05 mm pox mimute (im case, cy golds), The povoecaluna da Mepta.ted Hitt, the Aettermank: omaches 0-125 jena « : on. by Me. actation , bate? \ Foom, the plate toad tert mesutte , Me Leod dentures the fottousing autation for ticknes o, pRerdbte pavement. Te Ke Poqo(E) whee , Tr Requined thickness of the boar course tn erme. Pe Grote whet toad tm. be Total Aubsrade Bib ppont in hg C for the” sermne contact ofa and leg teeti on ot fon fdoad PF). : “thas; hy the -aubgrade support fi ene frien, the. Uiplate FRab, 7 He bate, eoukae, thtckenees: cam. [be obtained. fom about, eqpiation. A can be catealabed por Bo con: fcumeber plate at 9.5 em def tection amd ten nepattiions. iy Gey Ey twin iene, for the A fom whet Load sliamneter to 7 Innak en. BO cry. Ate. plate: ok “o. Sema deg wetion.. (| PRoatems : o | Beslgn @ Nghwoy paseoment fer , cushud ead 2 Shu bg tlh a t prewure of 6.0 chglent; ‘The plate beantng test cosaies out oy the, -Aubgaode ell using _80.em diameter eae wgiatded a pressure of 2.8 glee’ afies aft Ae. nepetiivore of, dead ad ak 050m, Sodep tection . fs aes : : entciven, KEP SOLUTION oe a ia Radius of, comback Postineben amd ora make < AMR = Ro c Faore the cunt @ the matle of uwllty aiubgaade support on Adem diam ebem plete ot 0-5 crm deflection ou 0-46 Thus, , wrk suppost ot o.5ern at oten © C:4GR 265 = 40 Mg fem Datqm Aub @nade Auppedt on dh cm diarmabw i plete, B= ay x TH Bye cs oe BIB eq ane qoute Ao, pane: ibubde | corigtecnk: “16 ;) fo Bip em der pare 48 5 ‘thas, qnamucder posernent Vhleheneag 9 Te Ke Rog “ (} Te O95 x bogig Sid , ‘Ge See | i ATs OBE a BIT em, woe” Provicle, Sate boherimous fund aelcie “out of tha hoe tobab thicken and: 85 om ag apis baie, couase, @ Daten a Alghsaiypaseiment of whut toad, yid0 ka whit. -preanunt, of. Rgfeam by. Mo..beed Methad...lake beoking tet camied out on Aubsade ak using Som alla . yaaa [as paeaire * ao gen after, to repetitions a food ak 05 am eg Reoklon a Seovions Radius of combadt 8. ter ot we ne preduna ¢ a= [apeo. é wes ea = Ibe Dern é Rxbmeter amc ene aatio . QI «Roe bw OF12B “ne Ld Toe from the tunue @ he aeiite © mt, inti “aubonade” lipport on Bah ern danmebor poe, at 0. % en Bab eaitten: © OG ( Thus Unt auppent i atk. 0.5 en eg tnctton 'w 0A be. ho ; Se Bteo eg ferro? N Deatgen swhograde Aauppont on 3a) ont Boe” Beye TT eB pr cliaanete, plate ' 5 2 ok vt Soe tN eg boot jp Bore, qunwe 4) bane seounse. conaternt: Kft 88 hem, dtacmeten, } phate. #40 Thur, giamwtion poverment thtekmens. Tek. a) - o4e Lani teige-) Provide tea bihemtmous, 00s facing out of thik dtem total Akichnest and ahem at, qrentos ase couase Kansas Metop On Kansas “Teiaman Meriep ‘thin qroethod aetia on thiaxdal teak of alt matoatale tmur porated yatthin ae pamerment , tested fn a satuxabed condition and ated for tragic amd anblefpated de * saturation. Based’ on thy Beunimeg, displacement eqpatton, for Homegeneut aotttec simgte dager a cettan rmethed woot prrposed im tio by Lids Palonen amd Bids Barber * A + Wub.le8 D(a The -prarer’ fas dwaption dninde See thie eat woe naplading athe ghoed fumalien by Gores fametion We ket; a ee A+ Va" PON oa . ( 3 Now | Ane 3 Gr a" ‘ Aw BP . ait (ane) Cate") : Cnty 8 Asuming that pavement la imeompncasibte , ‘st’ becomes * 209 so whee, Pom Whaek Sead to te Fig» Moctutug of etowtlet “t, if Aubgrade Lin big Jens ebtoimed” from “Tateraial Test meatt aos rae Ae {teeter den com fos Bein Jin, aleenoat ' ofl cance” iy va om /Radtus Sf combate aived: Pre era Gm, Ys, shove anatyi,,-pawernent, amd subgrade , both ox aiaumed ty have “the dame walue r ee, the matetel chonackedsties of the dikuckune and add aematong th game, ustiely Sa piel vat snot trace. nee Or. Triantan | Tear: 9 the Antactal teak te used Yor detevontning Whe accent + Cae of seni i spoalous -cmatestats, (2) A Lakevat pret uned og glen? aa: applied to End the: atalue of ‘h! of the rmateafal’, Thr takerat paeeture fe aahibant Aycasaumed ot the Lateral congimermemt tn. the peusonent toy. ha Me; Karman... Siate “ghey Drpsparnind 2h. USA. (9 Ths method Joninen eomphaniae the wanes of cenballnns ¢ cos efficent nama, ‘ ‘ ~ Thagite wesgietent , x = dobusation eooptctont . ~ Et yemese fackor, i The Geter +, seudlerig wage. facto ae, att the ahaha, fos att the Jocotton, dau moet outrage the gerne 4nabae of, Loca The idea 4 introducing saturation eptteternt wh, alt the Qocatlere whe the atab te propored the type "b gotl | canekimation of soll, position o wober stable , mature of fungace and bubuturtac [Louw amd mature of, compaction fee ant dlipenernt from Location to Lecakion, Sneriperating tratpic coeiielent C%) amd shturotlor PA nategatk eoegitetent CY) ten. eqpauliion adi! te fy white touting surmertcal paoblerns aapamatong upon the ) nung nanan alaka. g ownage asihy waite data den th nea dwoatlon, Fann. Cem’ Be = 50 61 6h 65% 4h -40 A = (00 (bk. AT ( Averaae. Day Taareie | Tracric Corericient |: ( ADT) po EX) r i 4Q~ A00 c Ma 4 401-800 fa a Bot ~ 1200 5c ; 1201 - 1800 1 Is01 - 200 We f 2401 - 4000 fe 4001- 6000 ar : 6001- 1000 Vf, 4001 - 13500 "le 12801 - 20000 _2 Ag the pavernent and subgrade axe considered to be. a too Layer “aysbem aiEffmeds pack, has bb be Snteduced to Fake Sento account. the different ealaee of medudas > ahaa teat, Symone dader = (‘& 13 Cony ey Ep vy Adel Aides by Kanga plethed te gives by ro T= | fapxy \Wa x [Es \8 / ST SES Ee. whee) Bas Med % elaeicy subgrade : : Fy = Modulus of Edoatidty of bose couase | pastnoent The tiickness Of the structure fe tenvers: attonal, othe alte of Yrangt: Modutus 9, etastielty ep eubynade eat aalsed to the power of, Ya. Thus, the aatatlonuhtp bebween the paseement Layene of | thickmeser fy amd t, veact Modus of, haa bled ey oF Ea amd Fy da ae by, di (a)” te Ep Proprems ‘ W) Deslgn the pauernent section by Talasfat Text anethod wale the fotloasting dota : ‘ Whet toad ,“s wo hg ‘ ' Radius of tema’ “aata. = Wem Tragic ewesstetemne: Base ae BEY ( Ratn fate coatiietent , Ym 0.8 . ‘ Dartigan, Ap Picton ions Nie O26 erm ‘ “Hg 8 100" ba Feat s 4 Ry «Abo Weg fee? E dsolue of FSem thick. ‘pitwininout wmnenibe Kurface eounig =) 1800 hqler® or So.urion Astuming the pavement conch of tmpte Rayon of ose counted rpabental ety. the paeertiemt, “tht ckmene ot gteen Ton [fae noo ang ead) 2 16 oe 338)" Ax Tr O25 «100 a00/ | TO BAD crn ey bb ern heb 5 erm bihemineu, concake un fat wth, Fee 1000 beg fere be equivalent to ie Untekmess ‘7° “4 base couage , ‘the aapivatemt maplacerment ty tk obtaimed tmorm the metattor Ys 7 tes (Ee! tp Ee cba». (4000, 8. ‘400 SRE OB UE IB Bese he : ; Se The nequiaed pase eouye “antebewene 4 GO IDeA, Fal, © 85.8 orn ) » in cnnt Ean pated Jodie WEEE Sy eas ar ges pple my oe : Baon Course . : G8 enn \ * Beer oo water? The panewnemt xectZon com of 55.8 om thick WOM bane founse amd 5 cm hick bltuniineut coneate. aurface Course w a8, shou, in the quae » @ Cateutate the inickenees of, bitueninong surface, by Kansan, Method . : RB, = 0 eg oren™ Bp + 00 beg form" whet Load « 100 hey Type paoure = of lag fem* ‘Taagtte coeftietemt , hom (as Sabvrotien coaiiiciont , Ys O8 Destgn the tlehweas of pamermoml Layen , bode courte cenel ; gub- bate toute ona to 7 provided hawting * EB’ walues % Hoo kg fem” and 200 by term, ~ s SOLUTION + Ae ORSem 9» Assured ae hak the pasument: eonsint of almagth, foyer» ae Sty ee GRIT ere gh GBR ewne avo) ( ) Lee chibem thle, pamerient smateatak wlth, By = 190 bg fom be eaptvolent, bo ye Abekmete by ef here, eounze mee x fees te (&) tr Ep ; . ai Gey” ‘ * ‘ 0 to tg 8 88 cme ‘Te actual tNcknees Of bade coune = 682 = 1. 2 SSB tem ae “Ge” : S501 « (200 \'e ts (o noty 8 68 om F-Sem| Pavertent, Bet don] Base Counce 646 xn] Gun~ Base’ Course gape @ eat Ae, ie pavement by antat smethad tke ce “aut aide adil se “0p fern” ‘. anlue: of Bom +H bituminous muriforce e Wolue of. bate courte» Mook gfern™ tg whet Road © go00 ke Reda tmboct ona 6 {Sem Tragtie. wetficlemt j= 6 Roim fat coesticternt © 0%b Datars Acpetlon 9 G95, along othe’, sinwo tegen? “F Sovwrions i Auwminng the pavement consist, of awe 0 Athy matentat ents The pavement thickest is oe by, Ts [ee y ~ al ‘Gy aA, Te. ene Seon |e Px (e2)" \ AX WHOIS K 100 400 fe Toe bh RR ern sh bl B ere y fet Berm bthewdnwu Sungoe with Ep = l9o0 hag fer” be P eqplvalemt fo the Unickermenge ST" of, have souase | a The eqptvadiont’ ee Eyre ebvalwied fourm) the . ett : Ep " ‘ 4 "kg a meta t tat : Cl ‘gee \ { Kooy’ 12:66" ena ; i : » Reyidned toase course thickest = “bled ela GH me BLbSEm Bava rung PE eee oar, , : ‘ Bem | Bp s 1800, Ha com si . BASE - Course 51.66 em| S166 crn ‘ Fg e noe ka feam™ . — incre } CBR MeptHop - GauirerniA Brarine, Rane Merion "Ths emebhed use, Gigi alte devloped ten aaa ea Cali fornta. Piytaton, ca Utahusa. CUB-AD for pavement aed The ollighmal eunver setae demeloped by oon Peter and lator moedthted hy ves, Comps cy Emainains, CBR tents went Coanied out by the Cati:fornia take Mighwaye Departement on eniating ayers Tmetudteng subgrade. , Aub-base amd bate course, Faom the data eotlected ern the edal’ng pavement. whieh behaved sobitfactority amd as uel as which “felted , empiacal destgnr cunues were developed cometatin CBR values and pawernent fhletencss, ‘The satginal clause ob ahoun im the fiquae below were deuibopect for B55 kg amd Bye hq total whol Loads Hephaginting figs amd foawy ‘asic Laken. ‘ign fuiswek Jo WOR bey usher oad were cheat: oe Yq waht . ‘on fen orn edn. wajpte, ca ig nario. oe 4 : alo i] ! ro AE arena fe “} wee inl 44315 WHEEL LOMO 1. 0 Hg. 169, Sasa CR, aerigh ahit . iitnin) Ae Lethe orient voldely anoet Tmethed “fo alt ideataate oh pleats pavements , Peocepuen Fer THe Teor . ae Habevobeny COR apparalie conadite of a. ameutd:. sO, diameter wlth a bare plate anda collar , ‘Diserchalry frame! wlth @ egttndntent plunger of Sonn, Aameter amd alt 04 for measuring the eapamaion on. asokding cand the penatratiion vuclats > "The pect orn: Ben athe arpeute a compacted to. a density connespondiing {othe smisirneeny abobe % wempaction Buty te be aekimed Liv practicr Wthe apectanen. th aubfeebed te four dae geabing. and. the. spuuelting cond yoakes, abseution swalaek anu moted. ) The Burchange weight oh paaced er the top of the Se Soy the meatal “cvnd the otaemtdy: tt placed under the plumgea. of the heading frame as shown tm, the fequne., G) the foad toaluee any emote conn eapondiiang to yoneration rolaaen Of 00, O88, 60,15, 20, 25,50, 400, 60, oh8, 10.0 amd 1.8 omen, @) The Load = penetration arerh ary plotted aa shown fe. the greph.. CG) Two 4 pleat types of Asad ~ penetvatlon cunues may be. obtained aa thaw try dhe hh (a) The medemad eke by ly Huet Uipuraricle aa fen Spectemer A amd the foods copnenpyalleng to as and 510 nem penethaltios © asolaven one @ioted , iia a) Semetione, a curse. usttth tential Uipwoasel tomcauthy a Obtalaged tmdtcadting the Mendantti: of, toAneetiion ak eve be, team fo #peetann en a tn the graph ‘ : Uo) the GorAected on to etlabtished boy drawing a tangent from the ateepest point on, the, cumwe be pbtaim the coMected origin, The fond ates corresponding ty ah ancl 50 ann: pentvation qralues from othe colnected bagi ane. moked, COR walue te cabeulatedd sshing: ne puladion. , CBR b= ( Co pestune ):guntotned hy the | . edheeneen.s fi A8 0% SiO. peer by! a Head Covpnemune) auntatered by satel. “we | eat the teoruespondimg pometieay wn Darel ¥* 100 heat the) CBR, denblee’ Qk Rs ane! penetration ls gher than thot at S.00n0m and the Aighes vatar la reported at the CBR value pf the omatenial. 5 . t Frecapore For Dasteirtinte for dettoming a pavement fou of mt , the COR, awalue * the ‘Beaked material of subgrade da Aebexrention ect, amd the catrespending “totet untcknes “of tle! patanent seqpined ty ouird, from the euswe, ‘The betad thickness obtains . Ak funtinen dubedivided fmt ttub-hase , base and surfacing by kenewing thelx nreapective COR dakuer, ‘The thickmess af each doy to the constaucted about the porticutas ype of, mmateatal, tan. be ebtalmed from the cumuees, St rdquiaes that each Laijes mut be “f taney qpaliny than the tayen jut freboas Ub, Bre baate of theln aduedhieas | Nye Did Conga of, inegine hase, shawe that the pasernent: thick mes, whet dead, tyne. preteune cand (CBR awe a. de Lente. Aitatiwnahie “uslihter a Mere “of io tp! 20%’ exon. Theale, shawe augquted the potieioteng eqpalion ‘eS find bal the | spaweenernt thle mene, Bees [se “ «]* wie ‘ * chk oT y ite L , Yp ef tesa baad Sore [ust Mee Gorse) dohae) Fe Pawemnent Eekenent tm cine i ‘ Pom Tyre preston sien hater? Pe Wheat Boack ter be A+’ Rrwa “a contact tw, enn? Progen ey Hind sub the total dhtebmess a a ptetbte pavement for the 09 dota vaing v-S, Corps of, —Enginesss fersmuta . Cer solue of 2ubgrade = ht hoot baba St, sabpgnas Wheel Load = hioo Tyre prestune = 6 Raj fern? => SoLuTioN t = Vhioo [ its | 4 KG b= 64 x 0-62 BAF cam ey RO ere ERC Metiop - Tee:35- 1470 Regordimg the use CBR, dedigm. mnethed , Sndian Read Compress. hag cmade eatin recommendations . Thea ones | © Glendora tear pow dane should” be atrlcthy “adheud to. Soa): Bea designe: of; neue posrmenntte. 5 vy gurbobste eqpitewnenta ane, oudilable’; the Bubspade 0th anrropea ghoutd be cornpacted ak optimum “emois twe content Lo past density Fen the {tel de Arslan of pene Fonerments ie, .catas.. >t Meee seine the COR teat aheatet be porgarmidd” en gan plus te veakes, for Four das begore ‘ationg “ ® pe mies whe gaimfotl Js ese than 50 cme and water table “ %4 te deep to afged the subgrade adumecty amd when thick, and Lingenrmeatte bohemia singecng 5 de often, pooveded. (6) So crm thtuke top tae of subgrade should: be compacted ar trout uty 98 to (ore of patetar dematt © The eiiwnated Watt uiking othe pouemtieent of the erwh oj Thy expect utefut, Mtfe aboald be aatlonated en Whe petlk of estab inate amd ymobatl. futvae imerrage tn iw tragic, ‘The emiaceb mar Hie a maf pauersenty amay be taken ad 10 yet Fa apie paectition the flowing jevmnuta ie wget y m0 Aw Pf tan] whee Ae No.of neous wehtchae pea diay fon sen ; Pop Ho. of “heamy aehielon por day on thy ak eal. wn = Annual, nate of inersaie of Neawy spehieles “mek Me. op Yeon: bitline the Banke coin amd He Yrete-th Petition. conehuaction © to dealer penperet Whe thaftte Ak cepecntiord ben. erent “h Deed vabiicles pon Aaa te oth Adiectons tlitoled tavts gosen poe A,B. Ge DB, Fo and Gr ow. khovn. bn gute belous CAUFORNIA BEARWG RATIO. Ch tig C3 | eae {arene —| : “FA aTOO™ Coy (>. ta design. yon pete singe ovtte fonds ade, taken. apo fave, bg and ' tandem aate floade upto ysbo by ‘ (YB, tte, Hb bake couye mabeafal containe aubstantiot propertion, of é aggnegat oy sige mete than parm, the CAR sate ef puch ? emateatola usoutd enot be salted fon cheatign, of subs eapemt Aa ( abeue then. : Proo.aras A ty Daitgm a [lense poseament fod amaage tuagtie of abouk 2000 . aoehteden excuadting SB tvnnen Loaded va The CBR of aubgnade dn ( ro. The compacted gub-base of, peony radod growed lager hag a ce aalue at 20.0, The Wow, material has a Cpe oy 60. the fovement wud nase 0 biburndmeut’ auntaeing: Ba st Govorion , . t : ves the qeen Rodda, une euawie” F vob toy Tetol Whekonete about subarade: fox CBR wap SSoun Giy ‘Thiekyjeae above gub-bane whete COR je 20 = ge om, ‘ Wid Thieknese “abou base whore car dx oe 6 loc. ee Oa GD Vitek eae Op Bebe odale el Sir mo descr, fy aif Oh), (TLR eres of bate. oD Oe IO eer lio > Thkekmane «of su factong - Wenn. 4 - @ The pametatlen fran wy Hie ihn gnales toil of ea i qos the selecting eau iat page ee he pub | [5 | a yo] 50] wo | on {: too | 10 | Se SORATIO8 no fina] ts pias}. an Lae bye} ser} 1 0.0)i08 v ci v dunthon the COR wate of Atjpanent fayont wens desired ca fottarss: 2 Compoctes aol Rubgiade © Co Voonty qaaded gre Sayer = 204% : G&) Neth gradect qanuel Dayen . 40% @ Mimianum thickmes of beunimous coneaute gun acing as Bemg Pasig the postmen fon Aood cerormercial vebtoes by IRe Cau s, wr Sovwtion hood of 2.5 ann pemetnation » 6a ha \oad ot Sanm fandiaation » fa kg ; GRR ab BSanm » 68 x 100 8 mG ' . . tuto. ‘ eh GOR lel fens so BR eo eye aoe os 2055, walng the Mogan uae re CBR ® hs adopted for uehicdas “batete op ooo, Cuaue F de uzed ote 6) The pemine, thickness pocpitred to cows the aubgrade makuqat gel 5 GY ben how corn parce aed aubonade houtmg COR = fe tRiekeineds = “he ena Blonttorty ,. ubtedeneas oh coven meg aledl fa. poorly rea ed grant chasing CBR « B07 = Alem, aend thidknes dy, cous, graded fat hayes fantng) a ee Ly, Total, Vhtckmaie . abeue Rubgnadé. = Sten, Gi Compactiad “get i a e Bie yo. Ahern Gi), Posaty .gmacted geet tq Q HOSA Aer ep WW) Weld qraded. te ale 4 w (Rem w Bihowii gee, aungacing | eA eres. og ad c eee i uh ie a a A Hl i | con ——r Fawernation Cann) MIT. Mysore pate: COON OND, . Baieh No MIT. Myrore Perret eer rgeecrtneseetentnernene nme a; ® [Fane TRATION come ee 10] 18. af I 5.0/1.5 fio.o Lon we 5_| wal asi] Ao [4e.n| suslors[tsa] a4 [aac Goth, subgnade anmopte weak obtained gnom the prmfect athe and th ea a feta danaiy « “he fo owing using the nenully be dated wv use the fttonsing matertats for alt erent ponermen Aaagens (oo Cempacted fermdiy goth wily oe COR &) Poort qnaded qaauel sth 0% CUR (cp Wall graded vel with 9g te CBR (a) Wilionem pile eee Vikionimout erento Bunton ray be takin ag Gorm, S| mn . oe Asa fete aoa ‘aneseabed “we pocient Ar op comnnekernd” wuchbele a8. 1800, The annual -onke She Atiounthe op Anak tte: Be foun Ye be BYe, he pawemernt evnute walton to be: ConpiyQibea oa! 8. qeens agten “the Lost trattic emint s fe) Berton the puerment aection by Che anelhod at. arcomenende by TRe ugtong agt the foun’ peacock moakertala “0p Stages’ cutter nati Hest valthgut se aac ree ae oh BoLerions . R feat ot 8S om. penebvation: a 5a: eq , Hie hia on ‘ i hoad at. 6mmrn yenebvaattern: Abbi hg COR at Aomm . SS y we ~ Bagh, wae (390 ORR ak oR i AMER QE NOD cn BRL Mga 3%, ‘ wating the highun ~wolue , the ERR qaadue BO he, say Ho. of commercial wathiete cam be aaliomated fnorn Hw inetation *, As PCiaarr? Aw \a00 * (ra, aig 108 8 Am BhbH soehlelek | dng Thy dotgn cane Net de to be uted fon dastgen, aa the declan thajye wetumme te, ten athe Aamge o 1500 - soe commer lod “wnbiites | day ‘ Total postrment thickest poo, the tubgpade howling a" COR of Tet i ebtaimed da Sh cm x in Te. seen: tie ticles. % corm pate aw hae boat uly Fda agate ured’ wb Patememt tH ene he Hoeni) te Banpinad | abot | tke compacted seul aphanede dautng COR’ watue. of 1%, Hence, the actual tichmese of Na Soyer + 55-40 = Wem . a Spetonly , the UnbeWarede ee eaten sanity Je bka, peresty adel eel wh. CAR Bay uw Alero i Venu, Adtat thickness 2 0" BI + Mem (ii), For woeld afte: grand wally. 45% of COR, \ Thi emnese of paverinent: aanpitvedd a N= * [der : ‘ ‘Take butuemimeng conearte, susjactong bakucen 5 ko Bern.) Brvrquous Coneeere Bean i - ae . Wak, GRADO Dp Seaver fo 40 ee, Foor.y GRAbeD GRAVEL Wem) Corapnetes Sauny Soi. . Eg en } SuRARADE Bo Wy Alternate dettgn without pooaty graded gravel io, auplaclon c pooss nai gtvel by. weet qiaded get eh CBR « as te Riumiyous ConeRare, oi sin . Aocmne Hee Gkapep Raver soengee epee } Comencren. Say Bou. A te Renean aac oo - . ty gob st “ike onl wai ebtalned pom the, paejet atte, ened the eR teak vias lomductedl at: ya dona the {tengo wens the so calielea slefesfeahelaelal valwshas Pea crea oe myisalaslialen laden fone 4 Bows: tat vapaaresiti 10 bg tn the calllonatiion ehoak of, proving alng host. at Sa derived to nae he fetlewing ematentode for depend leyjent. wo Compacted Bendy Boll | Bie CAR ip rendy 5 aded grok at COR Gi) Wet qaaded gram, Ao%™ cow Delrametine the CBR wolut of the gail 34 (oo olf Mtniiraum “Hitckmest of, btluanineut arneute cuafathong cma be jokin ab Sem. The thaffle tumvey geotated that the pauient ADT of tonpmenctal wthiile ab (000, The annual acke “ i geo * “hart Se! hehe. the powers ent coneturetion de to bi terre plated dm, oye ain be feat age eeu Datimy, the | pomernert ‘nection by Cen Method ax necormean ended wy TREE BY (AHO, ey ah phe jour pastes emetteentonl | eee SOLUTION : . alas 4] 88 oneltone sale 13 a] 108, B 100 diviztont ap 140 ke i (8 dtylabens rime Ph Bardon» rang : sae aN 100 Load. of 25.2% pen ration 5 blebs kg head ob: 5. Metwop ~ Using ~ ERG : 34 - 2001 The Agewmemended srnethed camnecelens thayyce ty tearm.) oy the curmiitiskt oe. eniemban op atanielaadl ate Celeo bey) eo be: conned ay he ~ pedvern et claakeng. behe aualfor afc. Ahets covey "Be, teioptied sat the! dpttensiong enpiotlon+ N = 365 x fara. 1 x Awe DAF » ) where No Chine ve ie a Bhan dard Ader to" be Catenad for Tov. the Boeakgeny Tomy, noms ef masa wo Ao Saltbad aspen ton the ye of cormmplation * epnutvuebion dro, cheaine. of, Met urmben. of eornrunesc? | avehtel pon daw . ’ ‘i =) home, -DuaL baton, Jacko. Vehtete Damage Sacbor Darlgen Wife tn yes . a Anatol, qa: ake of carmrnenciod suehieler Ov egne » ® ' o of i ‘ Patna ty ey The thai, tow. yan eb..terrnptation..s,..2attmnakerd ating the fottousing formate: Aw POA. wshene Pe fuernbes, ot commeadal ahtiele oa per fost count te Nem bea, of ytant bebe the Last count amd the yo cy curr phitonn, a sonttuction Propiers Dewtom a fecal poverbent fox a ful aeatgn Syfe os yeast foe the {pttowsing data ot yen TRE: Bf -toor, “gy Tse “Reine, oaaal org . va thy Srutfol thag(ie © ano Cv Gp Ginaiolhy mate a AR! > Velbcte Damniage facta 6+ ’ w Deal a . = . Wb No yest of: cometauchton a 9% yes = SoLeTION wo. Ale PCy” , A, boo * Cireoay® 2 Ao, PBBR. BB MBBS CvPD Ud kane, Dutbt bichon, Sackor, Cho Oo Cl as iM a Oat Cy 3) Gi) GurmutadTve number. lof, Ahern ond avalae “bo be. eaters 40% tn the deatan : : . noe was x LO oo 1] x Q3s HK OTK RG t 0.08 : nfs fon xo Sa 4 (hema. Sowery figure & pf TRE: at, door , Total thichnese a pouement » 808 cea aom the chante ow Far of TRe 124 #001 eathespending te yh Ce and 10-{SOwmaa aange , the thicknesser 4 poate powement: Mayers ene aa fetloun : ey fa) Blinmimens, surfacing = ($0 Be HFS DBM ann ‘ ()) Gaanutor, bose = 250 nam, > Granular aube bage 6) #8 BBO FAT Boa fBuaus Cowen Pasar fs ppm ! B50 ena, Base Course 808 som 280 amy GIRANULAR | SuB- BASE t y G@) Detign “the poneroent for constuction of a mew bp ust the. fiewing date: - “Up 0) Two « Hane sing caaageong a hp Buko tale tm AM yeah, of rr ptin oF carrion, ah a3 oC), Foweeryent: Cori poat Won, KOO evPD, Cin path Atsest ona) been Gi) Tragic. praurth note: pak awnum «ahs percent p.0%8 EVD Peston we = 1S yeans . w vat dawmnoge....facke, 2.85 (itd, area pea. arn: WD Bertyn cHR of sulograde oe sr SOLUTION d> hawt Bietbutlen Sacks Che pee) | De on cry 18d Gi) Cumutative number of atamdand art to be eatuand fom tm the design, “ Noo Sa lew") x Ae px r % ie LO cots)" x HOO. A 08 a8, or 04s Hikes Pers weg et’ Bobb BE attohes mis eamal le ‘ (ii) Motol pavement anlekness, fo% cor Wt 655 ‘rontn amd Anise $15 Ansa a Bteuorninoud aun fading, 6) Gi8 BPW CAD RID mom fh?) Gyrormutes bane, (9) Gjrianuian, nul: base oe RSOemm oy = SOK. S wen Bek prepeted tp hasten (eon elatten, toe dame HW gechlon’ ko 28 suck otk far fame “divided noad. Dutgm the pavement for mao caanloge - wea uetth the fottowing dake, ; oy bow ame diytded —Carniageway ‘ fqn tad Hy BeiRah tratate ho spot tacctlon | tei tig ogee caren peti of eomgtauchion = BOO CVFD Gi? Deby Ute «10/15 ye GH Derlam ope of aubsnade soll = 8 percent W Tragic growth aate = & peacunt Wp Vente alernage factor = he abd, cules | ov. ee SouTIOn > bame Dita{pation Sacto CumED, Do» Op A) Velie Demoge Hock, | Fae eB CH) Gomubatioe criuebor , atendand axle to be catered chuady. 4 ro) Dualgn tye vy 10 wo . Ne ses x evens”. a Nee aes ef Ceog 0) Booe x one . o-08, YOON SBR 0! sae Ko.3 mga ab BBmaa &) Design tify of We ytena Wis Bes x. i 0.00) <4 . BOOO OR eS oo a aaah my \00 msa.- (v9 Pasernert Campaition fon CARs Sh, (a) ‘Totot pawerment thickness. fot 53 mogay, «FAL. Paustermert: connpottiton * i ‘ to Bihumninous sungasieng + UH Be elie BEM) om "8 iy G1AqnuRoA, #ub-base = Boom, . Ne Gi Grnamudon, bene, + ASTM, c i) Totak pavement thickmess fei 100 mega = 350 mm. Paemeint, Composition : __ dp Btherminens gua, acing = (SoBe. + \SePEM) am. Win Granules. bose, = 250 vm tity Geanntor gub-base = 300 mm C w Dattge the flirible povememt os pa ike: 3¥ - a0} Aer construction 9 : meus Mabou Aor the, fortousion data : {ip No +, commeardol vehicle as yer Vast count = \200¢v ( 7 (ip Pated of womucton = 34 é Gil) Amol gaouwth arate 2 4.5%, Gv) Design CBR of ask «10 D'Two Lave, (iy Design fe = 7 wiy VOR 288 SEER fog Gin EDF = 467. =F Sonerion ee 7 : j dy Maal tragtic 9 tn he a + completion Len teama of CVPD ; A» P (isa) po B= 1200: C1+0.045)” 7 ee o> Gi Cumutati ve “auri ber 4 “Bundosd axl to be catond dusaiong ; Se design, Lifes 04, 5 yes ad et Nee 365-2 iC og ye BOR = aS ; ms N= 365% [Ciro045 V1] x inti 045 «3.5 0.05 7 S42 x10' sa 2 39-B nse: (8) Gly Trew flaune a, fo COR 10% and Ne ata ensa , ‘Total thlebrnea of, poserment + SBS seem, Wy) Ravernent Comporiiten ¢ @) Bituminous, auagariong » ChORG 444 DEM2 aM. &) Gyramulon howe » &50 7m ©) Granutor aub-base 6 200 mm Deetan the pauememt of a twe way asad en a soll CBR Hh fot an twill taaygie of 1800 evPD. The period” of, congtuuettey, Sk Sacong amd Me deatgn tte fe 1A yeaa antes, yiurigg bof trafic . the VDF te 2.0, The nate oh grourts a hagiic ha Bh. pea annum. . wo4 aMay . => SonvTion db bane Plildbatlon.Facket pos 08s : Gi). Curnutall ve sium be of, wamndand ulu fo" be. eateaed fou tm the decign é : Ne pes x OE Ciway™ Mee x Ae DRE Ne 26x LCi 008] x 1290 x OH a8 ; ies : aes fo Nie IRS RBA, Gig. Four. i he a fate CBR Ae amd mle [2 Bemaa , Totol” Whekimen of peueemaint = 408 em, wo Pavement Composition : >. Bihventnoug, sucharteng (wo Bee BE GBM wm. | : ©) Grranafaa. bag, - R89 nome, sevrrattetaem ) Granutar gub< bose » S80 vm, GAY LA proposed fot a WH ( four - fame sing nage woy add. Dusigm, the pavement am pe Ike: 84-200) , uatng he fotlouing pate: wb Srltlad waite San the ye of compaation, + congtuction » GovOcR, tid Detlgn Ahe = © ywone Gi) Delagn coe of wll, subgrade We w ‘hate growths ale + a, A) Velitete Damage Fackey o .% wo ey Oe 2 Me wm moe were aie “oan eh ATH M5 elon 8 ae asia svuapaty okies Diy Ny ag Saipipeetinditivas’ ie He a sesutll” Yo ee Pd 8 Na wo ApprmowAL Tnrormarion Dirperence Between __ Rovstinega’s Tipory (Ale known ae Stage bayer sTheoay ALL tha Layorg ome aagurned to shone game modulus of, etowtitt Bose, tub-bose § subgrade | one asaumed bo fovrs on harm open, coun fee “The paytnnent Payers one coatumed fe be of Snginitte Aepit. he dephelton, facto “a used fey the Aegwetton @npuenttion Shean aves Gmmpornent,‘ak any potent wn the een bur face de ano Aruihyeis 4 avewseg Se alrnyate. By Baye By Pqpottont, coe Aayeloped kp Aebenso:| ioe th oeskted amd hort gental atyenmes. ‘The, seth. da oxtumed tp be pated eloatic, amd hevipgemsous Boussinese’s 4 Burmisrer's” Tiaory Boemoren's Tieory > Aue bnown ag Daubée hayes Theor o> Sach Layo has Ay ponarne ven pda of etasticlty , l(a Bare amd aub-bage courses are auturned on top ayes amd aubgna at batlom Dosen . Kn) The top days" dao, _fimtte depth oma better tayes ie of ‘mngimbte aepth \e A. dapheblon. fash Fw cn tke eg tiation, inp G5) Sheath abvees ‘ot the» potent ait Tbebwotten, He duinfaice, Bae da ggno Annalee of beater ie ons ive ath Heutt than, Alma te faye us Heaty Fs Rape Rs, J) Mo .aich ecyiltong are denetoped (io), BY is aagwerned Wak cmakerial ten Me Nop foyer aoe ebatte and TAR, es ws ie: ae : OQ per «age 4 om aie ‘ inet phe Sat NSaaewacnts ieyorbed sala oon not aih a ets al nga yaa siege la win “i ut, qe Ae ‘ea Fieve Hath < ssn ite! MIT, Mysore Se supocetegtel jar conernan tantra? nm gj ~ venue ARCA wane, ov | Bl 7.20. Relationship of Subgrade Support with P/A ratio DEAKIHE PLATE OLAMETeR i cm { i | | i | i [2 Mit. 7-19 Relation between Plate Diametey und Huse Couess Constant Anita Mayo! 4 ‘ Pe $1009, a=15 cn 210 harem eb 8 | " bab aint ee i pis > % : a 2 a f %a0 i i * 310 } i 3 a rT ree ry Slab thickness, h ca |) "740 Cormeen stre'chart ey Stab thickness, hem Mla, 7.29 Ago Load Seress Chart (Une) | Mit 128 Warping Stren Coefficient ent fatter, F, Displacem, Pine end te hs | a tsae2a ja Thickness of top layer 0-6) os 0.4 0.3) } NY Sa ANY AON NAR oe Le NY {] 2 EAA CDT TE Ree: Bugmiste es: Two lave Ticowy ; meer eo wae sles ee 4 meses eee $ i Hh ae i rim San 2 ay Bis ie ae ha val ‘ane " i fe ah i ‘ oe nt ake Ss rie ine ite een re tigate Map . Soa agtidins bee 8 ie i, Sirs i oe a Me er oe . ist vd ores Ania , ee : * ia evra enh oe hee,

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