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Jose Rizal’s Involvement

in the Freemason GROUP


Abrera, Juval A.
Malayao, Samhel Angeline D.
Yutuc, Raine James R.
• Is a fraternal organization that arose from obscure origins in the late
16th to early 17th century.

• Throughout history, the church and Masons have had a complicated

relationship. This is felt even in the Philippines, where the church
considers Masons to be heretics and explicitly forbids Catholics from
joining the fraternity.
as a
In Madrid, Rizal met prominent Spanish liberals who
belonged to the Masonic movement.

Miguel Morayta

• Statesman
- A history professor at
• Professor
the Universidad de Madrid
• Historian
who allegedly persuaded
• Writer
Rizal to join Masonry.
Francisco Pi y Margall

- Journalist
- Statesman
- Former President of the First
Spanish Republic
Manuel Becerra

“Was the Minister of

Ultramar (the Colonies)” Mathematician
Journalist and member of Juan Ruiz
the Spanish court Zorrilla

Member of the Parliament and

leader of the Progressive
Republic Party of Madrid
Emilio Junoy
“Acacia Lodge No.9
(Lohiya Acacia)”

 Rizal joins Acacia Lodge No. 9 in March

1883, becoming a member of one of Spain's
largest Masonic organizations.

 Rizal chose this name in accordance with

Masonic tradition, which allows for the use
of a name that represents humanity.
Why did Rizal joined

 Influenced by Miguel Morayta, a history professor at the

Universidad de Madrid, Rizal joined Masonry, under the Gran
Oriente de Español, adopting the Masonic name,

 To seek the aid of masonry in the fight against the friars in

the Philippines.

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