SpecialReport ComplexEventProcessing

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June 2009

Complex Event
Over the past couple of years, Complex Event Processing has
emerged as a hot technology for the financial markets, and its
flexibility has been leveraged in applications as diverse as market
data cleansing, to algorithmic trading, to compliance monitoring,
to risk management. CEP is a solution to many problems, which is
one reason why the emerging marketplace is growing, with many
vendor options to choose from.

But CEP is not a solution in itself, and so technologists need to

concern themselves with how to integrate it within a complete
application architecture, how it can best be leveraged, and how
to streamline development and deployment. And with multiple
vendor choices, choosing the right CEP approach for the job is an
important, and early, activity for firms looking to adopt it.

Expect CEP offerings to become more complete in terms of

functionality - especially in the event modelling area - and to
also exploit technologies that will boost their performance. And
expect CEP to become further embedded across the entire trade
processing and operations chain. The scenario of CEP becoming
an infrastructure component - just like a database or messaging
platform is now - is a near certainty. But as for when that will
happen is open to debate. The entry into the market by IT heavy
hitters like IBM and Oracle - and Microsoft is on its way - will likely
drive the infrastructure-level adoption of CEP.

Also expect the CEP marketplace to evolve commercially, as

offerings from different vendors become more full function.
We’ll see different business models, including cloud delivery,
partnerships, acquisitions and mergers. And open source will play
a bigger role. As will CEP itself, touching all aspects of the trading

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An A-TEAMGROUP Publication www.a-teamgroup.com

Complex Event Processing - A-Team Group

Inside the Complex World

Of Event Processing
By Peter Harris, President of Americas & Editor-at-Large, A-Team Group

ruth be told, software engineers the emergence of credible open source ings. Progess/Apama has built products
in the financial markets have been projects, such as Esper. for algorithmic trading and smart order
writing code to handle events since At the same time, we’ve seen new en- routing in both the equities and foreign
the year dot. A price update from an ex- trants, such as Oracle (which picked exchange markets. Sklyler Technology
change, a trading limit that gets broken, up a CEP engine with its acquisition of has introduced solutions for market data
a stock split. All are examples of events BEA Systems), IBM with its recently an- feed management, tick analysis, liquidity
that might cause some software process nounced System S/InfoStreams offering, discovery and order management, while
to take place. and Sybase (which bought the source Truviso has turned its attention to FX al-
Much of that event processing code is code of the Coral8 CEP engine). And Mi- gorithmic trading in partnership with FX
pretty generic. When the price of an NYSE crosoft is on its way too, with a project ECN Hotspot FX.
stock hits a certain limit and so causes an codenamed Orinoco. Partnerships have also proved impor-
event to be triggered, the process would In-house CEP development also con- tant for the CEP players. As well as reselling
be pretty much the same if the stock was tinues, in part because those firms with Vhayu’s software, Thomson Reuters also has
a NASDAQ one, or one traded on an ECN. the requisite resources still see merit in partnerships with StreamBase (to integrate
Thus, the emergence of generic event proprietary coding, to give them an edge StreamBase’s Studio application designer
processing functionality and the birth of for specific trading applications, over a ge- with its Reuters Market Data System) and
a software segment that’s expected to neric package. But such applications are Skyler, to deliver its order book product to
mushroom over the next few years. limited, and CEP packages will surely find Reuters Datafeed Direct customers.
That segment – known as event stream widespread adoption further along the And despite the competitive element,
processing to some and complex event trade processing chain. Vhayu works with the likes of Apama and
processing to others – was worth $99 mil- CEP vendors have adopted different ap- StreamBase to provide a historical market
lion in 2007, according to Aite Group, who proaches in building their businesses. For data framework to underpin CEP tools.
predict it will grow to $460 million in 2010. example, Vhayu has built a strong profes- Co-opertition, partnerships and verti-
Given the numerous applications that this sional solutions business, designing and cal strategies are likely key elements in the
technology can be applied to, across all building customised solutions for custom- business futures for emerging CEP play-
asset classes, strong growth among ESP/ ers, and has expanded its Velocity product ers, and for established vendors looking
CEP vendors seems highly likely. in several directions, most recently lever- to grow into new markets. Also a factor
In recent years, a number of vendors aging hardware acceleration to store vast is whether CEP will become a generic IT
offering CEP packages have emerged, amounts of market data. component, like messaging middleware
creating a fairly fragmented marketplace Many vendors – both established and or an application server. That scenario will
– and we’ve now begun to see some con- upstarts – have built specific application benefit the bigger players like IBM and
solidation – such as the recent merger of offerings on top of their core CEP en- Oracle, and will probably fuel further con-
Aleri and Coral8. Commoditisation has gines. Aleri has rolled out order manage- solidation. For sure, there are interesting,
also begun to creep in, driven in part by ment and liquidity management offer- if perhaps complex, times ahead of us!

A-Team’s Special Report on Complex Event Processing is Presented By:

2 June 2009 • Issue 05 An A-TEAMGROUP Publication

Complex Event Processing - Aleri

Aleri CEP Expands

Beyond the Trade
By Jeff Wootton, Vice-President Product Strategy, Aleri

arly adopters of complex event • Order flow surveillance: moni- logged and market prices change) and
processing (CEP) technology were tor order flow to gain insight or for the overhead of constantly re-comput-
people building front office trad- compliance ing net positions.
ing applications. It’s easy to see why: • Algorithmic trading: both quantita- That’s where CEP comes in: the event-
high performance CEP implementations tive strategy trading as well as algo- driven architecture of a real-time CEP
are capable of handling very high mes- rithmic execution platform can continuously re-value po-
sage rates with very low latency – exactly • Algo monitoring: monitor the status/ sitions and update aggregate values
what many trading applications require. progress and measure effectiveness of across all dimensions. Information can
For the first time it allowed for rapid ap- trading algorithms be delivered to users on an event-driv-
plication development and high speed en basis (e.g. alerts) as well as an on-de-
data analysis, two attributes that have And now we’re seeing CEP spread mand basis – allowing users to view and
previously been mutually exclusive. beyond trading. One of the most no- analyze the current set of positions at
One aspect of CEP that early adop- ticeable is the growing number of any time. Typically, it’s a combination of
ters quickly put to use was the ability post-trade applications based on CEP both that gets deployed.
to analyse high volume event streams technology and in particular position This is just one example of where CEP
to watch for – and alert people to – and risk monitoring. is going beyond alerting and trading to
conditions that warrant immediate deliver what we at Aleri like to call Con-
attention – typically trading oppor- With the current volatility in the tinuous IntelligenceTM - the ability to have
tunities. In fact, some people think markets, firms are seeing a need insight into what’s happening right now
of CEP as just a tool for monitoring for more timely insight into their in order respond faster and make better
and alerting, but that’s just the tip of positions and exposures decisions. Trading firms have been build-
the iceberg. ing real-time data analysis applications
As so often happens with new tech- for years in C++ and Java, but they are
nology, CEP has started to branch out With the current volatility in the mar- expensive and time-consuming to build
from the initial uses of the early adop- kets, firms are seeing a need for more and maintain.
ters. As users have become familiar with timely insight into their positions and ex- Conventional data analysis tools like
the capabilities of CEP products on the posures. Getting an overnight report that databases, spreadsheets and reporting
market, they have spotted other areas consolidates positions across systems tools make it easy, but can’t cope with
that can benefit. Some of the other ways and values positions against end-of-day data that changes rapidly. CEP provides
that firms are applying CEP in the trad- prices just isn’t sufficient anymore. They a platform for quickly implementing
ing operation include: want to be able to see the current con- applications that can cope with rapidly
solidated value of their positions, with re- changing data, applying custom busi-
• Market data enrichment: filter and al-time mark-to-market. Along with this, ness logic to extract insight an enable
cleanse; normalise; compute value- they want to be able to aggregate posi- immediate response.
added fields; combine data from mul- tions along multiple dimensions, looking What firms are now beginning to re-
tiple sources at exposure by counterparty, asset class, alise is that CEP is more than just a tool
• Auto-quoting: continuously update trading group within the firm, industry for algo trading and alerting. It’s a ver-
prices in step with the market sector, currency, etc. Add to this the abil- satile tool for extracting immediate
• Order book consolidation – liquid- ity to track exposures against limits and insight from fast moving event data.
ity analysis: analyse liquidity in a frag- generate alerts when limits are reached Wherever there’s a need to understand
mented market (or maybe approached). the impact of events as they happen, no
• Smart order routing: take liquidity Traditional relational database tech- matter how fast they happen, CEP tech-
analysis one step further and use the nology can’t handle the rate of change nology can help. It’s the foundation for
insight to route orders within the data sets (as transactions are Continuous Intelligence.

An A-TEAMGROUP Publication June 2009 • Issue 05 3

Complex Event Processing - Apama

Capital Markets
Embrace CEP’s
Real-Time Control
By Dr John Bates, General Manager and Co-Founder, Progress Apama

omplex event processing (CEP) is the price of an investment or index up or finger” checks to temporally driven P&L
used in capital markets to monitor down to make a profit or avoid loss, known and exposure calculations. Further, CEP
fast-moving event streams, ana- as “ramping,” and “painting the tape,” a scalability enables firms to further analyse
lyse events to identify business threats series of transactions intended to give the risk cross-trader, cross-desk, and cross-as-
and opportunities, and take appropriate impression of activity or price movement. set to achieve an institution-wide view of
action in real-time. In algorithmic trad- Finally automated action may be taken - risk, P&L, and total exposure with the abil-
ing, automated strategies optimise price, to stop further trades or raise an alert to ity to do something about it in real time.
size, and more to achieve best execution. an operator for further investigation. Actions resulting from violations include
Further, market data may be analysed for Further, CEP driven market surveillance alerts, automated position management
alpha opportunities, before execution. applications let business users retain con- and auto-hedging instructions, and au-
The tactical view is that CEP is focused on trol. In an environment where individu- tomated limit calculation and enforce-
this valuable, but narrowly-defined use al trading strategies are revised in three ment. Here, a “Risk Firewall’ rejects trades
case; and trading firms need other tech- months or less, the middle office can now that breach limits before they are sent to
nologies for adjacent or new applications. use the same event graphical modeling market. Further, real time views of a trad-
The strategic view is that CEP represents a tools available to algorithmic traders. By ing model’s actual P&L vs. potential P&L
fundamental paradigm shift – to monitor, quickly deploying new detection models, provides opportunities to optimise trad-
analyse, and act – on any business update compliance officers can react to the new ing operations against intraday trends
that can be treated as an event. schemes faster than ever. not visible from an end-of-day snapshot.
The potential for market abuse has Middle-/back-office risk monitoring Not only does the event-based ap-
risen with increasing trade and market technology generally does not keep pace proach reduce risk, it enables traders to
data volumes, and growing market frag- with trading. Most risk management tasks pursue trading strategies that they oth-
mentation. Markets must maintain a level are run end-of-day and cannot catch prob- erwise couldn’t without the safeguards.
playing field to ensure that participants lems as they occur. As trading velocity in- The old saying in racing is “Never drive
are protected from unfair practices. And creases and as automation takes over, risk faster than your guardian angel can fly.”
participants need to proactively detect managers increasingly face the challenge With risk management running at the
and prevent abusive patterns from inter- of blending trading and risk management pace of trading, including the ability to
nal and external sources to avoid the reg- without strangling the front office. High take immediate action, once conserva-
ulators’ penalties. Typically, what should frequency trading is complex, positions tive parameters may be set more ag-
be a preventative measure quickly falls are built in milliseconds, and exposure gressively, increase trading volumes and
behind the increasingly large amounts of calculations are resource intensive. thereby profits.
real time data and analysis. With the speed and flexibility provided A capital markets firm wins on several
Leveraging CEP for surveillance allows by a CEP platform, traders and risk man- fronts by finding other uses for its existing
regulators, compliance, and risk officers agers can now model and implement CEP platform. Business users benefit from
to create strategies to detect and prevent their own proactive analytics to detect, retaining control, achieving quick imple-
fraudulent activity, where market par- prevent and mitigate unacceptable trad- mentations, and the flexibility to create
ticipants intentionally and illegally ben- ing risks with minimal impact on the ex- enhancements to applications vs. wait-
efit from market movements. Here, trade ecution latency. Here again, streams ing for traditional IT development lead
order flows represent the event streams of trade order flow are the events to be times. When budgets are strained, being
to be monitored in real-time. Analysis in- monitored, trade-by-trade in real time, able to find new uses for existing technol-
cludes trading pattern detection models as are market prices and events derived ogy through CEP is a cost-effective way to
to identify any suspicious behavior. Ex- from relating the two, and other sources. deploy applications and create a leading
ample abusive patterns include driving Analysis examples range from simple “fat edge at the same time.

4 June 2009 • Issue 05 An A-TEAMGROUP Publication

The Power of
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Complex Event Processing - Roundtable

CEP Today and
Dr John Bates, General Manager and Co-
Founder, Progress Apama

With some of the free CEP engines out

Why invest in a CEP pack-
there (Esper, Microsoft Orinoco), you can
age rather than simply writing
realise an immediate ROI by integrat-
specialised event processing
ing a third-party CEP engine with your
Adler: It really depends on the use
case and the complexity of the stream
Bates: One can, of course, write spe-
cialised code, but we see clear advan-
processing that the use case entails.
tages to leveraging a CEP product. The
For fairly simplistic cases where you are
main reasons to use a CEP platform are
performing simple filtering and calcula-
that you can use fit-for-purpose tooling
Daniel Chait, Managing Director, tions, you may find that writing custom
to build applications quickly, and that
Lab49 code in C# or Java is the simplest thing.
the underlying platform makes the ap-
Custom code also gives you complete
plication run as quickly as customer
control over the features and over the
code that could have taken 10-100 times
release cycle.
longer to develop.
However, CEP packages combine a lot
CEP allows the organisation to use
more than simple stream processing. For
technology that captures the collective
a certain class of applications, the use of
intellectual property of a vendor that
a streaming SQL dialect allows you to
is focused and committed to complex
perform complex streaming processing
event processing as their business. In
in few lines of code. CEP engines con-
our instance, the customer can lever-
tain various windowing constructs that
age Apama’s experience in addressing
allow you to perform calculations over a
issues that someone that is writing spe-
time series of data. Some come with rich
Jeff Wootton, Vice-President Product cialised event processing code may be
GUI-based development environments
Strategy, Aleri confronting for the first time. Arguably,
that allow a non-technical user to easily
we have already “been there, done that”
prototype a specific use case.
Marc Adler, in many instances, given our customer
In addition to the actual stream
Director and Chief Architect of Equities, experience and the sizable research and
processing engine, CEP packages also
Citigroup development investment in CEP that
come with a rich set of input and output
we make. That investment includes an
adapters that allow you to easily con-
engineering team of very bright people
nect to a variety of streaming data
whose sole focus is on addressing the
sources. For example, a CEP package
opportunities and challenges associat-
might contain adapters that connect to
ed with CEP.
various market data sources like Thom-
Secondly, by investment in a CEP
son Reuters, Bloomberg, and NYSE Tech-
product, you can focus your attention
nologies/Wombat. These adapters alone
on the elements of the deployment that
would take several weeks to write.
are unique to your organisation, rather
CEP engines are usually highly optimised
than sustaining an investment in the
for multi-threading and multi-core process-
infrastructure plumbing. Event-based
ing, something that would normally take a
applications are quite dynamic as the
bit of effort for most developers to write.

6 June 2009 • Issue 05 An A-TEAMGROUP Publication

Complex Event Processing - Roundtable

circumstances that drive the events their applications on Aleri has cut their limitations of the streaming SQL para-
change. With a CEP product, you can time and effort in implementing a new digm have been debated frequently in
delegate to the vendor/product many application by about 75% when com- the blogosphere. There is no excuse for
of the challenges associated with keep- pared to simply writing the application not doing a comprehensive evaluation
ing pace with changes. Thus, the prod- from scratch. This means that in many of all of the technologies available to
uct affords you the opportunity to write cases the CEP license has paid for itself you for processing streams of data.
event processing code as needed, to ad- the day the application goes live, just
dress the unique elements of your appli- from the up front cost savings – and yet Bates: Though there are no hard and
cation and/or business. the benefits continue to accrue from fast rules, the simple rules might be (a)
a lower ongoing cost to maintain the is your data changing frequently; (b)
Chait: CEP systems are most suited for application. are your rules changing reasonably fre-
applications which consume and gen- quently; (c) are your rules reasonably
erate multiple streams of data, whose How does a system designer complex; and (d) do you need to take
data streams needs to be combined and determine when it would be actions within a short time window to
compared, and aggregated in a tempo- beneficial to leverage a CEP maximise profit or reduce risk. Clearly,
ral fashion. For stream processing appli- package within an application the more sophisticated the logic and
cations which only require filtering and architecture? the more dynamic the conditions, the
projection (map/select), CEP systems better the case for a CEP product like
are overkill as those operations can be Adler: It makes sense to consider a Apama. Apama offers a proven, high
done on streaming data in contempo- CEP engine when you do not have the performance CEP engine, so organisa-
rary languages with little effort. time or the resources to code up the tions know that foundation is available
Some of the benefits of buying a pack- entire ecosystem that is being offered to them “out of the box.”
age are the ability to take advantage of by the CEP vendors. When you buy a In addition, our customers are attract-
normal benefits that come from buying CEP system, you get not only the actual ed to the development tools that can ac-
any major systems product – time to stream processing engine (which is celerate their deployments, so as the ap-
market, prebuilt functionality and sup- often optimised for multiple threads plications get more sophisticated and,
port. In addition, CEP vendor products and multiple CPUs), but you get a devel- in many cases, more dynamic (changing
will bring with them many useful fea- opment environment, input and output over time), the more attractive a product
tures to aid in developer productiv- adapters that provide connectivity to a like Apama is since the customer recog-
ity (sophisticated debuggers, testing wide variety of data sources, visualisa- nises that CEP applications are not “one
harnesses, graphical editing tools, etc) tion tools, and a support staff behind and done.” Additionally, the connectiv-
which typical in-house systems would the scenes. ity that we offer is often a key value. In
never build. The complexity of the use case also capital markets, you need connectivity
plays an important part in the decision to an array of liquidity and market data
Wootton: For application developers, to use a CEP system. Most of the CEP sys- sources, and we offer a range of pack-
a commercial CEP platform is a produc- tems come with a pattern matching fa- aged adapters that our customers can
tivity tool. It lets you get an application cility that allow you to implement mul- use, rather than having to write their
built and into production quicker, by tiply-nested time-base queries that can own.
letting you focus on the business logic recognise the existence or non-existence
and leaving all the data handling, scala- of a particular pattern. This is something Wootton: The first test I like to apply
bility, reliability, etc to the platform. The that might take a bit of time to imple- is two look for the presence of two con-
result is the ability to do more, in less ment efficiently if you were going to go ditions: data in motion and the need for
time, with less development resources, the route of custom coding. real-time analysis – in other words, to
ultimately improving business agility. For applications that have low-latency understand and act on events as they
For some firms, the benefit is in reduc- requirements, it makes sense to do POCs happen, rather than after the fact. It’s
ing the skill level required to build appli- with a number of the CEP products, and the intersection of these two things
cations. You don’t have to be a network to compare it against custom code. If where CEP adds the most value. If you
programmer, skilled in building multi- your custom code performs magni- are analysing static data sets, you gen-
threaded event-driven software to build tudes better than all of the CEP engines, erally don’t need CEP – you can use tra-
an application on a CEP platform. It be- then it might make sense to stick with a ditional database tools. And the same
comes accessible to the sort of user that custom implementation. Also, you need is true if you are content to collect the
builds complex spreadsheets or that to ensure that the language that the CEP data an analyse it later, running batch
builds database applications. engine is programmed in is expressive reports. But where you have streams of
Our customers tell us that building and flexible enough for your needs. The event data that you need to understand

An A-TEAMGROUP Publication June 2009 • Issue 05 7

Complex Event Processing - Roundtable

and respond to as things happen – that’s There can certainly been speed im- adapter can cause a bottleneck which
where CEP can help. It’s what we like to provements if you marry a CEP system impacts the entire systems.
call continuous intelligence. with multi-core hardware. This ap-
Now there are places where CEP can proach is being taken with IBM in mar- Wootton: It depends on the package,
be useful in analysing static data sets – rying its System S with its Blue Gene of course, but a CEP implementation that
particularly when looking for patterns supercomputer. Speed improvements has been designed with a goal of provid-
of events. And there are use cases where can also happen at the messaging layer ing high performance – in terms of both
CEP can add value in simply collecting using high-performance message infra- high throughput and very low latency
event data into a database – where structures like RTI, Solace and 29West. – can deliver performance that comes
CEP can correlate, filter and transform CEP vendors need to write adapters for very close to a custom coded application.
incoming event data such that what’s these messaging layers. Integration with I won’t deny that a programming team
stored in the database is optimised for caching products and grid computing with the right skills and enough time to
future analysis and reporting purposes. infrastructures is also important. build highly optimised code will be able
But generally it comes down to the to achieve higher performance with hard-
need for continuous intelligence – where Bates: The term “generic” has some coded logic, but the marginal improve-
you extract insight from live streams of pejorative connotations, suggesting a ment may not offset the addition time to
event data in order to respond faster vanilla capability that cannot address build and deploy and the dependence on
to changing conditions and to make extreme performance requirements a highly skilled programming team.
better decisions based on more timely that might be available with a special-
information. ised offering or a custom developed What are the pros and cons
one. There are perhaps some CEP prod- of a graphical event modeling
Can a generic CEP package ucts that cannot perform at the required approach versus a lower level
really provide the real-time throughput and latency that is required, Java or SQL-like language?
performance required of fi- as they are not architected for it.
nancial trading applications? But clearly there are others that can Adler: From what I have seen, devel-
meet those requirements. We’ve proven oping with a pure GUI-based approach
Adler: There was an effort under- it through real experience. But the per- is not satisfactory for anything but the
way in 2008 in the Stac Research A1 formance requires some new physics simplest of use cases. Sophisticated
committee where the various CEP sys- of software - not just any generic event use cases need the maximum amount
tems were going to be benchmarked. processing platform. Trading is not a of flexibility and control. You will even-
There were going to be a number of monolithic application; there are lots of tually need to dive into the underlying
low-level benchmarks and there was permutations and variations to trading programming language, and you may
going to be a benchmark that was an and a range of different requirements. need to develop your own custom user-
end-to-end trading app. Unfortunately, The validation of whether a product can defined functions.
this effort never materialised into any- meet those requirements is having cus- It is fairly easy to get up to speed with
thing concrete. This would have given tomers that use the product. For Apama, the languages offered by the various
us some concrete numbers surrounding we would point to our customers and CEP products. Most of the vendors have
actual use cases. their success with Apama. They are so- chosen a streaming SQL paradigm, so it is
Most people are mistrustful of the per- phisticated trading organisations that relatively simple to find a database devel-
formance that commercial CEP systems have chosen Apama and remain users. oper and bring them up to speed on a CEP
can deliver. One algo trader I spoke to re- system. Most developers feel more com-
cently told me that he would never use Chait: CEP packages have been with fortable in reading code that looking at a
a commercial CEP package because he us for several years now, and I think that bunch of connected icons on a palette.
wanted to be able to tune every single industry experience has plainly shown That being said, there is a definite
aspect in order to get the most speed that today’s CEP engines are quite fast need for an end-user GUI tool where
from it, and he did not want the guts of enough for nearly all high-performance traders can formulate their own ad-hoc
his trading system to be a black box. As applications. However, it still remains queries and run them in the CEP engine
an example, CEP systems that are written challenging to effectively develop high- without having to learn the intricacies of
in C# and Java have to aware of pauses performance applications on them; the underlying streaming SQL (or proce-
for garbage collection, especially when these tools require specialised training dural) language. But, then again, there is
dealing with a high-volume, low-latency and understanding of their architec- a question of whether traders should be
data. There is a lot of work done in the ture and design, or else risk having their allowed to interact with the CEP system,
guts of trading systems today in order to performance dragged down. For exam- as the wrong kind of query can bring
minimise garbage collection pauses. ple, an improperly implemented input the CEP system to a crawl.

8 June 2009 • Issue 05 An A-TEAMGROUP Publication

Complex Event Processing - Roundtable

Bates: I am not sure the distinctions are grammers. With that said, many program- solutions - like algorithmic trading and
between graphical modeling and Java/ mers also see value in a visual tool, in being surveillance.
SQL, or that the decisions are as binary able to easily visualise the overall struc- So it will be in infrastructure and ap-
as the question implies. Apama supports ture and flow of an application. Typically a plications platforms. That has been our
Java class libraries and our customers can programmer will prefer language-based experience and why we have focused on
build CEP based applications using Java. authoring, however, primarily because Solution Accelerators to assist our cus-
Some choose to do so. Apama also offers it’s more efficient (doesn’t require all the tomers in this area.
an event processing language (EPL) that mouse clicks) and they can more easily see There are clearly applications for
is designed specifically for the require- the logic being applied to the data. Bottom CEP in conjunction with middleware.
ments of CEP applications and recognis- line: it’s nice to be able to offer users both. Some example include monitoring
es the value of natively supporting the messaging events that are transmit-
event-oriented operations. Many of our As CEP becomes more widely ted over messaging infrastructures like
customers choose that option, since Java used, is it likely to become a an ESB or monitoring processes con-
has certain limitations that we address ubiquitous middleware com- trolled by business process manage-
within our EPL. ponent, like a messaging bus ment tools. Both might be considered
And Apama offers a graphical mode- or a database? “middleware-centric” and we have cus-
ling tool, as well. One of the advantages tomers using Apama for those kinds of
of graphical tools is the ability to acceler- Adler: Definitely. You are going to see applications.
ate the speed with which organisations this when Microsoft releases Orinoco.
can develop and deploy CEP applications The CEP engine will just be another com- Chait: Yes, in a sense I believe these
– and evolve them over time. Graphical ponent in a comprehensive data strate- will become ubiquitous, in that they will
tools can also provide a possible “lingua gy. Developers will treat the CEP engine be widely adopted and various firms will
franca” between business users and de- and streaming LINQ queries in the same choose one preferred vendor platform
velopers where it is much easier to mu- way that they treat a database and the for all internal applications. However that
tually understand the CEP logic and ex- SQL queries that they use to manipulate does not necessarily mean that they will
ecution flow of the applications. the data. be provided as enterprise-wide services.
The ideal situation is the ability to sup- Another example that I have seen is If you look at the state of relational data-
port multiple development constituen- with the wide use of Esper in custom- bases inside most banks today, that pro-
cies, with options for both. Even within built systems. Whenever developers vides a clue; often individual groups or
an organisation there are different types need to implement some kind of custom teams are on their own to procure the rel-
of users, so approaching CEP with a filtering or window-based processing, evant resources such as servers, database
“one size fits all” development model is they are just as likely to use Esper as write software, disk space, and the like, and I
likely to fail to address those different custom code. Esper is free, and it can don’t see why CEP will be any different.
constituencies. easily fit into a Java-based codebase.
This is why CEP vendors need to sup- Wootton: We certainly believe so.
Chait: The tendency of CEP vendors port a large number of adapters to other Today people don’t really consider
to use a specialised development envi- pieces of commonly-used middleware. writing their own message bus or da-
ronments and languages is a mistake. A developer wants to take a look at the tabase when building an application
For instance, Microsoft seems eager to entire middleware stack, and know that – why would you? It’s always cheaper
show via Orinocio, Live Labs Reactive the CEP engine can snap in at any point and faster when you can get what you
Framework, Reactive F#, and Axum how in the stack. For example, many financial need off-the-shelf. As the usage of this
multithreaded, stream based, and CEP institutions are using Kx Systems’ KDB+ technology expands, the products will
paradigms can be elegantly based on to store tick and trade data. It should be continue to mature and familiarity will
existing language tools. As another ex- a breeze to hook up your CEP engine to become more common. We’ll get to the
ample, by adopting the industry stand- a subscription of data that is stored in point where it’s just one of the standard
ard Eclipse toolset, StreamBase greatly KDB. building blocks used to address a certain
reduced the learning curve and support class of problems.
costs associated with their product. Bates: We see CEP as achieving a pres-
ence in both, though would expect it to Where are standards playing
Wootton: It’s really down to a combina- become more prevalent within applica- a role in CEP, or where are
tion of preference and skills. That’s why we tion stacks. The real power of CEP is in the they needed?
offer both – to appeal to a wider range of ability to build event-driven applications
users. A big advantage of visual authoring and that suggests that CEP will become Adler: A common definition of an event
is that it’s more approachable for non-pro- an element within both applications and would be great for interoperability. “Spe-

An A-TEAMGROUP Publication June 2009 • Issue 05 9

Complex Event Processing - Roundtable

cialist systems” that calculate their own via the existing protocols relevant to Stac-A1 working group, participating in
alerts could feed these alerts into the those organisations, be those protocols the creation of specifications intended to
CEP engine for further correlation. proprietary or standards-based. test event-processing platforms whose
I think that all CEP vendors will even- This observation also raises the more workloads consist of taking inbound
tually need to write “query providers” general issue of integration. From the events from one or more sources, apply-
to support the LINQ feature in C# (and customer perspective it is important for ing specific algorithms to those events,
whatever the competitor to LINQ will be a CEP-based application to fit into an ex- and generating outbound events.
in Java). This way, developers can embed isting environment, rather than require
streaming queries within their C# or a re-design of a firm’s entire architecture Chait: An endpoint standard could be
Java applications, and the LINQ queries to enable a single application with CEP. useful. A name, URI, schema, transport,
will look the same, no matter which CEP Therefore in addition to market-specif- required data rate for consumers, that
engine they are being directed to. ic adapters as previously described, it sort of thing. Also, a standard for ac-
is important to adhere to a number of cessing CEP data (similar to ODBC for
Bates: While it is a bit early in the game infrastructure and development stan- relational databases) would facilitate
for standards for CEP or Event Processing, dards as well. In the case of Apama, for adoption and application development
recognising that relevant standards may interoperability this includes XML files, across a wider range of scenarios. How-
emerge, it is important to both participate JMS, ODBC and JDBC connectivity. For ever, at present the technical hurdles are
in relevant working groups and support development, Apama supports Java, C, at least as significant as the market hur-
standards in adjacent areas. For example, C++, and .NET for development. Though dles, so I don’t see this happening any-
Apama is a founding member of the Event supporting development standards as- time soon.
Processing Technical Society (EPTS) and is sists in leveraging existing code-base,
actively involved with the Event Process- Apama’s native Event Processing Lan- Wootton: To date, standards haven’t
ing community. Therefore there are a guage is better suited to the task of cre- played much of a role – as you’d expect
number of key areas to consider. ating event-driven applications. CEP for a relatively new class of technology.
For example, part of an understand- language standards may eventually Over time, clearly standards will devel-
ing of standards is to recognise that CEP emerge and become valuable. However, op. Where I think they are needed most
is usually deployed in support of appli- to create a single CEP language standard is at the level of event interchange. How
cations in markets where standards are at this stage could restrict innovation, is information about an event handed
already in place. To the extent that CEP which is essential to the shift towards off from one system to another?
builds solutions in those markets, it is the event-driven paradigm. Even though a standard message bus
the standards of those markets that are Once a firm has the confidence that it is typically used to get an event-mes-
important. can integrate a CEP-enabled application sage from emitters to consumers, there
For example, in capital markets, a CEP- into its existing environment or relevant are no standards around the structure of
based application has to support FIX as ecosystem, the other remaining area of a event message.
a commonly used protocol for sending concern from the customer perspective This means that a lot of time gets
order flow to trading counterparties and is be able to quantify the expected and spent building adapters. Adapters don’t
destinations.. In fact, Apama provides realised benefits of using CEP. add value – they just translate. So I see
connectivity through FIX and other Here, standards may be useful to the real potential benefit in moving toward
adapters to a broad range of equities, extent of being able to benchmark per- standards on event structure, facilitat-
foreign exchange, futures and options, formance parameters of system applied ing event interchange, and reducing
and fixed income markets, market data to a broad array of use cases as a result of the effort we all put into adapters and
providers, and EMS/OMS/FIX gateways its flexibility. Apama is a member of the integration.

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10 June 2009 • Issue 05 An A-TEAMGROUP Publication


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