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Units Of Measure

Orson P. Smith, PE, Ph.D.

Arctic Engineering
Henry David Thoreau (1817–62). Walden, “The Pond in Winter” (1854).

“If we knew all the laws of Nature, we should need only one
fact, or the description of one actual phenomenon, to infer
all the particular results at that point. Now we know only a
few laws, and our result is vitiated, not, of course, by any
confusion or irregularity in Nature, but by our ignorance of
essential elements in the calculation.”

Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review
Learning Objectives
 Review
 Physical parameters of use to
cold regions engineers
 English vs. SI units of measure

Orson Smith, PhD, PE,

Professor Emeritus

Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review
Mass and Density
 Mass (M)
 British: slugs
 “English Engineering”: lbm “pound mass”
 SI (metric): kilograms (kg), grams (g), micrograms (g)

 Density (, M/L3)

 British: slugs/ft3
 SI: kg/m3, g/cm3

Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review
Specific Gravity

SG 
 H O@4 C

•British: SG 
1.94 slugs
ft 3

•SI: SG 
1000 kg
Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review
 Force (ML/T2)
 Newton’s 2nd Law: F = ma
 British: pounds (lb or lbf), tons (2000 lb)
 English Engineering:

lbm  a lbm  ft
lbf  g c  32.174
lbf  sec 2
 SI: 1 Newton (N) = 1 kg-m/sec2
 1 dyne = 1 g-cm/sec2

Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review
Weight and Specific Weight
 Weight: force = mass x acceleration of gravity

 Specific weight (M/T2L2):  = g

 British:   3
 SI:  

Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review
 Pressure (M/T2L): force per unit area
 British: psi, psf, feet (head), atmospheres
 SI:
 1 Pascal = 1 Newton/m2
 1 bar = 105 Pa (approximately 1 atmosphere)
 1 millibar (mb) = 100 Pa
 1 kiloPascal (kPa) = 103 Pa

Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review
Pressure (continued)
 Pressure
 1 atmosphere (atm) = 1.013 x 105 Pa
= 14.7 psi (pounds per square inch)
 Gauge pressure, pg is measured above (or
below) atmospheric pressure.
 Absolute pressure, pa includes atmospheric
 pa = pg + patm

Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review
Work and Power
 Work (M/T2): force applied over a distance; a
measure of mechanical energy transfer
 British: ft-lb
 SI: 1 joule (J) = 1 Newton-m
 Power (M/T3): work per unit time
 British: 1 horsepower = 550 ft-lb/sec
 SI: 1 watt (W) = 1 joule/sec;
 1 kilowatt (kW)= 103 watts

Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review
 Temperature: a measure of the energy (motion
or vibration) of an object’s component particles
 Fahrenheit (F):
 fresh water freezes as 32F and
 boils at 212F (standard atmospheric pressure)
 Celsius (C), also called centigrade:
 fresh water freezes at 0C and
boils at 100C

T ( C )  T ( F )  32 

9  5 
T ( F )  T ( C )  32
5 9
 

Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review
Temperature (continued)
 Absolute Temperature

 Rankine scale (R)

 R = F + 459.67

 Kelvin scale (K, “Kelvins”)

K = C + 273.15

Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review
Heat Energy
 Heat: a form of energy transferable
between substances through contact and
 BTU: amount of heat to raise the temperature
of 1 lb of water by 1F
 Calorie: amount of heat to raise the
temperature of 1 g of water by 1C
 Kilocalorie: amount of heat to raise the
temperature of 1 kg of water by 1C

Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review
Heat Capacity
 Specific heat capacity: amount of heat
needed to change the temperature of a
unit quantity by 1C.

 Cp = heat capacity at constant pressure.

 Cv = heat capacity at constant volume.

Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review
Heat Capacity of Water
Water has the highest heat capacity of all natural
CH2O=4.185 kJ/kg-C =1 kcal/kg-C =1 Btu/lb-F
CFe=0.11 kcal/kg-C
Ice and water vapor have a lower heat capacities than
liquid water:
Cice=2.09 kJ/kg-C =0.50 kcal/ kg-C =0.5 Btu/lb-F
Cwv=2.01 kJ/kg-C =0.48 kcal/ kg-C =0.48 Btu/lb-F
Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review
Sensible Heat
Heat energy shed or absorbed by an object that
results in a change of temperature is sensible by
temperature sensors.
The relationship of sensible heat Q to temperature
change T from T1 to T2 for an object of mass M

Q  M  C  T  M  C  T2  T1 
and heat capacity C is:

Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review 16

Latent Heat Energy
•Heat exchange required to produce a change of state in a
•e.g., freezing water from liquid to solid
•Does not result in a temperature change
•Observable only in the change of state
•Water at freezing temperature requires additional heat loss
to change from liquid to solid state.
•Once frozen, ice temperature can then decrease by
sensible heat loss.
Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review 17
Latent Heat for Fresh Water
H2O - Latent heat of fusion (liquid to solid, or reverse):

Lf = 335 kJ/kg = 80 kcal/kg = 144 Btu/lb

H2O - Latent heat of vaporization (liquid to gas, or reverse):

Lv = 2260 kJ/kg = 540 kcal/kg = 972 Btu/lb

Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review 18

Latent Heat Illustration

Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review 19

Latent Heat – Example Problem
How much heat must be removed to 200 lb of water at 34
F to cause it to freeze?

Q  M  C  T  M  L f

Q  200lb 1   34 F  32 F   200lb 144

Btu Btu
lb  F lb
 

Q  2.92 10 Btu


Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review 20

Latent Heat – 2nd Example
How much ice at –10°C is needed to lower the
temperature of 0.5 kg of water from 20°C to 0°C?
Assume heat gained by ice equals that lost by liquid water.

M ice  Cice  Tice  M ice  L f  M H 2O  C H 2O  TH 2O

M H 2O  C H 2O  TH 2O
M ice   0.12kg
Cice  Tice  L f
Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review 21
Ideal Gas Law

pv = RT, or p =  RT

 p is pressure (Pa or lbs/ft2)

 v is specific volume (m3/N or ft3/lb).
  is specific weight (N/m3 or lbs/ft3).
 R is a gas constant particular to a given gas.
 (m/K or ft/R).
 T is absolute temperature (K or R)

Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review
Ideal Gas Law (continued)
 In terms of density, the ideal gas law can
also be stated:
p = RT

 R has different units for this form of the ideal

gas law, since it incorporates specific weight
ft  lb joules
slug  R kg  K

Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review
Viscosity: frictional resistance to flow of fluids along
a fixed boundary
 
  (M/T2L) = shear stress (force per unit area)
  (M/T2L)= dynamic viscosity
 u (L/T) = fluid speed in the x direction at a
distance y from a fixed boundary

Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review
Viscosity (continued)

 

Fluids with this linear relation of shear stress to

current variation (rate of shearing strain) are
known as Newtonian fluids.

Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units 25

dp dp
Ev   
dV d
V 
Ev = bulk modulus of elasticity (units of pressure, e.g., Pa)
dp = change in pressure
dV = change in volume
d = change in density

Arctic Engineering Module 2a - Units Review

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