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The vessels and muscles of the

Upper limb
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela

Sechel Gabriela
Latissimus Dorsi

Sechel Gabriela

Sechel Gabriela

Sechel Gabriela
Teres Minor

Sechel Gabriela
Teres Major

Sechel Gabriela
Levator Scapulae

Sechel Gabriela
Rhomboid Major and Minor

Sechel Gabriela

Sechel Gabriela
Pectoralis Major

Sechel Gabriela
Pectoralis Minor

Sechel Gabriela
Serratus Anterior

Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela

Sechel Gabriela

Sechel Gabriela
Biceps Brachii

Sechel Gabriela

Sechel Gabriela
Triceps Brachii

Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Pronator Teres

Sechel Gabriela
Flexor Carpi Radialis

Sechel Gabriela
Palmaris Longus

Sechel Gabriela
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

Sechel Gabriela
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis

Sechel Gabriela
Flexor Digitorum Profundus

Sechel Gabriela
Flexor Pollicis Longus

Sechel Gabriela
Pronator Quadratus

Sechel Gabriela

Sechel Gabriela
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus

Sechel Gabriela
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis

Sechel Gabriela

Sechel Gabriela
Extensor Digitorum

Sechel Gabriela
Extensor Digiti Minimi

Sechel Gabriela
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris

Sechel Gabriela

Sechel Gabriela
Abductor Pollicis Longu

Sechel Gabriela
Extensor Pollicis Brevis

Sechel Gabriela
Extensor Pollicis Longus

Sechel Gabriela
Extensor Indicis

Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Abductor Pollicis Brevis

Sechel Gabriela
Abductor Digiti Minimi

Sechel Gabriela
Flexor Pollicis Brevis

Sechel Gabriela
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis

Sechel Gabriela
Opponens Digiti Minimi

Opponens Pollicis

Sechel Gabriela
Adductor Pollicis

Sechel Gabriela
Interosseous Muscles, Palmar

Sechel Gabriela
Interosseous Muscles, Dorsal

Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
The arteries of the upper limb
The axillary artery is that portion of the major artery of the uppe
extremity between the outer border of the first rib and the lower
border of the teres major muscle.
Axillary artery
Third part
coverd by the pectoralis
major muscle, down
First part Second part from the pectoralis
coverd by the pectoralis minor muscle
coverd by the
clavipectoral fascia, minor muscle and than
by the pectoralis major
upper than the 1. The subscapular artery
pectoralis minor muscle - the circumflex scapular artery
- the thoracodorsal artery
2. The anterior circumflex
1. the superior thoracic artery 3. the posterior circumflex
2. the acromiothoracic artery 1. the lateral humeral artery
- the acromial branch thoracic artery
- the clavicular branch
- the deltoid branch
- the pectoral branches

Sechel Gabriela
The brachial artery
lower border of the pectoralis major
- medial bicipital groove Branches

1. the profunda brachii artery

+n. radial sulcus posterior surface humerus 2. the ulnar collateral artery
sup. (*r. post. a. ulnar
branch for formation of the network
recurrent+n.ulnar )
of the elbow joit - rete articulare
arteria collateralis media
(* a.recurrens interossea)
3. the ulnar collateral artery inf.
(*r.ant. a.ulnar recurrent)

arteria collateralis radialis

(* a.recurrens radialis)

Sechel Gabriela
The arteries of the forearm and
The radial artery The ulnar artery
ulnar recurrent artery: ant-post

common interosseous artery:

-ant*post carpal
-post*post carpal,
radial recurrent
interosseous recurent
anterior carpal branch

posterior carpal branch anterior carpal branch

dorsal metacarpal artery posterior carpal branch

princeps pollicis artery

superficial palmar branch arch superficial palmar branch

the deep branch arch the deep branch

Sechel Gabriela
dorsal aspect
the posterior carpal arch
The arteries of the hand

palmar aspect
the superficial palmar arch

palmar aspect
the deep palmar arch

Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
palmar aspect
the superficial palmar arch

Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
palmar aspect
the deep palmar arch

Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Scapula se orienteaza cu
cavitatea glenoidala:

Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
palmar aspect
the deep palmar artery arch, ulnar nerve

Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Sechel Gabriela
Thanks for your attention

Sechel Gabriela

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