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Group project II (Brand Audit assignment) – 30 points Brand Audit assignment project assignment

should be done with 4-5 team members.

• Your team will have to submit 1 brand to e-mail and wait for my
feedback and final confirmation (deadline for submission till week #10 (25th of May)

A brand audit gives you an opportunity to estimate whether the selected brand has achieved its aspiration
(desired) brand identity. For this assignment identify a brand that interests you the most. Make sure that
you have access to a various brand’s marketing/PR materials and to some of the brand’s customers for
conducting your brand audit.

You should agree on the brand’s aspiration identity: how does the brand want to be perceived by its
customers? For this purpose, you can conduct an interview with company’s employees, review materials,
annual reports, brochures, web site, mission statements, etc.

Your next step will be to conduct brand inventory. A brand inventory assesses the degree to which the
brand’s external communications portray the aspiration identity. For this assignment, you should review
as many marketing materials for the brand as you can find brochures, posters, website, social media,
online and print advertising, television and radio advertising, product packaging (where applicable) etc.
Copies of these materials should be included as appendices to your presentation. The major questions
should be addressed in your presentation and essay: Does the brand always portray its desired identity in
the materials available to the customers? What is the positioning statement of the brand and how does
it relate to the desired identity? Which brand equity elements are constantly reinforced by the marketing

Your next step will be to conduct brands exploratory. In this section of the project, you will have to
interview customers about their perception of a brand. To measure their perceptions, you can use various
research methods that we will cover during the class (surveys, interviews, focus groups, brand concept
maps, etc.)

The final step of the project is the analysis of the gaps between the brand’s desired brand equity and
customer perceptions of brand equity. In this section, you should identify main gaps and problems with
the external communications. Based on the analysis, you should prepare a recommendation of how to
improve and eliminate the existing gap.

At the end of the project, you should prepare a ten to twelve-page paper (double-spaced) as well as
Presentation to be presented in class.

o In your paper, you should analyze your experience each listed topic. Compare your brand with
at least one rival and list your brand’s pros and cons. Summary of the paper should cover your
recommendations on digital branding. Your paper should have a cover page with the following
information: Course name, company name, project member names /last names, group numbers
and date.
o Presentation should be presented as a Power Point presentation. Group will be given only 15
minutes to present it in front of the audience. (In case you don’t squeeze into timeline you’ll get
minus one point) Presentation date: 06/15/2022
Paper Assessment Criteria Earned Points Max. Points
Brand Audit(Research and its relevance for the brand audit) 5
Brand Inventory(Analysis of company’s marketing 5
strategies, messages, and communication materials for
Brand Exploratory(Research and analysis of consumer 5
Interpretation of results, recommendations, and 5

Assessment Criteria for presentation Earned Points Max. Points

Focus on key elements in presentation; effective use of
visual materials, body language, content summary
Assessment Criteria for individual team member
Competent answers to project-related questions 5


Excellent Very good Good Average Weak Fail
5 4 3 2 1 0

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