Easter in The UK: Day by Day

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Easter in the UK

They say it’s the most important holiday for Christians. Traditionally, it is
about Jesus Christ’s resurrection from death. What do the Brits love? Well, they’re keen on
sharing chocolate eggs and taking part in egg competitions. Of course, there’s much more to know
about English celebrations.
According to www.timeanddate.com „Easter is an important time for the confectionery industry. In
the United Kingdom, Easter eggs are often large chocolate eggs filled with bonbons or other candy.
The eggs are covered in decorative foil and packaged in elaborate boxes.
Many people celebrate Easter Sunday by decorating, exchanging or searching for eggs. The eggs
may be fresh or boiled eggs laid by chickens or other birds, chocolate eggs or eggs made of other
materials. Many children believe that the Easter bunny or rabbit comes to their house or garden to
hide eggs.”

Official celebrations start with Maundy Thursday when the Queen participates in the Ceremony of
the Royal Maundy. She gives red and white purses to the most deserving senior citizens who have
played an important role in local communities. They receive specially made coins.
Good Friday is celebrated as a bank holiday and people don’t go to work. On that day, they
normally eat currant buns which are marked with a cross (so called hot cross buns).
Holy Saturday is a day to remember the day when Jesus lay in his tomb. It’s also the end of Lent.
People usually go on a trip and enjoy a short holiday break. Church services are often held in
darkness with lots of candles around to proclaim Christ’s rising.
On Easter Sunday, families eat dinner together and children organize egg hunts. They must find
hidden eggs in the garden and the person who finds the most is the winner. If you like sweet things,
you need to try some simnel cake (plum-cake with a lot of candied lemon peel, some saffron and
dried fruits).
Last but not least Easter Monday, which is also a bank holiday. There’s a funny tradition in some
parts of the UK. People take eggs to the top of the hill and roll them down (also known as ” egg
rolling”). If your egg gets to the foot of the hill as the first one, you’re the winner. Lots of good fun
in a nice atmosphere.

resurrection – zmartwychwstanie
be keen on – lubić coś
competition – zawody / konkurs
confectionery – cukiernictwo
bonbons – cukierki (nadziewane)
elaborate – wymyślny / staranny
Maundy Thursday – Wielki Czwartek
purse – portmonetka
community – społeczność / wspólnota
coin – moneta
Good Friday – Wielki Piątek
bank holiday – święto państwowe
currant buns – bułeczki z rodzynkami/porzeczkami
Holy Saturday – Wielka Sobota
tomb – grobowiec
Lent – Wielki Post
service – nabożeństwo
candle – świeca
proclaim – obwieszczać / ogłaszać
Easter Sunday – Niedziela Wielkanocna
simnel cake – wielkanocne ciasto z bakaliami i marcepanem
Easter Monday – Poniedziałek Wielkanocny
egg rolling – turlanie jajek

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