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What can you see in the picture?

A.Now listen to a radio programme about 4 tricks used by the advertisers. Tick the

things that the woman mentions that are often used in adverts .

B. Listen again. Why are the things you have ticked often a trick? Make notes and check
with your partner in BORs.

Trick 1
Trick 2
Trick 3
Trick 4

1.Which of the marketing techniques might influence you to buy (or not to buy) the
2.Have you bought something recently which wasn`t as good as the advertisement
made you think? How was the advert misleading?
3. Are there any brands which you think have a really good logo or slogan? Does it
make you want to buy the products?

Grammar Focus
Look at some extracts from the
listening and complete them by
phrases A-F.

A. the actress is holding the product

in the photo
B.we can`t fail to get the message
C. make us believe it.
D.we don`t really need the products
E. what the advert said
F. make the models look even

1. __ 2. __ 3. __ 4. __ 5. __ 6.
Listen and check.
Look at the highlighted word(s). Which ones express a contrast? Which ones express a purpose?
Contrast Purpose

Task I.

Task II. Rewrite the sentences

For example,
Task III.

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