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What did you learn in this unit regarding the different topics?
• Food you like
• Cooking processes
• Blog about how to do something
Write from your own and unique experience.
I have learned the foods that I like and fruits to know their pronunciation and correct spelling and learned the food
processes how to prepare the food with ingredients and step by step how to make the food and I have learned to
make a blog on how to cook and to pronounce correctly
Is there any aspect you didn’t understand? Mention it.
what is not clear to me is about the blog about preparing food step by step and I did not understand some fruits but
the rest is very well understood and explained
Mark with an X inside the empty boxes according to your self-observation.

How confident do you feel in every aspect?

Not Slightly Somewhat Fairly Very
Confident Confident Confident Confident Confident
Dimensions Unit aspects
0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
Use of Language:
- Countable and uncountable
- A/An, Some and Any
Cognitive - Food
- Quantifiers: Much, Many, A
lot of.
- Cooking and containers
I have participated in class
actively on topics covered:
- Food you like x
- Cooking processes
- Blog about how to do
Procedural something
The work was done without
using translators or
information from the web as it
is my own contribution.

I have followed all the

guidelines given and worked
Attitudinal with honesty throughout all x
the assignments.


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