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Anti Stress Smoothies

Stress is a problem for all of us regardless of age, job or social group.

The World Health Organization has identified stress as one of the
biggest problems of the 21st century. It is impossible to eliminate stress
completely, but we can counteract its consequences so that our body
can cope better with stressful situations. It is well known that sport
practiced recreationally not only increases physical fitness but also
improves our mood, which in turn reduces the level of stress in the body.
Providing the body with the right nutrients also leads to stress relief and
stimulates energy production.

Stress-relieving substances are:

● resveratrol
● chlorophyll
● green tea
● vitamin E
● selenium
Micronutrients which supply energy to the body are:
● vitamins from group B
● choline
● coenzyme Q10
● iron
● L-carnitine
In this publication, I am pleased to present to you smoothies, which
contain ingredients that include the above mentioned anti-stress

Cocktails are best drunk up to 20 minutes after preparation.

Enjoy Your smoothies and wish you well being.
Grapes Smoothie
● bunch of grapes
● 1 green apple
● 1 orange or grapefruit
● 1 teaspoon Chia seeds
● 1 cup of coconut milk

Cut the apple, remove the seed nests, peel the orange from the skin and
if possible from the white parts. Mix all ingredients with coconut water.

Anti-stress Ingredient:
Red grapes contain resveratrol, which reaches the brain and protects
nerve cells from free radicals. Some doctors describe resveratrol as a
future-enhancing substance.
Green Anti-Stress Smoothie
● bunch of parsley
● one orange
● 2 tablespoon organic honey
● 1 ½ cup strawberries
● one apple
● 1 cup of water

Cut the parsley, peel the parsley, remove the apple from the seed nests.
All together with the rest of the ingredients blend. And enjoy it!

Anti-stress Ingredient:
Chlorophyll contained mainly in parsley. Slows down the aging process
as it fights free radicals. It has a positive effect on the digestive process.
Combats anemia.
Green Tea Smoothie
● one cup green tea
● one big banana
● one orange
● few mint leaves
● ½ cup lemon juice
● one tablespoon maple syrup

Peel banana and orange and mix with the rest of the ingredients. And
viola! :)

Anti-Stress Ingredient:
Green Tea
Chlorophyll contained in green tea. Chlorophyll is a substance contained
in the green leaves of plants. It is a real source of health and energy. It
helps in the excretion of carcinogenic substances from the body.
Restores the acid-base balance of the body. It supplies the body with
oxygen and energy.
Soy Milk Smoothie
● ½ cup raspberries
● 1 carrot
● ½ cup Italian nuts
● ½ cup pumpkin seeds
● one teaspoon linseed (not ground)
● 2 tablespoons of maple syrup
● one cup soymilk

First, blend the irritated nuts and pumpkin seeds dry. Grind 1 tablespoon
of linseed into coffee mills. Bring everything together and mix it all
together. Good day to you!

Anti-stress Ingredient:
Soy Milk
Soy milk contains B vitamins. Nuts and seeds also contain vitamins from
this group. Vitamins from this group have a great influence on the
appearance of our skin, improve our mood and add energy.
Vitamin E Smoothie
● ½ avocado
● one cup natural yogurt
● little bunch parsley
● ½ cup pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds
● one banana
● one teaspoon lemon juice
● one tablespoon organic honey (optional)

Blend pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Then add the remaining
ingredients and mix everything together.

Anti-stress Ingredient:
Chia Seeds
Vitamin E is one of the antioxidants. It's contained in the chia seeds and
avocado. Among other things, it protects the body against free radicals.
Supports immunity, delays the aging process. Absorbable in the
presence of fats.
Peanut Smoothie
● two bananas
● four slices pineapple
● six brazil nuts
● one tablespoon cranberries
● one cup fruit yogurt or homogenized cheese

Peel the bananas and mix them together with the rest of the ingredients.

Anti-stress ingredient:
Brazil Nuts
Brazil nuts contain a large dose of selenium. The presence of this
element in the diet has a positive effect on the proper functioning of the
entire body.
Sunflower Smoothie
● two tomatoes
● stalk of celery
● three tablespoons sunflower seeds
● three tablespoon oatmeal
● a bit of ground chili, salt, pepper

Grind sunflower seeds and oatmeal beforehand. Turn the tomatoes off
their skins. Combine and blend all the ingredients

Anti-stress ingredient:

Oatmeal & Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds and oatmeal help to keep the brain in good shape. The
ingredients contained in them support memory.
Plums & Spinach Smoothie
● six sweet plums
● one cup spinach
● one banana
● one cup buttermilk
● one tablespoon Chia seeds

Wash the spinach. Plums without seeds. Peel the banana. Put all the
ingredients together in a bowl and blend.

Anti-stress ingredient:
Plums & Spinach
Plums and spinach contain coenzyme Q10, which has a positive effect
on energy production in our body. Thanks to their fiber content, improve
intestinal peristalsis, which positively influences the maintenance of
proper body weight.
Super Strawberry Smoothie
● bunch of parsley
● one cup of strawberries
● one banana
● one teaspoon sesame
● a teaspoon of ground linseed

Mince the linseed in a coffee grinder. Peel the strawberries from the
stalks and wash them. Peel the banana. Mix all ingredients together.
And it's ready!

Anti-stress ingredient:
Parsley and sesame. They contain large amounts of iron. In addition,
parsley is rich in vitamin C, which increases its absorbability.
Iron improves the psychophysical condition of our body.
Green Avocado Smoothie

● bunch of parsley
● one avocado
● one cup of almond milk
● ½ mango
● one tablespoon maple syrup or
agave syrup

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Remove the stone from the mango

Anti-stress Ingredient:
Avocado contains a small amount of L-carnitine (present mainly in
animal products, except for avocado itself) and is responsible for the
transport of fatty acid in our cells, which has a positive impact on the
energy production in the body.
Watermelon Smoothie
● ¼ watermelon
● ½ cup sunflower seeds
● one cup of strawberries
● one banana
● one teaspoon lemon juice

Mix the watermelon (without seeds) with the other ingredients. You can
grind sunflower seeds in a coffee grinder beforehand.

Anti-stress Ingredient:
Watermelon contains zinc, which has a positive effect on the functioning
of the nervous system and soothes nerves.
Oatmeal Smoothie
● ½ cup ground oatmeal
● one cup raspberries
● one cup of vegetable milk
● one teaspoon lime juice


Grind the oat flakes in a coffee grinder or blender. Combine with the
other ingredients.
Cocktail perfect for breakfast!

Anti-stress Ingredient:
Oat flakes help relieve nerves because they contain carbohydrates from
full grain cereals. They also contain healthy, slowly assimilated fiber, so
it provides a constant amount of energy.
Super Berry Smoothie
● one cup of berries
● ½ cup ground oatmeal
● ½ cup strawberries
● few mint leaves
● few nettle leaves
● one cup natural yogurt
● one teaspoon lime juice

Wash the fruits thoroughly and mix them with the rest of the ingredients.

Anti-stress Ingredient:
Blueberries, like grapes, contain resveratrol, which has an antioxidant
effect. Protects you from stress.
Pear Smoothie
● one big pear
● ½ cup spinach
● one orange
● one celery stem
● one apple
● 1 ½ cup green tea

Pear and apple without seed nests (you can leave the skin if you have
organic fruit). Peel the orange from the skin, removing the white
membranes (or squeeze the juice). Combine all the ingredients. Blend it.
And it's ready!

Anti-stress Ingredient:
Spinach is a big source of vitamin K, vitamins B and E.
Tomato Smoothie
● one cucumber
● one glass of arugula
● one celery stem
● one small carrot
● two tomatoes
● one teaspoon linseed

Mince linseed in a coffee grinder or beat it in a mortar. Burn the
tomatoes, peel the peel and remove the green parts. Wash the carrot
thoroughly (you may not peel if the skin is OK). All ingredients combine
and mix to a smooth mass of about 2 minutes. It's ready! It's ready!

Anti-stress Ingredient:
Tomatoes contain, among others, potassium, magnesium, vitamins from
group B. Recommended especially for adolescents during intensive
Seed Cocktail
● 2 large handfuls of arugula
● one natural yogurt
● 6 tablespoons of bran
● one small cucumber
● one kiwi
● two teaspoon honey (optional)


Peel the kiwi off the skin. Wash the ingredients thoroughly, combine with
the cucumber and mix.

Anti-stress Ingredient:
Kiwi contains ingredients that soothe the nervous system. Kiwi fruit is
considered by Chinese medicine to be the fruit of concentration. If you
add a few calm breaths, you'll think of something nice -the depression
will go away :)
Magical Smoothie
● two tomatoes
● two medium cucumbers
● 3 stalks of celery
● 2 basil leaves
● 2 tablespoons of oil or linseed oil
● salt or paper

Peel the tomatoes off their skins. Combine with the rest of the
ingredients. Mix until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
And enjoy it!

Anti-stress Ingredient:
Olive Oil
Olive oil or linseed oil - both oils are sources of healthy Omega 3 and
Omega 6 acids, they also contain B vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus,
and vitamin E, which inhibits the aging process in the skin.
Kale Smoothie
● one glass of kale
● 1 glass of pumpkin pulp
● ½ cup carrot
● ½ cup pumpkin seeds
● one cup of coconut milk
● 2 teaspoons of sesame

Mix all the ingredients together. Pumpkin and sesame seeds can be
roasted in a dry, hot pan and added to the cocktail at the end. Then the
cocktail will have pleasantly crispy ingredients.

Anti-stress Ingredient:
Kale (contains resveratrol, as above) and sunflower and pumpkin seeds.
Contains ingredients that promote our well-being :)
Almond Smoothie
● two apples
● one avocado
● ½ cup nuts
● two teaspoon cinnamon
● a pinch of ginger
● a pinch of vanilla
● ¼ cup water (optional)

Peel and chop avocado and apple. Blend nuts. Add all of the ingredients
and blend until smooth. If the cocktail is too thick, you can add some
mineral water.

Anti-stress Ingredient:
Almond Milk
Almond milk is a big source of vitamin D, which positively affects the
functioning of the human nervous system.

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