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2nd SEMESTER AY 2021-2022

I. Identification
Direction: Write the correct answer.

1. PHILO A meaning “to love”.

2. SOPHIA meaning wisdom.
3. It is called SCIENCE because it is systematic.
4. PRINCIPLE OF IDENTITY A principle that states that whatever is and whatever is not.
5. PRINCIPLE OF NON-CONTRADICTION A principle that states it is impossible for a thing to
be and not to be at the same time.
6. PRINCIPLE OF EXCLUDED MIDDLE A principle that a thing is either is or is not.
7. PRINCIPLE OF SUFFICIENT REASON A principle that nothing exist without a sufficient
reason for its being and existence.
8. MATERIAL CAUSE is that out of which something is made.
9. FORMAL CAUSE is that through which something is made.
10. EFFICIENT CAUSE that by which something is made.
11. FINAL CAUSE that on the account of which something is made.
12. ETHICS that branch of philosophy that explores the nature of moral virtue and evaluates
human actions.
13. C. WRIGHT MILLS A sociologist who preferred to use the sociological perspective.
14. FEMINIST THEORY A theory that argued for a gender-balanced study of society.
15. THE CONFLICT PERSPECTIVE A perspective of sociology that conflict between competing
groups helps in understanding behavior.
16. ROBERT MERTONS A sociologist who believe that successful combination of theory and
research in the study of deviant behavior.
17. CAROL BROOKS GARDNER A sociologist who focused on gender issues.
18. FR. VALENTIN MARIN priest who instigated the teaching of sociology as a separate
discipline at the University of Santo Thomas in 1896.
19. DR. SERAFIN MACARAIG Who was the first Filipino to obtain Ph,D. in sociology?
20. GELIA CASTILLO A Filipino sociologist who integrated empirical studies

II. Essay
Direction: Explain concisely.

1. What is your own concept of philosophy? 7pts.

 I will say that philosophy means different things to different people, but it deals
with logic, reflection and questions in search for wisdom. To understand whether
an unexamined life is worth living, we must first understand whether life itself is
worth living. During happy moments, we all feel that life is worthy living but when
demands of this life overpower us, we feel as if life is unworthy. It is in our lowest
moments that we also try to test whether our lives are valuable.
At these times, we tend to explore our lives so that we can get the most from it.
Therefore, philosophy is valuable, especially for those who choose to think philosophically
with an open mind. All we need to do is to select our values and learn the habit of
thought and reflection.

2. In your own opinion, why should we study philosophy?10pts.

 It Enhances our ability to evaluate and resolve problems. It will help you to
analyze concepts, definitions, arguments, and problems. It contributes to your
capacity to organize ideas and issues, to deal with questions of value, and to
extract what is essential from masses of information. You will start to understand
the connection between how people think now and how they used to think. You
will witness how tiny ideas have developed and turned into major discoveries or
into objects of intense research. All of us have to answer, for ourselves, the
questions asked by philosophers.

3. According to Socrates the admission of ignorance is the beginning of wisdom.

Do you agree? Why?17pts.
 I agree because if someone will tell you that you are ignorant at something, once
you are aware that you’re ignorant, you accept the fact that you don’t know
everything and want to change that. You will want to start learning about the rest
of the world and that is when you start becoming wise. Because for me, Once you
get convictions and arrogance out of the way, you accept that there is always
more to learn, and therefore, do as much, since barricades have now been
displaced. The Wise People always think they know everything, whereas people
that are truly wise are the first to admit their ignorance. Because I really believed
in the saying that the realization of ignorance is the first act of knowing.

4. Define ethics. 13pts.

 Ethics refers to the concepts of right and wrong conduct. Furthermore, ethics is
basically a branch of philosophy dealing with the issue of morality. Moreover,
ethics consist of the rules of behavior. It certainly defines how a person should
behave in specific situations. Ethics help in answering the questions of human
morality by providing a set definition for the concepts of right and wrong, good
and evil, vice and virtue and so on. When in doubt we always think about the
moral and ethical values we have been taught since our early years and almost
immediately get clarity of thoughts.
Taking decisions becomes easier for people as the right and wrong has already been defined.
Imagine if the right doings and wrong doings were not defined, everyone would act as per
their will based on their own versions of right and wrong. This would make things chaotic
and give rise to crime.

5. define logic. 13 pts.

 Logic can be defined as the systematic study of the methods and principles of
correct reasoning or arguments. Logic teaches us the techniques and methods for
testing the correctness of different kinds of reasoning. It helps us to detect errors
in reasoning by examining and analysing the various common fallacies in
Some define logic as both science and art of reasoning. A science is a systematic study of
phenomena which are within the area of its investigation. It undertakes to formulate the laws
or principle which holds well without exception.

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