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1.Health Perception/ Patient recalls undergoing every required immunization Patient feels drowsy all the time and
Health Management as a child and adult. She goes to the doctor regularly for is unable to talk and comprehend
a check-up. Aside from that, she takes her vitamins every properly.
day and she also manages her hypertension by taking
her maintenance medications routinely and diligently. She
is a non-smoker and non-alcoholic beverage drinker and
according to her, she has not had any colds or accidents
in the past year. Patient’s current general health has
been aggravating. She has chief complaints of severe
headache with right-sided weakness and increased blood
pressure. She personally thinks her efforts of keeping her
health stable are not enough to suffice the damage
brought about by her present disease condition.
2. Nutritional - Metabolic Patient is considered obese according to her BMI. She Patient is on NGT as of the
admits that she loves to eat fat, salty and sweet foods moment. Her medications, liquid
and only consumes about 3-4 glasses of water every food and fluids are being carried by
a special tube to her stomach
day when she was younger. However, at 50 years old, through her nose.
she modified her lifestyle including her eating habits
and tries to eat more fruits and vegetables, less meat
products and consumes at least 8 glasses of water a

3. Elimination Prior to admission, patient takes his bowel every day and Patient is on Foley Bag Catheter
voids at a minimum of 5 times a day without experiencing (FBC). No pain or burning sensation
any difficulty. She added that the color of her urine is felt during elimination.
yellow and has no foul odor. No excessive perspiration
was noted as well.
4. Activity – Exercise Patient used to live a sedentary lifestyle when she was During admission, patient is
younger. However, at 50 years old, she started to maintained on moderate high back
enjoy doing household chores and considers this as a rest. Her position in bed needs to
form of exercise. She’s not really active when it comes be changed every 2 hours to help
to engaging in other physical activities like jogging, keep the blood flowing. She is
trekking, etc. due to old age. She does not have unable to ambulate and needs the
problems performing the activities of daily living, but assistance of her significant others
reports fatigue after performing strenuous activities. to perform activities of the daily
living for her.
5. Sleep – Rest Prior to admission, patient said that she usually goes to The maximum time of her sleep is 4
sleep at 7 pm and wakes up at around 5-6 am to prepare hours. She cannot sleep straight
for her morning routine. She takes afternoon naps as well through the night and day because
after doing some household chores. She also added that of the constant monitoring of her
she feels rested after sleeping and that she does not condition and the taking of vital
snore and does not use any sleeping aids to promote signs every 2 hours.
6. Cognitive – Perceptual No sensory deficits but functions are diminished due to During admission, patient is unable
age. She is oriented to people, time, and place. She to comprehend properly and she
responds to stimuli verbally and physically. There has not cannot talk and respond to the
been any drastic change in her memory and she can still people around her as well.
make important decisions in life. She also added that
sometimes it’s difficult for her to learn new things
because of her age. Despite that, she loves to read
newspapers and play crossword puzzles alone to keep
her mind busy.
7. Self-Perception/ Patient describes herself as someone who enjoys the Though she is weak, she still
Self-Concept little things in life. She loves to take good care of her manages to appear calm and
children and grandchildren. She also loves to go to relaxed. She gave her consent to
church and offer her services to God. She feels good the medical team for her care.
about herself most of the time even though she has an Patients’ major concern as of the
illness because she likes to keep and promote a positive moment is her recovery.
outlook in life no matter what happens.
8. Role-Relationship Patient is married and has been a housewife for 30 years. Her family members especially her
She has 2 children who does not depend financially on children are always there to take
her anymore and 3 grandchildren whom she loves dearly. good care of her and attend to her
She also has a close relationship with her other family needs anytime.
members and keeps in contact with them every now and
9. Sexually- Reproductive Patient’s first menarche was at 13 years old and she During admission, no problems
cannot remember her last menstrual period. Her obstetric concerning her reproductive system
history is Gravida (2), Para (2), Term (2), Abortion (0), were noted.
Living (2), Multiple Gestation (0). She had her first born
baby girl when she was 20 years old, while her second
baby boy at 29 years old. Both of her children were
delivered via normal spontaneous vaginal delivery
(NSVD). She also mentioned that she is no longer
sexually active because of old age and has no history of
sexual diseases.
10. Coping/ Stress Patient says she prefers to keep all of her problems to Patient would take nap and rest
Tolerance herself because she does not want her family members when tired.
to worry about her. When she’s stressed, she prays to
God and asks for His divine intervention. She takes a nap
and rests when tired as well.
11. Value - Belief Patient is a Roman Catholic and chooses to put God in Her family members would pray the
the center of her life. She prays to God all the time and holy rosary every night for her.
reads the holy bible every day. She also prays the holy Additionally, the admission and
rosary every night before going to bed. procedures done do not interfere
with her faith and spiritual practices.


Patient record showed a chief complaint of severe headache, right sided weakness, increased blood
pressure and a past medical history of hypertension. Prior to admission she stated that she had an
unhealthy lifestyle when she was younger, eating unhealthy meals and living a sedentary lifestyle during
those years. It was not until she reached the age of 50 years old that she decided to modify her lifestyle
and consume more healthy meal options and exercise through doing simple activities and household
chores on an everyday and regular basis. Even after when she got diagnosed with hypertension, she
continued to live a healthy lifestyle so as not to aggravate her condition, religiously and diligently taking her
maintenance medications at the same time. Unfortunately, now that her condition has worsened, she is
unable to talk and comprehend properly. She is in pain and is unable to perform even activities of the daily
living. She has been placed in a difficult and life-threatening situation and will need to undergo further
treatment in order to fully recover. In spite of that, her family members are always there to take good care
of her and attend to her needs and she gathers her strength from God and holds unto her faith dearly.

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