KOV VNEB 170511 Lambeth Community Forum Notes v1

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Lambeth Community Forum (VNEB) Tuesday 17 May 2011 The following were among the comments noted from

the evening:

Vauxhall gyratory
Issues raised It is essential to get rid of the gyratory and residents will not settle for anything less. Improved short distance interchange between all transport modes must be continued, and it needs to be both sides of the viaduct. Money should be spent in on interchange connections and traffic improvements There is nowhere at present to set down people in Vauxhall. This is particularly an important issue for older and disabled persons The issue about pollution levels from the gyratory and taking the council to court over these was also noted. There is inconsistent treatment of the gyratory in technical reports produced to date What is the alternative to the gyratory, particularly as we still need to keep traffic moving A 30% reduction in traffic is possible if we all reduce unnecessary journeys Why are we not considering grassing over Parry Street (the road between Bondway and Wandsworth Road)? Lambeth Response Lambeth is committed to resolving the gyratory issues. In particularly the transformation of the area to ensure better walking links and public space Lambeth have told TfL that a minimum change to the gyratory is not acceptable, and have jointly funded with TfL work to explore further options. The findings from this work will be reported at a future forum (Action) Lambeth are working with TfL to explore the proposed options to identified preferred options It was noted that part of this work would be to identify which parts of the gyratory are essential for traffic flow, and what parts could be made more pedestrian friendly and suitable for set down points and interchange improvements Improvements to bus services will be essential as part of any future development, along with improvements to Vauxhall station

1. Open space
Issues raised The Friends of Vauxhall Park would like to engage with the working groups on the linear park Lambeth Response Update to be provided at a future FVP event (action) A useable linear park linking with Vauxhall Cross and providing connections to the river and existing communities is a priority Funding for improvements to existing parks will be priority

2. Other interventions:
Issues raised Access to the river Paul Ewing Page 1 Lambeth Response St George are currently building a pier at their site which will ensure river access is 6/19/2011

maximized in the area

Comments about social infrastructure

Issues raised Concerns about green space and social infrastructure The infrastructure funding study assumes that Durning and South Lambeth Libraries will remain open and the current review of libraries in Lambeth will need to pick this up. Where would schools be located in the area Lambeth Response Lambeth has a policy of 40% affordable housing Officers to pick up the libraries issue and feed into the libraries review (Action) The Housing and Social Infrastructure working group will look at how schools could come forward before the development opportunities are built out, and to ensure there are sufficient school places Lambeth is discussing with Wandsworth how existing communities can benefit from the development and this is a key aspect of the work of the Nine Elms Board. Quality of place around Vauxhall, Kennington and surrounding areas will be key issues we will need to be engaging with residents about on an ongoing basis A community endowment fund could be a way to ensure that future developments benefit existing communities

3. Comments on the Northern Line Extension

Issues raised The NLE provides scant benefit to Lambeth, and the developments on the Sainsbury, CLS and Covent Garden sites do not need it Definition of engagement with directly affected residents How can the consultation be considered fair and honest Proposal for construction shafts are to be located in narrow residential streets Residents living under the Northern Line loop feel vibrations from the tube Response Rationale for the extension will form part of the Transport Works Act Order (TWAO) Treasury Holdings have contact details for key contacts in directly affected estates No decisions have been taken on routes, but the preferred route is the result of a technical appraisal, which is part of a much wider appraisal process Any tube extension will be deeper than the existing tube line, and use technology to minimise vibrations.

4. Comments on the VNEB OAPF process

Issues raised GLA has not acknowledged the comments made from the various groups in the area including Kennington Planning Association Concern about the density of the area Lambeth Response Lambeth will be meeting shortly with the GLA and will encourage them to respond to civic amenity groups

Paul Ewing

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5. General comments on the process:

Issues raised Lambeth has a lot to catch up and another community engagement event should be before September Who are the representatives on the Nine Elms Boards and working groups Ongoing communication and updates on developments in the area is important An email discussion list needs to be established to ensure that people are kept up to date Lambeth Response Lambeth will be meeting with Wandsworth to report the outcomes of this forum Lambeth will work with lead organisations on options to create discussion list Paper due to the board on 23 June

6. Branding
Issues raised The branding exercise asked questions that were nave Lambeth Response Lambeth has indicated it will reserve its position on the branding exercise This exercise was led and funded by the private sector partners An update is due at the next Nine Elms Board and this feedback will be provided by officers (Action)

7. Business Engagement
Issues raised What are the business events scheduled on 16 and 17 June Lambeth Response These are to update businesses on the work developing a Business Improvement District in the area. Information to be sent to KOV (Action)

Paul Ewing

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