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The learners understand the importance of good eating habits and behavior.
The learners practice healthful eating habits daily.
Distinguish healthful from less healthful foods (H1N-Ia-b-1)

Unpacked Competencies:
1. Distinguish the consequences of eating less healthful foods.
2. Distinguish healthful and less healthful foods.

I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, 75% of the learners must achieve an 80%
proficiency level.
a. Identify the healthful and less healthful foods.
c. Choose the healthful foods than less healthy foods.
d. Distinguish healthful and less healthful foods.


a. Topic: Healthful and Less Healthful food
b. References:
Reference Learning code: Curriculum Guide H1N-Ia-b-1
MELC HEALTH Q1-W1 pp. 340
Health 1 Quarter 1, Module 1
c. Instructional Materials: Pictures, charts, flash cards
d. Other Learning Resources:
Activity sheets: “Food is fantastic” and “what foods
are healthy” are from Premium account.
Free photos from
Music video from -Bahay Kubo

e. Integration:
MTB-MLE: Talk about pictures presented using appropriate local terminologies
with ease and confidence. (MT1OL-Ic-i-1.2)
Arts: Expresses that colors have names, can be grouped as
primary, secondary, and tertiary. (A1EL-IIb)
Math: Counts the number of objects in a given set by ones
and tens. (M1NS-Ib-2.1)
PE: Engages in fun and enjoyable physical activities with
coordination (PE1PF-Ia-h-2 )

f. Method: Explicit Teaching

g. Technique: Collaborative approach


Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Setting of Standards
What are the things you need to do when a teacher is We will behave.
already in the front? We will listen.
We will participate.
4. Presentation of Learning Targets
5. Drill

I request everybody to stand up.

Today we will start’s our day by singing and dancing the
song entitled “ Bahay Kubo”

Bahay Kubo

Bahay kubo, kahit munti

Ang halaman doon ay sari-sari
Singkamas at talong, sigarilyas at mani
Sitaw, bataw, patani
Kundol, patola, upo’t, kalabasa
At saka meron pang
Labanos, mustasa
Sibuyas, kamatis
Bawang at luya
Sa paligid ligid
Ay maraming linga.

Integration: PE: Engages in fun and enjoyable physical activities with

coordination (PE1PF-Ia-h-2 )

6. Review
Put this in the box if the statement is a result of
eating healthful foods and if the statement is a result of
eating less healthful foods.

1. Tooth decay

2. Strong body

3. Easy to get fever.

4. Dry skin

5. Bright kid.


a. Motivation

I will show you a picture and you are going to name the Cupcake
picture that I will present. Burger
It is healthy, it is yummy

What types of foods are in the first

and second group?
Great, you give all the names of the picture.
The first group foods are the less
From the picture I show to you, which foods you love to healthful foods while the second
eat? and why? group are the healthful foods.

Motive Question
The pictures are separated into two groups. Base on the
group of pictures presented, what question can you make?

What is the possible answer?

Very Good!

b. Presentation of New Lesson

Our lesson for today is all about Healthful and Less

healthful foods.

Now, I will show you another pictures.

The boy is eating fruits, vegetables
A B and he has a healthy body.

The boy is eating fries, juice,

burger, pizza, donut and his body
is fat.

What can you see in picture A?

How about in the picture B?

Integration: MTB-MLE: Talk about pictures presented using

appropriate local terminologies with ease and confidence. (MT1OL-Ic-

Teaching Modelling
1. Explicit Teaching “ I Do”

This Morning we will learn about the two types of foods

Healthy and Less Healthy Foods.

Healthy Foods- a food that is rich in vitamins and nutrients.

It will give us healthy body, energy , healthy skin and make
us more smarter.

 These are the example of Healthy foods that kids like you
should eat.

Different kinds of fruits Different kinds of Vegetables

Meat, chicken, fish and eggs Milk and water

Less Healthy Foods - food that less in nutrients and

vitamins. Eating unhealthy foods could weaken our body.
We can easily get sick and make our body fat.

These are some examples of unhealthy foods that you

should be careful and not often to eat.

Yes teacher.

2. Guided Practice” We Do” There are five foods inside the

healthy foods’ basket.
This time, you are going to the Store. I have here two
baskets label Healthy Foods and Unhealthy foods. There are five foods inside the
You are going to buy foods and put it in the basket they unhealthy foods’ basket.
belong. Afterwards, you will count how many foods in the

Are you excited to buy foods in the store class?

Healthy foods Unhealthy foods

Integration: Math: Counts the number of objects in a given set by ones

and tens. (M1NS-Ib-2.1)

3. Independent Practice “ You Do”

Direction: Put Color yellow to foods that are good for our
body and color red if it is not good for our body.

Class, the yellow and red color we have used are the
primary colors. But Primary Colors (Ps) are composed by
three colors which are Red, Yellow, and Blue.

Integration: Arts: Expresses that colors have names, can be grouped

as primary, secondary, and tertiary. ( A1EL-IIb)

4. Application
This time I will divide the class into 3 groups.

Group1-Slow/Struggling learners:
Put (/) on the picture if you think it is healthy foods and
put (X) if it is unhealthy foods.



____5. The foods that are good for our
body like vegetables, fruits, milk,
Group2- Average learners: fish and ect.
Separate the pictures according to its types of foods.
Less healthy foods are not good
for our body Like eating burger,
ice cream, pizza and etc.
Unhealthy foods Healthy foods
Healthy foods

Because it gives our body

nutrients and vitamins. And makes
Group 3-Fast Learners: our body healthy and strong.
Draw 3 healthy and 2 unhealthy foods.
Because it is not good for our
body. It makes our body weak and
5. Generalization sick.

Check the motive question and hypothesis.

What are the examples of healthy food?

How about unhealthy food?

What do you like to eat? Healthy or less healthy foods?


Why should we not often eat unhealthy foods?

Very good!


Direction: Living things also need healthy food. Cut out the pictures of the food. Distinguish
them by sort it to healthy and unhealthy groups. Glue the healthy foods to the farmer’s plate.

Direction: What Foods are Healthy? Cut out the items that are healthy.
Paste them over the items that do not belong!
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies work well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:

Checked and Reviewed by:


School Head

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