Into The Light

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In the beginning The Energy was moving over the watery deep; and then

God said "Let there be Light"

First is the vibration of sound and then light. The vibration of thought and then
3D manifestation.

There is the importance of Being; meaning to just 'Be'.

Not try to be; not trying to advance the process. Accept that I am not regressing.
That I just am. In the now. I am exactly where I'm meant to 'be'.
Notice; I am co-creator with Creation; I manifest through the Universe. I have a
partner here. What I give out; I get back, and I am not alone.
I do my part; 'It'(my partner - The Universe) does Its part.
Element for these times is 'Faith'.
We are now working with 5D conciousness; that is "Instant Manifestations". So
recognise when moving from the metaphysical state of being into physical state of
being; thoughts can manifest into physical reality very quickly.

Maybe we are being asked to discover things we can change?

See and admire yourself in a different way. A whole different idea of we you are.
Maybe then you will agree with me when I say that you are not who you thought you

Think of our communication as nourishment and consumption; full of nutrients that

are both healing and toxic. What I read and write can help me heal; so I am
thoughtful about what I consume.
The energy of 'Mindfulness' is necessary in healthy communication. Conversation is
a source of nourishment. Mindfulness of speaking and mindfulness of listening are
very important. Awareness of my surroundings and returning to my breath, I notice
if my thoughts are negative or positive; judgemental or compassionate.
Nourishing and healing communication is the food of our relationships. Learn, not
only to communicate correctly with the outside world; learn to communicate with

To stop and communicate with myself is a revolutionary act.

To just stop what I am doing and connect with myself. This is called 'Mindful
Awareness'; knowing what's going on in my body, my feelings, my emotions and my

Scientists have proven that traumatic memories are archived in the body and even
shared with our offspring. Now here me when I tell you that we are all Scientists.
The Scientist that I am; knows of a grid system that will work with me to mine the
Akash so that I can pull upon the wisdom of the ages. I am the old soul I have
Mastery . This is what I choose. I claim Mastery each day so that I might become
known to Earth, that Gaia will keep me here for a long while that I may experience
the calibration and meaning of all fascinations in The Creator I have had in this
lifetime. Let my heart be complete and restored as I ask Spirit to show me all that
I must know. Humanity must work with all things on this planet. In doing so
humanity can change itself as it likes;-) I ask Spirit again to show me that I am
worthy. That I am made in The Highest of Highs by The King of Kings, Heavenly
Father show me how I am made in perfection. Show me DNA that has such Intelligent
Design. I seek to find You; the divine in all<3

Types in 'Solutions Mode' to solve new energy puzzles:

No one of these are less or more important than the others; they are all together.
It is the bias of humanity that singularises one thing at a time because of our
linearity. Spiritual systems that we try fit into normally carry a singular purpose
and will have you looking at rules. It's then up to you to fit into all the rules
you can, obey them the best you can, and the idea is sameness of purpose (sometimes
wear the same thing, act a certain way, meditate at a certain place, prey at a
certain place at a certain hour, bow in that direction) and all do it in the same

Take a look at any complex system on the planet or in the universe, in the galaxy,
you're going to find parts doing different things. In Physics; parts do different
things dedicated to different energies. Look at Chemistry; profoundly the parts are
coming together in order to create other things. Everywhere you look in nature
there are different parts; one supports the other. The very system of life with
oxygen and carbon dioxide is made of all the parts of life that keep us alive. If
suddenly all the parts were made to dress the same and do the same thing; you would
say that's not going to be a workable solution. There is an elegant system right
here about 'Old Souls'. The truth here is that God is inside you. Another truth is
that the energy on the planet is shifting. Another truth, Old Souls (those who've
come and gone many times) carry great wisdom for this time on the planet. Another
truth, Old Souls are waking up to different tasks in order to supply a solution to
the new energy. This is a time for understanding and celebration.

We all have different jobs and the thing that separates us within the whole is your
Akash. The energy of who you were and what you have done creates who you are now,
the energy that you feel and what you are doing about it.
There are different slots which you might recognise yourself in:
Entanglement (new word created by physicists) basically means a shared reality.
They both have the same reality even when one is removed from the other, in
different places. A yod (in Astrology) is an alignment of three things that are
unique which causes those born with that to be pushed and focused in an
unreasonable way. They live and breathe what they think they need to do. This comes
from the Akash. This happens slowly and because you went into realization. That
which was unrealized becomes realized. It goes from the non-existant to the
existant with conscious decision. Once you start the path of examination they will
capture you in a good way; and push you so hard that everything you do is about one
thing. Akashically entangled old souls are pushed to do work (channels, authors,
writers, speakers) and their lives are not normal. All they do is think about why
they are here. Singular, focused, pushed, and beautiful because they get a lot
done. There's a way of thinking that looks at them and says "I should do that". One
of five kinds of purpose; things within a ring (all supportive of each other).
There must be those who have an entangled Akash, in order to push this new energy
forward as they do. One (in Numerology) is 'New Beginnings'. Those pushed by
akashic entanglement are so focused; everywhere they go, everything they do it's a
beginning. They don't end anything; it is never complete, it's always new.

Two is similar; partially entangled Akash. Ones who don't have quite the push but
they still feel as though they do. They are a little more relaxed with it; it's
okay to retire. They feel they have a purpose on the planet. They deal with duality
and they deal with the human body; they are 'The Healers'. They are the ones who
are looking for solutions that will support 'Number One'; who tends to overdo it,
who needs Number Two to heal. They are system workers, they've got it figured out.
They come up with they systems that help humanity. They are focused too. They have
a partially entangled aksh; they can remember they've been 'Healers' before. They
can remember systems they have been working on; they've used before. They are so
sure of it; they want to write about it, they want to teach about it. Layers and
phases. A piece of the whole but specifically it helps Number One. It's a support
group for humanity and Number One. Number One would push themselves without eating
unless they had someone telling them top eat. Number Two would develop what to eat.
There is a beautiful system of helping. The thing that ties all these things
together is synchronicity. We all support one another.

Three is the catalytic number; it moves things. It is catalytic to anything that

comes into contact with it. A catalyst is something that stays the same but
changes anything it comes into contact with. These are the meditaters of the
planet. Their Akash is so comfortable; they can sit and meditate for days, and come
out refreshed. They will sit in one position. They are holding the energy of all
the others together because their consciousness is steady, it's quiet, it's
beautiful, it sets a stage that all the others feel. The ring is such that when
Number One comes to frustration; Number Three is part of him. He feels Number
Three. The meditative side is not part of Number One at all; push, push, go. Number
Three takes it to another level; in a quantum way shares it with One and Two. They
have peace and they relax. They know all is well because they know Three is here
doing their job. Number Three has had lifetimes of being monks; all over the
planet. To sit and just be; there is so much power there. They just sit there and
be. They steady all the other numbers because they absorb them in so many ways.
They are not Anchorors; they are meditators. They create a peaceful counternance
and they're catalytic. Whatever comes their way is more peaceful because of it. One
and Two need Three desperately. But Three also needs One and Two because just
sitting there doesn't accomplish what One will do.

Start to understand the circle; does it make that there would be a system where Old
Souls do different things for this planet to make it work. Not all in one uniform,
not all one gender, not all doctrine or belief system, not bowing a certain way,
not doing the same thing, not singing the same song. Totally and completely, unique
and different, and fitting together like a fine Swiss clock.

Number Four is the Gaia number. Gaia is related to human consciousness. Planet
Earth is connected to you profoundly. Ask the ancestors (the ancients); it's the
first thing they knew. It had to be Gaia. There was no technology; Gaia gave them
their food, in certain ways the weather. The most important thing they had; Gaia.
We lost that. The connection is not as important; but it is. Some of these, Number
Four's, don't even know they are Lightworkers. They just know they are connected,
to the earth. They are passionately connected to the earth; you can't pry them off
a tree when they are hugging it. They need to be part of Gaia all the time.
There are ways for you to pick up energies, to learn things, to move around. It is
dynamic. Not something you itemise and carry around with you like it's forever, it
isn't. You are part of a circle, you move with it. Number Four is also an animal
whisperer; one who can literally speak to that which is the consciousness of
animals or understand them. One who will talk to the plants and actually feel the
plants have something to say. They love the planet.
If you're Number Three and you are contemplating your navel for three days; you're
not really going to understand the gardener who gets up early and plants things,
and just loves it. But if you're in a circle working together and you're
intermingled (maybe even entangled a little) then you're all helping one another;
you all have a piece of your specialty. It's all part of a grand system. The animal
whisperer is whispering for Number One and Two and Three. Number Three might not
hear it or know it, or Two, or One; but it's happening. It needs to be. Human
consciousness is connected in quantum ways, not isolated. You think you have one
soul doing one thing? The confluence of consciousness is what moves things. When
you put them all together it creates things. This is what a quantum system looks
like. Made up of many parts that mix with the other parts. You get help for those
who are meditating if you're not a meditator; they become part of you. The whole is
stronger than the parts because of it. Some humans never move off the peg of the
love of the planet Earth; never realising that it's shared with Number Three and
Number Two. The one who's working on systems is also hugging the tree and Gaia is
felt in all the departments because of Number Four. Peace is felt in Number Four
because of Number Three. Because the one is doing the work and sitting for hours
and hours, still and peaceful, for the rest of them. For the Number One who is
going out and pushing and pushing and pushing; it's to change the planet for the
rest of them. It is beautiful.
Who is the biggest changer on the planet? Not Number One. He or she does their job
that is so focused and pinpointed that it's going to take years to make a
difference; and then only to certain people.
It's Number Five that makes the biggest difference. Number Five has more Old Souls
than any other department. We will call them 'The Anchorors'; they anchor Number
One, Two, Three and Four. What good does it do to hug a tree all your life? Who are
you going to talk to, who are you going to help? The answer is; all the rest of
them because of your relationship to the planet. Do you see how it works? Number
Five is going to anchor Number Four especially Number Three who would float away if
there weren't an anchor, or Number One who wouldn't even stop to smell the roses.
Number Five goes about their life without writing a book, without being on stage,
without doing anything important (as you perceive importance). Not understanding
they are walking like the Masters walked day by day on this planet; and spreading
compassionate action. Compassion; the key word, is that which this planet needs to
change. By your actions, and those who see you, this planet moves. Everyday you go
to work, you have friends, you have family; how do you treat them? How do you act
on the highways, how do you act in the hallway? Is it compassionate? Do you see God
in others? That is an Anchoror; it does more to help this planet than Number One
through Four, any of them together. The Anchoror is the compassion this planet
needs so they can all the others can work. You all need what you all carry. That's
quantum. You don't really understand that but now you know there is a system.
That's why there are so many varied interests not knowing you're doing everything;
you're supporting all the others.
Number Five; what you're doing by simply walking this planet in a compassionate way
is critical. Without this; One through Four won't accomplish anything.
Number One can pound the message home to an uncompassionate earth and it won't
matter at all. Number Two can have systems and healing to an uncompassionate earth
and nobody's going to hear it. Three is going to sit and 'ohm' for years and it
won't do a bit of good to an uncompassionate earth. Number Four can hug all the
trees they want to and be connected with Gaia but unless there's a compassionate
consciousness on the planet nothing will change.

Think about this:

Every action of kindness and compassion you have that is outside of the human
nature you have studied and learned is correct. Everything you do that is
compassionate changes those around you; you're noticed. People notice because
that's not 'the norm'. Instead of watching programs about families that fight (as
if we don't have enough of that in our lives) let's tune in and watch compassionate
things happen. Watch when people are nice to one another and victories happen.
Tears of joy because people love eachother and do things they didn't expect having
the most benevolent outcomes. People don't expect to see compassion; that's why you
stand out. Looking to see the needs of others, comparing them to the needs of
yourself, realizing what to do for the most benevolent outcome and help their
synchronisity. That's 'Mastery', Number Five. This is the way humans work; a system
put together of Old Souls and workers of The Light; where everyone plays their own
specific part, maybe two roles, into a confluence of energy that works this puzzle
in a beautiful golden ring.
This is just the beginning, there's more. But the premise is clear; that everyone
has their nitch depending uponwho they are, how long they've lived, what their
feeling is of that which they're supposed to do. Stop beating yourself up if you
feel pulled in one direction and don't think it measures up to your neighbor who
you think is doing something you think is important. God see us all the same and
how we work the puzzle is seen the same.

The new frontier and getting used to it.

When you move into that which is different from the others; often there are
reactions. Many times these reactions are sorryful; they don't make sense even.
Especially those things that are so important to your life; the way you live, how
you perceive, your very values of what you've been told. When you alter those; even
if you go to something grander and something bigger; even if your life changes and
you heal yourself, even if you are easier to get along with; you will have friends
that will turn their backs. You will have family that will turn their backs because
you've stepped out of what they believe is real.
Getting used to it- If you have seen that which is the difference between colour
and white and black white and you stepped into that and you've discovered something
and you now know that is absolutely real; expect those around you may not. In some
cases there is fear. A fear that when they see a light that never went out that is
fulled with kindness, benevolence, love, understanding; never seen in any religion.
Something fulled with so much non-judgement that they understand they are part of a
much larger whole; when they have broken through what took so many years to go
there; and when they did they were still afraid.

The fear is that all those you love, that love you, that work with you; will turn
their back on you and say they think you've gone crazy, we don't appreciate what
you're doing, we can't be with you. This is what the fear is. How to deal with this
is through love and understanding because every single one of these individuals
will be replaced with other individuals who will love you in a different way, in an
accepting way. Even some individuals who do not necessarily believe what you did
but love you anyway.
But love you anyway. Wouldn't you expect that of your family member; to love you
anyway? It's quite often not the case at all. You've simply gone beyond the bounds.

You never get used to being discarded; but you have the wisdom to step into the
understanding of it all.
You may go back for the holidays and be shunned or made fun of, laughed at and all
of those things. What's your reaction?
Do you get used to it; no! But you can love them in a way that is beyond the way
they can love you.
And it shows them something; that no matter how far they push the envelope of
ridicule or not understanding; you might see their disfunction in it or their anger
in it; no matter what they show you, what you show them back is a grander truth of
something you've learned.

Some don't want to go anywhere near a new truth because you think it's a betrayal
of what you've been told by people you love and love you.

No matter what you've been told about God; they have done the best they can with
what they believe is a beautiful loving God, but they haven't seen it all. They
haven't seen when that door opens there is so much more there than anything they've
been told, any doctrine they've ever known. As beautiful as it is; they cannot
fathom there might be more. So they wave goodbye to you; sometimes not in a
graceful way; and you will see perhaps that which doesn't appear to be love
anymore.The most difficult thing for a human to have. You might even think a
betrayal. You will never get used to it but you will receive the Wisdom of Love in
order to deal with this.

Something is coming where they won't be able to ignore the light some day. Many of
them in your lifetime look at you and say you might have something that sounded odd
back then , doesn't sound that odd today. And you can smile at them knowing the
love you gave to those that rejected you is starting to work. There is more
acceptance than ever before.

Indeed it is a beginning. How does it feel for those who discover a grander truth?
It is not a new religion. It is not something that tears you out of something you
already believe in. It is an enhancement of the concept of The Creator, God,
Spirit, however you see it. Not just an enhancement but a full revelation of what
might be there. Moving into that multidimensional place of your own, your own Soul,
and what it means.
A truth that has always been there; but now has the ability to be revealed. Intent
and Wisdom are often the catalyst for the tools of this revelation. The ones who
are often at the forefront are Old Souls. An Old Soul is one who has been here on
this planet many times. It's like a school where you come and you go and you come
and you go many times and those who have had many experiences and different
expressions on the planet the most are then waking up to a grander truth. They have
been here, they have gone through the elementary steps, and now they understand.
Is it true, do you think, through revelations of time,that what you learn gets to a
place where you graduate? The answer is Yes.
Through past lives, through incarnations, you carry that which is your Akash; what
you knew, what you found out, what you felt about it, what revelations you had,
until you get comfortable here. Then ther's more. There are tools available to
those waking up to the revelation. Some say it is time to impliment the new tools
of the grander truth. Go further; it's time to integrate the new truth.
You've seen enough miracles, even if you did not believe in the esoteric things,
you know what's possible. Now it's time to create those things and reveal those
things to those around you.

The integration has many facets. Consciousness is energy. Consciousness can create
patterns in your life of what you expect you get. Like a menu you order life from.
What you expect, you create. The attitude of expectation and intent of what your
day is going to be like is part of the creation of your day.
Chance happens when there are no attributes around it to change it. If there are
attributes to change it; chance then is biased one way or the other.
The indigenous had ceremony for everything they did. By coming together
specifically with ceremony they had given intent as a group, an alliance with the
planet clicked, and they got what they had asked for. It's time to invite ceremony
back into your lives. Not their ceremony, not a specific ceremony, but yours.
Ceremoney for your life is a signal sent to Spirit, to your biology, but
specifically this alliance with Gaia. Time to have ceremony with you and the earth.
You walk on it and it is a sentient being. It is Mother Earth. A ceremony is at
hand; developed by you, for you; perhaps with others you will decide.
Ceremony is an integration of a new truth; create your own, make it modern if you
wish. But understand what you are doing is an alliance with The Circle of Twelve.
All that is; the structure of the planet, of the Universe, is at your fingertips.
Integration; welcome to a new world.

Come a little closer.

Come a little closer is a statement of invitation and a metaphor of awareness. If
you could to come closer to the veil that you think separates you from reality,
that which is divine. If you could come closer to that; you start to have things
shown to you. You have an awareness perhaps that you've never had before.
You're in a culture where you were born with information being given to you by your
families, by those adults around you, by your peers. It is the perception of how
they feel Earth works. Not just Spiritually but Medically, perceptionally, how to
think, how to act, what to do in certain situations. You learn them from birth. By
the time you are a young adult you have a set before you; a template. That template
is self-made; by your culture, by those around you, by humans, for your culture.
The template is often repeated so that the template becomes that which you are.
Some take the template away. When you do; you start asking the questions. Could it
be, with the new frontier, that the veil is lifting?
The veil has always represented that which is beyond what you know and especially
What if in this time of new consciousness of awareness the veil is allowed to get
thinner? What is you could glimpse a truer more accurate God perception; because
the attributes of The Creative Source filters into the field, into humanity.
Consciousness is increasing in vibration. Consciousness increase is thinking more
like The Creative Source. What if there is a grander truth and it's time for it to
be revealed? What if you discover that there is no veil? That would mean you are
part of that which is the other side of the veil. The invitation then is not to go
beyond that. The invitation is to realise that so it becomes self-realisation.
Awareness, a perception that everything is connected in grandness that you are
included in; instead of a sepatate thing, a separate entity. That is the bigger
Going to the unknown from the known; there is that bridge. Go to the middle of that
bridge. There are those who wish to see beyond the mist that often is there; and
those who are not sure will see a mist. Can you see beyond your own reality. Are
you willing to see things you didn't know exist? Are you afraid of what you don't
know? What have you been told?
Across the bridge, let's go.
You go into an energy that for some is frightening because you haven't been there
before. For some you've waited all week to go because that's where you want to go.
The more you go to this place the more you realise it's a safe place because it's
the essence of you. It's not new. You have crossed the bridge to an ancient part of
you and in there is everything. There is creation, there is past lives, there's who
you were and who you'll potentially be. Where ther is no beginning and there is no
end; all things seem to be in a circle of twelve. Understanding benevolence,
compassion, no judgement is there. This circle is a toroid. Study the attributes of
a toroid. That attribute of the toroid will someday give you some of the energy
that you're missing today. It will tell how connected you are to all things, that
God is love and benevolence and represents nature and is not judging God. That you
are part of everything. They wont refer to it as God; they will call it Spirit
meaning consciousness and you are in it.

Those who have awakened to a bigger truth in these last years have an attribute
where they look at themselves and who they were a few years ago and they shake
their heads; they say who was that , did I really say that? Did I really do that?
There is that attribute of disbelief, of who you used to be.
We have changed our own human nature; now our nature is far more understanding,
benevolent, and kind. You are no longer a complainer, you watch what you are
saying. You start to bring abundance into your life because it's attracted to your

Love, Wisdom, and Guidence.

What is channeling really about? Odd, mysterious, even occult to some. Others
recognise it for what it is; for it has been happening for eons on this planet, in
so many different ways. Sometimes it is intuitive, from the shaman. A shaman will
intuit things and messages, go places and teach. Will understand the ancestors, be
in touch with them even. It's all channelled. But when a human seems to give a
message from the other side of the veil that's dripping with love and honour; and
all that becomes odd and suspect somehow because it doesn't come from what you
would call an authorized source.
Authorized Source- Some are in our western culture, some of them are in our eastern
culture. When you have a normal individual who is struck by the love of God. They
or the angels around them will suddenly receive messages and start writing them
down as soon as they can. Some are in jail cells while they do it, some are not.
But the words are so profound; they eventually become Holy Scripture.
It is authorized today but at the time it was not. What truly is 'being
The messages you are receiving are for you and from this angelic source that wants
so much for you to know who you truly are.
There is a system called the Akash. It is an energy system of balance. There are
those that think the Akash represents your humanness within the Soul that would
guide you through many lifetimes on the planet. This system is intuitive and is
related to Self-Worth.
Old Soul; you have lived on this planet before and experienced some of the most
amazing things, horrific things, sad and happy.
Imagine living lifetime, after lifetime, after lifetime in troubled times. This
planet has literally slogged through dark energy for eons. With free choice we
chose not to awaken. To war after war. To be in a dark energy that lasts and lasts
and doesn't seem to get any better.
Every single time you are on the planet; it's like a school. What you learn is
about yourself, human nature, what works, what doesn't. But the more times you've
been here, the more enlightened you become about the school. Even if it's not
present in your consciousness your innate knows it, your pineal knows it; you've
been here before. Not only does your sense of knowingness grow; so does your
awareness of The Creator.
Even though the planet may be in shambels regarding maturity of consciousness. Even
though it can be the lowest energy you can imagine; at some level there is a spark
in you that remembers. Every single lifetime is a layer, Old Soul; a layer that
leads to that which you finally seem to grasp- You are not alone. There is a
Creative Source, there's Love in the universe. More than that; there are things you
can do to create healing. Change your reality. Prayer starts to come to mind in
many different ways. Meditation is a form of prayer. Being quiet and saying nothing
is a form of prayer. Simply sit and be loved is a form of prayer. You have the
acknowledgement of pulling on an outside source.

The Earth is your parent, your biological parent. You have come directly fromthe
dirt; and all things that evolved through the ages have brought you who you are.
The cellular structure that you are, that you are so fond of. came from the earth.
Billions of years to produce this which is now the vessel that we live in . At some
point in time when it was correct and not that long ago, humanity received the
spark of Spirit.
So now we carry two parts; the biological from the dirt of the Earth and the
spiritual part from the stars. They are meant to go together. Even the spiritual
part; comes from the Creator who created that which is the parent part, the dirt
part. So the alignment asked for is one that is consciousness with the dirt. A
partnership that will not only give you peace, it gives you health.

The diseases that we carry, no matter what we call them; is imbalance.

It's not necessarily something you catch from one human to another; it's something
that catches itself, through imbalance. Cancer is imbalance. It's almost like there
are essences that look for imbalance and then attach themselves to imbalance. It
comes from one of two areas; either consciousness unbalance or chemistry unbalance.
And both are solvable.

Carl Young~ Who looks outside dreams; Who looks inside awakens.

Practice any art, music, singing,

dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage,
no matter how well
or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what’s
inside you, to
make your soul grow.

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