Quiz 1

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Misr University for Science and Technology Examiners: Dr.

Mohammed Marey
College of Information Technology

Subject: Introduction to Robotics (AI 231) Academic year: 2021-2022

Exam: (Midterm )20/3/2022 Duration: 90 Minutes
Year: (1st term) 2nd year undergraduate Total Grade: 10 Marks
Answer the following questions

Question 1:

A. True or false
1- Arduino is so fast it can blink a pin on and off 10000 times per second. ( )
2- A robot must protect its own existence ( )
3- Servomotors a rotating motor in a small step and not continuous ( )
4- A robotic manipulator is a kinematic chain which mean that it is an ( )
assembly of pairs of rigid bodies that can move respect to one another via a
mechanical constraint
5- A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human ( )
being to come to harm.
6- A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings ( )
7- Arduino uses PWM to simulate the output of an analog signal. ( )
8- If the duty cycle value = 127 then the PWM is always ON ( )
Question 2:

B. Associate a suitable terminology with the appropriate sentences

Serial Monitor, Intelligent Robot, Static Stability, End effectors, Stable Configurations Condition,
Dynamic Stability, Numerical Control Robot, PWM, Playback Robot, Variable-Sequence Robot,
Sensor, Stepper motor, Manipulator, Actuator
1- …………….. is a device that performs the successive stages of a task according to a
predetermined method easy to modify
2- …………….. needs a human operator to perform the task manually to teach the robot.
3- …………….. needs a movement program by the operator
4- …………….. Is a robot with the means to understand its environment and the ability to
successfully complete a task despite changes to the environment
5- …………….. is used to collect information about the internal state of the robot or to
communicate with the outside environment.
6- …………….. opens a window that displays any transmitted serial information and it is very
useful for debugging.
7- …………….. is the projection of the center of mass must fall within the support polygon
8- …………….. can balance without being active
9- …………….. needs active control to keep the robot upright when moving
10- …………….. is the part that is connected to the last joint (hand) of a manipulator
11- …………….. is the main body of the robot and consists of links, the joints and other
structural elements.
12- …………….. is the "muscles" of the manipulator that moves or creates mechanical action

Question 3:

A. What are the benefits of using the manipulator robots?

B. Define each of the following

a. Revolute and prismatic joints
b. Actuators
c. Instantaneous center of curvature
d. Robot kinematics

C. A point 𝑝(7,3,1)𝑇 is attached to the frame 𝐹𝑛𝑜𝑎 , it’s subjected to the following
transformations, find its position relative to the reference frame.
a. rotate 90𝑜 degrees about the z-axis
b. then rotate 90𝑜 degrees about the y-axis
c. then translates (4, -3, 7) along x, y, and z axes

Question 4:

A. Write the Sketch for Arduino that will simulate the traffic sign with 3 LEDs red, green,
and yellow, such that it repeatedly do the following. First turn on red LED and turn off
the other two LEDs for 50 seconds, then turn on green LED and turn off the other two
LEDs for 20 seconds, then turn on yellow LED and turn off the other two LEDs for 5

B. Explain how duty cycle and pulse width modulation (PWM) is used to control the speed
of the motor?

C. In resistor color code, explain how to use the 1st digit, 2nd digit, 3rd digit, multiplier and
tolerance to determine the value of the in 4-band code and the 5-band code resistors?

Good Luck
Dr. Mohammed Marey,

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