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Scene 1:
Move the plant a little. Smaller plant?
The attack is holding hands. You’re supposed to go for his neck.
Good timing on entrance, Alina
Three quarters
Nice job with the lines!
You’re not hiding something Are you is a question
No scripts on stage
Nice recovery when you stumble over words
Alina, beautiful job. Looks really good and I love the animation in your expression. A good foil
for Manny’s more sedate personality
Don’t lose the One other way that’s going to happen. Should be more obvious. You are actually
trying to feed her the idea while also having it in order. Consider this, she won’t suspect you of
trying to kill her if she thinks it would be a good plan for getting her book published. In fact,
that’s exactly what she does.
Liz, you can wait longer. Wait an awkward amount of time.
Love the tiny footsteps as you run.

Scene 1 and 2:
You need to see her be dead first, then scream. You screamed before you even saw her. You see
her. Payuse. Then, scream. Like your brain is processing what it is looking at.
I forgot to look at the attack. Sorry.
Good smooth exit, Marian
Hug the juice at delightful and expensive present
Be more obvious even in looking at the audience with the purpose of the signing of the contract
Pause between spectacular and actually
Nice staccato on every moment with the handclap
You said the line wrong again, but the hint on it was batter
Love it. Beautifully awkward. Creep even more slowly. instead of stepping. . .slide your feet.

Barn. . .looks like your bopping to your own music. Awesome

The rest look like they are actually talking
We should hear some whispery sounds
What image will your tableau start as and end as.
All other pairs are SILENT while the lit could is talking.
Three quarters
Oh for 32 cats is more disgusted
Make the title stand out and be more important
More adoration from Deana. More arrogance from Anna.

Say the bad actress lines VERY clearly so it isn’t missed or confused as an accident
GREAT counting.
Turn off sound on phones during break
Great delivery on suspicious. When you go back to am your biggest fan, be innocent again
Are you planning on Miss D being murdered. . .should be more this is ridiculous
When uncertain about lines, see how it throws off both parties. A play performance is like a
conversation. Think what logically would follow what the other person said. It;s usually a clue.
Everyone, Miss D is here. . . You are soooooo excited!
Great applause and your expression is so cute.
Everyone, think about how your character would hold their body.
Wow, the walk across stage was very odd, Anna. Turned in an L???
I love badly you say recollection. Don’t change it. It’s very affected.
The innocent pride at When I finished it is hilarious
Don’t look where line is coming from.
Why are you straddling the chair. . .couldn’t sell a book without me
I quite like you standing with your hands behind your back, Barnabas. It’s very dignified.
We need a jacket with patches on the elbows for you—like a college professor
The gesture for length is very funny!
The laughing before you call is good. Make the facial shift from humoring her to serious when
the “voice” picks up from the other side.
The look at the phone for dead is good. Keep it.
When you say Miss Farnsworth they said no. . .say it like she’s a small stupid child.
Your back was to us on exit, Barn
How are you dismissing him? Turn to wait for her, Barn. It makes sense. Then she can make a
hateful face and shoo you off
Love the vehemence of No on the are you okay.
Late entrance? Ah. . .it was an missed cue instead. Pause before you come out Marian. Let her
get a bit stressed over the dead body. . .then she can be more frantic.
Do weird things to try and revive it. Pat her hand. Pat her feet. Shake her shoulder. Push on her
stomach. . .
I’m torn on the apologizing to the dead body as you drag her away. It is kind of funny.
Love the pride of “Yes, Ma’am” right down to a kiddie shoulder turn
Better finger on lips.
Try a few positions to decide on the right one for lying dead

Scene 2 and 3:
“I need to channel my inner Alina.”
Suzanne, your expression should match what your character would be saying.
Love the spiteful, Dear

Stress the “me” dating me

Slower on “that disorder of yours”
Like the squee
More disgusted for Oh. That was a little too sorry. . .not
Title. . .add a hand gesture?
Three quarters is upper body too, not just feet
I’m thinking hair up, Anna. I’ll show you a picture of the actress I am imagining.
Look around before I am the only reporter here
Entire career is said with venom. Nice.
Longer whisper? Seems a little short. Add gestures that do not fit to what she actually does
Everyone is getting quieter and quieter. I am hard of hearing. Be kind and be louder.
Lovely awkward face holding. Alina’s expression fits.
I think everyone should stand for her announcement. Thoughts?
I love that when I was four is about a third-way into the book.
Deanna. . .sit near Anna. . . you Luuuuuv her
Name LOL I did not know where you were going with that. LOLOL
Nice stress on huge hit
Say you clearly said no on the way over.
It would work better if Deana was over there.
Looked like a kicked puppy.
Funny the deal with body. Push tummy sooner. It’s her cue to come in.
Love I have no idea.
What in heaven’s name are “incriminating places?” LOL
Like the Not that hard through gritted teeth

Good gasp and now we’ve got a story

aren’t you on the wrong side, Suzanne? Stefan is supposed to move you.
Nice delivery on practicing/non-practicing don’t want to do that.


Like the looking for people to watch obviously.

Remember, everyone buys the maid/ doctor thing
Group gasps need work
More time after said calm down.

Alina: stylish trousers, blouse, colorful blouse, skewed top knot

Suzanne: suit/business attire, dress shoes, low heel

Barnabas: button down shirt, nice jeans or khakis, tweed jacket with pockets
Anna: fancy gown a little out of date, updo, pearls
Vivian: gown, more modern
Mannie: suit
Stefan: trench coat, dress slacks, button down shirt (with glass, well put together...w/o glass,
disheveled, buttoned wrong, shirt tail out
Deanna: dress, pixie color, young-looking, flats, ankle socks, front of hair up
Marian: apron, utilitarian dress, sneakers
Elizabeth: black leggings, black shirt, caftan?

Light on Mannie briefly holding cell, then off suddenly

The no after now do you know who I am is funnier with the mask
Hands on knees as you go down is good.
Look at body and back did you poison her funny
Wait a few minutes, maybe argue and noises as you stash her in the closet
Alina looks comfy dead. Slight variations in going back to. Maybe people look for a second to be
Vivian die with ankles more comfortable.
The chair barriers will make Brody happy.
More for what on Earth. Lol
Marian check for signs of life in weird places. Elbows, knees, etc.
The three syllable no...Mannie
The distress for detective … whiney and childish is great
The build-up of the accusation to Marian is very good.
Give more time for them not to act. It'll work when you know what you're saying next.
Nice faint. Like the hair toss
Why are you still alive, hilarious just enough disgust and annoyance

"How to be dead. Step 1. Die."

"Ready?" *looks around* "Oh, I'm not supposed to be here." *runs away*

Added the giggle back in to Alina murdered

The confidence you exude as detective is good

Love your you've poisoned me reaction

When Vivian is talking to Alina, pick up hand, then drop it...thunk
"Don't give her your hand. You're dead."
React after love. You did it too soon, maybe cover mouth in a not cute way
More obvious death, all you did was clear your throat

Like Alina picking up the glass. Makes sense.

Good surprise on why me, Marian
Yeah...the checking is funny. Do not look at the inside of her knee.
Don't glue your feet, Anna. You need to relax.
Mannie, you need to react more to the handcuffs.
Marian moves back away after "I have a disorder"

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