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Local Buckling and Failure of

L. C. Bank
Associate Professor.
Pultruded Fiber-Reinforced Plastic
M. Nadipelli
Graduate Student. An experimental investigation of the local compression flange buckling and failure
of commercially produced pultruded fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) I-shaped beams
is described in this paper. Results of tests on pultruded E-glass/polyester and E-
T. R. Gentry glass/vinytester composite material beams are described. The test configuration was
Assistant Professor. designed to cause local buckling and ultimate failure of the compression flange of
the beams and to prevent global lateral-torsional buckling. The beams were stiffened
Department of Civil Engineering, to prevent crippling and warping at the supports, and local tensile failure at the
The Catholic University of America, load points. All beams were monitored with strain gages and LVDT's. Buckling
Washington, DC 20064 loads, failure loads, buckling stresses, deflections, and failure modes are reported.
Effective mechanical properties of the beams, obtained from overall flexural and
shear strain data, are presented. A discussion of the different failure characteristics
of the polyester and the vinylester beams is provided.

The pultrusion process (Strong, 1989) is becoming a popular (2) Buckling of pultruded columns (Barbero and Raftoy-
manufacturing technique for producing relatively low-cost iannis, 1991; Scott et al., 1992; Yoon et al., 1993).
composite material structural members. The pultrusion process (3) Local buckling of pultruded beams (Barbero and Fu,
is ideally suited for the production of long, slender constant 1991).
cross-section "beam-like" sections. In the last few years, there (4) Lateral-torsional buckling of pultruded beams (Mot-
has been a heightened interest in the use of composite materials tram, 1992).
in the construction industry (Bank, 1993). Pultruded structural (5) Failure and fatigue analysis of pultruded beams (Mot-
sections for use in the construction industry have been devel- tram, 1991; Sotiropolis et al., 1993).
oped by individual manufacturers and are not standardized (6) Performance of pultruded frames (Bank and Mosallam,
(i.e., as per ASTM) as are most other construction materials 1991, 1992; Mosallam and Bank, 1992).
and products. They are typically reinforced with E-glass rav- (7) Performance of connections for pultruded structures
ings and continuous strand mats and have a fiber weight frac- (Banket al., 1992).
tion of about 40 to 50 percent depending on the part. Isophthalic The work reported in this paper forms part of an ongoing
Polyester and Vinylester thermosetting resins and inorganic study into the performance of pultruded structural systems.
fillers (20 to 30 percent by weight of the resin) are the most In a previous study (Mosallam and Bank, 1992) of the behavior
commonly used matrix systems. Design guides for use of pul- of a pultruded portal frame it was shown, both experimentally
truded sections are provided by manufacturers such as Creative and analytically, that serviceability and ultimate failure of a
Pultrusions (1988) and MMFG (1989). pultruded frame was dominated by performance of the beam-
With the increased interest in pultruded composite materials to-column connections, local buckling, and eventual failure of
for construction applications, a number of researchers have the compression flange of the beam. This paper describes a
begun to study and to document the analysis and design meth- detailed experimental investigation of the local buckling of
odologies for pultruded structural sections and structural sys- pultruded beams. The study was conducted to provide exper-
tems. Part of the motivation for this work has been to obtain imental data to be used to develop rational recommendations
independent experimental data that can be used to evaluate for the design of pultruded beams.
the manufacturer's design procedures and also to lay the foun-
dation for a comprehensive set of structural specifications for Test Configuration and Instrumentation
pultruded structures. Recent research on commercially pro-
duced pultruded structural shapes has included: Due to the low strengths and stiffnesses in the transverse
(1) Characterization of the mechanical properties of pul- and shear directions of the pultruded materials used in this
truded structural sections (Bank, 1989). study (see Table 1 for typical properties) pultruded beams have
a tendency to fail in local transverse tensile or compressive
Contributed by the Materials Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF
modes. Consequently, great care was taken to design a test
ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received by the Mate- fixture that caused failure in the compression flange of the
rials Division August 11, 1993. Associate Technical Editor: V. K. Stokes. beam and not at the supports or load points (Bank et al.,

Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology APRIL 1994, Vol. 116/233

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Table 1 Material properties of pultruded beams Tabl e 2 Test data

Property j Polyester | Vinylester Beam P, Pmu oraaI
kN kN kN-mm mm (in) mm (in) /istrain MPa
Data from Creative Pultrusions Design Guide (coupon tests) (kips) (kips) (kip-in) (ksi)
Longitudinal Tensile Strength MPa (ksi) 207(30) 259 (37.5) V8A 80.39 92.89 30629 35390 NA NA NA 75.39
207 (30) 259(37.5) (18.08) (20.88) (271) (313) (10.93)
Longitudinal Compressive Strength MPa (ksi)
Transverse Tensile Strength MPa (ksi) 48(7) 69(10) VBB 89.25 96.68 34004 36834 NA NA -3017 83.69
(20.07) (21.74) (293) (326) (12.14)
Transverse Compressive Strength MPa (ksi) 103(15) • 138 (20)
V81 86.89 101.95 33104 38842 27.0 35.0 -2959 81.48
Longitudinal Shear Strength MPa (ksi) 38 (5.5) 48(7) (19.53) (22.92) (293) (344) (1.06) (1.38) (11.82)
Longitudinal Tensile Modulus GPa (Msi) 17 (2.5) 21 (3.0) V82 87.12 92.88 33193 35386 31.2 32.0 -2995 81.69
(19.59) (20.88) (293) (313) (1.23) (1.26) (11.85)
Longitudinal Compressive Modulus GPa (Msi) 17 (2.5) 17 (2.5)
V83 87.95 100.12 33509 38140 32.1 38.9 -3076 82.47
Transverse Tensile Modulus GPa (Msi) • 6 (0.8) 7 (1.0) (19.77) (297) (338) (11.96)
(22.51) (1.26) (1.53)
Transverse Compressive Modulus GPa (Msi) 7 (1.0) 8(1.2) P81 88.09 95.75 33562 36481 31.0 37.9 -3307 82.61
Data from current investigation (full-scale test) (19.06) (21.53) (297) (322) (1.22) (1.49) (11.98)

Longitudinal Modulus GPa (Msi) 25.5 (3.70) 26.4 (3.83) P82 89.55 96.43 34119 36740 34.7 38.0 -3406 83.98
(20.13) (21.68) (301) (325) (1,37) (1.50) (12.18)
Shear Modulus GPa (Msi) 3.56 (0.52) 4.33 (0.63)

though local buckling of the compressive flange was achieved

in all beam tests, the ultimate failure of three of the beams
n (V8A, V8B and V81) did not occur due to failure of the

^m a R-2

a R-1
6 compression flange but rather due to local web failures. These
web failures occurred prior to adhesively bonding tubular stif-
fened and bearing plates at the supports and shear tabs at the
load points (see Section B-B in Fig. 1). Beam V8A failed due
8x4x1/2 pultfuded - \i to local web compression (crippling) at the support caused by
plats reinforces web
ofFRPbeam. Steel
angles bolt through
the absence of the bearing plate. Beam V8B failed due to local
transverse tension failure at the load points (also called "block
| 2'-6-|76?m shear") caused by the absence of the shear tabs. Beam V81
failed due to transverse buckling of the web at the support due
to the absence of the tubular stiffeners. (For further details
on the web failure modes and the development of the supports
see Bank et al. 1993). In all cases the web failures were cat-
astrophic in nature.
Six strain gages (Micro Measurements CEA-250-UW-06-120)
were placed at the beam centerline to measure longitudinal
strains, and two shear rosettes (Micro Measurements CEA-
250-UR-06-120) were placed on the beam web to measure shear
strains at the beam neutral axis, as shown in Fig. 1. Five
- 8x8x1/2 pultruded plate. LVDT's were used to measure vertical displacement. Load was
LVOTs Strain gages. measured with a tension load cell placed in series with a man-
SECTION A-A; At beam midspar. SECTION B-B: At beam support ually operated hydraulic ram. Data acquisition was via a Hew-
Fig. 1 Schematic of test setup showing instrumentation lett Packard HP3852A and a 386 personal computer equipped
with a National Instruments AT-GPIB board.
1993). In addition, care was taken to prevent failure due to
lateral-torsional instability. Mottram (1992) has shown that Test Results
typical pultruded beam sections are more likely than conven- Table 2 shows the total load at buckling (Pb), the ultimate
tional isotropic steel beam sections to fail due to lateral-tor- load at failure (Pmax), the bending moment at buckling (Mb),
sional instability. He also showed the extreme sensitivity that the ultimate bending moment at failure (Mmax), the midpoint
pultruded beams have to the location of concentrated loads deflection (L-3) at buckling (6*), the midpoint deflection (L-
applied to the cross-section (i.e., top flange, shear center, bot- 3) at ultimate load (8max), the strain (S-2) at buckling (eb), and
tom flange) and to boundary conditions at the supports (i.e., the stress at buckling (ob). The buckling stress was determined
warping restraint). from the mechanics of materials flexure formula for a beam,
Tests were performed on E-glass/vinylester and E-glass/ Mhc
polyester wide-flange I-beam section of the 203 x 203 X 9.5 mm °b = - (1)
series (where the numbers refer to the beam height (d), the
beam flange width (b/), and the wall thickness (t = t/ = tw)) For the 203 X 203 x 9.5 mm section, 7=4.13 x 107 mm4 (99.18
manufactured by Creative Pultrusions, Inc. The beams were in4) and c=ymax = 101.6 mm (4 in).
tested on a 2743 mm (9 ft) span and loaded symmetrically at The buckling loads were determined from inspection of the
two points, each 610 mm (2 ft) from the center line as shown strain and deflection data for the beams. Typical load versus
in Fig. 1. The 1219 mm (4 ft) interior span between the load compressive axial strain data are shown for beam V82 in Fig.
points was chosen based on prior experimental data and the- 2. Strain data is shown for two back-to-back gages on the
oretical analyses that indicated that the buckled half wave compression flange. Buckling of the flange is clearly seen from
length for a 203 x 203 x 9.5 mm vinylester section was in the the strain data. The difference between the strain data (S-5-
300 to 400 mm (11.8 to 15.6 in.) range and would therefore S-6) provides a convenient way of "identifying" the buckling
provide sufficient half-waves for measurement purposes. Loads load. As can be seen from Fig. 2 the buckling load has been
were applied to the beam in the tension zone of the web of estimated as the point at which a sudden and dramatic change
the section as shown in Fig. 1. of slope of the strain data occurs. However, from the difference
A total of seven beams with the same nominal sizes were plot it can be seen that there is a gradual change in slope prior
tested in this configuration; five vinylester beams (V8A, V8B, to this dramatic change of slope indicating the onset of insta-
V81, V82, V83) and two polyester beams (P81 and P82). Al- bility due to local material imperfections. Typical load versus

234 / V o l . 116, APRIL 1994 Transactions of the ASME

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I ~~-_ ••


.,.~, 8uckhng
.- ....


- - - 55
~,. _

---D-- 56

20 -.-5-5-56 ,~

-4000 -3500 -3000 -2500 -2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0


Fig. 2 Load versus axial strain for beam V82

Fig. 5 Close· up of failure of beam V83




40 -l-2


o '-"-----~----_.-- ~ ___l

o 10 20 30 40 50
Top Flange Displacement (mm)

Fig. 3 Load versus transverse displacement for beam V81

Fig. 6 Close·up of failure of beam P82






-3,000 -2,000 -1,000 1,000 2,000 3,000 4.000

Fig. 4 Local buckling of beam P82 MicroStrain

Fig. 7 Flexural strains for beam V81

deflection data are shown in Fig. 3 for beam V81. Once again
the onset of local buckling in the flanges can be clearly seen
from the sudden change in flange displacements. A photograph From axial and shear strain data obtained during the testing,
of typical local buckling deformations is shown for beam P82 stiffness properties of the material used in the pultruded beams
in Fig. 4. From the photograph it can be seen that more than can be calculated. The effective longitudinal modulus of a
three (but less than four) buckle half-waves fall into the con- beam can be obtained from the moment versus curvature re-
stant moment region. lation as follows,
The beams were loaded to failure. As described previously,
beams V8A, V8B, and V81 failed due to web failures. The M
remaining beams failed in the desired manner in the compres- EL = - (2)
sion flange. The ultimate failure mechanism of the vinylester
beams was markedly different from that of the polyester beams. where the curvature K is defined as,
The vinylester beams (V82 and V83) failed due to local failure Eave IE + I + I E - I
at the junction between the web and the flange in the buckled K=-= (3)
C 2c
region. Failure occurred due to a longitudinal crack that prop-
agated along the length of the beam at the web-flange interface. and IE + I and IE - I are absolute values of strain obtained from
A close-up photograph of ultimate failure mode of beam V83 gages S-l and S-2, respectively. Axial (flexural) strains and
is shown in Fig. 5. The flange has separated from the web but their numerical (absolute) average are shown in Fig. 7 for beam
has remained intact (i.e., has not failed due to axial compres- V81. From these data the slope of the average strain versus
sion) and has buckled as a thin unsupported plate. The po- the load (and hence the moment) was obtained and used to
lyester beams on the other hand, failed due to axial compression calculate the longitudinal modulus. As can be seen the tensile
of the compression flange (compressive failure of the material) and the compressive strains are very close in absolute value in
as can be seen in Fig. 6 for beam P82. the elastic range and hence the assumption that the longitudinal

Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology APRIL 1994, Vol. 116/235

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Discussion and Conclusions
n-rj Buckling Qjm

From the numerical data presented in Tables 1 and 2 the

f >.'•*'
mean and standard deviation for the buckling stress and buck-
; ling strain of the five vinylester beams is found to be,
30 I
,""" crfe = 80.94±3.22 MPa (11.74±0.47 ksi) and eb= -3012±49
; .*•*
/^strain, respectively. Similarly, the average buckling stress and
20 . r FRP V8-2
buckling strain for the two polyester beams is found to be
-76 = 83.26 MPa (12.08 ksi) and e-,= -3357 /^strain, respec-
! _,» D R-2 tively. In the vinylester beams the buckling loads were re-
n F
i ,-r- markably consistent and repeatable. Since only two polyester
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 beams have been tested at this time, one can only speculate
Shear Strain (rad x 10*6) on the consistency of the data from these beams; however, it
Fig. 8 Shear force versus shear strain for beam V82 is likely that the trend seen for the vinylester beams would be
repeated for the polyester beams.
It is interesting to note that the value of the buckling stress
obtained from the polyester beams is very close to that of the
vinylester beams (within one standard deviation of the vinyles-
ter beams) and would seem to be the same for design purposes.
However, the strain at buckling in the polyester beams is higher
than that of the vinylester beams indicating a higher stiffness
of the vinylester beams. This is born out in the longitudinal
modulus data shown for the two materials in Table 1. The
fact that both beams buckle at the same stress, and the fact
that the vinylester beam does not fail due to compressive failure
of the material seems to indicate that both the buckling stress
and the ultimate failure load of the vinylester beams are ad-
versely affected by the low torsional stiffness and the low
-4500 -4000 -3500 -3000 -2500 -2000 -1500 -1000 -500
strength of the web/flange junction. On the other hand, results
indicate that the polyester beams are performing close to op-
Fig. 9 Axial strain for repeated loading of beam V82
timal fashion relative to their material and structural prop-
moduli in tension and compression are equal is valid. Values The average value of the buckling stress and the buckling
of the calculated longitudinal moduli for vinylester and po- strain obtained from the tests is comparable with data obtained
lyester materials are given in Table 1. From strain data obtained from a full-scale test of a frame (Mosallam and Bank, 1992).
from the shear rosette (R-l) in the web of the beam, a shear The failure mode in the frame test was also seen to be due to
modulus can be calculated from beam theory as, failure of the web/flange junction. Both the value of the buck-
ling stress in the full frame test and the mode of failure have
VQ been verified by the tests reported in this work. From Table
(4) 1 it is seen that the longitudinal modulus obtained from the
G= - f experiments is somewhat higher than that reported by the man-
where the shear force V= P/2, 7QItis the first moment of area ufacturer. This is to be expected since data from the manu-
of the section taken at the neutral axis, t is the wall thickness, facturer is intended for design and applies to many different
and 7 is the engineering shear strain reported by the shear cross-sections that may have different fiber architectures. Con-
rosette. For the 203 X 203 x 9.5 mm section, Q = 2.28 x 105 mm3 sequently, the manufacturer's data is often somewhat con-
(13.9 in3) and t = 9.S mm (0.375 in). Shear force versus shear servative. Unfortunately, the value of the shear modulus is not
strain is shown in Fig. 8 for beam V82. As can be seen from given by the manufacturer. However, the data can be compared
the plot the shear strain data is nonlinear and the beam becomes with that reported by Bank (1990) that was obtained from
more flexible in shear as load increases (in the "elastic" range). coupon tests using the losipescu fixture (Walrath and Adams,
For the purpose of this analysis the secant shear modulus taken 1983). In that work, the value reported for the shear modulus
at the buckling load is given in Table 1. The shear strain in for vinylester beams was G = 2.48 ±0.23 GPa (0.36 ±0.03 Msi)
the constant moment region (R-2) is negligible relative to that and that for polyester beams was G = 2.03±0.19 GPa
in the shear span (R-l). This serves to confirm the existence (0.30±0.03 Msi). It can be seen that the coupon values are
of a state of pure bending in the constant moment region as significantly lower than those obtained from data obtained in
is required for a test of this type. The shear strain (R-2) does this investigation. Nevertheless, the data do agree with that
however, it does increase slightly with increasing load, indi- obtained previously by Bank and Mosallam (1992) from the
cating a possible small difference in tensile and compressive frame test and given as G = 3.72 GPa (0.54 Msi). At this time
axial moduli or an axial effect related to the large transverse it is believed that the data from the full-scale test is more reliable
deflection. and that the losipescu data is probably questionable due to
In order to investigate the effect of repeated loads on pul- difficulties associated with testing of pultruded materials with
truded beams, one beam (V82) was loaded until it buckled, the losipescu fixture (see Bank, 1990). In addition, the data
unloaded, and then reloaded to failure. The data shown in seem to agree with the value of G = 4.37 GPa (0.63 Msi) re-
Table 2 for this beam are given for buckling in the first loading ported by Barbero and Fu (1991).
cycle and failure in the second cycle. The load versus strain Additional load carried by the beams in the post-buckled
data for the two cycles are shown in Fig. 9. The deterioration regime is seen to be less than 10 percent of the buckling load
in the response of the beam in the second loading cycle is (Table 2). It had been speculated previously (Mosallam and
dramatic. The onset of buckling in the second cycle is at a Bank, 1992) that the post-buckling capacity of pultruded beams
lower load than in the first cycle. From these data it is clear would prove to be significant and could be utilized in design.
that significant damage has accumulated in the beam in a single This speculation is not supported by the current test data. In
excursion into the post-buckled regime. light of this fact and the deteriorated performance shown in

2 3 6 / V o l . 116, APRIL 1994 Transactions of the AS ME

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the repeated load test, such a design philosophy is not rec- of Plastics and Plastic Composites: Materials and Mechanics Issues, ASME
ommended. Winter Annual Meeting, Nov. 28-Dec. 3, New Orleans, LA, ASME MD-Vol.
46, pp. 499-519.
Barbero, E., and Fu, S-H., 1991, "Local Buckling and Failure Initiation in
Pultruded Composite Beams," Impact and Buckling of Structures, D. Hui and
Acknowledgments I. Elishakoff, eds., AD-Vol. 20/AMD-Vol. 114, ASME Winter Annual Meeting,
Atlanta, GA, Dec. 1-6, pp. 41-46.
Support for the work reported in this paper was provided Barbero, E., and Raftoyiannis, I., 1991, "Buckling Analysis of Pultruded
by the National Science Foundation under grant MSM 9015502. Columns," Impact and Buckling of Structures, D. Hui and I. Elishakoff, eds.,
Dr. Ken Chong serves as Program Director. Pultruded sections AD-Vol. 20/AMD-Vol. 114, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Dec.
1-6, pp. 47-52.
used in the study were provided by Creative Pultrusions, Inc. Creative Pultrusions 1988, Design Guide, Alum Bank, PA.
Mr. Dave Evans and Mr. Greg McCoy are thanked for their MMFG, 1989, Design Manual, Morrison Molded Fiber Glass, Bristol, VA.
support. Mosallam, A. S., and Bank, L. C , 1992, "Short Term Behavior of a Pultruded
Fiber Reinforced Plastic Frame," ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.
118, No. 7, pp. 1937-1954.
Mottram, J. T., 1991, "Evaluation of Design Analysis of Pultruded Fibre-
References Reinforced Polymeric Box Beams," 77ie Structural Engineer, Vol. 69, No. 11,
Bank, L. C , 1989, "Flexural and Shear Moduli of Full-Section Fiber Rein- pp. 211-220.
forced Plastic (FRP) Pultruded Beams," ASTM Journal of Testing and Eval- Mottram, J. T., 1992, "Lateral-torsional Buckling of a Pultruded I-Beam,"
uation, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 40-45. Composites, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 81-92.
Bank, L. C , 1990, "Shear Properties of Pultruded Glass FRP Materials," Scott, D. W., Yoon, S. J., and Zureick, A., 1992, "Full Scale Tests on
ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 118-122. Concentrically Loaded Fiber-Reinforced Pultruded Columns," Materials: Per-
Bank, L. C., 1993, "Questioning Composites," Civil Engineering Magazine, formance and Prevention of Deficiencies and Failures, T. D. White, ed., ASCE
Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 64-65. Materials Engineering Congress, Atlanta, GA, Aug. 10-12, pp. 572-576.
Bank, L. C , and Mosallam, A. S., 1991, "Linear and Nonlinear Response Sotiropolis, S. N., GangaRao, H. V. S., Nagaraj, V., and Ritchie, R., 1993,
of Pultruded FRP Frames Subjected to Static Loads," Plastics and Plastic "Fatigue Behavior of Glass-Fiber Vinyl Ester Beams," 48th Annual Conference,
Composites: Material Properties, Part Performance, and Process Simulation, Composites Institute, Society for the Plastics Industry, Feb. 8-11, Cincinnati,
V. J. Stokes, ed., MD-Vol. 29, ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, OH, Session 16-B, pp. 1-6.
Dec. 1-6, pp. 371-386. Strong, A. B., 1989, Fundamentals of Composites Manufacturing: Materials,
Bank, L. C , and Mosallam, A. S., 1992, "Creep and Failure of a Full-Size Methods and Applications, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Dearborn, MI,
Fiber Reinforced Plastic Pultruded Frame," Composites Engineering, Vol. 2, pp. 126-131.
No. 3, pp. 213-227. Walrath, D. E., and Adams, D. F., 1983, "The Iosipescu Shear Test as Applied
Bank, L. C , Mosallam, A. S., and McCoy, G. T., 1992, "Design and Per- to Composite Materials," Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 105-
formance of Connections for Pultruded Frame Structures," Proceedings of the 110.
47th Annual Conference, Composites Institute, Society for the Plastics Industry, Yoon, S. J., Scott, D. W., and Zureick, A., 1992, "An Experimental Inves-
Cincinnati, OH, Feb. 3-6, Session 2-B, pp. 1-8. tigation of the Behavior of Concentrically Loaded Pultruded Columns," Ad-
Bank, L. C , Nadipelli, M., and Gentry, T. R., 1993, "Local Buckling and vanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, K. W. Neale and P.
Failure of Pultruded Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Beams," Symposium of the Use Labossiere, eds., Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, pp. 309-317.

Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology APRIL 1994, Vol. 116/237

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